/****************************** Module Header ********************************\
* Module Name: lb1.c * * Copyright (c) 1985 - 1999, Microsoft Corporation * * ListBox routines * * History: * ??-???-???? ianja Ported from Win 3.0 sources * 14-Feb-1991 mikeke Added Revalidation code \*****************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
LOOKASIDE ListboxLookaside;
* xxxLBoxCtlWndProc * * Window Procedure for ListBox AND ComboLBox control. * NOTE: All window procedures are APIENTRY * WARNING: This listbox code contains some internal messages and styles which * are defined in combcom.h and in combcom.inc. They may be redefined * (or renumbered) as needed to extend the windows API. * * History: * 16-Apr-1992 beng Added LB_SETCOUNT \***************************************************************************/
LRESULT APIENTRY ListBoxWndProcWorker( PWND pwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, DWORD fAnsi) { HWND hwnd = HWq(pwnd); PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hdc; LPRECT lprc; PLBIV plb; /* List Box Instance Variable */ INT iSel; /* Index of selected item */ DWORD dw; TL tlpwndParent; UINT wFlags; LPWSTR lpwsz = NULL; LRESULT lReturn = 0; static BOOL fInit = TRUE;
* Get the plb for the given window now since we will use it a lot in * various handlers. This was stored using SetWindowLong(hwnd,0,plb) * when the listbox was first created (by INITCONTROLLOOKASIDE above) */ plb = ((PLBWND)pwnd)->pLBIV;
* Handle ANSI translations of input parameters */ if (fAnsi) { switch (message) { case LB_ADDSTRING: case LB_ADDSTRINGUPPER: case LB_ADDSTRINGLOWER: case LB_FINDSTRING: case LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT: case LB_INSERTSTRING: case LB_INSERTSTRINGUPPER: case LB_INSERTSTRINGLOWER: case LB_SELECTSTRING: if (!plb->fHasStrings) { break; } // Fall through...
case LB_ADDFILE: case LB_DIR: if (lParam) { if (!MBToWCS((LPSTR)lParam, -1, &lpwsz, -1, TRUE)) return LB_ERR; } break; default: break; } if (lpwsz) { lParam = (LPARAM)lpwsz; } }
switch (message) {
case LB_GETTOPINDEX: // Return index of top item displayed.
return plb->iTop;
case LB_SETTOPINDEX: if (wParam && ((INT)wParam < 0 || (INT)wParam >= plb->cMac)) { RIPERR0(ERROR_INVALID_INDEX, RIP_VERBOSE, ""); return LB_ERR; } if (plb->cMac) { xxxNewITop(plb, (INT)wParam); } break;
case WM_STYLECHANGED: plb->fRtoLReading = (TestWF(pwnd, WEFRTLREADING) != 0); plb->fRightAlign = (TestWF(pwnd, WEFRIGHT) != 0); xxxCheckRedraw(plb, FALSE, 0); break;
* If we are in the middle of creation, ignore this * message because it will generate a WM_SIZE message. * See xxxLBCreate(). */ if (!plb->fIgnoreSizeMsg) goto CallDWP; break;
case WM_SIZE:
* If we are in the middle of creation, ignore size * messages. See xxxLBCreate(). */ if (!plb->fIgnoreSizeMsg) xxxLBSize(plb, GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam)); break;
case WM_ERASEBKGND: ThreadLock(plb->spwndParent, &tlpwndParent); FillWindow(HW(plb->spwndParent), hwnd, (HDC)wParam, (HBRUSH)CTLCOLOR_LISTBOX); ThreadUnlock(&tlpwndParent); return TRUE;
case LB_RESETCONTENT: xxxLBResetContent(plb); break;
case WM_TIMER: if (wParam == IDSYS_LBSEARCH) { plb->iTypeSearch = 0; NtUserKillTimer(hwnd, IDSYS_LBSEARCH); xxxInvertLBItem(plb, plb->iSel, TRUE); break; }
message = WM_MOUSEMOVE; xxxTrackMouse(plb, message, plb->ptPrev); break;
POINTSTOPOINT(pt, lParam); xxxTrackMouse(plb, message, pt); } break;
case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: EnterReaderModeHelper(hwnd); break;
// Note that this message should be handled only on unexpected
// capture changes currently.
