Copyright (c) 1985 - 1999, Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file implements the EditSession Class.
Revision History:
#include "private.h"
#include "ctffunc.h"
#include "editses.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "candpos.h"
#include "proputil.h"
// ImmIfEditSessionCallBack
HRESULT ImmIfEditSessionCallBack::GetAllTextRange( TfEditCookie ec, Interface_Attach<ITfContext>& ic, Interface<ITfRange>* range, LONG* lpTextLength, TF_HALTCOND* lpHaltCond ) { ITfRange *rangeFull = NULL; HRESULT hr; BOOL fFound = FALSE; BOOL fIsReadOnlyRange = FALSE; ITfProperty *prop; ITfRange *rangeTmp; LONG cch;
// init lpTextLength first.
*lpTextLength = 0;
// Create the range that covers all the text.
if (FAILED(hr=ic->GetStart(ec, &rangeFull))) return hr;
if (FAILED(hr=rangeFull->ShiftEnd(ec, LONG_MAX, &cch, lpHaltCond))) return hr;
// find the first non readonly range in the text store.
if (SUCCEEDED(ic->GetProperty(GUID_PROP_MSIMTF_READONLY, &prop))) { IEnumTfRanges *enumranges; if (SUCCEEDED(prop->EnumRanges(ec, &enumranges, rangeFull))) { while(!fFound && (enumranges->Next(1, &rangeTmp, NULL) == S_OK)) { VARIANT var; QuickVariantInit(&var); prop->GetValue(ec, rangeTmp, &var); if ((var.vt == VT_EMPTY) || (var.lVal == 0)) { fFound = TRUE; hr = rangeTmp->Clone(*range); rangeTmp->Release(); break; }
fIsReadOnlyRange = TRUE; rangeTmp->Release(); } enumranges->Release(); } prop->Release(); }
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (!fFound) { if (fIsReadOnlyRange) { //
// all text store is readonly. So we just return an empty range.
if (FAILED(hr = GetSelectionSimple(ec, ic.GetPtr(), *range))) return hr;
if (FAILED(hr = (*range)->Collapse(ec, TF_ANCHOR_START))) return hr;
} else { if (FAILED(hr = rangeFull->Clone(*range))) return hr;
*lpTextLength = cch; } } else { *lpTextLength = 0;
if (SUCCEEDED((*range)->Clone(&rangeTmp))) { BOOL fEmpty; WCHAR wstr[256 + 1]; ULONG ul = 0;
while (rangeTmp->IsEmpty(ec, &fEmpty) == S_OK && !fEmpty) { ULONG ulcch; rangeTmp->GetText(ec, TF_TF_MOVESTART, wstr, ARRAYSIZE(wstr) - 1, &ulcch); ul += ulcch; }
*lpTextLength = (LONG)ul; } }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT ImmIfEditSessionCallBack::SetTextInRange( TfEditCookie ec, ITfRange* range, LPWSTR psz, DWORD len, CAImeContext* pAImeContext ) { pAImeContext->_fModifyingDoc = TRUE;
// Set the text in Cicero TOM
HRESULT hr = range->SetText(ec, 0, psz, len);
pAImeContext->_fModifyingDoc = FALSE;
return hr; }
HRESULT ImmIfEditSessionCallBack::ClearTextInRange( TfEditCookie ec, ITfRange* range, CAImeContext* pAImeContext ) { //
// Clear the text in Cicero TOM
return SetTextInRange(ec, range, NULL, 0, pAImeContext); }
HRESULT ImmIfEditSessionCallBack::GetReadingString( TfEditCookie ec, Interface_Attach<ITfContext>& ic, CWCompString& reading_string, CWCompClause& reading_clause ) { HRESULT hr;
Interface<ITfRange> range; LONG l; if (FAILED(hr=GetAllTextRange(ec, ic, &range, &l))) return hr;
return GetReadingString(ec, ic, range, reading_string, reading_clause); }
HRESULT ImmIfEditSessionCallBack::GetReadingString( TfEditCookie ec, Interface_Attach<ITfContext>& ic, ITfRange* range, CWCompString& reading_string, CWCompClause& reading_clause ) { HRESULT hr;
EnumReadingPropertyArgs args; if (FAILED(hr=ic->GetProperty(GUID_PROP_READING, args.Property))) return hr;
Interface<IEnumTfRanges> EnumReadingProperty; hr = args.Property->EnumRanges(ec, EnumReadingProperty, range); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
args.ec = ec; args.reading_string = &reading_string; args.reading_clause = &reading_clause; args.ulClausePos = (reading_clause.GetSize() > 0 ? reading_clause[ reading_clause.GetSize() - 1] : 0);
CEnumrateInterface<IEnumTfRanges, ITfRange, EnumReadingPropertyArgs> Enumrate(EnumReadingProperty, EnumReadingPropertyCallback, &args); // Argument of callback func.
return S_OK; }
// Enumrate callbacks
/* static */ ENUM_RET ImmIfEditSessionCallBack::EnumReadingPropertyCallback( ITfRange* pRange, EnumReadingPropertyArgs *pargs ) { ENUM_RET ret = ENUM_CONTINUE; VARIANT var; QuickVariantInit(&var);
HRESULT hr = pargs->Property->GetValue(pargs->ec, pRange, &var); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (V_VT(&var) == VT_BSTR) { BSTR bstr = V_BSTR(&var); LONG cch = SysStringLen(bstr); pargs->reading_string->AddCompData(bstr, cch);
if (pargs->reading_clause->GetSize() == 0) pargs->reading_clause->Add(0);
pargs->reading_clause->Add( pargs->ulClausePos += cch ); } VariantClear(&var); }
return ret; }
HRESULT ImmIfEditSessionCallBack::CompClauseToResultClause( IMCLock& imc, CWCompClause& result_clause, UINT cch ) { LONG num_of_written; IMTLS *ptls = IMTLS_GetOrAlloc();
if (ptls && ptls->pAImm) {
// Check GCS_COMPCLAUSE office set
IMCCLock<COMPOSITIONSTRING> lpCompStr(imc->hCompStr); if (lpCompStr.Invalid()) return E_FAIL;
if (lpCompStr->dwCompClauseOffset > lpCompStr->dwSize) return E_FAIL;
if (lpCompStr->dwCompClauseOffset + lpCompStr->dwCompClauseLen > lpCompStr->dwSize) return E_FAIL;
if (SUCCEEDED(ptls->pAImm->GetCompositionStringW((HIMC)imc, GCS_COMPCLAUSE, 0, &num_of_written, NULL))) { DWORD* buffer = new DWORD[ num_of_written / sizeof(DWORD) ]; if (buffer != NULL) { ptls->pAImm->GetCompositionStringW((HIMC)imc, GCS_COMPCLAUSE, num_of_written, &num_of_written, buffer); int idx = num_of_written / sizeof(DWORD); if (idx > 1) { idx -= 1; if (buffer[idx] == cch) { result_clause.WriteCompData(buffer, num_of_written / sizeof(DWORD)); } else { // this is the case comp clause is corrupted
// it is the least we can do for the failure case
buffer[0] = 0; buffer[1] = cch; result_clause.WriteCompData(buffer, 2); } }
delete [] buffer; } } } return S_OK; }
// Get cursor position
HRESULT ImmIfEditSessionCallBack::_GetCursorPosition( TfEditCookie ec, IMCLock& imc, Interface_Attach<ITfContext>& ic, CWCompCursorPos& CompCursorPos, CWCompAttribute& CompAttr ) { CAImeContext* _pAImeContext = imc->m_pAImeContext; if (_pAImeContext == NULL) return E_FAIL;
if (_pAImeContext->m_fStartComposition) { //
// This method should not call before sending WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION
// because some apps confusing to receive QUERYCHARPOSITION due to
// no composing.
