Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This DLL APIHooks LoadLibrary calls and checks to see if dsetup.dll or dsetup32.dll are being loaded. If dsetup.dll or dsetup32.dll are being loaded return this module, so that subsequent calls to that dll can be intercepted and stubbed out. If not dsetup.dll or dsetup32.dll then just do what is expected.
Notes: This is a general purpose shim.
11/10/1999 v-johnwh Created 03/29/2000 a-michni Added DirectXSetupGetVersion hook to return a command line specified version number for apps which look for a specific version. example : <DLL NAME="ForceDXSetupSuccess.dll" COMMAND_LINE="0x00040005;0x0000009B"/> 04/2000 a-batjar check for null in input params for directxsetupgetversion 06/30/2000 a-brienw I added a check for dsetup32.dll to APIHook_LoadLibraryA and APIHook_LoadLibraryW. Previously the routines were only looking for dsetup.dll. This was added to fix a problem in the install for Earthworm Jim 3D. 02/27/2001 robkenny Converted to use CString
#include "precomp.h"
#include <stdio.h>
IMPLEMENT_SHIM_BEGIN(ForceDXSetupSuccess) #include "ShimHookMacro.h"
This function simply returns 0, success, when called upon.
int DirectXSetup( HWND /*hWnd*/, LPSTR /*lpszRootPath*/, DWORD /*dwFlags*/ ) { LOGN( eDbgLevelError, "[DirectXSetup] Returning SUCCESS."); return 0; // SUCCESS
int DirectXSetupA( HWND /*hWnd*/, LPSTR /*lpszRootPath*/, DWORD /*dwFlags*/ ) { LOGN( eDbgLevelError, "[DirectXSetupA] Returning SUCCESS."); return 0; // SUCCESS
int DirectXSetupW( HWND /*hWnd*/, LPWSTR /*lpszRootPath*/, DWORD /*dwFlags*/ ) { LOGN( eDbgLevelError, "[DirectXSetupW] Returning SUCCESS."); return 0; // SUCCESS
This Function returns either a COMMAND_LINE parsed value for the version and rev or, if no command line is present, it returns version 7 rev 1792
int DirectXSetupGetVersion( DWORD* pdwVersion, DWORD* pdwRevision ) { DWORD dwVersion = 0x00040007; DWORD dwRevision = 0x00000700;
// If no seperator is present or there is nothing after
// seperator then return a default value of ver 7 rev 1792
// Otherwise parse the command line, it should contain a
// 10 char hex version and a 10 char hex revision
CSTRING_TRY { CStringToken csTokenizer(COMMAND_LINE, ";");
CString csVersion; CString csRevision;
if (csTokenizer.GetToken(csVersion) && csTokenizer.GetToken(csRevision)) { (void)sscanf(csVersion.GetAnsi(), "%x", &dwVersion); (void)sscanf(csRevision.GetAnsi(), "%x", &dwRevision); } } CSTRING_CATCH { // Do nothing
} if (pdwVersion) { *pdwVersion = dwVersion; } if (pdwRevision) { *pdwRevision = dwRevision; } return 1; }
These stub functions break into LoadLibraryA and check to see if lpLibFileName equals dsetup.dll. If so return FAKE_MODULE. If lpLibFileName does not contain dsetup.dll return the original value of lpLibFileName.
