* * Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation * * Abstract: * * Contains simple engine-wide prototypes and helper functions and * compile time flags. * * History: * * 12/04/1998 davidx * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
#ifndef _ENGINE_HPP
#define _ENGINE_HPP
// GDI+ internal prototypes
class GpDevice; struct DpPen;
USHORT GetLanguageID();
BOOL InitSystemFontsDirs(VOID); //WCHAR **system_dir, WCHAR **fonts_dir);
UINT32 Crc32( IN const VOID* buf, IN UINT size, IN UINT32 checksum );
// Get the ceiling the same way the rasterizer does
inline INT RasterizerCeiling( REAL value ) { return GpFix4Ceiling(GpRealToFix4(value)); }
GpStatus BoundsFToRect( const GpRectF *rectF, GpRect * rect );
REAL GetPenDelta( const DpPen* pen, const GpMatrix* matrix, REAL dpiX, REAL dpiY ); */
REAL GetDeviceWidth( REAL width, GpUnit unit, REAL dpi);
VOID TransformBounds( const GpMatrix *matrix, REAL x0, REAL y0, REAL x1, REAL y1, GpRectF *bounds );
LONG WINAPI InterlockedCompareExchangeWin95( IN OUT PLONG destination, IN LONG exchange, IN LONG comperand );
LONG WINAPI InterlockedIncrementWin95( IN LPLONG lpAddend );
LONG WINAPI InterlockedDecrementWin95( IN LPLONG lpAddend );
BOOL APIENTRY GdiIsMetaPrintDCWin9x( HDC hdc );
// The following macro is useful for checking if the creation of an
// internal object succeeds.
// We don't want to use exceptions to allow a constructor to indicate failure,
// so the object has to contain an 'IsValid()' member that returns TRUE if
// the object was successfully allocated. But then the caller has to write
// the following code:
// p = new Object();
// if (!p || !p->IsValid())
// {
// delete p;
// ...
// The following macro can be used to replace this with:
// p = new Object();
// if (!CheckValid(p))
// {
// ...
// !!!
// Note that CheckValid sets the input parameter to NULL
// when the return value is FALSE.
template <class T> inline BOOL CheckValid( T*& p ) { if (p && p->IsValid()) { return TRUE; } else { delete p; p = NULL; return FALSE; } }
// Name dynamic array types
typedef DynArray<GpPointF> DynPointFArray; typedef DynArray<GpPoint> DynPointArray; typedef DynArray<BYTE> DynByteArray; typedef DynArray<INT> DynIntArray; typedef DynArray<REAL> DynRealArray; typedef DynArray<VOID*> DynPointerArray;
// Raw critical section object
// The Initialize function can throw.
class GpSemaphore { private: CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection; BOOL Initialized;
GpSemaphore() { Initialized = FALSE; }
VOID Initialize( VOID ) { if (!Initialized) { // The caller has to have a Try_Except around us.
__try { InitializeCriticalSection(&CriticalSection); } __except(EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { } Initialized = TRUE; } }
VOID Uninitialize( VOID );
VOID Lock( VOID ) { ASSERT(Initialized); EnterCriticalSection(&CriticalSection); }
VOID Unlock( VOID ) { ASSERT(Initialized); LeaveCriticalSection(&CriticalSection); }
BOOL IsLocked( VOID );
BOOL IsLockedByCurrentThread( VOID ); };
// FillMemoryInt32 - Fill an INT32 array with the specified value
// CopyMemoryInt32 - Copy INT32 values from one array to another
inline VOID FillMemoryInt32( VOID* buf, INT count, INT32 val ) { INT32* p = (INT32*) buf;
while (count-- > 0) *p++ = val; }
inline VOID CopyMemoryInt32( VOID* dst, const VOID* src, INT count ) { INT32* d = (INT32*) dst; const INT32* s = (const INT32*) src;
while (count-- > 0) *d++ = *s++; }
// CompareExchangeLong_Ptr - Perform an interlocked compare-exchange
// on a LONG_PTR. Unfortunately, Win95 does not export
// InterlockedCompareExchange, so on that platform we have
// to create our own. But on NT, we CANNOT roll our own, because
// of MP and NT64 issues.
// This method should be called instead of calling through the
// Globals::InterlockedCompareExchangeFunction directly, because
// on Alpha machines, Globals::InterlockedCompareExchangeFunction does
// NOT get initialized.
inline LONG_PTR CompareExchangeLong_Ptr( LONG_PTR *destination, LONG_PTR exchange, LONG_PTR comperand ) { #if defined(_X86_)
return InterlockedCompareExchange(destination, exchange, comperand); #else
return (LONG_PTR)InterlockedCompareExchangePointer( (PVOID *)destination, (PVOID)exchange, (PVOID)comperand); #endif
// CompareExchangePointer - Perform an interlocked compare-exchange
// on a pointer. Unfortunately, Win95 does not export
// InterlockedCompareExchangePointer, so on that platform we have
// to create our own. But on NT, we CANNOT roll our own, because
// of MP and NT64 issues.
inline VOID* CompareExchangePointer( VOID** destination, VOID* exchange, VOID* comperand ) { #if defined(_X86_)
return((VOID*) InterlockedCompareExchange((LONG*) destination, (LONG) exchange, (LONG) comperand)); #else
return(InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(destination, exchange, comperand)); #endif
// This routine retrieves a quick, pre-allocated region from a one-deep
// cache. Note that the contents will be random. This call is intended
// largely for GDI API calls such as GetRandomRgn that require a pre-created
// region.
