#include "hwxobj.h"
#include "memmgr.h"
#include "hwxfe.h" //980803:ToshiaK
#include "dbg.h"
#include "cmnhdr.h"
#ifdef UNDER_CE // Windows CE Stub for unsupported APIs
#include "stub_ce.h"
#endif // UNDER_CE
// implementation of CHwxThread, CHwxThreadMB, and CHwxThreadCAC
//971217:ToshiaK: comment outed. changed to m_hHwxjpn as non static
//HINSTANCE CHwxThread::m_hHwxjpn = NULL;
PHWXCONFIG CHwxThread::lpHwxConfig = NULL; PHWXCREATE CHwxThread::lpHwxCreate = NULL; PHWXSETCONTEXT CHwxThread::lpHwxSetContext = NULL; PHWXSETGUIDE CHwxThread::lpHwxSetGuide = NULL; PHWXALCVALID CHwxThread::lpHwxAlcValid = NULL; PHWXSETPARTIAL CHwxThread::lpHwxSetPartial = NULL; PHWXSETABORT CHwxThread::lpHwxSetAbort = NULL; PHWXINPUT CHwxThread::lpHwxInput = NULL; PHWXENDINPUT CHwxThread::lpHwxEndInput = NULL; PHWXPROCESS CHwxThread::lpHwxProcess = NULL; PHWXRESULTSAVAILABLE CHwxThread::lpHwxResultsAvailable = NULL; PHWXGETRESULTS CHwxThread::lpHwxGetResults = NULL; PHWXDESTROY CHwxThread::lpHwxDestroy = NULL;
CHwxThread::CHwxThread():CHwxObject(NULL) { m_thrdID = 0 ; m_hThread = NULL ; m_thrdArg = HWX_PARTIAL_ALL; m_hStopEvent = NULL; //----------------------------------------------------------------
//971217:ToshiaK changed m_hHwxjpn to non static data.
//so, Initialize it in Constructor.
m_hHwxjpn = NULL; }
CHwxThread::~CHwxThread() { Dbg(("CHwxThread::~CHwxThread START\n")); // if ( IsThreadStarted() )
// {
//970729: ToshiaK temporary, comment out.
// StopThread();
// }
if ( m_hHwxjpn ) { // decreament library ref count until it is equal to zero
FreeLibrary(m_hHwxjpn); m_hHwxjpn = NULL; } if (m_hStopEvent) { CloseHandle(m_hStopEvent); m_hStopEvent = NULL; } }
BOOL CHwxThread::Initialize(TCHAR * pClsName) { BOOL bRet = CHwxObject::Initialize(pClsName); if ( bRet ) { TCHAR tchPath[MAX_PATH]; //TCHAR tchMod[32];
//980803:ToshiaK. Fareast merge.
CHwxFE::GetRecognizerFileName(m_hInstance, tchPath, sizeof(tchPath)/sizeof(tchPath[0])); //OutputDebugString("hwxthd\n");
//lstrcat(tchPath, tchMod);
if ( !m_hHwxjpn ) { // first time load
m_hHwxjpn = LoadLibrary(tchPath); //m_hHwxjpn = LoadLibrary(TEXT("hwxjpn.dll"));
if ( m_hHwxjpn ) { // get HwxXXXXX() API address from hwxjpn.dll
#ifndef UNDER_CE
lpHwxConfig =(PHWXCONFIG)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,"HwxConfig"); lpHwxCreate= (PHWXCREATE)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,"HwxCreate"); lpHwxSetContext= (PHWXSETCONTEXT)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,"HwxSetContext"); lpHwxSetGuide= (PHWXSETGUIDE)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,"HwxSetGuide"); lpHwxAlcValid= (PHWXALCVALID)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,"HwxALCValid"); lpHwxSetPartial= (PHWXSETPARTIAL)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,"HwxSetPartial"); lpHwxSetAbort= (PHWXSETABORT)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,"HwxSetAbort"); lpHwxInput= (PHWXINPUT)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,"HwxInput"); lpHwxEndInput= (PHWXENDINPUT)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,"HwxEndInput"); lpHwxProcess= (PHWXPROCESS)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,"HwxProcess"); lpHwxResultsAvailable= (PHWXRESULTSAVAILABLE)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,"HwxResultsAvailable"); lpHwxGetResults= (PHWXGETRESULTS)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,"HwxGetResults"); lpHwxDestroy= (PHWXDESTROY)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,"HwxDestroy"); #else // UNDER_CE
