* Module Name: mapfile2.c * * Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.hxx"
#ifdef _HYDRA_
#include "muclean.hxx"
extern BOOL G_fConsole; extern PW32PROCESS gpidSpool;
typedef enum _MAP_MODE { ModeKernel, ModeFD } MAP_MODE;
typedef enum _FONT_IMAGE_TYPE { RemoteImage = 1, MemoryImage = 2 } FONT_IMAGE_TYPE;
#define SZDLHEADER ALIGN8(offsetof(DOWNLOADFONTHEADER, FileOffsets[1]))
* * Routine Name: * * cMapRemoteFonts * * This procedure creates a virtual memory section in which we store * a copy of the spooler's data buffer. I shall refer to this copy * as the "spooler section". The pointer to the associated section * object is saved for later use. A view of the spooler section is * mapped into the user-mode address space of the calling procedure * (the spooler process). All the information about the spooler * section and its mappings is stored in a FONTFILEVIEW * strucutue supplied by the caller. * * Parameters: * * ppHeader - address of a variable that gives and receives a * pointer to a DOWNLOADFONTHEADER structure. * Upon entry, this is a pointer to a view of the spooler * section that is valid in the context of the calling * process (the spooler process). * * Upon error the value placed at this address is zero. * * cjBuffer - a 32 bit variable that contains the size of the * spooler image. In the case of MemoryImage fonts * this size is actually larger than the size of the buffer * by SZDLHEADER bytes. * * pFontFileView - a pointer to a FONTFILEVIEW structure that * points to incomming receive the information about * the copy of the spooler image. * * Upon error this structure consists of all zero's. * * Upon a successful completion of this procedure, * pFontFileView->gtfv.pvView will point to the first * font in the spooler buffer and * pFontFileView->gtfv.cjView will be equal to the * size of the spooler buffer starting at pvView. * That is, cjView is equal to cjBuffer minus * the size of the spooler header. * * The fields of the FONTFILEVIEW structure that are * affected are: * * SpoolerBase - points to the base of a view of the spooler * view of the spooler section. pHeader is * valid only in the context of the this process * (the spooler process) * * fv.pvView - points to the first font file in the spooler * view of the spooler section. This view of * the spooler section is valid only in the * context of the calling process. * * fv.cjView - a 32-bit varaible that contains the size of * header information is subtracted off. Another * way to say this is: cjView is the offset of * the end of the spooler section from the start * of the image of the first font file. * * ulRegionSize - equal to the entire size of the spooler * section including the header information. * * fv.pSection - pointer to the section object controling the * spooler section. This is a kernel mode * address and thus is accessable by any process * in kernel mode. * * SpoolerPid - the process id of the calling process. This is * the id of the process that has valid access * to pHeader, and fv.pvView. * * ImageType - One of RemoteImage or MemoryImage. In * the case of a remote font image, the image starts * with a variable length DOWNLOADFONTHEADER structure * followed by a series of file images at offsets * specified in the header. In this case cjBuffer is * equal to the size of the spooler image in bytes. This * includes the size of the header, the files, and all * necessary padding. In the case of a memory font image, * the image is of a single font file; no header, no * padding. In this case cjBuffer is equal to the size * of the image plus SZDLHEADER. Here cjBuffer is equal * to the size of the section to be produced which will * start with a header, generated here, followed by * a single font file image. * * Called by: * * NtGdiAddRemoteFontToDC * \**************************************************************************/
extern "C" ULONG cMapRemoteFonts( DOWNLOADFONTHEADER **ppHeader, // IN OUT pointer to spooler buffer
// mapped into CSRSS address sapce
COUNT cjBuffer, // IN size of spooler buffer in bytes
FONTFILEVIEW *pFontFileView, // OUT pointer to mapped file information
FONT_IMAGE_TYPE ImageType // {Remote, Memory}
{ NTSTATUS NtStatus; PVOID pSection, pView; LARGE_INTEGER MaximumSize; LARGE_INTEGER SectionOffset; SIZE_T ViewSize; ULONG TempSize, NumFiles; BOOL bRet; BOOL bSpooledType1 = FALSE;
// Copy the address of the spooler data into pHeader for safe keeping
pHeader = *ppHeader;
// Set the (return value) of the address of the copy of the spooler
// data to zero. This indicates error.
*ppHeader = 0;
#define MAX_FONTFILE 0x10000000
// claudebe 6/24/99, the new surrogate enabled MungLui is blowing the previous limit of 0x80000000
// return 0 if cjBuffer is bogus
if ((cjBuffer > MAX_FONTFILE) || (cjBuffer < sizeof(DOWNLOADFONTHEADER))) { return 0; }
// Initialize these variables to zero to prevent unintended access
// in the clean up code at the end of this routine. We also zero
// out the FONTFILEVIEW structure, not only to indicate error, but
// this will save us explicitly zeroing fields that we do not touch
// in this routine.
pSection = 0; pView = 0;
if (pFontFileView == 0) { return(0); }
RtlZeroMemory(pFontFileView, sizeof(*pFontFileView));
if (ImageType == RemoteImage) { __try { ProbeForRead(pHeader, sizeof(DOWNLOADFONTHEADER), sizeof(ULONG)); NumFiles = pHeader->NumFiles; } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { WARNING("cMapRemoteFonts: invalid pointer pHeader\n"); return (0); }
// do some checks to ensure that these numbers are not entirely bogus.
// Eg. in reality we never have more than 3 files per font, the total
// sum of their sizes should not exceed MAX_FONTFILE (32MB for now);
// ClaudeBe 6/24/99, limit extended to 256 MB
ASSERTGDI(NumFiles <= 3, "NumFiles not reasonable\n");
if (NumFiles > 3) { return 0; }
// The upper limit on the size of the spooler section is 256Mb
if (0x10000000 < cjBuffer) { return(0); }
if (!IS_USER_ADDRESS(pHeader)) { return(0); }
// If this a pfm,pfb image spooled from the NT 4.0 client,
// NumFiles will be set to zero and Type1ID will be set to
// ufi hash value. In this case we have to set the NumFiles to 2:
if (NumFiles == 0) { bSpooledType1 = TRUE; NumFiles = 2; } } else { // for MemoryImage, NumFiles should be 1
NumFiles = 1; }
// Set TempSize to be equal to the size of the stuff preceeding
// the first font file. This is the size of the header information
// if you wish
TempSize = ALIGN8(offsetof(DOWNLOADFONTHEADER, FileOffsets[NumFiles]));
// return 0 if the TempSize is bigger than cjBuffer
if (cjBuffer < TempSize) { return 0; }
// Create a section where we will store a copy of the spooler data
MaximumSize.QuadPart = (LONGLONG) cjBuffer;
NtStatus = Win32CreateSection( &pSection , // SectionObject
SECTION_ALL_ACCESS , // DesiredAccess
0 , // ObjectAttributes
&MaximumSize , // MaximumSize
PAGE_READWRITE , // SectionPageProtection
SEC_COMMIT , // AllocationAttributes
0 , // FileHandle
0 , // FileObject
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { return(0); }
// Map a view of the spooler section into the user mode address space
// of the current process (this spooler process)
SectionOffset.QuadPart = 0; ViewSize = cjBuffer;
ASSERTGDI(pView == 0, "pView != 0\n");
// Temporarily map a view of the section into the user mode address space
// of the spooler process. This will allow us to copy the data from
// the spool file to the section. After we are done we will close
// this mapping and open a mapping into the user mode address space
// of the CSRSS process.
