// CCSHELL stock definition and declaration header
#ifndef __CCSTOCK_H__
#define __CCSTOCK_H__
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
// NT and Win95 environments set warnings differently. This makes
// our project consistent across environments.
#pragma warning(3:4101) // Unreferenced local variable
// Sugar-coating
#define PUBLIC
#define PRIVATE
#define IN
#define OUT
#define BLOCK
* For a type "FOO", define the standard derived types PFOO, CFOO, and PCFOO. */
#define DECLARE_STANDARD_TYPES(type) typedef type *P##type; \
typedef const type C##type; \ typedef const type *PC##type;
* For a type "FOO", define the standard derived UNALIGNED types PFOO, CFOO, and PCFOO. * WINNT: RISC boxes care about ALIGNED, intel does not. */
#define DECLARE_STANDARD_TYPES_U(type) typedef UNALIGNED type *P##type; \
typedef UNALIGNED const type C##type; \ typedef UNALIGNED const type *PC##type;
// For string constants that are always wide
#define __TEXTW(x) L##x
#define TEXTW(x) __TEXTW(x)
// Count of characters to count of bytes
#define CbFromCchW(cch) ((cch)*sizeof(WCHAR))
#define CbFromCchA(cch) ((cch)*sizeof(CHAR))
#ifdef UNICODE
#define CbFromCch CbFromCchW
#else // UNICODE
#define CbFromCch CbFromCchA
#endif // UNICODE
// General flag macros
#define SetFlag(obj, f) do {obj |= (f);} while (0)
#define ToggleFlag(obj, f) do {obj ^= (f);} while (0)
#define ClearFlag(obj, f) do {obj &= ~(f);} while (0)
#define IsFlagSet(obj, f) (BOOL)(((obj) & (f)) == (f))
#define IsFlagClear(obj, f) (BOOL)(((obj) & (f)) != (f))
// String macros
#define IsSzEqual(sz1, sz2) (BOOL)(lstrcmpi(sz1, sz2) == 0)
#define IsSzEqualC(sz1, sz2) (BOOL)(lstrcmp(sz1, sz2) == 0)
#define lstrnicmpA(sz1, sz2, cch) StrCmpNIA(sz1, sz2, cch)
#define lstrnicmpW(sz1, sz2, cch) StrCmpNIW(sz1, sz2, cch)
#define lstrncmpA(sz1, sz2, cch) StrCmpNA(sz1, sz2, cch)
#define lstrncmpW(sz1, sz2, cch) StrCmpNW(sz1, sz2, cch)
// lstrcatnA and lstrcatnW are #defined here to StrCatBuff which is implemented
// in shlwapi. We do this here (and not in shlwapi.h or shlwapip.h) in case the
// kernel guys ever decided to implement this.
#define lstrcatnA(sz1, sz2, cchBuffSize) StrCatBuffA(sz1, sz2, cchBuffSize)
#define lstrcatnW(sz1, sz2, cchBuffSize) StrCatBuffW(sz1, sz2, cchBuffSize)
#ifdef UNICODE
#define lstrcatn lstrcatnW
#define lstrcatn lstrcatnA
#endif // UNICODE
#ifdef UNICODE
#define lstrnicmp lstrnicmpW
#define lstrncmp lstrncmpW
#define lstrnicmp lstrnicmpA
#define lstrncmp lstrncmpA
#ifndef SIZEOF
#define SIZEOF(a) sizeof(a)
#define ARRAYSIZE(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))
#define SIZECHARS(sz) (sizeof(sz)/sizeof(sz[0]))
#define InRange(id, idFirst, idLast) ((UINT)((id)-(idFirst)) <= (UINT)((idLast)-(idFirst)))
#define IsInRange InRange
#define ZeroInit(pv, cb) (memset((pv), 0, (cb)))
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define ATOMICRELEASET(p, type) { if(p) { type* punkT=p; p=NULL; punkT->Release();} }
#define ATOMICRELEASET(p, type) { if(p) { type* punkT=p; p=NULL; punkT->lpVtbl->Release(punkT);} }
// doing this as a function instead of inline seems to be a size win.
#define ATOMICRELEASE(p) IUnknown_AtomicRelease((void **)&p)
// Helper macro for managing weak pointers to inner interfaces.
// (It's the weak version of ATOMICRELEASE.)
// The extra cast to (void **) is to keep C++ from doing strange
// inheritance games when all I want to do is change the type.
