Copyright (c) 2001, Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file implements the EditCompositionString Class.
Revision History:
#include "private.h"
#include "editcomp.h"
#include "context.h"
#include "compstr.h"
#include "profile.h"
#include "delay.h"
// static BOOL fHanjaRequested = FALSE; // consider: this is not thread safe
// EditCompositionString
// Set (almost) all in composition string
HRESULT EditCompositionString::SetString( IMCLock& imc, CicInputContext& CicContext, CWCompString* CompStr, CWCompAttribute* CompAttr, CWCompClause* CompClause, CWCompCursorPos* CompCursorPos, CWCompDeltaStart* CompDeltaStart, CWCompTfGuidAtom* CompGuid, OUT BOOL* lpbBufferOverflow, CWCompString* CompReadStr, CWCompAttribute* CompReadAttr, CWCompClause* CompReadClause, CWCompString* ResultStr, CWCompClause* ResultClause, CWCompString* ResultReadStr, CWCompClause* ResultReadClause, CWInterimString* InterimStr ) { HRESULT hr;
if (!_pAImeContext->m_fSelected) return S_OK; #endif UNSELECTCHECK
#if 0
DWORD dwImeCompatFlags = ImmGetAppCompatFlags((HIMC)imc); #endif
if (CicContext.m_fHanjaReConversion.IsSetFlag() || CicContext.m_fInClearDocFeedEditSession.IsSetFlag()) { #if 0
if ((dwImeCompatFlags & IMECOMPAT_AIMM_TRIDENT55) && CicContext.m_fHanjaReConversion.IsSetFlag()) CicContext.m_fHanjaRequested.SetFlag(); #endif
return S_OK; }
// Clear the contents of candidate list
TRANSMSG msg; if (InterimStr) { hr = _MakeInterimData(imc, InterimStr, &msg.lParam); } else { hr = _MakeCompositionData(imc, CompStr, CompAttr, CompClause, CompCursorPos, CompDeltaStart, CompGuid, CompReadStr, CompReadAttr, CompReadClause, ResultStr, ResultClause, ResultReadStr, ResultReadClause, &msg.lParam, lpbBufferOverflow); } if ( hr == S_OK || // In case of valid dwCompSize in the CCompStrFactory::CreateCompositionString
(hr == S_FALSE && CicContext.m_fStartComposition.IsSetFlag()) // In case of empty dwCompSize but still m_fStartComposition
) { //
// Is available compstr/attr/clause, compread, result or resultread ?
bool fNoCompResultData = false; if (! (msg.lParam & (GCS_COMP | GCS_COMPREAD | GCS_RESULT | GCS_RESULTREAD))) { DebugMsg(TF_GENERAL, TEXT("EditCompositionString::SetString: No data in compstr, compread, result or resultread.")); fNoCompResultData = true; if (CicContext.m_fStartComposition.IsResetFlag()) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("EditCompositionString::SetString: No send WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION yet.")); return S_FALSE; } }
#if 0
// New Trident(5.5 & 6.0) had a bug to convert Hanja.
// So _GenerateHanja() funtion try to generate message like as Korean
// legacy IME behavior.
if ((dwImeCompatFlags & IMECOMPAT_AIMM_TRIDENT55) && CicContext.m_fHanjaRequested.IsSetFlag() && !fNoCompResultData && (msg.lParam & GCS_RESULT)) { LANGID langid = LANG_NEUTRAL;
// TLS doesn't inherit in edit session.
TLS* ptls = TLS::GetTLS(); if (ptls != NULL) { CicProfile* _pProfile = ptls->GetCicProfile(); if (_pProfile != NULL) { _pProfile->GetLangId(&langid); } }
if (PRIMARYLANGID(langid) == LANG_KOREAN) { return _GenerateKoreanComposition(imc, CicContext, ResultStr); } }
CicContext.m_fHanjaRequested.ResetFlag(); #else
// TLS doesn't inherit in edit session.