HINSTANCE APIHOOK(LoadLibraryA)( LPCSTR lpLibFileName ) { HINSTANCE hInstance = NULL; CSTRING_TRY { CString csName(lpLibFileName); CString csFilePart; csName.GetLastPathComponent(csFilePart);
if ( csFilePart.CompareNoCase(L"dsetup.dll") == 0 || csFilePart.CompareNoCase(L"dsetup") == 0 || csFilePart.CompareNoCase(L"dsetup32.dll") == 0 || csFilePart.CompareNoCase(L"dsetup32") == 0 ) { LOGN( eDbgLevelError, "[LoadLibraryA] Caught %s attempt - returning %08lx", lpLibFileName, g_hinstDll);
return g_hinstDll; } } CSTRING_CATCH { // Do nothing
hInstance = ORIGINAL_API(LoadLibraryA)(lpLibFileName); return hInstance; }
HINSTANCE APIHOOK(LoadLibraryW)( LPCWSTR lpLibFileName ) { HINSTANCE hInstance = NULL; CSTRING_TRY { CString csName(lpLibFileName); CString csFilePart; csName.GetLastPathComponent(csFilePart);
if ( csFilePart.CompareNoCase(L"dsetup.dll") == 0 || csFilePart.CompareNoCase(L"dsetup") == 0 || csFilePart.CompareNoCase(L"dsetup32.dll") == 0 || csFilePart.CompareNoCase(L"dsetup32") == 0 ) { LOGN( eDbgLevelError, "[LoadLibraryW] Caught %S attempt - returning %08lx", lpLibFileName, g_hinstDll);
return g_hinstDll; } } CSTRING_CATCH { // Do nothing
hInstance = ORIGINAL_API(LoadLibraryW)(lpLibFileName); return hInstance; }
HINSTANCE APIHOOK(LoadLibraryExA)( LPCSTR lpLibFileName, HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFlags ) { HINSTANCE hInstance = NULL; CSTRING_TRY { CString csName(lpLibFileName); CString csFilePart; csName.GetLastPathComponent(csFilePart);
if ( csFilePart.CompareNoCase(L"dsetup.dll") == 0 || csFilePart.CompareNoCase(L"dsetup") == 0 || csFilePart.CompareNoCase(L"dsetup32.dll") == 0 || csFilePart.CompareNoCase(L"dsetup32") == 0 ) { LOGN( eDbgLevelError, "[LoadLibraryExA] Caught %s attempt - returning %08lx", lpLibFileName, g_hinstDll);
return g_hinstDll; } } CSTRING_CATCH { // Do nothing
hInstance = ORIGINAL_API(LoadLibraryExA)(lpLibFileName, hFile, dwFlags); return hInstance; }
HINSTANCE APIHOOK(LoadLibraryExW)( LPCWSTR lpLibFileName, HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFlags ) { HINSTANCE hInstance = NULL; CSTRING_TRY { CString csName(lpLibFileName); CString csFilePart; csName.GetLastPathComponent(csFilePart);
if ( csFilePart.CompareNoCase(L"dsetup.dll") == 0 || csFilePart.CompareNoCase(L"dsetup") == 0 || csFilePart.CompareNoCase(L"dsetup32.dll") == 0 || csFilePart.CompareNoCase(L"dsetup32") == 0 ) { LOGN( eDbgLevelError, "[LoadLibraryExW] Caught %S attempt - returning %08lx", lpLibFileName, g_hinstDll);
return g_hinstDll; } } CSTRING_CATCH { // Do nothing
hInstance = ORIGINAL_API(LoadLibraryExW)(lpLibFileName, hFile, dwFlags); return hInstance; }
Just a simple routine to make GetProcAddress look cleaner.
BOOL CheckProc(const CString & csProcName, const WCHAR * lpszCheckName) { if (csProcName.Compare(lpszCheckName) == 0) { DPFN( eDbgLevelInfo, "[GetProcAddress] Caught %S query. Returning stubbed function at 0x%08X", lpszCheckName, DirectXSetup); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
This stub function breaks into GetProcAddress and checks to see if hModule is equal to FAKE_MODULE. If so, and pResult contains the string "DirectXSetupA" set pRet to the return value of DirectXSetup.
FARPROC APIHOOK(GetProcAddress)( HMODULE hModule, LPCSTR lpProcName ) { if (hModule == g_hinstDll) { CSTRING_TRY { CString csProcName(lpProcName); csProcName.MakeLower();
if (CheckProc(csProcName, L"directxsetup")) { return (FARPROC) DirectXSetup; } else if (CheckProc(csProcName, L"directxsetupa")) { return (FARPROC) DirectXSetupA; } else if (CheckProc(csProcName, L"directxsetupw")) { return (FARPROC) DirectXSetupW; } else if (CheckProc(csProcName, L"directxsetupgetversion")) { return (FARPROC) DirectXSetupGetVersion; } } CSTRING_CATCH { // Do nothing
} } return ORIGINAL_API(GetProcAddress)(hModule, lpProcName); }
This stub function breaks into FreeLibrary and checks to see if hLibModule equals FAKE_MODULE. If so return TRUE. If hLibModule does not contain FAKE_MODULE return the original argument.
BOOL APIHOOK(FreeLibrary)( HMODULE hLibModule ) { BOOL bRet;
if (hLibModule == g_hinstDll) { DPFN( eDbgLevelInfo, "[FreeLibrary] Caught DSETUP.DLL/DSETUP32.DLL free attempt. Returning TRUE"); bRet = TRUE; } else { bRet = ORIGINAL_API(FreeLibrary)(hLibModule); }
return bRet; }
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