Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

3325 lines
31 KiB

  1. * english
  2. 8bpp
  3. AGodfrey
  4. AMatos
  5. Alvy
  6. Andre
  7. Andrew
  8. AndrewGo
  9. April
  10. Aug
  11. August
  12. Blinn's
  13. Butzi
  14. C
  15. Chang
  16. Chris
  17. Curtis
  18. DCurtis
  19. Dam
  20. DavidX
  21. Dec
  22. Don
  23. Eric
  24. EricVan
  25. Foley
  26. Fushiki
  27. George
  28. Godfrey
  29. Goossen
  30. Heckbert
  31. Heckbert's
  32. Hecker
  33. I
  34. I'd
  35. I'm
  36. Ikko
  37. IkkoF
  38. IkkoF's
  39. Jim
  40. July
  41. KasiaK
  42. Kasiak
  43. Kirk
  44. KirkO's
  45. Kirko's
  46. March
  47. Matos
  48. Microsoft
  49. Min
  50. Mon
  51. Nov
  52. November
  53. Oct
  54. Olynyk
  55. Paul
  56. Pratt
  57. Rasterizer
  58. Rasterizer's
  59. Ray
  60. Sep
  61. Shantz
  62. Smith
  63. Van
  64. VandenBerg
  65. Vaughan
  66. Windows
  67. Wolberg
  68. a
  69. about
  70. above
  71. absolute
  72. abstract
  73. acceleration
  74. accept
  75. access
  76. accessing
  77. accomplished
  78. according
  79. account
  80. accounting
  81. accumulate
  82. accuracy
  83. accurate
  84. acquire
  85. active
  86. actual
  87. actually
  88. adaptive
  89. add
  90. added
  91. adding
  92. additional
  93. address
  94. adds
  95. adjacent
  96. adjust
  97. adjustment
  98. adjusts
  99. advance
  100. advances
  101. advantage
  102. affects
  103. affine
  104. after
  105. again
  106. against
  107. agodfrey
  108. ahead
  109. algorithm
  110. aliased
  111. align
  112. aligned
  113. alignment
  114. all
  115. alloc
  116. allocate
  117. allocated
  118. allocates
  119. allocation
  120. allocations
  121. allow
  122. allows
  123. almost
  124. along
  125. alpha
  126. alphas
  127. already
  128. also
  129. alternate
  130. alternating
  131. always
  132. am
  133. amatos
  134. among
  135. amount
  136. an
  137. analysis
  138. and
  139. andrewgo
  140. angle
  141. angles
  142. another
  143. antialiased
  144. antialiasing
  145. any
  146. anymore
  147. anything
  148. anywhere
  149. app
  150. append
  151. appended
  152. applicable
  153. application
  154. applied
  155. applies
  156. apply
  157. applying
  158. approach
  159. appropriate
  160. appropriately
  161. approximate
  162. approximated
  163. approximating
  164. approximation
  165. arbitrary
  166. arc
  167. are
  168. area
  169. areas
  170. argument
  171. arguments
  172. arithmetic
  173. around
  174. arranged
  175. arranges
  176. array
  177. arrays
  178. as
  179. ascending
  180. ask
  181. assert
  182. asserting
  183. asserts
  184. assignment
  185. associated
  186. assume
  187. assumed
  188. assumes
  189. assuming
  190. assumption
  191. at
  192. attention
  193. attribute
  194. attributes
  195. author
  196. automatically
  197. available
  198. averaging
  199. avoid
  200. avoids
  201. away
  202. axes
  203. axis
  204. back
  205. background
  206. backward
  207. backwards
  208. bad
  209. band
  210. bands
  211. base
  212. based
  213. basic
  214. basis
  215. be
  216. because
  217. become
  218. becomes
  219. been
  220. before
  221. begin
  222. beginning
  223. behaved
  224. being
  225. belong
  226. belongs
  227. below
  228. besides
  229. beta
  230. better
  231. between
  232. beyond
  233. bezier
  234. beziers
  235. bias
  236. big
  237. bigger
  238. biggest
  239. bilinear
  240. binary
  241. bit
  242. bitmap
  243. bitmaps
  244. bitmask
  245. bits
  246. blend
  247. blendfactors
  248. blt
  249. blue
  250. blur
  251. bold
  252. boolean
  253. border
  254. both
  255. bottom
  256. bound
  257. boundary
  258. bounding
  259. bounds
  260. box
  261. boxes
  262. break
  263. breaking
  264. breakpoint
  265. breaks
  266. brief
  267. brighten
  268. broken
  269. brush
  270. brush's
  271. brushes
  272. bubble
  273. buffer
  274. buffers
  275. bug
  276. build
  277. builder
  278. built
  279. bump
  280. bunch
  281. but
  282. by
  283. byte
  284. bytes
  285. cache
  286. cached
  287. caching
  288. calculate
  289. calculated
  290. calculates
  291. calculating
  292. calculation
  293. calculations
  294. call
  295. callback
  296. called
  297. caller
  298. calling
  299. calls
  300. can
  301. can't
  302. cannot
  303. capacity
  304. caps
  305. cardinal
  306. care
  307. case
  308. cases
  309. catch
  310. caught
  311. cause
  312. ceiling
  313. center
  314. centered
  315. centers
  316. chances
  317. change
  318. changed
  319. changes
  320. changing
  321. channel
  322. channels
  323. character
  324. characters
  325. cheat
  326. check
  327. checking
  328. checks
  329. child
  330. children
  331. choose
  332. chop
  333. chose
  334. chunk
  335. chunk's
  336. circle
  337. clamp
  338. class
  339. classes
  340. clean
  341. clear
  342. cleared
  343. client
  344. clip
  345. clipped
  346. clipper
  347. clipping
  348. clips
  349. clones
  350. close
  351. closed
  352. closes
  353. closest
  354. closing
  355. coarse
  356. code
  357. codes
  358. coefficient
  359. coefficients
  360. coincident
  361. collapsed
  362. collect
  363. collected
  364. collection
  365. collinear
  366. color
  367. colors
  368. column
  369. combat
  370. combination
  371. combine
  372. combined
  373. combines
  374. combining
  375. come
  376. comes
  377. coming
  378. comment
  380. common
  381. compact
  382. compare
  383. compares
  384. comparing
  385. comparison
  386. compatibility
  387. compatible
  388. compensate
  389. compile
  390. compiler
  391. complete
  392. completed
  393. completely
  394. complex
  395. complexity
  396. component
  397. components
  398. composing
  399. composite
  400. compound
  401. compute
  402. computed
  403. computer
  404. concatenate
  405. concave
  406. condition
  407. conditions
  408. confusion
  409. congratulations
  410. connect
  411. connecting
  412. consecutive
  413. consider
  414. considered
  415. considers
  416. consists
  417. constant
  418. constants
  419. constraints
  420. construct
  421. constructed
  422. constructor
  423. constructors
  424. consumed
  425. contain
  426. contained
  427. container
  428. containing
  429. contains
  430. content
  431. contents
  432. context
  433. continue
  434. continues
  435. continuity
  436. control
  437. convenience
  438. convenient
  439. conversion
  440. conversions
  441. convert
  442. converted
  443. converts