NtStatus = MmMapViewOfSection( pSection , // SectionToMap,
PsGetCurrentProcess(), // spooler process
&pView , // CapturedBase,
0 , // ZeroBits,
ViewSize , // CommitSize,
&SectionOffset , // SectionOffset,
&ViewSize , // CapturedViewSize,
ViewUnmap , // InheritDisposition,
SEC_NO_CHANGE , // AllocationType,
PAGE_READWRITE // Allow writing on this view
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { Win32DestroySection(pSection); return(0); }
// this operation is a suspect for copying into 0-th page of csrss:
ASSERTGDI(pView, "pView == 0\n");
// Change pHeader to point at the copy
if (ImageType == MemoryImage) { // pHeader is a buffer of size cjBuffer - SZDLHEADER
// advance the pointer to the right position
cjBuffer -= SZDLHEADER; pView = (PBYTE)pView + SZDLHEADER;
// fill out the fields in DOWNLOADFONTHEADER for memory fonts
__try { ProbeAndWriteUlong( &pTmp->Type1ID, 0); ProbeAndWriteUlong( &pTmp->NumFiles, NumFiles); ProbeAndWriteUlong( &pTmp->FileOffsets[0], cjBuffer); bRet = TRUE; } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { WARNING("cMapRemoteFonts: exception occured for memory image\n"); EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); bRet = FALSE; }
if (bRet == FALSE) { NtStatus = MmUnmapViewOfSection(PsGetCurrentProcess(), (PVOID)pCopy);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { WARNING("Could not unmap the current process view of the memory font\n"); } Win32DestroySection(pSection); return(0); } }
// Copy the spooler data into this view of the spooler section
__try { ProbeForRead(pHeader, cjBuffer, sizeof(BYTE)); RtlCopyMemory(pView, pHeader, cjBuffer); bRet = TRUE; } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { WARNING("cMapRemoteFonts: exception occured\n"); EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); bRet = FALSE; }
// fix the spooled (from NT 4.0) Type1 font case:
if (bSpooledType1) { __try { ProbeAndWriteUlong( &pTmp->Type1ID, 0); ProbeAndWriteUlong( &pTmp->NumFiles, NumFiles); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { WARNING("cMapRemoteFonts: exception occured\n"); EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); bRet = FALSE; } }
// We have OR have not successfully completed copying the data
// from the file to the section. In either case we no longer
// need this view of the section
// so we will unmap the spooler view at this time
NtStatus = MmUnmapViewOfSection(PsGetCurrentProcess(), (PVOID)pCopy);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { WARNING("Could not unmap the current process view of the memory font\n"); KdPrint(("Could not unmap the current process view of the memory font\n"));
Win32DestroySection(pSection); return(0); }
if (bRet == FALSE) { Win32DestroySection(pSection); return(0); }
// Now we will map a view into the user mode address space
// of the CSRSS process. Remember that this view cannot
// be seen by the current process.
pView = 0; ViewSize = 0; SectionOffset.QuadPart = 0;
NtStatus = MmMapViewOfSection( pSection , // SectionToMap,
gpepCSRSS , // CSRSS process
&pView , // CapturedBase,
0 , // ZeroBits,
ViewSize , // CommitSize,
&SectionOffset , // SectionOffset,
&ViewSize , // CapturedViewSize,
ViewUnmap , // InheritDisposition,
SEC_NO_CHANGE , // AllocationType,
PAGE_READONLY // No writing on this view
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { Win32DestroySection(pSection); return(0); }
ASSERTGDI((ULONG_PTR)pView > 0x100000, "cmap remote fonts: csrss view smaller than 1MB \n");
// Reset pCopy to point to a view of the section in the context
// of the CSRSS process. CAUTION - you cannot access any data
// off of pCopy or pView after this point.
if (ImageType == MemoryImage) { // reset the size and pointer
cjBuffer += SZDLHEADER; pView = pCopy; }
// SpoolerBase points at the base of the copy.
// pvView points to the first font image.
// cjView is the size of the section with starting
// at the first font image.
// ulRegionSize is set to the size of the entire view.
pFontFileView->SpoolerBase = pCopy; pFontFileView->fv.pvViewFD = (char*) pCopy + TempSize; pFontFileView->fv.cjView = cjBuffer - TempSize; pFontFileView->ulRegionSize = ViewSize;
// We have to set FD ref count to 1, KM ref count to zero [bodind]
pFontFileView->cKRefCount = 0; pFontFileView->cRefCountFD = 1;
pFontFileView->fv.pSection = pSection; pFontFileView->SpoolerPid = W32GetCurrentPID(); // this could be the pid of the spooler
// or the pid of the current process which is loading a memory font
*ppHeader = pCopy; // Valid in CSRSS process only.
return(NumFiles); }
* * vUnmapRemoteFonts * * This is a remote font so delete the memory for the view. * * CAUTION * * This code is intimately linked with NtGdiAddRemoteFontToDC() * so any changes here should be synchronized there. * * The pool memory starts with a DOWNLOADFONTHEADER followed by the * file image pointed to by pvView. We must pass the pointer to the * beginning of the pool allocation to the free routine. * * * Spooler data format for Engine fonts * * * DOWNLOADFONTHEADER PADDING * | | * | |- FILE OFFSETS-| | * +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ * | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | N | x | font image #0 | font image #1 |... * +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ * ^ * pvView points to first font image * * * Parameters: * * pFontFileView - a 32-bit variable that contains a pointer to a * FONTFILEVIEW structure that describes the very * first font file image in the spooler data. * * Return Value: * * none * * Called by: * * NtGdiAddRemoteFontsToDC * FreeFileView * \**************************************************************************/
extern "C" void vUnmapRemoteFonts(FONTFILEVIEW *pFontFileView) { if (pFontFileView == 0) { return; }
ASSERTGDI(pFontFileView->SpoolerPid == W32GetCurrentPID() || gpidSpool == (PW32PROCESS)W32GetCurrentProcess(), "vUnmapRemoteFonts: wrong process freeing remote font data\n");
// We initialize the cRefCountFD to 1 in cMapRemoteFonts() function
if (pFontFileView->cRefCountFD) { pFontFileView->cRefCountFD -= 1; }
if (pFontFileView->cRefCountFD == 0) { if (pFontFileView->fv.pSection) { if (pFontFileView->SpoolerBase) { MmUnmapViewOfSection(gpepCSRSS, pFontFileView->SpoolerBase); pFontFileView->SpoolerBase = NULL; } Win32DestroySection(pFontFileView->fv.pSection); pFontFileView->fv.pSection = 0; } } }
* * bCreateFontFileView * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bCreateFontFileView( FONTFILEVIEW *pFontFileViewIn, // kernel mode address
DOWNLOADFONTHEADER *pHeader, // CSRSS address of spool section
COUNT cjBuffer, FONTFILEVIEW ***papfv, ULONG NumFiles ) { FONTFILEVIEW **apfv, *pFontFileView, FontFileView; NTSTATUS NtStatus; ULONG offset; COUNT cjHeader; BOOL bRet = TRUE;
// In order to see the data pointed to by pHeader we must attach
// to the address space of the CSRSS process
// engine fonts
apfv = 0; FontFileView = *pFontFileViewIn;
cjHeader = ALIGN8(offsetof(DOWNLOADFONTHEADER,FileOffsets[NumFiles]));
if (cjBuffer <= cjHeader) { EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); KeDetachProcess(); return FALSE; }
// The lowest part of the block of memory pointed to by apfv
// will be occupied by NumFiles pointers to FONTFILEVIEW structures.
