* Module Name: fontexts.cxx * * Created: 29-Aug-1994 08:42:10 * Author: Kirk Olynyk [kirko] * * Copyright (c) 1994-2000 Microsoft Corporation * \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.hxx"
// TODO: Break this file up grouping close knit extensions together.
#define GetLOGFONTWField(field) \
GetLOGFONTWSubField(#field, field)
#define GetLOGFONTWSubField(field,local) \
GetFieldData(offLOGFONTW, GDIType(LOGFONTW), field, sizeof(local), &local)
#define GetLOGFONTWOffset(field) \
GetFieldOffset(GDIType(LOGFONTW), #field, &offset)
#define GetLOGFONTWFieldAndOffset(field) { \
GetLOGFONTWField(field); \ GetLOGFONTWOffset(field); \ }
#define GetRFONTField(field) \
GetRFONTSubField(#field, field)
#define GetRFONTSubField(field,local) \
GetFieldData(foSrc, GDIType(RFONT), field, sizeof(local), &local)
#define GetRFONTOffset(field) \
GetFieldOffset(GDIType(RFONT), #field, &offset)
#define GetRFONTFieldAndOffset(field) { \
GetRFONTField(field); \ GetRFONTOffset(field); \ }
#define GetFONTOBJField(field) \
GetFONTOBJSubField(#field, field)
#define GetFONTOBJSubField(field,local) \
GetFieldData(foSrc, GDIType(FONTOBJ), field, sizeof(local), &local)
#define GetFONTOBJOffset(field) \
GetFieldOffset(GDIType(FONTOBJ), #field, &offset)
#define GetFONTOBJFieldAndOffset(field) { \
GetFONTOBJField(field); \ GetFONTOBJOffset(field); \ }
// PFE
#define GetPFEField(field) \
GetPFESubField(#field, field)
#define GetPFESubField(field,local) \
GetFieldData(pfeSrc, GDIType(PFE), field, sizeof(local), &local)
#define GetPFEOffset(field) \
GetFieldOffset(GDIType(PFE), #field, &offset)
#define GetPFEFieldAndOffset(field) { \
GetPFEField(field); \ GetPFEOffset(field); \ }
#define GetIFIMETRICSField(field) \
GetIFIMETRICSSubField(#field, field)
#define GetIFIMETRICSSubField(field,local) \
GetFieldData(pifiSrc, GDIType(IFIMETRICS), field, sizeof(local), &local)
#define GetIFIMETRICSOffset(field) \
GetFieldOffset(GDIType(IFIMETRICS), #field, &offset)
#define GetIFIMETRICSFieldAndOffset(field) { \
GetIFIMETRICSField(field); \ GetIFIMETRICSOffset(field); \ }
// PFF
#define GetPFFField(field) \
GetPFFSubField(#field, field)
#define GetPFFSubField(field,local) \
GetFieldData(pffSrc, GDIType(PFF), field, sizeof(local), &local)
#define GetPFFOffset(field) \
GetFieldOffset(GDIType(PFF), #field, &offset)
#define GetPFFFieldAndOffset(field) { \
GetPFFField(field); \ GetPFFOffset(field); \ }
#define GetESTROBJField(field) \
GetESTROBJSubField(#field, field)
#define GetESTROBJSubField(field,local) \
GetFieldData(estrobjSrc, GDIType(ESTROBJ), field, sizeof(local), &local)
#define GetESTROBJOffset(field) \
GetFieldOffset(GDIType(ESTROBJ), #field, &offset)
#define GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(field) { \
GetESTROBJField(field); \ GetESTROBJOffset(field); \ }
#define GetGLYPHPOSField(field) \
GetGLYPHPOSSubField(#field, field)
#define GetGLYPHPOSSubField(field,local) \
GetFieldData(glyphposSrc, GDIType(GLYPHPOS), field, sizeof(local), &local)
#define GetGLYPHPOSOffset(field) \
GetFieldOffset(GDIType(GLYPHPOS), #field, &offset)
#define GetGLYPHPOSFieldAndOffset(field) { \
GetGLYPHPOSField(field); \ GetGLYPHPOSOffset(field); \ }
#define GetGLYPHBITSField(field) \
GetGLYPHBITSSubField(#field, field)
#define GetGLYPHBITSSubField(field,local) \
GetFieldData(glyphbitsSrc, GDIType(GLYPHBITS), field, sizeof(local), &local)
#define GetGLYPHBITSOffset(field) \
GetFieldOffset(GDIType(GLYPHBITS), #field, &offset)
#define GetGLYPHBITSFieldAndOffset(field) { \
GetGLYPHBITSField(field); \ GetGLYPHBITSOffset(field); \ }
#define GetGLYPHDEFField(field) \
GetGLYPHDEFSubField(#field, field)
#define GetGLYPHDEFSubField(field,local) \
GetFieldData(glyphdefSrc, GDIType(GLYPHDEF), field, sizeof(local), &local)
#define GetGLYPHDEFOffset(field) \
GetFieldOffset(GDIType(GLYPHDEF), #field, &offset)
#define GetGLYPHDEFFieldAndOffset(field) { \
GetGLYPHDEFField(field); \ GetGLYPHDEFOffset(field); \ }
#define GetCACHEField(field) \
GetCACHESubField(#field, field)
#define GetCACHESubField(field,local) \
GetFieldData(cacheSrc, GDIType(CACHE), field, sizeof(local), &local)
#define GetCACHEOffset(field) \
GetFieldOffset(GDIType(CACHE), #field, &offset)
#define GetCACHEFieldAndOffset(field) { \
GetCACHEField(field); \ GetCACHEOffset(field); \ }
DWORD adw[4*1024]; // scratch buffer
#include <winfont.h>
#define WOW_EMBEDING 2
VOID Gdidpft(PFT *);
void vDumpLOGFONTW(ULONG64); void vDumpCACHE(ULONG64);
#define tmalloc(a,b) (a *) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (b))
#define tfree(b) LocalFree((b))
* * Routine Name: * * wcsncpy * * Routine Description: * * Copies a zero terminated Unicode from the source on the remote * address space to a destination in the local address space. * * Arguments: * * pwszDst - local address * * pwszSrc - remote address * * c - maximum count of characters in destination * * Called by: * * Return Value: * \**************************************************************************/
LPWSTR wcsncpy( LPWSTR pwszDst, ULONG64 pwszSrc, size_t c) { LPWSTR pwszRet = pwszDst; ULONG cbRead;
if (c) { WCHAR wc; __try { ReadMemory( pwszSrc, &wc, sizeof(wc), &cbRead ); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { return(NULL); }
while (wc && c && cbRead) { pwszSrc += sizeof(wc); *pwszDst++ = wc; ReadMemory( pwszSrc, &wc, sizeof(wc), &cbRead ); --c; }
// Add trailing 0 if we have room.
if (c) *pwszDst = 0; }
return(pwszRet); }
* * Routine Name: * * vDumpHFONT * \**************************************************************************/
void vDumpHFONT(ULONG64 hf) { ULONG64 pobj, plfwSrc; ULONG offset;
if (GetObjectAddress(NULL,hf,&pobj) != S_OK) return; GetFieldOffset("LFONT", "elfw", &offset); plfwSrc = pobj + offset;
vDumpLOGFONTW(plfwSrc); }
* * Routine Name: * * tstats * * Routine Description: * * Returns statistics for TextOut * It gives you the distibution of character counts for * GreExtTextOutW calls. * \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( tstats ) { dprintf("Extension 'tstats' not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
typedef struct _TSTATENTRY { int c; // number observed
} TSTATENTRY; typedef struct _TSTAT { TSTATENTRY NO; // pdx == 0, opaque
TSTATENTRY DO; // pdx != 0, opaque
TSTATENTRY NT; // pdx == 0, transparent
TSTATENTRY DT; // pdx != 0, transparent
} TSTAT; typedef struct _TEXTSTATS { int cchMax; TSTAT ats[1]; } TEXTSTATS; TEXTSTATS *pTS, TS; TSTAT *ats, *pts, *ptsBin; int cj, binsize, cLast, cMin, cNO, cDO, cNT, cDT, cBins;
PARSE_ARGUMENTS(tstats_help); if(ntok==0) { binsize=1; } else { tok_pos = parse_FindNonSwitch(tokens, ntok); if(tok_pos==-1) { goto tstats_help; } //check this and see if it makes more sense to use GetValue() or GetExpression()
sscanf(tokens[tok_pos], "%d", &binsize); if( (binsize<0) || (binsize>50) ) { goto tstats_help; } }
pTS = 0; GetAddress(pTS,"win32k!gTS"); if (pTS == 0) { dprintf("Could not find address of win32k!gTS\n"); return; } move2(&TS,pTS,sizeof(TS)); if (TS.ats == 0) { dprintf("No statistics are available\n"); return; } cj = (TS.cchMax + 2) * sizeof(TSTAT); if (!(ats = tmalloc(TSTAT,cj))) { dprintf("memory allocation failure\n"); return; } move2(ats, &(pTS->ats), cj); dprintf("\n\n\n"); dprintf(" +------------+------ OPAQUE -------+----- TRANSPARENT ---+\n"); dprintf(" | strlen | pdx == 0 | pdx != 0 | pdx == 0 | pdx != 0 |\n"); dprintf(" +------------+----------+----------+----------+----------+\n");
// I will partition TS.cchMax+2 entries into bins with
// binsize enties each. The total number of bins needed
// to get everything is ceil((TS.cchMax+2)/binsize)
// which is equal to floor((TS.cchMax+1)/binsize) + 1
// The last one is dealt with separately. Thus the number
// of entries in the very last bin is equal to
// cLast = TS.cchMax + 2 - (floor((TS.cchMax+1)/binsize)+1)
// which is equal to 1 + (TS.cchMax+1) mod binsize
cLast = 1 + ((TS.cchMax + 1) % binsize); for (cMin=0,pts=ptsBin=ats; pts<ats+(TS.cchMax+2-cLast); cMin+=binsize) { ptsBin += binsize; for (cNO=cDO=cNT=cDT=0 ; pts < ptsBin ; pts++) { cNO += pts->NO.c; cDO += pts->DO.c; cNT += pts->NT.c; cDT += pts->DT.c; } if (binsize == 1) dprintf( " %-5d %10d %10d %10d %10d\n" , cMin, cNO, cDO, cNT, cDT ); else dprintf( " %5d--%-5d %10d %10d %10d %10d\n" , cMin, cMin+binsize-1, cNO, cDO, cNT, cDT ); } // do the last bin which may or may not be full
for (cNO=cDO=cNT=cDT=0 ; cLast ; cLast--, pts++) { cNO += pts->NO.c; cDO += pts->DO.c; cNT += pts->NT.c; cDT += pts->DT.c; } dprintf(" %5d--Inf %10d %10d %10d %10d\n\n\n",cMin,cNO,cDO,cNT,cDT); tfree(ats); return;
tstats_help: dprintf("Usage: tstats [-?] [1..50]\n"); dprintf("tstats can be used without parameters in which case the binsize defaults to 1\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * Routine Name: * * gs * * Routine Description: * * dumps FD_GLYPHSET structure * * Arguments: * * address of structure * * Return Value: * * none * \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( gs ) { dprintf("Extension 'gs' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
FD_GLYPHSET fdg, *pfdg; FLONG fl; WCRUN *pwc; unsigned BytesPerHandle, i; unsigned u; HANDLE *ph, *phLast; FLAGDEF *pfd;
PARSE_POINTER(gs_help); move( fdg, arg ); if (fdg.cjThis > sizeof(adw)) { dprintf("FD_GLYPHSET table too big to fit into adw\n"); return; } move2( adw, arg, fdg.cjThis ); pfdg = (FD_GLYPHSET*) adw;
dprintf("\t\t cjThis = %u = %-#x\n", pfdg->cjThis, pfdg->cjThis ); dprintf("\t\t flAccel = %-#x\n", pfdg->flAccel ); fl = pfdg->flAccel; for (pfd=afdGS; pfd->psz; pfd++) { if (pfd->fl & fl) dprintf("\t\t\t %s\n", pfd->psz); fl &= ~pfd->fl; } if (fl) dprintf("\t\t\t %-#x (BAD FLAGS)\n", fl); dprintf("\t\t cGlyphsSupported = %u\n", pfdg->cGlyphsSupported ); dprintf("\t\t cRuns = %u\n", pfdg->cRuns ); dprintf("\t\t\t\tWCHAR HGLYPH\n");
if ( pfdg->flAccel & GS_UNICODE_HANDLES ) BytesPerHandle = 0; else BytesPerHandle = 4;
for ( pwc = pfdg->awcrun; pwc < pfdg->awcrun + pfdg->cRuns; pwc++ ) { dprintf(" ------------\n"); ph = (HANDLE*)((BYTE*) pwc->phg + (UINT_PTR) adw - (unsigned) arg); phLast = ph + pwc->cGlyphs; i = (unsigned) pwc->wcLow; for ( ; ph < phLast; i++, ph++ ) { if (CheckControlC()) // CTRL-C hit?