  444. convex
  445. convolution
  446. convolve
  447. coordinate
  448. coordinates
  449. copied
  450. copies
  451. copy
  452. copying
  453. copyright
  454. corner
  455. corners
  456. corporation
  457. correct
  458. correction
  459. corrections
  460. correctly
  461. corrector
  462. correspond
  463. correspondence
  464. correspondent
  465. corresponding
  466. corresponds
  467. could
  468. couldn't
  469. count
  470. counter
  471. counting
  472. counts
  473. cover
  474. coverage
  475. covered
  476. crack
  477. cracker
  478. crash
  479. create
  480. created
  481. creates
  482. creating
  483. creation
  484. creep
  485. cross
  486. crossed
  487. crosses
  488. crossing
  489. cubic
  490. culling
  491. cumulative
  492. current
  493. currently
  494. curvature
  495. curve
  496. curves
  497. cut
  498. dangerous
  499. darken
  500. dash
  501. data
  502. davidx
  503. dcurtis
  504. dda
  505. dealing
  506. deallocate
  507. debug
  508. debugger
  509. debugging
  510. decide
  511. decimal
  512. declarations
  513. declare
  514. decompose
  515. decompressed
  516. decompression
  517. decompressor
  518. decreasing
  519. decrement
  520. deep
  521. default
  522. define
  523. defined
  524. defines
  525. defining
  526. definition
  527. definitions
  528. degenerate
  529. degenerates
  530. degree
  531. degrees
  532. delete
  533. deleted
  534. deletes
  535. deletion
  536. delta
  537. deltas
  538. denominator
  539. depending
  540. depends
  541. derivative
  542. derivatives
  543. derive
  544. described
  545. description
  546. desktop
  547. destination
  548. destructor
  549. destructors
  550. detach
  551. details
  552. detect
  553. detects
  554. determine
  555. determined
  556. determining
  557. developer
  558. device
  559. devices
  560. did
  561. difference
  562. differencing
  563. different
  564. differently
  565. digital
  566. digits
  567. dimension
  568. dimensions
  569. direct
  570. direction
  571. directions
  572. directives
  573. directly
  574. directory
  575. disable
  576. discrete
  577. display
  578. dispose
  579. disposes
  580. disrupt
  581. distance
  582. divide
  583. divides
  584. divisible
  585. dll
  586. do
  587. does
  588. doesn't
  589. doing
  590. domain
  591. don't
  592. done
  593. dot
  594. double
  595. double's
  596. doubled
  597. doubles
  598. down
  599. downs
  600. downward
  601. draw
  602. drawing
  603. drawn
  604. draws
  605. driver
  606. dual
  607. due
  608. dump
  609. duplicate
  610. duplicates
  611. during
  612. dynamic
  613. dynarray
  614. each
  615. early
  616. easier
  617. easy
  618. edge
  619. edged
  620. edges
  621. effect
  622. effective
  623. effectively
  624. effort
  625. egregious
  626. either
  627. elegant
  628. element
  629. elements
  630. eliminate
  631. eliminating
  632. elimination
  633. ellipse
  634. ellipses
  635. elliptical
  636. else
  637. elsewhere
  638. emboss
  639. emit
  640. emitted
  641. employed
  642. empties
  643. empty
  644. enable
  645. enclosing
  646. encoded
  647. end
  648. ended
  649. ending
  650. endpoints
  651. ends
  652. engine
  653. enlarge
  654. enough
  655. ensure
  656. entire
  657. entirely
  658. entries
  659. entry
  660. enumerate
  661. environment
  662. epsilon
  663. equal
  664. equality
  665. equation
  666. equations
  667. equivalent
  668. erase
  669. ericvan
  670. error
  671. errors
  672. etc
  673. evaluation
  674. even
  675. evens
  676. event
  677. eventually
  678. every
  679. everything
  680. exact
  681. exactly
  682. example
  683. exceed
  684. except
  685. exception
  686. exceptions
  687. exclude
  688. exclusive
  689. execute
  690. exist
  691. existing
  692. exists
  693. expand
  694. expect
  695. expected
  696. expensive
  697. experiment
  698. explicit
  699. explode
  700. export
  701. expressions
  702. extension
  703. extent
  704. extents
  705. external
  706. extra
  707. extrapolate
  708. extremely
  709. face
  710. facilitate
  711. facing
  712. fact
  713. factor
  714. factors
  715. factory
  716. fail
  717. fails
  718. failure
  719. fall
  720. falloff
  721. falls
  722. false
  723. far
  724. farther
  725. fast
  726. faster
  727. field
  728. figure
  729. figures
  730. file
  731. filename
  732. files
  733. filing
  734. fill
  735. fillable
  736. filled
  737. filling
  738. fills
  739. filter
  740. filtering
  741. final
  742. finally
  743. find
  744. finding
  745. finds
  746. finish
  747. finished
  748. first
  749. fit
  750. fix
  751. fixed
  752. flag
  753. flags
  754. flat
  755. flatness
  756. flatten
  757. flattened
  758. flattener
  759. flattening
  760. flattens
  761. floating
  762. floor
  763. flush
  764. fly
  765. focus
  766. follow
  767. followed
  768. following
  769. follows
  770. font
  771. fonts
  772. for
  773. force
  774. forget
  775. form
  776. format
  777. formats
  778. former
  779. formula
  780. formulas
  781. forward
  782. found
  783. four
  784. fourth
  785. fraction
  786. fractional
  787. fragile
  788. frame
  789. free
  790. freeing
  791. frees
  792. friend
  793. from
  794. fudges
  795. fully
  796. function
  797. functionality
  798. functions
  799. fundamentals
  800. further
  801. future
  802. game
  803. gamma
  804. gaps
  805. garbage
  806. gdiplus
  807. gems
  808. general
  809. generate
  810. generated
  811. generates
  812. generic
  813. geometric
  814. get
  815. gets
  816. getting
  817. give
  818. given
  819. giving
  820. global
  821. globals
  822. glyphs
  823. go
  824. goes
  825. going
  826. golden
  827. gone
  828. good
  829. goop
  830. got
  831. goto
  832. gradient
  833. gradients
  834. graphics
  835. gratuitous
  836. greater
  837. greatest
  838. green
  839. grid
  840. group
  841. groups
  842. grow
  843. growing
  844. guaranteed
  845. guess
  846. hack
  847. hacky
  848. had
  849. half
  850. halftone
  851. halftoning
  852. halved
  853. hand
  854. handing
  855. handle
  856. handled
  857. handles
  858. handling
  859. handy
  860. happen
  861. happens
  862. happy
  863. hard
  864. hardcode
  865. hardware
  866. has
  867. hasn't
  868. hatch
  869. hate
  870. have
  871. haven't
  872. having
  873. hdc
  874. he
  875. header
  876. height
  877. helper
  878. helping
  879. hence
  880. here
  881. high
  882. higher
  883. highest