_pAImeContext->InquireIMECharPosition(imc, &qpos); }
// Is apps support "query positioning" ?
if ((g_fInLegacyClsid || g_fAIMM12Trident) && qpos != CAImeContext::IME_QUERY_POS_YES) {
// IE5.0 candidate window positioning code.
// They except of it position from COMPOSITIONSTRING.dwCursorPos.
INT_PTR ich = 0; INT_PTR attr_size;
if (attr_size = CompAttr.GetSize()) { while (ich < attr_size && CompAttr[ich] != ATTR_TARGET_CONVERTED) ich++; if (ich < attr_size) { CompCursorPos.Set((DWORD)ich); return S_OK; } } }
HRESULT hr; Interface_TFSELECTION sel; ULONG cFetched;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = ic->GetSelection(ec, TF_DEFAULT_SELECTION, 1, sel, &cFetched))) { Interface<ITfRange> start; LONG ich; TF_HALTCOND hc;
hc.pHaltRange = sel->range; hc.aHaltPos = (sel->style.ase == TF_AE_START) ? TF_ANCHOR_START : TF_ANCHOR_END; hc.dwFlags = 0;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr=GetAllTextRange(ec, ic, &start, &ich, &hc))) { CompCursorPos.Set(ich); } }
return hr; }
// Get text and attribute in given range
// ITfRange::range
// |======================================================================|
// +--------------------+ #+----------+
// |ITfRange::pPropRange| #|pPropRange|
// +--------------------+ #+----------+
// | GUID_ATOM | #
// +--------------------+ #
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^#
// ITfRange::gap_range gap_range #
// #
// V
// ITfRange::no_display_attribute_range
// result_comp
// +1 <- 0 -> -1
HRESULT ImmIfEditSessionCallBack::_GetTextAndAttribute( LIBTHREAD *pLibTLS, TfEditCookie ec, IMCLock& imc, Interface_Attach<ITfContext>& ic, Interface<ITfRange>& rangeIn, CWCompString& CompStr, CWCompAttribute& CompAttr, CWCompClause& CompClause, CWCompTfGuidAtom& CompGuid, CWCompString& CompReadStr, CWCompClause& CompReadClause, CWCompString& ResultStr, CWCompClause& ResultClause, CWCompString& ResultReadStr, CWCompClause& ResultReadClause, BOOL bInWriteSession ) { //
// Get no display attribute range if there exist.
// Otherwise, result range is the same to input range.
LONG result_comp; Interface<ITfRange> no_display_attribute_range; if (FAILED(rangeIn->Clone(no_display_attribute_range))) return E_FAIL;
if (FAILED(_GetNoDisplayAttributeRange(pLibTLS, ec, ic, rangeIn, no_display_attribute_range))) return E_FAIL;
Interface<ITfProperty> propComp; Interface<IEnumTfRanges> enumComp; VARIANT var;
HRESULT hr; if (FAILED(hr = ic->GetProperty(GUID_PROP_COMPOSING, propComp))) return hr;
if (FAILED(hr = propComp->EnumRanges(ec, enumComp, rangeIn))) return hr;
CompClause.Add(0); // setup composition clause at 0
ResultClause.Add(0); // setup result clause at 0
Interface<ITfRange> range; while(enumComp->Next(1, range, NULL) == S_OK) {
BOOL fCompExist = FALSE;
hr = propComp->GetValue(ec, range, &var); if (S_OK == hr) { if (var.vt == VT_I4 && var.lVal != 0) fCompExist = TRUE; }
ULONG ulNumProp;
// Get display attribute track property range
Interface<IEnumTfRanges> enumProp; Interface<ITfReadOnlyProperty> prop; if (FAILED(GetDisplayAttributeTrackPropertyRange(ec, ic.GetPtr(), range, prop, enumProp, &ulNumProp))) { return E_FAIL; } // use text range for get text
Interface<ITfRange> textRange; if (FAILED(range->Clone(textRange))) return E_FAIL;
// use text range for gap text (no property range).
Interface<ITfRange> gap_range; if (FAILED(range->Clone(gap_range))) return E_FAIL;
ITfRange* pPropRange = NULL; while (enumProp->Next(1, &pPropRange, NULL) == S_OK) {
// pick up the gap up to the next property
gap_range->ShiftEndToRange(ec, pPropRange, TF_ANCHOR_START);
// GAP range
no_display_attribute_range->CompareStart(ec, gap_range, TF_ANCHOR_START, &result_comp); _GetTextAndAttributeGapRange(pLibTLS, ec, imc, gap_range, result_comp, CompStr, CompAttr, CompClause, CompGuid, ResultStr, ResultClause);
// Get display attribute data if some GUID_ATOM exist.
GetDisplayAttributeData(pLibTLS, ec, prop, pPropRange, &da, &guidatom, ulNumProp);
// Property range
no_display_attribute_range->CompareStart(ec, pPropRange, TF_ANCHOR_START, &result_comp);
// Adjust GAP range's start anchor to the end of proprty range.
gap_range->ShiftStartToRange(ec, pPropRange, TF_ANCHOR_END); //
// Get reading string from property.
if (fCompExist == TRUE && result_comp <= 0) GetReadingString(ec, ic, pPropRange, CompReadStr, CompReadClause); else GetReadingString(ec, ic, pPropRange, ResultReadStr, ResultReadClause); //
// Get property text
_GetTextAndAttributePropertyRange(pLibTLS, ec, imc, pPropRange, fCompExist, result_comp, bInWriteSession, da, guidatom, CompStr, CompAttr, CompClause, CompGuid, ResultStr, ResultClause);
} // while
// the last non-attr
textRange->ShiftStartToRange(ec, gap_range, TF_ANCHOR_START); textRange->ShiftEndToRange(ec, range, TF_ANCHOR_END);
LONG ulClausePos = 0; BOOL fEmpty; while (textRange->IsEmpty(ec, &fEmpty) == S_OK && !fEmpty) { WCHAR wstr0[256 + 1]; ULONG ulcch0 = ARRAYSIZE(wstr0) - 1; textRange->GetText(ec, TF_TF_MOVESTART, wstr0, ulcch0, &ulcch0);
TfGuidAtom guidatom; guidatom = TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM;
CompGuid.AddCompData(guidatom, ulcch0); CompAttr.AddCompData(_ConvertAttributeToImm32(da.bAttr), ulcch0); CompStr.AddCompData(wstr0, ulcch0); ulClausePos += ulcch0; }
if (ulClausePos) { DWORD last_clause; if (CompClause.GetSize() > 0) { last_clause = CompClause[ CompClause.GetSize() - 1 ]; CompClause.Add( last_clause + ulClausePos ); } } textRange->Collapse(ec, TF_ANCHOR_END);
range->Release(); *(ITfRange **)(range) = NULL;
} // out-most while for GUID_PROP_COMPOSING
// Fix up empty clause
if (CompClause.GetSize() <= 1) CompClause.RemoveAll(); if (ResultClause.GetSize() <= 1) ResultClause.RemoveAll();
return S_OK; }
// Retrieve text from gap range
HRESULT ImmIfEditSessionCallBack::_GetTextAndAttributeGapRange( LIBTHREAD *pLibTLS, TfEditCookie ec, IMCLock& imc, Interface<ITfRange>& gap_range, LONG result_comp, CWCompString& CompStr, CWCompAttribute& CompAttr, CWCompClause& CompClause, CWCompTfGuidAtom& CompGuid, CWCompString& ResultStr, CWCompClause& ResultClause ) { CAImeContext* _pAImeContext = imc->m_pAImeContext; ASSERT(_pAImeContext != NULL);
TfGuidAtom guidatom; guidatom = TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM;
ULONG ulClausePos = 0; BOOL fEmpty; WCHAR wstr0[256 + 1]; ULONG ulcch0;
while (gap_range->IsEmpty(ec, &fEmpty) == S_OK && !fEmpty) { Interface<ITfRange> backup_range; if (FAILED(gap_range->Clone(backup_range))) return E_FAIL;
// Retrieve gap text if there exist.