UserAssert(TestWF(pwnd, WFWIN40COMPAT)); if (plb->fCaptured) xxxLBButtonUp(plb, LBUP_NOTIFY); break;
// Start tracking mouse moves in the listbox, setting capture
if (!plb->pcbox) break;
plb->fCaptured = FALSE; if (wParam) { POINT pt;
_ScreenToClient(pwnd, &pt); xxxTrackMouse(plb, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, pt); } else { NtUserSetCapture(hwnd); plb->fCaptured = TRUE; plb->iLastSelection = plb->iSel; } break;
case LBCB_ENDTRACK: // Kill capture, tracking, etc.
if (plb->fCaptured) xxxLBButtonUp(plb, LBUP_RELEASECAPTURE | (wParam ? LBUP_SELCHANGE : LBUP_RESETSELECTION)); break;
case WM_PRINTCLIENT: xxxLBPaint(plb, (HDC) wParam, NULL); break;
case WM_PAINT: if (wParam) { hdc = (HDC) wParam; lprc = NULL; } else { hdc = NtUserBeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); lprc = &(ps.rcPaint); }
if (IsLBoxVisible(plb)) xxxLBPaint(plb, hdc, lprc);
if (!wParam) NtUserEndPaint(hwnd, &ps); break;
case WM_NCDESTROY: case WM_FINALDESTROY: xxxDestroyLBox(plb, pwnd); break;
case WM_SETFOCUS: // DISABLED in Win 3.1 xxxUpdateWindow(pwnd);
CaretCreate(plb); xxxLBSetCaret(plb, TRUE); xxxNotifyOwner(plb, LBN_SETFOCUS);
* We need to send this event even if the listbox isn't visible. See * bug #88548. */ LBEvent(plb, EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, plb->iSelBase); break;
* Reset the wheel delta count. */ gcWheelDelta = 0;
xxxLBSetCaret(plb, FALSE); xxxCaretDestroy(plb); xxxNotifyOwner(plb, LBN_KILLFOCUS); if (plb->iTypeSearch) { plb->iTypeSearch = 0; NtUserKillTimer(hwnd, IDSYS_LBSEARCH); } if (plb->pszTypeSearch) { UserLocalFree(plb->pszTypeSearch); plb->pszTypeSearch = NULL; } break;
case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: { int cDetants; int cPage; int cLines; RECT rc; int windowWidth; int cPos;
* Don't handle zoom and datazoom. */ if (wParam & (MK_SHIFT | MK_CONTROL)) { goto CallDWP; }
lReturn = 1; gcWheelDelta -= (short) HIWORD(wParam); cDetants = gcWheelDelta / WHEEL_DELTA; if ( cDetants != 0 && gpsi->ucWheelScrollLines > 0 && (pwnd->style & (WS_VSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL))) {
gcWheelDelta = gcWheelDelta % WHEEL_DELTA;
if (pwnd->style & WS_VSCROLL) { cPage = max(1, (plb->cItemFullMax - 1)); cLines = cDetants * (int) min((UINT) cPage, gpsi->ucWheelScrollLines);
cPos = max(0, min(plb->iTop + cLines, plb->cMac - 1)); if (cPos != plb->iTop) { xxxLBoxCtlScroll(plb, SB_THUMBPOSITION, cPos); xxxLBoxCtlScroll(plb, SB_ENDSCROLL, 0); } } else if (plb->fMultiColumn) { cPage = max(1, plb->numberOfColumns); cLines = cDetants * (int) min((UINT) cPage, gpsi->ucWheelScrollLines); cPos = max( 0, min((plb->iTop / plb->itemsPerColumn) + cLines, plb->cMac - 1 - ((plb->cMac - 1) % plb->itemsPerColumn)));
if (cPos != plb->iTop) { xxxLBoxCtlHScrollMultiColumn(plb, SB_THUMBPOSITION, cPos); xxxLBoxCtlHScrollMultiColumn(plb, SB_ENDSCROLL, 0); } } else { _GetClientRect(plb->spwnd, &rc); windowWidth = rc.right; cPage = max(plb->cxChar, (windowWidth / 3) * 2) / plb->cxChar;
cLines = cDetants * (int) min((UINT) cPage, gpsi->ucWheelScrollLines);
cPos = max( 0, min(plb->xOrigin + (cLines * plb->cxChar), plb->maxWidth));
if (cPos != plb->xOrigin) { xxxLBoxCtlHScroll(plb, SB_THUMBPOSITION, cPos); xxxLBoxCtlHScroll(plb, SB_ENDSCROLL, 0); } } } } break;
case WM_VSCROLL: xxxLBoxCtlScroll(plb, LOWORD(wParam), HIWORD(wParam)); break;
case WM_HSCROLL: xxxLBoxCtlHScroll(plb, LOWORD(wParam), HIWORD(wParam)); break;
case WM_CREATE: return xxxLBCreate(plb, pwnd, (LPCREATESTRUCT) lParam);