SHReleaseInnerInterface(pOuter, (IUnknown**)(void **)&(p)) #endif // RELEASEINNERINTERFACE
// For checking window charsets
#ifdef UNICODE
#define IsWindowTchar IsWindowUnicode
#else // !UNICODE
#define IsWindowTchar !IsWindowUnicode
#endif // UNICODE
#ifdef DEBUG
// This macro is especially useful for cleaner looking code in
// declarations or for single lines. For example, instead of:
// {
// DWORD dwRet;
// #ifdef DEBUG
// DWORD dwDebugOnlyVariable;
// #endif
// ....
// }
// You can type:
// {
// DWORD dwRet;
// DEBUG_CODE( DWORD dwDebugOnlyVariable; )
// ....
// }
#define DEBUG_CODE(x) x
#define DEBUG_CODE(x)
#endif // DEBUG
// SAFECAST(obj, type)
// This macro is extremely useful for enforcing strong typechecking on other
// macros. It generates no code.
// Simply insert this macro at the beginning of an expression list for
// each parameter that must be typechecked. For example, for the
// definition of MYMAX(x, y), where x and y absolutely must be integers,
// use:
// #define MYMAX(x, y) (SAFECAST(x, int), SAFECAST(y, int), ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y)))
#define SAFECAST(_obj, _type) (((_type)(_obj)==(_obj)?0:0), (_type)(_obj))
// Bitfields don't get along too well with bools,
// so here's an easy way to convert them:
#define BOOLIFY(expr) (!!(expr))
// Issue (scotth): we should probably make this a 'bool', but be careful
// because the Alpha compiler might not recognize it yet. Talk to AndyP.
// This isn't a BOOL because BOOL is signed and the compiler produces
// sloppy code when testing for a single bit.
// STOCKLIB util functions
// IsOS(): returns TRUE/FALSE if the platform is the indicated OS.
#ifndef OS_WINDOWS
#define OS_WINDOWS 0 // windows vs. NT
#define OS_NT 1 // windows vs. NT
#define OS_WIN95 2 // Win95 or greater
#define OS_NT4 3 // NT4 or greater
#define OS_NT5 4 // NT5 or greater
#define OS_MEMPHIS 5 // Win98 or greater
#define OS_MEMPHIS_GOLD 6 // Win98 Gold
#include <pshpack2.h>
typedef struct tagDLGTEMPLATEEX { WORD wDlgVer; WORD wSignature; DWORD dwHelpID; DWORD dwExStyle; DWORD dwStyle; WORD cDlgItems; short x; short y; short cx; short cy; } DLGTEMPLATEEX, *LPDLGTEMPLATEEX; #include <poppack.h>
// round macro that rounds a to the next multiple of b.
#ifndef ROUNDUP
#define ROUNDUP(a,b) ((((a)+(b)-1)/(b))*(b))
// macro that sees if a give char is an number
#define ISDIGIT(c) ((c) >= TEXT('0') && (c) <= TEXT('9'))
// inline that does PathIsDotOrDotDot
__inline BOOL PathIsDotOrDotDotW(LPCWSTR pszPath) { return ((pszPath[0] == L'.') && ((pszPath[1] == L'\0') || ((pszPath[1] == L'.') && (pszPath[2] == L'\0')))); }
__inline BOOL PathIsDotOrDotDotA(LPCSTR pszPath) { return ((pszPath[0] == '.') && ((pszPath[1] == '\0') || ((pszPath[1] == '.') && (pszPath[2] == '\0')))); }
#ifdef UNICODE
#define PathIsDotOrDotDot PathIsDotOrDotDotW
#define PathIsDotOrDotDot PathIsDotOrDotDotA
// WindowLong accessor macros and other Win64 niceness
__inline void * GetWindowPtr(HWND hWnd, int nIndex) { return (void *)GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, nIndex); }
__inline void * SetWindowPtr(HWND hWnd, int nIndex, void * p) { return (void *)SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, nIndex, (LONG_PTR)p); }
//*** GetWindowLong0 -- 'fast' GetWindowLong (and GetWindowLongPtr)
// what's up w/ this? it's all about perf. GetWindowLong has 'A' and 'W'
// versions. however 99% of the time they do the same thing (the other
// 0.1% has to do w/ setting the WndProc and having to go thru a thunk).
// but we still need wrappers for the general case. but most of the time
// we're just doing a GWL(0), e.g. on entry to a wndproc to get our private
// data. so by having a special version of that, we save going thru the
// wrapper (which was costing us 1-3% of our profile).
// note that we call the 'A' version since that's guaranteed to exist on
// all platforms.
