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// dispattr.h
#ifndef DISPATTR_H
#define DISPATTR_H
#include "strary.h"
#include "ctffunc.h"
typedef struct tagDISPATTRPROP { GUID guid; } DISPATTRPROP;
class CDispAttrPropCache { public: CDispAttrPropCache() {}
void Add(REFGUID rguid) { if (!FindGuid(rguid)) { int i = Count(); if (_rgDispAttrProp.Insert(i, 1)) { DISPATTRPROP *pProp = _rgDispAttrProp.GetPtr(i); pProp->guid = rguid; } } }
void Remove(REFGUID rguid) { int nCnt = _rgDispAttrProp.Count(); int i; for (i = 0; i < nCnt; i++) { DISPATTRPROP *pProp = _rgDispAttrProp.GetPtr(i); if (IsEqualGUID(pProp->guid, rguid)) { _rgDispAttrProp.Remove(i, 1); return; } } }
BOOL FindGuid(REFGUID rguid) { int nCnt = _rgDispAttrProp.Count(); int i; for (i = 0; i < nCnt; i++) { DISPATTRPROP *pProp = _rgDispAttrProp.GetPtr(i); if (IsEqualGUID(pProp->guid, rguid)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
int Count() { return _rgDispAttrProp.Count(); }
GUID *GetPropTable() { return (GUID *)_rgDispAttrProp.GetPtr(0); }
CStructArray<DISPATTRPROP> _rgDispAttrProp; };
ITfDisplayAttributeMgr *GetDAMLib(LIBTHREAD *plt); HRESULT InitDisplayAttrbuteLib(LIBTHREAD *plt); HRESULT UninitDisplayAttrbuteLib(LIBTHREAD *plt); HRESULT GetDisplayAttributeTrackPropertyRange(TfEditCookie ec, ITfContext *pic, ITfRange *pRange, ITfReadOnlyProperty **ppProp, IEnumTfRanges **ppEnum, ULONG *pulNumProp); HRESULT GetDisplayAttributeData(LIBTHREAD *plt, TfEditCookie ec, ITfReadOnlyProperty *pProp, ITfRange *pRange, TF_DISPLAYATTRIBUTE *pda, TfClientId *pguid, ULONG ulNumProp);
HRESULT GetReconversionFromDisplayAttribute(LIBTHREAD *plt, TfEditCookie ec, ITfThreadMgr *ptim, ITfContext *pic, ITfRange *pRange, ITfFnReconversion **ppReconv, ITfDisplayAttributeMgr *pDAM);
HRESULT GetAttributeColor(TF_DA_COLOR *pdac, COLORREF *pcr); HRESULT SetAttributeColor(TF_DA_COLOR *pdac, COLORREF cr); HRESULT SetAttributeSysColor(TF_DA_COLOR *pdac, int nIndex); HRESULT ClearAttributeColor(TF_DA_COLOR *pdac);
#endif // DISPATTR_H