// NOTE: This can return a NULL region handle.
inline HRGN GetCachedGdiRegion( VOID ) { HRGN regionHandle = Globals::CachedGdiRegion; // If the Globals::CachedGdiRegion is NULL, that means that someone
// else has the cached region, so we create a new one.
// It is possible during multi thread access for us to create a region
// when it's not strictly necessary --- i.e. a thread releases the cached
// region when this thread is between the above assignment and the next
// if statement, but that's only non-optimal and we'll work correctly
// under those circumstances.
if ((regionHandle == NULL) || (CompareExchangePointer( (VOID**) &Globals::CachedGdiRegion, NULL, (VOID*) regionHandle) != regionHandle ) ) { regionHandle = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 1, 1); } return(regionHandle); }
// This routine releases a region to the one-deep cache.
inline VOID ReleaseCachedGdiRegion( HRGN regionHandle ) { // Note that 'regionHandle' may be NULL at this point if the
// CreateRectRgn failed, but that's okay:
if (CompareExchangePointer((VOID**) &Globals::CachedGdiRegion, (VOID*) regionHandle, NULL) != NULL) { DeleteObject(regionHandle); } }
inline HDC GetCleanHdc( HWND hwnd ) { // Use GetDCEx(DCX_CACHE) to get a nice clean DC (not a CS_OWNDC).
// Note that with GetDCEx we have to explicitly respect the window's
// clipping styles. We stole this little bit of logic straight from
// ntuser\kernel\dc.c for the DCX_USESTYLE case:
DWORD getDcFlags = DCX_CACHE; LONG classStyle = GetClassLongA(hwnd, GCL_STYLE); LONG windowStyle = GetWindowLongA(hwnd, GWL_STYLE);
if (classStyle & CS_PARENTDC) getDcFlags |= DCX_PARENTCLIP;
if (windowStyle & WS_CLIPCHILDREN) getDcFlags |= DCX_CLIPCHILDREN;
if (windowStyle & WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) getDcFlags |= DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS;
// Minimized windows never exclude their children.
if (windowStyle & WS_MINIMIZE) getDcFlags &= ~DCX_CLIPCHILDREN;
return GetDCEx(hwnd, NULL, getDcFlags); }
inline INT GetIntDistance( POINT & p1, POINT & p2 ) { double dx = (double)(p2.x - p1.x); double dy = (double)(p2.y - p1.y);
REAL distance = (REAL)sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); return GpRound(distance); }
inline REAL GetDistance( GpPointF & p1, GpPointF & p2 ) { double dx = (double)p2.X - p1.X; double dy = (double)p2.Y - p1.Y;
return (REAL)sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); }
inline REAL GetDegreesFromRadians(double radians) { return (REAL)(radians*180.0/3.1415926535897932); }
// return angle in degrees from 2 points
inline REAL GetAngleFromPoints( const GpPointF & p1, const GpPointF & p2 ) { // Compute the angle of the line formed by p1 and p2.
// Note atan2 is only undefined if dP.Y == 0.0 and dP.X == 0.0
// and then it returns 0 radians.
// Also, atan2 correctly computes the quadrant from the two input points.
GpPointF dP = p2 - p1; double radians = atan2((double)(dP.Y), (double)(dP.X)); return GetDegreesFromRadians(radians); }
#define DEFAULT_RESOLUTION 96 // most display screens are set to 96 dpi
// The following 3 functions should be used in place of GetObjectType due
// to a bug on Windows 9x where an OBJ_METAFILE and another type of object
// may share the same handle!
// GetObjectTypeInternal: Call this to determine any object type except
// when expecting OBJ_METAFILE or OBJ_*DC.
// GetDCType: Use this when the object should be a DC,and just the type of
// DC is required.
// IsValidMetaFile: OBJ_METAFILE is the special case. Use this function to
// validate when OBJ_METAFILE is expected. This only means
// there is a metafile with this handle. There could also
// be an "aliased" object which the caller intended to be
// used, so this should not be used to handle multiple
// object types.
DWORD GetObjectTypeInternal( IN HGDIOBJ handle );
DWORD GetDCType( IN HDC hdc );
inline BOOL IsValidMetaFile( HMETAFILE handle ) { return (GetObjectType(handle) == OBJ_METAFILE); };
#endif // !_ENGINE_HPP