Copyright (c) 1985 - 1999, Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file implements the CTextEventSinkCallBack Class.
Revision History:
#include "private.h"
#include "txtevcb.h"
#include "ime.h"
#include "editses.h"
#include "context.h"
#include "profile.h"
// from ctf\sapilayr\globals.cpp
const GUID GUID_ATTR_SAPI_GREENBAR = { 0xc3a9e2e8, 0x738c, 0x48e0, {0xac, 0xc8, 0x43, 0xee, 0xfa, 0xbf, 0x83, 0xc8} };
// CTextEventSinkCallBack::_IsSapiFeedbackUIPresent
BOOL CTextEventSinkCallBack::_IsSapiFeedbackUIPresent( Interface_Attach<ITfContext>& ic, TESENDEDIT *ee ) { EnumPropertyArgs args;
args.comp_guid = GUID_ATTR_SAPI_GREENBAR; if (FAILED(ic->GetProperty(GUID_PROP_ATTRIBUTE, args.Property))) return FALSE;
Interface<IEnumTfRanges> EnumReadOnlyProperty; if (FAILED(args.Property->EnumRanges(ee->ecReadOnly, EnumReadOnlyProperty, NULL))) return FALSE;
args.ec = ee->ecReadOnly; args.pLibTLS = m_pLibTLS;
CEnumrateInterface<IEnumTfRanges, ITfRange, EnumPropertyArgs> Enumrate(EnumReadOnlyProperty, EnumPropertyCallback, &args); // Argument of callback func.
ENUM_RET ret_prop_attribute = Enumrate.DoEnumrate(); if (ret_prop_attribute == ENUM_FIND) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
// CTextEventSinkCallBack::_IsComposingPresent
BOOL CTextEventSinkCallBack::_IsComposingPresent( Interface_Attach<ITfContext>& ic, TESENDEDIT *ee ) { /*
* This is automatic detection code of the Hangul + alphanumeric input * If detected a Hangul + alphanumeric, then we finalized all text. */
EnumTrackPropertyArgs args;
const GUID *guids[] = {&GUID_PROP_COMPOSING, &GUID_PROP_MSIMTF_PREPARE_RECONVERT}; const int guid_size = sizeof(guids) / sizeof(GUID*);
args.guids = (GUID**)guids; args.num_guids = guid_size;
if (FAILED(ic->TrackProperties(guids, args.num_guids, // system property
NULL, 0, // application property
args.Property))) return FALSE;
// get the text range that does not include read only area for
// reconversion.
Interface<ITfRange> rangeAllText; LONG cch; if (FAILED(ImmIfEditSessionCallBack::GetAllTextRange(ee->ecReadOnly, ic, &rangeAllText, &cch))) return FALSE;
Interface<IEnumTfRanges> EnumReadOnlyProperty; if (FAILED(args.Property->EnumRanges(ee->ecReadOnly, EnumReadOnlyProperty, rangeAllText))) return FALSE;
args.ec = ee->ecReadOnly; args.pLibTLS = m_pLibTLS;
CEnumrateInterface<IEnumTfRanges, ITfRange, EnumTrackPropertyArgs> Enumrate(EnumReadOnlyProperty, EnumTrackPropertyCallback, &args); // Argument of callback func.
ENUM_RET ret_prop_composing = Enumrate.DoEnumrate(); if (ret_prop_composing == ENUM_FIND) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// CTextEventSinkCallBack::_IsInterim
BOOL CTextEventSinkCallBack::_IsInterim( Interface_Attach<ITfContext>& ic, TESENDEDIT *ee ) { Interface_TFSELECTION sel; ULONG cFetched;
if (ic->GetSelection(ee->ecReadOnly, TF_DEFAULT_SELECTION, 1, sel, &cFetched) != S_OK) return FALSE;
if (sel->style.fInterimChar) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// CTextEventSinkCallBack::_IsCompositionChanged
BOOL CTextEventSinkCallBack::_IsCompositionChanged( Interface_Attach<ITfContext>& ic, TESENDEDIT *ee ) { ENUM_RET enumret;
BOOL fChanged; if (SUCCEEDED(ee->pEditRecord->GetSelectionStatus(&fChanged))) { if (fChanged) return TRUE; }
EnumFindFirstTrackCompRangeArgs argsFindFirstTrackCompRange; Interface<ITfProperty> PropertyTrackComposition; if (FAILED(ic->GetProperty(GUID_PROP_MSIMTF_TRACKCOMPOSITION, argsFindFirstTrackCompRange.Property))) return FALSE;
Interface<IEnumTfRanges> EnumFindFirstTrackCompRange; if (FAILED(argsFindFirstTrackCompRange.Property->EnumRanges(ee->ecReadOnly, EnumFindFirstTrackCompRange, NULL))) return FALSE;
argsFindFirstTrackCompRange.ec = ee->ecReadOnly;
CEnumrateInterface<IEnumTfRanges, ITfRange, EnumFindFirstTrackCompRangeArgs> EnumrateFindFirstTrackCompRange( EnumFindFirstTrackCompRange, EnumFindFirstTrackCompRangeCallback, &argsFindFirstTrackCompRange);
enumret = EnumrateFindFirstTrackCompRange.DoEnumrate();
// if there is no track composition property,
// the composition has been changed since we put it.
