/****************************** Module Header ******************************\
* Module Name: misc.c * * Copyright (c) 1985 - 1999, Microsoft Corporation * * This module contains citrix code. * \***************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
USHORT gPreviousProtocolType = PROTOCOL_CONSOLE; LPCWSTR G_DisconnectDisplayDriverName = L"TSDDD\0";
extern HANDLE ghSwitcher;
NTSTATUS xxxRequestOutOfFullScreenMode( VOID);
NTSTATUS xxxRemoteConsoleShadowStart( IN PDOCONNECTDATA pDoConnectData, IN PWCHAR DisplayDriverName);
NTSTATUS xxxRemoteConsoleShadowStop( VOID);
* FindMirrorDriver * * Helper function that searches for the named driver as a mirror device * and fills in pDisplayDevice * * Returns TRUE if successful; FALSE otherwise. */ NTSTATUS FindMirrorDriver( IN PCWSTR pwszDispDriverName, OUT PDISPLAY_DEVICEW pDisplayDevice) { DWORD iDevNum = 0; BOOLEAN fFound = FALSE; WCHAR Buffer[256]; WCHAR Service[128]; PWCHAR pCurr = NULL; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; UNICODE_STRING DrvNameString;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&DrvNameString, pwszDispDriverName);
pDisplayDevice->cb = sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICEW);
while (NT_SUCCESS(DrvEnumDisplayDevices(NULL, gpDispInfo->pMonitorPrimary->hDev, iDevNum++, pDisplayDevice, 0, KernelMode))) { if (!(pDisplayDevice->StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_MIRRORING_DRIVER)) { continue; }
RtlZeroMemory(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer));
wcsncpy(Buffer, pDisplayDevice->DeviceKey, 250);
pCurr = Buffer + wcslen(Buffer) - 1;
while ((pCurr > Buffer) && (*pCurr != L'\\')) { pCurr--; }
if (*pCurr == L'\\') { RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE QueryTable[] = { { NULL, RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT, L"Service", &UnicodeString, REG_NONE, NULL, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } };
wcscpy(pCurr, L"Video");
RtlZeroMemory(Service, sizeof(Service));
UnicodeString.Length = 0; UnicodeString.MaximumLength = sizeof(Service); UnicodeString.Buffer = Service;
if (NT_SUCCESS(RtlQueryRegistryValues(RTL_REGISTRY_ABSOLUTE, Buffer, QueryTable, NULL, NULL))) {
if (RtlCompareUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, &DrvNameString, TRUE) == 0) {
fFound = TRUE; break; } } } }
* All of the following are gotten from ICASRV. */ CACHE_STATISTICS ThinWireCache;
BOOL DrvSetGraphicsDevices( LPCWSTR pDisplayDriverName);
BOOL AttachInputDevices(BOOL bLocalDevices);
VOID RemoveInputDevices( VOID);
VOID CloseLocalGraphicsDevices( VOID);
VOID OpenLocalGraphicsDevices( VOID);
extern PKTIMER gptmrWD;
* Read current power policy from Kernel, and set our variables. */ VOID ReadCurrentPowerSettting( VOID) { SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY PowerPolicy; BOOL bGotPowerPolicy;
LeaveCrit(); bGotPowerPolicy = (STATUS_SUCCESS == ZwPowerInformation(SystemPowerPolicyCurrent, NULL, 0, &PowerPolicy, sizeof(PowerPolicy))); EnterCrit();
if (bGotPowerPolicy) { xxxSystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETLOWPOWERTIMEOUT, PowerPolicy.VideoTimeout, 0, 0); xxxSystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETPOWEROFFTIMEOUT, PowerPolicy.VideoTimeout, 0, 0); } }
BOOL IsSessionSwitchBlocked( VOID) { return gfSessionSwitchBlock; }
* This function blocks session switch from happening paired with * UserSessionSwitchBlock_End. */ NTSTATUS UserSessionSwitchBlock_Start( VOID) { NTSTATUS Status;
if (!gfSwitchInProgress && SharedUserData->ActiveConsoleId == gSessionId && !gfSessionSwitchBlock) { gfSessionSwitchBlock = TRUE; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { Status = STATUS_CTX_NOT_CONSOLE; }
return Status; }
* This function removes the block on session switch initiated via * UserSessionSwitchBlock_Start(). */ VOID UserSessionSwitchBlock_End( VOID) { EnterCrit(); UserAssert(SharedUserData->ActiveConsoleId == gSessionId); UserAssert(IsSessionSwitchBlocked());
gfSessionSwitchBlock = FALSE; LeaveCrit(); }
NTSTATUS UserSessionSwitchEnterCrit( VOID) { /*
* This is intended for code that needs synchronization with session * switching from local to remote or remote to local. * * If a session switch is in progress fail, otherwise return with the * USER critical section held. The call must call * UserSessionSwitchLeaveCrit() to release the USER critical section. */
EnterCrit(); if (!gfSwitchInProgress) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } else{ LeaveCrit(); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } }
VOID UserSessionSwitchLeaveCrit( VOID) { LeaveCrit(); }
VOID UserGetDisconnectDeviceResolutionHint( PDEVMODEW pDevmodeInformation) { /*
* When switching to the disconnected DD it is better using the current * display resolution in order to avoid apps to move on the desktop as * a result of the resize. DrvGetDisplayDriverParameters() calls this * function for the disconnected display. */ if (gProtocolType == PROTOCOL_DISCONNECT) { pDevmodeInformation->dmFields = DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_PELSHEIGHT; pDevmodeInformation->dmPelsWidth = gpsi->aiSysMet[SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN]; pDevmodeInformation->dmPelsHeight = gpsi->aiSysMet[SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN]; } }
NTSTATUS RemoteConnect( IN PDOCONNECTDATA pDoConnectData, IN ULONG DisplayDriverNameLength, IN PWCHAR DisplayDriverName) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PWCHAR pSep;
// This API is Also used to initialize the console shadow by loading
// the console shadow mirroring Display driver.