lpHwxConfig =(PHWXCONFIG)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,TEXT("HwxConfig")); lpHwxCreate= (PHWXCREATE)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,TEXT("HwxCreate")); lpHwxSetContext= (PHWXSETCONTEXT)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,TEXT("HwxSetContext")); lpHwxSetGuide= (PHWXSETGUIDE)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,TEXT("HwxSetGuide")); lpHwxAlcValid= (PHWXALCVALID)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,TEXT("HwxALCValid")); lpHwxSetPartial= (PHWXSETPARTIAL)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,TEXT("HwxSetPartial")); lpHwxSetAbort= (PHWXSETABORT)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,TEXT("HwxSetAbort")); lpHwxInput= (PHWXINPUT)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,TEXT("HwxInput")); lpHwxEndInput= (PHWXENDINPUT)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,TEXT("HwxEndInput")); lpHwxProcess= (PHWXPROCESS)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,TEXT("HwxProcess")); lpHwxResultsAvailable= (PHWXRESULTSAVAILABLE)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,TEXT("HwxResultsAvailable")); lpHwxGetResults= (PHWXGETRESULTS)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,TEXT("HwxGetResults")); lpHwxDestroy= (PHWXDESTROY)GetProcAddress(m_hHwxjpn,TEXT("HwxDestroy")); #endif // UNDER_CE
if ( !lpHwxConfig || !lpHwxCreate || !lpHwxSetContext || !lpHwxSetGuide || !lpHwxAlcValid || !lpHwxSetPartial || !lpHwxSetAbort || !lpHwxInput || !lpHwxEndInput || !lpHwxProcess || !lpHwxResultsAvailable || !lpHwxGetResults || !lpHwxDestroy ) { FreeLibrary(m_hHwxjpn); m_hHwxjpn = NULL; bRet = FALSE; } else { (*lpHwxConfig)(); } } else { bRet = FALSE; } } } if ( bRet && m_hHwxjpn && !IsThreadStarted() ) { bRet = StartThread(); } return bRet; }
BOOL CHwxThread::StartThread() { BOOL bRet = FALSE; if ( !(m_hStopEvent = CreateEvent(NULL,FALSE,FALSE,NULL)) ) return bRet; m_Quit = FALSE; #ifndef UNDER_CE // Windows CE does not support THREAD_QUERY_INFORMATION
m_hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, RealThreadProc, (void *)this, THREAD_QUERY_INFORMATION, &m_thrdID); #else // UNDER_CE
m_hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, RealThreadProc, (void *)this, 0, &m_thrdID); #endif // UNDER_CE
if ( m_hThread ) { if ( IsMyHwxCls(TEXT("CHwxThreadCAC")) ) { SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST); // SetThreadPriority(m_hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL);
SetThreadPriority(m_hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST); } bRet = TRUE; } return bRet; } void CHwxThread::StopThread() { Dbg(("StopThread START\n")); DWORD dwReturn = 0; if ( m_hThread && IsMyHwxCls(TEXT("CHwxThreadCAC")) ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------
//980817:ToshiaK.Removed SetPriorityClass() line.
//This is very dangerous code, because we don't know what applicatin
//does about Priority.
//In KK's case, In WordPerfect, if we use SetPriorityClass(),
//WordPerfect never quit. I don't know why Li-zhang wrote this line.
//Anyway, it should be removed.
SetThreadPriority(m_hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST); } if (m_hThread && GetExitCodeThread(m_hThread,&dwReturn) && STILL_ACTIVE == dwReturn ) { INT ret, i; ret = PostThreadMessage(m_thrdID, THRDMSG_EXIT, 0, 0); for(i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Sleep(100); if(m_Quit) { //OutputDebugString("Thread END\n");
Dbg(("Thread Quit\n")); break; } } m_hThread = NULL; //----------------------------------------------------------------
//971202:By Toshiak. Do not use WaitForSigleObject() to syncronize
#ifdef RAID_2926
PostThreadMessage(m_thrdID, THRDMSG_EXIT, 0,0); WaitForSingleObject(m_hStopEvent,INFINITE); m_hThread = NULL ; #endif
} Dbg(("StopThread End\n")); } DWORD WINAPI CHwxThread::RealThreadProc(void * pv) { CHwxThread * pCHwxThread = reinterpret_cast<CHwxThread*>(pv); return pCHwxThread->ClassThreadProc() ; } DWORD CHwxThread::ClassThreadProc() { return RecognizeThread(m_thrdArg); }
CHwxThreadMB::CHwxThreadMB(CHwxMB * pMB,int nSize) { m_pMB = pMB; #ifdef FE_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED
m_recogMask = ALC_CHS_EXTENDED; #elif FE_KOREAN
m_recogMask = ALC_KOR_EXTENDED; #else