break; // yes stop the loop
u = BytesPerHandle ? (ULONG)(UINT_PTR) *ph : i; dprintf("\t\t\t\t%-#6x %-#x\n",i,u); } } return; gs_help: dprintf ("Usage: gs [-?] pointer to FD_GLYPHSET structure\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * Routine Name: * * gdata * * Routine Description: * * dumps a GLYPHDATA structure * * Arguments: * * address of structure * * Return Value: * * none * \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( gdata ) { dprintf("Extension 'gdata' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
GLYPHDATA gd, *pgd; LONG *al;
PARSE_POINTER(gdata_help); move( gd, arg ); pgd = (GLYPHDATA*) arg; dprintf("\n\n"); dprintf("[%x] gdf %-#x\n", &(pgd->gdf), gd.gdf.pgb); dprintf("[%x] hg %-#x\n", &(pgd->hg ), gd.hg); dprintf("[%x] fxD %-#x\n", &(pgd->fxD), gd.fxD); dprintf("[%x] fxA %-#x\n", &(pgd->fxA), gd.fxA); dprintf("[%x] fxAB %-#x\n", &(pgd->fxAB), gd.fxAB); dprintf("[%x] fxInkTop %-#x\n", &(pgd->fxInkTop), gd.fxInkTop); dprintf("[%x] fxInkBottom %-#x\n", &(pgd->fxInkBottom), gd.fxInkBottom); dprintf("[%x] rclInk %d %d %d %d\n", &(pgd->rclInk), gd.rclInk.left, gd.rclInk.top, gd.rclInk.right, gd.rclInk.bottom ); al = (LONG*) &gd.ptqD.x; dprintf("[%x] ptqD % 8x.%08x % 8x.%08x\n", &(pgd->ptqD), al[1], al[0], al[3], al[2] ); dprintf("\n"); return; gdata_help: dprintf ("Usage: gdata [-?] pointer to a GLYPHDATA structure\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
DECLARE_API( fv ) { dprintf("Extension 'fv' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
FILEVIEW fv, *pfv; PARSE_POINTER(fv_help); move( fv, arg ); pfv = (FILEVIEW*) arg; dprintf("\n"); dprintf("[%x] LastWriteTime %08x%08x\n", &(pfv->LastWriteTime), fv.LastWriteTime.HighPart, fv.LastWriteTime.LowPart); dprintf("[%x] pvKView %-#x\n" , &(pfv->pvKView), fv.pvKView); dprintf("[%x] pvViewFD %-#x\n" , &(pfv->pvViewFD), fv.pvViewFD); dprintf("[%x] cjView %-#x\n" , &(pfv->cjView), fv.cjView); dprintf("[%x] pSection %-#x\n" , &(pfv->pSection), fv.pSection); dprintf("\n"); return; fv_help: dprintf ("Usage: fv [-?] pointer to a FILEVIEW structure\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
DECLARE_API( ffv ) { dprintf("Extension 'ffv' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
FONTFILEVIEW ffv, *pffv; PWSZ pwszDest;
PARSE_POINTER(ffv_help); move( ffv, arg ); pffv = (FONTFILEVIEW*) arg; dprintf("\n"); dprintf("[%x] LastWriteTime %08x%08x\n", &pffv->fv.LastWriteTime , ffv.fv.LastWriteTime.HighPart, ffv.fv.LastWriteTime.LowPart); dprintf("[%x] pvKView %-#x\n" , &pffv->fv.pvKView , ffv.fv.pvKView ); dprintf("[%x] pvViewFD %-#x\n" , &pffv->fv.pvViewFD , ffv.fv.pvViewFD ); dprintf("[%x] cjView %-#x\n" , &pffv->fv.cjView , ffv.fv.cjView ); dprintf("[%x] pSection %-#x\n" , &pffv->fv.pSection , ffv.fv.pSection );
dprintf("[%x] pwszPath %-#x" , &pffv->pwszPath , ffv.pwszPath ); if ( ffv.pwszPath ) { pwszDest = wcsncpy((PWSZ) adw, ffv.pwszPath, sizeof(adw)/sizeof(WCHAR)); dprintf(" = \"%ws\"\n", pwszDest ); } else { dprintf("\n"); }
dprintf("[%x] ulRegionSize %-#x\n" , &pffv->ulRegionSize , ffv.ulRegionSize ); dprintf("[%x] cKRefCount %-#x\n" , &pffv->cKRefCount , ffv.cKRefCount ); dprintf("[%x] cRefCountFD %-#x\n" , &pffv->cRefCountFD , ffv.cRefCountFD ); dprintf("[%x] SpoolerBase %-#x\n" , &pffv->SpoolerBase , ffv.SpoolerBase ); dprintf("[%x] SpoolerPid %-#x\n" , &pffv->SpoolerPid , ffv.SpoolerPid ); dprintf("\n"); return; ffv_help: dprintf ("Usage: ffv [-?] pointer to a FONTFILEVIEW structure\n"); return; #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * History: * 21-Feb-1995 -by- Lingyun Wang [lingyunw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( elf ) { dprintf("Extension 'elf' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
PARSE_POINTER(elf_help); move(lf,arg); vDumpLOGFONTW( &lf, (LOGFONTW*) arg ); return; elf_help: dprintf ("Usage: elf [-?] pointer to an LOGFONTW structure\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* History: * 21-Feb-1995 -by- Lingyun Wang [lingyunw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( helf ) { dprintf("Extension 'helf' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
LOGFONTW lf, *plf;
PARSE_POINTER(helf_help); plf = (LOGFONTW*) ((BYTE*)_pobj((HANDLE) arg) + offsetof(LFONT,elfw)); move( lf , plf ); vDumpLOGFONTW( &lf, plf ); return; helf_help: dprintf ("Usage: helf [-?] font handle\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * Routine Name: * * dhelf * \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( dhelf ) { dprintf("Extension 'dhelf' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
dprintf("\n\ngdikdx.dhelf will soon be replaced by gdikdx.helf\n\n"); helf(hCurrentProcess, hCurrentThread, dwCurrentPc, dwProcessor, args); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * Routine Name: * * ifi * \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( ifi ) { dprintf("Extension 'ifi' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
IFIMETRICS *pifiDst, *pifiSrc; ULONG cjIFI=0;
PARSE_POINTER(ifi_help); pifiSrc = (IFIMETRICS *)arg; move(cjIFI,&pifiSrc->cjThis); if (cjIFI == 0) { dprintf("cjIFI == 0 ... no dump\n"); return; } pifiDst = tmalloc(IFIMETRICS, cjIFI); if (pifiDst == 0) { dprintf("LocalAlloc Failed\n"); return; } move2(pifiDst, pifiSrc, cjIFI); vDumpIFIMETRICS(pifiDst, pifiSrc); tfree(pifiDst); return; ifi_help: dprintf ("Usage: [-?] pointer to an IFIMETRICS structure\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * Routine Name: * * difi * \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( difi ) { dprintf("Extension 'difi' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
dprintf("\n\n"); dprintf("WARNING gdikdx.difi will soon be replaced by gdikdx.ifi\n"); dprintf("\n\n"); ifi(hCurrentProcess, hCurrentThread, dwCurrentPc, dwProcessor, args); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * Routine Name: * * bParseDbgFlags * * Routine Description: * * Looks at a flag string of the form * * -[abc..]*[ \t] * * and and sets the corresponding flags * * Arguments: * * pszFlags pointer to the flags string * * ppszStop pointer to place to put a pointer * to the terminating character * * pai pointer to an ARGINFO structure * * * Return Value: * * Returns TRUE if all the flags were good. The corresponding flags are * set in pai->fl. Returns FALSE if an error occurs. The pointer to * the terminating character is set. * \**************************************************************************/ /*
int bParseDbgFlags(const char *pszFlags, const char **ppchStop, ARGINFO *pai) { char ch; const char *pch; OPTDEF *pod;
pch = pszFlags; // go to beginning of string
pch += (*pch == '-' || *pch == '/'); // first char a '-'?
for (ch = *pch; !isspace(ch); ch = *pch++) { // character not a space?
for (pod = pai->aod; pod->ch; pod++) { // yes, go to start of table
if (ch == pod->ch) { // found character?
pai->fl |= pod->fl; // yes, set flag
break; // and stop
} } // go to next table entry
if (pod->ch == 0) // charater found in table?
return(0); // no, return error
} // go to next char in string
return((*ppchStop = pch) != pszFlags); // set stop pos'n and return
} */ /******************************Public*Routine******************************\
* * Routine Name: * * bParseDbgArgs * * Routine Description: * * This routine parses the argument string pointer in pai looking * for a string of the form: * * [ \t]*(-[abc..]*[ \t]+)* hexnumber * * The value of the hexadecimal number is placed in pai->pv and the * flags are set in pai->fl according to the options table set * in pai->aod; * * Arguments: * * pai Pointer to an ARGINFO structure * * Return Value: * * Returns TRUE if parsing was good, FALSE otherwise. * \**************************************************************************/ /*
int bParseDbgArgs(ARGINFO *pai) { int argc; // # args in command line
char ch; const char *pch; int bInArg; int bParseDbgFlags(const char*,const char**,ARGINFO*);
pai->fl = 0; // clear flags
pai->pv = 0; // clear pointer
for (bInArg=0, pch=pai->psz, argc=0; ch = *pch; pch++) { if (isspace(ch)) // count the number of args
bInArg = 0; else { argc += (bInArg == 0); bInArg = 1; } } for (pch = pai->psz; 1 < argc; argc--) { // get the flags from the
if (!bParseDbgFlags(pch, &pch, pai)) // first (argc-1) arguments
break; } // get the number from the last argument in command line
return (argc == 1 && sscanf(pch, "%x", &(pai->pv)) == 1); } */ /******************************Public*Routine******************************\
* * History: * 20-Aug-1995 -by Kirk Olynyk [kirko] * Now has option flags. * 21-Feb-1995 -by- Lingyun Wang [lingyunw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
ULONG64 foSrc; ULONG offset; ULONG localULONG; char *psz, ach[128]; int i;
PARSE_POINTER(fo_help); foSrc = arg;
if(parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'a')!=-1) {Maximal=TRUE;} if(parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'x')!=-1) {Transform=TRUE;} if(parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'f')!=-1) {Font=TRUE;} if(parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'c')!=-1) {Cache=TRUE;} if(parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'h')!=-1) {Header=TRUE;} if(parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'w')!=-1) {Glyphset=TRUE;} if(parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'y')!=-1) {Memory=TRUE;}
if(!(Maximal||Transform||Font||Cache||Header||Glyphset||Memory)) {Header=TRUE;}
#define Dprint(expr, member) \
dprintf("[0x%p] " #expr " " #member "\n", foSrc+offset, ##member)
#define vDumpFoEFLOAT(member) \
GetFieldOffset(GDIType(RFONT), #member, &offset); \ sprintEFLOAT(Client, ach, foSrc+offset); \ dprintf("[0x%p] %s " #member "\n", foSrc+offset, ach)
#define vDumpFoULONG(member) \
GetFieldOffset(GDIType(RFONT), #member, &offset); \ GetRFONTSubField(#member,localULONG); \ dprintf("[0x%p] %20u " #member "\n", foSrc+offset, localULONG)
if(Maximal) {Header=TRUE;}
if (Header) { FLONG fl; ULONG iUniq; ULONG iFace; ULONG cxMax; FLONG flFontType; ULONG64 iTTUniq; ULONG64 iFile; SIZE sizLogResPpi; ULONG ulStyleSize; ULONG64 pvConsumer; ULONG64 pvProducer;
GetFONTOBJFieldAndOffset(iUniq); Dprint( %+#20x, iUniq); GetFONTOBJFieldAndOffset(iFace); Dprint( %+#20x, iFace); GetFONTOBJFieldAndOffset(cxMax); Dprint( %20d , cxMax); GetFONTOBJFieldAndOffset(flFontType); Dprint( %+#20x, flFontType); for (FLAGDEF *pfd = afdFO; pfd->psz; pfd++) if (pfd->fl & flFontType) dprintf(" \t\t%s\n", pfd->psz); GetFONTOBJFieldAndOffset(iTTUniq); Dprint( %+#20p, iTTUniq); GetFONTOBJFieldAndOffset(iFile); Dprint( %+#20p, iFile); GetFONTOBJFieldAndOffset(sizLogResPpi.cx); Dprint( %20u , sizLogResPpi.cx); GetFONTOBJFieldAndOffset(sizLogResPpi.cy); Dprint( %20u , sizLogResPpi.cy); GetFONTOBJFieldAndOffset(ulStyleSize); Dprint( %20u , ulStyleSize); GetFONTOBJFieldAndOffset(pvConsumer); Dprint( %+#20p, pvConsumer); GetFONTOBJFieldAndOffset(pvProducer); Dprint( %+#20p, pvProducer); }
if (Maximal) {
typedef struct _RFONTLINK { /* rfl */ ULONG64 prfntPrev; ULONG64 prfntNext; } RFONTLINK, *PRFONTLINK;
typedef struct _CACHE {
// Info for GLYPHDATA portion of cache
ULONG64 pgdNext; // ptr to next free place to put GLYPHDATA
ULONG64 pgdThreshold; // ptr to first uncommited spot
ULONG64 pjFirstBlockEnd; // ptr to end of first GLYPHDATA block
ULONG64 pdblBase; // ptr to base of current GLYPHDATA block
ULONG cMetrics; // number of GLYPHDATA's in the metrics cache
// Info for GLYPHBITS portion of cache
ULONG cjbblInitial; // size of initial bit block
ULONG cjbbl; // size of any individual block in bytes
ULONG cBlocksMax; // max # of blocks allowed
ULONG cBlocks; // # of blocks allocated so far
ULONG cGlyphs; // for statistical purposes only
ULONG cjTotal; // also for stat purposes only
ULONG64 pbblBase; // ptr to the first bit block (head of the list)
ULONG64 pbblCur; // ptr to the block containing next
ULONG64 pgbNext; // ptr to next free place to put GLYPHBITS
ULONG64 pgbThreshold; // end of the current block
// Info for lookaside portion of cache
ULONG64 pjAuxCacheMem; // ptr to lookaside buffer, if any
SIZE_T cjAuxCacheMem; // size of current lookaside buffer
// Miscellany
ULONG cjGlyphMax; // size of largest glyph
// Type of metrics being cached
BOOL bSmallMetrics;
// binary cache search, used mostly for fe fonts
INT iMax; INT iFirst; INT cBits;
ULONG iUnique; // uniqueness number
FLONG flType; // Cache type -
ULONG ulContent; // Type of contents
ULONG64 hdevProducer; // HDEV of the producer of font.
BOOL bDeviceFont; // TRUE if realization of a device specific font
ULONG64 hdevConsumer; // HDEV of the consumer of font.
ULONG64 dhpdev; // device handle of PDEV of the consumer of font
ULONG64 ppfe; // pointer to physical font entry
ULONG64 pPFF; // point to physical font file
FD_XFORM fdx; // N->D transform used to realize font
ULONG cBitsPerPel; // number of bits per pel
// MATRIX mxWorldToDevice;// RFONT was realized with this DC xform
INT iGraphicsMode; // graphics mode used when
// EPOINTFL eptflNtoWScale; // baseline and ascender scaling factors --
BOOL bNtoWIdent; // TRUE if Notional to World is identity
// EXFORMOBJ xoForDDI; // notional to device EXFORMOBJ
// MATRIX mxForDDI; // xoForDDI's matrix
FLONG flRealizedType; POINTL ptlUnderline1; POINTL ptlStrikeOut; POINTL ptlULThickness; POINTL ptlSOThickness; LONG lCharInc; FIX fxMaxAscent; FIX fxMaxDescent; FIX fxMaxExtent; POINTFIX ptfxMaxAscent; POINTFIX ptfxMaxDescent; ULONG cxMax; // width in pels of the widest glyph
LONG lMaxAscent; LONG lMaxHeight; ULONG cyMax; // did not use to be here
ULONG cjGlyphMax; // (cxMax + 7)/8 * cyMax, or at least it should be
FD_XFORM fdxQuantized; LONG lNonLinearExtLeading; LONG lNonLinearIntLeading; LONG lNonLinearMaxCharWidth; LONG lNonLinearAvgCharWidth; ULONG ulOrientation; // EPOINTFL pteUnitBase;
// EFLOAT efWtoDBase;
// EFLOAT efDtoWBase;
LONG lAscent; // EPOINTFL pteUnitAscent;
// EFLOAT efWtoDAscent;
// EFLOAT efDtoWAscent;
LONG lEscapement; // EPOINTFL pteUnitEsc;
// EFLOAT efWtoDEsc;
// EFLOAT efDtoWEsc;
// EFLOAT efEscToBase;
// EFLOAT efEscToAscent;
HGLYPH hgDefault; HGLYPH hgBreak; FIX fxBreak; ULONG64 pfdg; // ptr to wchar-->hglyph map
ULONG64 wcgp; // ptr to wchar->pglyphdata map, if any
FLONG flInfo; INT cSelected; // number of times selected
RFONTLINK rflPDEV; // doubly linked list links
RFONTLINK rflPFF; // doubly linked list links
ULONG64 hsemCache; // glyph cache semaphore
CACHE cache; // glyph bitmap cache
POINTL ptlSim; // for bitmap scaling
BOOL bNeededPaths; // was this rfont realized for a path bracket
// EFLOAT efDtoWBase_31;
// EFLOAT efDtoWAscent_31;
ULONG64 ptmw; // cached text metrics
LONG lMaxNegA; LONG lMaxNegC; LONG lMinWidthD; BOOL bIsSystemFont; // is this fixedsys/system/or terminal
FLONG flEUDCState; // EUDC state information.
ULONG64 prfntSystemTT; // system TT linked rfont
ULONG64 prfntSysEUDC; // pointer to System wide EUDC Rfont.
ULONG64 prfntDefEUDC; // pointer to Default EUDC Rfont.
ULONG64 paprfntFaceName; // facename links
ULONG64 aprfntQuickBuff; // quick buffer for face name and remote links
BOOL bFilledEudcArray; // will be TRUE, the buffer is filled.
ULONG ulTimeStamp; // timestamp for current link.
UINT uiNumLinks; // number of linked fonts.
BOOL bVertical; // vertical face flag.