__inline LONG GetWindowLong0(HWND hWnd) { return GetWindowLongA(hWnd, 0); } __inline LONG SetWindowLong0(HWND hWnd, LONG l) { return SetWindowLongA(hWnd, 0, l); } __inline void * GetWindowPtr0(HWND hWnd) { return (void *)GetWindowLongPtrA(hWnd, 0); } __inline void * SetWindowPtr0(HWND hWnd, void * p) { return (void *)SetWindowLongPtrA(hWnd, 0, (LONG_PTR)p); }
// CharUpperChar - Convert a single character to uppercase
__inline WCHAR CharUpperCharW(WCHAR c) { return (WCHAR)(DWORD_PTR)CharUpperW((LPWSTR)(DWORD_PTR)(c)); }
__inline CHAR CharUpperCharA(CHAR c) { return (CHAR)(DWORD_PTR)CharUpperA((LPSTR)(DWORD_PTR)(c)); }
#ifdef UNICODE
#define CharUpperChar CharUpperCharW
#define CharUpperChar CharUpperCharA
// ShrinkProcessWorkingSet - Use this to stay Sundown-happy.
#define ShrinkWorkingSet() \
SetProcessWorkingSetSize(GetCurrentProcess(), (SIZE_T) -1, (SIZE_T) -1)
// COM Initialization.
// Usage:
// HRESULT hrInit = SHCoInitialize();
// ... do COM stuff ...
// SHCoUninitialize(hrInit);
// Notice: Continue doing COM stuff even if SHCoInitialize fails.
// It might fail if somebody else already CoInit'd with different
// flags, but we don't want to barf under those conditions.
STDAPI SHCoInitialize(void); #define SHCoUninitialize(hr) if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) CoUninitialize()
// OLE Initialization.
// Usage:
// HRESULT hrInit = SHOleInitialize(pMalloc);
// ... do COM stuff ...
// SHOleUninitialize(hrInit);
#define SHOleInitialize(pMalloc) OleInitialize(pMalloc)
#define SHOleUninitialize(hr) if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) OleUninitialize()
// MACRO HACK - Since not all clients of ccstock.h include shlobj.h first,
// we need to use the long form of LP[C]ITEMIDLIST. Since nobody remembers
// this little quirk, to avoid future build breaks, redefine the symbols
// to their long forms.
// Name Parsing generic across the shell
// Usage:
// HRESULT SHGetNameAndFlags()
// wrapper to bind to the folder and do a GetDisplayName()
STDAPI SHGetNameAndFlagsA(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, DWORD dwFlags, LPSTR pszName, UINT cchName, DWORD *pdwAttribs); STDAPI SHGetNameAndFlagsW(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, DWORD dwFlags, LPWSTR pszName, UINT cchName, DWORD *pdwAttribs); STDAPI SHGetNameAndFlags2A(struct IShellFolder *psfRoot, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, DWORD dwFlags, LPSTR pszName, UINT cchName, DWORD *pdwAttribs); STDAPI SHGetNameAndFlags2W(struct IShellFolder *psfRoot, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, DWORD dwFlags, LPWSTR pszName, UINT cchName, DWORD *pdwAttribs);
// Special values for SHGetNameAndFlags2::psfRoot
#define NAF2_SHELLDESKTOP ((IShellFolder *)0) // relative to shell desktop
#define NAF2_CURRENTROOT ((IShellFolder *)-1) // relative to current root
STDAPI SHBindToObject(struct IShellFolder *psf, REFIID riid, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, void **ppvOut); #define SHGetAttributesOf(pidl, prgfInOut) SHGetNameAndFlags(pidl, 0, NULL, 0, prgfInOut)
STDAPI_(DWORD) GetUrlSchemeW(LPCWSTR pszUrl); STDAPI_(DWORD) GetUrlSchemeA(LPCSTR pszUrl);
#ifdef UNICODE
#define SHGetNameAndFlags SHGetNameAndFlagsW
#define SHGetNameAndFlags2 SHGetNameAndFlags2W
#define GetUrlScheme GetUrlSchemeW
#define SHGetNameAndFlags SHGetNameAndFlagsA
#define SHGetNameAndFlags2 SHGetNameAndFlags2A
#define GetUrlScheme GetUrlSchemeA
// SHBindToIDListParent(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, REFIID riid, void **ppv, LPCITEMIDLIST *ppidlLast)
// Given a pidl, you can get an interface pointer (as specified by riid) of the pidl's parent folder (in ppv)
// If ppidlLast is non-NULL, you can also get the pidl of the last item.
STDAPI SHBindToIDListParent(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, REFIID riid, void **ppv, LPCITEMIDLIST *ppidlLast);
// SHBindToFolderIDListParent
// Same as SHBindToIDListParent, except you also specify which root to use.