ulcch0 = ARRAYSIZE(wstr0) - 1; if (FAILED(gap_range->GetText(ec, TF_TF_MOVESTART, // Move range to next after get text.
wstr0, ulcch0, &ulcch0))) return E_FAIL;
ulClausePos += ulcch0;
if (result_comp <= 0) { CompGuid.AddCompData(guidatom, ulcch0); CompAttr.AddCompData(_ConvertAttributeToImm32(da.bAttr), ulcch0); CompStr.AddCompData(wstr0, ulcch0); } else { ResultStr.AddCompData(wstr0, ulcch0); if (_pAImeContext) ClearTextInRange(ec, backup_range, _pAImeContext); } }
if (ulClausePos) { DWORD last_clause; if (result_comp <= 0) { if (CompClause.GetSize() > 0) { last_clause = CompClause[ CompClause.GetSize() - 1 ]; CompClause.Add( last_clause + ulClausePos ); } } else { if (ResultClause.GetSize() > 0) { last_clause = ResultClause[ ResultClause.GetSize() - 1 ]; ResultClause.Add( last_clause + ulClausePos ); } } }
return S_OK; }
// Retrieve text from property range
HRESULT ImmIfEditSessionCallBack::_GetTextAndAttributePropertyRange( LIBTHREAD *pLibTLS, TfEditCookie ec, IMCLock& imc, ITfRange* pPropRange, BOOL fCompExist, LONG result_comp, BOOL bInWriteSession, TF_DISPLAYATTRIBUTE da, TfGuidAtom guidatom, CWCompString& CompStr, CWCompAttribute& CompAttr, CWCompClause& CompClause, CWCompTfGuidAtom& CompGuid, CWCompString& ResultStr, CWCompClause& ResultClause ) { CAImeContext* _pAImeContext = imc->m_pAImeContext; ASSERT(_pAImeContext != NULL);
ULONG ulClausePos = 0; BOOL fEmpty; WCHAR wstr0[256 + 1]; ULONG ulcch0;
while (pPropRange->IsEmpty(ec, &fEmpty) == S_OK && !fEmpty) { Interface<ITfRange> backup_range; if (FAILED(pPropRange->Clone(backup_range))) return E_FAIL;
// Retrieve property text if there exist.
ulcch0 = ARRAYSIZE(wstr0) - 1; if (FAILED(pPropRange->GetText(ec, TF_TF_MOVESTART, // Move range to next after get text.
wstr0, ulcch0, &ulcch0))) return E_FAIL;
ulClausePos += ulcch0; // we only need to addup the char position for clause info
// see if there is a valid disp attribute
if (fCompExist == TRUE && result_comp <= 0) { if (guidatom == TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM) { da.bAttr = TF_ATTR_INPUT; } CompGuid.AddCompData(guidatom, ulcch0); CompAttr.AddCompData(_ConvertAttributeToImm32(da.bAttr), ulcch0); CompStr.AddCompData(wstr0, ulcch0); } else if (bInWriteSession) { // if there's no disp attribute attached, it probably means
// the part of string is finalized.
ResultStr.AddCompData(wstr0, ulcch0); // it was a 'determined' string
// so the doc has to shrink
if (_pAImeContext) ClearTextInRange(ec, backup_range, _pAImeContext); } else { //
// Prevent infinite loop
break; } }
if (ulClausePos) { DWORD last_clause; if (fCompExist == TRUE && result_comp <= 0) { if (CompClause.GetSize() > 0) { last_clause = CompClause[ CompClause.GetSize() - 1 ]; CompClause.Add( last_clause + ulClausePos ); } } else if (result_comp == 0) { //
// Copy CompClause data to ResultClause
CompClauseToResultClause(imc, ResultClause, ulcch0); } else { if (ResultClause.GetSize() > 0) { last_clause = ResultClause[ ResultClause.GetSize() - 1 ]; ResultClause.Add( last_clause + ulClausePos ); } } }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT ImmIfEditSessionCallBack::_GetNoDisplayAttributeRange( LIBTHREAD *pLibTLS, TfEditCookie ec, Interface_Attach<ITfContext>& ic, Interface<ITfRange>& rangeIn, Interface<ITfRange>& no_display_attribute_range ) { Interface<ITfProperty> propComp; Interface<IEnumTfRanges> enumComp; VARIANT var;
HRESULT hr = ic->GetProperty(GUID_PROP_COMPOSING, propComp); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = propComp->EnumRanges(ec, enumComp, rangeIn); } else return hr;
ITfRange *pRange;
while(enumComp->Next(1, &pRange, NULL) == S_OK) {
BOOL fCompExist = FALSE;
hr = propComp->GetValue(ec, pRange, &var); if (S_OK == hr) { if (var.vt == VT_I4 && var.lVal != 0) fCompExist = TRUE; }
if (!fCompExist) {
// Adjust GAP range's start anchor to the end of proprty range.
no_display_attribute_range->ShiftStartToRange(ec, pRange, TF_ANCHOR_START); } pRange->Release(); }
return S_OK; }
// ImmIfEditSession
ImmIfEditSession::ImmIfEditSession( ESCB escb, TfClientId tid, Interface_Attach<ImmIfIME> ImmIfIme, IMCLock& imc ) : m_ImmIfIme(ImmIfIme), m_ic(ImmIfIme->GetInputContext(imc)), m_tid(tid), m_state((HIMC)imc) { _Init(escb); }
ImmIfEditSession::ImmIfEditSession( ESCB escb, TfClientId tid, Interface_Attach<ImmIfIME> ImmIfIme, IMCLock& imc, Interface_Attach<ITfContext> pic ) : m_ImmIfIme(ImmIfIme), m_ic(pic), m_tid(tid), m_state((HIMC)imc) { _Init(escb); }
void ImmIfEditSession::_Init( ESCB escb ) { m_pfnCallback = EditSessionCallBack; m_cRef = 1;
m_ImmIfCallBack = NULL;
switch(escb) { case ESCB_HANDLETHISKEY: m_ImmIfCallBack = new ImmIfHandleThisKey; break; case ESCB_COMPCOMPLETE: m_ImmIfCallBack = new ImmIfCompositionComplete; break; case ESCB_COMPCANCEL: m_ImmIfCallBack = new ImmIfCompositionCancel; break; case ESCB_UPDATECOMPOSITIONSTRING: m_ImmIfCallBack = new ImmIfUpdateCompositionString; break; case ESCB_REPLACEWHOLETEXT: m_ImmIfCallBack = new ImmIfReplaceWholeText; break; case ESCB_RECONVERTSTRING: m_ImmIfCallBack = new ImmIfReconvertString; break; case ESCB_CLEARDOCFEEDBUFFER: m_ImmIfCallBack = new ImmIfClearDocFeedBuffer; break; case ESCB_GETTEXTANDATTRIBUTE: m_ImmIfCallBack = new ImmIfGetTextAndAttribute; break; case ESCB_QUERYRECONVERTSTRING: m_ImmIfCallBack = new ImmIfQueryReconvertString; break; case ESCB_CALCRANGEPOS: m_ImmIfCallBack = new ImmIfCalcRangePos; break; case ESCB_GETSELECTION: m_ImmIfCallBack = new ImmIfGetSelection; break; case ESCB_GET_READONLY_PROP_MARGIN: m_ImmIfCallBack = new ImmIfGetReadOnlyPropMargin; break; case ESCB_GET_CURSOR_POSITION: m_ImmIfCallBack = new ImmIfGetCursorPosition; break; case ESCB_GET_ALL_TEXT_RANGE: m_ImmIfCallBack = new ImmIfGetAllTextRange; break; } }
ImmIfEditSession::~ImmIfEditSession( ) { if (m_ImmIfCallBack) delete m_ImmIfCallBack; }
bool ImmIfEditSession::Valid( ) { return (m_ImmIfIme.Valid() && m_ic.Valid()) ? true : false; }
// ImmIfEditSession::ITfEditCallback method
STDAPI ImmIfEditSession::DoEditSession( TfEditCookie ec ) { return m_pfnCallback(ec, this); }
// ImmIfEditSession::IUnknown
STDAPI ImmIfEditSession::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void** ppvObj ) { *ppvObj = NULL;
if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(riid, IID_ITfEditSession)) { *ppvObj = SAFECAST(this, ImmIfEditSession*); }
if (*ppvObj) { AddRef(); return S_OK; }
STDAPI_(ULONG) ImmIfEditSession::AddRef( ) { return ++m_cRef; }
STDAPI_(ULONG) ImmIfEditSession::Release( ) { long cr;
cr = --m_cRef; Assert(cr >= 0);
if (cr == 0) { delete this; }
return cr; }
// ImmIfHandleThisKey
HRESULT ImmIfHandleThisKey::HandleThisKey( TfEditCookie ec, UINT uVKey, HIMC hIMC, Interface_Attach<ITfContext> ic, Interface_Attach<ImmIfIME> ImmIfIme ) { Interface_TFSELECTION sel; BOOL fEmpty; ULONG cFetched;
HRESULT hr; IMCLock imc(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr=imc.GetResult())) return hr;
CAImeContext* _pAImeContext = imc->m_pAImeContext; ASSERT(_pAImeContext != NULL);
// Finalize the composition string
if (_pAImeContext && _pAImeContext->IsVKeyInKeyList(uVKey, EDIT_ID_FINALIZE)) { return ImmIfIme->_CompComplete(imc); }
// Keys that change its behavior on selection
if (ic->GetSelection(ec, TF_DEFAULT_SELECTION, 1, sel, &cFetched) != S_OK) return E_FAIL;
sel->range->IsEmpty(ec, &fEmpty);
if (!fEmpty) { //
// Selection is not empty.