ULONG64 hsemEUDC; // EUDC semaphore
// maximal dump
#define GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset(expr, member) \
GetRFONTFieldAndOffset(member); Dprint(expr, member)
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, iUnique); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, flType); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, ulContent); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, hdevProducer); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, bDeviceFont); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, hdevConsumer); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, dhpdev); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20p, ppfe); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20p, pPFF);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, fdx.eXX); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, fdx.eXY); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, fdx.eYX); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, fdx.eYY);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20u , cBitsPerPel);
GetRFONTOffset (mxWorldToDevice); dprintf("[0x%p] mxWorldToDevice: \n",foSrc+offset); vDumpMATRIX(Client, foSrc+offset);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20u , iGraphicsMode);
vDumpFoEFLOAT(eptflNtoWScale.x); vDumpFoEFLOAT(eptflNtoWScale.y);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , bNtoWIdent);
GetRFONTOffset (xoForDDI.pmx); dprintf("[0x%p] xoForDDI.pmx: \n",foSrc+offset); vDumpMATRIX(Client, foSrc+offset); vDumpFoULONG(xoForDDI.ulMode);
GetRFONTOffset (mxForDDI); dprintf("[0x%p] mxForDDI: \n",foSrc+offset); vDumpMATRIX(Client, foSrc+offset);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, flRealizedType);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , ptlUnderline1.x); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , ptlUnderline1.y);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , ptlStrikeOut.x); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , ptlStrikeOut.y);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , ptlULThickness.x); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , ptlULThickness.y);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , ptlSOThickness.x); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , ptlSOThickness.y);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , lCharInc); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, fxMaxAscent); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, fxMaxDescent); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, fxMaxExtent);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, ptfxMaxAscent.x); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, ptfxMaxAscent.y);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, ptfxMaxDescent.x); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, ptfxMaxDescent.y); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20u , cxMax); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , lMaxAscent); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , lMaxHeight); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20u , cyMax); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20u , cjGlyphMax);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, fdxQuantized.eXX); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, fdxQuantized.eXY); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, fdxQuantized.eYX); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, fdxQuantized.eYY);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , lNonLinearExtLeading); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , lNonLinearIntLeading); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , lNonLinearMaxCharWidth); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , lNonLinearAvgCharWidth); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20u , ulOrientation);
vDumpFoEFLOAT(pteUnitBase.x); vDumpFoEFLOAT(pteUnitBase.y);
vDumpFoEFLOAT(efWtoDBase); vDumpFoEFLOAT(efDtoWBase);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , lAscent);
vDumpFoEFLOAT(pteUnitAscent.x); vDumpFoEFLOAT(pteUnitAscent.y);
vDumpFoEFLOAT(efWtoDAscent); vDumpFoEFLOAT(efDtoWAscent);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , lEscapement);
vDumpFoEFLOAT(pteUnitEsc.x); vDumpFoEFLOAT(pteUnitEsc.y);
vDumpFoEFLOAT(efWtoDEsc); vDumpFoEFLOAT(efDtoWEsc); vDumpFoEFLOAT(efEscToBase); vDumpFoEFLOAT(efEscToAscent);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, flInfo); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, hgBreak); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, fxBreak); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, pfdg);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20p, wcgp); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20u , cSelected);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, rflPDEV.prfntPrev); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, rflPDEV.prfntNext);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, rflPFF.prfntPrev); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, rflPFF.prfntNext);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, hsemCache);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cache.pgdNext); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cache.pgdThreshold); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cache.pjFirstBlockEnd); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cache.pdblBase); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cache.cMetrics); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cache.cjbbl); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cache.cBlocksMax); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cache.cBlocks); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cache.cGlyphs); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cache.cjTotal); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cache.pbblBase); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cache.pbblCur); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cache.pgbNext); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cache.pgbThreshold); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cache.pjAuxCacheMem); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cache.cjAuxCacheMem); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cache.cjGlyphMax); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cache.bSmallMetrics); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cache.iMax); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cache.iFirst); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cache.cBits);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , ptlSim.x); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , ptlSim.y);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , bNeededPaths);
vDumpFoEFLOAT(efDtoWBase_31); vDumpFoEFLOAT(efDtoWAscent_31);
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, ptmw); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , lMaxNegA); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , lMaxNegC); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , lMinWidthD); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , bIsSystemFont); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, flEUDCState); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, prfntSystemTT); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, prfntSysEUDC); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, prfntDefEUDC); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, paprfntFaceName);\
#if 0
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+20x, aprfntQuickBuff[0]); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+20x, aprfntQuickBuff[1]); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+20x, aprfntQuickBuff[2]); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+20x, aprfntQuickBuff[3]); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+20x, aprfntQuickBuff[4]); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+20x, aprfntQuickBuff[5]); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+20x, aprfntQuickBuff[6]); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %+20x, aprfntQuickBuff[7]); #endif
GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , bFilledEudcArray); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20u , ulTimeStamp); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20u , uiNumLinks); GetAndPrintRFONTFieldAndOffset( %20d , bVertical);
if (Memory) { dprintf("Extension 'fo -y' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
vDumpGlyphMemory((RFONT*)arg); #endif
if (Font) { ULONG64 ppfe; // pointer to physical font entry
GetRFONTFieldAndOffset(ppfe); dprintf("[Font Information]\n ppfe = %-#p\n", ppfe); // print the face name of the font
if (ppfe) { ULONG64 pfeSrc= ppfe; ULONG64 pifi; GetPFEFieldAndOffset(pifi); if (pifi) { ULONG dpwszFaceName, cjThis; ULONG64 pifiSrc = pifi; GetIFIMETRICSFieldAndOffset(cjThis); GetIFIMETRICSFieldAndOffset(dpwszFaceName); if (cjThis) { WCHAR wszFaceName[MAX_PATH+1]; ReadMemory(pifiSrc+dpwszFaceName, wszFaceName,MAX_PATH, NULL); dprintf(" [%ws]\n", wszFaceName); } } } ULONG64 pPFF; // point to physical font file
GetRFONTFieldAndOffset(pPFF); dprintf(" pPFF = %-#p\n", pPFF); if (pPFF) { ULONG64 pffSrc = pPFF; SIZE_T sizeofThis; ULONG cFonts; // number of fonts (same as chpfe)
ULONG64 aulData; // data buffer for HPFE and filename
sizeOfPVOID = GetTypeSize("PVOID");
GetPFFFieldAndOffset(sizeofThis); GetPFFFieldAndOffset(cFonts); GetPFFFieldAndOffset(aulData);
offset = offset + cFonts * (ULONG)sizeOfPVOID; if (sizeofThis) { WCHAR wszPathName[MAX_PATH+1]; ReadMemory(pffSrc+offset, wszPathName,MAX_PATH, NULL); dprintf(" [%ws]\n", wszPathName); } } } if (Transform) { dprintf("Extension 'fo -x' is not converted.\n"); #if 0 // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
LONG l1,l2,l3,l4;
psz = ach; psz += sprintFLOATL( psz, rf.fdx.eXX ); *psz++ = ' '; psz += sprintFLOATL( psz, rf.fdx.eXY ); dprintf("[transform]\n fdx = %s\n", ach);
psz = ach; psz += sprintFLOATL( psz, rf.fdx.eXY ); *psz++ = ' '; psz += sprintFLOATL( psz, rf.fdx.eYY ); dprintf (" %s\n", ach );
l1 = rf.mxWorldToDevice.efM11.lEfToF(); l2 = rf.mxWorldToDevice.efM12.lEfToF(); l3 = rf.mxWorldToDevice.efM21.lEfToF(); l4 = rf.mxWorldToDevice.efM22.lEfToF(); dprintf( " mxWorldToDevice =\n" );
sprintEFLOAT( ach, rf.mxWorldToDevice.efM11 ); dprintf(" efM11 = %s\n", ach ); sprintEFLOAT( ach, rf.mxWorldToDevice.efM12 ); dprintf(" efM12 = %s\n", ach ); sprintEFLOAT( ach, rf.mxWorldToDevice.efM21 ); dprintf(" efM21 = %s\n", ach ); sprintEFLOAT( ach, rf.mxWorldToDevice.efM22 ); dprintf(" efM22 = %s\n", ach );
dprintf( " fxDx = %-#x\n" " fxDy = %-#x\n" , rf.mxWorldToDevice.fxDx , rf.mxWorldToDevice.fxDy ); l1 = (LONG) rf.mxWorldToDevice.flAccel; dprintf(" flAccel = %-#x\n", l1); for (FLAGDEF *pfd=afdMX; pfd->psz; pfd++) if (l1 & pfd->fl) dprintf("\t\t%s\n", pfd->psz);
psz = ach; psz += sprintEFLOAT( psz, rf.eptflNtoWScale.x); *psz++ = ' '; psz += sprintEFLOAT( psz, rf.eptflNtoWScale.y); dprintf(" eptflNtoWScale = %s\n", ach );
dprintf( " bNtoWIdent = %d\n" , rf.bNtoWIdent ); dprintf( " xoForDDI =\n" " mxForDDI =\n" ); dprintf( " ulOrientation = %u\n" , rf.ulOrientation );
psz = ach; psz += sprintEFLOAT( ach, rf.pteUnitBase.x ); *psz++ = ' '; psz += sprintEFLOAT( ach, rf.pteUnitBase.y ); dprintf(" pteUnitBase = %s\n", ach );
sprintEFLOAT( ach, rf.efWtoDBase ); dprintf(" efWtoDBase = %s\n", ach );
sprintEFLOAT( ach, rf.efDtoWBase ); dprintf(" efDtoWBase = %s\n", ach );
dprintf(" lAscent = %d\n", rf.lAscent);
psz = ach; psz += sprintEFLOAT( ach, rf.pteUnitAscent.x ); *psz++ = ' '; psz += sprintEFLOAT( ach, rf.pteUnitAscent.y ); dprintf(" pteUnitAscent = %s\n", ach );
sprintEFLOAT( ach, rf.efWtoDAscent ); dprintf(" efWtoDAscent = %s\n", ach );
sprintEFLOAT( ach, rf.efDtoWAscent ); dprintf(" efDtoWAscent = %s\n", ach );
psz = ach; psz += sprintEFLOAT( ach, rf.pteUnitEsc.x ); *psz++ = ' '; psz += sprintEFLOAT( ach, rf.pteUnitEsc.y ); dprintf(" pteUnitEsc = %s\n", ach );
sprintEFLOAT( ach, rf.efWtoDEsc ); dprintf(" efWtoDEsc = %s\n", ach );
sprintEFLOAT( ach, rf.efDtoWEsc ); dprintf(" efDtoWEsc = %s\n", ach );
sprintEFLOAT( ach, rf.efEscToBase ); dprintf(" efEscToBase = %s\n", ach );
sprintEFLOAT( ach, rf.efEscToAscent); dprintf(" efEscToAscent = %s\n", ach );
dprintf("\n"); #endif
if (Glyphset) { dprintf("Extension 'fo -w' is not converted.\n"); #if 0 // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
if (rf.pfdg) { FD_GLYPHSET fdg, *pfdg; WCRUN *pwc; move( fdg, rf.pfdg ); move2( adw, rf.pfdg, fdg.cjThis ); pfdg = (FD_GLYPHSET*) adw; dprintf( "\t\t cjThis = %u = %-#x\n" , pfdg->cjThis , pfdg->cjThis ); dprintf("\t\t flAccel = %-#x\n", pfdg->flAccel ); FLONG flAccel = pfdg->flAccel; for (FLAGDEF *pfd=afdGS; pfd->psz; pfd++) if (flAccel & pfd->fl) { dprintf("\t\t\t\t%s\n", pfd->psz); flAccel &= ~pfd->fl; } if (flAccel) dprintf("\t\t\t\t????????\n"); dprintf("\t\t\tcGlyphsSupported\t= %u\n", pfdg->cGlyphsSupported ); dprintf("\t\t\tcRuns\t\t= %u\n", pfdg->cRuns ); dprintf("\t\t\t\tWCHAR HGLYPH\n"); for ( pwc = pfdg->awcrun; pwc < pfdg->awcrun + pfdg->cRuns; pwc++ ) { dprintf("\t\t\t\t------------\n"); HGLYPH *ahg= tmalloc(HGLYPH,sizeof(HGLYPH)*pwc->cGlyphs); if ( ahg ) { move2(ahg, pwc->phg, sizeof(HGLYPH) * pwc->cGlyphs ); for (unsigned i = 0; i < pwc->cGlyphs; i++) { if (CheckControlC()) { tfree( ahg ); return; } dprintf("\t\t\t\t%-#6x %-#x\n", pwc->wcLow + (USHORT) i, ahg[i]); } tfree( ahg ); } } } #endif
if (Cache) { ULONG64 hsemCache; // glyph cache semaphore
GetRFONTFieldAndOffset(hsemCache); GetRFONTOffset( cache.pgdNext); dprintf( "[cache]\n" " hsemCache = %-#x\n" // semaphore
, hsemCache ); vDumpCACHE(foSrc+offset); } EXIT_API(S_OK); fo_help: dprintf("Usage: fo [-?] [-a] [-c] [-f] [-h] [-w] [-x] [-y] pointer to FONTOBJ" " -a maximal dump\n" " -c cache\n" " -x transform data\n" " -? this message\n" " -f font\n" " -h FONTOBJ header\n" " -w FD_GLYPHSET\n" " -y Glyph Memory Usage\n");
#undef Dprintf
* * Routine Name: * * vDumpPFE * \**************************************************************************/
void vDumpPFE(ULONG64 offPFE) { #define N3(a,b,c) \
GetPFEFieldAndOffset(c); \ dprintf( "[%p] %s", pfeSrc + offset, (a)); dprintf( (b), ##c ) #define N2(a,c) \
GetPFEOffset(c); \ dprintf( "[%p] %s", pfeSrc + offset, (a));
ULONG offset; ULONG64 pfeSrc= offPFE; FLAGDEF *pfd; FLONG fl;
ULONG64 pPFF; // pointer to physical font file object
ULONG iFont; // index of the font for IFI or device
FLONG flPFE; ULONG64 pfdg; // ptr to wc-->hg map
ULONG idfdg; // id returned by driver for FD_GLYPHSET
ULONG64 pifi; // pointer to ifimetrics
ULONG idifi; // id returned by driver for IFIMETRICS
ULONG64 pkp; // pointer to kerning pairs (lazily loaded on demand)
ULONG idkp; // id returned by driver for FD_KERNINGPAIR
ULONG ckp; // count of kerning pairs in the FD_KERNINGPAIR arrary
LONG iOrientation; // Cache IFI orientation.