TLS* ptls = TLS::GetTLS(); if (ptls != NULL) { CicProfile* _pProfile = ptls->GetCicProfile(); if (_pProfile != NULL) { _pProfile->GetLangId(&langid); } }
if (PRIMARYLANGID(langid) == LANG_KOREAN && !fNoCompResultData && (msg.lParam & GCS_RESULT)) { if (_GenerateKoreanComposition(imc, CicContext, ResultStr) == S_OK) { return S_OK; } } #endif
// set private input context
bool fSetStartComp = false;
if (CicContext.m_fStartComposition.IsResetFlag()) { CicContext.m_fStartComposition.SetFlag(); TRANSMSG start_msg; start_msg.message = WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION; start_msg.wParam = (WPARAM) 0; start_msg.lParam = (LPARAM) 0; if (CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer) { CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer->SetData(start_msg); fSetStartComp = true; } }
if (! fNoCompResultData) { msg.message = WM_IME_COMPOSITION;
if (msg.lParam & GCS_RESULT) { msg.wParam = (WPARAM)(*(WCHAR*)pCompStr.GetOffsetPointer(pCompStr->dwResultStrOffset));
if (PRIMARYLANGID(langid) == LANG_KOREAN && msg.lParam & GCS_RESULTSTR) { TRANSMSG comp_result_msg;
comp_result_msg.message = msg.message; comp_result_msg.wParam = msg.wParam; comp_result_msg.lParam = GCS_RESULTSTR;
// Only set GCS_RESULTSTR for compatibility(#487046).
if (CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer) CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer->SetData(comp_result_msg);
msg.lParam &= ~GCS_RESULTSTR;
// Send another composition string message.
if (msg.lParam & GCS_COMPSTR) msg.wParam = (WPARAM)(*(WCHAR*)pCompStr.GetOffsetPointer(pCompStr->dwCompStrOffset)); } } else { msg.wParam = (WPARAM)(*(WCHAR*)pCompStr.GetOffsetPointer(pCompStr->dwCompStrOffset)); }
if (CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer) { CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer->SetData(msg);
// Internal notification to UI window
// When receive this msg in UI wnd, then calls QueryCharPos().
if (fSetStartComp) { TRANSMSG notify_msg; notify_msg.message = WM_IME_NOTIFY; notify_msg.wParam = (WPARAM)WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION; notify_msg.lParam = 0; CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer->SetData(notify_msg); } } } else { msg.message = WM_IME_COMPOSITION; if ((PRIMARYLANGID(langid) != LANG_JAPANESE)) { msg.wParam = (WPARAM)VK_ESCAPE; msg.lParam = (LPARAM)(GCS_COMPREAD | GCS_COMP | GCS_CURSORPOS | GCS_DELTASTART); } else { //
// #509247
// Some apps don't accept lParam without compstr in hIMC.
msg.wParam = 0; msg.lParam = 0; }
if (CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer) CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer->SetData(msg); }
if ((ResultStr && ResultStr->GetSize() && !(msg.lParam & GCS_COMP)) || fNoCompResultData) { //
// We're ending the composition
CicContext.m_fStartComposition.ResetFlag(); TRANSMSG end_msg; end_msg.message = WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION; end_msg.wParam = (WPARAM) 0; end_msg.lParam = (LPARAM) 0; if (CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer) { CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer->SetData(end_msg);
// Internal notification to UI window
// When receive this msg in UI wnd, then clear QueryCharPos's flag.
TRANSMSG notify_msg; notify_msg.message = WM_IME_NOTIFY; notify_msg.wParam = (WPARAM)WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION; notify_msg.lParam = 0; CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer->SetData(notify_msg);
if (CicContext.m_fInProcessKey.IsSetFlag()) CicContext.m_fGeneratedEndComposition.SetFlag(); } }
#ifdef DEBUG
IMCCLock<COMPOSITIONSTRING> comp(imc->hCompStr); #endif
#if 0
// Move to editses.cpp
if (fGenerateMessage) { CicContext.GenerateMessage(imc); } #endif
hr = S_OK;
// Update the previous result string cache.
CicContext.UpdatePrevResultStr(imc); }
return hr; }
// Make composition string data in the IMCCLock<_COMPOSITIONSTRING> comp.