m_recogMask = ALC_JPN_EXTENDED; #endif
m_prevChar = INVALID_CHAR; m_hrcActive = NULL; m_giSent = 0; m_bDirty = FALSE;
m_guide.xOrigin = 0; m_guide.yOrigin = 0;
m_guide.cxBox = nSize << 3; m_guide.cyBox = nSize << 3;
// m_guide.cxBase = 0;
m_guide.cyBase = nSize << 3;
m_guide.cHorzBox = 256; m_guide.cVertBox = 1;
m_guide.cyMid = nSize << 3;
m_guide.cxOffset = 0; m_guide.cyOffset = 0;
m_guide.cxWriting = nSize << 3; m_guide.cyWriting = nSize << 3;
m_guide.nDir = HWX_HORIZONTAL; }
CHwxThreadMB::~CHwxThreadMB() { m_pMB = NULL; }
BOOL CHwxThreadMB::Initialize(TCHAR * pClsName) { return CHwxThread::Initialize(pClsName); }
DWORD CHwxThreadMB::RecognizeThread(DWORD dummy) { MSG msg; int count;
// Now we are sitting in our message loop to wait for
// the message sent by the main thread
while (1) { if (!m_bDirty) { GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0); } else { if (!PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { m_bDirty = FALSE;
count = (*lpHwxResultsAvailable)(m_hrcActive);
if (count > m_giSent) { GetCharacters(m_giSent, count); m_giSent = count; }
continue; } }
if (!HandleThreadMsg(&msg)) { //SetEvent(m_hStopEvent);
m_Quit = TRUE; return 0; } } m_Quit = TRUE; Unref(dummy); }
void CHwxThreadMB::GetCharacters(int iSentAlready, int iReady) { HWXRESULTPRI *pResult, *pHead; HWXRESULTS *pBox; int iIndex; int count = iReady - iSentAlready;
pBox = (HWXRESULTS *)MemAlloc(count * (sizeof(HWXRESULTS) + (MB_NUM_CANDIDATES - 1)*sizeof(WCHAR)));
if (pBox) { iIndex = (*lpHwxGetResults)(m_hrcActive, MB_NUM_CANDIDATES, iSentAlready, count, pBox);
pHead = NULL;
for (iIndex = count - 1; iIndex >= 0; iIndex--) { // Index to the correct box results structure.
HWXRESULTS *pBoxCur = (HWXRESULTS *) (((char *) pBox) + (iIndex * (sizeof(HWXRESULTS) + (MB_NUM_CANDIDATES - 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))));
pResult = GetCandidates(pBoxCur);
if (pResult == NULL) { break; }
pResult->pNext = pHead; pHead = pResult; }
MemFree((void *)pBox); // Call back to the main thread to dispatch the BOXRESULTS
if (pHead) { PostMessage(m_pMB->GetMBWindow(), MB_WM_HWXCHAR, (WPARAM)pHead, 0); } } }
// Function : CHwxThreadMB::HandleThreadMsg
// Type : BOOL
// Purpose :
// Args :
// : MSG * pMsg
// Return :
// DATE : Fri Oct 06 20:45:37 2000
// Histroy : 00/10/07: for Satori #2471.
// It's very difficult bug.
// Old code are following..
// switch(pMsg->message){
// :
// default:
// return FALSE;
// }
// if HandlThreadMsg() receive unknown message,
// it always return False, then Thread quits!!!!.
// In Cicero environment, somebody post unkonwn message,
// to this Thread ID, when IMM IME is switched to Another IMM IME.
// IMEPad uses AttachThreadInput() attached application process's thread ID,
// Message is duplicated and HW thread receive this illegal
// message ID.
// So, I changed to return TRUE if HW thread receive unkonwn message
// switch(pMsg->message){
// :
// return FALSE;
// default:
// return TRUE;
// }
BOOL CHwxThreadMB::HandleThreadMsg(MSG *pMsg) { PSTROKE pstr; int iIndex; int count;
switch (pMsg->message) { case THRDMSG_ADDINK:
pstr = (PSTROKE) pMsg->lParam;
if (!pstr) return TRUE;
if (m_hrcActive == NULL) { m_giSent = 0;
m_hrcActive = (*lpHwxCreate)((HRC)NULL);
if (m_hrcActive == NULL) return TRUE;
m_guide.cxBox = m_guide.cyBox = m_guide.cyBase = pMsg->wParam << 3; m_guide.cyMid = m_guide.cxWriting = m_guide.cyWriting = pMsg->wParam << 3;
(*lpHwxSetGuide)(m_hrcActive, &m_guide);
// Setup the ALC mask everytime we do recognization
(*lpHwxAlcValid)(m_hrcActive, m_recogMask);
// Setup the context information if we have a valid prevChar
if (m_prevChar != INVALID_CHAR) { WCHAR ctxtChar;
// Get the correct context
if( FoldStringW(MAP_FOLDCZONE, &m_prevChar, 1, &ctxtChar, 1) ) { (*lpHwxSetContext)(m_hrcActive, ctxtChar); } } } count = (pstr->iBox * pMsg->wParam) << 3; // Compute the offset for the box logically.