STDAPI SHBindToFolderIDListParent(struct IShellFolder *psfRoot, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, REFIID riid, void **ppv, LPCITEMIDLIST *ppidlLast);
STDAPI_(void) SHRemoveURLTurd(LPTSTR pszUrl);
// clones the parent of the pidl
// Mirroring-Support APIs (astracted in \shell\lib\stock5\rtlmir.cpp)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
extern BOOL g_bMirroredOS;
WORD GetDefaultLang(BOOL bForceEnglish); WORD GetWindowLang (HWND hWndOwner); BOOL UseProperDlgTemplate(HINSTANCE hInst, HGLOBAL *phDlgTemplate, HRSRC *phResInfo, LPCSTR lpName, HWND hWndOwner, LPWORD lpwLangID, BOOL bForceEnglish);
BOOL IsBiDiLocalizedSystem( void ); BOOL Mirror_IsEnabledOS( void ); LANGID Mirror_GetUserDefaultUILanguage( void ); BOOL Mirror_IsWindowMirroredRTL( HWND hWnd ); DWORD Mirror_IsDCMirroredRTL( HDC hdc ); DWORD Mirror_MirrorDC( HDC hdc ); BOOL Mirror_MirrorProcessRTL( void ); DWORD Mirror_GetLayout( HDC hdc ); DWORD Mirror_SetLayout( HDC hdc , DWORD dwLayout ); BOOL Mirror_GetProcessDefaultLayout( DWORD *pdwDefaultLayout ); BOOL Mirror_IsProcessRTL( void ); extern const DWORD dwNoMirrorBitmap; extern const DWORD dwExStyleRTLMirrorWnd; extern const DWORD dwExStyleNoInheritLayout; extern const DWORD dwPreserveBitmap; //
// 'g_bMirroredOS' is defined in each component which will use the
// mirroring APIs. I decided to put it here, in order to make sure
// each component has validated that the OS supports the mirroring
// APIs before calling them.
#define IS_BIDI_LOCALIZED_SYSTEM() IsBiDiLocalizedSystem()
#define IS_MIRRORING_ENABLED() Mirror_IsEnabledOS()
#define IS_WINDOW_RTL_MIRRORED(hwnd) (g_bMirroredOS && Mirror_IsWindowMirroredRTL(hwnd))
#define IS_DC_RTL_MIRRORED(hdc) (g_bMirroredOS && Mirror_IsDCMirroredRTL(hdc))
#define GET_PROCESS_DEF_LAYOUT(pdwl) (g_bMirroredOS && Mirror_GetProcessDefaultLayout(pdwl))
#define IS_PROCESS_RTL_MIRRORED() (g_bMirroredOS && Mirror_IsProcessRTL())
#define SET_DC_RTL_MIRRORED(hdc) Mirror_MirrorDC(hdc)
#define SET_DC_LAYOUT(hdc,dwl) Mirror_SetLayout(hdc,dwl)
#define SET_PROCESS_RTL_LAYOUT() Mirror_MirrorProcessRTL()
#define GET_DC_LAYOUT(hdc) Mirror_GetLayout(hdc)
#define DONTMIRRORBITMAP dwNoMirrorBitmap
#define RTL_MIRRORED_WINDOW dwExStyleRTLMirrorWnd
#define RTL_NOINHERITLAYOUT dwExStyleNoInheritLayout
#define LAYOUT_PRESERVEBITMAP dwPreserveBitmap
#define SET_DC_RTL_MIRRORED(hdc)
#define SET_DC_LAYOUT(hdc,dwl)
#define GET_DC_LAYOUT(hdc) 0L
BOOL IsBiDiLocalizedWin95( BOOL bArabicOnly );
//====== Dynamic array functions ================================================
// Dynamic key array
typedef struct _DKA * HDKA; // hdka
HDKA DKA_CreateA(HKEY hkey, LPCSTR pszSubKey, LPCSTR pszFirst, LPCSTR pszDefOrder, BOOL fDefault); HDKA DKA_CreateW(HKEY hkey, LPCWSTR pszSubKey, LPCWSTR pszFirst, LPCWSTR pszDefOrder, BOOL fDefault);
int DKA_GetItemCount(HDKA hdka);
LPCSTR DKA_GetKeyA(HDKA hdka, int iItem); LPCWSTR DKA_GetKeyW(HDKA hdka, int iItem);
LONG DKA_QueryValueA(HDKA hdka, int iItem, LPSTR szValue, LONG * pcb); LONG DKA_QueryValueW(HDKA hdka, int iItem, LPWSTR szValue, LONG * pcb);
DWORD DKA_QueryOtherValueA(HDKA pdka, int iItem, LPCSTR pszName, LPSTR pszValue, LONG * pcb); DWORD DKA_QueryOtherValueW(HDKA pdka, int iItem, LPCWSTR pszName, LPWSTR pszValue, LONG * pcb);