HRESULT EditCompositionString::_MakeCompositionData( IMCLock& imc, CWCompString* CompStr, CWCompAttribute* CompAttr, CWCompClause* CompClause, CWCompCursorPos* CompCursorPos, CWCompDeltaStart* CompDeltaStart, CWCompTfGuidAtom* CompGuid, CWCompString* CompReadStr, CWCompAttribute* CompReadAttr, CWCompClause* CompReadClause, CWCompString* ResultStr, CWCompClause* ResultClause, CWCompString* ResultReadStr, CWCompClause* ResultReadClause, OUT LPARAM* lpdwFlag, OUT BOOL* lpbBufferOverflow ) { DebugMsg(TF_FUNC, TEXT("EditCompositionString::MakeCompositionData"));
*lpdwFlag = (LPARAM) 0;
CCompStrFactory compstrfactory(imc->hCompStr); if (FAILED(hr=compstrfactory.GetResult())) return hr;
hr = compstrfactory.CreateCompositionString(CompStr, CompAttr, CompClause, CompGuid, CompReadStr, CompReadAttr, CompReadClause, ResultStr, ResultClause, ResultReadStr, ResultReadClause ); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// Composition string
if (lpbBufferOverflow != NULL) *lpbBufferOverflow = FALSE;
if (CompStr && CompStr->GetSize()) { #if 0
* If composition string length over the buffer of COMPOSITIONSTRING.compstr[NMAXKEY], * then we want to finalize this composition string. */ if ((*comp)->dwCompStrLen >= NMAXKEY) { if (lpbBufferOverflow != NULL) *lpbBufferOverflow = TRUE; //
// Clear compsition string length.
(*comp)->dwCompStrLen = 0; //
// Make result string.
(*comp)->dwResultStrLen = NMAXKEY; CompStr->ReadCompData((*comp)->W.resultstr, ARRAYSIZE((*comp)->W.resultstr)); *lpdwFlag |= (LPARAM) GCS_RESULTSTR; } else #endif
{ hr = compstrfactory.WriteData<CWCompString, WCHAR>(*CompStr, &compstrfactory->dwCompStrLen, &compstrfactory->dwCompStrOffset ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) *lpdwFlag |= (LPARAM) GCS_COMPSTR; else goto Exit; } }
if ((lpbBufferOverflow == NULL) || (lpbBufferOverflow != NULL && (! *lpbBufferOverflow))) {
// Compoition attribute
if (CompAttr && CompAttr->GetSize()) { hr = compstrfactory.WriteData<CWCompAttribute, BYTE>(*CompAttr, &compstrfactory->dwCompAttrLen, &compstrfactory->dwCompAttrOffset ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) *lpdwFlag |= (LPARAM) GCS_COMPATTR; else goto Exit; }
// Compoition clause
if (CompClause && CompClause->GetSize()) { hr = compstrfactory.WriteData<CWCompClause, DWORD>(*CompClause, &compstrfactory->dwCompClauseLen, &compstrfactory->dwCompClauseOffset ); compstrfactory->dwCompClauseLen *= sizeof(DWORD); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) *lpdwFlag |= (LPARAM) GCS_COMPCLAUSE; else goto Exit; }
// Composition Reading string
if (CompReadStr && CompReadStr->GetSize()) { hr = compstrfactory.WriteData<CWCompString, WCHAR>(*CompReadStr, &compstrfactory->dwCompReadStrLen, &compstrfactory->dwCompReadStrOffset ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) *lpdwFlag |= (LPARAM) GCS_COMPREADSTR; else goto Exit; }
// Compoition Reading attribute
if (CompReadAttr && CompReadAttr->GetSize()) { hr = compstrfactory.WriteData<CWCompAttribute, BYTE>(*CompReadAttr, &compstrfactory->dwCompReadAttrLen, &compstrfactory->dwCompReadAttrOffset ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) *lpdwFlag |= (LPARAM) GCS_COMPREADATTR; else goto Exit; }
// Composition Reading clause
if (CompReadClause && CompReadClause->GetSize()) { hr = compstrfactory.WriteData<CWCompClause, DWORD>(*CompReadClause, &compstrfactory->dwCompReadClauseLen, &compstrfactory->dwCompReadClauseOffset ); compstrfactory->dwCompReadClauseLen *= sizeof(DWORD); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) *lpdwFlag |= (LPARAM) GCS_COMPREADCLAUSE; else goto Exit; }
// Result String