switch (uVKey) { case VK_BACK: case VK_DELETE: //
// Delete the selection
ClearTextInRange(ec, sel->range, _pAImeContext); return ImmIfIme->_UpdateCompositionString(); } }
switch (uVKey) { case VK_BACK: // Make selection
if (SUCCEEDED(ShiftSelectionToLeft(ec, sel->range, false))) { // Clear the current selection
if (SUCCEEDED(ClearTextInRange(ec, sel->range, _pAImeContext))) { return ImmIfIme->_UpdateCompositionString(); } } break;
case VK_DELETE: if (SUCCEEDED(ShiftSelectionToRight(ec, sel->range, false))) { if (SUCCEEDED(ClearTextInRange(ec, sel->range, _pAImeContext))) { return ImmIfIme->_UpdateCompositionString(); } } break;
case VK_LEFT: sel->style.ase = TF_AE_START;
if (::GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) >= 0 && ::GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) >= 0) { if (SUCCEEDED(ShiftSelectionToLeft(ec, sel->range)) && SUCCEEDED(ic->SetSelection(ec, 1, sel))) { return ImmIfIme->_UpdateCompositionString(); } } break;
case VK_RIGHT: sel->style.ase = TF_AE_END;
if (::GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) >= 0 && ::GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) >= 0) { if (SUCCEEDED(ShiftSelectionToRight(ec, sel->range)) && SUCCEEDED(ic->SetSelection(ec, 1, sel))) { return ImmIfIme->_UpdateCompositionString(); } } break; }
return E_FAIL; }
HRESULT ImmIfHandleThisKey::ShiftSelectionToLeft( TfEditCookie ec, ITfRange *range, bool fShiftEnd ) { LONG cch;
if (SUCCEEDED(range->ShiftStart(ec, -1, &cch, NULL))) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (fShiftEnd) { hr = range->Collapse(ec, TF_ANCHOR_START); } return hr; }
return E_FAIL; }
HRESULT ImmIfHandleThisKey::ShiftSelectionToRight( TfEditCookie ec, ITfRange *range, bool fShiftStart ) { LONG cch;
if (SUCCEEDED(range->ShiftEnd(ec, 1, &cch, NULL))) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (fShiftStart) { hr = range->Collapse(ec, TF_ANCHOR_END); } return hr; }
return E_FAIL; }
// ImmIfCompositionComplete
HRESULT ImmIfCompositionComplete::CompComplete( TfEditCookie ec, HIMC hIMC, BOOL fTerminateComp, Interface_Attach<ITfContext> ic, Interface_Attach<ImmIfIME> ImmIfIme ) { HRESULT hr;
if (fTerminateComp == TRUE) { Interface<ITfContextOwnerCompositionServices> icocs;
hr = ic->QueryInterface(IID_ITfContextOwnerCompositionServices, (void **)icocs);
if (S_OK == hr) { icocs->TerminateComposition(NULL); } }
IMCLock imc(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = imc.GetResult())) return hr;
CAImeContext* _pAImeContext = imc->m_pAImeContext; if (_pAImeContext == NULL) return E_FAIL;
ASSERT(_pAImeContext != NULL);
// Get the whole text, finalize it, and set empty string in TOM
Interface<ITfRange> start; LONG cch;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr=GetAllTextRange(ec, ic, &start, &cch))) {
// If there is no string in TextStore and we havenot sent
// WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION, we don't have to do anything.
if (!cch) { if (_pAImeContext && !(_pAImeContext->m_fStartComposition)) return S_OK; }
LPWSTR wstr = new WCHAR[ cch + 1 ]; Interface<ITfProperty> prop; //
// Get the whole text, finalize it, and erase the whole text.
if (SUCCEEDED(start->GetText(ec, TF_TF_IGNOREEND, wstr, (ULONG)cch, (ULONG*)&cch))) { //
// Make Result String.
UINT cp = CP_ACP; ImmIfIme->GetCodePageA(&cp);
CWCompString ResultStr(cp, hIMC, wstr, cch);
CWCompString ResultReadStr; CWCompClause ResultReadClause; CWCompClause ResultClause;
if (cch) {
// Get reading string from property.
GetReadingString(ec, ic, ResultReadStr, ResultReadClause);
// Copy CompClause data to ResultClause
CompClauseToResultClause(imc, ResultClause, cch); }
#ifdef CICERO_4732
if (_pAImeContext && ! _pAImeContext->m_fInCompComplete) { //
// Prevent reentrance call of CPS_COMPLETE.