if (pDoConnectData->fConsoleShadowFlag) { Status = xxxRemoteConsoleShadowStart(pDoConnectData, DisplayDriverName); return Status; }
TRACE_HYDAPI(("RemoteConnect: display %ws\n", DisplayDriverName));
* Indicate that a protocol switch is pending. */ UserAssert(!gfSwitchInProgress);
* If we are asked to block session switch, don't proceed. */ if (gfSessionSwitchBlock) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
gpThinWireCache = &ThinWireCache;
ghRemoteMouseChannel = pDoConnectData->IcaMouseChannel; ghRemoteVideoChannel = pDoConnectData->IcaVideoChannel; ghRemoteBeepChannel = pDoConnectData->IcaBeepChannel; ghRemoteKeyboardChannel = pDoConnectData->IcaKeyboardChannel; ghRemoteThinwireChannel = pDoConnectData->IcaThinwireChannel; gProtocolType = pDoConnectData->drProtocolType; gPreviousProtocolType = pDoConnectData->drProtocolType; gRemoteClientKeyboardType = pDoConnectData->ClientKeyboardType; gbClientDoubleClickSupport = pDoConnectData->fClientDoubleClickSupport; gfEnableWindowsKey = pDoConnectData->fEnableWindowsKey;
RtlCopyMemory(gWinStationInfo.ProtocolName, pDoConnectData->ProtocolName, WPROTOCOLNAME_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR));
RtlCopyMemory(gWinStationInfo.AudioDriverName, pDoConnectData->AudioDriverName, WAUDIONAME_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR));
RtlZeroMemory(gstrBaseWinStationName, WINSTATIONNAME_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR));
RtlCopyMemory(gstrBaseWinStationName, pDoConnectData->WinStationName, min(WINSTATIONNAME_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR), sizeof(pDoConnectData->WinStationName)));
if (pSep = wcschr(gstrBaseWinStationName, L'#')) { *pSep = UNICODE_NULL; }
gbConnected = TRUE;
* WinStations must have the video device handle passed to them. */ if (!gVideoFileObject) { PFILE_OBJECT pFileObject; PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject;
// Dereference the file handle
// and obtain a pointer to the device object for the handle.
Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(ghRemoteVideoChannel, 0, NULL, KernelMode, (PVOID*)&pFileObject, NULL); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { gVideoFileObject = pFileObject;
// Get a pointer to the device object for this file.
pDeviceObject = IoGetRelatedDeviceObject(pFileObject); Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(ghRemoteThinwireChannel, 0, NULL, KernelMode, (PVOID*)&gThinwireFileObject, NULL);
* This must be done before any thinwire data. */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
if (!GreMultiUserInitSession(ghRemoteThinwireChannel, (PBYTE)gpThinWireCache, gVideoFileObject, gThinwireFileObject, DisplayDriverNameLength, DisplayDriverName)) { RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "UserInit: GreMultiUserInitSession failed"); Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } else { if (IsRemoteConnection()) { DWORD BytesReturned;
Status = GreDeviceIoControl(pDeviceObject, IOCTL_VIDEO_ICA_ENABLE_GRAPHICS, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &BytesReturned); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "UserInit: Enable graphics status 0x%x", Status); } }
} } } }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "RemoteConnect failed"); goto Exit; }
Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(ghRemoteBeepChannel, 0, NULL, KernelMode, (PVOID*)&gpRemoteBeepDevice, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "Bad Remote Beep Channel, Status = 0x%x", Status); goto Exit; }
* For session 0 we are done, since the initialization below * has already been taken care of. */ if (!gbRemoteSession) { TRACE_INIT(("RemoteConnect Is OK for session %d\n", gSessionId)); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto Exit; }
if (InitVideo(FALSE) == NULL) { gbConnected = FALSE; RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "InitVideo failed"); Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; goto Exit; }
if (!LW_BrushInit()) { RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "LW_BrushInit failed"); Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto Exit; }
* Create and initialize a timer object * and pass a pointer to this object via the display driver to the WD. * The RIT will do a KeWaitForObject() on this timer object. * When the WD calls KeSetTimer() it will NOT specify a DPC routine. * When the timer goes off the RIT will get signaled and will make the * appropriate call to the display driver to flush the frame buffer. */
gptmrWD = UserAllocPoolNonPagedNS(sizeof(KTIMER), TAG_SYSTEM); if (gptmrWD == NULL) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "RemoteConnect failed to create gptmrWD"); goto Exit; } KeInitializeTimerEx(gptmrWD, SynchronizationTimer);
* Video is initialized at this point. */ gbVideoInitialized = TRUE; Exit: if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (gProtocolType == PROTOCOL_CONSOLE) { SharedUserData->ActiveConsoleId = gSessionId; } }
if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (gbRemoteSession && gProtocolType == PROTOCOL_CONSOLE) {
* For session 0 we receive power event callouts for us to * intitialize our power vars, but not for other sessions. * Thus, we have to read the power settings from kernel, and * initialize our variables. We do it only for PROTOCOL_CONSOLE * since, monitor power settings does not make sense to other * (non-console) sesssions. */ ReadCurrentPowerSettting(); } }
return Status; }
NTSTATUS xxxRemoteConsoleShadowStop( VOID) { DEVMODEW devmodeInformation = {0}; DISPLAY_DEVICEW displayDevice; WCHAR *pwszDeviceName = &displayDevice.DeviceName[0]; UNICODE_STRING strDeviceName; NTSTATUS Status; LONG lResult;
* Only allow CSRSS to do this */ if (!ISCSRSS() || !ISTS()) { return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; }
ASSERT(gfRemotingConsole == TRUE); ASSERT(gConsoleShadowhDev != NULL);
