Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Object and memory management for um-km thunking
Windows NT user mode driver support
Revision History:
09/16/97 -davidx- Created it.
#include "precomp.hxx"
#if !defined(_GDIPLUS_)
// Maximum number of pages for UMPD user mode memory heap
#define MAX_UMPD_HEAP 1024
// Create or initialize a UMPD user mode memory heap
// Allocate memory to hold the UMPDHEAP structure if necessary
// Reserve the maximum address range if needed
Status = ZwAllocateVirtualMemory( NtCurrentProcess(), &p, 0, &cj, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) pHeap->pAddress = p; else { VFREEMEM(pHeap); return NULL; }
pHeap->AllocSize = 0;
return pHeap; }
VOID UMPDOBJ::ResetHeap() { ASSERTGDI(bWOW64(), "UMPDOBJ__ResetHeap called by none WOW64 printing\n");
PROXYPORT proxyport(m_proxyPort);
proxyport.HeapInit(); }
{ pHeap->AllocSize = 0; return pHeap; }
// Grow a UMPD user mode memory heap by one more page
{ PVOID p; SIZE_T NewCommitSize; HANDLE hNewSecure; NTSTATUS Status;
NewCommitSize = ROUNDUP_MULTIPLE(pHeap->CommitSize + ulBytesNeeded, PAGE_SIZE);
if (NewCommitSize > MAX_UMPD_HEAP * PAGE_SIZE) { WARNING("Not enough space for UMPD user mode memory heap\n"); return FALSE; }
// Commit one more page and secure it
p = pHeap->pAddress;
Status = ZwAllocateVirtualMemory( NtCurrentProcess(), &p, 0, &NewCommitSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
hNewSecure = NT_SUCCESS(Status) ? MmSecureVirtualMemory(p, NewCommitSize, PAGE_READWRITE) : NULL;
if (hNewSecure == NULL) { WARNING("Failed to commit/secure more UMPD user mode memory\n"); return FALSE; }
if (pHeap->hSecure) MmUnsecureVirtualMemory(pHeap->hSecure);
pHeap->hSecure = hNewSecure; pHeap->CommitSize = NewCommitSize;
return TRUE; }
// Destroy a UMPD user mode memory heap
{ if (pHeap != NULL) { if (pHeap->hSecure) MmUnsecureVirtualMemory(pHeap->hSecure);
if (pHeap->pAddress != NULL) { PVOID pv = pHeap->pAddress; SIZE_T cj = MAX_UMPD_HEAP * PAGE_SIZE;
ZwFreeVirtualMemory(NtCurrentProcess(), &pv, &cj, MEM_RELEASE); }
VFREEMEM(pHeap); } }
// UMPDOBJ constructor
BOOL UMPDOBJ::Init() { PW32THREAD pThread; PW32PROCESS pw32Process; ULONG_PTR pPeb32; #if defined(_WIN64)
BOOL bWOW64 = TRUE; #endif
RtlZeroMemory(this, sizeof(UMPDOBJ));
m_magic = UMPD_MEMORY_TAG;
pThread = W32GetCurrentThread();
m_pNext = (PUMPDOBJ) pThread->pUMPDObjs; #if defined(_WIN64)
if (pThread->pProxyPort == NULL) { pw32Process = W32GetCurrentProcess();
if (pw32Process->W32PF_Flags & W32PF_WOW64) { PROXYPORT proxyport(MAX_UMPD_HEAP * PAGE_SIZE);
if (proxyport.bValid()) { pThread->pProxyPort = proxyport.GetProxyPort(); } else { return FALSE; } } else bWOW64 = FALSE; }
if (bWOW64) { m_proxyPort = (ProxyPort *) pThread->pProxyPort;
ResetHeap(); } else #endif
{ // WINBUG 364408 what happens if these heaps fail to initialize?