_pAImeContext->m_fInCompComplete = TRUE; #endif
// set composition string
hr = _SetCompositionString(imc, &ResultStr, &ResultClause, &ResultReadStr, &ResultReadClause);
#ifdef CICERO_4732
_pAImeContext->m_fInCompComplete = FALSE; } #endif
// Clear the TOM
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (_pAImeContext) hr = ClearTextInRange(ec, start, _pAImeContext); }
} delete [] wstr; } else { ImmIfIme->_CompCancel(imc); } return hr; }
// ImmIfCompositionCancel
HRESULT ImmIfCompositionCancel::CompCancel( TfEditCookie ec, HIMC hIMC, Interface_Attach<ITfContext> ic ) { HRESULT hr; IMCLock imc(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = imc.GetResult())) return hr;
CAImeContext* _pAImeContext = imc->m_pAImeContext; if (_pAImeContext == NULL) return E_FAIL;
ASSERT(_pAImeContext != NULL);
if (_pAImeContext && _pAImeContext->m_fStartComposition) { IMCCLock<COMPOSITIONSTRING> comp(imc->hCompStr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = comp.GetResult())) { TRANSMSG msg; msg.message = WM_IME_COMPOSITION; msg.wParam = (WPARAM)VK_ESCAPE; msg.lParam = (LPARAM)(GCS_COMPREAD | GCS_COMP | GCS_CURSORPOS | GCS_DELTASTART); if (_pAImeContext->m_pMessageBuffer) _pAImeContext->m_pMessageBuffer->SetData(msg);
_pAImeContext->m_fStartComposition = FALSE;
msg.message = WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION; msg.wParam = (WPARAM) 0; msg.lParam = (LPARAM) 0; if (_pAImeContext->m_pMessageBuffer) _pAImeContext->m_pMessageBuffer->SetData(msg);
// Clear the text in Cicero TOM
Interface<ITfRange> range; LONG l; if (SUCCEEDED(GetAllTextRange(ec, ic, &range, &l))) { hr = ClearTextInRange(ec, range, _pAImeContext); } }
imc.GenerateMessage(); }
return hr; }
// ImmIfUpdateCompositionString
HRESULT ImmIfUpdateCompositionString::UpdateCompositionString( TfEditCookie ec, HIMC hIMC, Interface_Attach<ITfContext> ic, DWORD dwDeltaStart, Interface_Attach<ImmIfIME> ImmIfIme ) { HRESULT hr; IMCLock imc(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = imc.GetResult())) return hr;
BOOL bInWriteSession; if (FAILED(hr = ic->InWriteSession(ImmIfIme->GetClientId(), &bInWriteSession))) return hr;
Interface<ITfRange> FullTextRange; LONG lTextLength; if (FAILED(hr=GetAllTextRange(ec, ic, &FullTextRange, &lTextLength))) return hr;
Interface<ITfRange> InterimRange; BOOL fInterim = FALSE; if (FAILED(hr = _IsInterimSelection(ec, ic, &InterimRange, &fInterim))) return hr;
if (fInterim) { UINT cp = CP_ACP; ImmIfIme->GetCodePageA(&cp);
return _MakeInterimString(ImmIfIme->_GetLibTLS(), ec, imc, ic, FullTextRange, InterimRange, lTextLength, cp, bInWriteSession); } else { return _MakeCompositionString(ImmIfIme->_GetLibTLS(), ec, imc, ic, FullTextRange, dwDeltaStart, bInWriteSession); }
HRESULT ImmIfUpdateCompositionString::_IsInterimSelection( TfEditCookie ec, Interface_Attach<ITfContext>& ic, Interface<ITfRange>* pInterimRange, BOOL *pfInterim ) { Interface_TFSELECTION sel; ULONG cFetched;
*pfInterim = FALSE; if (ic->GetSelection(ec, TF_DEFAULT_SELECTION, 1, sel, &cFetched) != S_OK) { // no selection. we can return S_OK.
return S_OK; }
if (sel->style.fInterimChar) { HRESULT hr; if (FAILED(hr = sel->range->Clone(*pInterimRange))) return hr;
*pfInterim = TRUE; }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT ImmIfUpdateCompositionString::_MakeCompositionString( LIBTHREAD *pLibTLS, TfEditCookie ec, IMCLock& imc, Interface_Attach<ITfContext>& ic, Interface<ITfRange>& FullTextRange, DWORD dwDeltaStart, BOOL bInWriteSession ) { HRESULT hr; CWCompString CompStr; CWCompAttribute CompAttr; CWCompClause CompClause; CWCompTfGuidAtom CompGuid; CWCompCursorPos CompCursorPos; CWCompDeltaStart CompDeltaStart; CWCompString CompReadStr; CWCompClause CompReadClause; CWCompString ResultStr; CWCompClause ResultClause; CWCompString ResultReadStr; CWCompClause ResultReadClause;
if (FAILED(hr = _GetTextAndAttribute(pLibTLS, ec, imc, ic, FullTextRange, CompStr, CompAttr, CompClause, CompGuid, CompReadStr, CompReadClause, ResultStr, ResultClause, ResultReadStr, ResultReadClause, bInWriteSession ))) { return hr; }
if (FAILED(hr = _GetCursorPosition(ec, imc, ic, CompCursorPos, CompAttr))) { return hr; }
if (FAILED(hr = _GetDeltaStart(CompDeltaStart, CompStr, dwDeltaStart))) { return hr; }
// Clear the GUID attribute map array
CAImeContext* _pAImeContext = imc->m_pAImeContext; if (_pAImeContext == NULL) return E_FAIL;
ASSERT(_pAImeContext != NULL);
_pAImeContext->usGuidMapSize = 0; memset(&_pAImeContext->aGuidMap, 0, sizeof _pAImeContext->aGuidMap);
BOOL bBufferOverflow = FALSE; // handle result string
hr = _SetCompositionString(imc, &CompStr, &CompAttr, &CompClause, &CompCursorPos, &CompDeltaStart, &CompGuid, &bBufferOverflow, &CompReadStr, &ResultStr, &ResultClause, &ResultReadStr, &ResultReadClause); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && bBufferOverflow) { //
// Buffer overflow in COMPOSITIONSTRING.compstr[NMAXKEY],
// Then, Clear the TOM
// Get the whole text, finalize it, and set empty string in TOM
Interface<ITfRange> start; LONG cch; if (SUCCEEDED(hr=GetAllTextRange(ec, ic, &start, &cch))) { hr = ClearTextInRange(ec, start, _pAImeContext); } }
return hr; }
HRESULT ImmIfUpdateCompositionString::_MakeInterimString( LIBTHREAD *pLibTLS, TfEditCookie ec, IMCLock& imc, Interface_Attach<ITfContext>& ic, Interface<ITfRange>& FullTextRange, Interface<ITfRange>& InterimRange, LONG lTextLength, UINT cp, BOOL bInWriteSession ) { LONG lStartResult; LONG lEndResult;
FullTextRange->CompareStart(ec, InterimRange, TF_ANCHOR_START, &lStartResult); if (lStartResult > 0) { return E_FAIL; }
FullTextRange->CompareEnd(ec, InterimRange, TF_ANCHOR_END, &lEndResult); if (lEndResult < 0) { return E_FAIL; } if (lEndResult > 1) { return E_FAIL; }
CWInterimString InterimStr(cp, (HIMC)imc);
if (lStartResult < 0) { //
// Make result string.
#if 0
BOOL fEqual; do { LONG cch; FullTextRange->ShiftEnd(ec, -1, &cch, NULL); if (cch == 0) { return E_FAIL; } lTextLength -= abs(cch); FullTextRange->IsEqualEnd(ec, InterimRange, TF_ANCHOR_START, &fEqual); } while(! fEqual); #endif
if (FAILED(hr=FullTextRange->ShiftEndToRange(ec, InterimRange, TF_ANCHOR_START))) return hr;
// Interim char assume 1 char length.