  884. himself
  885. hint
  886. hints
  887. history
  888. hit
  889. hold
  890. holding
  891. holds
  892. hooks
  893. horizontal
  894. horribly
  895. horse
  896. how
  897. however
  898. hwnd
  899. hybrid
  900. idea
  901. identical
  902. identity
  903. ie
  904. if
  905. ignore
  906. ignored
  907. ignoring
  908. ikkof
  909. image
  910. images
  911. immediately
  912. implement
  913. implementation
  914. implemented
  915. implements
  916. implication
  917. implicitly
  918. important
  919. imported
  920. improve
  921. improvement
  922. in
  923. inc
  924. include
  925. included
  926. includes
  927. including
  928. inclusive
  929. incorporate
  930. increase
  931. increases
  932. increasing
  933. incredible
  934. increment
  935. incrementing
  936. index
  937. indicate
  938. indicates
  939. indices
  940. individual
  941. inefficient
  942. infer
  943. infinite
  944. infinitely
  945. info
  946. information
  947. inherent
  948. inherit
  949. inherited
  950. initial
  951. initialization
  952. initialize
  953. initialized
  954. initializes
  955. initializing
  956. initially
  957. inline
  958. inner
  959. input
  960. inputs
  961. insert
  962. inserted
  963. inserting
  964. insertion
  965. inserts
  966. inset
  967. insets
  968. inside
  969. insists
  970. instance
  971. instantiate
  972. instantiating
  973. instead
  974. instruction
  975. instructions
  976. integer
  977. integers
  978. intended
  979. intentionally
  980. interactive
  981. interest
  982. interested
  983. interface
  984. interfaces
  985. interior
  986. internal
  987. internally
  988. internals
  989. interpolants
  990. interpolated
  991. interpolating
  992. interpolation
  993. interpret
  994. interpreted
  995. intersect
  996. intersected
  997. intersecting
  998. intersection
  999. intersections
  1000. intersects
  1001. interval
  1002. intervals
  1003. into
  1004. invalid
  1005. inverse
  1006. invert
  1007. invertible
  1008. inverts
  1009. invoke
  1010. invoked
  1011. invoking
  1012. is
  1013. isn't
  1014. it
  1015. it's
  1016. italic
  1017. item
  1018. items
  1019. iterate
  1020. iteration
  1021. iterative
  1022. iterator
  1023. its
  1024. itself
  1025. join
  1026. joining
  1027. joins
  1028. jump
  1029. junk
  1030. just
  1031. justification
  1032. keep
  1033. keeps
  1034. kept
  1035. kernel
  1036. key
  1037. killed
  1038. kind
  1039. know
  1040. known
  1041. lambda
  1042. large
  1043. larger
  1044. last
  1045. later
  1046. latter
  1047. layout
  1048. lazy
  1049. leaf
  1050. leaks
  1051. least
  1052. leave
  1053. leaves
  1054. leaving
  1055. left
  1056. length
  1057. less
  1058. let
  1059. let's
  1060. lets
  1061. level
  1062. levels
  1063. leverages
  1064. library
  1065. lie
  1066. lien
  1067. lies
  1068. lifetime
  1069. like
  1070. limit
  1071. line
  1072. linear
  1073. lines
  1074. link
  1075. linked
  1076. list
  1077. listing
  1078. lists
  1079. little
  1080. load
  1081. loaded
  1082. loading
  1083. local
  1084. located
  1085. location
  1086. lock
  1087. logical
  1088. long
  1089. longer
  1090. look
  1091. looking
  1092. looks
  1093. lookup
  1094. loop
  1095. lot
  1096. low
  1097. macro
  1098. macros
  1099. made
  1100. magazine
  1101. maintain
  1102. major
  1103. make
  1104. makes
  1105. making
  1106. many
  1107. map
  1108. mapped
  1109. mapping
  1110. mark
  1111. marked
  1112. marking
  1113. marks
  1114. master
  1115. masters
  1116. match
  1117. matched
  1118. matches
  1119. math
  1120. matrix
  1121. max
  1122. maximum
  1123. may
  1124. maybe
  1125. mean
  1126. meaning
  1127. means
  1128. measure
  1129. meet
  1130. meets
  1131. member
  1132. members
  1133. memo
  1134. memory
  1135. mentioned
  1136. merge
  1137. merged
  1138. mesh
  1139. message
  1140. messages
  1141. meta
  1142. metafile
  1143. method
  1144. methods
  1145. metric
  1146. mid
  1147. middle
  1148. might
  1149. minimum
  1150. minus
  1151. mipmap
  1152. missing
  1153. miter
  1154. mod
  1155. mode
  1156. modes
  1157. modifications
  1158. modified
  1159. modify
  1160. modifying
  1161. modular
  1162. module
  1163. modulus
  1164. moment
  1165. monitor
  1166. monotonic
  1167. more
  1168. most
  1169. move
  1170. moved
  1171. moves
  1172. much
  1173. multiple
  1174. multiplicand
  1175. multiplicands
  1176. multiplication
  1177. multiplied
  1178. multiplier
  1179. multiply
  1180. must
  1181. name
  1182. named
  1183. narrow
  1184. native
  1185. near
  1186. nearby
  1187. nearest
  1188. necessary
  1189. need
  1190. needed
  1191. needs
  1192. negative
  1193. neglected
  1194. neither
  1195. nested
  1196. never
  1197. new
  1198. newly
  1199. next
  1200. nice
  1201. nicer
  1202. no
  1203. node
  1204. nodes
  1205. nominal
  1206. none
  1207. nonzero
  1208. normal
  1209. normalize
  1210. normalized
  1211. normally
  1212. not
  1213. note
  1214. notes
  1215. nothing
  1216. notifications
  1217. now
  1218. null
  1219. number
  1220. numbers
  1221. numerator
  1222. numerical
  1223. object
  1224. objects
  1225. obtain
  1226. obviously
  1227. occupy
  1228. occur
  1229. odd
  1230. of
  1231. off
  1232. offers
  1233. offset
  1234. offsets
  1235. ok
  1236. okay
  1237. old
  1238. on
  1239. once
  1240. one
  1241. ones
  1242. online
  1243. only
  1244. only
  1245. onto
  1246. opaque
  1247. opcode
  1248. open
  1249. opened
  1250. opening
  1251. operation
  1252. operations
  1253. operator
  1254. optimization
  1255. optimizations
  1256. optimize
  1257. option
  1258. optional
  1259. or
  1260. order
  1261. ordering
  1262. origin
  1263. original
  1264. originally
  1265. orthogonal
  1266. other
  1267. otherwise
  1268. our
  1269. ourselves
  1270. out
  1271. outer
  1272. outline
  1273. outlines
  1274. output
  1275. outputs
  1276. outset
  1277. outside
  1278. oval
  1279. over
  1280. overflow
  1281. overflowed
  1282. overflowing
  1283. overlap
  1284. overlapping
  1285. overlaps
  1286. overload
  1287. override
  1288. overwritten
  1289. own
  1290. owned
  1291. owner
  1292. padding
  1293. page
  1294. pain
  1295. pair
  1296. pairs
  1297. palette
  1298. parallel
  1299. parallelogram
  1300. parameter
  1301. parameterizes
  1302. parameters
  1303. parametric
  1304. paranoid
  1305. parent
  1306. parse
