* Module Name: fontcs.h * * Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation \**************************************************************************/
typedef double Align;
#define HEAP_RESERVE 0x100000
#define HEAP_COMMIT 0x10000
#define HEAP_FREE 0x1000
#define ROUNDUP(x,y) ((y)*(((x)+(y)-1)/(y)))
#define SBRK_ERR (char*)(-1)
typedef union _HEADER { struct { DWORD Tag; union _HEADER *pNext; unsigned cUnits; unsigned cUnused; }; Align x; } HEADER;
typedef union _HEAP_OBJECT { struct { unsigned FreeAlign; unsigned CommitAlign; char *pLinearBase; unsigned iFree; unsigned iUncommitted; unsigned iUnreserved; HEADER *pFree; // pointer to free HEADER block
HEADER AllocBase; // base HEADER structure for allocation
}; Align x; } HEAP_OBJECT;
typedef enum _DRVPROCID { IdEnableDriver = 0, IdEnablePDEV = 1, IdDisablePDEV = 2, IdCompletePDEV = 3, IdQueryFont = 4, IdQueryFontTree = 5, IdQueryFontData = 6, IdDestroyFont = 7, IdQueryFontCaps = 8, IdLoadFontFile = 9, IdUnloadFontFile = 10, IdQueryFontFile = 11, IdQueryAdvanceWidths = 12, IdFree = 13, IdQueryTrueTypeTable = 14, IdQueryTrueTypeOutline = 15, IdGetTrueTypeFile = 16, IdEscape = 17 } DRVPROCID;
typedef enum _DRIVER_ID { BogusDriverId = 0, TrueTypeDriverId = 1, ATMDriverId = 2 } DRIVER_ID;
typedef union _PROXYMSG { struct { DRIVER_ID DriverId; // 1=TrueType,2=ATM,...
DRVPROCID ProcId; unsigned cjThis; // includes header
struct { int bVerbose : 1; // for debugging
int bException: 1; } Flags; union { struct { BOOL ReturnValue ; ULONG iEngineVersion; ULONG cj ; DRVENABLEDATA *pded ; } EnableDriver_; struct { DHPDEV ReturnValue ; DEVMODEW *pdm ; LPWSTR pwszLogAddress; ULONG cPat ; HSURF *phsurfPatterns; ULONG cjCaps ; ULONG *pGdiInfo ; ULONG cjDevInfo ; DEVINFO *pdi ; HDEV hdev ; LPWSTR pwszDeviceName; HANDLE hDriver ; } EnablePDEV_; struct { DHPDEV dhpdev; } DisablePDEV_; struct { DHPDEV dhpdev; HDEV hdev ; } CompletePDEV_; struct { IFIMETRICS *ReturnValue; DHPDEV dhpdev ; ULONG iFile ; ULONG iFace ; ULONG *pid ; } QueryFont_; struct { PVOID ReturnValue ; DHPDEV dhpdev ; ULONG iFile ; ULONG iFace ; ULONG iMode ; ULONG *pid ; } QueryFontTree_; struct { LONG ReturnValue; DHPDEV dhpdev ; FONTOBJ *pfo ; ULONG iMode ; HGLYPH hg ; GLYPHDATA *pgd ; PVOID pv ; ULONG cjSize ; } QueryFontData_; struct { FONTOBJ *pfo; } DestroyFont_; struct { LONG ReturnValue; ULONG culCaps ; ULONG *pulCaps ; } QueryFontCaps_; struct { ULONG ReturnValue; ULONG cFiles ; ULONG *piFile ; PVOID *ppvView ; ULONG *pcjView ; DESIGNVECTOR *pdv ; ULONG ulLangID ; } LoadFontFile_; struct { BOOL ReturnValue; ULONG iFile ; } UnloadFontFile_; struct { LONG ReturnValue; ULONG iFile ; ULONG ulMode ; ULONG cjBuf ; ULONG *pulBuf ; } QueryFontFile_; struct { BOOL ReturnValue; DHPDEV dhpdev ; FONTOBJ *pfo ; ULONG iMode ; HGLYPH *phg ; PVOID pvWidths ; ULONG cGlyphs ; } QueryAdvanceWidths_; struct { PVOID pv; ULONG id; } Free_; struct { LONG ReturnValue; ULONG iFile ; ULONG ulFont ; ULONG ulTag ; PTRDIFF dpStart ; ULONG cjBuf ; BYTE *pjBuf ; BYTE **ppjTable ; ULONG *pcjTable ; } QueryTrueTypeTable_; struct { LONG ReturnValue ; DHPDEV dhpdev ; FONTOBJ *pfo ; HGLYPH hglyph ; BOOL bMetricsOnly; GLYPHDATA *pgldt ; ULONG cjBuf ; TTPOLYGONHEADER *ppoly ; } QueryTrueTypeOutline_; struct { PVOID ReturnValue; ULONG iFile ; ULONG *pcj ; } GetTrueTypeFile_; struct { ULONG ReturnValue; SURFOBJ *pso ; ULONG iEsc ; ULONG cjIn ; PVOID pvIn ; ULONG cjOut ; PVOID pvOut ; } Escape_; }; ULONG LastError; USHORT OemCodePage; USHORT AnsiCodePage; PVOID pToBeFreed; ULONG idToBeFreed; unsigned cjScratch; char *pScratch; }; char InitialIdentifier[32]; double x; // forces double alignment of the entire PROXYMSG
typedef struct _FXOBJ { FONTOBJ fo; XFORML xform; ULONG i; } FXOBJ;
// The STATE structure describes the state of the CLIENT SERVER mechanism
typedef struct _STATE { unsigned SizeOfBuffer; // size of user mode buffer = pMsg->cjThis
DRIVER_ID DriverId; // Identifies specific user mode driver
PROXYMSG *pMsg; // pointer to message buffer
struct { unsigned DontCallServer : 1; } flags; } STATE;
#define PSTATE(p) ((STATE*)(p)->pvConsumer)
#define UMFD_TAG 'dfmu'
typedef enum _PATH_PROC_TYPE { isMoveTo = 0 , isPolyLineTo = 1 , isPolyBezierTo = 2 , isCloseFigure = 3 } PATH_PROC_TYPE;
typedef union _PATH_RECORD { struct { union _PATH_RECORD *pNext; PATH_PROC_TYPE Type; ULONG Count; }; double x; } PATH_RECORD;
// Returns a pointer to the first POINTFIX structure immediately
// following the PATH_RECORD structure
typedef union _PATH_HEADER { struct { PATHOBJ Object; PROXYMSG *pMsg; unsigned BytesRemaining; // bytes available for allocation
PATH_RECORD *pLast; // pointer to last allocated record
PATH_RECORD *pNext; // pointer to next available address
}; double x; } PATH_HEADER;