// Full text length - 1 means result string length.
lTextLength --; ASSERT(lTextLength > 0);
if (lTextLength > 0) {
LPWSTR wstr = new WCHAR[ lTextLength + 1 ];
// Get the result text, finalize it, and erase the result text.
if (SUCCEEDED(FullTextRange->GetText(ec, TF_TF_IGNOREEND, wstr, (ULONG)lTextLength, (ULONG*)&lTextLength))) { //
// Clear the TOM
CAImeContext* _pAImeContext = imc->m_pAImeContext; ASSERT(_pAImeContext != NULL);
if (_pAImeContext) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr = ClearTextInRange(ec, FullTextRange, _pAImeContext))) { InterimStr.WriteCompData(wstr, lTextLength); } } } delete [] wstr; } }
// Make interim character
CWCompString CompStr; CWCompAttribute CompAttr; CWCompClause CompClause; CWCompTfGuidAtom CompGuid; CWCompString CompReadStr; CWCompClause CompReadClause; CWCompString ResultStr; CWCompClause ResultClause; CWCompString ResultReadStr; CWCompClause ResultReadClause;
if (FAILED(hr = _GetTextAndAttribute(pLibTLS, ec, imc, ic, InterimRange, CompStr, CompAttr, CompClause, CompGuid, CompReadStr, CompReadClause, ResultStr, ResultClause, ResultReadStr, ResultReadClause, bInWriteSession ))) { return hr; }
WCHAR ch = L'\0'; BYTE attr = 0; if (CompStr.GetSize() > 0) { CompStr.ReadCompData(&ch, 1); } if (CompAttr.GetSize() > 0) { CompAttr.ReadCompData(&attr, 1); }
InterimStr.WriteInterimChar(ch, attr); hr = _SetCompositionString(imc, &InterimStr);
return hr; }
// Get delta start
HRESULT ImmIfUpdateCompositionString::_GetDeltaStart( CWCompDeltaStart& CompDeltaStart, CWCompString& CompStr, DWORD dwDeltaStart ) { if (dwDeltaStart < (DWORD)CompStr.GetSize()) CompDeltaStart.Set(dwDeltaStart); // Set COMPOSITIONSTRING.dwDeltaStart.
else CompDeltaStart.Set(0);
return S_OK; }
// ImmIfReplaceWholeText
HRESULT ImmIfReplaceWholeText::ReplaceWholeText( TfEditCookie ec, HIMC hIMC, Interface_Attach<ITfContext> ic, CWCompString* lpwCompStr ) { HRESULT hr; IMCLock imc(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = imc.GetResult())) return hr;
CAImeContext* _pAImeContext = imc->m_pAImeContext; ASSERT(_pAImeContext != NULL);
DWORD dwSize = (DWORD)lpwCompStr->GetSize(); LPWSTR lpszComp = new WCHAR[dwSize + 1];
if (!lpszComp) return hr;
lpwCompStr->ReadCompData(lpszComp, dwSize + 1); lpszComp[dwSize] = L'\0';
Interface<ITfRange> whole; LONG cch; if (SUCCEEDED(hr=GetAllTextRange(ec, ic, &whole, &cch))) { if (_pAImeContext) hr = SetTextInRange(ec, whole, lpszComp, 0, _pAImeContext); } delete [] lpszComp;
return hr; }
void SetReadOnlyRange(TfEditCookie ec, Interface_Attach<ITfContext> ic, ITfRange *range, BOOL fSet) { ITfProperty *prop; if (SUCCEEDED(ic->GetProperty(GUID_PROP_MSIMTF_READONLY, &prop))) { if (fSet) { VARIANT var; var.vt = VT_I4; var.lVal = 1; prop->SetValue(ec, range, &var); } else { prop->Clear(ec, range); } prop->Release(); } }
// ImmIfReconvertString
HRESULT ImmIfReconvertString::ReconvertString( TfEditCookie ec, HIMC hIMC, Interface_Attach<ITfContext> ic, Interface<ITfRange>* rangeSrc, BOOL fDocFeedOnly, CWReconvertString* lpwReconvStr, Interface_Attach<ImmIfIME> ImmIfIme )
LPRECONVERTSTRING structure: +00 DWORD dwSize // Sizeof data (include this structure size) with byte count.
+04 DWORD dwVersion +08 DWORD dwStrLen // String length with character count.
+0C DWORD dwStrOffset // Offset from start of this structure with byte count.
+10 DWORD dwCompStrLen // Comp Str length with character count.
+14 DWORD dwCompStrOffset // Offset from this->dwStrOffset with byte count.
+18 DWORD dwTargetStrLen // Target Str length with character count.
+1C DWORD dwTargetStrOffset // Offset from this->dwStrOffset with byte count.
{ HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; IMCLock imc(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = imc.GetResult())) return hr;
CAImeContext* _pAImeContext = imc->m_pAImeContext; if (_pAImeContext == NULL) return E_FAIL;
DWORD dwLen; dwLen = lpwReconvStr->ReadCompData(); if (dwLen) { LPRECONVERTSTRING lpReconvertString; lpReconvertString = (LPRECONVERTSTRING) new BYTE[ dwLen ];
if (lpReconvertString == NULL) return hr;
lpwReconvStr->ReadCompData(lpReconvertString, dwLen);
if (lpReconvertString->dwStrLen) { hr = ic->GetStart(ec, *rangeSrc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LONG cch; hr = (*rangeSrc)->ShiftEnd(ec, LONG_MAX, &cch, NULL); SetReadOnlyRange(ec, ic, *rangeSrc, FALSE); BOOL fSkipSetText = FALSE;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
Interface<ITfRange> rangeOrgSelection;
if (lpReconvertString->dwCompStrLen) { WCHAR *pwstr = NULL; ULONG ul = 0; Interface<ITfRange> rangeTmp; if (SUCCEEDED((*rangeSrc)->Clone(rangeTmp))) { UINT uSize = lpReconvertString->dwCompStrLen + 2; pwstr = new WCHAR[uSize + 1]; if (pwstr) { ULONG ulcch; rangeTmp->GetText(ec, 0, pwstr, uSize, &ulcch);
if ((lpReconvertString->dwCompStrLen == ulcch) && !memcmp(((LPBYTE)lpReconvertString + lpReconvertString->dwStrOffset + lpReconvertString->dwCompStrOffset), pwstr, lpReconvertString->dwCompStrLen * sizeof(WCHAR))) fSkipSetText = TRUE; delete [] pwstr; } }
if (!fSkipSetText && fDocFeedOnly) { TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "ImmIfReconvertString::ReconvertString the current text store does not match with the string from App."); goto Exit; } if (!fSkipSetText) hr = SetTextInRange(ec, *rangeSrc, (LPWSTR)((LPBYTE)lpReconvertString + lpReconvertString->dwStrOffset + lpReconvertString->dwCompStrOffset), lpReconvertString->dwCompStrLen, _pAImeContext); else { GetSelectionSimple(ec, ic.GetPtr(), rangeOrgSelection); hr = S_OK; }
#if 0
// set disp attribute for the reconvert
if (S_OK == hr) { ITfProperty *pProp = NULL; hr = ic->GetProperty(GUID_PROP_ATTRIBUTE, &pProp); if (S_OK == hr) { SetAttrPropertyData(ImmIfIme->_GetLibTLS(), ec, pProp, *rangeSrc, GUID_ATTR_MSIMTF_INPUT); } pProp->Release(); } #endif
} else { BOOL fEmpty; if (SUCCEEDED((*rangeSrc)->IsEmpty(ec, &fEmpty)) && !fEmpty) { if (fDocFeedOnly) { TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "ImmIfReconvertString::ReconvertString the current text store does not match with the string from App."); goto Exit; }
hr = ClearTextInRange(ec, *rangeSrc, _pAImeContext); } }
// set read only string
if (lpReconvertString->dwCompStrOffset) { //
// keep rangeSrc and rangeOrgSelection
if (rangeOrgSelection.Valid()) rangeOrgSelection->SetGravity(ec, TF_GRAVITY_FORWARD, TF_GRAVITY_FORWARD); Interface<ITfRange> rangeStart; if (SUCCEEDED((*rangeSrc)->Clone(rangeStart))) { if (SUCCEEDED(rangeStart->Collapse(ec, TF_ANCHOR_START))) { rangeStart->SetGravity(ec, TF_GRAVITY_BACKWARD, TF_GRAVITY_FORWARD); hr = SetTextInRange(ec, rangeStart, (LPWSTR)((LPBYTE)lpReconvertString + lpReconvertString->dwStrOffset), lpReconvertString->dwCompStrOffset / sizeof(WCHAR), _pAImeContext);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) SetReadOnlyRange(ec, ic, rangeStart, TRUE); } } }
if ((lpReconvertString->dwCompStrOffset + lpReconvertString->dwCompStrLen * sizeof(WCHAR)) < lpReconvertString->dwStrLen * sizeof(WCHAR)) { //
// keep rangeSrc and rangeOrgSelection
if (rangeOrgSelection.Valid()) rangeOrgSelection->SetGravity(ec, TF_GRAVITY_BACKWARD, TF_GRAVITY_BACKWARD);
Interface<ITfRange> rangeEnd; if (SUCCEEDED((*rangeSrc)->Clone(rangeEnd))) { if (SUCCEEDED(rangeEnd->Collapse(ec, TF_ANCHOR_END))) { rangeEnd->SetGravity(ec, TF_GRAVITY_BACKWARD, TF_GRAVITY_FORWARD);
hr = SetTextInRange(ec, rangeEnd, (LPWSTR)((LPBYTE)lpReconvertString + lpReconvertString->dwStrOffset + lpReconvertString->dwCompStrOffset + (lpReconvertString->dwCompStrLen * sizeof(WCHAR))), ((lpReconvertString->dwStrLen * sizeof(WCHAR)) - (lpReconvertString->dwCompStrOffset + (lpReconvertString->dwCompStrLen * sizeof(WCHAR)))) / sizeof(WCHAR), _pAImeContext); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) SetReadOnlyRange(ec, ic, rangeEnd, TRUE); } } }
// we just set a selection to the target string.