if (gConsoleShadowhDev == NULL) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
* Tell thinwire driver about the disconnect. */ bDrvDisconnect(gConsoleShadowhDev, ghConsoleShadowThinwireChannel, gConsoleShadowThinwireFileObject);
DrvGetHdevName(gConsoleShadowhDev, pwszDeviceName);
RtlInitUnicodeString(&strDeviceName, pwszDeviceName);
* Free up resources. */ DrvReleaseHDEV(&strDeviceName); gfRemotingConsole = FALSE;
* Set up the dev mode info. */ devmodeInformation.dmSize = sizeof(devmodeInformation); devmodeInformation.dmFields = DM_POSITION | DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_PELSHEIGHT;
* Width and height of zero mean detach. */ TRACE_HYDAPI(("Unloading Chained DD"));
* Like the load, this is in two stages - update the registry... */ lResult = xxxUserChangeDisplaySettings(&strDeviceName, &devmodeInformation, NULL, CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY | CDS_NORESET, NULL, KernelMode); if (lResult == DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL) { /*
* ... and force the change to be applied. */ xxxUserChangeDisplaySettings(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, KernelMode);
GreConsoleShadowStop(); }
if (gConsoleShadowVideoFileObject != NULL) { ObDereferenceObject(gConsoleShadowVideoFileObject); gConsoleShadowVideoFileObject = NULL; }
if (gConsoleShadowThinwireFileObject != NULL) { ObDereferenceObject(gConsoleShadowThinwireFileObject); gConsoleShadowThinwireFileObject = NULL; }
if (gpConsoleShadowBeepDevice != NULL) { ObDereferenceObject(gpConsoleShadowBeepDevice); gpConsoleShadowBeepDevice = NULL; }
if (gpConsoleShadowDisplayChangeEvent != NULL) { ObDereferenceObject(gpConsoleShadowDisplayChangeEvent); gpConsoleShadowDisplayChangeEvent = NULL; }
gConsoleShadowhDev = NULL;
* NB - Don't set console session state to disconnected or we won't * be able to shadow it again. */
return Status; }
NTSTATUS xxxRemoteConsoleShadowStart( IN PDOCONNECTDATA pDoConnectData, IN PWCHAR DisplayDriverName) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; LONG lResult; PFILE_OBJECT pFileObject; PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject; DEVMODEW devmodeInformation = {0}; DISPLAY_DEVICEW displayDevice = {0}; UNICODE_STRING strDeviceName; BOOL fResult;
* we must be connected the local console. */
ASSERT(gbConnected); ASSERT(!IsRemoteConnection()); if (!gbConnected || IsRemoteConnection()) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
ASSERT(gfRemotingConsole == FALSE); ASSERT(gConsoleShadowhDev == NULL);
gfRemotingConsole = FALSE; gConsoleShadowhDev = NULL;
gpConsoleShadowThinWireCache = &ThinWireCache;
ghConsoleShadowMouseChannel = pDoConnectData->IcaMouseChannel; ghConsoleShadowVideoChannel = pDoConnectData->IcaVideoChannel; ghConsoleShadowBeepChannel = pDoConnectData->IcaBeepChannel; ghConsoleShadowKeyboardChannel = pDoConnectData->IcaKeyboardChannel; ghConsoleShadowThinwireChannel = pDoConnectData->IcaThinwireChannel; gConsoleShadowProtocolType = pDoConnectData->drProtocolType;
gRemoteClientKeyboardType = pDoConnectData->ClientKeyboardType;
gbClientDoubleClickSupport = pDoConnectData->fClientDoubleClickSupport;
gfEnableWindowsKey = pDoConnectData->fEnableWindowsKey;
* WinStations must have the video device handle passed to them. */
// Dereference the file handle
// and obtain a pointer to the device object for the handle.
Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(pDoConnectData->DisplayChangeEvent, EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, *ExEventObjectType, KernelMode, (PVOID*)&gpConsoleShadowDisplayChangeEvent, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto exit; }
Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(ghConsoleShadowVideoChannel, 0, NULL, KernelMode, (PVOID*)&pFileObject, NULL); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
gConsoleShadowVideoFileObject = pFileObject;
// Get a pointer to the device object for this file.
pDeviceObject = IoGetRelatedDeviceObject(pFileObject); Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(ghConsoleShadowThinwireChannel, 0, NULL, KernelMode, (PVOID*)&gConsoleShadowThinwireFileObject, NULL);
* This must be done before any thinwire data. */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
if (!GreConsoleShadowStart(ghConsoleShadowThinwireChannel, (PBYTE)gpConsoleShadowThinWireCache, gConsoleShadowVideoFileObject, gConsoleShadowThinwireFileObject)) { RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "UserInit: GreMultiUserInitSession failed"); Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } } }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto exit; }
Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(ghConsoleShadowBeepChannel, 0, NULL, KernelMode, (PVOID*)&gpConsoleShadowBeepDevice, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto exit; }
* Find our DD from the list of possible devices */ Status = FindMirrorDriver(DisplayDriverName, &displayDevice); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE_INIT(("xxxRemoteConsoleShadowStart - FindMirrorDriver failed\n")); ASSERT(gfRemotingConsole == FALSE); goto exit; }
RtlInitUnicodeString(&strDeviceName, &displayDevice.DeviceName[0]);
* Set up the dev mode info. */ devmodeInformation.dmSize = sizeof(devmodeInformation); devmodeInformation.dmFields = DM_POSITION | DM_BITSPERPEL | DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_PELSHEIGHT; devmodeInformation.dmBitsPerPel = pDoConnectData->drBitsPerPel;
* The position and size are be set up to overlap the whole logical * desktop so that any secondary displays are included. */ devmodeInformation.dmPosition.x = gpsi->aiSysMet[SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN]; devmodeInformation.dmPosition.y = gpsi->aiSysMet[SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN]; devmodeInformation.dmPelsWidth = gpsi->aiSysMet[SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN]; devmodeInformation.dmPelsHeight = gpsi->aiSysMet[SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN];