ULONG cjEfdwPFE; // size of enumeration data needed for this pfe
ULONG64 pgiset; // initialized to NULL;
ULONG ulTimeStamp; // unique time stamp (smaller == older)
ULONG pid; // QUICKLOOKUP ql; // QUICKLOOKUP if a linked font
ULONG64 pFlEntry; // Pointer to linked font list
ULONG cAlt; ULONG cPfdgRef; BYTE aiFamilyName[1]; // aiFamilyNameg[cAltCharSets]
dprintf("\nPFE\n\n"); N3("pPFF ", "%-#x\n", pPFF); N3("iFont ", "%u\n", iFont); N3("pifi ", "%-#x\n", pifi);
N3("flPFE ", "%-#x\n", flPFE); for (fl = flPFE, pfd=afdPFE; pfd->psz; pfd++) { if (fl & pfd->fl) { dprintf(" %s\n", pfd->psz); } }
N3("pfdg ", "%-#x\n", pfdg); N2("idifi\n", idifi); N3("pkp ", "%-#x\n", pkp); N3("idkp ", "%-#x\n", idkp); N3("ckp ", "%u\n", ckp); N3("iOrieintation ", "%d\n", iOrientation); N3("cjEfdwPFE ", "%-#x\n", cjEfdwPFE); N3("pgiset ", "%-#x\n", pgiset); N3("ulTimeStamp ", "%u\n", ulTimeStamp); N2("ufi\n", ufi); N3("pid ", "%-#x\n", pid);
N2("ql\n" , ql); N3("pFlEntry ", "%-#x\n", pFlEntry);
N3("cAlt ", "%u\n", cAlt); N3("cPfdgRef ", "%u\n", cPfdgRef); N2("aiFamilyName[]" , aiFamilyName[0]); dprintf("\n\n"); #undef N2
#undef N3
* * Routine Name: * * pfe * \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( pfe ) { PARSE_POINTER(pfe_help); vDumpPFE( arg ); EXIT_API(S_OK); pfe_help: dprintf ("Usage: pfe [-?] pointer to PFE\n"); EXIT_API(S_OK); }
* * History: * 21-Feb-1995 -by- Lingyun Wang [lingyunw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( hpfe ) { dprintf("Why are you using a handle? Nobody uses a handle to a PFE\n"); EXIT_API(S_OK); }
* vPrintSkeletonPFF * * Argument * * pLocalPFF points to a complete local PFF structure * (including PFE*'s and path name) * all addresses contained are remote * except for pwszPathname_ which has * been converted before this routine * was called * * History: * Tue 30-Aug-1994 07:25:18 by Kirk Olynyk [kirko] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID vPrintSkeletonPFF( PFF *pLocalPFF ) { PFE **ppPFEl, **ppPFEl_;
if (pLocalPFF->hdev) dprintf("\t%-#8x (HDEV)\n", pLocalPFF->hdev); else dprintf("\t\"%ws\"\n", pLocalPFF->pwszPathname_); dprintf("\t PFE* IFI*\n");
ppPFEl = (PFE**) &(pLocalPFF->aulData[0]); ppPFEl_ = ppPFEl + pLocalPFF->cFonts; while (ppPFEl < ppPFEl_) { PFE *pPFEr = *ppPFEl;
dprintf("\t %-#10x", pPFEr); if ( pPFEr ) { PFE PFEt; move2(&PFEt, pPFEr, sizeof(PFEt)); dprintf(" %-#10x\t", PFEt.pifi); { ULONG sizeofIFI; IFIMETRICS *pHeapIFI; move2( &sizeofIFI , PFEt.pifi + offsetof(IFIMETRICS,cjThis) , sizeof(sizeofIFI)); if (pHeapIFI = tmalloc(IFIMETRICS,sizeofIFI)) { move2(pHeapIFI, PFEt.pifi, sizeofIFI); IFIOBJ ifio(pHeapIFI); dprintf( "\"%ws\" %d %d\n" , ifio.pwszFaceName() , ifio.lfHeight() , ifio.lfWidth() ); tfree(pHeapIFI); } else dprintf("!!! memory allocation failure !!!\n"); } } else dprintf(" INVALID PFE\n"); ppPFEl++; } // Now print the RFONT list
{ RFONT LocalRFONT, *pRemoteRFONT;
if (pRemoteRFONT = pLocalPFF->prfntList) { dprintf("\t\tRFONT* PFE*\n"); do { move2(&LocalRFONT, pRemoteRFONT, sizeof(LocalRFONT)); dprintf("\t\t%-#10x %-#10x\n", pRemoteRFONT, LocalRFONT.ppfe); pRemoteRFONT = LocalRFONT.rflPFF.prfntNext; } while (pRemoteRFONT); } } } #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
void vDumpPFT( PFT *pLocal, PFT *pRemote ) { COUNT i;
dprintf("[%8x] pfhFamily %-#x\n", &pRemote->pfhFamily, pLocal->pfhFamily); dprintf("[%8x] pfhFace %-#x\n", &pRemote->pfhFace , pLocal->pfhFace ); dprintf("[%8x] pfhUFI %-#x\n", &pRemote->pfhUFI , pLocal->pfhUFI ); dprintf("[%8x] cBuckets %-#x\n", &pRemote->cBuckets , pLocal->cBuckets ); dprintf("[%8x] cFiles %-#x\n", &pRemote->cFiles , pLocal->cFiles );
for (i = 0; i < pLocal->cBuckets; i++) { PFF *pRemotePFF = pLocal->apPFF[i];
if (pRemotePFF) { PFF *pLast;
dprintf("[%8x]", &pRemote->apPFF[i]);
pLast = 0; while (pRemotePFF && !CheckControlC()) { PFF LocalPFF;
dprintf(" %8x", pRemotePFF);
move(LocalPFF, pRemotePFF); pLast = pRemotePFF; pRemotePFF = LocalPFF.pPFFNext; if (pRemotePFF && pRemotePFF == pLast) { dprintf(" <---- BAD PFF ?"); pRemotePFF = 0; } } dprintf("\n"); } }
dprintf("\n" "PFF* Pathname_\n" "-------- ---------\n");
for (i = 0; i < pLocal->cBuckets; i++) { PFF *pRemotePFF, LocalPFF; PWSZ pwszDst;
if ( pRemotePFF = pLocal->apPFF[i] ) { dprintf("apPFF[%d]\n", i); for ( ; pRemotePFF; pRemotePFF=LocalPFF.pPFFNext) { move(LocalPFF, pRemotePFF); pwszDst = wcsncpy((PWSZ) adw, LocalPFF.pwszPathname_, sizeof(adw)/sizeof(WCHAR)); if ( pwszDst == 0 ) { pwszDst = L""; } dprintf("%8x \"%ws\"\n", pRemotePFF, pwszDst); } dprintf("\n"); } } } #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
void vDumpFONTHASH( FONTHASH *pLocal, FONTHASH *pRemote ) { UINT i; union { UINT id; char ach[4]; } u;
UINT id; // 'HASH'
FONTHASHTYPE fht; // table type
UINT cBuckets; // total number of buckets
UINT cUsed; // number of buckets in use
UINT cCollisions; HASHBUCKET *pbktFirst; // first bucket of doubly linked list of hash
// buckets maintained in order loaded into system
HASHBUCKET *pbktLast; // last bucket of doubly linked list of hash
// buckets maintained in order loaded into system
HASHBUCKET *apbkt[1]; // array of bucket pointers.
u.id = pLocal->id; dprintf("[%8x] id %8x %c%c%c%c\n", &pRemote->id, u.id, u.ach[0], u.ach[1], u.ach[2], u.ach[3]); dprintf("[%8x] fht %-#10x %s\n", &pRemote->fht, pLocal->fht, pszFONTHASHTYPE(pLocal->fht)); dprintf("[%8x] cBuckets %-#x\n", &pRemote->cBuckets, pLocal->cBuckets); dprintf("[%8x] cUsed %-#x\n", &pRemote->cUsed, pLocal->cUsed); dprintf("[%8x] cCollisions %-#x\n", &pRemote->cCollisions, pLocal->cCollisions); dprintf("[%8x] pbktFirst %-#x\n", &pRemote->pbktFirst, pLocal->pbktFirst); dprintf("[%8x] pbktLast %-#x\n", &pRemote->pbktLast, pLocal->pbktLast); dprintf("\n");
i = pLocal->cBuckets * sizeof(HASHBUCKET*); if (i == 0 ) { dprintf("No buckets here\n"); return; }
for ( i = 0; i < pLocal->cBuckets; i++) { HASHBUCKET *pRemoteHB = ((HASHBUCKET**) adw)[i];
if ( pRemoteHB ) { HASHBUCKET LocalHB;
dprintf("apbkt[%3u]", i);
for ( ; pRemoteHB; pRemoteHB = LocalHB.pbktCollision) { dprintf(" %-#x", pRemoteHB); move(LocalHB, pRemoteHB); } dprintf("\n"); } } dprintf("\n");
for ( i = 0; i < pLocal->cBuckets; i++) { HASHBUCKET *pRemoteHB = ((HASHBUCKET**) adw)[i];
if ( pRemoteHB ) { HASHBUCKET LocalHB;
dprintf("--------------------------------------\n"); dprintf("apbkt[%3u]\n", i);
for ( ; pRemoteHB; pRemoteHB = LocalHB.pbktCollision) { dprintf("HASHBUCKET* %-#x ", pRemoteHB); move(LocalHB, pRemoteHB);
switch ( pLocal->fht ) { case FHT_FACE: case FHT_FAMILY:
dprintf("\t\"%ws\"", LocalHB.u.wcCapName); break;
case FHT_UFI:
dprintf("\tUFI(%-#x,%-#x)", LocalHB.u.ufi.CheckSum, LocalHB.u.ufi.Index); break;
break; } dprintf("\n");
{ PFELINK *ppfel = LocalHB.ppfelEnumHead; PFELINK pfelLocal;
if (ppfel) { dprintf("PFE*\n"); while (ppfel) { move(pfelLocal, ppfel); dprintf("%-#x", pfelLocal.ppfe); move(LocalPFE,pfelLocal.ppfe);
if (LocalPFE.pPFF) { PFF LocalPFF; WCHAR awc[MAX_PATH];
move(LocalPFF, LocalPFE.pPFF); wcsncpy( awc, LocalPFF.pwszPathname_, MAX_PATH); awc[MAX_PATH-1]=0; dprintf(" \"%ws\"", awc); }
if (LocalPFE.pifi) { ULONG dp; WCHAR awc[LF_FACESIZE+1]; PWSZ pwszSrc; FWORD fwdAscender, fwdDescender, fwdWidth;
move(dp,&((LocalPFE.pifi)->dpwszFaceName)); pwszSrc = (PWSZ)(((char*) (LocalPFE.pifi)) + dp); wcsncpy(awc, pwszSrc, LF_FACESIZE); awc[LF_FACESIZE] = 0; dprintf(" \"%ws\"", awc);
move(fwdAscender, &LocalPFE.pifi->fwdWinAscender); move(fwdDescender, &LocalPFE.pifi->fwdWinDescender); move(fwdWidth, &LocalPFE.pifi->fwdAveCharWidth);
dprintf(" %4d %4d %4d", fwdAscender, fwdDescender, fwdWidth);
ppfel = pfelLocal.ppfelNext; } } } } } } dprintf("--------------------------------------\n"); } #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* vPrintSkeletonPFT * * History: * Mon 29-Aug-1994 15:51:16 by Kirk Olynyk [kirko] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID vPrintSkeletonPFT( PFT *pLocalPFT ) { PFF *pPFFr, **ppPFFl, **ppPFFl_, *pPFFNext ,*pHeapPFF;
dprintf("pfhFamily = %-#x\n" , pLocalPFT->pfhFamily ); dprintf("pfhFace = %-#x\n" , pLocalPFT->pfhFace ); dprintf("cBuckets = %u\n" , pLocalPFT->cBuckets ); dprintf("cFiles = %u\n" , pLocalPFT->cFiles ); dprintf("\n\n");
for ( ppPFFl = pLocalPFT->apPFF , ppPFFl_ = pLocalPFT->apPFF + pLocalPFT->cBuckets ; ppPFFl < ppPFFl_ ; ppPFFl++ ) { // if the bucket is empty skip to the next otherwise print
// the bucket number and then print the contents of all
// the PFF's hanging off the bucket.
if (!(pPFFr = *ppPFFl)) continue; dprintf("apPFF[%u]\n", ppPFFl - pLocalPFT->apPFF); while ( pPFFr ) { // get the size of the remote PFF and allocate enough space
// on the heap
dprintf(" %-#8x", pPFFr); PFF FramePFF; move(FramePFF, pPFFr); if (pHeapPFF = tmalloc(PFF,FramePFF.sizeofThis)) { // get a local copy of the PFF and fix up the sting pointer
// to point to the address in the local heap then print
// the local copy. Some of the addresses in the local
// PFF point to remote object but vPrintSkeleton will
// take care of that. When we are done we free the memory.
move2(pHeapPFF, pPFFr, (ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)FramePFF.sizeofThis); PFFOBJ pffo(pHeapPFF); pHeapPFF->pwszPathname_ = pffo.pwszCalcPathname(); vPrintSkeletonPFF( pHeapPFF ); tfree(pHeapPFF); } else { dprintf("Allocation failure\n"); break; } pPFFr = FramePFF.pPFFNext; } } } #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * History: * 21-Feb-1995 -by- Lingyun Wang [lingyunw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( pft ) { dprintf("Extension 'pft' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
PARSE_POINTER(pft_help); Gdidpft((PFT *) arg); return; pft_help: dprintf ("Usage: pft [-?] pointer to PFT\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* dpft * * History: * Mon 29-Aug-1994 15:39:39 by Kirk Olynyk [kirko] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID Gdidpft( PFT *pRemotePFT) { ULONG size; PFT LocalPFT, *pLocalPFT;
move(LocalPFT, pRemotePFT); size = offsetof(PFT, apPFF[0]) + LocalPFT.cBuckets * sizeof(PFF *); if (pLocalPFT = tmalloc(PFT, size)) { move2(pLocalPFT, pRemotePFT, size); vDumpPFT(pLocalPFT, pRemotePFT); tfree(pLocalPFT); } else dprintf("dpft error --- failed to allocate memory\n"); dprintf("\n"); } #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* dpubft * * dumps the public font table * * History: * Thu 01-Sep-1994 23:20:54 by Kirk Olynyk [kirko] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( pubft ) { dprintf("Extension 'pubft' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
PFT * pft; PARSE_ARGUMENTS(pubft_help);
GetValue (pft, "win32k!gpPFTPublic"); Gdidpft(pft); return; pubft_help: dprintf("Usage: pubft [-?]\n"); //check that this is true
dprintf("Equivalent to pft win32k!gpPFTPublic\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* Gdidpvtft( ) * * dumps the private PFT * * History: * 01-Oct-1996 -by- Xudong Wu [TessieW] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( pvtft ) { dprintf("Extension 'pvtft' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
PFT * pft; PARSE_ARGUMENTS(pvtft_help); GetValue (pft, "win32k!gpPFTPrivate"); Gdidpft(pft); return; pvtft_help: dprintf("Usage: pvtft [-?]\n"); //check that this is true
dprintf("Equivalent to pft win32k!gpPFTPrivate\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* ddevft * * dumps the device font table * * History: * Thu 01-Sep-1994 23:21:15 by Kirk Olynyk [kirko] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( devft ) { dprintf("Extension 'devft' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
PFT *pft; PARSE_ARGUMENTS(devft_help); GetValue (pft, "win32k!gpPFTDevice"); Gdidpft(pft); return; devft_help: dprintf("Usage: devft [-?]\n"); //check that this is true
dprintf("Equivalent to pft win32k!gpPFTDevice\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * History: * Sat 23-Sep-1995 08:26:09 by Kirk Olynyk [kirko] * Re-wrote it. * 21-Feb-1995 -by- Lingyun Wang [lingyunw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
ULONG offset; ULONG64 estrobjSrc;
ULONG cGlyphs; // Number of glyphs.
FLONG flAccel; // Accelerator flags exposed to the driver.
ULONG ulCharInc; // Non-zero if constant character increment.
RECTL rclBkGround; // Background rect of the string.
ULONG64 pgp; // Accelerator if all GLYPHPOS's are valid.
ULONG64 pwszOrg; // pointer to original unicode string.
ULONG cgposCopied; // For enumeration.
ULONG cgposPositionsEnumerated; // only used for enumerating positions in linked strings
ULONG64 prfo; // Remember our RFONTOBJ.
FLONG flTO; // flags
ULONG64 pgpos; // Pointer to the GLYPHPOS structures.
POINTFIX ptfxRef; // Reference point.
POINTFIX ptfxUpdate; // CP advancement for the string.
POINTFIX ptfxEscapement; // The total escapement vector.
RECTFX rcfx; // The TextBox, projected onto the base and ascent.
FIX fxExtent; // The Windows compatible text extent.
FIX xExtra; // computed in H3, G2,3 cases
FIX xBreakExtra; // computed in H3, G2,3 cases
DWORD dwCodePage; // accelerator for ps driver
ULONG cExtraRects; // Rectangles for underline
RECTL arclExtra[3]; // and strikeout.
RECTL rclBkGroundSave; // used to save a copy of BkGroundRect
ULONG64 pwcPartition; // For partitioning
ULONG64 plPartition; // Points to partitioning information
ULONG64 plNext; // Next glyph in font
ULONG64 pgpNext; // For enumeration
LONG lCurrentFont; // For enumeration
POINTL ptlBaseLineAdjust; // Used to adjust SysEUDC baseline
ULONG cTTSysGlyphs; // Number of TT system font glyphs in a string
ULONG cSysGlyphs; // Number of system eudc glyphs in a string.
ULONG cDefGlyphs; // Number of default eudc glyphs in a string.
ULONG cNumFaceNameLinks; // Number of linked face name eudc in a string .
ULONG64 pacFaceNameGlyphs; // Pointer to array of number of face name glyphs.