  1307. parsed
  1308. parser
  1309. parsing
  1310. part
  1311. particular
  1312. particularly
  1313. parts
  1314. pass
  1315. passed
  1316. passes
  1317. passing
  1318. past
  1319. patch
  1320. path
  1321. paths
  1322. pattern
  1323. patterns
  1324. paulb
  1325. pen
  1326. pen's
  1327. pens
  1328. per
  1329. percent
  1330. perform
  1331. performance
  1332. permutations
  1333. perpendicular
  1334. perspective
  1335. perturb
  1336. perturbing
  1337. perturbs
  1338. phase
  1339. physical
  1340. pi
  1341. pick
  1342. pie
  1343. pieces
  1344. pixel
  1345. pixels
  1346. place
  1347. placed
  1348. placeholders
  1349. platform
  1350. play
  1351. played
  1352. please
  1353. plex
  1354. plexes
  1355. plus
  1356. point
  1357. point's
  1358. pointer
  1359. pointer's
  1360. pointers
  1361. points
  1362. poly
  1363. polygon
  1364. polygonal
  1365. polygons
  1366. polyline
  1367. polylines
  1368. polypolygons
  1369. portion
  1370. position
  1371. positive
  1372. possible
  1373. possibly
  1374. pots
  1375. power
  1376. pragma
  1377. pre
  1378. precisely
  1379. precision
  1380. predefined
  1381. prefix
  1382. premultiplied
  1383. preparation
  1384. prepare
  1385. prepares
  1386. prepend
  1387. prepended
  1388. present
  1389. presented
  1390. previous
  1391. print
  1392. pristine
  1393. private
  1394. problem
  1395. process
  1396. processed
  1397. processing
  1398. produces
  1399. product
  1400. products
  1401. program
  1402. properly
  1403. properties
  1404. props
  1405. prototype
  1406. prototypes
  1407. provide
  1408. provides
  1409. public
  1410. purposes
  1411. push
  1412. put
  1413. puts
  1414. quad
  1415. quadratic
  1416. quadrilateral
  1417. quads
  1418. quantization
  1419. quantize
  1420. quantized
  1421. queried
  1422. query
  1423. querying
  1424. quick
  1425. quite
  1426. quotient
  1427. radial
  1428. radius
  1429. raise
  1430. range
  1431. ranges
  1432. raster
  1433. rasterization
  1434. rasterize
  1435. rasterized
  1436. rasterizes
  1437. rasterizing
  1438. rate
  1439. rather
  1440. ratio
  1441. raw
  1442. reach
  1443. reached
  1444. read
  1445. reading
  1446. reads
  1447. real
  1448. realization
  1449. reallocate
  1450. reallocation
  1451. really
  1452. reason
  1453. reasons
  1454. recalculates
  1455. receive
  1456. recognize
  1457. recognizing
  1458. record
  1459. recorded
  1460. recording
  1461. records
  1462. rectangle
  1463. rectangles
  1464. rectangular
  1465. recursive
  1466. recursively
  1467. red
  1468. reduce
  1469. reduced
  1470. reduces
  1471. refer
  1472. reference
  1473. references
  1474. refers
  1475. region
  1476. regions
  1477. register
  1478. registers
  1479. regular
  1480. reject
  1481. rejected
  1482. rejection
  1483. related
  1484. relation
  1485. release
  1486. released
  1487. releases
  1488. relevant
  1489. remain
  1490. remainder
  1491. remaining
  1492. remember
  1493. removal
  1494. remove
  1495. removed
  1496. removes
  1497. removing
  1498. render
  1499. renderer
  1500. rendering
  1501. repeat
  1502. repeated
  1503. replace
  1504. replaced
  1505. replicate
  1506. repository
  1507. represent
  1508. representation
  1509. represented
  1510. representing
  1511. represents
  1512. requested
  1513. require
  1514. required
  1515. requires
  1516. reserve
  1517. reserved
  1518. reset
  1519. resets
  1520. resize
  1521. resizes
  1522. resolution
  1523. resolutions
  1524. respect
  1525. respectively
  1526. responsible
  1527. rest
  1528. restore
  1529. result
  1530. resulted
  1531. resulting
  1532. results
  1533. retail
  1534. retrieve
  1535. retrieved
  1536. retrieves
  1537. return
  1538. returned
  1539. returns
  1540. reused
  1541. reverse
  1542. reversible
  1543. review
  1544. revision
  1545. rewind
  1546. rewinds
  1547. right
  1548. room
  1549. root
  1550. roots
  1551. rotate
  1552. rotated
  1553. rotates
  1554. rotating
  1555. rotation
  1556. round
  1557. rounded
  1558. rounding
  1559. routine
  1560. routines
  1561. row
  1562. rule
  1563. run
  1564. running
  1565. runs
  1566. safe
  1567. same
  1568. sample
  1569. sampling
  1570. satisfying
  1571. save
  1572. saved
  1573. say
  1574. says
  1575. scale
  1576. scaled
  1577. scales
  1578. scaling
  1579. scan
  1580. scanline
  1581. scanlines
  1582. scanned
  1583. scanning
  1584. scans
  1585. screen
  1586. search
  1587. second
  1588. section
  1589. see
  1590. seems
  1591. seen
  1592. segment
  1593. segments
  1594. select
  1595. self
  1596. semantics
  1597. sent
  1598. separated
  1599. series
  1600. set
  1601. sets
  1602. setters
  1603. setting
  1604. settings
  1605. setup
  1606. shallow
  1607. shape
  1608. share
  1609. shared
  1610. sharp
  1611. sharpen
  1612. shear
  1613. shift
  1614. shifted
  1615. shifts
  1616. short
  1617. shorts
  1618. should
  1619. shouldn't
  1620. shrink
  1621. shrinkage
  1622. shrinks
  1623. side
  1624. sides
  1625. sign
  1626. signed
  1627. significant
  1628. silly
  1629. similar
  1630. similarity
  1631. simple
  1632. simpler
  1633. simplicity
  1634. simply
  1635. simulate
  1636. since
  1637. single
  1638. six
  1639. size
  1640. sizes
  1641. skip
  1642. slightly
  1643. sliver
  1644. slop
  1645. slope
  1646. slopes
  1647. slow
  1648. slower
  1649. small
  1650. smaller
  1651. smallest
  1652. so
  1653. software
  1654. solid
  1655. solve
  1656. solving
  1657. some
  1658. somehow
  1659. something
  1660. somewhere
  1661. soon
  1662. sort
  1663. sorted
  1664. sorting
  1665. sorts
  1666. source
  1667. space
  1668. spaces
  1669. span
  1670. spanning
  1671. spans
  1672. special
  1673. specific
  1674. specified
  1675. specifies
  1676. specify
  1677. specifying
  1678. speed
  1679. spend
  1680. spew
  1681. spikes
  1682. spline
  1683. splines
  1684. split
  1685. square
  1686. stability
  1687. stack
  1688. stage
  1689. start
  1690. started
  1691. starting
  1692. starts
  1693. stash
  1694. state
  1695. statement
  1696. states
  1697. static
  1698. steady
  1699. steal
  1700. step
  1701. stepping
  1702. steps
  1703. stick
  1704. still
  1705. stock
  1706. stolen
  1707. stop
  1708. store
  1709. stored
  1710. stores
  1711. storing
  1712. straight
  1713. stream
  1714. stretch
  1715. stretched
  1716. string
  1717. strings
  1718. strip