for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < pstr->cpt; iIndex++) { pstr->apt[iIndex].x = ((pstr->apt[iIndex].x - pstr->xLeft) << 3) + count; pstr->apt[iIndex].y = (pstr->apt[iIndex].y << 3); }
(*lpHwxInput)(m_hrcActive, pstr->apt,pstr->cpt,0);
MemFree((void *)pstr);
m_bDirty = TRUE;
return TRUE;
if (m_hrcActive == NULL) { return(TRUE); }
(*lpHwxEndInput)(m_hrcActive); (*lpHwxProcess)(m_hrcActive);
// We only get back the top 6 candidates.
count = pMsg->wParam; // # of boxes written in is sent here.
if (count > m_giSent) { GetCharacters(m_giSent, count); m_giSent = count; }
(*lpHwxDestroy)(m_hrcActive); m_bDirty = FALSE; m_hrcActive = NULL; return TRUE;
// PostMessage(m_pMB->GetMBWindow(), MB_WM_COMCHAR, pMsg->wParam, 0);
// return TRUE;
case THRDMSG_SETMASK: m_recogMask = pMsg->wParam; return TRUE;
case THRDMSG_SETCONTEXT: m_prevChar = (WCHAR) pMsg->wParam; return TRUE; case THRDMSG_EXIT: default: //----------------------------------------------------------------
//Satori #2471:return TRUE not to quit thread accicentaly.
return TRUE; } }
HWXRESULTPRI * CHwxThreadMB::GetCandidates(HWXRESULTS *pbox) { HWXRESULTPRI *pResult; int i;
pResult = (HWXRESULTPRI *)MemAlloc(sizeof(HWXRESULTPRI));
if (!pResult) return NULL;
pResult->pNext = NULL;
for ( i=0; i<MB_NUM_CANDIDATES; i++ ) { pResult->chCandidate[i] = pbox->rgChar[i]; if ( !pbox->rgChar[i] ) break; }
pResult->cbCount = (USHORT)i; pResult->iSelection = 0;
return pResult; }
CHwxThreadCAC::CHwxThreadCAC(CHwxCAC * pCAC) { m_pCAC = pCAC; }
CHwxThreadCAC::~CHwxThreadCAC() { m_pCAC = NULL; } BOOL CHwxThreadCAC::Initialize(TCHAR * pClsName) { return CHwxThread::Initialize(pClsName); }
DWORD CHwxThreadCAC::RecognizeThread(DWORD dwPart) { MSG msg; //UINT nPartial = dwPart;
HRC hrc; HWXGUIDE guide; BOOL bRecog; DWORD cstr; STROKE *pstr;
// Create the initial hrc for this thread, set the recognition paramters.
hrc = (*lpHwxCreate)((HRC) NULL); if ( !hrc ) return 0; guide.xOrigin = 0; guide.yOrigin = 0; guide.cxBox = 1000; guide.cyBox = 1000; // guide.cxBase = 0;
guide.cyBase = 1000; guide.cHorzBox = 1; guide.cVertBox = 1; guide.cyMid = 1000; guide.cxOffset = 0; guide.cyOffset = 0; guide.cxWriting = 1000; guide.cyWriting = 1000; guide.nDir = HWX_HORIZONTAL;
(*lpHwxSetGuide)(hrc, &guide); // Set the guide
// (*lpHwxSetPartial)(hrc, nPartial); // Set the recognition type
(*lpHwxSetAbort)(hrc,(UINT *)m_pCAC->GetStrokeCountAddress()); // Set the abort address
// Begin the message loop
while (TRUE) { bRecog = FALSE;
// Wait until we're told to recognize.