// The FONTFILEVIEW structures pointed to by these pointers follow
// at the first 8-byte aligned address after the array of pointers.
* * * Structure of data pointed to by `apfv' * * * * pointer data +----------------------------+ * * | V * * +---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+----+---+---+---+----+---+---+---+----+---+ * * |apfv ... | p | p | p | |FONTFILEVIEW| |FONTFILEVIEW| |FONTFILEVIEW| | * * +---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+----+---+---+---+----+---+---+---+----+---+ * * | ^ | ^ * * +-------+ +-------------+ * * * * | | * * |<-- offset --->| * * * *********************************************************************************/
// `offset' is the count of bytes from the beginning of the allocated
// memory to where the array of FONTFILEVIEW structures starts. An array
// of FONTFILEVIEW pointers preceeds.
offset = ALIGN8(sizeof(FONTFILEVIEW*) * NumFiles);
apfv = (FONTFILEVIEW**) PALLOCMEM(sizeof(FONTFILEVIEW) * NumFiles + offset, 'vffG');
if (apfv == 0) { EngSetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); KeDetachProcess(); return FALSE; }
// Only initiaze these values for one file view in the
// array. This file view will be used to free the entire
// block of memory containing all the files.
FONTFILEVIEW **ppFontFileView = apfv;
pFontFileView = (FONTFILEVIEW*) ((char*) apfv + offset);
// FileOffset[i] = offset of File[i+1] from begining of first
// font file view
// Size[i] = FileOffset[i] - FileOffset[i-1];
// copy the FONTFILEVIEW structure initialized by vMapSpoolerFontFiles
// into the first positon in the array
*pFontFileView = FontFileView;
// Set pchView to point to the first FONTFILEVIEW structure in the
// array
char *pchView = (char*) FontFileView.fv.pvViewFD;
// pchLast points to illegal memory. This step relies on
// vMapRemotFonts to place in cjView the size of the view as
// though it were based at the start of the first file.
char *pchLast = pchView + FontFileView.fv.cjView;
ULONG Offset = 0; ULONG *pOffset = &(pHeader->FileOffsets[0]); ULONG *pOffsetLast = pOffset + NumFiles;
for (; pOffset < pOffsetLast; pOffset++) { ULONG NextOffset = *pOffset; ULONG cjView = NextOffset - Offset; Offset = ALIGN4(NextOffset); // the offset alignement must correspond to \ntgdi\client\ufi.c WriteFontToSpoolFile()
// if there is a need for different alignement, then we would need to map each file separately
ASSERTGDI(Offset == NextOffset, "bCreateFontFileView ALIGN difference between client and server");
if (pchLast < pchView + cjView) { bRet = FALSE; break; }
pFontFileView->fv.pvViewFD = pchView; pFontFileView->fv.cjView = cjView;
// move pchView to point at the next font image
pchView += cjView;
*ppFontFileView = pFontFileView;
ppFontFileView++; pFontFileView++;
if (!bRet) { VFREEMEM(apfv); } else { *papfv = apfv; }
return (bRet); }
* * NtGdiAddRemoteFontToDC * * This routine is called by the spooler process, at playback time, to * add remote fonts to a printer DC. The font files in question are for * the use of the associated print job only. No other application can * have access. In order to prevent mischevious application on the server * from picking up font to which it has not right, we have chosen to not * copy the file images contained in the spool file to separate font file * on the disk. This means that the spooler process cannot use * AddFontResource to allow the DC access to the fonts. * Instead, we have introduced this private entry point for the spooler. * * Parameters: * * hdc - handle to DC to which remote font is to be added * * pvBuffer - pointer to a DOWNLOADFONTHEADER that details * the location of the font files contained * withing this buffer. * * cjBuffer - is the size of the buffe, in bytes, pointed * to by pvBuffer * * Return Value: * * TRUE if successful, FALSE if not. * * Remarks: * * In the process of loading the fonts to the spooler DC, we create * an array of FONTFILEVIEW structures. The lowest part of the block * of memory pointed to by apfv will be occupied by NumFiles pointers * to FONTFILEVIEW structures. The FONTFILEVIEW structures pointed to * by these pointers follow at the first 8-byte aligned address after * the array of pointers. * * Structure of data pointed to by `apfv' * * pointer data +----------------------------+ * | V * +---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+----+---+---+---+----+---+---+---+----+---+ * |apfv ... | p | p | p | |FONTFILEVIEW| |FONTFILEVIEW| |FONTFILEVIEW| | * +---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+----+---+---+---+----+---+---+---+----+---+ * | ^ | ^ * +-------+ +-------------+ * * | | * |<-- offset --->| * \**************************************************************************/
extern "C" BOOL APIENTRY NtGdiAddRemoteFontToDC( HDC hdc , // handle to DC to which remote font is to be added
PVOID pvBuffer , // pointer to spool font file image
COUNT cjBuffer , // size of spool font file image
PUNIVERSAL_FONT_ID pufi //orignal ufi for subsetted font, used for remote printing only
) { FONTFILEVIEW FontFileView, **apfv, *pFontFileView; DOWNLOADFONTHEADER *pHeader; NTSTATUS NtStatus; ULONG offset; ULONG NumFiles; BOOL bRet; BOOL bMappedSpoolerFont; UNIVERSAL_FONT_ID ufiTmp; UNIVERSAL_FONT_ID *pufiTmp = pufi;