if (ResultStr && ResultStr->GetSize()) { hr = compstrfactory.WriteData<CWCompString, WCHAR>(*ResultStr, &compstrfactory->dwResultStrLen, &compstrfactory->dwResultStrOffset ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) *lpdwFlag |= (LPARAM) GCS_RESULTSTR; else goto Exit; }
// Result clause
if (ResultClause && ResultClause->GetSize()) { hr = compstrfactory.WriteData<CWCompClause, DWORD>(*ResultClause, &compstrfactory->dwResultClauseLen, &compstrfactory->dwResultClauseOffset ); compstrfactory->dwResultClauseLen *= sizeof(DWORD); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) *lpdwFlag |= (LPARAM) GCS_RESULTCLAUSE; else goto Exit; }
// Result Reading string
if (ResultReadStr && ResultReadStr->GetSize()) { hr = compstrfactory.WriteData<CWCompString, WCHAR>(*ResultReadStr, &compstrfactory->dwResultReadStrLen, &compstrfactory->dwResultReadStrOffset ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) *lpdwFlag |= (LPARAM) GCS_RESULTREADSTR; else goto Exit; }
// Result Reading clause
if (ResultReadClause && ResultReadClause->GetSize()) { hr = compstrfactory.WriteData<CWCompClause, DWORD>(*ResultReadClause, &compstrfactory->dwResultReadClauseLen, &compstrfactory->dwResultReadClauseOffset ); compstrfactory->dwResultReadClauseLen *= sizeof(DWORD); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) *lpdwFlag |= (LPARAM) GCS_RESULTREADCLAUSE; else goto Exit; }
// TfGuidAtom
if (CompGuid && CompGuid->GetSize()) { hr = compstrfactory.MakeGuidMapAttribute(CompGuid, CompAttr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // set INIT_GUID_ATOM flag in the fdwInit.
imc->fdwInit |= INIT_GUID_ATOM; } else goto Exit; } }
// Composition Cursor Position
if (CompCursorPos && CompCursorPos->GetSize()) { CompCursorPos->ReadCompData(&compstrfactory->dwCursorPos, 1); *lpdwFlag |= (LPARAM) GCS_CURSORPOS; }
// Delta Start
if (CompDeltaStart && CompDeltaStart->GetSize()) { CompDeltaStart->ReadCompData(&compstrfactory->dwDeltaStart, 1); *lpdwFlag |= (LPARAM) GCS_DELTASTART; }
Exit: //
// Copy back hCompStr to the Input Context
imc->hCompStr = compstrfactory.GetHandle();
return hr; }
// Make interim string data in the IMCCLock<_COMPOSITIONSTRING> comp.
HRESULT EditCompositionString::_MakeInterimData( IMCLock& imc, CWInterimString* InterimStr, LPARAM* lpdwFlag ) { DebugMsg(TF_FUNC, TEXT("EditCompositionString::MakeInterimData"));
*lpdwFlag = (LPARAM) 0;
// Interim character and result string
CCompStrFactory compstrfactory(imc->hCompStr); if (FAILED(hr=compstrfactory.GetResult())) return hr;
hr = compstrfactory.CreateCompositionString(InterimStr); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// Result string
if (InterimStr && InterimStr->GetSize()) { hr = compstrfactory.WriteData<CWInterimString, WCHAR>(*InterimStr, &compstrfactory->dwResultStrLen, &compstrfactory->dwResultStrOffset ); *lpdwFlag |= (LPARAM) GCS_RESULTSTR; }
// Composition string (Interim character)
// Compoition attribute
CWCompString ch; CWCompAttribute attr; InterimStr->ReadInterimChar(&ch, &attr); if (ch.GetSize() && ch.GetAt(0)) { hr = compstrfactory.WriteData<CWCompString, WCHAR>(ch, &compstrfactory->dwCompStrLen, &compstrfactory->dwCompStrOffset ); *lpdwFlag |= (LPARAM) GCS_COMPSTR;
hr = compstrfactory.WriteData<CWCompAttribute, BYTE>(attr, &compstrfactory->dwCompAttrLen, &compstrfactory->dwCompAttrOffset ); *lpdwFlag |= (LPARAM) GCS_COMPATTR;
// Copy back hCompStr to the Input Context
imc->hCompStr = compstrfactory.GetHandle();
return hr; }
// Trident 5.5 version. Since Trident 5.5 always expect WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION
// first in case of Hanja conversion.