* Now load it - first pass sets up the registry */
lResult = xxxUserChangeDisplaySettings(&strDeviceName, &devmodeInformation, NULL, CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY | CDS_NORESET, NULL, KernelMode);
if (lResult == DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL) { /*
* This pass actually updates the system. */ lResult = xxxUserChangeDisplaySettings(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, KernelMode); if (lResult == DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL) { /*
* The chained DD should be loaded by now; open the hdev to it * which we will use later to actually call the various connect * functions. */ gConsoleShadowhDev = DrvGetHDEV(&strDeviceName); if (gConsoleShadowhDev) { gfRemotingConsole = TRUE;
* In case the display driver has not been unloaded at the end * of the previous shadow, reconnect to it. */ fResult = bDrvReconnect(gConsoleShadowhDev, ghConsoleShadowThinwireChannel, gConsoleShadowThinwireFileObject, FALSE);
* This is normally done in the RIT but for the console, the * RIT has already started before the DD is loaded... * * Pass a pointer to the timer to the WD via the display driver */
if (fResult) { HDXDrvEscape(gConsoleShadowhDev, ESC_SET_WD_TIMEROBJ, (PVOID)gptmrWD, sizeof(gptmrWD)); } else { Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } } else { Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } } }
exit: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (gConsoleShadowVideoFileObject != NULL) { ObDereferenceObject(gConsoleShadowVideoFileObject); gConsoleShadowVideoFileObject = NULL; } if (gConsoleShadowThinwireFileObject != NULL) { ObDereferenceObject(gConsoleShadowThinwireFileObject); gConsoleShadowThinwireFileObject = NULL; } if (gpConsoleShadowBeepDevice != NULL) { ObDereferenceObject(gpConsoleShadowBeepDevice); gpConsoleShadowBeepDevice = NULL; } if (gpConsoleShadowDisplayChangeEvent != NULL) { ObDereferenceObject(gpConsoleShadowDisplayChangeEvent); gpConsoleShadowDisplayChangeEvent = NULL; } }
return Status; }
NTSTATUS xxxRemoteSetDisconnectDisplayMode( VOID) { NTSTATUS Status; USHORT prevProtocolType = gProtocolType; LONG lResult;
* We rely on the GDI driver load : in the disconnected mode, the only * valid display driver to load is the one with the disconnect attribute. * */ gProtocolType = PROTOCOL_DISCONNECT; lResult = xxxUserChangeDisplaySettings(NULL, NULL, grpdeskRitInput, CDS_RAWMODE, NULL, KernelMode); if (lResult != DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL) { Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; gProtocolType = prevProtocolType; } else { Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; if (prevProtocolType == PROTOCOL_CONSOLE) { SharedUserData->ActiveConsoleId = -1; } }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE_INIT(("xxxRemoteSetDisconnectDisplayMode - Couldn't load Disconnect DD - lResult %x\n", lResult)); RIPMSGF1(RIP_WARNING, "Couldn't load Disconnect DD - lResult 0x%x", lResult); }
return Status; }
NTSTATUS xxxRemoteDisconnect( VOID) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; LARGE_INTEGER li; USHORT ProtocolType = gProtocolType; BOOL bCurrentPowerOn, SwitchedToDisconnectDesktop = FALSE;
* Only allow CSRSS to do this */ if (!ISCSRSS() || !ISTS()) { return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; }
if (!IsRemoteConnection()) { /*
* Let's loop until the system has settled down and no mode switch * is currently occuring. */ while (ghSwitcher != NULL) { xxxSleepThread(0, 1, FALSE); } }
* If preparing for a disconnect from the console we need to exit fullscreen mode * if we are in full screen mode. */ if (!IsRemoteConnection() && gbFullScreen == FULLSCREEN) { Status = xxxRequestOutOfFullScreenMode(); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RIPMSGF1(RIP_WARNING, "xxxRequestOutOfFullScreenMode failed, Status 0x%x", Status); return Status; }
RtlZeroMemory(gstrBaseWinStationName, WINSTATIONNAME_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR));
* Indicate that a protocol switch is pending. */ UserAssert(!gfSwitchInProgress);
* If we are asked to block session switch, don't go ahead. */ if (gfSessionSwitchBlock) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
* If we are on the console and PsW32GdiOff happens, we want to bring * the display back before doing any display change otherwise we'll * confuse GDI by disabling an already disabled MDEV. */ if (!IsRemoteConnection()) { bCurrentPowerOn = DrvQueryMDEVPowerState(gpDispInfo->pmdev); if (!bCurrentPowerOn) { SafeEnableMDEV(); DrvSetMDEVPowerState(gpDispInfo->pmdev, TRUE); DrvSetMonitorPowerState(gpDispInfo->pmdev, PowerDeviceD0); } }
if (!IsRemoteConnection() && gbSnapShotWindowsAndMonitors && IsMultimon()) { SnapShotMonitorsAndWindowsRects(); }
if (gspdeskDisconnect == NULL) { /*
* Convert dwMilliseconds to a relative-time(i.e. negative) * LARGE_INTEGER. NT Base calls take time values in 100 nanosecond * units. Timeout after 5 minutes. */ li.QuadPart = Int32x32To64(-10000, 300000);
KeWaitForSingleObject(gpEventDiconnectDesktop, WrUserRequest, KernelMode, FALSE, &li); }
* Setup to shutdown screen saver and exit video power down mode on disconnect */ if (glinp.dwFlags & LINP_POWERTIMEOUTS) { /*
* Call video driver here to exit power down mode. */ TAGMSG0(DBGTAG_Power, "Exit video power down mode"); DrvSetMonitorPowerState(gpDispInfo->pmdev, PowerDeviceD0); } glinp.dwFlags = (glinp.dwFlags & ~LINP_INPUTTIMEOUTS);
* If the disconnected desktop has not yet be setup. Do not do any * disconnect processing. It's better for the thinwire driver to try * and write rather than for the transmit buffers to be freed (trap). */ if (gspdeskDisconnect) {
