Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
EMF spooling functions - header file
Windows NT GDI
Revision History:
01/19/98 -davidx- Created it.
#ifndef _EMFSPOOL_H_
#define _EMFSPOOL_H_
// Data structure for a linked-list of temporary data buffers
typedef struct _TempSpoolBuf {
DWORD maxSize; DWORD currentSize; BYTE data[1];
} TempSpoolBuf, *PTempSpoolBuf;
#define TEMPBUF_DATAOFFSET offsetof(TempSpoolBuf, data)
// Special error value for EMFSpoolData.emfrOffset field
// EMF container class used to abstract access to the EMF data allowing us
// to implement a sliding window mapping when the stream is stored in a file.
typedef struct EMFContainer {
// Init() intializes the EMFContainer from an in memory buffer. The METAHEADER
// must have a valid nSize value which is used to determine the size of the
// EMF stream (and thus, how much data is valid).
// This version of Init() intializes the EMFContainer from a file handle and
// is given the total size of the file and the offset to the EMFHEADER.
BOOL Init(HANDLE inFile, UINT64 inHdrOffset, UINT64 inFileSize);
// Term() must be called after Init() has been called successfully.
VOID Term();
// Pointer to header remains valid till call to Term()
ENHMETAHEADER * GetEMFHeader() { return pemfhdr; }
// ObtainPtr() obtains a pointer that the user can use to reference the
// emf stream. This pointer remains valid the caller calls ReleasePtr.
// Any pointer obtained must be released via ReleasePtr().
// Only one pointer obtained via ObtainPtr(), ObtainRecordPtr() or
// ObtainEOFRecordPtr() can be valid at one time. An attempt to obtain
// a second ptr via one of these calls when a previous ptr is still valid
// (the release has not been called yet for the ptr) will fail.
PVOID ObtainPtr(UINT inOffset, UINT inSize);
// ReleasePtr() releases a reference obtained via ObtainPtr().
VOID ReleasePtr(PVOID inPtr) { ASSERTGDI(dwRefCount != 0, "EMFContainer::ReleasePtr() releasing with zero ref count\n"); dwRefCount--; }
// ObtainRecordPtr() obtains a pointer to an EMF record stored at the given
// offset. Note that the record's header must be valid allowing
// the call to derive the size of the record from the header.
// NOTE: the EMFHeader pointer obtained via GetEMFHeader() is special and
// is always valid and does not need to be released.
PENHMETARECORD ObtainRecordPtr(UINT inOffset);
// ReleaseRecordPtr() releases a record ptr obtained via ObtainRecordPtr().
VOID ReleaseRecordPtr(PENHMETARECORD inPtr) { ReleasePtr(inPtr); }
// ObtainEOFRecordPtr() obtains a pointer the the EOF record of the emf
// stream. The EMF streams EMFHEADER must be valid and the streams EOF
// record must be valid in order for this call to be successful.
PEMREOF ObtainEOFRecordPtr();
// ReleaseEOFRecordPtr() releases a pointer obtained via ObtainEOFRecordPtr().
VOID ReleaseEOFRecordPtr(PEMREOF pmreof) { ReleaseRecordPtr((PENHMETARECORD) pmreof); } UINT32 GetdwHdrSize() { return dwHdrSize; }
BOOL bBounded(BYTE *p, DWORD dwSize);
PVOID pvMapView(UINT64 * ioOffset, UINT32 * ioSize);
ULONG dwRefCount; // number of outstanding pointer references
// Can be zero or one. We do not support
// multiple outstanding references.
PENHMETAHEADER pemfhdr; // pointer to EMFHEeader. Always valid.
UINT32 dwHdrSize; // Size of valid header data (can be larger
// then the header size and may actual be
// the size of the stream allowing the
// stream to be accessed via this pointer
// alone).
PVOID pvHdr; // pointer to EMFHeader mapping or NULL.
// May be different then pemfhdr (if pemfhdr
// mapping did not fall on an even mapping
// alignmnet).
PVOID pvWindow; // pointer to sliding window mapping
UINT32 dwWindowUnusable; // number of bytes that are unusable
// at the start of the window mapping.
// Non-zero when mapping starts before
// emfheader file offset.
UINT32 dwWindowOffset; // Offset in file of window.
UINT32 dwWindowSize; // size of the window in bytes
HANDLE hFile; // file handle for EMF stream (null if
// stream is entirely in memory)
UINT64 qwHdrOffset; // file offset to EMF header
UINT64 qwFileSize; // total size of file in bytes
HANDLE hFileMapping; // file mapping used to obtain mappings
// into the file.
} EMFContainer;
// Class for representing extra information used during EMF spooling
class MDC;
class EMFSpoolData { public:
// Initialization and cleanup functions.
// These are needed because GDI doesn't use new and delete operators.
BOOL Init(HANDLE hSpooler, BOOL banding); VOID Cleanup();
// GetPtr - Return a pointer to emf data starting at inOffset and having
// size inSize. This pointer must be released by calling ReleaesPtr().