if(GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) == FALSE) { if ( hrc ) (*lpHwxDestroy)(hrc); hrc = NULL; //971202: removed by Toshiak
m_Quit = TRUE; Dbg(("Recognize Thread END\n")); return 0; }
// We'll eat all the incoming messages
do { switch (msg.message) { case THRDMSG_SETGUIDE: guide.cxBox = msg.wParam; guide.cyBox = msg.wParam; guide.cyBase = msg.wParam; guide.cyMid = msg.wParam; guide.cxWriting = msg.wParam; guide.cyWriting = msg.wParam; (*lpHwxSetGuide)(hrc, &guide); // Set the guide
break; case THRDMSG_RECOGNIZE: bRecog = TRUE; break; case THRDMSG_EXIT: if ( hrc ) (*lpHwxDestroy)(hrc); hrc = NULL; //971202: removed by ToshiaK
m_Quit = TRUE; Dbg(("Recognize Thread END\n")); return 0; default: break; } } while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE));
// Was there a message to recognize?
if (!bRecog) continue;
bRecog = FALSE;
// Count the number of valid strokes
cstr = 0; pstr = m_pCAC->GetStrokePointer(); while (pstr) { cstr++; pstr = pstr->pNext; }
// If the available stroke count doesn't match the actual stroke count, exit
if ((cstr != (DWORD)m_pCAC->GetStrokeCount()) || (!cstr)) { continue; }
recoghelper(hrc,HWX_PARTIAL_ALL,cstr); recoghelper(hrc,HWX_PARTIAL_ORDER,cstr); recoghelper(hrc,HWX_PARTIAL_FREE,cstr); } m_Quit = TRUE; Unref(dwPart); }
void CHwxThreadCAC::recoghelper(HRC hrc,DWORD dwPart,DWORD cstr) { UINT nPartial = dwPart; HRC hrcTmp; DWORD dwTick; HWXRESULTS *pbox; int ires; STROKE *pstr;
int nSize = dwPart != HWX_PARTIAL_ALL ? PREFIXLIST : FULLLIST; pbox = (HWXRESULTS *)MemAlloc(sizeof(HWXRESULTS) + nSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); if ( !pbox ) { return; }
hrcTmp = (*lpHwxCreate)(hrc); (*lpHwxSetPartial)(hrcTmp, nPartial); // Set the recognition type
// (*lpHwxSetAbort)(hrcTmp,(UINT *)m_pCAC->GetStrokeCountAddress()); // Set the abort address
pstr = m_pCAC->GetStrokePointer(); dwTick = 0; while (pstr) { dwTick +=3641L; (*lpHwxInput)(hrcTmp, pstr->apt,pstr->cpt, dwTick); pstr = pstr->pNext; }
memset(pbox, '\0', sizeof(HWXRESULTS) + nSize * sizeof(WCHAR));
// Call the recognizer for results
(*lpHwxEndInput)(hrcTmp); (*lpHwxProcess)(hrcTmp); (*lpHwxGetResults)(hrcTmp, nSize, 0, 1, pbox); (*lpHwxDestroy)(hrcTmp);
// Return the results
ires = 0; while (pbox->rgChar[ires]) { if (cstr != (DWORD)m_pCAC->GetStrokeCount()) break; SendMessage(m_pCAC->GetCACWindow(), CAC_WM_RESULT, (nPartial << 8) | cstr, MAKELPARAM((pbox->rgChar[ires]), ires)); ires++; } MemFree((void *)pbox); if ( ires ) { SendMessage(m_pCAC->GetCACWindow(), CAC_WM_SHOWRESULT,0,0); } }
void CHwxThreadCAC::RecognizeNoThread(int nSize) { HRC hrc; HWXGUIDE guide; STROKE *pstr; long numstrk = 0;
if (( pstr = m_pCAC->GetStrokePointer()) == (STROKE *) NULL) return;
// Create the initial hrc for this thread, set the recognition paramters.
hrc = (*lpHwxCreate)((HRC) NULL); if ( !hrc ) return;
guide.xOrigin = 0; guide.yOrigin = 0;
guide.cxBox = nSize; guide.cyBox = nSize;
// guide.cxBase = 0;
guide.cyBase = nSize; guide.cHorzBox = 1; guide.cVertBox = 1; guide.cyMid = 0; guide.cxOffset = 0; guide.cyOffset = 0; guide.cxWriting = nSize; guide.cyWriting = nSize; guide.nDir = HWX_HORIZONTAL;
(*lpHwxSetGuide)(hrc, &guide); // Set the guide
// (*lpHwxSetPartial)(hrc,HWX_PARTIAL_ALL); // Set the recognition type
(*lpHwxSetAbort)(hrc,(UINT *)m_pCAC->GetStrokeCountAddress());
numstrk = m_pCAC->GetStrokeCount(); recoghelper(hrc,HWX_PARTIAL_ALL,numstrk); recoghelper(hrc,HWX_PARTIAL_ORDER,numstrk); // recoghelper(hrc,HWX_PARTIAL_FREE,numstrk);
(*lpHwxDestroy)(hrc); }