* Blank the screen * * No need to stop graphics mode for disconnects */ Status = xxxRemoteStopScreenUpdates(); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RIPMSGF1(RIP_WARNING, "xxxRemoteStopScreenUpdates failed with Status 0x%x", Status); goto done; } else { SwitchedToDisconnectDesktop = TRUE; }
* If there are any shadow connections, then redraw the screen now. */ if (gnShadowers) RemoteRedrawScreen(); } else { RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "xxxRemoteDisconnect failed. The disconnect desktop was not created"); Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; goto done; }
* Tell thinwire driver about this */
if (IsRemoteConnection()) { bDrvDisconnect(gpDispInfo->hDev, ghRemoteThinwireChannel, gThinwireFileObject); } else { /*
* For a locally connected session, unload current display driver * and load disconnect DD. */ Status = xxxRemoteSetDisconnectDisplayMode();
* If are we disconnecting from local console, detach console input * devices and attach remote input devices (remote input devices are * 'empty handles' at this point but that is OK. Also free the * Scancode Map. */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { CloseLocalGraphicsDevices();
if (gpScancodeMap != 0) { UserFreePool(gpScancodeMap); gpScancodeMap = NULL; }
} }
* If we are disconnecting from the local console we need to detach * input devices and unregister for CDROM notifications. Do all this * only if the disconnect was successful so far. */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && ((gPreviousProtocolType = ProtocolType) == PROTOCOL_CONSOLE)) { xxxUnregisterDeviceClassNotifications(); RemoveInputDevices(); }
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { gbConnected = FALSE; }
* If we did not succeed for some reason switch back to the orginal * desktop from the Disconnected desktop. */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && SwitchedToDisconnectDesktop) { /*
* Following call will revert to whatever desktop was present * before the Disconnect. */ RemoteRedrawScreen(); }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && !IsRemoteConnection()) { CleanupMonitorsAndWindowsSnapShot(); }
* If we disconnected from the console we need to switch away from the * local graphics device, otherwise applications using CreateDC could * access the local devices. */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && ProtocolType == PROTOCOL_CONSOLE) { DrvSetGraphicsDevices(G_DisconnectDisplayDriverName); } SetConsoleSwitchInProgress(FALSE);
return Status; }
NTSTATUS xxxRemoteReconnect( IN PDORECONNECTDATA pDoReconnectData) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; BOOL fResult; PWCHAR pSep; BOOL bSwitchingFromDisconectDD = FALSE; BOOL bChangedDisplaySettings = FALSE; BOOL bDisplayReconnected = FALSE; BOOL bRegisteredCDRomNotifications = FALSE; BOOL bOpenedLocalGraphicsDevices = FALSE; int iMouseTrails = gMouseTrails + 1; TL tlPool; PMONITORRECTS pmr = NULL; BOOL bSwitchGraphicsDeviceList = FALSE; BOOL bSwitchedProtocoltype = FALSE; USHORT protocolType = gProtocolType; DORECONNECTDATA CapturedDoReconnectData;
* Only allow CSRSS to do this. */ if (!ISCSRSS() || !ISTS()) { return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; }
* Indicate that a protocol switch is pending. */ UserAssert(!gfSwitchInProgress);
try { CapturedDoReconnectData = ProbeAndReadStructure(pDoReconnectData, DORECONNECTDATA); } except (W32ExceptionHandler(FALSE, RIP_WARNING)) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
* If we are asked to block session switch, don't continue on this path. */ if (gfSessionSwitchBlock) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
* Kill the mouse trails timer if any. */ SetMouseTrails(0);
gRemoteClientKeyboardType = CapturedDoReconnectData.ClientKeyboardType; gbClientDoubleClickSupport = CapturedDoReconnectData.fClientDoubleClickSupport; gfEnableWindowsKey = CapturedDoReconnectData.fEnableWindowsKey;
RtlCopyMemory(gstrBaseWinStationName, CapturedDoReconnectData.WinStationName, min(WINSTATIONNAME_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR), sizeof(CapturedDoReconnectData.WinStationName)));
RtlCopyMemory(gWinStationInfo.ProtocolName, CapturedDoReconnectData.ProtocolName, WPROTOCOLNAME_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR));
RtlCopyMemory(gWinStationInfo.AudioDriverName, CapturedDoReconnectData.AudioDriverName, WAUDIONAME_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (pSep = wcschr(gstrBaseWinStationName, L'#')) { *pSep = UNICODE_NULL; }
if (gnShadowers) { xxxRemoteStopScreenUpdates(); }
if (CapturedDoReconnectData.drProtocolType != gPreviousProtocolType && gPreviousProtocolType != PROTOCOL_CONSOLE) { Status = xxxRemoteSetDisconnectDisplayMode(); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto done; } }
* Call thinwire driver to check for thinwire mode compatibility. */ gProtocolType=CapturedDoReconnectData.drProtocolType;
bSwitchedProtocoltype = TRUE;
if (gProtocolType != PROTOCOL_CONSOLE && gProtocolType == gPreviousProtocolType) { fResult = bDrvReconnect(gpDispInfo->hDev, ghRemoteThinwireChannel, gThinwireFileObject, TRUE); bDisplayReconnected = fResult; } else { bSwitchingFromDisconectDD = TRUE; if (!IsRemoteConnection()) { OpenLocalGraphicsDevices(); bOpenedLocalGraphicsDevices = TRUE;
if (gpScancodeMap == NULL) { InitKeyboard(); } }
fResult = DrvSetGraphicsDevices(CapturedDoReconnectData.DisplayDriverName); bSwitchGraphicsDeviceList = TRUE; }
if (!fResult) { if (gnShadowers) { RemoteRedrawScreen(); }
Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; goto done; }
* If instructed to do so, change Display mode before Reconnecting. Use * display resolution information from Reconnect data. */ if (CapturedDoReconnectData.fChangeDisplaySettings || gProtocolType != gPreviousProtocolType) { LONG lResult;