  1719. stroke
  1720. stroked
  1721. strokes
  1722. stroking
  1723. structure
  1724. structures
  1725. stuck
  1726. stupendously
  1727. style
  1728. styles
  1729. sub
  1730. subclass
  1731. subclasses
  1732. subdivide
  1733. subdivided
  1734. subdivides
  1735. subdividing
  1736. subdivision
  1737. subelements
  1738. subpath
  1739. subpaths
  1740. subscan
  1741. subscanlines
  1742. subsequent
  1743. subset
  1744. substituted
  1745. subtract
  1746. succeeds
  1747. success
  1748. successful
  1749. successfully
  1750. such
  1751. suitably
  1752. superclass
  1753. supplies
  1754. support
  1755. supported
  1756. supporting
  1757. sure
  1758. surface
  1759. surface's
  1760. surfaces
  1761. surround
  1762. swap
  1763. swapped
  1764. swaps
  1765. sweep
  1766. switch
  1767. synchronize
  1768. system
  1769. table
  1770. take
  1771. takes
  1772. taking
  1773. tangent
  1774. tangents
  1775. target
  1776. technical
  1777. tell
  1778. template
  1779. temporary
  1780. tension
  1781. term
  1782. terminate
  1783. terminated
  1784. terms
  1785. terribly
  1786. tessellation
  1787. test
  1788. testing
  1789. tests
  1790. text
  1791. texture
  1792. textured
  1793. than
  1794. that
  1795. that's
  1796. the
  1797. their
  1798. them
  1799. themselves
  1800. then
  1801. theoretically
  1802. there
  1803. there's
  1804. therefore
  1805. these
  1806. thesis
  1807. they
  1808. they're
  1809. thin
  1810. thing
  1811. things
  1812. think
  1813. third
  1814. this
  1815. those
  1816. though
  1817. thought
  1818. thread
  1819. threaded
  1820. three
  1821. threshold
  1822. through
  1823. throw
  1824. thrown
  1825. tile
  1826. tiles
  1827. tiling
  1828. time
  1829. times
  1830. to
  1831. too
  1832. top
  1833. topmost
  1834. total
  1835. totally
  1836. trace
  1837. tracing
  1838. track
  1839. transform
  1840. transformation
  1841. transformed
  1842. transition
  1843. translate
  1844. translates
  1845. translation
  1846. transparent
  1847. trap
  1848. trapezoid
  1849. trapezoidal
  1850. treat
  1851. tree
  1852. triangles
  1853. trim
  1854. trimmed
  1855. trims
  1856. trivial
  1857. trivially
  1858. true
  1859. truncate
  1860. try
  1861. trying
  1862. turn
  1863. turns
  1864. tutorial
  1865. two
  1866. type
  1867. types
  1868. ugly
  1869. unaligned
  1870. unchanged
  1871. undefined
  1872. underline
  1873. underlying
  1874. understand
  1875. understanding
  1876. undo
  1877. unexciting
  1878. union
  1879. unique
  1880. unit
  1881. units
  1882. unless
  1883. unlike
  1884. unlock
  1885. unoptimized
  1886. unsigned
  1887. until
  1888. unused
  1889. up
  1890. update
  1891. updated
  1892. updates
  1893. updating
  1894. upward
  1895. us
  1896. usage
  1897. use
  1898. used
  1899. useful
  1900. user
  1901. uses
  1902. using
  1903. usually
  1904. utility
  1905. valid
  1906. validate
  1907. value
  1908. values
  1909. variable
  1910. variables
  1911. variation
  1912. various
  1913. varying
  1914. vector
  1915. vectored
  1916. vectors
  1917. verify
  1918. version
  1919. versus
  1920. vertex
  1921. vertical
  1922. vertices
  1923. very
  1924. viewable
  1925. virtual
  1926. visible
  1927. visit
  1928. visiting
  1929. void
  1930. voids
  1931. walking
  1932. wall
  1933. want
  1934. warnings
  1935. warping
  1936. was
  1937. watch
  1938. way
  1939. ways
  1940. we
  1941. we'll
  1942. we're
  1943. we've
  1944. well
  1945. were
  1946. what
  1947. what's
  1948. when
  1949. whenever
  1950. where
  1951. wherever
  1952. whether
  1953. which
  1954. while
  1955. white
  1956. whose
  1957. why
  1958. wide
  1959. wideline
  1960. widen
  1961. widened
  1962. widening
  1963. width
  1964. widths
  1965. will
  1966. win
  1967. winding
  1968. window
  1969. wish
  1970. with
  1971. within
  1972. without
  1973. won't
  1974. word
  1975. words
  1976. work
  1977. working
  1978. works
  1979. world
  1980. would
  1981. wouldn't
  1982. wrap
  1983. wrappers
  1984. wrapping
  1985. write
  1986. writes
  1987. writing
  1988. written
  1989. wrong
  1990. wrote
  1991. yes
  1992. yet
  1993. you
  1994. zero
  1995. zoom
  1996. * code
  1997. 12e1
  1998. 15_bits
  1999. 16th
  2000. 32bit
  2001. 32bpp
  2002. 8_bits
  2003. AASIZE
  2004. ABS
  2006. ALIGN64EVEN
  2007. ALIGN64ODD
  2008. ANSI
  2009. API
  2010. APIs
  2011. ARGB
  2012. ASSERT
  2015. Aa
  2016. Ab
  2017. ActiveVector
  2018. Ag
  2019. AlphaRegion
  2020. AndIncXSpan2
  2021. AndIncYSpan2
  2022. App
  2023. Ar
  2024. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  2025. Ax
  2026. Ay
  2027. B
  2028. BEZIER
  2029. BEZIER32
  2030. BEZIER64
  2032. BGRA
  2033. BITMAPINFO256
  2034. BL_FIX_MASK
  2035. BMP
  2036. BMPTYPE
  2037. BOOL
  2038. BYTE
  2039. BYTEs
  2040. Ba
  2041. Bb
  2042. BeginPaint
  2043. BezierPatch
  2044. Bg
  2045. Blockdata
  2046. Blt
  2047. Br
  2048. CAlphaRegion
  2049. CBWidelineDDA
  2050. CDC
  2051. CElementPage
  2052. CElementShape
  2053. CLIPPER_H
  2055. COLINEAR
  2056. COM
  2058. CWMask
  2059. Ca
  2060. Cb
  2061. Cg
  2062. CheckValid
  2063. ChopLowPrecisionMode
  2064. ClipAndDrawXXXX
  2065. ClipRegion
  2066. ClipperDefault
  2067. CommonProcessImage
  2068. Cpt
  2069. Cr
  2070. CreateFromHdc
  2071. CubicBezier
  2072. CubicBezierDDA
  2073. Cx
  2074. Cy
  2075. D
  2076. DBG
  2077. DBG_TERSE
  2080. DC
  2081. DDA
  2082. DDAs
  2084. DG
  2085. DIFF
  2086. DIFF_FROM
  2087. DIVs
  2088. DLL
  2089. DO
  2091. DUoWDx
  2092. DUoWDy
  2093. DWORD
  2094. DX
  2095. DXSurface
  2096. DXTransform
  2097. Da
  2098. Db
  2099. DbgPrint
  2100. DestPnts
  2101. Dg
  2102. Diff
  2103. DiffIncXSpan2
  2104. DiffIncYSpan2
  2105. DirectX
  2106. DllInitialize
  2107. Dr
  2108. Dst
  2109. DualCubicBezierDDA
  2110. DumpPointsToFile
  2111. Dx
  2112. Dy
  2113. DynamicArray
  2114. DynamicDoubleArray
  2115. DynamicIntegerArray
  2116. EQUADs
  2117. EXCLUDE
  2119. EmptyRegion
  2120. EmptyRegionClass
  2121. EndPaint
  2122. ExplicitRegion
  2123. FALSE
  2124. FAddActiveforX
  2125. FAddNewEdges
  2126. FAddPath
  2127. FAllPointsUsed
  2128. FBreakEdge
  2129. FBreakInto3
  2130. FBreakedge
  2131. FClone
  2132. FCloseFP
  2133. FClosePt
  2134. FClosestActive
  2135. FCollectPath
  2136. FCorrectPath
  2137. FDeleteEdges
  2138. FDeleteOneEdge
  2139. FEliminatePoints