void DKA_Destroy(HDKA hdka);
#ifdef UNICODE
#define DKA_Create DKA_CreateW
#define DKA_GetKey DKA_GetKeyW
#define DKA_QueryValue DKA_QueryValueW
#define DKA_QueryOtherValue DKA_QueryOtherValueW
#define DKA_Create DKA_CreateA
#define DKA_GetKey DKA_GetKeyA
#define DKA_QueryValue DKA_QueryValueA
#define DKA_QueryOtherValue DKA_QueryOtherValueA
// Dynamic class array
typedef struct _DCA * HDCA; // hdca
HDCA DCA_Create(); void DCA_Destroy(HDCA hdca); int DCA_GetItemCount(HDCA hdca); BOOL DCA_AddItem(HDCA hdca, REFCLSID rclsid); const CLSID * DCA_GetItem(HDCA hdca, int i);
void DCA_AddItemsFromKeyA(HDCA hdca, HKEY hkey, LPCSTR pszSubKey); void DCA_AddItemsFromKeyW(HDCA hdca, HKEY hkey, LPCWSTR pszSubKey);
#ifdef UNICODE
#define DCA_AddItemsFromKey DCA_AddItemsFromKeyW
#define DCA_AddItemsFromKey DCA_AddItemsFromKeyA
STDAPI DCA_CreateInstance(HDCA hdca, int iItem, REFIID riid, void ** ppv);
#ifdef __cplusplus
}; #endif
#endif // RC_INVOKED
// Random helpful functions
STDAPI_(BOOL) _SHIsButtonObscured(HWND hwnd, PRECT prc, INT_PTR i); STDAPI_(void) _SHPrettyMenu(HMENU hm); STDAPI_(BOOL) _SHIsMenuSeparator(HMENU hm, int i); STDAPI_(BOOL) _SHIsMenuSeparator2(HMENU hm, int i, BOOL *pbIsNamed); STDAPI_(BYTE) SHBtnStateFromRestriction(DWORD dwRest, BYTE fsState); STDAPI_(BOOL) SHIsDisplayable(LPCWSTR pwszName, BOOL fRunOnFE, BOOL fRunOnNT5);
STDAPI_(void) EnableOKButtonFromString(HWND hDlg, LPTSTR pszText); STDAPI_(void) EnableOKButtonFromID(HWND hDlg, int id);
// Critical section stuff
// Helper macros that give nice debug support
EXTERN_C UINT g_CriticalSectionCount; EXTERN_C DWORD g_CriticalSectionOwner; EXTERN_C void Dll_EnterCriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION*); EXTERN_C void Dll_LeaveCriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION*); #if defined(__cplusplus) && defined(AssertMsg)
class DEBUGCRITICAL { protected: BOOL fClosed; public: DEBUGCRITICAL() {fClosed = FALSE;}; void Leave() {fClosed = TRUE;}; ~DEBUGCRITICAL() { AssertMsg(fClosed, TEXT("you left scope while holding the critical section")); } }; #define ENTERCRITICAL DEBUGCRITICAL debug_crit; Dll_EnterCriticalSection(&g_csDll)
#define LEAVECRITICAL debug_crit.Leave(); Dll_LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csDll)
#define ENTERCRITICALNOASSERT Dll_EnterCriticalSection(&g_csDll)
#define LEAVECRITICALNOASSERT Dll_LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csDll)
#else // __cplusplus
#define ENTERCRITICAL Dll_EnterCriticalSection(&g_csDll)
#define LEAVECRITICAL Dll_LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csDll)
#define ENTERCRITICALNOASSERT Dll_EnterCriticalSection(&g_csDll)
#define LEAVECRITICALNOASSERT Dll_LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csDll)
#endif // __cplusplus
#define ASSERTCRITICAL ASSERT(g_CriticalSectionCount > 0 && GetCurrentThreadId() == g_CriticalSectionOwner)
#define ASSERTNONCRITICAL ASSERT(GetCurrentThreadId() != g_CriticalSectionOwner)
#else // DEBUG
#define ENTERCRITICAL EnterCriticalSection(&g_csDll)
#define LEAVECRITICAL LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csDll)
#define ENTERCRITICALNOASSERT EnterCriticalSection(&g_csDll)
#define LEAVECRITICALNOASSERT LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csDll)
#endif // DEBUG
#endif // __CCSTOCK_H__