FLONG fl; FLAGDEF *pfd; WCHAR *awc; int i; BOOL Header=FALSE; BOOL Position=FALSE; BOOL East=FALSE;
PARSE_POINTER(stro_help); estrobjSrc= arg;
if(parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'p')!=-1) {Position=TRUE;} if(parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'h')!=-1) {Header=TRUE;} if(parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'e')!=-1) {East=TRUE;}
if(!(Position||East||Header)) {Header=TRUE;} if(East) {Header=TRUE;}
if (Header) { GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(cGlyphs); dprintf("[%-#p] cGlyphs %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , cGlyphs ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(flAccel); dprintf("[%-#p] flAccel %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , flAccel ); for (fl=flAccel, pfd=afdSO; pfd->psz; pfd++) if (fl & pfd->fl) { dprintf("\t\t%s\n", pfd->psz); fl &= ~pfd->fl; } GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(ulCharInc); dprintf("[%-#p] ulCharInc %-#x=%u\n", estrobjSrc+offset , ulCharInc , ulCharInc ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(rclBkGround.left); dprintf("[%-#p] rclBkGround.left %-#x=%d\n", estrobjSrc+offset , rclBkGround.left , rclBkGround.left ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(rclBkGround.top); dprintf("[%-#p] rclBkGround.top %-#x=%d\n", estrobjSrc+offset , rclBkGround.top , rclBkGround.top ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(rclBkGround.right); dprintf("[%-#p] rclBkGround.right %-#x=%d\n", estrobjSrc+offset , rclBkGround.right , rclBkGround.right ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(rclBkGround.bottom); dprintf("[%-#p] rclBkGround.bottom %-#x=%d\n", estrobjSrc+offset , rclBkGround.bottom , rclBkGround.bottom ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(pgp); dprintf("[%-#p] pgp %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , pgp );
GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(pwszOrg); awc = (WCHAR*) adw; awc[0] = 0; if (pwszOrg && cGlyphs < 256) { ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR) pwszOrg, adw, cGlyphs * sizeof(WCHAR), 0); awc[255] = 0; } dprintf("[%-#p] pwszOrg %-#x ", estrobjSrc+offset, pwszOrg); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(prfo); if (awc[0] && prfo) { #if 0
if (offsetof(RFONTOBJ,prfnt) != 0) dprintf("\noffsetof(RFONTOBJ,prfnt) != 0\n"); else #endif
{ ULONG64 foSrc; FLONG flType; // Cache type -
GetFieldData(prfo, "PVOID", NULL, sizeof(foSrc), &foSrc); GetRFONTFieldAndOffset( flType);
WCHAR wc, *pwc; USHORT *pus, *pusStnl;
dprintf("%c", '\"'); for (pwc = awc; wc = *pwc; pwc++) { if (wc < 256 ) dprintf("%c", isprint((int)wc) ? (char) wc : 250); else dprintf("\\u%04X", wc); } dprintf("\"\n"); break;
for (pwc = awc; wc = *pwc; pwc++) dprintf("\t\t\t\tu%04X", wc); dprintf("\n"); break;
dprintf(" flType = %-#x [unknown string type]\n", flType); break; } } } else dprintf("\n"); }
if (East) {
GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(cgposCopied); dprintf("[%-#p] cgposCopied %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , cgposCopied ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(cgposPositionsEnumerated); dprintf("[%-#p] cgposPositionsEnumerated %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , cgposPositionsEnumerated ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(prfo); dprintf("[%-#p] prfo %-#p\n", estrobjSrc+offset , prfo ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(flTO); dprintf("[%-#p] flTO %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , flTO ); for (fl=flTO, pfd=afdTO; pfd->psz; pfd++) if (fl & pfd->fl) { dprintf("\t\t%s\n", pfd->psz); fl &= ~pfd->fl; } GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(pgpos); dprintf("[%-#p] pgpos %-#p\n", estrobjSrc+offset , pgpos ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(ptfxRef.x); dprintf("[%-#p] ptfxRef.x %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , ptfxRef.x ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(ptfxRef.y); dprintf("[%-#p] ptfxRef.y %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , ptfxRef.y ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(ptfxUpdate.x); dprintf("[%-#p] ptfxUpdate.x %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , ptfxUpdate.x ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(ptfxUpdate.y); dprintf("[%-#p] ptfxUpdate.y %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , ptfxUpdate.y ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(ptfxEscapement.x); dprintf("[%-#p] ptfxEscapement.x %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , ptfxEscapement.x ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(ptfxEscapement.y); dprintf("[%-#p] ptfxEscapement.y %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , ptfxEscapement.y ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(rcfx.xLeft); dprintf("[%-#p] rcfx.xLeft %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , rcfx.xLeft ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(rcfx.yTop); dprintf("[%-#p] rcfx.yTop %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , rcfx.yTop ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(rcfx.xRight); dprintf("[%-#p] rcfx.xRight %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , rcfx.xRight ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(rcfx.yBottom); dprintf("[%-#p] rcfx.yBottom %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , rcfx.yBottom ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(fxExtent); dprintf("[%-#p] fxExtent %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , fxExtent ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(xExtra); dprintf("[%-#p] xExtra %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , xExtra ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(xBreakExtra); dprintf("[%-#p] xBreakExtra %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , xBreakExtra ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(dwCodePage); dprintf("[%-#p] dwCodePage %-#x=%u\n", estrobjSrc+offset , dwCodePage , dwCodePage ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(cExtraRects); dprintf("[%-#p] cExtraRects %-#x=%u\n", estrobjSrc+offset , cExtraRects , cExtraRects ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(arclExtra[0].left); dprintf("[%-#p] arclExtra[0].left %-#x=%d\n", estrobjSrc+offset , arclExtra[0].left , arclExtra[0].left ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(arclExtra[0].top); dprintf("[%-#p] arclExtra[0].top %-#x=%d\n", estrobjSrc+offset , arclExtra[0].top , arclExtra[0].top ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(arclExtra[0].right); dprintf("[%-#p] arclExtra[0].right %-#x=%d\n", estrobjSrc+offset , arclExtra[0].right , arclExtra[0].right ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(arclExtra[0].bottom); dprintf("[%-#p] arclExtra[0].bottom %-#x=%d\n", estrobjSrc+offset , arclExtra[0].bottom , arclExtra[0].bottom ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(arclExtra[1].left); dprintf("[%-#p] arclExtra[1].left %-#x=%d\n", estrobjSrc+offset , arclExtra[1].left , arclExtra[1].left ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(arclExtra[1].top); dprintf("[%-#p] arclExtra[1].top %-#x=%d\n", estrobjSrc+offset , arclExtra[1].top , arclExtra[1].top ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(arclExtra[1].right); dprintf("[%-#p] arclExtra[1].right %-#x=%d\n", estrobjSrc+offset , arclExtra[1].right , arclExtra[1].right ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(arclExtra[1].bottom); dprintf("[%-#p] arclExtra[1].bottom %-#x=%d\n", estrobjSrc+offset , arclExtra[1].bottom , arclExtra[1].bottom ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(arclExtra[2].left); dprintf("[%-#p] arclExtra[2].left %-#x=%d\n", estrobjSrc+offset , arclExtra[2].left , arclExtra[2].left ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(arclExtra[2].top); dprintf("[%-#p] arclExtra[2].top %-#x=%d\n", estrobjSrc+offset , arclExtra[2].top , arclExtra[2].top ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(arclExtra[2].right); dprintf("[%-#p] arclExtra[2].right %-#x=%d\n", estrobjSrc+offset , arclExtra[2].right , arclExtra[2].right ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(arclExtra[2].bottom); dprintf("[%-#p] arclExtra[2].bottom %-#x=%d\n", estrobjSrc+offset , arclExtra[2].bottom , arclExtra[2].bottom ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(rclBkGroundSave.top); dprintf("[%-#p] rclBkGroundSave.top %-#x=%d\n", estrobjSrc+offset , rclBkGroundSave.top , rclBkGroundSave.top ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(rclBkGroundSave.left); dprintf("[%-#p] rclBkGroundSave.left %-#x=%d\n", estrobjSrc+offset , rclBkGroundSave.left , rclBkGroundSave.left ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(rclBkGroundSave.right); dprintf("[%-#p] rclBkGroundSave.right %-#x=%d\n", estrobjSrc+offset , rclBkGroundSave.right , rclBkGroundSave.right ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(rclBkGroundSave.bottom); dprintf("[%-#p] rclBkGroundSave.bottom %-#x=%d\n", estrobjSrc+offset, rclBkGroundSave.bottom, rclBkGroundSave.bottom); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(pwcPartition); dprintf("[%-#p] pwcPartition %-#p\n", estrobjSrc+offset , pwcPartition ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(plPartition); dprintf("[%-#p] plPartition %-#p\n", estrobjSrc+offset , plPartition ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(plNext); dprintf("[%-#p] plNext %-#p\n", estrobjSrc+offset , plNext ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(pgpNext); dprintf("[%-#p] pgpNext %-#p\n", estrobjSrc+offset , pgpNext ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(lCurrentFont); dprintf("[%-#p] lCurrentFont %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , lCurrentFont ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(ptlBaseLineAdjust.x); dprintf("[%-#p] ptlBaseLineAdjust.x %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , ptlBaseLineAdjust.x ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(ptlBaseLineAdjust.y); dprintf("[%-#p] ptlBaseLineAdjust.y %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , ptlBaseLineAdjust.y ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(cTTSysGlyphs); dprintf("[%-#p] cTTSysGlyphs %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , cTTSysGlyphs ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(cSysGlyphs); dprintf("[%-#p] cSysGlyphs %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , cSysGlyphs ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(cDefGlyphs); dprintf("[%-#p] cDefGlyphs %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , cDefGlyphs ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(cNumFaceNameLinks); dprintf("[%-#p] cNumFaceNameLinks %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset , cNumFaceNameLinks ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(pacFaceNameGlyphs); dprintf("[%-#p] pacFaceNameGlyphs %-#p\n", estrobjSrc+offset , pacFaceNameGlyphs );
GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(acFaceNameGlyphs[0]); dprintf("[%-#p] acFaceNameGlyphs[%d] %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset, 0, acFaceNameGlyphs[0] ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(acFaceNameGlyphs[1]); dprintf("[%-#p] acFaceNameGlyphs[%d] %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset, 1, acFaceNameGlyphs[1] ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(acFaceNameGlyphs[2]); dprintf("[%-#p] acFaceNameGlyphs[%d] %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset, 2, acFaceNameGlyphs[2] ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(acFaceNameGlyphs[3]); dprintf("[%-#p] acFaceNameGlyphs[%d] %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset, 3, acFaceNameGlyphs[3] ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(acFaceNameGlyphs[4]); dprintf("[%-#p] acFaceNameGlyphs[%d] %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset, 4, acFaceNameGlyphs[4] ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(acFaceNameGlyphs[5]); dprintf("[%-#p] acFaceNameGlyphs[%d] %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset, 5, acFaceNameGlyphs[5] ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(acFaceNameGlyphs[6]); dprintf("[%-#p] acFaceNameGlyphs[%d] %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset, 6, acFaceNameGlyphs[6] ); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(acFaceNameGlyphs[7]); dprintf("[%-#p] acFaceNameGlyphs[%d] %-#x\n", estrobjSrc+offset, 7, acFaceNameGlyphs[7] ); } if (Position) {
/* GLYPHPOS: */ ULONG hg, i; ULONG64 pgdf; POINTL ptl;
/* GLYPHDEF */ ULONG64 pgb = 0;
ULONG64 glyphposSrc, sizeOfGlyphPos;
sizeOfGlyphPos = GetTypeSize("GLYPHPOS");
GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(rclBkGround.left); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(rclBkGround.top); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(rclBkGround.right); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(rclBkGround.bottom); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(cGlyphs); GetESTROBJFieldAndOffset(pgp);
glyphposSrc = pgp;
dprintf(" ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------\n"); dprintf(" HGLYPH GLYPHBITS* x y\n"); dprintf(" ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------\n");
for (i = 0; i < cGlyphs; i++) { char *pszOutOfBounds = ""; GetGLYPHPOSFieldAndOffset(pgdf); GetGLYPHPOSFieldAndOffset(hg); GetGLYPHPOSFieldAndOffset(ptl.x); GetGLYPHPOSFieldAndOffset(ptl.y);
if (pgdf) { POINTL ptlOrigin; SIZEL sizlBitmap; BYTE aj[1]; ULONG64 glyphdefSrc = pgdf;
if (pgb) { RECT rcGlyph; ULONG64 glyphbitsSrc = pgb;
GetGLYPHBITSFieldAndOffset(ptlOrigin.x); GetGLYPHBITSFieldAndOffset(ptlOrigin.y); GetGLYPHBITSFieldAndOffset(sizlBitmap.cx); GetGLYPHBITSFieldAndOffset(sizlBitmap.cy);
rcGlyph.left = ptl.x + ptlOrigin.x; rcGlyph.top = ptl.y + ptlOrigin.y; rcGlyph.right = rcGlyph.left + sizlBitmap.cx; rcGlyph.bottom = rcGlyph.top + sizlBitmap.cy;
if ( ( rcGlyph.left < rclBkGround.left ) || ( rcGlyph.right > rclBkGround.right ) || ( rcGlyph.top < rclBkGround.top ) || ( rcGlyph.bottom > rclBkGround.bottom ) ) { pszOutOfBounds = " *** out of bounds ***"; } } /* if (pgb) */ } /* if (pgdf) */ dprintf( " %-#10x %-#18p %-10d %-10d%s\n" , hg , pgb // print the CONTENTS of the GLYPHDEF
, ptl.x , ptl.y , pszOutOfBounds ); glyphposSrc += sizeOfGlyphPos; } /* for */ dprintf(" ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------\n\n"); } EXIT_API(S_OK); stro_help: dprintf("!gdikdx.stro [-p] address\n" "-? print this message\n" "-p print glyph positions\n" "-h print header\n" "-e far east\n");
* * Routine Name: * * dstro * \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( dstro ) { dprintf("Extension 'dstro' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
dprintf("\n\n"); dprintf("gdikdx.dstro will soon be replaced by gdikdx.stro\n"); dprintf("\n\n"); stro(hCurrentProcess, hCurrentThread, dwCurrentPc, dwProcessor, args); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * Dumps monochrome bitmaps. * * History: * Sat 23-Sep-1995 08:26:43 by Kirk Olynyk [kirko] * Re-wrote it. * 21-Feb-1995 -by- Lingyun Wang [lingyunw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
#define CH_HORIZONTAL_BAR '\xC4'
#define CH_VERTICAL_BAR '\xB3'
#define CH_PIXEL_ON '\x02'
#define CH_PIXEL_OFF '\xFA'
#define CH_GARBAGE '+'
ULONG64 glyphbitsSrc; ULONG offset;
BYTE j, *pj8, *pj, *pjNext, *pjEnd; int i, k, cj, cjScan, c4, c8, cLast; char *pch;
POINTL ptlOrigin; SIZEL sizlBitmap; BYTE aj[1];
PARSE_POINTER(gb_help); if(parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'h')!=-1) {Header=TRUE;} if(parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'm')!=-1) {Mono=TRUE;} if(parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'g')!=-1) {Gray=TRUE;} if(Mono&&Gray) { Gray=FALSE; dprintf("cannot have Monochrome and Gray simultaneously\n" "assuming Monochrome\n"); } if(!(Header||Mono||Gray)) { Header=TRUE; Mono=TRUE; }
//arg from PARSE_POINTER() above.
glyphbitsSrc = arg;
GetGLYPHBITSFieldAndOffset(ptlOrigin.x); GetGLYPHBITSFieldAndOffset(ptlOrigin.y); GetGLYPHBITSFieldAndOffset(sizlBitmap.cx); GetGLYPHBITSFieldAndOffset(sizlBitmap.cy);
// header information
if (Header) { dprintf( "ptlOrigin = (%d,%d)\n" "sizlBitmap = (%d,%d)\n" "\n\n" , ptlOrigin.x , ptlOrigin.y , sizlBitmap.cx , sizlBitmap.cy ); } // do stuff common to monochrome and gray glyphs
if (Mono||Gray) { if ( sizlBitmap.cx > 150 ) { dprintf("\nBitmap is wider than 150 characters\n"); EXIT_API(S_OK); } // cjScan = number of bytes per scan
if (Mono) { cjScan = (sizlBitmap.cx + 7)/8; // 8 pixels per byte
} else cjScan = (sizlBitmap.cx + 1)/2; // 2 pixels per byte
// cj = number of bytes in image bits (excluding header)
if ( ( cj = cjScan * sizlBitmap.cy ) > sizeof(adw) ) { dprintf( "\nThe bits will blow out the buffer\n" ); EXIT_API(S_OK); }
ReadMemory((ULONG_PTR) (glyphbitsSrc + offset), adw, cj, NULL); dprintf("\n\n "); // leave space for number and vertical bar
for (i = 0, k = 0; i < sizlBitmap.cx; i++, k++) { k = (k > 9) ? 0 : k; // print x-coordinates (mod 10)
dprintf("%1d", k); } // go to new line
dprintf("\n %c",CH_TOP_LEFT_CORNER); // leave space for number
for (i = 0; i < sizlBitmap.cx; i++) // and then mark corner
dprintf("%c",CH_HORIZONTAL_BAR); // fill out horizontal line
dprintf("\n"); // move down to scan output
} // monochrome glyph
i = sizlBitmap.cx; c8 = i / 8; // c8 = number of whole bytes
i = i % 8; // i = remaining number of pixels = 0..7
c4 = i / 4; // number of whole nybbles = 0..1
cLast = i % 4; // remaining number of pixels = 0..3
// k = row number
// pjEnd = pointer to address of scan beyond last scan
// pjNext = pointer to next scan
// pj = pointer to current byte
// for each scan ...
for ( pj = (BYTE*)adw, pjNext=pj+cjScan , pjEnd=pjNext+cj, k=0 ; pjNext < pjEnd ; pj=pjNext , pjNext+=cjScan, k++ ) { if (CheckControlC()) EXIT_API(S_OK);
k = (k > 9) ? 0 : k;
// print row number (mod 10) followed by a vertical bar ...
// then do the pixels of the scan ...