  2140. FEmptyActive
  2141. FEqualFP
  2142. FEqualPt
  2143. FFindInterforX
  2144. FFindInters
  2145. FFindIntersforX
  2146. FGetNewPoints
  2147. FIX
  2148. FIX_MASK
  2149. FInit
  2150. FInsertEdges
  2151. FInsertEx
  2152. FInsertPoints
  2153. FIsCommonPt
  2154. FIsLinked
  2155. FIsTIntersection
  2156. FIsVertical
  2157. FLookup
  2158. FLookupSort
  2159. FNewInterval
  2160. FOverlap
  2161. FP
  2162. FPU
  2163. FPVector2D
  2164. FP_INFO
  2165. FRACTION64
  2166. FRAC_BITS
  2167. FRemoveforXExcl
  2168. FRemoveforXIncl
  2169. FReplace
  2170. FResize
  2171. FScanActive
  2172. FSetIMac
  2173. G
  2174. GDI
  2175. GDI's
  2195. GELFPMAT_H
  2196. GELInterval
  2197. GELLSRT
  2198. GELUTIL_H
  2199. GELVerify
  2200. GELlsrt
  2202. GG
  2203. GdiPlusError
  2204. GdiPlusMemory
  2205. GeometricStroke
  2206. GetClientRect
  2207. GetDC
  2208. GetExtent
  2209. GetInterval
  2210. GetLineVisibility
  2211. GetObjectType
  2212. GetRectVisibility
  2213. GetRgnData
  2214. GpGraphics
  2215. GpPath
  2216. GradientUtils
  2217. GrafUtils
  2218. HFD
  2219. HFDBASIS32
  2220. HFDBezierError
  2221. IAppendUnique
  2222. ICompareLine
  2223. ICompareVertLine
  2224. ICompareYCurLine
  2225. ICompareYScanCurLine
  2226. IDecUse
  2227. IDs
  2228. III
  2229. IIncUse
  2230. IIntersectLine
  2231. IN
  2233. INLINE
  2234. INT
  2235. INT32
  2236. INT64
  2239. INTeger
  2240. INTs
  2241. IUnknown
  2242. IXMLNodeFactory
  2243. IXMLNodeSource
  2244. IXMLParser
  2245. ImageFill
  2246. InfiniteRegion
  2247. InfiniteRegionClass
  2248. IsValid
  2249. J
  2250. JPEG
  2251. LN
  2252. LNC
  2253. LNT
  2254. LONG
  2255. LONGLONG
  2256. LONG_MAX
  2257. LONGs
  2258. LPVOID
  2259. LTOFX
  2260. LineTo
  2261. M
  2264. MAX
  2265. MIDL
  2267. MIN
  2268. MMX
  2269. MP
  2272. MSOPX
  2273. MarkOutside
  2274. MarkToAdd
  2275. MarkToDelete
  2276. MarkVertOutside
  2277. MeshIterator
  2278. MoveTo
  2279. MsoEmptyPx
  2280. MsoFClonePx
  2281. MsoFInsertExPx
  2282. MsoFLookupPx
  2283. MsoFLookupSortPx
  2284. MsoFResizePx
  2285. MsoGelFLookupPx
  2286. MsoGelFLookupSortPx
  2287. MsoGelIAppendUniquePx
  2288. MsoGelPLookupPx
  2289. MsoIAppendPx
  2290. MsoIAppendUniquePx
  2291. MsoMovePx
  2292. MsoPLookupPx
  2293. MsoQuickSortPx
  2294. MsoStealPx
  2295. MsoTraceSz
  2296. NO
  2297. NONE
  2298. NOT
  2299. NOTE
  2300. NT
  2301. NULL
  2302. NURBS
  2303. NeerajM
  2304. NodeFactory
  2305. O
  2306. OK
  2307. ON
  2308. OR
  2309. ORing
  2310. Oicf
  2311. OneBitRegion
  2312. OpenGL
  2313. OptLev
  2314. OrIncXSpanBoth
  2315. OrthLinesRenderer
  2316. P
  2317. PATHDEF
  2318. PERF
  2319. PGet
  2320. PI
  2321. PLEX
  2322. PLookup
  2323. PNG
  2324. POINTD
  2325. POINTS
  2330. POINTs
  2332. PTO
  2333. PTORD
  2334. PTT
  2335. ParameterCubicBezierDDA
  2336. Path0
  2337. Pn
  2338. PointD
  2339. PointDArray
  2340. PointIArray
  2341. PolyPolygon
  2342. PolyPolygonRasterizer
  2343. ProgID
  2347. QuickSort
  2348. R
  2349. REAL
  2350. REAL's
  2351. REALed
  2352. RECTFX
  2353. REGION0_H
  2354. REGION_AND
  2357. REGION_OR
  2358. REGION_XOR
  2359. RENDERER_H
  2360. RGB
  2368. RIP
  2369. ROP
  2370. RRegion
  2371. Re
  2372. RecalcActiveYCur
  2373. RectBuilder
  2374. RectGradient
  2375. RectRasterizer
  2376. RectRenderer
  2377. Ref
  2378. Region0
  2379. Region1
  2380. Region2
  2381. RegionData
  2382. RegionDataNode
  2383. RegionIterator
  2384. RemoveVert
  2385. RgnTessellation
  2386. Rop2
  2387. S
  2389. SIGGRAPH
  2390. START
  2391. SUBPATH
  2392. SWAP
  2393. S_OK
  2394. SaveDC
  2395. ScaleDown
  2396. ScanEdge
  2397. SignFP
  2398. SolidFill
  2399. SortEnd
  2400. SpanListRegion
  2401. SpanOperation
  2402. Src
  2403. SrcCopy
  2404. SrcOver
  2405. StrokePath
  2406. T
  2407. TERSE
  2412. TO
  2413. TODO
  2414. TOO
  2415. TOTAL
  2416. TRUE
  2417. TexelMapper
  2418. TextureMipMap
  2419. U
  2420. UINT32
  2421. UINT64
  2422. URL
  2424. UoW0
  2425. UpdateDups
  2426. V
  2427. VDIV
  2430. VERBOSE
  2431. VOID
  2432. W
  2433. WARNING
  2434. WAY
  2435. WRN
  2436. WfxHoriz
  2437. WfyHoriz
  2438. Win32
  2439. Win95
  2440. Win9x
  2441. WindowFromDC
  2442. X
  2443. X's
  2444. XCoords
  2445. XEnd
  2446. XMF
  2448. XML
  2449. XMLPSR
  2451. XOR
  2452. XStart
  2453. XmfString
  2454. XmfStringBuffer
  2455. Xo
  2456. XorIncXSpanBoth
  2457. Y
  2458. Y's
  2459. YEnd
  2460. YSpans
  2461. YStart
  2462. _DEBUG_H_
  2463. _DXWRAP_HXX_
  2464. _DYNARRAY_HXX_
  2465. _ENGINE_HXX_
  2466. _GDIPLUS_H_
  2467. _QUADBLT_H_
  2468. _REAL_HXX_
  2469. _X86_
  2470. _XMF_HXX_
  2471. __IXMLNodeFactory_FWD_DEFINED__
  2472. __IXMLNodeFactory_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
  2473. __IXMLNodeSource_FWD_DEFINED__
  2474. __IXMLNodeSource_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
  2475. __IXMLParser_FWD_DEFINED__
  2477. __MIDL_itf_xmlparser_0000
  2479. __XMLParser_FWD_DEFINED__
  2480. __cplusplus
  2481. _asm
  2482. _complus_gdi
  2483. _debugLevel
  2484. _debug_h
  2485. _device_hpp
  2486. _driver_hpp
  2487. _dynarray_hpp
  2488. _engine_hpp
  2489. _real_hpp_
  2490. aScan1
  2491. aScan2
  2492. aScan3
  2493. aScanSize3
  2494. a_oval
  2495. aarrggbb
  2496. abs
  2497. activeVectorList
  2498. addArc
  2499. addBeziers
  2500. addEllipse
  2501. addLines
  2502. addMultiple
  2503. addPolygon
  2504. addRect
  2505. addStartPoint
  2506. addToActiveVectorList
  2507. addVector
  2508. afx
  2509. align64
  2510. allocVectorArrays
  2511. alphaArray
  2512. alphaOffset
  2513. alphaRegion
  2514. alternatingFill
  2515. alwaysNonOpaque
  2516. aptfx
  2517. aptfxBez
  2518. argb
  2519. array3
  2520. arrayLength
  2521. attachData
  2522. attrname
  2523. ax
  2524. ay
  2525. b
  2526. bBez32
  2527. bCurrentIsEndPoint
  2528. bFPIs31Bits
  2529. bInit
  2530. bIntersect
  2531. bIsEmpty
  2532. bIsInfinite
  2533. bIsLeafNode
  2534. bIsPath
  2535. bIsRect
  2536. bNext
  2537. bRet
  2538. b_oval
  2539. baseAddr
  2540. baseLen
  2541. bbox
  2542. bez
  2543. bez32
  2544. bezierCount
  2545. bezierPts
  2546. biBitCount
  2547. biHeight
  2548. biWidth
  2549. bilinearMap
  2550. bitByte
  2551. blendBrush
  2552. blendfactors1
  2553. blendfactors2
  2554. bmi
  2555. bmiHeader
  2556. bmp
  2557. bounds_check
  2558. buf
  2559. buflen
  2560. byteWidth
  2561. c
  2562. cNumRecs
  2563. cScanEdges
  2564. cShift
  2565. cSteps
