Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
In Windows XP, due to a modification in the caching between MoveFile and DeleteFile API's, when the VerInstallFileW API was called, the SHORT filename gets SET instead of the long filename.
This SHIM corrects this problem which effects the installation of a few apps when the older version is still present. Notes:
This can be a layer shim. This is a general purpose shim.
04/05/2001 prashkud Created 02/28/2002 mnikkel Added check for nulls passed in for temporary file name buffer and size. This was not checked on win9x but is immediately used on XP.
#include "precomp.h"
IMPLEMENT_SHIM_BEGIN(CorrectVerInstallFile) #include "ShimHookMacro.h"
GetTitle takes the app path and returns just the EXE name.
VOID SplitTitleAndPath(CString& csAppName, CString& csAppTitle) { //
// Go to the first '\' from the end.
// The return value is the number of characters
// from the beginning of the string starting at
// index 0.
int len = csAppName.ReverseFind(L'\\'); if (len) { csAppTitle.Delete(0, len+1); } int DirLen = csAppName.GetLength() - len; csAppName.Delete(len, DirLen);
DWORD APIHOOK(VerInstallFileA)( DWORD uFlags, LPSTR szSrcFileName, LPSTR szDestFileName, LPSTR szSrcDir, LPSTR szDestDir, LPSTR szCurDir, LPSTR szTmpFile, PUINT lpuTmpFileLen ) { CHAR DummyBuffer[MAX_PATH]; UINT DummySize = MAX_PATH; DWORD dwRet = 0;
// check for a null szTmpFile or a null lpuTmpFileLen.
if (szTmpFile == NULL) { szTmpFile = DummyBuffer; DPFN(eDbgLevelInfo, "VerInstallFileA using dummy TmpFile."); }
if (lpuTmpFileLen == NULL) { lpuTmpFileLen = &DummySize; DPFN(eDbgLevelInfo, "VerInstallFileA using dummy TmpFileLen."); }
CSTRING_TRY { CString csDestFilePath(szDestDir); CString csDestFileName(szDestFileName); csDestFilePath.AppendPath(csDestFileName);
// Now csDestFileName possibly contains the SHORT path name
// Convert it into long pathname
DWORD dwAttr = GetFileAttributesW(csDestFilePath.Get()); if ((dwAttr != 0xFFFFFFFF) && (dwAttr != FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { //
// This file exists in the current destination directory.
// This API had problems replacing it if the filename
// is a SHORT name. Convert it into LONG name.
if (csDestFilePath.GetLongPathNameW()) { DPFN( eDbgLevelWarning, "Short Path \
converted to Long Path = %S", csDestFilePath.Get());
csDestFileName = csDestFilePath; SplitTitleAndPath(csDestFilePath,csDestFileName);
dwRet= ORIGINAL_API(VerInstallFileA)(uFlags,szSrcFileName, (char*)csDestFileName.GetAnsi(), szSrcDir, (char*)csDestFilePath.GetAnsi(), szCurDir, szTmpFile,lpuTmpFileLen);
// If using the dummy buffer then they had a null temp buffer
// Set the buffer too small flag.
if (szTmpFile == DummyBuffer) { dwRet &= VIF_BUFFTOOSMALL; }
return dwRet; } }
} CSTRING_CATCH { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "Exception raised ! Calling Original API"); }
dwRet = ORIGINAL_API(VerInstallFileA)(uFlags,szSrcFileName,szDestFileName, szSrcDir,szDestDir,szCurDir,szTmpFile,lpuTmpFileLen);
// If using the dummy buffer then they had a null temp buffer
// Set the buffer too small flag.
if (szTmpFile == DummyBuffer) { dwRet &= VIF_BUFFTOOSMALL; }
return dwRet; }
Modify the Short filename to its corresponding long filename.
DWORD APIHOOK(VerInstallFileW)( DWORD uFlags, LPWSTR szSrcFileName, LPWSTR szDestFileName, LPWSTR szSrcDir, LPWSTR szDestDir, LPWSTR szCurDir, LPWSTR szTmpFile, PUINT lpuTmpFileLen ) { WCHAR DummyBuffer[MAX_PATH]; UINT DummySize = MAX_PATH; DWORD dwRet = 0;
// check for a null szTmpFile or a null lpuTmpFileLen.
if (szTmpFile == NULL) { szTmpFile = DummyBuffer; DPFN(eDbgLevelInfo, "VerInstallFileA using dummy TmpFile."); }
if (lpuTmpFileLen == NULL) { lpuTmpFileLen = &DummySize; DPFN(eDbgLevelInfo, "VerInstallFileA using dummy TmpFileLen."); }
CSTRING_TRY { CString csDestFilePath(szDestDir); csDestFilePath.AppendPath(szDestFileName);
// Now csDestFileName possibly contains the SHORT path name
// Convert it into long pathname
DWORD dwAttr = GetFileAttributesW(csDestFilePath.Get()); if ((dwAttr != 0xFFFFFFFF) && (dwAttr != FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { //
// This file exists in the current destination directory.
// This API had problems replacing it if the filename
// is a SHORT name. Convert it into LONG name.
if (csDestFilePath.GetLongPathNameW()) { DPFN( eDbgLevelWarning, "Short Path \
converted to Long Path = %S", csDestFilePath.Get());
CString csDestFileName(csDestFilePath); SplitTitleAndPath(csDestFilePath,csDestFileName);
dwRet = ORIGINAL_API(VerInstallFileW)(uFlags,szSrcFileName, (WCHAR*)csDestFileName.Get(), szSrcDir, (WCHAR*)csDestFilePath.Get(), szCurDir, szTmpFile,lpuTmpFileLen);
// If using the dummy buffer then they had a null temp buffer
// Set the buffer too small flag.
if (szTmpFile == DummyBuffer) { dwRet &= VIF_BUFFTOOSMALL; }
return dwRet; } }
} CSTRING_CATCH { DPFN( eDbgLevelError, "Exception raised ! Calling Original API"); }
dwRet = ORIGINAL_API(VerInstallFileW)(uFlags,szSrcFileName,szDestFileName, szSrcDir,szDestDir,szCurDir,szTmpFile,lpuTmpFileLen);
// If using the dummy buffer then they had a null temp buffer
// Set the buffer too small flag.
if (szTmpFile == DummyBuffer) { dwRet &= VIF_BUFFTOOSMALL; }
return dwRet; }
Register hooked functions