// whole bytes first ...
for (pj8 = pj+c8 ; pj < pj8; pj++) { // high nybble first ...
pch = ach + 4 * (*pj >> 4); dprintf("%c%c%c%c",pch[0],pch[1],pch[2],pch[3]);
// low nybble next ...
pch = ach + 4 * (*pj & 0xf); dprintf("%c%c%c%c",pch[0],pch[1],pch[2],pch[3]); }
// last partial byte ...
if (c4 || cLast) { // high nybble first ...
pch = ach + 4 * (*pj >> 4);
if (c4) { // print the entire high nybble ...
// go to the low nybble ...
pch = ach + 4 * (*pj & 0xf); }
// last partial nybble ...
switch(cLast) { case 3: dprintf("%c",*pch++); case 2: dprintf("%c",*pch++); case 1: dprintf("%c",*pch); }
// print any extraneous bits
for (j = *pj << i; j; j <<= 1) { if ( j & 0x80 ) { dprintf("%c",CH_GARBAGE); } }
} dprintf("\n"); } } // gray glyph
if (Gray) { static char achGray[16] = { CH_PIXEL_OFF, '1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e', CH_PIXEL_ON }; c8 = sizlBitmap.cx / 2; // number of whole bytes;
c4 = sizlBitmap.cx % 2; // number of whole nybbles;
// k = row number
// pjEnd = pointer to address of scan beyond last scan
// pjNext = pointer to next scan
// pj = pointer to current byte
// for each scan ...
for ( pj = (BYTE*)adw, pjNext=pj+cjScan , pjEnd=pjNext+cj, k=0 ; pjNext < pjEnd ; pj=pjNext , pjNext+=cjScan, k++ ) { if (CheckControlC()) EXIT_API(S_OK); k = (k > 9) ? 0 : k; // print row number (mod 10) followed by a vertical bar ...
dprintf("%1d%c",k,CH_VERTICAL_BAR); // then do the pixels of the scan ...
// whole bytes first ...
for (pj8 = pj+c8 ; pj < pj8; pj++) dprintf("%c%c", achGray[*pj>>4], achGray[*pj & 0xf]); // last partial byte ...
if (c4) dprintf("%c", achGray[*pj >> 4]); dprintf("\n"); } } EXIT_API(S_OK);
gb_help: dprintf("Usage: gb [-?] [-g|-m] [-h] address\n" " -? this message\n" " -h print header\n" " -m print monochrome bitmap\n" " -g print 4-bpp bitmap\n" "If no flags are supplied, -m -h assumed.\n" "Cannot supply -m and -g together."); EXIT_API(S_OK); }
* * Routine Name: * * vDumpCOLORADJUSTMENT * \**************************************************************************/
#define M3(aa,bb) \
dprintf("[%x] %s%-#x\n", &(pdcaSrc->##aa), (bb), pdca->##aa) #define M2(aa,bb) \
dprintf("[%x] %s", &(pdcaSrc->##aa), (bb))
dprintf("\nCOLORADJUSTMENT\n address\n -------\n"); M3( caSize , "caSize " );
// caFlags
M3( caFlags , "caFlags " ); for ( fl = pdca->caFlags, pfd = afdCOLORADJUSTMENT; pfd->psz; pfd++) if (fl & pfd->fl) { dprintf("\t\t\t\t\t%s\n", pfd->psz); fl &= ~pfd->fl; } if (fl) dprintf("\t\t\t\t\tbad flags %-#x\n", fl);
M3( caIlluminantIndex, "caIlluminantIndex " ); M3( caRedGamma , "caRedGamma " ); M3( caGreenGamma , "caGreenGamma " ); M3( caBlueGamma , "caBlueGamma " ); M3( caReferenceBlack , "caReferenceBlack " ); M3( caReferenceWhite , "caReferenceWhite " ); M3( caContrast , "caContrast " ); M3( caBrightness , "caBrightness " ); M3( caColorfulness , "caColorfulness " ); M3( caRedGreenTint , "caRedGreenTint " ); dprintf("\n");
#undef M2
#undef M3
} #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * History: * 21-Feb-1995 -by- Lingyun Wang [lingyunw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( gdf ) { dprintf("Extension 'gdf' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
GLYPHDEF gd; PARSE_POINTER(gdf_help); move(gd, arg); dprintf("\n\nGLYPHDEF\n\n"); dprintf("[%x] %-#x\n", arg, gd.pgb); dprintf("\n"); return; gdf_help: dprintf("Usage: gdf [-?] GLYPHDEF pointer\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * Routine Name: * * vDumpGLYPHPOS * \**************************************************************************/
void vDumpGLYPHPOS(GLYPHPOS *p1, GLYPHPOS *p0) { dprintf("\nGLYPHPOS\n\n"); dprintf("[%x] hg %-#x\n" , &p0->hg , p1->hg ); dprintf("[%x] pgdf %-#x\n" , &p0->pgdf, p1->pgdf); dprintf("[%x] ptl %d %d\n", &p0->ptl , p1->ptl.x, p1->ptl.y); dprintf("\n"); } #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * Routine Name: * * gp * \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( gp ) { dprintf("Extension 'gp' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
GLYPHPOS gp; PARSE_POINTER(gp_help); move(gp,arg); vDumpGLYPHPOS(&gp,(GLYPHPOS*)arg); return; gp_help: dprintf("Usage: gp [-?] GLYPHPOS pointer\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * Routine Name: * * ca * \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( ca ) { dprintf("Extension 'ca' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
COLORADJUSTMENT ca; PARSE_POINTER(ca_help); move(ca, arg); vDumpCOLORADJUSTMENT(&ca, (COLORADJUSTMENT*) arg); return; ca_help: dprintf("Usage: ca [-?] COLORADJUSTMENT pointer\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * Routine Name: * * vDumpDATABLOCK * \**************************************************************************/
void vDumpDATABLOCK( DATABLOCK *p, // pointer to local DATABLOCK copy
DATABLOCK *p0 // pointer to original DATABLOCK on debug machine
) { dprintf( "\nDATABLOCK\n address\n -------\n" ); dprintf( "[%x] pdblNext %-#x\n", &(p0->pdblNext), p->pdblNext); dprintf( "[%x] cgd %u\n", &(p0->cgd ), p->cgd ); dprintf( "\n" ); } #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * Routine Name: * * vDumpCACHE * \**************************************************************************/
void vDumpCACHE(ULONG64 cacheSrc) { ULONG offset;
ULONG64 pgdNext; // ptr to next free place to put GLYPHDATA
ULONG64 pgdThreshold; // ptr to first uncommited spot
ULONG64 pjFirstBlockEnd; // ptr to end of first GLYPHDATA block
ULONG64 pdblBase; // ptr to base of current GLYPHDATA block
ULONG cMetrics; // number of GLYPHDATA's in the metrics cache
ULONG cjbblInitial; // size of initial bit block
ULONG cjbbl; // size of any individual block in bytes
ULONG cBlocksMax; // max # of blocks allowed
ULONG cBlocks; // # of blocks allocated so far
ULONG cGlyphs; // for statistical purposes only
ULONG cjTotal; // also for stat purposes only
ULONG64 pbblBase; // ptr to the first bit block (head of the list)
ULONG64 pbblCur; // ptr to the block containing next
ULONG64 pgbNext; // ptr to next free place to put GLYPHBITS
ULONG64 pgbThreshold; // end of the current block
ULONG64 pjAuxCacheMem; // ptr to lookaside buffer, if any
SIZE_T cjAuxCacheMem; // size of current lookaside buffer
ULONG cjGlyphMax; // size of largest glyph
BOOL bSmallMetrics; INT iMax; INT iFirst; INT cBits;
#define GetAndPrintCACHEFieldAndOffset(expr, member) \
GetCACHEFieldAndOffset(member); dprintf("[0x%p] " #expr " " #member "\n", cacheSrc+offset, ##member)
dprintf("\nCACHE\n address\n -------\n" ); GetAndPrintCACHEFieldAndOffset( %+#20p, pgdNext); GetAndPrintCACHEFieldAndOffset( %+#20p, pgdThreshold); GetAndPrintCACHEFieldAndOffset( %+#20p, pjFirstBlockEnd); GetAndPrintCACHEFieldAndOffset( %+#20p, pdblBase); GetAndPrintCACHEFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cMetrics); GetAndPrintCACHEFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cjbbl); GetAndPrintCACHEFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cBlocksMax); GetAndPrintCACHEFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cBlocks); GetAndPrintCACHEFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cGlyphs); GetAndPrintCACHEFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cjTotal); GetAndPrintCACHEFieldAndOffset( %+#20p, pbblBase); GetAndPrintCACHEFieldAndOffset( %+#20p, pbblCur); GetAndPrintCACHEFieldAndOffset( %+#20p, pgbNext); GetAndPrintCACHEFieldAndOffset( %+#20p, pgbThreshold); GetAndPrintCACHEFieldAndOffset( %+#20p, pjAuxCacheMem); GetAndPrintCACHEFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cjAuxCacheMem); GetAndPrintCACHEFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cjGlyphMax); GetAndPrintCACHEFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, bSmallMetrics); GetAndPrintCACHEFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, iMax); GetAndPrintCACHEFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, iFirst); GetAndPrintCACHEFieldAndOffset( %+#20x, cBits); dprintf("\n");
#undef M3
* * Routine Name: * * cache * \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( cache ) { PARSE_POINTER(cache_help); vDumpCACHE(arg); EXIT_API(S_OK); cache_help: dprintf("Usage: cache [-?] CACHE pointer\n"); EXIT_API(S_OK); }
* * Routine Name: * * vDumpLOGFONTW * * Arguments: * * plfw -- pointer to local copy of LOGFONTW, * dereferences are off of this address are safe * plfwSrc -- address of original on debug machine, * dereferences off of this address are not safe * * Return Value: * * none * \**************************************************************************/
void vDumpLOGFONTW(ULONG64 offLOGFONTW) { #define N3(a,b,c) \
dprintf( "[%p] %s", offLOGFONTW + offset, (a)); dprintf( (b), ##c ) // LOGFONTW
LONG lfHeight; LONG lfWidth; LONG lfEscapement; LONG lfOrientation; LONG lfWeight; BYTE lfItalic; BYTE lfUnderline; BYTE lfStrikeOut; BYTE lfCharSet; BYTE lfOutPrecision; BYTE lfClipPrecision; BYTE lfQuality; BYTE lfPitchAndFamily; WCHAR lfFaceName[LF_FACESIZE];
ULONG offset; dprintf("\nLOGFONTW\n address\n --------\n" ); GetLOGFONTWFieldAndOffset(lfHeight); N3( "lfHeight " , "%d\n" , lfHeight ); GetLOGFONTWFieldAndOffset(lfWidth); N3( "lfWidth " , "%d\n" , lfWidth );
GetLOGFONTWFieldAndOffset(lfEscapement); N3( "lfEscapement " , "%d\n" , lfEscapement );
GetLOGFONTWFieldAndOffset(lfOrientation); N3( "lfOrientation " , "%d\n" , lfOrientation );
GetLOGFONTWFieldAndOffset(lfWeight); N3( "lfWeight " , "%d" , lfWeight ); dprintf(" = %s\n", pszFW(lfWeight) ); GetLOGFONTWFieldAndOffset(lfItalic); N3( "lfItalic " , "0x%02x\n" , lfItalic ); GetLOGFONTWFieldAndOffset(lfUnderline); N3( "lfUnderline " , "0x%02x\n" , lfUnderline ); GetLOGFONTWFieldAndOffset(lfStrikeOut); N3( "lfStrikeOut " , "0x%02x\n" , lfStrikeOut ); GetLOGFONTWFieldAndOffset(lfCharSet); N3( "lfCharSet " , "0x%02x" , lfCharSet ); dprintf(" = %s\n", pszCHARSET(lfCharSet)); GetLOGFONTWFieldAndOffset(lfOutPrecision); N3( "lfOutPrecision " , "0x%02x" , lfOutPrecision ); dprintf(" = %s\n", pszOUT_PRECIS(lfOutPrecision )); GetLOGFONTWFieldAndOffset(lfClipPrecision); N3( "lfClipPrecision " , "0x%02x" , lfClipPrecision ); dprintf(" = %s\n", pszCLIP_PRECIS(lfClipPrecision)); GetLOGFONTWFieldAndOffset(lfQuality); N3( "lfQuality " , "0x%02x" , lfQuality ); dprintf(" = %s\n", pszQUALITY(lfQuality));
GetLOGFONTWFieldAndOffset(lfPitchAndFamily); N3( "lfPitchAndFamily " , "0x%02x" , lfPitchAndFamily ); dprintf(" = %s\n", pszPitchAndFamily(lfPitchAndFamily ) );
GetLOGFONTWFieldAndOffset(lfFaceName); dprintf("[%p] lfFaceName \"%ws\"\n", offLOGFONTW + offset, lfFaceName); dprintf("\n"); #undef N3
return; }
* * Routine Name: * * vDumpFONTDIFF * \**************************************************************************/
void vDumpFONTDIFF(FONTDIFF *p1/*copy*/ , FONTDIFF *p0 /* original */) {
#define N2(a,c) dprintf("[%x] %s", &p0->##c, (a))
#define N3(a,b,c) dprintf("[%x] %s", &p0->##c, (a)); dprintf((b),p1->##c)
dprintf("\nFONTDIFF\n-------\n"); N3("jReserved1 ", "0x%02x\n", jReserved1); N3("jReserved2 ", "0x%02x\n", jReserved2); N3("jReserved3 ", "0x%02x\n", jReserved3); N3("bWeight ", "0x%02x", bWeight ); dprintf(" = %s\n", pszPanoseWeight(p1->bWeight)); N3("usWinWeight ", "%u" , usWinWeight); dprintf(" = %s\n", pszFW(p1->usWinWeight)); N3("fsSelection ", "%-#x\n" , fsSelection); for (FLAGDEF *pfd=afdFM_SEL; pfd->psz; pfd++) { if ((FLONG)p1->fsSelection & pfd->fl) { dprintf(" %s\n", pfd->psz); } } N3("fwdAveCharWidth ", "%d\n" , fwdAveCharWidth); N3("fwdMaxCharInc ", "%d\n" , fwdMaxCharInc); N2("ptlCaret ", ptlCaret); dprintf("%d %d\n", p1->ptlCaret.x, p1->ptlCaret.y); dprintf("\n");
#undef N2
#undef N3
} #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * Routine Name: * * vDumpIFIMETRICS * \**************************************************************************/
#define GETPTR(p,a) ((void*)(((BYTE*)(p))+(a)))
#define N2(a,c) dprintf("[%x] %s", &p0->##c, (a))
#define N3(a,b,c) dprintf("[%x] %s", &p0->##c, (a)); dprintf((b),p1->##c)