if (enumret != ENUM_FIND) return TRUE;
Interface<ITfRange> rangeTrackComposition; if (FAILED(argsFindFirstTrackCompRange.Range->Clone(rangeTrackComposition))) return FALSE;
// get the text range that does not include read only area for
// reconversion.
Interface<ITfRange> rangeAllText; LONG cch; if (FAILED(ImmIfEditSessionCallBack::GetAllTextRange(ee->ecReadOnly, ic, &rangeAllText, &cch))) return FALSE;
LONG lResult; if (FAILED(rangeTrackComposition->CompareStart(ee->ecReadOnly, rangeAllText, TF_ANCHOR_START, &lResult))) return FALSE;
// if the start position of the track composition range is not
// the beggining of IC,
// the composition has been changed since we put it.
if (lResult != 0) return TRUE;
if (FAILED(rangeTrackComposition->CompareEnd(ee->ecReadOnly, rangeAllText, TF_ANCHOR_END, &lResult))) return FALSE;
// if the start position of the track composition range is not
// the beggining of IC,
// the composition has been changed since we put it.
if (lResult != 0) return TRUE;
// If we find the changes in these property, we need to update hIMC.
const GUID *guids[] = {&GUID_PROP_COMPOSING, &GUID_PROP_ATTRIBUTE, &GUID_PROP_READING, &GUID_PROP_MSIMTF_PREPARE_RECONVERT}; const int guid_size = sizeof(guids) / sizeof(GUID*);
Interface<IEnumTfRanges> EnumPropertyChanged;
if (FAILED(ee->pEditRecord->GetTextAndPropertyUpdates(TF_GTP_INCL_TEXT, guids, guid_size, EnumPropertyChanged))) return FALSE;
EnumPropertyChangedCallbackArgs args; args.ec = ee->ecReadOnly; CEnumrateInterface<IEnumTfRanges, ITfRange, EnumPropertyChangedCallbackArgs> Enumrate(EnumPropertyChanged, EnumPropertyChangedCallback, &args); enumret = Enumrate.DoEnumrate();
if (enumret == ENUM_FIND) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
// CTextEventSinkCallBack::TextEventSinkCallback
// static
HRESULT CTextEventSinkCallBack::TextEventSinkCallback( UINT uCode, void *pv, void *pvData ) { DebugMsg(TF_FUNC, TEXT("TextEventSinkCallback"));
ASSERT(uCode == ICF_TEXTDELTA); // the pvData cast only works in this case
if (uCode != ICF_TEXTDELTA) return S_OK;
CTextEventSinkCallBack* _this = (CTextEventSinkCallBack*)pv; ASSERT(_this);
IMCLock imc(_this->m_hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = imc.GetResult())) return hr;
IMCCLock<CTFIMECONTEXT> imc_ctfime(imc->hCtfImeContext); if (FAILED(hr=imc_ctfime.GetResult())) return hr;
CicInputContext* _pCicContext = imc_ctfime->m_pCicContext; if (_pCicContext == NULL) return E_FAIL;
ASSERT(_pCicContext != NULL);
if (!_pAImeContext->m_fSelected) return S_OK; #endif UNSELECTCHECK
Interface_Attach<ITfContext> ic(_pCicContext->GetInputContext());
* We have composition text. */
TLS* ptls = TLS::GetTLS(); if (ptls == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
BOOL fInReconvertEditSession;
fInReconvertEditSession = _pCicContext->m_fInReconvertEditSession.IsSetFlag();
if (!_this->_IsCompositionChanged(ic, ee)) return S_OK;
BOOL fComp; BOOL fSapiFeedback;
// need to check speech feedback UI.