HRESULT EditCompositionString::_GenerateKoreanComposition( IMCLock& imc, CicInputContext& CicContext, CWCompString* ResultStr) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE;
DWORD dwImeCompatFlags = ImmGetAppCompatFlags(NULL); BOOL fEndCompFirst = FALSE;
if (!MsimtfIsWindowFiltered(::GetFocus()) || (dwImeCompatFlags & IMECOMPAT_AIMM12_TRIDENT)) { fEndCompFirst = TRUE; }
if (ResultStr && ResultStr->GetSize()) { if (fEndCompFirst) { //
// We're ending the composition
TRANSMSG end_msg; end_msg.message = WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION; end_msg.wParam = (WPARAM) 0; end_msg.lParam = (LPARAM) 0;
if (CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer) { CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer->SetData(end_msg);
// Internal notification to UI window
// When receive this msg in UI wnd, then clear QueryCharPos's flag.
TRANSMSG notify_msg;
notify_msg.message = WM_IME_NOTIFY; notify_msg.wParam = (WPARAM)WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION; notify_msg.lParam = 0; CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer->SetData(notify_msg);
if (CicContext.m_fInProcessKey.IsSetFlag()) CicContext.m_fGeneratedEndComposition.SetFlag(); }
TRANSMSG result_msg; result_msg.message = WM_IME_COMPOSITION; result_msg.lParam = GCS_RESULTSTR;
result_msg.wParam = (WPARAM)(*(WCHAR*)pCompStr.GetOffsetPointer(pCompStr->dwResultStrOffset));
if (CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer) { CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer->SetData(result_msg); } } else { //
// Windows Bug 716419
// This is the same behavior with WinXP RTM AIMM1.2 code.
if (CicContext.m_fStartComposition.IsResetFlag()) { CicContext.m_fStartComposition.SetFlag(); TRANSMSG start_msg; start_msg.message = WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION; start_msg.wParam = (WPARAM) 0; start_msg.lParam = (LPARAM) 0; if (CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer) { CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer->SetData(start_msg); } }
TRANSMSG result_msg; result_msg.message = WM_IME_COMPOSITION; result_msg.lParam = GCS_RESULTSTR;
result_msg.wParam = (WPARAM)(*(WCHAR*)pCompStr.GetOffsetPointer(pCompStr->dwResultStrOffset));
if (CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer) { CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer->SetData(result_msg); }
// We're ending the composition
TRANSMSG end_msg; end_msg.message = WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION; end_msg.wParam = (WPARAM) 0; end_msg.lParam = (LPARAM) 0;
if (CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer) { CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer->SetData(end_msg);
// Internal notification to UI window
// When receive this msg in UI wnd, then clear QueryCharPos's flag.
TRANSMSG notify_msg;
notify_msg.message = WM_IME_NOTIFY; notify_msg.wParam = (WPARAM)WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION; notify_msg.lParam = 0; CicContext.m_pMessageBuffer->SetData(notify_msg);
if (CicContext.m_fInProcessKey.IsSetFlag()) CicContext.m_fGeneratedEndComposition.SetFlag(); } }
hr = S_OK; }
#ifdef DEBUG
IMCCLock<COMPOSITIONSTRING> comp(imc->hCompStr); #endif
#if 0
// Move to editses.cpp
if (fGenerateMessage) { imc.GenerateMessage(); } #endif
return hr; }