dprintf("\nIFIMETICS\n address\n -------\n"); N3("cjThis ", "%u\n" , cjThis ); N3("cjIfiExtra ", "%u\n" , cjIfiExtra ); N3("dpwszFamilyName ", "%-#x" , dpwszFamilyName ); dprintf(" \"%ws\"\n", GETPTR(p1,p1->dpwszFamilyName)); N3("dpwszStyleName ", "%-#x" , dpwszStyleName ); dprintf(" \"%ws\"\n", GETPTR(p1,p1->dpwszStyleName)); N3("dpwszFaceName ", "%-#x" , dpwszFaceName ); dprintf(" \"%ws\"\n", GETPTR(p1,p1->dpwszFaceName)); N3("dpwszUniqueName ", "%-#x" , dpwszUniqueName ); dprintf(" \"%ws\"\n", GETPTR(p1,p1->dpwszUniqueName)); N3("dpFontSim ", "%-#x\n" , dpFontSim ); N3("lEmbedId ", "%-#x\n" , lEmbedId ); N3("lItalicAngle ", "%d\n" , lItalicAngle ); N3("lCharBias ", "%d\n" , lCharBias ); N3("dpCharSets ", "%-#x\n" , dpCharSets );
if (p1->dpCharSets) {
BYTE *pj0 = (BYTE *) GETPTR(p0,p1->dpCharSets); BYTE *pj1 = (BYTE *) GETPTR(p1,p1->dpCharSets); BYTE *pj1End = pj1 + 16; // number of charsets
dprintf(" Supported Charsets: \n"); for (; pj1 < pj1End; pj1++, pj0++) dprintf("[%x]\t\t\t%s\n", pj0, pszCHARSET(*pj1)); }
N3("jWinCharSet ", "0x%02x", jWinCharSet ); dprintf(" %s\n", pszCHARSET(p1->jWinCharSet));
N3("jWinPitchAndFamily ", "0x%02x", jWinPitchAndFamily ); dprintf(" %s\n", pszPitchAndFamily(p1->jWinPitchAndFamily));
N3("usWinWeight ", "%u" , usWinWeight ); dprintf(" %s\n", pszFW(p1->usWinWeight));
N3("flInfo ", "%-#x\n" , flInfo ); for (fl=p1->flInfo,pfd=afdInfo;pfd->psz;pfd++) { if (fl & pfd->fl) { dprintf(" %s\n", pfd->psz); } }
N3("fsSelection ", "%-#x\n" , fsSelection ); for (fl = p1->fsSelection, pfd = afdFM_SEL; pfd->psz; pfd++) { if (fl & pfd->fl) { dprintf(" %s\n", pfd->psz); } }
N3("fsType ", "%-#x\n" , fsType ); for (fl=p1->fsType, pfd=afdFM_TYPE; pfd->psz; pfd++) { if (fl & pfd->fl) { dprintf(" %s\n", pfd->psz); } }
N3("fwdUnitsPerEm ", "%d\n" , fwdUnitsPerEm ); N3("fwdLowestPPEm ", "%d\n" , fwdLowestPPEm ); N3("fwdWinAscender ", "%d\n" , fwdWinAscender ); N3("fwdWinDescender ", "%d\n" , fwdWinDescender ); N3("fwdMacAscender ", "%d\n" , fwdMacAscender ); N3("fwdMacDescender ", "%d\n" , fwdMacDescender ); N3("fwdMacLineGap ", "%d\n" , fwdMacLineGap ); N3("fwdTypoAscender ", "%d\n" , fwdTypoAscender ); N3("fwdTypoDescender ", "%d\n" , fwdTypoDescender ); N3("fwdTypoLineGap ", "%d\n" , fwdTypoLineGap ); N3("fwdAveCharWidth ", "%d\n" , fwdAveCharWidth ); N3("fwdMaxCharInc ", "%d\n" , fwdMaxCharInc ); N3("fwdCapHeight ", "%d\n" , fwdCapHeight ); N3("fwdXHeight ", "%d\n" , fwdXHeight ); N3("fwdSubscriptXSize ", "%d\n" , fwdSubscriptXSize ); N3("fwdSubscriptYSize ", "%d\n" , fwdSubscriptYSize ); N3("fwdSubscriptXOffset ", "%d\n" , fwdSubscriptXOffset ); N3("fwdSubscriptYOffset ", "%d\n" , fwdSubscriptYOffset ); N3("fwdSuperscriptXSize ", "%d\n" , fwdSuperscriptXSize ); N3("fwdSuperscriptYSize ", "%d\n" , fwdSuperscriptYSize ); N3("fwdSuperscriptXOffset ", "%d\n" , fwdSuperscriptXOffset ); N3("fwdSuperscriptYOffset ", "%d\n" , fwdSuperscriptYOffset ); N3("fwdUnderscoreSize ", "%d\n" , fwdUnderscoreSize ); N3("fwdUnderscorePosition ", "%d\n" , fwdUnderscorePosition ); N3("fwdStrikeoutSize ", "%d\n" , fwdStrikeoutSize ); N3("fwdStrikeoutPosition ", "%d\n" , fwdStrikeoutPosition ); N3("chFirstChar ", "0x%02x\n", chFirstChar ); N3("chLastChar ", "0x%02x\n", chLastChar ); N3("chDefaultChar ", "0x%02x\n", chDefaultChar ); N3("chBreakChar ", "0x%02x\n", chBreakChar ); N3("wcFirstChar ", "%-#x\n" , wcFirstChar ); N3("wcLastChar ", "%-#x\n" , wcLastChar ); N3("wcDefaultChar ", "%-#x\n" , wcDefaultChar ); N3("wcBreakChar ", "%-#x\n" , wcBreakChar ); N2("ptlBaseline ", ptlBaseline); dprintf("%d %d\n", p1->ptlBaseline.x, p1->ptlBaseline.y); N2("ptlAspect ", ptlAspect ); dprintf("%d %d\n", p1->ptlAspect.x, p1->ptlAspect.y); N2("ptlCaret ", ptlCaret ); dprintf("%d %d\n", p1->ptlCaret.x, p1->ptlCaret.y); N2("rclFontBox ", rclFontBox ); dprintf("%d %d %d %d\n", p1->rclFontBox.left, p1->rclFontBox.top, p1->rclFontBox.right, p1->rclFontBox.bottom); N2("achVendId\n" , achVendId[0]); N3("cKerningPairs ", "%d\n" , cKerningPairs ); N3("ulPanoseCulture ", "%u\n" , ulPanoseCulture ); N2("panose\n", panose);
if (p1->dpFontSim) { FONTDIFF *pfd0, *pfd1; FONTSIM *pfs0 = (FONTSIM*) GETPTR(p0, p1->dpFontSim); FONTSIM *pfs1 = (FONTSIM*) GETPTR(p1, p1->dpFontSim); if (pfs1->dpBold) { pfd0 = (FONTDIFF*) GETPTR(pfs0, pfs1->dpBold); pfd1 = (FONTDIFF*) GETPTR(pfs1, pfs1->dpBold); dprintf("\nBold Simulation "); vDumpFONTDIFF(pfd1, pfd0); } if (pfs1->dpItalic) { pfd0 = (FONTDIFF*) GETPTR(pfs0, pfs1->dpItalic); pfd1 = (FONTDIFF*) GETPTR(pfs1, pfs1->dpItalic); dprintf("\nItalic Simulation "); vDumpFONTDIFF(pfd1, pfd0); } if (pfs1->dpBoldItalic) { pfd0 = (FONTDIFF*) GETPTR(pfs0, pfs1->dpBoldItalic); pfd1 = (FONTDIFF*) GETPTR(pfs1, pfs1->dpBoldItalic); dprintf("\nBold Italic Simulation "); vDumpFONTDIFF(pfd1, pfd0); } }
if (p1->cjIfiExtra) { // #define GETIFIEX(a) ((ULONG)p1 + sizeof(IFIMETRICS) + offsetof(IFIEXTRA,##a))
dprintf("\nIFIEXTRA\n -------\n"); IFIEXTRA *pifiex = (IFIEXTRA *)(p1 + 1); if (p1->cjIfiExtra > offsetof(IFIEXTRA,ulIdentifier)) dprintf("ulIdentifier: 0x%x\n", pifiex->ulIdentifier); if (p1->cjIfiExtra > offsetof(IFIEXTRA,dpFontSig)) dprintf("dpFontSig: 0x%x\n", pifiex->dpFontSig); if (p1->cjIfiExtra > offsetof(IFIEXTRA,cig)) dprintf("cig: %u\n", pifiex->cig); if (p1->cjIfiExtra > offsetof(IFIEXTRA,dpDesignVector)) dprintf("dpDesignVector: 0x%x\n", pifiex->dpDesignVector); if (p1->cjIfiExtra > offsetof(IFIEXTRA,dpAxesInfoW)) dprintf("dpAxesInfoW: 0x%x\n", pifiex->dpAxesInfoW);
dprintf("\n -------\n"); }
#undef N3
#undef N2
} #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * Routine Name: * * pff * \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( pff ) { dprintf("Extension 'pff' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
PFF *pPFFCopy, *pPFFSrc; ULONG size; PARSE_POINTER(pff_help); pPFFSrc = (PFF *)arg; move(size,&pPFFSrc->sizeofThis); if (pPFFCopy = tmalloc(PFF, size)) { move2(pPFFCopy, pPFFSrc, size); PFFOBJ pffo(pPFFCopy); pPFFCopy->pwszPathname_ = pffo.pwszCalcPathname(); vDumpPFF(pPFFCopy,pPFFSrc); tfree(pPFFCopy); } else dprintf("could not allocate memory\n"); return; pff_help: dprintf("Usage: pff [-?] PFF pointer\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * Routine Name: * * vDumpPFF * \**************************************************************************/
void vDumpPFF(PFF *p1 /*copy*/, PFF *p0 /*original*/) { ULONG iFile; PWSZ pwszSrc, pwszDest;
#define N2(a,c) dprintf("[%x] %s", &p0->##c, (a))
#define N3(a,b,c) dprintf("[%x] %s", &p0->##c, (a)); dprintf((b),p1->##c)
N3("sizeofThis ", "%u\n", sizeofThis); N3("pPFFNext ", "%-#x\n", pPFFNext); N3("pPFFPrev ", "%-#x\n", pPFFPrev);
if (p1->hff != HFF_INVALID) // if not device font
{ N2("pwszPathname_ ", pwszPathname_); move( pwszSrc, &p0->pwszPathname_ ); pwszDest = wcsncpy((PWSZ) adw, pwszSrc, sizeof(adw)/sizeof(WCHAR)); if ( pwszDest ) { dprintf("%-#x = \"%ws\"\n", pwszSrc, (PWSZ) adw ); } else { dprintf("\n"); } }
N3("flState ", "%-#x\n", flState); for (FLAGDEF *pfd = afdPFF; pfd->psz; pfd++) { if (p1->flState & pfd->fl) { dprintf(" %s\n", pfd->psz); } } N3("cwc ", "%u\n", cwc); N3("cFiles ", "%u\n", cFiles); N3("cLoaded ", "%u\n", cLoaded); N3("cNotEnum ", "%u\n", cNotEnum); N3("cRFONT ", "%u\n", cRFONT); N3("prfntList ", "%-#x\n", prfntList); N3("hff ", "%-#x\n", hff); N3("hdev ", "%-#x\n", hdev); N3("dhpdev ", "%-#x\n", dhpdev); N3("pfhFace ", "%-#x\n", pfhFace); N3("pfhFamily ", "%-#x\n", pfhFamily); N3("pfhUFI ", "%-#x\n", pfhUFI); N3("pPFT ", "%-#x\n", pPFT); N3("ulCheckSum ", "%-#x\n", ulCheckSum); N3("cFonts ", "%u\n", cFonts); N3("ppfv ", "%-#x\n", ppfv); N3("pPvtDataHead ", "%-#x\n", pPvtDataHead); dprintf("\n\n");
#undef N3
#undef N2
//* Routine Name:
//void vDumpFONTHASH(FONTHASH *p1 /*copy*/,FONTHASH *p0 /*org*/)
// #define N2(a,c) dprintf("[%x] %s", &p0->##c, (a))
// #define N3(a,b,c) dprintf("[%x] %s", &p0->##c, (a)); dprintf((b),p1->##c)
// dprintf("\nFONTHASH\n");
// N3("id ", "%4x\n", id);
// N3("fht ", "%d", fht);
// dprintf(" = %s\n", pszFONTHASHTYPE(p1->fht));
// N3("cBuckets ", "%u\n", cBuckets);
// N3("cCollisions ", "%u\n", cCollisions);
// N3("pbktFirst ", "%-#x\n", pbktFirst);
// N3("pbktLast ", "%-#x\n", pbktLast);
// N3("apbkt ", "%-#x\n", apbkt);
// #undef N3
// #undef N2
* * Routine Name: * * vDumpHASHBUCKET * \**************************************************************************/
void vDumpHASHBUCKET(HASHBUCKET *p1 /*copy*/, HASHBUCKET *p0 /*org*/) { #define N2(a,c) dprintf("[%x] %s", &p0->##c, (a))
#define N3(a,b,c) dprintf("[%x] %s", &p0->##c, (a)); dprintf((b),p1->##c)
dprintf("\nHASHBUCKET\n"); N3("pbktCollision ", "%-#x\n", pbktCollision); N3("ppfelEnumHead ", "%-#x\n", ppfelEnumHead); N3("ppfelEnumTail ", "%-#x\n", ppfelEnumTail); N3("cTrueType ", "%u\n", cTrueType); N3("fl ", "%-#x\n", fl); N3("pbktPrev ", "%-#x\n", pbktPrev); N3("pbktNext ", "%-#x\n", pbktNext); N3("ulTime ", "%u\n", ulTime); N2("u\n", u);
N2("u.wcCapName ", u.wcCapName); wcscpy((PWSZ) adw, p1->u.wcCapName); dprintf("\"%ws\"\n", adw);
N2("u.ufi\n", u.ufi); N3("u.ufi.CheckSum ", "%-#x\n", u.ufi.CheckSum); N3("u.ufi.Index ", "%u\n", u.ufi.Index);
{ PFELINK *ppfel = p1->ppfelEnumHead; PFELINK pfelLocal;
if (ppfel) { dprintf("PFE*\n"); while (ppfel) { move(pfelLocal, ppfel); dprintf("%-#x", pfelLocal.ppfe); move(LocalPFE,pfelLocal.ppfe);
if (LocalPFE.pPFF) { PFF LocalPFF; WCHAR awc[MAX_PATH];
move(LocalPFF, LocalPFE.pPFF); wcsncpy( awc, LocalPFF.pwszPathname_, MAX_PATH); awc[MAX_PATH-1]=0; dprintf(" \"%ws\"", awc); }
if (LocalPFE.pifi) { ULONG dp; WCHAR awc[LF_FACESIZE+1]; PWSZ pwszSrc; FWORD fwdAscender, fwdDescender, fwdWidth;
move(dp,&((LocalPFE.pifi)->dpwszFaceName)); pwszSrc = (PWSZ)(((char*) (LocalPFE.pifi)) + dp); wcsncpy(awc, pwszSrc, LF_FACESIZE); awc[LF_FACESIZE] = 0; dprintf(" \"%ws\"", awc);
move(fwdAscender, &LocalPFE.pifi->fwdWinAscender); move(fwdDescender, &LocalPFE.pifi->fwdWinDescender); move(fwdWidth, &LocalPFE.pifi->fwdAveCharWidth);
dprintf(" %4d %4d %4d", fwdAscender, fwdDescender, fwdWidth);
ppfel = pfelLocal.ppfelNext; } } } }
#undef N3
#undef N2
void vDumpTEXTMETRICW(TEXTMETRICW *ptmLocal, TEXTMETRICW *ptmRemote) { #define N3(a,b,c) dprintf("[%x] %s", &ptmRemote->##c, (a)); dprintf((b),ptmLocal->##c)
dprintf("\nTEXTMETRICW\n"); N3("tmHeight ", "%d\n", tmHeight ); N3("tmAscent ", "%d\n", tmAscent ); N3("tmDescent ", "%d\n", tmDescent ); N3("tmInternalLeading ", "%d\n", tmInternalLeading ); N3("tmExternalLeading ", "%d\n", tmExternalLeading ); N3("tmAveCharWidth ", "%d\n", tmAveCharWidth ); N3("tmMaxCharWidth ", "%d\n", tmMaxCharWidth ); N3("tmWeight ", "%d\n", tmWeight ); N3("tmOverhang ", "%d\n", tmOverhang ); N3("tmDigitizedAspectX ", "%d\n", tmDigitizedAspectX ); N3("tmDigitizedAspectY ", "%d\n", tmDigitizedAspectY ); N3("tmFirstChar ", "%-#6x\n", tmFirstChar ); N3("tmLastChar ", "%-#6x\n", tmLastChar ); N3("tmDefaultChar ", "%-#6x\n", tmDefaultChar ); N3("tmBreakChar ", "%-#6x\n", tmBreakChar ); N3("tmItalic ", "%-#4x\n", tmItalic ); N3("tmUnderlined ", "%-#4x\n", tmUnderlined ); N3("tmStruckOut ", "%-#4x\n", tmStruckOut ); N3("tmPitchAndFamily ", "%-#4x\n", tmPitchAndFamily ); N3("tmCharSet ", "%-#4x\n", tmCharSet );
dprintf("\n"); #undef N3
void vDumpTMDIFF(TMDIFF *ptmdLocal, TMDIFF *ptmdRemote) { #define N3(a,b,c) dprintf("[%x] %s", &ptmdRemote->##c, (a)); dprintf((b),ptmdLocal->##c)
dprintf("\nTMDIFF\n"); N3("cjotma ", "%u\n", cjotma ); N3("chFirst ", "%-#4x\n", chFirst ); N3("chLast ", "%-#4x\n", chLast ); N3("chDefault ", "%-#4x\n", chDefault ); N3("chBreak ", "%-#4x\n", chBreak );
dprintf("\n"); #undef N3
} #endif 0 // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
DECLARE_API( tmwi ) { dprintf("Extension 'tmwi' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