* If wParam is nonzero, the redraw flag is set * If wParam is zero, the flag is cleared */ xxxLBSetRedraw(plb, (wParam != 0)); break;
case WM_ENABLE: xxxLBInvalidateRect(plb, NULL, !plb->OwnerDraw); break;
case WM_SETFONT: xxxLBSetFont(plb, (HANDLE)wParam, LOWORD(lParam)); break;
case WM_GETFONT: return (LRESULT)plb->hFont;
case WM_DRAGSELECT: case WM_DRAGLOOP: case WM_DRAGMOVE: case WM_DROPFILES: ThreadLock(plb->spwndParent, &tlpwndParent); lReturn = SendMessage(HW(plb->spwndParent), message, wParam, lParam); ThreadUnlock(&tlpwndParent); return lReturn;
* fix up control data, then pass message to parent */ LBDropObjectHandler(plb, (PDROPSTRUCT)lParam); ThreadLock(plb->spwndParent, &tlpwndParent); lReturn = SendMessage(HW(plb->spwndParent), message, wParam, lParam); ThreadUnlock(&tlpwndParent); return lReturn;
case LB_GETITEMRECT: return LBGetItemRect(plb, (INT)wParam, (LPRECT)lParam);
case LB_GETITEMDATA: return LBGetItemData(plb, (INT)wParam); // wParam = item index
* wParam is item index */ return LBSetItemData(plb, (INT)wParam, lParam);
case LB_ADDSTRINGUPPER: wFlags = UPPERCASE | LBI_ADD; goto CallInsertItem;
case LB_ADDSTRINGLOWER: wFlags = LOWERCASE | LBI_ADD; goto CallInsertItem;
case LB_ADDSTRING: wFlags = LBI_ADD; goto CallInsertItem;
case LB_INSERTSTRINGUPPER: wFlags = UPPERCASE; goto CallInsertItem;
case LB_INSERTSTRINGLOWER: wFlags = LOWERCASE; goto CallInsertItem;
case LB_INSERTSTRING: wFlags = 0; CallInsertItem: lReturn = ((LRESULT) xxxLBInsertItem(plb, (LPWSTR) lParam, (int) wParam, wFlags)); break;
case LB_INITSTORAGE: return xxxLBInitStorage(plb, fAnsi, (INT)wParam, (INT)lParam);
case LB_DELETESTRING: return xxxLBoxCtlDelete(plb, (INT)wParam);
case LB_DIR: /*
* wParam - Dos attribute value. * lParam - Points to a file specification string */ lReturn = xxxLbDir(plb, (INT)wParam, (LPWSTR)lParam); break;
case LB_ADDFILE: lReturn = xxxLbInsertFile(plb, (LPWSTR)lParam); break;
case LB_SETSEL: return xxxLBSetSel(plb, (wParam != 0), (INT)lParam);
* If window obscured, update so invert will work correctly */ // DISABLED in Win 3.1 xxxUpdateWindow(pwnd);
return xxxLBSetCurSel(plb, (INT)wParam);
case LB_GETSEL: if (wParam >= (UINT) plb->cMac) return((LRESULT) LB_ERR);
return IsSelected(plb, (INT)wParam, SELONLY);
case LB_GETCURSEL: if (plb->wMultiple == SINGLESEL) { return plb->iSel; } return plb->iSelBase;
case LB_SELITEMRANGE: if (plb->wMultiple == SINGLESEL) { /*
* Can't select a range if only single selections are enabled */ RIPERR0(ERROR_INVALID_INDEX, RIP_VERBOSE,"Invalid index passed to LB_SELITEMRANGE"); return LB_ERR; }
xxxLBSelRange(plb, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam), (wParam != 0)); break;
case LB_SELITEMRANGEEX: if (plb->wMultiple == SINGLESEL) { /*
* Can't select a range if only single selections are enabled */ RIPERR0(ERROR_INVALID_LB_MESSAGE, RIP_VERBOSE,"LB_SELITEMRANGEEX:Can't select a range if only single selections are enabled"); return LB_ERR; } else { BOOL fHighlight = ((DWORD)lParam > (DWORD)wParam); if (fHighlight == FALSE) { ULONG_PTR temp = lParam; lParam = wParam; wParam = temp; } xxxLBSelRange(plb, (INT)wParam, (INT)lParam, fHighlight); } break;
case LB_GETTEXTLEN: if (lParam != 0) { RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "LB_GETTEXTLEN with lParam = %lx\n", lParam); } lReturn = LBGetText(plb, TRUE, fAnsi, (INT)wParam, NULL); break;
case LB_GETTEXT: lReturn = LBGetText(plb, FALSE, fAnsi, (INT)wParam, (LPWSTR)lParam); break;
case LB_GETCOUNT: // Lotus Approach calls CallWndProc(ListWndProc, LB_GETCOUNT,...)
// on a window that doesn't have a plb yet. So, we need to make
// this check. Bug #6675 - 11/7/94 --
if(plb) return((LRESULT) plb->cMac); else return(0);
case LB_SETCOUNT: return xxxLBSetCount(plb, (INT)wParam);
case LB_SELECTSTRING: case LB_FINDSTRING: iSel = xxxFindString(plb, (LPWSTR)lParam, (INT)wParam, PREFIX, TRUE); if (message == LB_FINDSTRING || iSel == LB_ERR) { lReturn = iSel; } else { lReturn = xxxLBSetCurSel(plb, iSel); } break;
case LB_GETLOCALE: return plb->dwLocaleId;
* Validate locale */ wParam = ConvertDefaultLocale((LCID)wParam); if (!IsValidLocale((LCID)wParam, LCID_INSTALLED)) return LB_ERR;
dw = plb->dwLocaleId; plb->dwLocaleId = (DWORD)wParam; return dw;
* IanJa: Use LOWORD() to get low 16-bits of wParam - this should * work for Win16 & Win32. The value obtained is the virtual key */ xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(plb, message, LOWORD(wParam)); break;
case WM_CHAR: xxxLBoxCtlCharInput(plb, LOWORD(wParam), fAnsi); break;
* IanJa/Win32 should this be LPWORD now? */ return LBoxGetSelItems(plb, (message == LB_GETSELCOUNT), (INT)wParam, (LPINT)lParam);
* IanJa/Win32: Tabs given by array of INT for backwards compatability */ return LBSetTabStops(plb, (INT)wParam, (LPINT)lParam);
* Return the max width of the listbox used for horizontal scrolling */ return plb->maxWidth;
* Set the max width of the listbox used for horizontal scrolling */ if (plb->maxWidth != (INT)wParam) { plb->maxWidth = (INT)wParam;
* When horizontal extent is set, Show/hide the scroll bars. * NOTE: LBShowHideScrollBars() takes care if Redraw is OFF. * Fix for Bug #2477 -- 01/14/91 -- SANKAR -- */ xxxLBShowHideScrollBars(plb); //Try to show or hide scroll bars
if (plb->fHorzBar && plb->fRightAlign && !(plb->fMultiColumn || plb->OwnerDraw)) { /*
* origin to right */ xxxLBoxCtlHScroll(plb, SB_BOTTOM, 0); } } break; /* originally returned register ax (message) ! */
* Set the width of a column in a multicolumn listbox */ plb->cxColumn = (INT)wParam; LBCalcItemRowsAndColumns(plb); if (IsLBoxVisible(plb)) NtUserInvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); xxxLBShowHideScrollBars(plb); break;
case LB_SETANCHORINDEX: if ((INT)wParam >= plb->cMac) { RIPERR0(ERROR_INVALID_INDEX, RIP_VERBOSE,"Invalid index passed to LB_SETANCHORINDEX"); return LB_ERR; } plb->iMouseDown = (INT)wParam; plb->iLastMouseMove = (INT)wParam; xxxInsureVisible(plb, (int) wParam, (BOOL)(lParam != 0)); break;
case LB_GETANCHORINDEX: return plb->iMouseDown;
case LB_SETCARETINDEX: if ( (plb->iSel == -1) || ((plb->wMultiple != SINGLESEL) && (plb->cMac > (INT)wParam))) {
* Set's the iSelBase to the wParam * if lParam, then don't scroll if partially visible * else scroll into view if not fully visible */ xxxInsureVisible(plb, (INT)wParam, (BOOL)LOWORD(lParam)); xxxSetISelBase(plb, (INT)wParam); break; } else { if ((INT)wParam >= plb->cMac) { RIPERR0(ERROR_INVALID_INDEX, RIP_VERBOSE,"Invalid index passed to LB_SETCARETINDEX"); } return LB_ERR; } break;
case LB_GETCARETINDEX: return plb->iSelBase;
case LB_SETITEMHEIGHT: case LB_GETITEMHEIGHT: return LBGetSetItemHeightHandler(plb, message, (INT)wParam, LOWORD(lParam)); break;
case LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT: lReturn = xxxFindString(plb, (LPWSTR)lParam, (INT)wParam, EQ, TRUE); break;
case LB_ITEMFROMPOINT: { POINT pt; BOOL bOutside; DWORD dwItem;
POINTSTOPOINT(pt, lParam); bOutside = ISelFromPt(plb, pt, &dwItem); UserAssert(bOutside == 1 || bOutside == 0); return (LRESULT)MAKELONG(dwItem, bOutside); }
* Internal message for combo box support */ CaretCreate(plb); // Set up the caret in the proper location for drop downs.
plb->iSelBase = plb->iSel; xxxLBSetCaret(plb, TRUE); /*
* We need to send this event even if the listbox isn't visible. See * bug #88548. Also see 355612. */ if (_IsWindowVisible(pwnd) || (GetFocus() == hwnd)) { LBEvent(plb, EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, plb->iSelBase); }
* Internal message for combo box support */ xxxLBSetCaret(plb, FALSE); xxxCaretDestroy(plb); break;
case LB_GETLISTBOXINFO: return NtUserGetListBoxInfo(hwnd);
case WM_NCCREATE: if ((pwnd->style & LBS_MULTICOLUMN) && (pwnd->style & WS_VSCROLL)) { DWORD mask = WS_VSCROLL; DWORD flags = 0; if (!TestWF(pwnd, WFWIN40COMPAT)) { mask |= WS_HSCROLL; flags = WS_HSCROLL; } NtUserAlterWindowStyle(hwnd, mask, flags); } goto CallDWP;
default: CallDWP: return DefWindowProcWorker(pwnd, message, wParam, lParam, fAnsi); }
* Handle translation of ANSI output data and free buffer */ if (lpwsz) { UserLocalFree(lpwsz); }
return lReturn; }
LRESULT WINAPI ListBoxWndProcA( HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PWND pwnd;
if ((pwnd = ValidateHwnd(hwnd)) == NULL) { return (0L); }
* If the control is not interested in this message, * pass it to DefWindowProc. */ if (!FWINDOWMSG(message, FNID_LISTBOX)) return DefWindowProcWorker(pwnd, message, wParam, lParam, TRUE);
return ListBoxWndProcWorker(pwnd, message, wParam, lParam, TRUE); }
LRESULT WINAPI ListBoxWndProcW( HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PWND pwnd;
if ((pwnd = ValidateHwnd(hwnd)) == NULL) { return (0L); }
* If the control is not interested in this message, * pass it to DefWindowProc. */ if (!FWINDOWMSG(message, FNID_LISTBOX)) return DefWindowProcWorker(pwnd, message, wParam, lParam, FALSE);
return ListBoxWndProcWorker(pwnd, message, wParam, lParam, FALSE); }
LRESULT WINAPI ComboListBoxWndProcA( HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PWND pwnd;
if ((pwnd = ValidateHwnd(hwnd)) == NULL) { return (0L); }
* If the control is not interested in this message, * pass it to DefWindowProc. */ if (!FWINDOWMSG(message, FNID_LISTBOX)) return DefWindowProcWorker(pwnd, message, wParam, lParam, TRUE);
return ListBoxWndProcWorker(pwnd, message, wParam, lParam, TRUE); }
LRESULT WINAPI ComboListBoxWndProcW( HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PWND pwnd;
if ((pwnd = ValidateHwnd(hwnd)) == NULL) { return (0L); }
* If the control is not interested in this message, * pass it to DefWindowProc. */ if (!FWINDOWMSG(message, FNID_LISTBOX)) return DefWindowProcWorker(pwnd, message, wParam, lParam, FALSE);
return ListBoxWndProcWorker(pwnd, message, wParam, lParam, FALSE); }
* GetLpszItem * * Returns a far pointer to the string belonging to item sItem * ONLY for Listboxes maintaining their own strings (pLBIV->fHasStrings == TRUE) * * History: \***************************************************************************/
LPWSTR GetLpszItem( PLBIV pLBIV, INT sItem) { LONG offsz; lpLBItem plbi;
if (sItem < 0 || sItem >= pLBIV->cMac) { RIPERR1(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, RIP_WARNING, "Invalid parameter \"sItem\" (%ld) to GetLpszItem", sItem);
return NULL; }
* get pointer to item index array * NOTE: NOT OWNERDRAW */ plbi = (lpLBItem)(pLBIV->rgpch); offsz = plbi[sItem].offsz; return (LPWSTR)((PBYTE)(pLBIV->hStrings) + offsz); }