fSapiFeedback = _this->_IsSapiFeedbackUIPresent(ic, ee);
fComp = _this->_IsComposingPresent(ic, ee);
LANGID langid; CicProfile* _pProfile = ptls->GetCicProfile();
if (_pProfile == NULL) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("CTextEventSinkCallBack::TextEventSinkCallback. _pProfile==NULL.")); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
switch (PRIMARYLANGID(langid)) { case LANG_KOREAN: //
// We will finalize Korean composition string immediately if it
// doesn't set the interim definition. For example, Korean
// Handwriting TIP case.
// Bug#482983 - Notepad doesn't support the level 2 composition
// window for Korean.
// And we should not do this during HanjaReConversion.
if (fComp && _pCicContext->m_fHanjaReConversion.IsResetFlag()) { if (!(_this->_IsInterim(ic, ee))) { //
// Reset fComp to false to complete the current composition
// string.
fComp = FALSE; } } break;
default: //
// #500698
// Reset fComp to false to complete the current composition
// string.
if (!ptls->NonEACompositionEnabled()) { fComp = FALSE; } break;
// Update composition and generate WM_IME_COMPOSITION
// if there is SAPI green bar.
// - there is only hIMC composition if there is Speech Green bar.
// if Reconversion just started.
// - because some tip may not change the text yet.
// then there is no composition range yet.
// if now clearing DocFeed buffer.
// - because the change happens in read-only text
// nothing in hIMC changes.
if (fComp || fSapiFeedback || fInReconvertEditSession || _pCicContext->m_fInClearDocFeedEditSession.IsSetFlag()) { //
// Retreive text delta from GUID_PROP_COMPOSING
const GUID *guids[] = {&GUID_PROP_COMPOSING}; const int guid_size = sizeof(guids) / sizeof(GUID*);
Interface<IEnumTfRanges> EnumPropertyUpdate; hr = ee->pEditRecord->GetTextAndPropertyUpdates(0, // dwFlags
guids, guid_size, EnumPropertyUpdate); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { EnumPropertyUpdateArgs args(ic.GetPtr(), _this->m_tid, imc, _this->m_pLibTLS);
if (FAILED(hr=ic->GetProperty(GUID_PROP_COMPOSING, args.Property))) return hr;
args.ec = ee->ecReadOnly; args.dwDeltaStart = 0;
CEnumrateInterface<IEnumTfRanges, ITfRange, EnumPropertyUpdateArgs> Enumrate(EnumPropertyUpdate, EnumPropertyUpdateCallback, &args); // Argument of callback func.
ENUM_RET ret_prop_update = Enumrate.DoEnumrate(); if (ret_prop_update == ENUM_FIND) { //
_this->EscbRemoveProperty(imc, &GUID_PROP_MSIMTF_PREPARE_RECONVERT);
// Update composition string with delta start position
return _this->EscbUpdateCompositionString(imc, args.dwDeltaStart); } }
// Update composition string
return _this->EscbUpdateCompositionString(imc); } else { //
// Clear DocFeed range's text store.
// Find GUID_PROP_MSIMTF_READONLY property and SetText(NULL).
// ImmIfIME::ClearDocFeedBuffer() essential function for all ESCB_RECONVERTSTRING's edit
// session except only ImmIfIME::SetupDocFeedString() since this is provided for keyboard
// TIP's DocFeeding.
