// insert.h
#ifndef INSERT_H
#define INSERT_H
#include "private.h"
#include "dbgid.h"
class COvertypeStore;
// max number of overtyped chars that IH will backup
// tips need to register this GUID with the category manager before using the library!
class CCompositionInsertHelper { public: CCompositionInsertHelper();
ULONG AddRef(); ULONG Release();
HRESULT Configure(ULONG cchMaxOvertype);
HRESULT InsertAtSelection(TfEditCookie ecWrite, ITfContext *pic, const WCHAR *pchText, ULONG cchText, ITfRange **ppCompRange);
HRESULT QueryPreInsert(TfEditCookie ecWrite, ITfRange *rangeToAdjust, ULONG cchCurrent /* must be zero for first insert! */, ULONG cchInsert, BOOL *pfInsertOk);
HRESULT PreInsert(TfEditCookie ecWrite, ITfRange *rangeToAdjust, ULONG cchCurrent /* must be zero for first insert! */, ULONG cchInsert, BOOL *pfInsertOk);
HRESULT PostInsert();
HRESULT ReleaseBlobs(TfEditCookie ecWrite, ITfContext *pic, ITfRange *range);
private: ~CCompositionInsertHelper() {} // clients should use Release
HRESULT _PreInsert(TfEditCookie ecWrite, ITfRange *rangeToAdjust, ULONG cchCurrent /* must be zero for first insert! */, ULONG cchInsert, BOOL *pfInsertOk, BOOL fQuery);
friend COvertypeStore;
BOOL _AcceptTextUpdated() { return _fAcceptTextUpdated; }
void _IncOvertypeStoreRef() { _cRefOvertypeStore++; }
void _DecOvertypeStoreRef() { Assert(_cRefOvertypeStore > 0); _cRefOvertypeStore--; }
HRESULT _PreInsertGrow(TfEditCookie ec, ITfRange *rangeToAdjust, ULONG cchCurrent, ULONG cchInsert, BOOL fQuery); HRESULT _PreInsertShrink(TfEditCookie ec, ITfRange *rangeToAdjust, ULONG cchCurrent, ULONG cchInsert, BOOL fQuery);
BOOL _fAcceptTextUpdated; ULONG _cchMaxOvertype; LONG _cRefOvertypeStore; LONG _cRef;
#endif // INSERT_H