  2566. c_ext
  2567. calculatePerp
  2568. callbackParam
  2569. cap
  2570. case1
  2571. case2
  2572. case3
  2573. case4
  2574. char
  2575. childname
  2576. clearCache
  2577. clipAndDrawHorizontalLine
  2578. clipAndDrawImage
  2579. clipAndDrawRect
  2580. clipAndDrawVerticalLine
  2581. clipInitialize
  2582. clipRegion
  2583. clippingRgn
  2584. cliprect
  2585. cln
  2586. closeFigure
  2587. closefigure
  2588. color1
  2589. color2
  2590. color3
  2591. color4
  2592. color64
  2593. combineAND
  2594. combineDIFF
  2595. combineOR
  2596. combineRegionData
  2597. combineRegionDataNew
  2598. combineXOR
  2599. compactAndFillRectArray
  2600. compositemode
  2601. const
  2602. convertNew
  2603. convertOnebitNew
  2604. convertToNewFormat
  2605. convertToOldFormat
  2606. coords
  2607. copyAndSetEmpty
  2608. cos
  2609. count1
  2610. count2
  2611. countU
  2612. countV
  2613. coutU
  2614. cpp
  2615. cpt
  2616. createAlphaRegion
  2617. createMipMapLevel
  2618. createQuantizedRegion
  2619. createQuantizedSapnData
  2620. createSapnData
  2621. createSapnDataNew
  2622. createSapnData_old
  2623. cur
  2624. cx
  2625. cxx
  2626. cy
  2627. d
  2628. dM
  2629. dN
  2630. data1
  2631. data2
  2632. dataPts
  2633. delta0
  2634. delta1
  2635. delta2
  2636. deltaX
  2637. deltaY
  2638. dest
  2639. destImage
  2640. destPlg
  2641. destPoints
  2642. destPts
  2643. destinationTile
  2644. distanceLimit
  2645. dll_thread_attach
  2646. doubleStepSize
  2647. drawLineToImage
  2648. drawPerspective
  2649. dstPt
  2650. dstRes
  2651. dup
  2652. dups
  2653. dword
  2654. dx
  2655. dxfilter
  2656. dxsurf
  2657. dxtrans
  2658. dxwrap
  2659. dy
  2660. dynarr2
  2661. e
  2662. eVisibility
  2663. eax
  2664. ebx
  2665. edx
  2666. efColinX
  2667. efDenom
  2668. efTerm1
  2669. efTerm2
  2670. elementCount
  2671. eliminateDuplicateBands
  2672. ellipseArray
  2673. endcaps
  2674. endif
  2675. ensureCapacity
  2676. entrypoint
  2677. entrypoints
  2678. enum
  2679. env
  2680. eq
  2681. eqP0
  2682. eqP1
  2683. eqP2
  2684. eqP3
  2685. eqTmp
  2686. err
  2687. esi
  2688. excludeFrom
  2689. excludealpha
  2690. fEmpty
  2691. fUsed
  2692. fabs
  2693. facename
  2694. falloff1
  2695. falloff2
  2696. fastArctan
  2697. fastShrinkStepSize
  2698. fillAlphaRegionScanBand
  2699. fillBezier
  2700. fillClosedCurve
  2701. fillEachOutline
  2702. fillEachOutlineDDA
  2703. fillHorizontalLine
  2704. fillMode
  2705. fillOutlines
  2706. fillOvalJoin
  2707. fillPath
  2708. fillPolygon
  2709. fillQuad
  2710. fillRect
  2711. fillRectArray
  2712. fillRegion
  2713. fillThinEachOutline
  2714. fillingRgn
  2715. fillrule
  2716. finishAttrs
  2717. flagsVector
  2718. flatnessLimit
  2719. flattenEachBezier
  2720. flattenPtArray
  2721. flattenPts
  2722. flushFill
  2723. fp
  2724. fpv
  2725. frac
  2726. fracX
  2727. fracY
  2728. freeData
  2729. fullpath
  2730. fxHoriz
  2731. fxOffset
  2732. fxOr
  2733. fxValue
  2734. fyHoriz
  2735. g
  2736. gAliasArray
  2737. gDir
  2738. gFilterFunction
  2739. gOutputDebugString
  2740. gPts
  2741. gRound
  2742. gSamplingArray
  2743. gSamplingNum
  2744. gSamplingNum2
  2745. gelfpmat
  2746. gelutil
  2747. geometryRegion
  2748. geqErrorHigh
  2749. geqErrorLow
  2750. getAlphaRegion
  2751. getBilinearUV
  2752. getBottom
  2753. getBounds
  2754. getBrush
  2755. getCombinedAlpha
  2756. getControlPoints
  2757. getCount
  2758. getCurrentControlPoints
  2759. getData
  2760. getDataAndSetEmpty
  2761. getDataBuffer
  2762. getDeviceBounds
  2763. getEachOutlineBezier
  2764. getElementAt
  2765. getFlattenPoints
  2766. getFocusPointFromQuad
  2767. getHeight
  2768. getImage
  2769. getIntersectionPoint
  2770. getLastParam
  2771. getLeft
  2772. getLinePtrs
  2773. getNextLine
  2774. getNextParam
  2775. getNextPoint
  2776. getNextPointAndParamU
  2777. getNextPointAndParamV
  2778. getNextQuad
  2779. getNextXBand
  2780. getNextYBand
  2781. getNumOfFlattenPoints
  2782. getParameterMeshes
  2783. getParameterRanges
  2784. getPen
  2785. getPerspectiveCoefficients
  2786. getPerspectiveUV
  2787. getPoint
  2788. getPointMesh
  2789. getQuadPoints
  2790. getRect
  2791. getRectVisibility
  2792. getRegionScans
  2793. getRight
  2794. getSpanBounds
  2795. getTilePtrs
  2796. getTop
  2797. getVectors
  2798. getVisibility
  2799. getXRangesFromQuad
  2800. getXRangesFromQuadPoints
  2801. getXYDataAndSetEmpty
  2802. geven
  2803. gpeqErrorHigh
  2804. gpeqErrorLow
  2805. growActiveVectorListSize
  2806. growCapacity
  2807. h
  2808. halfStepSize
  2809. halveStepSize
  2810. haw
  2811. helpstring
  2812. hpp
  2813. hrErrorCode
  2814. hxx
  2815. i
  2816. iEvt
  2817. iFrom
  2818. iIns
  2819. iMac
  2820. iMax
  2821. iMid
  2822. iTo
  2823. id
  2824. idl
  2825. idup
  2826. ifndef
  2827. iid_is
  2828. iln
  2829. iloop
  2830. imageCount
  2831. imagebrush
  2832. imagedef
  2833. imageop
  2834. increaseCount
  2835. indexMiddle
  2836. indexMin
  2837. inew
  2838. inferAffineMatrix
  2839. init
  2840. initBounds
  2841. initDDA
  2842. initDDAU
  2843. initDDAV
  2844. initToEmpty
  2845. initVectorArrayIndeces
  2846. initVectorListAndRectBuilder
  2847. initVectors
  2848. initialCapacity
  2849. initializeBrush
  2850. initializeEngine
  2851. insetScan
  2852. insidepath
  2853. int
  2854. inter
  2855. invertTransform33
  2856. ipt
  2857. ipt1
  2858. ipt2
  2859. iptDup
  2860. iptFirst
  2861. iptord
  2862. iptt
  2863. iptt1
  2864. iptt2
  2865. isClosed
  2866. isEmpty
  2867. isEqual
  2868. isInfinite
  2869. isInside
  2870. isOnEqdge
  2871. isVisible
  2872. isXIncrement
  2873. itsInitSize
  2874. itsStepSize
  2875. iv
  2876. ix
  2877. ixNext
  2878. ixPrev
  2879. iy
  2880. iyNext
  2881. iyPrev
  2882. j
  2883. jpeg_read_header
  2884. kernelsize
  2885. lError
  2886. lErrorDown
  2887. lTemp
  2888. lTestMagnitude
  2889. lastLength
  2890. lastLine
  2891. lastValue
  2892. lastX
  2893. lastY
  2894. lcid
  2895. len
  2896. lengthArray
  2897. lib
  2898. line1
  2899. line2
  2900. lineInRgn
  2901. linePtr
  2902. linenumber
  2903. longLast
  2904. lut
  2905. m
  2906. m_Edges
  2907. m_addToActive1
  2908. m_fadd1
  2909. m_fpX
  2910. m_fpY
  2911. m_iBegin
  2912. m_iEnd
  2913. m_iSortBegin
  2914. m_iSortEnd
  2915. m_ilnToDelete1
  2916. m_lnt
  2917. m_lntFirst
  2918. m_lntSecond
  2919. m_lntVert
  2920. m_npt