Interface<ITfRange> range; if (fSkipSetText) { if (rangeOrgSelection.Valid()) { //
TF_SELECTION sel; sel.range = rangeOrgSelection; sel.style.ase = TF_AE_NONE; sel.style.fInterimChar = FALSE; ic->SetSelection(ec, 1, &sel); } } else if (SUCCEEDED((*rangeSrc)->Clone(range))) { LONG cchStart; LONG cchEnd;
if (lpReconvertString->dwTargetStrOffset == 0 && lpReconvertString->dwTargetStrLen == 0 ) { cchStart = lpReconvertString->dwCompStrOffset / sizeof(WCHAR); cchEnd = lpReconvertString->dwCompStrOffset / sizeof(WCHAR) + lpReconvertString->dwCompStrLen; } else { cchStart = (lpReconvertString->dwTargetStrOffset - lpReconvertString->dwCompStrOffset) / sizeof(WCHAR); cchEnd = (lpReconvertString->dwTargetStrOffset - lpReconvertString->dwCompStrOffset) / sizeof(WCHAR) + lpReconvertString->dwTargetStrLen; // cchStart = (lpReconvertString->dwTargetStrOffset) / sizeof(WCHAR);
// cchEnd = (lpReconvertString->dwTargetStrOffset) / sizeof(WCHAR) + lpReconvertString->dwTargetStrLen;
range->Collapse(ec, TF_ANCHOR_START);
// shift end first then shift start.
if ((SUCCEEDED(range->ShiftEnd(ec, cchEnd, &cch, NULL))) && (SUCCEEDED(range->ShiftStart(ec, cchStart, &cch, NULL)))) { //
TF_SELECTION sel; sel.range = range; sel.style.ase = TF_AE_NONE; sel.style.fInterimChar = FALSE; ic->SetSelection(ec, 1, &sel); } }
// it's time to generate WM_IME_COMPOSITION.
ImmIfIme->_UpdateCompositionString(); } } } Exit: delete [] lpReconvertString; }
return hr; }
// ImmIfClearDocFeedBuffer
HRESULT ImmIfClearDocFeedBuffer::ClearDocFeedBuffer( TfEditCookie ec, HIMC hIMC, Interface_Attach<ITfContext> ic, Interface_Attach<ImmIfIME> ImmIfIme ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; IMCLock imc(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = imc.GetResult())) return hr;
CAImeContext* _pAImeContext = imc->m_pAImeContext; if (_pAImeContext == NULL) return E_FAIL;
ITfRange *rangeFull = NULL; ITfProperty *prop; ITfRange *rangeTmp; LONG cch;
// Create the range that covers all the text.
if (FAILED(hr=ic->GetStart(ec, &rangeFull))) return hr;
if (FAILED(hr=rangeFull->ShiftEnd(ec, LONG_MAX, &cch, NULL))) return hr;
// find the first non readonly range in the text store.
if (SUCCEEDED(ic->GetProperty(GUID_PROP_MSIMTF_READONLY, &prop))) { IEnumTfRanges *enumranges; if (SUCCEEDED(prop->EnumRanges(ec, &enumranges, rangeFull))) { while (enumranges->Next(1, &rangeTmp, NULL) == S_OK) { VARIANT var; QuickVariantInit(&var); prop->GetValue(ec, rangeTmp, &var); if ((var.vt == VT_I4) && (var.lVal != 0)) { prop->Clear(ec, rangeTmp); ClearTextInRange(ec, rangeTmp, _pAImeContext); } rangeTmp->Release(); } enumranges->Release(); } prop->Release(); }
return S_OK; }
// ImmIfGetTextAndAttribute
HRESULT ImmIfGetTextAndAttribute::GetTextAndAttribute( TfEditCookie ec, HIMC hIMC, Interface_Attach<ITfContext> ic, CWCompString* lpwCompString, CWCompAttribute* lpwCompAttribute, Interface_Attach<ImmIfIME> ImmIfIme ) { HRESULT hr; LIBTHREAD *pLibTLS = ImmIfIme->_GetLibTLS();
IMCLock imc(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = imc.GetResult())) return hr;
BOOL bInWriteSession; if (FAILED(hr = ic->InWriteSession(ImmIfIme->GetClientId(), &bInWriteSession))) return hr;
Interface<ITfRange> FullTextRange; LONG lTextLength; if (FAILED(hr=GetAllTextRange(ec, ic, &FullTextRange, &lTextLength))) return hr;
if (FAILED(hr = _GetTextAndAttribute(pLibTLS, ec, imc, ic, FullTextRange, *lpwCompString, *lpwCompAttribute, bInWriteSession))) { return hr; }
return hr; }
// ImmIfQueryReconvertString
HRESULT ImmIfQueryReconvertString::QueryReconvertString( TfEditCookie ec, HIMC hIMC, Interface_Attach<ITfContext> ic, Interface<ITfRange>* rangeQuery, CWReconvertString* lpwReconvStr, Interface_Attach<ImmIfIME> ImmIfIme )
LPRECONVERTSTRING structure: +00 DWORD dwSize // Sizeof data (include this structure size) with byte count.
+04 DWORD dwVersion +08 DWORD dwStrLen // String length with character count.
+0C DWORD dwStrOffset // Offset from start of this structure with byte count.
+10 DWORD dwCompStrLen // Comp Str length with character count.
+14 DWORD dwCompStrOffset // Offset from this->dwStrOffset with byte count.
+18 DWORD dwTargetStrLen // Target Str length with character count.
+1C DWORD dwTargetStrOffset // Offset from this->dwStrOffset with byte count.
{ HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; IMCLock imc(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = imc.GetResult())) return hr;
CAImeContext* _pAImeContext = imc->m_pAImeContext; if (_pAImeContext == NULL) return E_FAIL;
DWORD dwLen; dwLen = lpwReconvStr->ReadCompData(); if (dwLen) { LPRECONVERTSTRING lpReconvertString; lpReconvertString = (LPRECONVERTSTRING) new BYTE[ dwLen ];
if (lpReconvertString == NULL) return hr;
lpwReconvStr->ReadCompData(lpReconvertString, dwLen);
if (lpReconvertString->dwStrLen) { Interface<ITfRange> rangeSrc; hr = ic->GetStart(ec, rangeSrc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LONG cch; hr = rangeSrc->ShiftEnd(ec, LONG_MAX, &cch, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
hr = SetTextInRange(ec, rangeSrc, (LPWSTR)((LPBYTE)lpReconvertString + lpReconvertString->dwStrOffset), lpReconvertString->dwStrLen, _pAImeContext);
#if 0
// set disp attribute for the query reconvert
if (S_OK == hr) {
ITfProperty *pProp = NULL;
hr = ic->GetProperty(GUID_PROP_ATTRIBUTE, &pProp); if (S_OK == hr) { SetAttrPropertyData(ImmIfIme->_GetLibTLS(), ec, pProp, rangeSrc, GUID_ATTR_MSIMTF_INPUT); } pProp->Release(); } else { BOOL fEmpty; if (SUCCEEDED(rangeSrc->IsEmpty(ec, &fEmpty)) && !fEmpty) { hr = ClearTextInRange(ec, rangeSrc, _pAImeContext); } } #endif
// we just set a selection to the target string.
Interface<ITfRange> range; if (SUCCEEDED(rangeSrc->Clone(range))) { LONG cchStart; LONG cchEnd;
if (lpReconvertString->dwTargetStrOffset == 0 && lpReconvertString->dwTargetStrLen == 0 ) { cchStart = lpReconvertString->dwCompStrOffset / sizeof(WCHAR); cchEnd = lpReconvertString->dwCompStrOffset / sizeof(WCHAR) + lpReconvertString->dwCompStrLen; } else { cchStart = lpReconvertString->dwTargetStrOffset / sizeof(WCHAR); cchEnd = lpReconvertString->dwTargetStrOffset / sizeof(WCHAR) + lpReconvertString->dwTargetStrLen; }
range->Collapse(ec, TF_ANCHOR_START);
// shift end first then shift start.
if ((SUCCEEDED(range->ShiftEnd(ec, cchEnd, &cch, NULL))) && (SUCCEEDED(range->ShiftStart(ec, cchStart, &cch, NULL)))) { //
TF_SELECTION sel; sel.range = range; sel.style.ase = TF_AE_NONE; sel.style.fInterimChar = FALSE; ic->SetSelection(ec, 1, &sel);
hr = range->Clone(*rangeQuery); } } } } } delete [] lpReconvertString; }
return hr; }
// ImmIfCalcRangePos
HRESULT ImmIfCalcRangePos::CalcRangePos( TfEditCookie ec, Interface_Attach<ITfContext> ic, Interface<ITfRange>* rangeSrc, CWReconvertString* lpwReconvStr, Interface_Attach<ImmIfIME> ImmIfIme ) { HRESULT hr; Interface<ITfRange> pFullRange;
hr = ic->GetStart(ec, pFullRange); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { lpwReconvStr->m_CompStrIndex = 0; lpwReconvStr->m_TargetStrIndex = 0;
BOOL equal = FALSE; while (SUCCEEDED(hr=(*rangeSrc)->IsEqualStart(ec, pFullRange, TF_ANCHOR_START, &equal)) && ! equal) { LONG cch; hr = pFullRange->ShiftStart(ec, 1, &cch, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) break;
lpwReconvStr->m_CompStrIndex++; lpwReconvStr->m_TargetStrIndex++; }
if (S_OK == hr) { lpwReconvStr->m_CompStrLen = 0; lpwReconvStr->m_TargetStrLen = 0;
Interface<ITfRange> rangeTmp;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr=(*rangeSrc)->Clone(rangeTmp))) { BOOL fEmpty; WCHAR wstr[256 + 1]; ULONG ul = 0;
while (rangeTmp->IsEmpty(ec, &fEmpty) == S_OK && !fEmpty) { ULONG ulcch; rangeTmp->GetText(ec, TF_TF_MOVESTART, wstr, ARRAYSIZE(wstr) - 1, &ulcch); ul += ulcch; }
// Hack for Satori
// Satori receives empty range with Reconversion->QueryRange().
// Apps couldn't call reconversion.
if (ul == 0) { ul++; }
lpwReconvStr->m_CompStrLen = (LONG)ul; lpwReconvStr->m_TargetStrLen = (LONG)ul; } } }
return hr; }
// ImmIfGetSelection
HRESULT ImmIfGetSelection::GetSelection( TfEditCookie ec, Interface_Attach<ITfContext> ic, Interface<ITfRange>* rangeSrc, Interface_Attach<ImmIfIME> ImmIfIme ) { Interface_TFSELECTION sel; ULONG cFetched;
if (ic->GetSelection(ec, TF_DEFAULT_SELECTION, 1, sel, &cFetched) != S_OK) return E_FAIL;
return sel->range->Clone(*rangeSrc); }
// ImmIfGetReadOnlyPropMargin
HRESULT ImmIfGetReadOnlyPropMargin::GetReadOnlyPropMargin( TfEditCookie ec, Interface_Attach<ITfContext> ic, Interface<ITfRangeACP>* rangeSrc, INT_PTR* cch, Interface_Attach<ImmIfIME> ImmIfIme ) { HRESULT hr; Interface<ITfRange> range_readonly_prop;
*cch = 0;
// Create the range that covers start of text to rangeSrc.
if (FAILED(hr=ic->GetStart(ec, range_readonly_prop))) return hr;
if (FAILED(hr=range_readonly_prop->ShiftEndToRange(ec, *rangeSrc, TF_ANCHOR_START))) return hr;
// same ?
BOOL empty; if (FAILED(hr=range_readonly_prop->IsEmpty(ec, &empty))) return hr;
if (empty) return S_OK;
// find the first non readonly range in the text store.
ITfProperty *prop; if (SUCCEEDED(ic->GetProperty(GUID_PROP_MSIMTF_READONLY, &prop))) { IEnumTfRanges *enumranges; if (SUCCEEDED(prop->EnumRanges(ec, &enumranges, range_readonly_prop))) { ITfRange *rangeTmp; while (enumranges->Next(1, &rangeTmp, NULL) == S_OK) { VARIANT var; QuickVariantInit(&var); prop->GetValue(ec, rangeTmp, &var); if ((var.vt == VT_I4) && (var.lVal != 0)) { while (rangeTmp->IsEmpty(ec, &empty) == S_OK && !empty) { WCHAR wstr[256 + 1]; ULONG ulcch; rangeTmp->GetText(ec, TF_TF_MOVESTART, wstr, ARRAYSIZE(wstr) - 1, &ulcch); *cch += ulcch; } } rangeTmp->Release(); } enumranges->Release(); } prop->Release(); }
return S_OK; }
// ImmIfGetCursorPosition
HRESULT ImmIfGetCursorPosition::GetCursorPosition( TfEditCookie ec, HIMC hIMC, Interface_Attach<ITfContext> ic, CWCompCursorPos* lpwCursorPosition, Interface_Attach<ImmIfIME> ImmIfIme ) { HRESULT hr; LIBTHREAD *pLibTLS = ImmIfIme->_GetLibTLS();
IMCLock imc(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = imc.GetResult())) return hr;
BOOL bInWriteSession; if (FAILED(hr = ic->InWriteSession(ImmIfIme->GetClientId(), &bInWriteSession))) return hr;
Interface<ITfRange> FullTextRange; LONG lTextLength; if (FAILED(hr=GetAllTextRange(ec, ic, &FullTextRange, &lTextLength))) return hr;
CWCompString CompStr; CWCompAttribute CompAttr;
if (FAILED(hr = _GetTextAndAttribute(pLibTLS, ec, imc, ic, FullTextRange, CompStr, CompAttr, bInWriteSession))) { return hr; }
if (FAILED(hr = _GetCursorPosition(ec, imc, ic, *lpwCursorPosition, CompAttr))) { return hr; }
return hr; }