__try { if (pufiTmp) { ufiTmp = ProbeAndReadStructure(pufiTmp, UNIVERSAL_FONT_ID); pufiTmp = &ufiTmp; } bRet = TRUE; } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { bRet = FALSE; }
if (!bRet) return bRet;
bRet = FALSE; XDCOBJ dco(hdc);
if (!dco.bValid()) { return bRet; }
apfv = 0; pFontFileView = NULL;
pHeader = (DOWNLOADFONTHEADER*) pvBuffer;
NumFiles = cMapRemoteFonts(&pHeader, cjBuffer, &FontFileView, RemoteImage);
if (pHeader == 0) { goto exit_point; } bRet = TRUE; pFontFileView = &FontFileView;
if (NumFiles) { // engine fonts
if (bRet = bCreateFontFileView(&FontFileView, pHeader, cjBuffer, &apfv, NumFiles)) { PUBLIC_PFTOBJ pfto;
bRet = pfto.bLoadRemoteFonts(dco, apfv, NumFiles, 0, pufiTmp); } }
if (!bRet) { if (pFontFileView) { vUnmapRemoteFonts(pFontFileView); } if (apfv) { VFREEMEM(apfv); } } dco.vUnlockFast();
return (bRet); }
* * GreAddFontMemResourceEx * * This function uses same routines that NtGdiAddRemoteToDC() * uses to create the file view structrues before it can load * the font into the system. Memory fonts are always added as * private to the private font tale. * \**************************************************************************/
HANDLE GreAddFontMemResourceEx( PVOID pvBuffer, ULONG cjBuffer, DESIGNVECTOR *pdv, DWORD cjDV, DWORD *pNumFonts ) { FONTFILEVIEW **apfv, FontFileView; DOWNLOADFONTHEADER *pHeader; ULONG NumFiles;
apfv = 0; pHeader = (DOWNLOADFONTHEADER*) pvBuffer;
// in order to use the same routines used by remote fonts, we need to
// attach a DOWNLOADFONTHEADER structure in fron of the font image
cjBuffer += SZDLHEADER;
NumFiles = cMapRemoteFonts(&pHeader, cjBuffer, &FontFileView, MemoryImage);
if (pHeader != 0) { ASSERTGDI(NumFiles == 1, "GreAddFontMemResourceEx() NumFiles != 1\n");
if (bCreateFontFileView(&FontFileView, pHeader, cjBuffer, &apfv, 1)) { if (gpPFTPrivate || bInitPrivatePFT()) { PUBLIC_PFTOBJ pfto(gpPFTPrivate); ULONG cFonts;
bOK = TRUE; // if hLoadMemFonts fail to load a bad font, apfv is already released
// inside hLoadMemFonts at FreeFileView and doesn't need to be freed
// below, see Windows bug 770114
if (hMMFont = pfto.hLoadMemFonts(apfv, pdv, cjDV, &cFonts)) { *pNumFonts = cFonts; } } } else { vUnmapRemoteFonts(&FontFileView); } }
if (!bOK && apfv) { VFREEMEM(apfv); }
return hMMFont; }
* * FreeFileView * * This routine is called to free the copy of the spooler data, * if it exists. * * Parameters: * * apfv - pointer to an array of FONTFILEVIEW pointers. * The number of pointers in the array is given by cFiles. * * cFiles - a 32-bit variable containing the number of pointers in * the array pointed to by apfv. * * Return Value: * * None. * * Called by: * * PFFOBJ::pPFFC_Delete * \**************************************************************************/
extern "C" void FreeFileView(PFONTFILEVIEW apfv[], ULONG cFiles) { FONTFILEVIEW *pfv, **ppfv;
for (ppfv = apfv; ppfv < apfv + cFiles; ppfv++) { pfv = *ppfv;
if (pfv->ulRegionSize) { vUnmapRemoteFonts(pfv); } } VFREEMEM(apfv); }
* * BOOL EngMapFontFileInternal * * This is called by font drivers to return a buffer containing the * raw bytes for a font file, given a handle passed to DrvLoadFontFile. * The handle is really a pointer to the PFF for this file. * * Parameters: * * iFile - Supplies a 32-bit identifier of the font file. This is * the value supplied in DrvLoadFontFile. * * ppjBuf - Supplies a pointer to a variable that will receive the * address of the base of the view of the file. * * pcjBuf - Supplies a pointer to a variable that will receive the * size of the view of the file. * bFontDrv - if this is called by font driver. * * Return Values: * * TRUE if successufl, FALSE if not. * * Called by: * * PUBLIC_PFTOBJ::bLoadFonts * NtGdiAddRemoteFontToDC * GreMakeFontDir * * History: * 20-Jan-1995 -by- Gerrit van Wingerden * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EngMapFontFileInternal( ULONG_PTR iFile , PULONG *ppjBuf, ULONG *pcjBuf, BOOL bFontDrv ) { PFONTFILEVIEW pffv = (PFONTFILEVIEW) iFile; BOOL bMapIt,bRet; FILEVIEW fv;
RtlZeroMemory(&fv, sizeof(fv));
bRet = TRUE; bMapIt = TRUE;
GreAcquireFastMutex(ghfmMemory); if (pffv->fv.pvKView) { bMapIt = FALSE; pffv->cKRefCount += 1; } else if (!pffv->pwszPath) { RIP("fv.pvKView==0 && pwszPath==0\n"); } else if (pffv->fv.pSection) { NTSTATUS NtStatus; SIZE_T ViewSize; LARGE_INTEGER SectionOffset;
SectionOffset.QuadPart = 0; ViewSize = 0;
#if defined(_GDIPLUS_)
NtStatus = MapViewInProcessSpace( pffv->fv.pSection, &pffv->fv.pvKView, &ViewSize);
#elif defined(_HYDRA_)
// MmMapViewInSessionSpace is internally promoted to
// MmMapViewInSystemSpace on non-Hydra systems.
NtStatus= Win32MapViewInSessionSpace( pffv->fv.pSection, &pffv->fv.pvKView, &ViewSize); #else
NtStatus = MmMapViewInSystemSpace( pffv->fv.pSection, &pffv->fv.pvKView, &ViewSize); #endif
if (bRet = NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { #ifdef _HYDRA_
#if DBG
if (!G_fConsole) { DebugGreTrackAddMapView(pffv->fv.pvKView); } #endif
pffv->cKRefCount = 1; } bMapIt = FALSE; } GreReleaseFastMutex(ghfmMemory);
if (bMapIt) { BOOL bMapOK, bIsFAT;
// If the call is from the font driver, the current thread
// is attached to the CSRSS process. By attaching it to the
// CSRSS, the thread loses its user security context which
// prevents the thread to open a network font file.
if (bFontDrv) KeDetachProcess();
bMapOK = bMapFile(pffv->pwszPath, &fv, 0, &bIsFAT);
if (bFontDrv) KeAttachProcess(PsGetProcessPcb(gpepCSRSS));
if (!bMapOK) { bRet = FALSE; } else { BOOL bKeepIt;
GreAcquireFastMutex(ghfmMemory); pffv->cKRefCount += 1; if (pffv->fv.pvKView) { bKeepIt = FALSE; // file mapped by another thread
} else { bRet = bKeepIt = bMapRoutine(pffv, &fv, ModeKernel, bIsFAT); } GreReleaseFastMutex(ghfmMemory);
if (!bKeepIt) { vUnmapFile(&fv); } } }
if (bRet) { //
// it's okay to access these without grabbing the MUTEX since we've
// incremented the reference count;
if (ppjBuf) { *ppjBuf = (ULONG*) pffv->fv.pvKView; } if (pcjBuf) { *pcjBuf = pffv->fv.cjView; } }
* * BOOL EngMapFontFile * * History: * 20-Jan-1995 -by- Gerrit van Wingerden * \**********************************************************/
BOOL EngMapFontFile( ULONG_PTR iFile , PULONG *ppjBuf, ULONG *pcjBuf ) { return (EngMapFontFileInternal(iFile, ppjBuf, pcjBuf, FALSE)); }
* * EngUnmapFontFile * * This is called by font drivers to unmap a file mapped by a previous * call to EngMapFontFile. * * Parameters: * * iFile - is the font identifier as returned by EngMapFontFile. * * Return Value: * * None. * * Called by: * * PUBLIC_PFTOBJ::bLoadFonts * GreMakeFontDir * \**************************************************************************/
void EngUnmapFontFile(ULONG_PTR iFile) { FILEVIEW fv; PFONTFILEVIEW pffv = (PFONTFILEVIEW) iFile;
fv.pvKView = NULL;
if (pffv->cKRefCount) { pffv->cKRefCount -= 1;
if (pffv->cKRefCount == 0) { if (pffv->pwszPath) { fv = pffv->fv; // copy pvKView, pvViewFD and pSection;
pffv->fv.pvKView = 0;
if (pffv->fv.pvViewFD == 0) { pffv->fv.pSection = 0; } } } }
if (fv.pvKView) { vUnmapFile(&fv); } }
* BOOL bMapFile * * Similar to PosMapFile except that it takes unicode file name * * If iFileSize is -1 then the file is module is mapped for read/write. If * iFileSize is > 0 then the file is extended or truncated to be iFileSize * bytes in size and is mapped for read/write. * * History: * 21-May-1991 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bMapFile(PWSTR pwszFileName, FILEVIEW *pfvw, INT iFileSize, BOOL *pbIsFAT) { FILEVIEW fv; NTSTATUS NtStatus; BOOL ReturnValue; SIZE_T ViewSize;
ReturnValue = FALSE;
if (bCreateSection(pwszFileName, &fv, iFileSize, pbIsFAT)) { ViewSize = 0;
#if defined(_GDIPLUS_)
NtStatus = MapViewInProcessSpace(fv.pSection, &fv.pvKView, &ViewSize);
#elif defined(_HYDRA_)
// MmMapViewInSessionSpace is internally promoted to
// MmMapViewInSystemSpace on non-Hydra systems.
NtStatus = Win32MapViewInSessionSpace(fv.pSection, &fv.pvKView, &ViewSize); #else
NtStatus = MmMapViewInSystemSpace(fv.pSection, &fv.pvKView, &ViewSize); #endif
if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) {
#ifdef _HYDRA_
#if DBG
if (!G_fConsole) { DebugGreTrackAddMapView (fv.pvKView); } #endif
*pfvw = fv; ReturnValue = TRUE; } else { DEREFERENCE_FONTVIEW_SECTION(fv.pSection); } }
return(ReturnValue); }
* * vCopyDESIGNVECTOR * \**************************************************************************/
extern "C" VOID vCopyDESIGNVECTOR(DESIGNVECTOR *pDst, DESIGNVECTOR *pSrc) { RtlCopyMemory(pDst, pSrc, SIZEOFDV(pSrc->dvNumAxes)); }
* * EngMapFontFileFDInternal * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EngMapFontFileFDInternal( ULONG_PTR iFile , PULONG *ppjBuf, ULONG *pcjBuf, BOOL bFontDrv ) { PFONTFILEVIEW pffv = (PFONTFILEVIEW) iFile; BOOL bMapIt,bRet; FILEVIEW fv;
RtlZeroMemory(&fv, sizeof(fv));
bRet = TRUE; bMapIt = TRUE;
GreAcquireFastMutex(ghfmMemory); if (pffv->fv.pvViewFD) { bMapIt = FALSE; pffv->cRefCountFD += 1; } else if (!pffv->pwszPath) { GreReleaseFastMutex(ghfmMemory); return(FALSE); } else if (pffv->fv.pSection) { NTSTATUS NtStatus; SIZE_T ViewSize; LARGE_INTEGER SectionOffset;
SectionOffset.QuadPart = 0; ViewSize = 0;
#if defined(_GDIPLUS_)
NtStatus = MapViewInProcessSpace(pffv->fv.pSection, &pffv->fv.pvViewFD, &ViewSize); #else
NtStatus = MmMapViewOfSection( pffv->fv.pSection , // SectionToMap,
gpepCSRSS , // spooler process
&pffv->fv.pvViewFD, // CapturedBase,
0 , // ZeroBits,
ViewSize , // CommitSize,
&SectionOffset , // SectionOffset,
&ViewSize , // CapturedViewSize,
ViewUnmap , // InheritDisposition,
SEC_NO_CHANGE , // AllocationType,
); #endif
if (bRet = NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { pffv->cRefCountFD = 1; } bMapIt = FALSE; } GreReleaseFastMutex(ghfmMemory);
if (bMapIt) { // If the call is from the font driver, the current thread
// is attached to the CSRSS process. By attaching it to the
// CSRSS, the thread loses its user security context which
// prevents the thread to open a network font file.
BOOL bCreateOK, bIsFAT;
if (bFontDrv) KeDetachProcess();
bCreateOK = bCreateSection(pffv->pwszPath, &fv, 0, &bIsFAT);
if (bFontDrv) KeAttachProcess(PsGetProcessPcb(gpepCSRSS));
if (!bCreateOK) { bRet = FALSE; } else { BOOL bKeepIt; NTSTATUS NtStatus; SIZE_T ViewSize = 0; PVOID pvView, pSection; LARGE_INTEGER SectionOffset = {0,0};
#if defined(_GDIPLUS_)
NtStatus = MapViewInProcessSpace(fv.pSection, &fv.pvViewFD, &ViewSize);
NtStatus = MmMapViewOfSection( fv.pSection , // SectionToMap,
gpepCSRSS , // spooler process
&fv.pvViewFD , // CapturedBase,
0 , // ZeroBits,
ViewSize , // CommitSize,
&SectionOffset, // SectionOffset,
&ViewSize , // CapturedViewSize,
ViewUnmap , // InheritDisposition,
SEC_NO_CHANGE , // AllocationType,
); #endif
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { DEREFERENCE_FONTVIEW_SECTION(fv.pSection); return(FALSE); }
GreAcquireFastMutex(ghfmMemory); pffv->cRefCountFD += 1; if (pffv->fv.pvViewFD) { bKeepIt = FALSE; } else { bRet = bKeepIt = bMapRoutine(pffv, &fv, ModeFD, bIsFAT); } GreReleaseFastMutex(ghfmMemory);
if (!bKeepIt) { vUnmapFileFD(&fv); } } }
if (bRet) {
ASSERTGDI((ULONG_PTR)pffv->fv.pvViewFD > 0x100000, "csrss view smaller than 1MB \n");
if (ppjBuf) { *ppjBuf = (ULONG*) pffv->fv.pvViewFD; } if (pcjBuf) { *pcjBuf = pffv->fv.cjView; } }
return(bRet); }
* * EngMapFontFileFD * \************************************************************/
BOOL EngMapFontFileFD( ULONG_PTR iFile, PULONG *ppjBuf, ULONG *pcjBuf ) { return (EngMapFontFileFDInternal(iFile, ppjBuf, pcjBuf, TRUE)); }
* * vUnmapFileFD * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vUnmapFileFD(FILEVIEW *pFileView) { #if defined(_GDIPLUS_)
UnmapViewInProcessSpace(pFileView->pvViewFD); #else
MmUnmapViewOfSection(gpepCSRSS, pFileView->pvViewFD); #endif
if (pFileView->pvKView == 0) { DEREFERENCE_FONTVIEW_SECTION(pFileView->pSection); }
pFileView->bLastUpdated = FALSE; }
* * EngUnmapFontFileFD * \**************************************************************************/
fv.pvViewFD = NULL;
if (pffv->cRefCountFD) { pffv->cRefCountFD -= 1;
if (pffv->cRefCountFD == 0) { if (pffv->pwszPath) { // This path is never taken for remote fonts
// so this routine does not unmap remote fonts
fv = pffv->fv; // copy pvKView, pvViewFD and pSection;
if (pffv->fv.pvViewFD) { pffv->fv.pvViewFD = 0;
if (pffv->fv.pvKView == 0) { pffv->fv.pSection = 0; } } } } }
if (fv.pvViewFD) { vUnmapFileFD(&fv); } }
* * bCreateSection * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bCreateSection(PWSTR pwszFileName, FILEVIEW *pFileView, INT iFileSize, BOOL *pbIsFAT) { #if defined(_GDIPLUS_)
return CreateMemoryMappedSection(pwszFileName, pFileView, iFileSize);
#else // !_GDIPLUS_
RtlZeroMemory(pFileView, sizeof(FILEVIEW)); RtlZeroMemory(&FileView, sizeof(FILEVIEW));
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, pwszFileName);
BOOLEAN oldErrorState = IoSetThreadHardErrorMode(FALSE); InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, &UnicodeString, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE | OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, 0, 0);
if (iFileSize) { NtStatus = IoCreateFile( &FileHandle, FILE_GENERIC_READ | FILE_GENERIC_WRITE, &ObjectAttributes, &IoStatusBlock, 0, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, FILE_OPEN_IF, FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_ALERT, 0, 0, CreateFileTypeNone, NULL, IO_FORCE_ACCESS_CHECK | // Ensure the user has access to the file
IO_NO_PARAMETER_CHECKING | // All of the buffers are kernel buffers
IO_CHECK_CREATE_PARAMETERS); } else { // Here is the code for reference NtOpenFile
// File locates it at ..\ntos\io\open.c
NtStatus = IoCreateFile( &FileHandle, FILE_GENERIC_READ | FILE_GENERIC_EXECUTE | SYNCHRONIZE, &ObjectAttributes, &IoStatusBlock, 0, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_OPEN, // Flag for file open.
FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_ALERT, 0, 0, CreateFileTypeNone, NULL, IO_FORCE_ACCESS_CHECK | // Ensure the user has access to the file
IO_NO_PARAMETER_CHECKING | // All of the buffers are kernel buffers
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { return(FALSE); }
NtStatus = ZwQueryInformationFile( FileHandle, &IoStatusBlock, &FileStandardInfo, sizeof(FILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION), FileStandardInformation);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { ZwClose(FileHandle); return(FALSE); }
// Get the time stamp
NtStatus = ZwQueryInformationFile( FileHandle, &IoStatusBlock, &FileBasicInfo, sizeof(FileBasicInfo), FileBasicInformation);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { ZwClose(FileHandle); return(FALSE); }
FileView.LastWriteTime = FileBasicInfo.LastWriteTime; FileView.bLastUpdated = TRUE;
if (pbIsFAT) { struct { FILE_FS_ATTRIBUTE_INFORMATION Info; WCHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH]; } FileFsAttrInfoBuffer;
NtStatus = ZwQueryVolumeInformationFile( FileHandle, &IoStatusBlock, &FileFsAttrInfoBuffer.Info, sizeof(FileFsAttrInfoBuffer), FileFsAttributeInformation); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { ZwClose(FileHandle); return(FALSE); } if (!_wcsnicmp((LPWSTR)FileFsAttrInfoBuffer.Info.FileSystemName, L"FAT", 3)) { *pbIsFAT = TRUE; } } // Note that we must call ZwSetInformation even in the case where iFileSize
// is -1. By doing so we force the file time to change. It turns out that
// just mapping a file for write (and writing to the section) is not enough
// to cause the file time to change.
if (iFileSize) { if (iFileSize > 0) { DesiredSize.LowPart = (ULONG) iFileSize; } else { DesiredSize.LowPart = FileStandardInfo.EndOfFile.LowPart; }
DesiredSize.HighPart = 0;
// set the file length to the requested size
NtStatus = ZwSetInformationFile( FileHandle, &IoStatusBlock, &DesiredSize, sizeof(DesiredSize), FileEndOfFileInformation);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { ZwClose(FileHandle); return(FALSE); }
// set FileStandardInfo and fall through to the case where we called
// ZwQueryInfo to get the file size
FileStandardInfo.EndOfFile.LowPart = (ULONG) DesiredSize.LowPart; FileStandardInfo.EndOfFile.HighPart = 0; }
if (FileStandardInfo.EndOfFile.HighPart) { ZwClose(FileHandle); return(FALSE); }
FileView.cjView = FileStandardInfo.EndOfFile.LowPart;
InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, 0, OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, 0, 0);
NtStatus = ZwWin32CreateSection( &FileView.pSection, SECTION_ALL_ACCESS, &ObjectAttributes, &FileStandardInfo.EndOfFile, (iFileSize) ? PAGE_READWRITE : PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, SEC_COMMIT, FileHandle, 0, TAG_SECTION_CREATESECTION);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { return(FALSE); }
RtlCopyMemory(pFileView, &FileView, sizeof(FileView));
#endif // !_GDIPLUS_
* vUnmapFile * * Unmaps file whose view is based at pv * * Called by: * * EngMapFontFile * EngUnmapFontFile * GetTypeOneFontList * * 14-Dec-1990 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID vUnmapFile(PFILEVIEW pfv) { NTSTATUS NtStatus;
#if defined(_GDIPLUS_)
NtStatus = UnmapViewInProcessSpace(pfv->pvKView);
#elif defined(_HYDRA_)
// MmUnmapViewInSessionSpace is internally promoted to
// MmUnmapViewInSystemSpace on non-Hydra systems.
NtStatus = Win32UnmapViewInSessionSpace(pfv->pvKView); #else
MmUnmapViewInSystemSpace(pfv->pvKView); #endif
#if DBG && defined(_HYDRA_)
if ((!G_fConsole) && (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus))) { DebugGreTrackRemoveMapView(pfv->pvKView); } #endif
if (pfv->pvViewFD == 0) { DEREFERENCE_FONTVIEW_SECTION(pfv->pSection); } pfv->bLastUpdated = FALSE; }
* GetModuleHandleAndIncrementRefcount * * This function searches through the GreEngLoadModuleAllocList to see * if a module has been loaded already, and if so it returns a handle * to that module (and increments the reference count). * * Arguments: * * pwsz -- The name of the module * * Return Value: * * a FILEVIEW pointer if the module has been loaded already, NULL * otherwise. * * History: * * 21-Apr-1998 -by- Ori Gershony [orig] * \**************************************************************************/
HANDLE GetModuleHandleAndIncrementRefcount( PWSZ pwsz ) { HANDLE hRet=NULL;
if (GreEngLoadModuleAllocListLock) GreAcquireSemaphore(GreEngLoadModuleAllocListLock);
PLIST_ENTRY pNextEntry = GreEngLoadModuleAllocList.Flink;
// Loop through the loaded modules looking for pwsz
while ((pNextEntry != &GreEngLoadModuleAllocList) && !(hRet)) { PWSZ pwszModuleName = (PWSZ) (((PBYTE) pNextEntry) + sizeof(ENGLOADMODULEHDR) - ((PENGLOADMODULEHDR)pNextEntry)->cjSize);
if (_wcsicmp(pwsz, pwszModuleName) == 0) { ((PENGLOADMODULEHDR)pNextEntry)->cRef++; hRet = (HANDLE) (((PBYTE) pNextEntry) + sizeof(ENGLOADMODULEHDR)); }
pNextEntry = pNextEntry->Flink; }
if (GreEngLoadModuleAllocListLock) GreReleaseSemaphore(GreEngLoadModuleAllocListLock);
return hRet; }
* * LoadModuleWorkHorse * * Note that all allocations are tracked through a linked list maintained * via the ENGLOADMODULEHDR fields. This enables us to do just one allocation * per file even if called multiple times. The diagram below shows the layout * of the data structures in memory. * * * * Buffer * pBaseAlloc --> +------------------+<-| * | Module name | | * pelmNew --> +------------------+ |-cjSize (length of module name * | ENGLOADMODULEHDR | | plus ENGLOADMODULE header) * pfv --> +------------------+<-| * | FILEVIEW | * | | * +------------------+ * * * Note that it is theoretically possible for two modules with the same name * to be mapped twice (to two different virtual addresses), because we don't * grab the GreEngLoadModuleAllocListLock until late in the code (so if two * threads enter this function and both pass the search stage before either * grabs the lock, both would independently get different entries for this * module). There are two possible ways to remedy this: * 1) Grab the lock before the search -- the problem is that this will force * us to keep the lock during the call to bMapFile which can take a while * 2) Search twice, the second time being after the call to bMapFile (and after * we obtain the lock). This is quite ugly, and would force us to free the * memory allocated by bMapFile in the scenario described above. * * So because neither solution is particularly attractive, we allow the same * module to be placed multiple times in the list. In practice this should * happen very rarely, and shouldn't lead to any major problems (except * for a minor waste of resources). * * \**************************************************************************/
HANDLE LoadModuleWorkHorse(PWSZ pwsz, INT iSize) { UNICODE_STRING usPath; BYTE *pBaseAlloc; FILEVIEW *pfv; HANDLE hRet = 0; ULONGSIZE_T cj = sizeof(FILEVIEW); ULONG cjStringLength;
// NULL names are bad.
if (wcslen(pwsz) == 0) { return NULL; }
// First check if this is mapped into kernel memory already
if (iSize == 0) // Only share on EngLoadModule calls because iSize may not be the same
{ if ((hRet = GetModuleHandleAndIncrementRefcount(pwsz)) != NULL) { return hRet; } }
// Get the name of the module length string. Round up to a multiple of
// 8 bytes so that the buffer we return will be 8-byte aligned (ENGLOADMODULEHDR is
// already 8-byte aligned).
cjStringLength = (wcslen(pwsz) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); cjStringLength = ((cjStringLength + 7) & (~7));
// Increase the size of the allocation by the size of the ENGLOADMODULEHDR header
// plus the length of the string.
cj += sizeof(ENGLOADMODULEHDR) + cjStringLength;
if (MakeSystemRelativePath(pwsz, &usPath, FALSE)) { if (pBaseAlloc = (BYTE *) PALLOCMEM(cj, 'lifG')) { ENGLOADMODULEHDR *pelmNew = (ENGLOADMODULEHDR *) (pBaseAlloc + cjStringLength); pfv = (FILEVIEW *) (pelmNew + 1);
if (bMapFile(usPath.Buffer, pfv, iSize, NULL)) { hRet = pfv;
// Copy the filename into the buffer
if (iSize==0) { //
// EngLoadModule -- share with other calls
wcscpy((PWSZ)pBaseAlloc, pwsz); } else { //
// EngLoadModuleForWrite -- don't share because of possible buffer size mismatches
// It is possible to code this so that writeable modules would be shared
// as well (store size in the ENGLOADMODULEHDR), but I don't think this case
// will happen very frequently so the benefit of doing this is very small.
wcscpy((PWSZ)pBaseAlloc, L""); }
pelmNew->cRef = 1; pelmNew->cjSize = sizeof(ENGLOADMODULEHDR) + cjStringLength;
// Now add to the tracking list
if (GreEngLoadModuleAllocListLock) GreAcquireSemaphore(GreEngLoadModuleAllocListLock);
InsertTailList(&GreEngLoadModuleAllocList, &(pelmNew->list));
if (GreEngLoadModuleAllocListLock) GreReleaseSemaphore(GreEngLoadModuleAllocListLock); } else { VFREEMEM(pBaseAlloc); } } VFREEMEM(usPath.Buffer); }
return(hRet); }
* EngLoadModuleForWrite * * History: * 4/24/1995 by Gerrit van Wingerden [gerritv] * Wrote it. *******************************************************************************/
HANDLE EngLoadModuleForWrite(PWSZ pwsz, ULONG cjSizeOfModule) { return(LoadModuleWorkHorse(pwsz, cjSizeOfModule ? cjSizeOfModule : -1)); }
* EngLoadModule * * History: * 4/24/1995 by Gerrit van Wingerden [gerritv] * Wrote it. *******************************************************************************/
HANDLE EngLoadModule(PWSZ pwsz) { return(LoadModuleWorkHorse(pwsz, 0)); }
* EngFreeModule() * * History: * 4/27/1995 by Gerrit van Wingerden [gerritv] * Wrote it. *****************************************************************************/
VOID EngFreeModule(HANDLE h) { ULONG cRef;
if (h) { ENGLOADMODULEHDR *pelmVictim = (ENGLOADMODULEHDR *) h; pelmVictim--; // Now it points to the real ENGLOADMODULEHDR
// Enforce synchronization on the linked list
if (GreEngLoadModuleAllocListLock) GreAcquireSemaphore(GreEngLoadModuleAllocListLock);
pelmVictim->cRef--; // Decrement reference count
// Remove resource if necessary. Cache cRef in a local variable in case it gets
// modified by another thread after we exit the critical section.
if ((cRef=pelmVictim->cRef) == 0) { RemoveEntryList(&(pelmVictim->list)); }
// Restore IRQL level as soon as possible
if (GreEngLoadModuleAllocListLock) GreReleaseSemaphore(GreEngLoadModuleAllocListLock);
// If removing resource still need to unmap file and free headers memory
if (cRef == 0) { //
// Dereference section and unmap the file
vUnmapFile((FILEVIEW *)h); //
// Free allocated memory
VFREEMEM (((PBYTE) h) - pelmVictim->cjSize); } } }
* PVOID EngMapModule( HANDLE, PULONG ) * * History: * 5/25/1995 by Gerrit van Wingerden [gerritv] * Wrote it. *****************************************************************************/
PVOID EngMapModule(HANDLE h, PULONG pSize) { *pSize=((PFILEVIEW)h)->cjView; return(((PFILEVIEW)h)->pvKView); }
* BOOL EngMapFile * * Create or Open a file and map it into system space. The file is extended or * truncated according to the cjSize passed in. If cjSize == 0, the file size * is unchanged. The view is always mapped on the entire file. * * Parameters * IN pwsz - Name of the file to be mapped. * Filename has to be fully qualified. ex. L"\\??\\c:\\test.dat" * IN cjSize - Size of the file. * OUT iFile - identifier of the mapped file * * Return Value * Pointer to the memory view. * * History: * 4-Nov-1996 -by- Lingyun Wang [LingyunW] * 19-Nov-1998 -by- Lingyun Wang [lingyunw] changed interface * * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
PVOID EngMapFile(PWSZ pwsz, ULONG cjSize, ULONG_PTR *piFile) { FILEVIEW *pfv; PVOID ReturnValue = 0;
if (pfv = (FILEVIEW*) PALLOCMEM(sizeof(FILEVIEW), 'lifG')) { if (bMapFile(pwsz, pfv, cjSize ? cjSize : -1, NULL)) { *piFile = (ULONG_PTR)pfv; ReturnValue = pfv->pvKView; } else { *piFile = 0; VFREEMEM(pfv); } } return(ReturnValue); }
* BOOL EngUnmapFile * * Unmap a view of file in system space ** * Return Value * TRUE * FALSE * * History: * 4-Nov-1996 -by- Lingyun Wang [LingyunW] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EngUnmapFile(ULONG_PTR iFile) { NTSTATUS NtStatus; FILEVIEW *pfv = (FILEVIEW *)iFile;
if (iFile) { #if defined(_GDIPLUS_)
NtStatus = UnmapViewInProcessSpace(pfv->pvKView);
#elif defined(_HYDRA_)
// MmUnmapViewInSessionSpace is internally promoted to
// MmUnmapViewInSystemSpace on non-Hydra systems.
NtStatus = Win32UnmapViewInSessionSpace(pfv->pvKView); #else
MmUnmapViewInSystemSpace(pfv->pvKView); #endif
#if DBG && defined(_HYDRA_)
if ((!G_fConsole) && (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus))) { DebugGreTrackRemoveMapView(pfv->pvKView); } #endif
} else { return (FALSE); }
* BOOL bIsOneHourDifference() * * * History: * 15-April-1999 -by- Xudong Wu [TessieW] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
// one tick is 100ns, us = 10 tick, s = 10*1000*1000 tick
// 1hr = 10*1000*1000*60*60
#define ONEHOUR (10i64*1000i64*1000i64*60i64*60i64)
BOOL bIsOneHourDifference(FILEVIEW *pNew, FILEVIEW *pOld) { LONGLONG llDifference = pNew->LastWriteTime.QuadPart - pOld->LastWriteTime.QuadPart;
if(llDifference < 0) llDifference = -llDifference;
return (llDifference == ONEHOUR ? TRUE : FALSE); }
* * bShouldMap // the font file
* \**************************************************************************/
if (pOld->LastWriteTime.QuadPart != 0) // file had been mapped in the past
{ if (pOld->cjView == pNew->cjView) { // we consider the new and the old times the "same" if they
// are literally the same or if on the FAT system they differ by
// 1 hour which we think is likely the result of the daylight
// time saving change:
if ( (pOld->LastWriteTime.QuadPart == pNew->LastWriteTime.QuadPart) || (bIsFAT && bIsOneHourDifference(pNew, pOld)) || gbGUISetup ) { bMapRet = TRUE; } } } else // first time we are attempting to map this file
{ bMapRet = TRUE; }
return(bMapRet); }
* * bMapRoutine * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bMapRoutine(FONTFILEVIEW *pffv, FILEVIEW *pfv, MAP_MODE Mode, BOOL bIsFAT) { BOOL bKeepIt = bShouldMap(pfv, &pffv->fv, bIsFAT);
if (bKeepIt) { //
// This is the first time that this file has been mapped
// OR the file has not really changed since it was mapped
// last time, however, because the time zone changed and
// because of the bug in the
// FAT file system, LastWriteTime is now reported different.
if (Mode == ModeFD) { pffv->fv.pvViewFD = pfv->pvViewFD; } else { pffv->fv.pvKView = pfv->pvKView; }
pffv->fv.cjView = pfv->cjView; pffv->fv.LastWriteTime = pfv->LastWriteTime; pffv->fv.pSection = pfv->pSection; pffv->fv.bLastUpdated = TRUE; } else { // if the size or the time of the last write has changed
// then someone has switched the file or tampered with it
// while we had it unlocked. We will fail the call.
if (Mode == ModeFD) { pffv->cRefCountFD -= 1; pffv->fv.pvViewFD = 0; } else { pffv->cKRefCount -= 1; // Restore FONTFILEVIEW
pffv->fv.pvKView = 0; // to original state
} pffv->fv.bLastUpdated = FALSE; } return(bKeepIt); }