// If this call fails NULL is returned.
PVOID GetPtr(UINT32 inOffset, UINT32 inSize);
// ReleasePtr() - Releases a poitner obtained via GetPtr().
VOID ReleasePtr(PVOID inPtr);
// ResizeCurrentBuffer - Expand the size of the current buffer
BOOL ResizeCurrentBuffer(DWORD newsize);
// WriteData - Write data to the memory-mapped spool file
BOOL WriteData(PVOID buffer, DWORD size);
// GetTotalSize - Return the total number of bytes written to the mapped file
UINT64 GetTotalSize() { return mapStart + currentOffset; }
// CompleteCurrentBuffer - Finish working with the current buffer and move on to the next
VOID CompleteCurrentBuffer(DWORD size) { if(bMapping) { currentOffset += size;
ASSERTGDI(size % sizeof(DWORD) == 0, "CompleteCurrentBuffer: misalignment\n"); ASSERTGDI(currentOffset <= mapSize, "CompleteCurrentBuffer: overflow\n"); } }
// GetEMFData - Initialize buffer to start EMF recording associating
// the MDC with the spooler.
// NOTE: this is a very poorly named function. This call is used to
// kick off the recording process (it does not really get EMF data at
// all).
BOOL GetEMFData(MDC *pmdc);
// ResizeEMFData - Resize current EMF data buffer
BOOL ResizeEMFData(DWORD size);
// CompleteEMFData - Finish recording EMF data
BOOL CompleteEMFData(DWORD size, HANDLE* outFile, UINT64* outOffset);
// AbortEMFData - Stop recording EMF data
BOOL AbortEMFData();
// MapFile - Map the EMF spool file into the current process' address space
// UnmapFile - Unmap the currently mapped EMF spool file
// FlushPage - Flush the current content of the mapped file to spooler
BOOL MapFile(); VOID UnmapFile(BOOL bCloseHandle = TRUE); BOOL FlushPage(DWORD pageType);
VOID ResetMappingState() { bMapping = FALSE; mapStart = committedSize = 0; mapSize = currentOffset = 0; emfrOffset = INVALID_EMFROFFSET; }
// Remember where a font related EMFITEMHEADER_EXT record is
BOOL AddFontExtRecord(DWORD recType, DWORD offset);
// Whether we're banding on the client side. This happens when:
// Printer driver requests banding and
// EMF spooling is not enabled
BOOL IsBanding() { return bBanding; }
DWORD signature; // data structure signature
HANDLE hPrinter; // spooler handle to the current printer
HANDLE hFile; // file handle to the currently mapped spool file
UINT64 committedSize; // number of bytes already commited
UINT64 emfrOffset; // starting offset for EMRI_METAFILE_DATA record
BOOL bMapping; UINT64 mapStart; // starting offset for the current view
DWORD mapSize; // size of current view
DWORD currentOffset; // current offset relative to the start of current view
BOOL bBanding; // whether GDI is doing banding on the current DC
MDC *pmdcActive; // whether we're actively recording EMF data
// Abstract class to manage access to EMF data via sliding window (if file
// based access).
EMFContainer emfc;
// Scratch data buffer: If WriteData is called while we're in the middle
// of recording EMF data for a page, then we cache the data in the scratch
// buffer.
PTempSpoolBuf scratchBuf;
// Temporary buffer for caching information about various font related
// spool file records that we embedded as comments inside EMF data
PTempSpoolBuf fontBuf;
// constructor / destructor
// NOTE: Since GDI doesn't use new and delete operators.
// We allocate and deallocate object memory ourselves.
// So we make constructor and destructor private so that
// nobody can use new and delete on EMFSpoolData object.
EMFSpoolData() {} ~EMFSpoolData() {}
// PVOID GetCurrentBuffer();
// Private methods for working with temporary buffers
BOOL WriteTempData(PTempSpoolBuf *ppBuf, PVOID data, DWORD size); BOOL FlushTempBuffer(PTempSpoolBuf buf); BOOL FlushFontExtRecords(); VOID FreeTempBuffers(BOOL freeMem = TRUE);
// Create a temporary spool file when we're using EMF for banding
HANDLE GetTempSpoolFileHandle();
// Ugh, we have to impliment this locally because of how we do
// the EMFITEMHEADER goop. A pointer obtained via this call
// must also be released vie ReleasePtr().
PVOID GetPtrUsingSignedOffset(INT32 inOffset, UINT32 inSize); };
// Tracing macro used by EMF spooling functions
#define TRACE_EMFSPL(arg) DbgPrint arg
#define TRACE_EMFSPL(arg)
#ifndef HIDWORD
// Our own macros for working with 64-bit integer values
// WINBUG #82848 2-7-2000 bhouse Investigate using system wide definitons for getting hi/low dword of 64bit values
// Old Comment:
// - Use this until we have a system-wide definition in place.
#define LODWORD(i64) ((DWORD) (i64))
#define HIDWORD(i64) ((DWORD) ((UINT64) (i64) >> 32))
#endif // !_EMFSPOOL_H_