_this->EscbClearDocFeedBuffer(imc, *_pCicContext, FALSE); // No TF_ES_SYNC
// Composition complete.
return _this->EscbCompComplete(imc, FALSE); // No TF_ES_SYNC
} }
// CTextEventSinkCallBack::EnumPropertyCallback
// static
ENUM_RET CTextEventSinkCallBack::EnumPropertyCallback( ITfRange* pRange, EnumPropertyArgs *pargs ) { ENUM_RET ret = ENUM_CONTINUE; VARIANT var; QuickVariantInit(&var);
HRESULT hr = pargs->Property->GetValue(pargs->ec, pRange, &var); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (IsEqualIID(pargs->comp_guid, GUID_NULL)) { if ((V_VT(&var) == VT_I4 && V_I4(&var) != 0)) ret = ENUM_FIND; } else if (V_VT(&var) == VT_I4) { TfGuidAtom guid = V_I4(&var); if (IsEqualTFGUIDATOM(pargs->pLibTLS, guid, pargs->comp_guid)) ret = ENUM_FIND; } }
VariantClear(&var); return ret; }
// CTextEventSinkCallBack::EnumTrackPropertyCallback
// static
ENUM_RET CTextEventSinkCallBack::EnumTrackPropertyCallback( ITfRange* pRange, EnumTrackPropertyArgs *pargs ) { ENUM_RET ret = ENUM_CONTINUE; VARIANT var; QuickVariantInit(&var);
HRESULT hr = pargs->Property->GetValue(pargs->ec, pRange, &var); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { Interface<IEnumTfPropertyValue> EnumPropVal; hr = var.punkVal->QueryInterface(IID_IEnumTfPropertyValue, EnumPropVal); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TF_PROPERTYVAL tfPropertyVal;
while (EnumPropVal->Next(1, &tfPropertyVal, NULL) == S_OK) { for (int i=0; i < pargs->num_guids; i++) { if (IsEqualGUID(tfPropertyVal.guidId, *pargs->guids[i])) { if ((V_VT(&tfPropertyVal.varValue) == VT_I4 && V_I4(&tfPropertyVal.varValue) != 0)) { ret = ENUM_FIND; break; } } }
if (ret == ENUM_FIND) break; } } }
VariantClear(&var); return ret; }
// CTextEventSinkCallBack::EnumPropertyUpdateCallback
// static
ENUM_RET CTextEventSinkCallBack::EnumPropertyUpdateCallback( ITfRange* update_range, EnumPropertyUpdateArgs *pargs ) { ENUM_RET ret = ENUM_CONTINUE; VARIANT var; QuickVariantInit(&var);
HRESULT hr = pargs->Property->GetValue(pargs->ec, update_range, &var); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if ((V_VT(&var) == VT_I4 && V_I4(&var) != 0)) {
Interface_Creator<ImmIfEditSession> _pEditSession( new ImmIfEditSession(ESCB_GET_ALL_TEXT_RANGE, pargs->imc, pargs->tid, pargs->ic.GetPtr(), pargs->pLibTLS) ); if (_pEditSession.Valid()) {
Interface<ITfRange> full_range;
if (SUCCEEDED(_pEditSession->RequestEditSession(TF_ES_READ | TF_ES_SYNC, &full_range))) {
if (SUCCEEDED(full_range->ShiftEndToRange(pargs->ec, update_range, TF_ANCHOR_START))) { Interface<ITfRangeACP> unupdate_range; if (SUCCEEDED(full_range->QueryInterface(IID_ITfRangeACP, unupdate_range))) { LONG acpStart; LONG cch; if (SUCCEEDED(unupdate_range->GetExtent(&acpStart, &cch))) { pargs->dwDeltaStart = cch; ret = ENUM_FIND; } } } } } } }
VariantClear(&var); return ret; }
// CTextEventSinkCallBack::EnumPropertyChangedCallback
// static
ENUM_RET CTextEventSinkCallBack::EnumPropertyChangedCallback( ITfRange* update_range, EnumPropertyChangedCallbackArgs *pargs ) { BOOL empty; if (update_range->IsEmpty(pargs->ec, &empty) == S_OK && empty) return ENUM_CONTINUE;
return ENUM_FIND; }
// CTextEventSinkCallBack::EnumPropertyChangedCallback
// static
ENUM_RET CTextEventSinkCallBack::EnumFindFirstTrackCompRangeCallback( ITfRange* update_range, EnumFindFirstTrackCompRangeArgs *pargs ) { ENUM_RET ret = ENUM_CONTINUE; VARIANT var; QuickVariantInit(&var);
HRESULT hr = pargs->Property->GetValue(pargs->ec, update_range, &var); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if ((V_VT(&var) == VT_I4 && V_I4(&var) != 0)) { update_range->Clone(pargs->Range); ret = ENUM_FIND; } } VariantClear(&var); return ret; }