* Remeber monitor positions now (it would be too late after changing * the display settings, since monitors will have new positions). * This is necssary because the fisrt pass of windows positions * recalculations, done in xxxUserChangeDisplaySettings, is done * while the current desktop is the disconnected desktop and will * not correctly position windows in the application desktop. We * need to do a second pass once we have switched to application * desktop. But for xxxDesktopRecalc to correctly position * fullscreen windows, we need to remember what the monitor rects * where before changing display settings. */ pmr = SnapshotMonitorRects(); if (pmr != NULL) { ThreadLockPool(ptiCurrent, pmr, &tlPool); }
lResult = xxxUserChangeDisplaySettings(NULL, NULL, grpdeskRitInput, CDS_RAWMODE, NULL, KernelMode); if (lResult != DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL) { Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } else { Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; }
* If Display settings change fails, let us disconnect the display * driver as the reconnect is going to be failed anyway. */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { TRACE_INIT(("xxxRemoteReconnect - Failed ChangeDisplaySettings\n")); goto done; } else { bChangedDisplaySettings = TRUE; } }
UserAssert(gptmrWD != NULL);
* When reconnecting, we have to attach the input devices when * necessary. The input device are only detached when we disconnect from * the console. In that case, if we later reconnect localy, we attach * the local input devices, and if we reconnect remotly, we attach the * remote devices. When we disconnect a remote session, the bet is that * we will reconnect remotely so we don't go through the overhead of * detaching input devices at disconnect and re-attaching them at * reconnect. If the prediction was wrong (i.e., we reconnect locally * after disconnecting remotely) then at reconnect time we need to * detach the remote input devices before attaching the local input * devices. */ if (IsRemoteConnection()) { if (bSwitchingFromDisconectDD) { BOOL fSuccess;
fSuccess = !!HDXDrvEscape(gpDispInfo->hDev, ESC_SET_WD_TIMEROBJ, (PVOID)gptmrWD, sizeof(gptmrWD)); if (!fSuccess) { Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; RIPMSGF0(RIP_WARNING, "Failed to pass gptmrWD to display driver"); } }
if (gPreviousProtocolType == PROTOCOL_CONSOLE) { AttachInputDevices(FALSE); } } else { if (gPreviousProtocolType != PROTOCOL_CONSOLE) { RemoveInputDevices();
LeaveCrit(); RegisterCDROMNotify(); bRegisteredCDRomNotifications = TRUE; EnterCrit(); }
* Now we can switch out from disconnected desktop, to normal desktop, * in order to reenable screen update. */ RemoteRedrawScreen();
* At this point we need to update the windows sizes and positions on * the desktop. This is necessary for the case where we reconnect with a * smaller resolution. When calling this API, the * TerminalServerRequestThread (a CSRSS thread) is using the * disconnected desktop as its temporary desktop. That's why the * xxxUserChangeDisplaySettings call above does not resize windows for * the default desktop. The solution is to set the default desktop as * the temporary desktop, after we switch to it in RemoteRedrawScreen * and to call xxxDesktopRecalc. */ if (bChangedDisplaySettings) { USERTHREAD_USEDESKTOPINFO utudi; NTSTATUS tempstatus;
utudi.hThread = NULL; utudi.drdRestore.pdeskRestore = NULL; tempstatus = xxxSetCsrssThreadDesktop(grpdeskRitInput, &utudi.drdRestore); if (NT_SUCCESS(tempstatus)) { if (pmr != NULL) { UpdateMonitorRectsSnapShot(pmr); xxxDesktopRecalc(pmr); }
if (!IsRemoteConnection() && gbSnapShotWindowsAndMonitors) { RestoreMonitorsAndWindowsRects(); }
xxxSetInformationThread(NtCurrentThread(), UserThreadUseDesktop, &utudi, sizeof(utudi)); }
* Re-init'ing the keyboard may not be as neccessary. Possibly the keyboard * attributes have changed. */ InitKeyboard();
* This is neccessary to sync up the client and the host. */ UpdateKeyLights(FALSE);
gbConnected = TRUE;
done: /*
* Recreate the mouse trails timer if there is need for it. */ SetMouseTrails(iMouseTrails);
* If we failed after after the Display driver was reconnected, we need * to disconnect it now, otherwise we have an inconsitancy beetween the * disconnected state of Win32k and the connected state of the display driver. */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && bDisplayReconnected) { bDrvDisconnect(gpDispInfo->hDev, ghRemoteThinwireChannel, gThinwireFileObject); }
if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS && !IsRemoteConnection()) { SharedUserData->ActiveConsoleId = gSessionId; }
* In the failure of reconnect - unregister the CDROM notifications * if they were registered. */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (bRegisteredCDRomNotifications) { xxxUnregisterDeviceClassNotifications(); } if (bOpenedLocalGraphicsDevices) { CloseLocalGraphicsDevices(); } if (bSwitchedProtocoltype) { gProtocolType = protocolType; } if (bSwitchGraphicsDeviceList) { fResult = DrvSetGraphicsDevices(CapturedDoReconnectData.DisplayDriverName); } }
if (pmr != NULL) { ThreadUnlockAndFreePool(PtiCurrent(), &tlPool); }
return Status; }
NTSTATUS xxxRemoteNotify( IN PDONOTIFYDATA pDoNotifyData) { LRESULT lResult; DONOTIFYDATA CapturedDoNotifyData;
* Only allow CSRSS to do this. */ if (!ISCSRSS() || !ISTS()) { return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; }
try { CapturedDoNotifyData = ProbeAndReadStructure(pDoNotifyData, DONOTIFYDATA); } except (W32ExceptionHandler(FALSE, RIP_WARNING)) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
switch (CapturedDoNotifyData.NotifyEvent) { case Notify_DisableScrnSaver: /*
* Tell winlogon about the session shadow state */ ASSERT(gbConnected); if (gspwndLogonNotify != NULL) { _PostMessage(gspwndLogonNotify, WM_LOGONNOTIFY, SESSION_DISABLESCRNSAVER, 0); } break;
case Notify_EnableScrnSaver: /*
* Tell winlogon about the session shadow state */ ASSERT(gbConnected); if (gspwndLogonNotify != NULL) { _PostMessage(gspwndLogonNotify, WM_LOGONNOTIFY, SESSION_ENABLESCRNSAVER, 0); } break;
