Copyright (c) 2001, Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file implements part of Reconversion in the CicInputContext Class.
Revision History:
#include "private.h"
#include "context.h"
#include "ctxtcomp.h"
#include "delay.h"
// CicInputContext::SetupReconvertString
// Setup reconversion string
// This function called from
// 1. CFnDocFeed::StartReconvert
// 2. CStartReconversionNotifySink::StartReconversion
// If Cicero's text store were not cleared, then compositioning and unessential query
// RECONVERTSTRING to apprication. Also edit session (ImmIfReconvertString::ReconvertString)
// doesn't set RECONVERTSTRING text string to hIMC's text store.
HRESULT CicInputContext::SetupReconvertString( IMCLock& imc, ITfThreadMgr_P* ptim_P, UINT cp, UINT uPrivMsg, // is WM_MSIME_RECONVERTREQUEST or 0
BOOL fUndoComposition) { DebugMsg(TF_FUNC, TEXT("CicInputContext::SetupReconvertString"));
if (m_fStartComposition.IsSetFlag()) return _ReconvertStringTextStore(imc, ptim_P, uPrivMsg); else return _ReconvertStringNegotiation(imc, ptim_P, cp, uPrivMsg, fUndoComposition); }
// CicInputContext::EndReconvertString
HRESULT CicInputContext::EndReconvertString( IMCLock& imc) { DebugMsg(TF_FUNC, TEXT("CicInputContext::EndReconvertString"));
m_fInReconvertEditSession.ResetFlag(); return S_OK; }
// CicInputContext::_ReconvertStringNegotiation
HRESULT CicInputContext::_ReconvertStringNegotiation( IMCLock& imc, ITfThreadMgr_P* ptim_P, UINT cp, UINT uPrivMsg, BOOL fUndoComposition) { DebugMsg(TF_FUNC, TEXT("CicInputContext::_ReconvertStringNegotiation"));
UINT uReconvMsg = uPrivMsg != 0 ? uPrivMsg : WM_IME_REQUEST;
// We don't have to do "VK_BACK" hack for UndoComposition under AIMM12
// applications.
if (!fUndoComposition || MsimtfIsWindowFiltered(imc->hWnd)) { nSize = (int)SendMessageW(imc->hWnd, uReconvMsg, IMR_RECONVERTSTRING, NULL); if (!nSize) { return S_OK; } pReconv = (RECONVERTSTRING *)cicMemAllocClear(nSize); if (!pReconv) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } pReconv->dwSize = nSize; //
// #480459
// Hanako11 may change the focus by showing MessageBox during
// this SendMessageW(). We need to save the current focus
// dim now. So Internal_QueryReconvertString() won't break the
// current focus dim. Internal_QueryReconvertString() save the current
// focus dim in there to work with temp DIM.
Interface<ITfDocumentMgr> priv_dim; if (FAILED(hr = ptim_P->GetFocus(priv_dim))) { return hr; } hr = S_OK; if (SendMessageW(imc->hWnd, uReconvMsg, IMR_RECONVERTSTRING, (LPARAM)pReconv) || (uPrivMsg != 0 && pReconv->dwCompStrLen > 0)) { //
// NT4 and Win2K doesn't have thunk routine of WM_IME_REQUEST message.
// Any string data doesn't convert between ASCII <--> Unicode.
// Responsibility of string data type have receiver window proc (imc->hWnd) of this message.
// If ASCII wnd proc, then returns ASCII string.
// Otherwise if Unicode wnd proc, returns Unicode string.
BOOL fNeedAW = ( !(IsWindowUnicode(imc->hWnd)) && uPrivMsg == 0); //
RECONVERTSTRING rsBackUp; memcpy(&rsBackUp, pReconv, sizeof(RECONVERTSTRING)); // AdjustZeroCompLenReconvertString(pReconv, cp, fNeedAW);
hr = Internal_QueryReconvertString(imc, ptim_P, pReconv, cp, fNeedAW); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; if (!SendMessageW(imc->hWnd, uReconvMsg, IMR_CONFIRMRECONVERTSTRING, (LPARAM)pReconv)) { memcpy(pReconv, &rsBackUp, sizeof(RECONVERTSTRING)); } CWReconvertString wReconvStr(imc, !fNeedAW ? pReconv : NULL, !fNeedAW ? nSize : 0); if (fNeedAW) { //
// convert Ansi to Unicode.
CBReconvertString bReconvStr(imc, pReconv, nSize); bReconvStr.SetCodePage(cp); wReconvStr = bReconvStr; } hr = MakeReconversionFuncCall(imc, ptim_P, wReconvStr, (uPrivMsg != 0)); }
ptim_P->SetFocus(priv_dim); } else {
// release control and shift keys. So the application can handle
// VK_BACK corectly.
if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) keybd_event((BYTE)VK_CONTROL, (BYTE)0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) keybd_event((BYTE)VK_SHIFT, (BYTE)0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
// Generate VK_BACK key events.
int i; for (i = 0; i < m_PrevResultStr.GetSize(); i++) { keybd_event((BYTE)VK_BACK, (BYTE)0, 0, 0); keybd_event((BYTE)VK_BACK, (BYTE)0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); }
// SendMessage() to start a timer for DelayedReconvertFuncCall.
HWND hDefImeWnd; if (IsWindow(hDefImeWnd=ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd(NULL))) SendMessage(hDefImeWnd, WM_IME_NOTIFY, IMN_PRIVATE_DELAYRECONVERTFUNCCALL, 0);
if (pReconv) cicMemFree(pReconv);
return hr; }
// CicInputContext::DelayedReconversionFuncCall
HRESULT CicInputContext::DelayedReconvertFuncCall(IMCLock &imc) { RECONVERTSTRING *pReconv; HRESULT hr; int nSize;
TLS* ptls = TLS::GetTLS(); if (ptls == NULL) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("CicInputContext::UndoReconvertFuncCall. ptls==NULL.")); return S_FALSE; }
ITfThreadMgr_P* ptim_P = ptls->GetTIM(); if (ptim_P == NULL) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("CicInputContext::UndoReconvertFuncCall. ptim_P==NULL")); return S_FALSE; }
nSize = sizeof(RECONVERTSTRING); nSize += (m_PrevResultStr.GetSize() + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); pReconv = (RECONVERTSTRING *)cicMemAllocClear(nSize); if (!pReconv) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
pReconv->dwSize = (DWORD)nSize; pReconv->dwVersion = 1; pReconv->dwStrLen = pReconv->dwCompStrLen = pReconv->dwTargetStrLen = (DWORD)m_PrevResultStr.GetSize(); pReconv->dwStrOffset = sizeof(RECONVERTSTRING); pReconv->dwCompStrOffset = pReconv->dwTargetStrOffset = 0; memcpy(((BYTE *)pReconv) + sizeof(RECONVERTSTRING), (void *)m_PrevResultStr, m_PrevResultStr.GetSize() * sizeof(WCHAR));
CWReconvertString wReconvStr(imc, pReconv, nSize);
BOOL fInReconvertEditSession; fInReconvertEditSession = m_fInReconvertEditSession.IsSetFlag();
if (!fInReconvertEditSession) m_fInReconvertEditSession.SetFlag();
hr = MakeReconversionFuncCall(imc, ptim_P, wReconvStr, TRUE);
if (!fInReconvertEditSession) m_fInReconvertEditSession.ResetFlag();
if (pReconv) cicMemFree(pReconv);
return hr; }
// CicInputContext::MakeReconversionFuncCall
HRESULT CicInputContext::MakeReconversionFuncCall( IMCLock& imc, ITfThreadMgr_P* ptim_P, CWReconvertString &wReconvStr, BOOL fCallFunc) {
Interface<ITfRange> Selection; hr = EscbReconvertString(imc, &wReconvStr, &Selection, FALSE); if (S_OK == hr && fCallFunc) { Interface<ITfFunctionProvider> FuncProv; Interface<ITfFnReconversion> Reconversion; hr = ptim_P->GetFunctionProvider(GUID_SYSTEM_FUNCTIONPROVIDER, FuncProv); if (S_OK == hr) {
hr = FuncProv->GetFunction(GUID_NULL, IID_ITfFnReconversion, (IUnknown**)(ITfFnReconversion**)Reconversion); } if (S_OK == hr) { Interface<ITfRange> RangeNew; BOOL fConvertable; hr = Reconversion->QueryRange(Selection, RangeNew, &fConvertable); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && fConvertable) { hr = Reconversion->Reconvert(RangeNew); } else { EscbCompComplete(imc); } } }
return hr; }
// CicInputContext::_ReconvertStringTextStore
HRESULT CicInputContext::_ReconvertStringTextStore( IMCLock& imc, ITfThreadMgr_P* ptim_P, UINT uPrivMsg) { DebugMsg(TF_FUNC, TEXT("CicInputContext::_ReconvertStringTextStore"));
// Clear DocFeed buffer
if (uPrivMsg != 0) { HRESULT hr; Interface<ITfRange> Selection; hr = EscbGetSelection(imc, &Selection); if (S_OK == hr) { Interface<ITfFunctionProvider> FuncProv; Interface<ITfFnReconversion> Reconversion; hr = ptim_P->GetFunctionProvider(GUID_SYSTEM_FUNCTIONPROVIDER, FuncProv); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = FuncProv->GetFunction(GUID_NULL, IID_ITfFnReconversion, (IUnknown**)(ITfFnReconversion**)Reconversion); } if (S_OK == hr) { Interface<ITfRange> RangeNew; BOOL fConvertable; hr = Reconversion->QueryRange(Selection, RangeNew, &fConvertable); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && fConvertable) { hr = Reconversion->Reconvert(RangeNew); } else { EscbCompComplete(imc); return E_FAIL; } } } } return S_OK; }
// CicInputContext::Internal_QueryReconvertString_ICOwnerSink
// static
HRESULT CicInputContext::Internal_QueryReconvertString_ICOwnerSink( UINT uCode, ICOARGS *pargs, VOID *pv) { DebugMsg(TF_FUNC, TEXT("CicInputContext::Internal_QueryReconvertString_ICOwnerSink"));
switch (uCode) { case ICO_STATUS: pargs->status.pdcs->dwDynamicFlags = 0; pargs->status.pdcs->dwStaticFlags = TF_SS_TRANSITORY; break; }
return S_OK; }
// CicInputContext::Internal_QueryReconvertString
HRESULT CicInputContext::Internal_QueryReconvertString( IMCLock& imc, ITfThreadMgr_P* ptim_P, // using private for RequestPostponedLock
RECONVERTSTRING *pReconv, UINT cp, BOOL fNeedAW) { DebugMsg(TF_FUNC, TEXT("CicInputContext::Internal_QueryReconvertString"));
CWReconvertString wReconvStr(imc, !fNeedAW ? pReconv : NULL, !fNeedAW ? pReconv->dwSize : 0); if (fNeedAW) { //
// convert Ansi to Unicode.
CBReconvertString bReconvStr(imc, pReconv, pReconv->dwSize); bReconvStr.SetCodePage(cp); wReconvStr = bReconvStr; }
// Create document manager.
Interface<ITfDocumentMgr> pdim; // Document Manager
if (FAILED(hr = ptim_P->CreateDocumentMgr(pdim))) return hr;
// Create input context
Interface<ITfContext> pic; // Input Context
TfEditCookie ecTmp; hr = pdim->CreateContext(m_tid, 0, NULL, pic, &ecTmp); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// associate CicInputContext in PIC.
Interface<IUnknown> punk; if (SUCCEEDED(QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, punk))) { SetCompartmentUnknown(m_tid, pic, GUID_COMPARTMENT_CTFIME_CICINPUTCONTEXT, punk); }
// Create Input Context Owner Callback
CInputContextOwner *_pICOwnerSink; // IC owner call back
_pICOwnerSink = new CInputContextOwner(Internal_QueryReconvertString_ICOwnerSink, NULL); if (_pICOwnerSink == NULL) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("Couldn't create ICOwnerSink tim!")); Assert(0); // couldn't activate thread!
return E_FAIL; }
// Advise IC.
// Push IC.
hr = pdim->Push(pic); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
Interface<ITfDocumentMgr> priv_dim; if (SUCCEEDED(hr=ptim_P->GetFocus(priv_dim)) && SUCCEEDED(hr=ptim_P->SetFocus(pdim))) { Interface_Attach<ITfContext> _pic(pic); Interface<ITfRange> Selection; hr = EscbQueryReconvertString(imc, _pic, &wReconvStr, &Selection); if (S_OK == hr) { Interface<ITfFunctionProvider> FuncProv; Interface<ITfFnReconversion> Reconversion; hr = ptim_P->GetFunctionProvider(GUID_SYSTEM_FUNCTIONPROVIDER, FuncProv); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = FuncProv->GetFunction(GUID_NULL, IID_ITfFnReconversion, (IUnknown**)(ITfFnReconversion**)Reconversion); } if (S_OK == hr) { Interface<ITfRange> RangeNew; BOOL fConvertable; hr = Reconversion->QueryRange(Selection, RangeNew, &fConvertable); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && fConvertable) { //
// Calcurate start position of RangeNew on text store
hr = EscbCalcRangePos(imc, _pic, &wReconvStr, &RangeNew); } else { hr = E_FAIL; } } } }
if (S_OK == hr) { if (fNeedAW) { //
// Back to convert Unicode to Ansi.
CBReconvertString bReconvStr(imc, NULL, 0); wReconvStr.SetCodePage(cp); bReconvStr = wReconvStr;
bReconvStr.ReadCompData(pReconv, pReconv->dwSize); } else { wReconvStr.ReadCompData(pReconv, pReconv->dwSize); } }
ptim_P->RequestPostponedLock(pic); ptim_P->RequestPostponedLock(GetInputContext());
// un-associate CicInputContext in PIC.
Interface<IUnknown> punk; if (SUCCEEDED(QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, punk))) { ClearCompartment(m_tid, pic, GUID_COMPARTMENT_CTFIME_CICINPUTCONTEXT, FALSE); } } // ic owner is auto unadvised during the Pop by cicero
// in any case, it must not be unadvised before the pop
// since it will be used to handle mouse sinks, etc.
if (_pICOwnerSink) { _pICOwnerSink->_Unadvise(); _pICOwnerSink->Release(); _pICOwnerSink = NULL; }
return hr; }
// CicInputContext::Internal_ReconvertString
HRESULT CicInputContext::Internal_ReconvertString( IMCLock& imc, ITfThreadMgr_P* ptim_P, CWReconvertString& wReconvStr, CWReconvertString& wReconvReadStr) { DebugMsg(TF_FUNC, TEXT("CicInputContext::Internal_ResonvertString"));
Interface<ITfRange> Selection; Interface<ITfFunctionProvider> FuncProv; Interface<ITfFnReconversion> Reconversion;
HRESULT hr; hr = EscbReconvertString(imc, &wReconvStr, &Selection, FALSE); if (FAILED(hr)) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("CicInputContext::Internal_ResonvertString. EscbReconvertString fail.")); goto Exit; }
hr = ptim_P->GetFunctionProvider(GUID_SYSTEM_FUNCTIONPROVIDER, FuncProv); if (FAILED(hr)) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("CicInputContext::Internal_ResonvertString. FuncProv==NULL")); goto Exit; }
hr = FuncProv->GetFunction(GUID_NULL, IID_ITfFnReconversion, (IUnknown**)(ITfFnReconversion**)Reconversion); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { Interface<ITfRange> RangeNew; BOOL fConvertable; hr = Reconversion->QueryRange(Selection, RangeNew, &fConvertable); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && fConvertable) { hr = Reconversion->Reconvert(RangeNew); } else { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("CicInputContext::Internal_ReconvertString: QueryRange failed so the compoisiton stri ng will be completed.")); EscbCompComplete(imc); hr = E_FAIL; } }
Exit: m_fInReconvertEditSession.ResetFlag();
return hr; }
// CicInputContext::Internal_SetCompositionString
HRESULT CicInputContext::Internal_SetCompositionString( IMCLock& imc, CWCompString& wCompStr, CWCompString& wCompReadStr) { DebugMsg(TF_FUNC, TEXT("CicInputContext::Internal_SetCompositionString"));
HRESULT hr; hr = EscbReplaceWholeText(imc, &wCompStr); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
return EscbUpdateCompositionString(imc); }
// CicInputContext::SetupDocFeedString
HRESULT CicInputContext::SetupDocFeedString( IMCLock& imc, UINT cp) { DebugMsg(TF_FUNC, TEXT("CicInputContext::SetupDocFeedString"));
nSize = (int)SendMessageW(imc->hWnd, WM_IME_REQUEST, IMR_DOCUMENTFEED, NULL); if (!nSize) { return S_OK; }
pReconv = (RECONVERTSTRING *)cicMemAllocClear(nSize); if (!pReconv) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if (SendMessageW(imc->hWnd, WM_IME_REQUEST, IMR_DOCUMENTFEED, (LPARAM)pReconv)) { Interface<ITfRange> Selection;
// NT4 and Win2K doesn't have thunk routine of WM_IME_REQUEST message.
// Any string data doesn't convert between ASCII <--> Unicode.
// Responsibility of string data type have receiver window proc (imc->hWnd) of this message.
// If ASCII wnd proc, then returns ASCII string.
// Otherwise if Unicode wnd proc, returns Unicode string.
BOOL fNeedAW = !(IsWindowUnicode(imc->hWnd));
CWReconvertString wReconvStr(imc, !fNeedAW ? pReconv : NULL, !fNeedAW ? nSize : 0); if (fNeedAW) { //
// convert Ansi to Unicode.
CBReconvertString bReconvStr(imc, pReconv, nSize); bReconvStr.SetCodePage(cp); wReconvStr = bReconvStr; }
hr = EscbReconvertString(imc, &wReconvStr, &Selection, TRUE); }
if (pReconv) cicMemFree(pReconv);
return hr; }