if (m_pNext == NULL) { if(pThread->pUMPDHeap == NULL) { pThread->pUMPDHeap = m_pHeap = CreateUMPDHeap(); } else { m_pHeap = InitUMPDHeap((PUMPDHEAP) pThread->pUMPDHeap); } } else { m_pHeap = CreateUMPDHeap(); } } m_clientTid = (PW32THREAD)PsGetCurrentThread(); m_clientPid = W32GetCurrentPID();
if (HmgInsertObject(this, HMGR_ALLOC_ALT_LOCK, UMPD_TYPE) == NULL) { return FALSE; }
pThread->pUMPDObjs = (PVOID) this;
return TRUE; }
// UMPDOBJ destructor
VOID UMPDOBJ::Cleanup() { W32GetCurrentThread()->pUMPDObjs = (PVOID) m_pNext;
if (HmgRemoveObject((HOBJ)hGet(), 0, 1, TRUE, UMPD_TYPE)) { //
// Delete any PATHOBJ's returned by CLIPOBJ_ppoGetPath
if (m_poClip.kmobj != NULL) EngDeletePath((PATHOBJ *) m_poClip.kmobj); //
// Destroy UMPD user mode memory heap if necessary
if(!bWOW64()) { if (m_pNext != NULL && m_pHeap != NULL) DestroyUMPDHeap(m_pHeap); } //
// Unmap any cached font file view
if (m_pvFontBase != NULL) MmUnmapViewOfSection(m_pFontProcess, m_pvFontBase); vFreeFontLinks(); } else { ASSERTGDI(FALSE, "UMPDOBJ::Cleanup() leaking UMPD handle\n"); } }
BOOL UMPDOBJ::pxlo( XLATEOBJ **ppxlo )
Routine Description:
Thunk an XLATEOBJ to user mode
ppxlo - Address of the variable containing the pointer to the kernel mode XLATEOBJ to be thunked. Upon returning from this function, the variable contains the user mode object corresponding to the specified kernel mode object.
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
{ XLATEOBJ *kmobj; PULONG pulXlate;
if ((kmobj = *ppxlo) == NULL) return TRUE;
// Copy the color lookup table
if (kmobj->cEntries) { PULONG pulSrc;
if ((pulXlate = (PULONG) AllocUserMem(kmobj->cEntries * sizeof(ULONG))) == NULL || (pulSrc = kmobj->pulXlate) == NULL && (pulSrc = XLATEOBJ_piVector(kmobj)) == NULL) { WARNING("Couldn't get XLATEOBJ color lookup table\n"); return FALSE; }
RtlCopyMemory(GetKernelPtr(pulXlate), pulSrc, kmobj->cEntries * sizeof(ULONG)); } else pulXlate = NULL;
// Perform the standard object thunk
if (!ThunkDDIOBJ(&m_xlo, (PVOID *) ppxlo, sizeof(XLATEOBJ))) return FALSE;
XLATEOBJ * pxlo = (XLATEOBJ *) GetKernelPtr(*ppxlo);
pxlo->pulXlate = pulXlate;
return TRUE; }
BOOL UMPDOBJ::pso( PDDIOBJMAP pMap, SURFOBJ **ppso, BOOL bLargeBitmap )
Routine Description:
Thunk an SURFOBJ to user mode
pMap - Address of the um-to-km object mapping structure
ppso - Address of the variable containing the pointer to the kernel mode SURFOBJ to be thunked. Upon returning from this function, the variable contains the user mode object corresponding to the specified kernel mode object.
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
{ SURFOBJ *kmobj; PVOID pvBits;
if ((kmobj = *ppso) == NULL) return TRUE;
// If we're thunking a bitmap surface and the bitmap memory
// is in kernel address space, we need to make a copy of it
// in user address space.
if ((pvBits = kmobj->pvBits) != NULL && (kmobj->iType == STYPE_BITMAP) && bNeedThunk(kmobj->pvBits) && !(bWOW64() && bLargeBitmap)) { if (! ThunkMemBlock(&pvBits, kmobj->cjBits)) return FALSE; }
// Perform the standard object thunk
if (! ThunkDDIOBJ(pMap, (PVOID *) ppso, sizeof(SURFOBJ))) return FALSE;
SURFOBJ * pso = (SURFOBJ *) GetKernelPtr(*ppso);
if (pvBits != kmobj->pvBits) { pso->pvBits = pvBits; pso->pvScan0 = (PBYTE) pvBits + ((PBYTE) kmobj->pvScan0 - (PBYTE) kmobj->pvBits);
// umpd64 only
if (bWOW64()) { kmobj->pvBits = pvBits; kmobj->pvScan0 = pso->pvScan0; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL UMPDOBJ::pstro( STROBJ **ppstro )
Routine Description:
Thunk an STROBJ to user mode
ppstro - Address of the variable containing the pointer to the kernel mode STROBJ to be thunked. Upon returning from this function, the variable contains the user mode object corresponding to the specified kernel mode object.
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
{ STROBJ *kmobj; PWSTR pwszOrg; GLYPHPOS *pgp;
if ((kmobj = *ppstro) == NULL) return TRUE;
// Thunk STROBJ.pwszOrg field
if ((pwszOrg = kmobj->pwszOrg) != NULL && !ThunkMemBlock((PVOID *) &pwszOrg, sizeof(WCHAR) * kmobj->cGlyphs)) { return FALSE; }
// Thunk STROBJ.pgp field
if ((pgp = kmobj->pgp) != NULL) { if (! ThunkMemBlock((PVOID *) &pgp, sizeof(GLYPHPOS) * kmobj->cGlyphs)) return FALSE;
// NULL out GLYPHPOS.pgdf field to force the driver
// to call FONTOBJ_cGetGlyphs.
GLYPHPOS *kmpgp = (GLYPHPOS *) GetKernelPtr(pgp);
for (ULONG i=0; i < kmobj->cGlyphs; i++) kmpgp[i].pgdf = NULL; }
// Perform the standard object thunk
if (!ThunkDDIOBJ(&m_stro, (PVOID *) ppstro, sizeof(STROBJ))) return FALSE;
STROBJ * pstro = (STROBJ *) GetKernelPtr(*ppstro);
pstro->pwszOrg = pwszOrg; pstro->pgp = pgp;
return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
Thunk a LINEATTRS structure from kernel mode to user mode
pplineattrs - On input, contains the address of the kernel mode LINEATTRS structure to be thunked. On output, contains the address of the thunked user mode copy of LINEATTRS structure.
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
{ PLINEATTRS plineattrsKM; PVOID pStyle; ULONG ulStyleSize;
if ((plineattrsKM = *pplineattrs) == NULL) return TRUE;
pStyle = plineattrsKM->pstyle; ulStyleSize = plineattrsKM->cstyle * sizeof(FLOAT_LONG);
if (! ThunkMemBlock((PVOID *) pplineattrs, sizeof(LINEATTRS)) || ! ThunkMemBlock(&pStyle, ulStyleSize)) { return FALSE; } else { PLINEATTRS plineattrs = (PLINEATTRS) GetKernelPtr(*pplineattrs);
plineattrs->pstyle = (PFLOAT_LONG) pStyle; return TRUE; } }
Routine Description:
Implement CLIPOBJ_ppoGetPath for user mode printer driver
pco - Points to a user mode CLIPOBJ
Return Value:
Pointer to user mode PATHOBJ structure NULL if there is an error
{ PATHOBJ *ppokm, *ppoum;
// Note: During the same DDI entrypoint, drivers must
// call EngDeletePath after each CLIPOBJ_ppoGetPath.
if (m_poClip.umobj || ! (ppokm = ppoum = (pco = GetDDIOBJ(pco)) ? CLIPOBJ_ppoGetPath(pco) : NULL)) { return NULL; }
if (! ppoClip(&ppoum)) { EngDeletePath(ppokm); return NULL; }
return ppoum; }
Routine Description:
Implement EngDeletePath for user mode printer driver
ppo - Points to user mode PATHOBJ to be deleted. This pointer must come from GetCLIPOBJPath.
Return Value:
{ if (ppo != NULL && ppo == m_poClip.umobj) { EngDeletePath((PATHOBJ *) m_poClip.kmobj); m_poClip.umobj = m_poClip.kmobj = NULL; } }
Routine Description:
Implement EngCreateClip for user-mode drivers
Return Value:
Pointer to user mode CLIPOBJ structure NULL if there is an error
{ CLIPOBJ *pcokm, *pcoum;
// Note: During the same DDI entrypoint, drivers must
// call EngDeleteClip after each EngCreateClip.
if (m_coCreated.umobj || ! (pcokm = pcoum = EngCreateClip())) { return NULL; }
if (! pcoCreated(&pcoum)) { EngDeleteClip(pcokm); return NULL; }
return pcoum; }
Routine Description:
Implement EngDeleteClip for user-mode drivers
pco - Points to user-mode CLIPOBJ to be deleted This must have come from EngCreateClip.
Return Value:
{ if (pco != NULL && pco == m_coCreated.umobj) { EngDeleteClip((CLIPOBJ *) m_coCreated.kmobj); m_coCreated.umobj = m_coCreated.kmobj = NULL; } }
Routine Description:
Implement FONTOBJ_pxoGetXform for user mode printer driver
pfo - Points to a user mode FONTOBJ
Return Value:
Pointer to a user mode XFORMOBJ structure NULL if there is an error
{ XFORMOBJ *pxo;
// Check if this function has been called already
// during the current DDI entrypoint
if (! (pfo = GetDDIOBJ(pfo))) return NULL;
if (m_xoFont.umobj != NULL) pxo = (XFORMOBJ *) m_xoFont.umobj; else { RFONTTMPOBJ rfto(PFO_TO_PRF(pfo)); UMPDAcquireRFONTSem(rfto, this, 0, 0, NULL);
if (!(pxo = FONTOBJ_pxoGetXform(pfo)) || !pxoFont(&pxo)) pxo = NULL;
UMPDReleaseRFONTSem(rfto, this, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
return pxo; }
Routine Description:
Thunk and cache GLYPHBITS structure returned by FONTOBJ_cGetGlyphs
pgb - Points to kernel mode GLYPHBITS structure
Return Value:
Pointer to user mode GLYPHBITS structure NULL if there is an error
{ GLYPHBITS *pgbum = NULL; ULONG ulSize;
ASSERTGDI(pgb != NULL, "No glyph bits!\n");
ulSize = offsetof(GLYPHBITS, aj) + ((pgb->sizlBitmap.cx + 7) / 8) * pgb->sizlBitmap.cy;
if (ulSize <= m_gbSize) { //
// Reuse previous GLYPHBITS buffer if possible
pgbum = m_pgb; } else { if ((pgbum = (GLYPHBITS *) AllocUserMem(ulSize)) != NULL) { m_pgb = pgbum; m_gbSize = ulSize; } }
if (pgbum != NULL) RtlCopyMemory(pgbum, pgb, ulSize);
return pgbum; }
PATHOBJ *UMPDOBJ::CacheGlyphPath( PATHOBJ *ppo )
Routine Description:
Thunk and cache PATHOBJ structure returned by FONTOBJ_cGetGlyphs
pgb - Points to kernel mode PATHOBJ structure
Return Value:
Pointer to user mode PATHOBJ structure NULL if there is an error
{ ASSERTGDI(ppo != NULL, "No glyph path!\n");
if (m_poGlyph.umobj != NULL) { //
// Reuse the previous PATHOBJ if possible
*((PATHOBJ *) m_poGlyph.umobj) = *ppo; m_poGlyph.kmobj = ppo;
ppo = (PATHOBJ *) m_poGlyph.umobj; } else if (! ppoGlyph(&ppo)) ppo = NULL;
return ppo; }
// User mode data structure used for storing the surface object
// thunked by UMPDOBJ::LockSurface.
typedef struct _UMSO {
DWORD dwSignature; HSURF hsurf; SURFOBJ so;
SURFOBJ *UMPDOBJ::LockSurface( HSURF hsurf )
Routine Description:
Implement EngLockSurface for user mode printer driver
hsurf - Handle to the surface to be locked
Return Value:
Pointer to a user-mode SURFOBJ structure corresponding to the specified surface handle. NULL if there is an error.
{ SURFOBJ *psokm; PUMSO pumso = NULL;
if (hsurf == NULL || (psokm = EngLockSurface(hsurf)) == NULL) return NULL;
// Check if the surface bitmap uses kernel mode memory
if (psokm->pvBits != NULL && psokm->iType == STYPE_BITMAP && IS_SYSTEM_ADDRESS(psokm->pvBits)) { WARNING("EngLockSurface can't handle kernel mode bitmap\n"); } else if (pumso = (PUMSO) EngAllocUserMem(sizeof(UMSO), UMPD_MEMORY_TAG)) { //
// We're can't allocate memory from our cache here because
// pso returned by EngLockSurface may potentially out-live
// the current DDI entrypoint and/or the current thread.
pumso->dwSignature = UMSO_SIGNATURE; pumso->hsurf = hsurf; pumso->so = *psokm;
// if this is a surface that has been called by EngAssociateSurface,
// we give them back the original dhpdev
if (pumso->so.dhpdev) { PUMDHPDEV pUMdhpdev = (PUMDHPDEV)pumso->so.dhpdev; pumso->so.dhpdev = pUMdhpdev->dhpdev; } }
return pumso ? &pumso->so : NULL; }
VOID UMPDOBJ::UnlockSurface( SURFOBJ *pso )
Routine Description:
Implement EngUnlockSurface for user mode printer driver
pso - Pointer to user mode SURFOBJ to be unlocked
Return Value:
{ PUMSO pumso;
if (pso != NULL) { __try { pumso = (PUMSO) ((PBYTE) pso - offsetof(UMSO, so));
ProbeForRead (pumso, sizeof(UMSO), sizeof(BYTE));
if (pumso->dwSignature != UMSO_SIGNATURE || pumso->hsurf == NULL) { WARNING("Invalid surface in EngUnlockSurface\n"); return; }
} __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { WARNING("Bad user mode SURFOBJ\n"); }
} }
Routine Description:
Map a user mode SURFOBJ to its kernel mode counterpart. This pointer must be returned by a previous called to UMPDOBJ::LockSurface.
pso - Pointer to user mode SURFOBJ
Return Value:
Pointer to kernel mode SURFOBJ corresponding to the specified user mode SURFOBJ. NULL if there is an error.
{ PUMSO pumso; HSURF hsurf = NULL;
if (pso != NULL) { __try { pumso = (PUMSO) ((PBYTE) pso - offsetof(UMSO, so));
ProbeForRead (pumso, sizeof(UMSO), sizeof(BYTE));
if (pumso->dwSignature == UMSO_SIGNATURE) hsurf = pumso->hsurf; } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { WARNING("Bad user mode SURFOBJ\n"); hsurf = NULL; } }
return hsurf ? EngLockSurface(hsurf) : NULL; }
#endif // !_GDIPLUS_