case Notify_Disconnect:
* Tell winlogon about the disconnect */ ASSERT(!gbConnected); if (gspwndLogonNotify != NULL) { _PostMessage(gspwndLogonNotify, WM_LOGONNOTIFY, SESSION_DISCONNECTED, 0); } break;
case Notify_SyncDisconnect:
* Synchronously tell winlogon about the disconnect. */ UserAssert(!gbConnected); if (gspwndLogonNotify != NULL) { TL tlpwnd;
ThreadLockAlways(gspwndLogonNotify, &tlpwnd); xxxSendMessageTimeout(gspwndLogonNotify, WM_LOGONNOTIFY, SESSION_DISCONNECTED, 0, SMTO_NORMAL, 60 * 1000, &lResult); ThreadUnlock(&tlpwnd); } break;
case Notify_Reconnect: /*
* Tell winlogon about the reconnect. */ UserAssert(gbConnected); if (gspwndLogonNotify != NULL) { _PostMessage(gspwndLogonNotify, WM_LOGONNOTIFY, SESSION_RECONNECTED, 0); } break;
case Notify_PreReconnect:
* Tell winlogon that the session is about to be reconnected. */ if (gspwndLogonNotify != NULL) { TL tlpwnd;
ThreadLockAlways(gspwndLogonNotify, &tlpwnd); xxxSendMessageTimeout(gspwndLogonNotify, WM_LOGONNOTIFY, SESSION_PRERECONNECT, 0, SMTO_NORMAL, 60 * 1000, &lResult); ThreadUnlock(&tlpwnd); } break;
case Notify_HelpAssistantShadowStart:
* Tell winlogon that a Help Assistant is about to begin shadowing. */ if (gspwndLogonNotify != NULL) { TL tlpwnd;
ThreadLockAlways(gspwndLogonNotify, &tlpwnd); xxxSendMessageTimeout(gspwndLogonNotify, WM_LOGONNOTIFY, SESSION_HELPASSISTANTSHADOWSTART, 0, SMTO_NORMAL, 60 * 1000, &lResult); ThreadUnlock(&tlpwnd); } break;
case Notify_HelpAssistantShadowFinish:
* Tell winlogon that a Help Assistant has just finished shadowing. */ if (gspwndLogonNotify != NULL) { _PostMessage(gspwndLogonNotify, WM_LOGONNOTIFY, SESSION_HELPASSISTANTSHADOWFINISH, 0); } break;
case Notify_PreReconnectDesktopSwitch:
* Tell winlogon that the reconnected session is about to have its * desktop switched. */ if (gspwndLogonNotify != NULL) { TL tlpwnd;
ThreadLockAlways(gspwndLogonNotify, &tlpwnd); if (!xxxSendMessageTimeout(gspwndLogonNotify, WM_LOGONNOTIFY, SESSION_PRERECONNECTDESKTOPSWITCH, 0, SMTO_NORMAL, 10 * 1000, &lResult)) { /*
* Message timed out, and wasn't sent, so let's post this * message and return. */ _PostMessage(gspwndLogonNotify, WM_LOGONNOTIFY, SESSION_PRERECONNECTDESKTOPSWITCH, 0);
ThreadUnlock(&tlpwnd); } break;
case Notify_StopReadInput: /*
* Set the global variable indicating that we should stop reading * input. */ gbStopReadInput = TRUE; break;
case Notify_DisconnectPipe: /*
* Tell winlogon to disconnect the auto logon named pipe. */ if (gspwndLogonNotify != NULL) { _PostMessage(gspwndLogonNotify, WM_LOGONNOTIFY, SESSION_DISCONNECTPIPE, 0); } break;
default: ASSERT(FALSE); }
* This allows ICASRV to cleanly logoff the user. We send a message to * winlogon and let him do it. We used to call ExitWindowsEx() directly, but * that caused too many problems when it was called from CSRSS. */ NTSTATUS RemoteLogoff( VOID) { TRACE_HYDAPI(("RemoteLogoff\n"));
* Only allow CSRSS to do this */ if (!ISCSRSS() || !ISTS()) { return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; }
* Tell winlogon about the logoff */ if (gspwndLogonNotify != NULL) { _PostMessage(gspwndLogonNotify, WM_LOGONNOTIFY, SESSION_LOGOFF, EWX_LOGOFF | EWX_FORCE); }
NTSTATUS xxxRemoteStopScreenUpdates( VOID) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; NTSTATUS SaveStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; WORD NewButtonState;
* No need to do this multiple times. */ if (gbFreezeScreenUpdates) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
* This could be called directly from the command channel. */ if (!gspdeskDisconnect) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
* If not connected, forget it. */ if (ghRemoteVideoChannel == NULL) { return STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; }
* Mouse buttons up (ensures no mouse buttons are left in a down state). */ NewButtonState = gwMKButtonState & ~gwMKCurrentButton;
if ((NewButtonState & MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) != (gwMKButtonState & MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT)) { xxxButtonEvent(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT, gptCursorAsync, TRUE, NtGetTickCount(), 0L, #ifdef GENERIC_INPUT
NULL, NULL, #endif
0L, FALSE); }
if ((NewButtonState & MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT) != (gwMKButtonState & MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT)) { xxxButtonEvent(MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT, gptCursorAsync, TRUE, NtGetTickCount(), 0L, #ifdef GENERIC_INPUT
NULL, NULL, #endif
0L, FALSE); } gwMKButtonState = NewButtonState;
* Send shift key breaks to win32 (ensures no shift keys are left on). */
// { 0, 0xb8, KEY_BREAK, 0, 0 }, // L alt
xxxPushKeyEvent(VK_LMENU, 0xb8, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
// { 0, 0xb8, KEY_BREAK | KEY_E0, 0, 0 }, // R alt
// { 0, 0x9d, KEY_BREAK, 0, 0 }, // L ctrl
xxxPushKeyEvent(VK_LCONTROL, 0x9d, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
// { 0, 0x9d, KEY_BREAK | KEY_E0, 0, 0 }, // R ctrl
// { 0, 0xaa, KEY_BREAK, 0, 0 }, // L shift
xxxPushKeyEvent(VK_LSHIFT, 0xaa, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
// { 0, 0xb6, KEY_BREAK, 0, 0 } // R shift
xxxPushKeyEvent(VK_RSHIFT, 0xb6, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
Status = RemoteDisableScreen(); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; }
UserAssert(gspdeskDisconnect != NULL && grpdeskRitInput == gspdeskDisconnect);
gbFreezeScreenUpdates = TRUE;
return Status; }
* Taken from Internal Key Event. * Minus any permissions checking. */ VOID xxxPushKeyEvent( BYTE bVk, BYTE bScan, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwExtraInfo) { USHORT usFlaggedVK;
usFlaggedVK = (USHORT)bVk;
if (dwFlags & KEYEVENTF_KEYUP) usFlaggedVK |= KBDBREAK;
// IanJa: not all extended keys are numpad, but this seems to work.