  2921. m_pto
  2922. m_ptt
  2923. m_xCur
  2924. malloc
  2925. mapMode
  2926. memmove
  2927. min
  2928. minCapacity
  2929. mip
  2930. moveForward
  2931. moveForwardU
  2932. moveForwardV
  2933. movq
  2934. ms_ext
  2935. msg
  2936. multi
  2937. n
  2938. nDeltaY
  2939. nFlattenPts
  2940. nFlatternFillPoints
  2941. nFlatternPoints
  2942. nNumLineCoords
  2943. needsDisposing
  2944. needsJoin
  2945. needsSubdivide
  2946. newItem
  2947. nextPowerOf2
  2948. nextTrapezoid
  2949. nf
  2950. nm
  2951. no_format_optimization
  2952. nodefac
  2953. non
  2954. num
  2955. numEdgeCoords
  2956. numFlattenPts
  2957. numberOfPoints
  2958. numberOfSegments
  2959. numer
  2960. obj
  2961. offsetX
  2962. offsetY
  2963. op
  2964. openReset
  2965. orded
  2966. outputPath
  2967. outputYBandData
  2968. ovalPath
  2969. p
  2970. pAlphaRegion
  2971. pBuf
  2972. pClipperDefault
  2973. pDC
  2974. pDestImage
  2975. pDst
  2976. pItem
  2977. pLeft
  2978. pNodeInfo
  2979. pNodeParent
  2980. pRenderRect
  2981. pRgn1
  2982. pRgn2
  2983. pRgnTessellation
  2984. pRight
  2985. pSource
  2986. pXSpan1
  2987. pXSpan2
  2988. pYSpan
  2989. pYSpanYMax
  2990. pairCount1
  2991. pairCount2
  2992. param
  2993. parantheses
  2994. pass1
  2995. pass2
  2996. pathdef
  2997. pathflat
  2998. pcply
  2999. pcremoved
  3000. penVector
  3001. penWidth
  3002. penXform
  3003. peq
  3004. peqError
  3005. perspblt
  3006. pfFirst
  3007. pfInsert
  3008. pfSecond
  3009. pfThree
  3010. pfln2
  3011. pfnSgn
  3012. pfpv
  3013. pfpv1
  3014. pfpv2
  3015. pfpvBegin
  3016. pfpvEnd
  3017. pgint
  3018. piDup1
  3019. piDup2
  3020. piLn
  3021. playXmfFile
  3022. plen
  3023. pln
  3024. pln1
  3025. pln2
  3026. plnc
  3027. plnt
  3028. plntFrom
  3029. ply
  3030. pnewln
  3031. pointInside
  3032. polyFill
  3033. polyPolygon
  3034. polyPolygons
  3035. polyStroke
  3036. pp
  3037. ppPolyCounts
  3038. pppt
  3039. ppt
  3040. ppt1
  3041. ppt2
  3042. pptBegin1
  3043. pptBegin2
  3044. pptFirst
  3045. pptInter
  3046. pptInters
  3047. pptIntersect
  3048. pptfx
  3049. pptfxScan
  3050. pptfxTop
  3051. ppxml
  3052. prcfx
  3053. prcfx1
  3054. prcfx2
  3055. prcfxClip
  3056. prcfxVis
  3057. prepareBilinearMap
  3058. preparePerspectiveMap
  3059. prev
  3060. prgn
  3061. printNewData
  3062. propCount
  3063. pstr
  3064. pt
  3065. ptArray
  3066. ptIntersect
  3067. ptNext
  3068. pto
  3069. ptord
  3070. ptr
  3071. ptrArray
  3072. pts
  3073. ptt
  3074. pvInfo
  3075. pvPxDest
  3076. pvPxSrc
  3077. q
  3078. quadblt
  3079. quadpblt
  3080. quantizeInsetScan
  3081. r
  3082. rasterizePolygonForRow
  3083. rcfxBound
  3084. rcfxClip
  3085. re
  3086. recalculateBounds
  3087. rect
  3088. rects
  3089. recurve
  3090. ref
  3091. region1
  3092. region2
  3093. regionData
  3094. regionOverlaps
  3095. regiondef
  3096. removeFromActiveVectorList
  3097. replaceWith
  3098. reserveSpace
  3099. resetPoints
  3100. resetSearchIndex
  3101. retion2
  3102. rg
  3103. rgb00
  3104. rgb10
  3105. rgb20
  3106. rgb30
  3107. rgn
  3108. rgnData
  3109. rgnTessellation
  3110. rgns
  3111. rpcndr
  3112. rrggbb
  3113. s
  3114. sRGB
  3115. sameDirection
  3116. satisfiesAlphaCombineCondition
  3117. savedFillMode
  3118. sca3Or
  3119. scaleX
  3120. scaleY
  3121. scan1
  3122. scan1And
  3123. scan1Or
  3124. scan2
  3125. scan3
  3126. scan3And
  3127. scan3Or
  3128. setBezier
  3129. setBeziers
  3130. setEmpty
  3131. setFillMode
  3132. setInfinite
  3133. setPolyPolygon
  3134. setRect
  3135. setRectRgn
  3136. setSamplingArray
  3137. setclip
  3138. shearX
  3139. shearY
  3140. sin
  3141. sizeof
  3142. solidFill
  3143. sortActiveVectorListByX
  3144. sourceImage
  3145. spanStartX
  3146. spanStartY
  3147. sprintf
  3148. sqrt
  3149. src
  3150. src1
  3151. srcArray
  3152. srcImage
  3153. srcIndex
  3154. srcPt
  3155. srcRect
  3156. srcRes
  3157. srcScan0
  3158. srcStride
  3159. srcrect
  3160. srcx
  3161. srcy
  3162. startFigure
  3163. startIndex
  3164. startPt
  3165. startfigure
  3166. stdafx
  3167. stepSize
  3168. strokePath
  3169. stub_data
  3170. surfFac
  3171. t
  3172. takeStep
  3173. tan
  3174. te
  3175. temp1
  3176. temp2
  3177. temp3
  3178. tempAlpha
  3179. tempArray
  3180. tempPts
  3181. temps
  3182. test1
  3183. test2
  3184. textureBezier
  3185. textureMap
  3186. texturePath
  3187. textureSubdivide
  3188. textureTile
  3189. texturedBezier
  3190. th
  3191. theta1
  3192. theta2
  3193. tileBilinearTexture
  3194. tileBilinearTextureMMX
  3195. totalY
  3196. transformMultiplePoints
  3197. transformPoint
  3198. turnLeft
  3199. typedef
  3200. u
  3201. uMash
  3202. uMesh
  3203. updateAlphaRegion
  3204. updateTessellation
  3205. ups
  3206. url
  3207. uuid
  3208. v
  3209. vBoundBox
  3210. vDoubleStepSize
  3211. vGetCurrent
  3212. vHalveStepSize
  3213. vInit
  3214. vLazyHalveStepSize
  3215. vMesh
  3216. vNext
  3217. vSteadyState
  3218. vTakeStep
  3219. val
  3220. vec3
  3221. vectorFlags
  3222. vectorTransform
  3223. vs
  3224. w
  3225. wScale
  3226. width0
  3227. windingFill
  3228. wm_paint
  3229. wrapMode
  3230. writeSpanSrcCopy
  3231. writeSpanSrcOver
  3232. ww
  3233. x
  3234. x's
  3235. xArray
  3236. xArray3
  3237. xCoords
  3238. xCur
  3239. xHoriz
  3240. xInfo
  3241. xLeft
  3242. xLeftRow
  3243. xMax
  3244. xMax'es
  3245. xMax1
  3246. xMax2
  3247. xMin1
  3248. xMin2
  3249. xOffset
  3250. xP10
  3251. xP11
  3252. xP12
  3253. xP20
  3254. xP21
  3255. xP22
  3256. xPts
  3257. xRight
  3258. xRightRow
  3259. xSpansAND
  3260. xSpansDIFF
  3261. xSpansOR
  3262. xSpansXOR
  3263. xTotal
  3264. xform
  3265. xi
  3266. xmax
  3267. xmf
  3268. xmin
  3269. xmlparser
  3270. xor
  3271. xs
  3272. xy
  3273. xyL
  3274. xyR
  3275. y
  3276. y's
  3277. y1_1
  3278. y1_2
  3279. y2_1
  3280. y2_2
  3281. yArray
  3282. yArray3
  3283. yBottom
  3284. yCur
  3285. yCur's
  3286. yFloor1
  3287. yFloor2
  3288. yHoriz
  3289. yInfo
  3290. yMax
  3291. yMax1
  3292. yMax2
  3293. yMin
  3294. yMin1
  3295. yMin2
  3296. yOffset
  3297. yP10
  3298. yP11
  3299. yP12
  3300. yP20
  3301. yP21
  3302. yP22
  3303. yPts
  3304. ySpan
  3305. ySpanSearch
  3306. ySpans
  3307. yTop
  3308. yTotal
  3309. yTrapezoid
  3310. yi
  3311. ymax
  3312. ymin
  3313. * shifty
  3314. BUGBUG
  3315. Gotta
  3316. bugbug
  3317. gotta
  3318. grody
  3319. stuff