TMW_INTERNAL tmwi, *ptmwi; PARSE_POINTER(tmwi_help); ptmwi = (TMW_INTERNAL *)arg; move(tmwi, ptmwi); vDumpTEXTMETRICW(&tmwi.tmw, &ptmwi->tmw); vDumpTMDIFF(&tmwi.tmdTmw, &ptmwi->tmdTmw); return; tmwi_help: dprintf("Usage: tmwi [-?] TMW_INTERNAL pointer\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
DECLARE_API( tm ) { dprintf("Extension 'tm' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
TEXTMETRICW tm; PARSE_POINTER(tm_help); move(tm, arg); vDumpTEXTMETRICW(&tm, (TEXTMETRICW*) arg); return; tm_help: dprintf("Usage: tm [-?] TEXTMETRIC pointer\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * Routine Name: * * fh * \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( fh ) { dprintf("Extension 'fh' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
FONTHASH fh; PARSE_POINTER(fh_help); move(fh, arg); vDumpFONTHASH( &fh, (FONTHASH*) arg); return; fh_help: dprintf("Usage: fh [-?] FONTHASH pointer\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * Routine Name: * * hb * \**************************************************************************/
DECLARE_API( hb ) { dprintf("Extension 'hb' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
HASHBUCKET hb; PARSE_POINTER(hb_help); move(hb, arg); vDumpHASHBUCKET(&hb, (HASHBUCKET*) arg); return; hb_help: dprintf("Usage: hb [-?] HASHBUCKET pointer\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * Routine Name: * * cjGLYPHBITS * * Routine Description: * * Calculates the amount of memory associated with a GLYPHBITS structure * * Arguments: * * pgb pointer to GLYPHBITS structure * prf pointer to RFONT * * Return Value: * * count of byte's * \**************************************************************************/
unsigned cjGLYPHBITS(GLYPHBITS *pgb, RFONT *prf) { unsigned cj = 0; if (pgb) { if (prf->ulContent & FO_GLYPHBITS) { cj = offsetof(GLYPHBITS, aj); cj = (cj + 3) & ~3; unsigned cjRow = pgb->sizlBitmap.cx; if (prf->fobj.flFontType & FO_GRAY16) cjRow = (cjRow+1)/2; else cjRow = (cjRow+7)/8; cj += pgb->sizlBitmap.cy * cjRow; cj = (cj + 3) & ~3; } } return( cj ); } #endif 0 // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * Routine Name: * * vDumpGlyphMemory * * Routine Description: * * Dumps the memory usage for the glyphs associated with an RFONT * * Arguments: * * pRemoteRFONT pointer to a remote RFONT * * Return Value: * * none * \**************************************************************************/
void vDumpGlyphMemory(RFONT *pRemoteRFONT) { unsigned cj; if (!pRemoteRFONT) return; RFONT rf; move(rf, pRemoteRFONT); if ( rf.wcgp ) { WCGP wcgp; move(wcgp, rf.wcgp); cj = offsetof(WCGP,agpRun[0]) + wcgp.cRuns * sizeof(GPRUN); WCGP *pWCGP; if ( pWCGP = tmalloc(WCGP, cj) ) { move2(pWCGP, rf.wcgp, cj); dprintf("------------------\n"); dprintf("character size\n"); dprintf("------------------\n"); GPRUN *pRun = pWCGP->agpRun; GPRUN *pRunSentinel = pRun + pWCGP->cRuns; for (; pRun < pRunSentinel ; pRun++ ) { if (!pRun->apgd) continue; cj = sizeof(GLYPHDATA*) * pRun->cGlyphs; GLYPHDATA **apgd; if (!(apgd = tmalloc(GLYPHDATA*, cj))) continue; move2(apgd, pRun->apgd, cj); unsigned wc = pRun->wcLow; unsigned wcSentinel = wc + pRun->cGlyphs; GLYPHDATA **ppgd = apgd; for (; wc < wcSentinel; wc++, ppgd++) { if (!*ppgd) continue; GLYPHDEF gdf; move(gdf, &((*ppgd)->gdf)); if (gdf.pgb) { GLYPHBITS gb; move(gb, gdf.pgb); cj = cjGLYPHBITS(&gb, &rf); dprintf("%-#8x %8u\n", wc, cj); } } tfree(apgd); } dprintf("------------------\n");
tfree(pWCGP); } } } #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * Routine Name: * * pdev * * Routine Description: * * Alternate version of PDEV dumper * * Arguments: * * Return Value: * * none * \**************************************************************************/
char *pszDrvProcName(int index);
DECLARE_API( pdev ) { dprintf("Extension 'pdev' is not converted.\n"); PDEV _pdev, *pPDEV; RFONT rf, *prf; CACHE cache; BOOL HookFn=FALSE; BOOL GlyphMem=FALSE; BOOL MemAddr=FALSE;
PARSE_POINTER(pdev_help); pPDEV = (PDEV *)arg;
if(parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'y')!=-1) {GlyphMem=TRUE;} if(parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'o')!=-1) {MemAddr=TRUE;} if(parse_iFindSwitch(tokens, ntok, 'f')!=-1) {HookFn=TRUE;}
move( _pdev, arg );
if (GlyphMem) { dprintf("\n\nGlyph Bits Memory Allocation\n\n");
dprintf("cMetrics, cGlyphs, cjTotal, Total/Max, cBlocks, Ht, Wd, cjGlyphMax, FaceName\n");
unsigned cTouchedTotal, cAllocTotal, cjWastedTotal, cjAllocTotal; cTouchedTotal = cAllocTotal = cjWastedTotal = cjAllocTotal = 0; dprintf("[Active Fonts]\n"); vDumpRFONTList( _pdev.prfntActive, &cTouchedTotal, &cAllocTotal, &cjWastedTotal, &cjAllocTotal ); dprintf("[Inactive Fonts]\n"); vDumpRFONTList( _pdev.prfntInactive, &cTouchedTotal, &cAllocTotal, &cjWastedTotal, &cjAllocTotal ); }
// offsets
if (MemAddr) { #define N2(a,c) dprintf("[%x] %s\n", &pPDEV->##c, (a))
#define N3(a,b,c) dprintf("[%x] %s", &pPDEV->##c, (a)); dprintf((b),_pdev.##c)
N3( " hHmgr ", "%-#x\n", hHmgr ); N3( " cExclusiveLock ", "%-#x\n", cExclusiveLock ); N3( " Tid ", "%-#x\n", Tid ); N3( " ppdevNext ", "%-#x\n", ppdevNext ); N3( " cPdevRefs ", "%-#x\n", cPdevRefs ); N3( " pfnDrvSetPointerShape ", "%-#x\n", pfnDrvSetPointerShape ); N3( " pfnDrvMovePointer ", "%-#x\n", pfnDrvMovePointer ); N3( " pfnMovePointer ", "%-#x\n", pfnMovePointer ); N3( " pfnSync ", "%-#x\n", pfnSync ); N3( " pldev ", "%-#x\n", pldev ); N3( " dhpdev ", "%-#x\n", dhpdev ); N3( " ppalSurf ", "%-#x\n", ppalSurf ); N2( " devinfo ", devinfo ); N2( " GdiInfo ", GdiInfo ); N3( " pSurface ", "%-#x\n", pSurface ); N3( " hSpooler ", "%-#x\n", hSpooler ); N2( " ptlOrigin ", ptlOrigin ); N2( " eDirectDrawGlobal ", eDirectDrawGlobal ); N3( " ppdevParent ", "%-#x\n", ppdevParent ); N3( " fl ", "%-#x\n", fl ); N3( " hsemDevLock ", "%-#x\n", hsemDevLock ); N2( " hsemPointer ", hsemPointer ); N2( " ptlPointer ", ptlPointer ); N3( " hlfntDefault ", "%-#x\n", hlfntDefault ); N3( " hlfntAnsiVariable ", "%-#x\n", hlfntAnsiVariable ); N3( " hlfntAnsiFixed ", "%-#x\n", hlfntAnsiFixed ); N2( " ahsurf ", ahsurf ); N3( " pwszDataFile ", "%-#x\n", pwszDataFile ); N3( " pDevHTInfo ", "%-#x\n", pDevHTInfo ); N3( " prfntActive ", "%-#x\n", prfntActive ); N3( " prfntInactive ", "%-#x\n", prfntInactive ); N3( " cInactive ", "%-#x\n", cInactive ); N2( " ajbo ", ajbo ); N3( "cDirectDrawDisableLocks ", "%-#x\n", cDirectDrawDisableLocks ); N3( " TypeOneInfo ", "%-#x\n", TypeOneInfo ); N3( " RemoteTypeOne ", "%-#x\n", RemoteTypeOne ); N2( " apfn ", apfn );
#undef N3
#undef N2
if (HookFn) { dprintf("\nDispatch Table\n");
for (int i = 0; i < INDEX_LAST; i++) { if (_pdev.apfn[i]) { dprintf("[%-#x] %-#10x %s\n", &(pPDEV->apfn[i]), _pdev.apfn[i], pszDrvProcName(i)); } } dprintf("\n"); } return; pdev_help: dprintf("Usage: pdev [-?] [-o] [-f] [-y] pointer to a PDEV\n"); dprintf("-y glyph memory usage\n"); dprintf("-o memory addresses\n"); dprintf("-f functions hooked\n"); EXIT_API(S_OK); } #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
DECLARE_API( fdm ) { dprintf("Extension 'fdm' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
FD_DEVICEMETRICS Fdm, *pFdm; FLONG fl; char ach[128], *psz; FLAGDEF *pfd;
PARSE_POINTER(fdm_help); pFdm = (FD_DEVICEMETRICS *)arg; move( Fdm, arg );
#define N2(a,c) dprintf("[%x] %s", &pFdm->##c, (a))
#define N3(a,b,c) dprintf("[%x] %s", &pFdm->##c, (a)); dprintf((b),Fdm.##c)
N3("flRealizedType ", "%-#x\n", flRealizedType); fl = Fdm.flRealizedType; for (pfd=afdFDM; pfd->psz; pfd++) { if (pfd->fl & fl) dprintf("\t\t\t %s\n", pfd->psz); fl &= ~pfd->fl; }
N2("pteBase ", pteBase); psz = ach; psz += sprintFLOATL( psz, Fdm.pteBase.x ); *psz++ = ' '; psz += sprintFLOATL( psz, Fdm.pteBase.y ); dprintf("%s\n", ach);
N2("pteSide ", pteSide); psz = ach; psz += sprintFLOATL( psz, Fdm.pteSide.x ); *psz++ = ' '; psz += sprintFLOATL( psz, Fdm.pteSide.y ); dprintf("%s\n", ach);
N3("lD ", "%d\n", lD); N3("fxMaxAscender ", "%-#x\n", fxMaxAscender); N3("fxMaxDescender ", "%-#x\n", fxMaxDescender);
N2("ptlUnderline1 ", ptlUnderline1); dprintf("%d %d\n", Fdm.ptlUnderline1.x, Fdm.ptlUnderline1.y);
N2("ptlStrikeOut ", ptlStrikeOut ); dprintf("%d %d\n", Fdm.ptlStrikeOut.x, Fdm.ptlStrikeOut.y );
N2("ptlULThickness ", ptlULThickness); dprintf("%d %d\n", Fdm.ptlULThickness.x, Fdm.ptlULThickness.y);
N2("ptlSOThickness ", ptlSOThickness); dprintf("%d %d\n", Fdm.ptlSOThickness.x, Fdm.ptlSOThickness.y);
N3("cxMax ", "%-#x\n", cxMax); N3("cyMax ", "%-#x\n", cyMax); N3("cjGlyphMax ", "%-#x\n", cjGlyphMax);
N2("fdxQuantized ", fdxQuantized); psz = ach; psz += sprintFLOATL( psz, Fdm.fdxQuantized.eXX ); *psz++ = ' '; psz += sprintFLOATL( psz, Fdm.fdxQuantized.eXY ); dprintf("%s\n", ach); psz = ach; psz += sprintFLOATL( psz, Fdm.fdxQuantized.eYX ); *psz++ = ' '; psz += sprintFLOATL( psz, Fdm.fdxQuantized.eYY ); dprintf("\t\t\t\t %s\n", ach);
N3("lNonLinearExtLeading ", "%-#x\n", lNonLinearExtLeading); N3("lNonLinearIntLeading ", "%-#x\n", lNonLinearIntLeading); N3("lNonLinearMaxCharWidth ", "%-#x\n", lNonLinearMaxCharWidth); N3("lNonLinearAvgCharWidth ", "%-#x\n", lNonLinearAvgCharWidth); N3("lMinA ", "%-#x\n", lMinA ); N3("lMinC ", "%-#x\n", lMinC ); N3("lMinD ", "%-#x\n", lMinD ); N3("alReserved[0] ", "%-#x\n", alReserved[0]);
FLONG flRealizedType POINTE pteBase POINTE pteSide LONG lD FIX fxMaxAscender FIX fxMaxDescender POINTL ptlUnderline1 POINTL ptlStrikeOut POINTL ptlULThickness POINTL ptlSOThickness ULONG cxMax; ULONG cyMax; ULONG cjGlyphMax; FD_XFORM fdxQuantized LONG lNonLinearExtLeading LONG lNonLinearIntLeading LONG lNonLinearMaxCharWidth LONG lNonLinearAvgCharWidth LONG lMinA LONG lMinC LONG lMinD LONG alReserved */
#undef N3
#undef N2
return; fdm_help: dprintf("Usage: fdm [-?] pointer to FD_DEVICEMETRICS structure.\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
* * Routine Name: * * vDumpRFONTList * * Routine Description: * * Dump the memory allocation information for the RFONT structures * along the linked list. * * Arguments: * * Return Value: * * none * \**************************************************************************/
void vDumpRFONTList( RFONT *prfRemote, unsigned *pcTouchedTotal, unsigned *pcAllocTotal, unsigned *pcjWastedTotal, unsigned *pcjAllocTotal ) {
RFONT rf, *prf;
for (prf = prfRemote; prf; prf = rf.rflPDEV.prfntNext) { move( rf, prf ); if (rf.ppfe) { PFE _pfe; move(_pfe, rf.ppfe); if (_pfe.pifi) { unsigned cjIFI; move(cjIFI, &(_pfe.pifi->cjThis)); if (cjIFI) { IFIMETRICS *pifi; if (pifi = tmalloc(IFIMETRICS, cjIFI)) { // Create an IFIOBJ to get the face name
// out of the IFIMETRICS structure
move2(pifi, (_pfe.pifi), cjIFI); IFIOBJ ifio(pifi);
dprintf("%8d, %5d,%8d,%8d,%8d,%8d,%4d,%4d,%ws\n", rf.cache.cMetrics, rf.cache.cGlyphs, rf.cache.cjTotal, (rf.cache.cjTotal + rf.cache.cjGlyphMax/2) / rf.cache.cjGlyphMax, rf.cache.cBlocks, rf.lMaxHeight, rf.cxMax, rf.cache.cjGlyphMax, ifio.pwszFaceName() ); tfree(pifi); } } } } } } #endif 0 // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
DECLARE_API ( dispcache ) { dprintf("Extension 'dispcache' is not converted.\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
PDEV *pPDEV; char ach[32]; PARSE_ARGUMENTS(dispcache_help); GetValue( pPDEV, "win32k!ghdev"); sprintf(ach, "-y %p", pPDEV); pdev( hCurrentProcess, hCurrentThread, dwCurrentPc, dwProcessor, ach ); return; dispcache_help: dprintf("Usage: dispcache [-?]\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
DECLARE_API ( xo ) { dprintf("Extension 'xo' is not converted.\n"); dprintf("Use 'dt win32k!EXFORMOBJ Address' and '!gdikdx.mx Matrix_Address'\n"); #if ENABLE_OLD_EXTS // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64
EXFORMOBJ xo, *pxo; MATRIX mx; PARSE_POINTER(xo_help); pxo = (EXFORMOBJ *)arg; move(xo, pxo); dprintf("EXFORMOBJ\n"); dprintf("[%8x] %8x\n", &pxo->pmx, xo.pmx); dprintf("[%8x] %8x\n", &pxo->ulMode, xo.ulMode); if ( xo.pmx ) { move( mx, xo.pmx ); vDumpMATRIX( &mx, xo.pmx ); } return; xo_help: dprintf("Usage: xo [-?] EXFORMOBJ pointer\n"); #endif // DOES NOT SUPPORT API64