xxxKeyEvent(usFlaggedVK, bScan, NtGetTickCount(), dwExtraInfo, #ifdef GENERIC_INPUT
NULL, NULL, #endif
NTSTATUS RemoteThinwireStats( OUT PVOID Stats) { DWORD sThinwireStatsLength = sizeof(CACHE_STATISTICS);
* Only allow CSRSS to do this */ if (!ISCSRSS() || !ISTS()) { return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; }
if (gpThinWireCache != NULL) { try { ProbeForWrite(Stats, sThinwireStatsLength, sizeof(BYTE)); RtlCopyMemory(Stats, gpThinWireCache, sThinwireStatsLength);
} except (W32ExceptionHandler(FALSE, RIP_WARNING)) { return GetExceptionCode(); }
NTSTATUS RemoteNtSecurity( VOID) { TRACE_HYDAPI(("RemoteNtSecurity\n"));
* Only allow CSRSS to do this */ if (!ISCSRSS() || !ISTS()) { return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; }
UserAssert(gspwndLogonNotify != NULL);
if (gspwndLogonNotify != NULL) { _PostMessage(gspwndLogonNotify, WM_HOTKEY, 0, 0); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
NTSTATUS xxxRemoteShadowSetup( VOID) { TRACE_HYDAPI(("xxxRemoteShadowSetup\n"));
* Only allow CSRSS to do this. */ if (!ISCSRSS() || !ISTS()) { return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; }
* Blank the screen. */ if (gnShadowers || gbConnected) { xxxRemoteStopScreenUpdates(); }
NTSTATUS RemoteShadowStart( IN PVOID pThinwireData, ULONG ThinwireDataLength) { BOOL fResult; PUCHAR pCapturedThinWireData = NULL;
* Only allow CSRSS to do this. */ if (!ISCSRSS() || !ISTS()) { return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; }
* Probe all read arguments. */ try { ProbeForRead(pThinwireData, ThinwireDataLength, sizeof(BYTE)); pCapturedThinWireData = UserAllocPoolWithQuota(ThinwireDataLength, TAG_SYSTEM);
if (pCapturedThinWireData) { RtlCopyMemory(pCapturedThinWireData, pThinwireData, ThinwireDataLength); } else { ExRaiseStatus(STATUS_NO_MEMORY); }
} except (W32ExceptionHandler(FALSE, RIP_WARNING)) { if (pCapturedThinWireData) { UserFreePool(pCapturedThinWireData); } return GetExceptionCode(); }
* Call thinwire driver and check for thinwire mode compatibility */ fResult = bDrvShadowConnect(GETCONSOLEHDEV(), pCapturedThinWireData, ThinwireDataLength);
if (pCapturedThinWireData) { UserFreePool(pCapturedThinWireData); }
* Although originally defined as BOOL, allow more meaningful return * codes. */
if (!fResult) { return STATUS_CTX_BAD_VIDEO_MODE; } else if (fResult != TRUE) { return fResult; }
NTSTATUS xxxRemoteShadowStop( VOID) { TRACE_HYDAPI(("xxxRemoteShadowStop\n"));
* Only allow CSRSS to do this */ if (!ISCSRSS() || !ISTS()) { return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; }
* Blank the screen. */ xxxRemoteStopScreenUpdates();
NTSTATUS RemoteShadowCleanup( IN PVOID pThinwireData, ULONG ThinwireDataLength) {
PUCHAR pCapturedThinWireData = NULL;
* Only allow CSRSS to do this */ if (!ISCSRSS() || !ISTS()) { return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; }
* Probe all read arguments. */ try { ProbeForRead(pThinwireData, ThinwireDataLength, sizeof(BYTE)); pCapturedThinWireData = UserAllocPoolWithQuota(ThinwireDataLength, TAG_SYSTEM);
if (pCapturedThinWireData) { RtlCopyMemory(pCapturedThinWireData, pThinwireData, ThinwireDataLength); } else { ExRaiseStatus(STATUS_NO_MEMORY); }
} except (W32ExceptionHandler(FALSE, RIP_WARNING)) { if (pCapturedThinWireData) { UserFreePool(pCapturedThinWireData); } return GetExceptionCode(); }
* Tell the Thinwire driver about it. */ bDrvShadowDisconnect(GETCONSOLEHDEV(), pCapturedThinWireData, ThinwireDataLength);
if (pCapturedThinWireData) { UserFreePool(pCapturedThinWireData); }
if (gnShadowers > 0) { gnShadowers--; }
if (gnShadowers || gbConnected) { RemoteRedrawScreen(); }
NTSTATUS xxxRemotePassthruEnable( VOID) { IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatus; static BOOL KeyboardType101;
* Only allow CSRSS to do this. */ if (!ISCSRSS() || !ISTS()) { return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; }
UserAssert(gbConnected); UserAssert(gnShadowers == 0);
KeyboardType101 = !(gapulCvt_VK == gapulCvt_VK_84);
ZwDeviceIoControlFile(ghRemoteKeyboardChannel, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatus, IOCTL_KEYBOARD_ICA_TYPE, &KeyboardType101, sizeof(KeyboardType101), NULL, 0);
if (guKbdTblSize != 0) { ZwDeviceIoControlFile(ghRemoteKeyboardChannel, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatus, IOCTL_KEYBOARD_ICA_LAYOUT, ghKbdTblBase, guKbdTblSize, gpKbdTbl, 0); }
* Tell thinwire driver about this. */ if (gfRemotingConsole) { ASSERT(gConsoleShadowhDev != NULL); bDrvDisconnect(gConsoleShadowhDev, ghConsoleShadowThinwireChannel, gConsoleShadowThinwireFileObject); } else { bDrvDisconnect(gpDispInfo->hDev, ghRemoteThinwireChannel, gThinwireFileObject); }
NTSTATUS RemotePassthruDisable( VOID) { BOOL fResult;
* Only allow CSRSS to do this */ if (!ISCSRSS() || !ISTS()) { return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; }
UserAssert(gnShadowers == 0); UserAssert(ISCSRSS());
if (gfRemotingConsole) { ASSERT(gConsoleShadowhDev != NULL); fResult = bDrvReconnect(gConsoleShadowhDev, ghConsoleShadowThinwireChannel, gConsoleShadowThinwireFileObject, TRUE); } else { fResult = bDrvReconnect(gpDispInfo->hDev, ghRemoteThinwireChannel, gThinwireFileObject, TRUE); }
if (!fResult) { return STATUS_CTX_BAD_VIDEO_MODE; }
if (gbConnected) { RemoteRedrawScreen(); UpdateKeyLights(FALSE); // Make sure LED's are correct
NTSTATUS CtxDisplayIOCtl( ULONG DisplayIOCtlFlags, PUCHAR pDisplayIOCtlData, ULONG cbDisplayIOCtlData) { BOOL fResult;
fResult = bDrvDisplayIOCtl(GETCONSOLEHDEV(), pDisplayIOCtlData, cbDisplayIOCtlData);
if (!fResult) { return STATUS_CTX_BAD_VIDEO_MODE; }
if ((DisplayIOCtlFlags & DISPLAY_IOCTL_FLAG_REDRAW)) { RemoteRedrawRectangle(0,0,0xffff,0xffff); }
* This is for things like user32.dll init routines that don't want to use * winsta.dll for queries. */ DWORD RemoteConnectState( VOID) { DWORD state;
if (!gbRemoteSession) { state = CTX_W32_CONNECT_STATE_CONSOLE; } else if (!gbVideoInitialized) { state = CTX_W32_CONNECT_STATE_IDLE; } else if (gbExitInProgress) { state = CTX_W32_CONNECT_STATE_EXIT_IN_PROGRESS; } else if (gbConnected) { state = CTX_W32_CONNECT_STATE_CONNECTED; } else { state = CTX_W32_CONNECT_STATE_DISCONNECTED; }
return state; }
BOOL _GetWinStationInfo( PWSINFO pWsInfo) { CheckCritIn();
try { ProbeForWrite(pWsInfo, sizeof(gWinStationInfo), DATAALIGN); RtlCopyMemory(pWsInfo, &gWinStationInfo, sizeof(gWinStationInfo)); } except (W32ExceptionHandler(FALSE, RIP_WARNING)) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }