Owner: cslim Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Hanja conversion and dictionary lookup functions. Dictionary index is stored as globally shared memory. History: 26-APR-1999 cslim Modified for Multibox Applet Tooltip display 14-JUL-1999 cslim Copied from IME98 source tree *****************************************************************************/
#include "private.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "lexheader.h"
#include "hanja.h"
#include "gdata.h"
#include "immsec.h"
#include "osver.h"
#include "debug.h"
// NT5 Globally shared memory.
const TCHAR IMEKR_SHAREDDATA_MUTEX[] = TEXT("{C5AFBBF9-8383-490c-AA9E-4FE93FA05512}"); const TCHAR IMEKR_LEX_HANGUL2HANJA[] = TEXT("ImeKrLexHangul2Hanja.SharedMemory"); const TCHAR IMEKR_LEX_HANJA2HANGUL[] = TEXT("ImeKrLexHanjaToHangul.SharedMemory");
// Initial and grow clump size of HANJA_CAND_STRING_LIST's pointers
UINT vuNumofK0=0, vuNumofK1=0; WCHAR vwcHangul=0;
// Private data
static BOOL vfLexOpen = FALSE; static HANDLE vhLex=0; static HANDLE vhHangul2Hanja_IndexTbl=0; static HANDLE vhHanja2Hangul_IndexTbl=0; static DWORD viBufferStart=0; // seek point
static _DictHeader *vpLexHeader;
// Private functions
static BOOL OpenLex(); static INT SearchHanjaIndex(WCHAR wHChar, _LexIndex *pLexIndexTbl); static INT SearchHanjaIndex(WCHAR wHChar, HanjaToHangulIndex *pLexIndexTbl);
BOOL EnsureHanjaLexLoaded() { HKEY hKey; DWORD dwReadBytes; CHAR szLexFileName[MAX_PATH], szLexPathExpanded[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwCb, dwType; if (vfLexOpen) return TRUE;
// Get Lex file path
szLexFileName[0] = 0; szLexPathExpanded[0] = 0; if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szIMERootKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwCb = sizeof(szLexFileName); dwType = REG_SZ;
if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, g_szDictionary, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szLexFileName, &dwCb) == ERROR_SUCCESS) ExpandEnvironmentStrings(szLexFileName, szLexPathExpanded, sizeof(szLexPathExpanded)); RegCloseKey(hKey); }
Assert(szLexPathExpanded[0] != 0); if (szLexPathExpanded[0] == 0) return fFalse;
vpLexHeader = new _DictHeader; Assert(vpLexHeader); if (!vpLexHeader) return FALSE;
if (ReadFile(vhLex, vpLexHeader, sizeof(_DictHeader), &dwReadBytes, 0) == 0 || (dwReadBytes != sizeof(_DictHeader))) { Assert(0); return FALSE; }
// Set member vars
//vuNumOfHangulEntry = pLexHeader->NumOfHangulEntry;
//vuNumOfHanjaEntry = pLexHeader->uiNumofHanja;
//viBufferStart = pLexHeader->iBufferStart;
if (vpLexHeader->Version < LEX_VERSION || vpLexHeader->Version > LEX_COMPATIBLE_VERSION_LIMIT ) { delete vpLexHeader; vpLexHeader = 0; Assert(0); return FALSE; } if (lstrcmpA(vpLexHeader->COPYRIGHT_HEADER, COPYRIGHT_STR)) { delete vpLexHeader; vpLexHeader = 0; Assert(0); return FALSE; }
return OpenLex(); }
__inline BOOL DoEnterCriticalSection(HANDLE hMutex) { if(WAIT_FAILED==WaitForSingleObject(hMutex, 3000)) // Wait 3 seconds
return(FALSE); return(TRUE); }
BOOL OpenLex() { BOOL fRet = FALSE; HANDLE hMutex; DWORD dwReadBytes; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Mapping Lex file
// The dictionary index is shared data between all IME instance
hMutex=CreateMutex(GetIMESecurityAttributes(), FALSE, IMEKR_SHAREDDATA_MUTEX);
if (hMutex != NULL) { if (DoEnterCriticalSection(hMutex) == FALSE) goto ExitOpenLexCritSection;
vhHangul2Hanja_IndexTbl = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_READ, TRUE, IMEKR_LEX_HANGUL2HANJA); vhHanja2Hangul_IndexTbl = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_READ, TRUE, IMEKR_LEX_HANJA2HANGUL);
if (vhHangul2Hanja_IndexTbl && vhHanja2Hangul_IndexTbl) { TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "CHanja::OpenLex() - File mapping already exists"); fRet = TRUE; } else { // if no file mapping exist
vhHangul2Hanja_IndexTbl = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, GetIMESecurityAttributes(), PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(_LexIndex)*(vpLexHeader->NumOfHangulEntry), IMEKR_LEX_HANGUL2HANJA); vhHanja2Hangul_IndexTbl = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, GetIMESecurityAttributes(), PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(HanjaToHangulIndex)*(vpLexHeader->uiNumofHanja), IMEKR_LEX_HANJA2HANGUL); if (vhHangul2Hanja_IndexTbl && vhHanja2Hangul_IndexTbl) { _LexIndex *pLexIndexTbl; HanjaToHangulIndex* pHanjaToHangulIndex;
TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "CHanja::OpenLex() - File mapping Created");
// Copy Hangul to Hanja index
pLexIndexTbl = (_LexIndex*)MapViewOfFile(vhHangul2Hanja_IndexTbl, FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); if (!pLexIndexTbl) goto ExitOpenLexCritSection;
// Read Index table
SetFilePointer(vhLex, vpLexHeader->Headersize, 0, FILE_BEGIN); if (ReadFile(vhLex, pLexIndexTbl, vpLexHeader->NumOfHangulEntry*sizeof(_LexIndex), &dwReadBytes, 0) == 0 || dwReadBytes != vpLexHeader->NumOfHangulEntry*sizeof(_LexIndex)) { UnmapViewOfFile(pLexIndexTbl); goto ExitOpenLexCritSection; }
// Copy Hanja to Hangul index
pHanjaToHangulIndex = (HanjaToHangulIndex*)MapViewOfFile(vhHanja2Hangul_IndexTbl, FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); if (!pHanjaToHangulIndex) goto ExitOpenLexCritSection;
// Read Hanja to Hangul Index table
SetFilePointer(vhLex, vpLexHeader->iHanjaToHangulIndex, 0, FILE_BEGIN); if (ReadFile(vhLex, pHanjaToHangulIndex, sizeof(HanjaToHangulIndex)*(vpLexHeader->uiNumofHanja), &dwReadBytes, 0) == 0 || dwReadBytes != sizeof(HanjaToHangulIndex)*(vpLexHeader->uiNumofHanja)) { UnmapViewOfFile(pLexIndexTbl); goto ExitOpenLexCritSection; } UnmapViewOfFile(pHanjaToHangulIndex); fRet = TRUE; } #ifdef DEBUG
else Assert(0); #endif
} ExitOpenLexCritSection: ReleaseMutex(hMutex); CloseHandle(hMutex); } FreeIMESecurityAttributes();
vfLexOpen = fRet; return fRet; }
BOOL CloseLex() { //ClearHanjaSenseArray();
if (vhHangul2Hanja_IndexTbl) { CloseHandle(vhHangul2Hanja_IndexTbl); vhHangul2Hanja_IndexTbl = 0; }
if (vhHanja2Hangul_IndexTbl) { CloseHandle(vhHanja2Hangul_IndexTbl); vhHanja2Hangul_IndexTbl = 0; }
if (vhLex) { CloseHandle(vhLex); vhLex = 0; }
if (vpLexHeader) { delete vpLexHeader; vpLexHeader = 0; }
vfLexOpen = FALSE; return TRUE; }
Allocate nested pointer of HANJA_CAND_STRING_LIST and initialize it. ------------------------------------------------------------------ CSLim -*/ BOOL fInitHanjaList(HANJA_CAND_STRING_LIST *pHanjaList, UINT uiNumofHanjaStr) { Assert(pHanjaList != NULL); if ((pHanjaList->pwsz = (LPWSTR)cicMemAlloc(HANJA_LIST_PWSZ_INITIAL_SIZE*sizeof(WCHAR))) == 0) return fFalse;
if ((pHanjaList->pHanjaString = (HANJA_CAND_STRING*)cicMemAlloc( sizeof(HANJA_CAND_STRING)*uiNumofHanjaStr)) == 0) { cicMemFree(pHanjaList->pwsz); return fFalse; }
pHanjaList->cchMac = 0; // Current chars used in pwsz (incl all trailing nulls)
pHanjaList->cchAlloc = HANJA_LIST_PWSZ_INITIAL_SIZE; // WCHAR size
pHanjaList->csz = 0; pHanjaList->cszAlloc = uiNumofHanjaStr; return fTrue; }
Reallocate nested pointer of HANJA_CAND_STRING_LIST after increasing the size ------------------------------------------------------------------ CSLim -*/ BOOL fGrowHanjaList(HANJA_CAND_STRING_LIST *pHanjaList) { LPWSTR pwsz; TBOOL(pHanjaList != NULL); pwsz = (LPWSTR)cicMemReAlloc(pHanjaList->pwsz, (pHanjaList->cchAlloc+HANJA_LIST_PWSZ_CLUMP_SIZE)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pwsz == NULL) return fFalse;
if (pHanjaList->pwsz != pwsz) { INT_PTR offset = pwsz - pHanjaList->pwsz; for (UINT i=0; i<pHanjaList->csz; i++) pHanjaList->pHanjaString[i].wzMeaning += offset; }
pHanjaList->pwsz = pwsz; pHanjaList->cchAlloc += HANJA_LIST_PWSZ_CLUMP_SIZE;
return fTrue; }
BOOL GetMeaningAndProunc(WCHAR wch, LPWSTR lpwstrTip, INT cchMax) { HanjaToHangulIndex* pHanjaToHangulIndex; INT iMapHanjaInfo; WCHAR wcHanja = 0; BYTE cchMeaning = 0; WCHAR wszMeaning[MAX_SENSE_LENGTH+1]; DWORD dwReadBytes; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "GetMeaningAndProunc");
if (!EnsureHanjaLexLoaded()) return FALSE;
pHanjaToHangulIndex = (HanjaToHangulIndex*)MapViewOfFile(vhHanja2Hangul_IndexTbl, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if (!pHanjaToHangulIndex) { Assert(0); return FALSE; }
// Search index
if ((iMapHanjaInfo = SearchHanjaIndex(wch, pHanjaToHangulIndex)) >= 0) { // Seek to mapping Hanja
SetFilePointer(vhLex, vpLexHeader->iBufferStart + pHanjaToHangulIndex[iMapHanjaInfo].iOffset, 0, FILE_BEGIN);
// Read Hanja Info
if (ReadFile(vhLex, &wcHanja, sizeof(WCHAR), &dwReadBytes, 0) == 0) goto LError; Assert(wch == wcHanja); if (ReadFile(vhLex, &cchMeaning, sizeof(BYTE), &dwReadBytes, 0) == 0) goto LError; if (wcHanja && (cchMeaning < MAX_SENSE_LENGTH*sizeof(WCHAR))) { if (cchMeaning) { if (ReadFile(vhLex, wszMeaning, cchMeaning, &dwReadBytes, 0) == 0) goto LError; } wszMeaning[cchMeaning>>1] = L'\0'; wsprintfW(lpwstrTip, L"%s %c\nU+%04X", wszMeaning, pHanjaToHangulIndex[iMapHanjaInfo].wchHangul, wch); fRet = TRUE; } else fRet = FALSE; }
LError: UnmapViewOfFile(pHanjaToHangulIndex);
return fRet; }
// For ImeConversionList.
BOOL GetConversionList(WCHAR wcReading, HANJA_CAND_STRING_LIST *pCandList) { _LexIndex *pLexIndexTbl = NULL; INT iMapCandStr; UINT uNumOfCandStr; DWORD cwch, readBytes; BYTE senseLen; WCHAR szSense[MAX_SENSE_LENGTH] = L""; CIMEData ImeData; BOOL fRet = fFalse; // Chcek validity of params
Assert(wcReading != 0); Assert(pCandList != NULL); if (pCandList == NULL) goto ConversionExit1;
if (!EnsureHanjaLexLoaded()) return (0L);
pLexIndexTbl = (_LexIndex*)MapViewOfFile(vhHangul2Hanja_IndexTbl, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if (!pLexIndexTbl) { Assert(0); return (0L); }
cwch = 0;
if ((iMapCandStr = SearchHanjaIndex(wcReading, pLexIndexTbl)) < 0) goto ConversionExit1; else { vuNumofK0 = pLexIndexTbl[iMapCandStr].wNumOfK0;
if (ImeData->fKSC5657Hanja && !IsOn95()) vuNumofK1 = pLexIndexTbl[iMapCandStr].wNumOfK1; else vuNumofK1 = 0;
uNumOfCandStr = vuNumofK0 + vuNumofK1; if (uNumOfCandStr == 0) // if no Hanja found
goto ConversionExit1;
if (!fInitHanjaList(pCandList, uNumOfCandStr)) goto ConversionExit1; //cwch = uNumOfCandStr*2; // including NULL
SetFilePointer(vhLex, vpLexHeader->iBufferStart + pLexIndexTbl[iMapCandStr].iOffset, 0, FILE_BEGIN);
for (UINT i = 0; i < uNumOfCandStr; i++) { WCHAR wchHanja;
if (ReadFile(vhLex, &wchHanja, sizeof(WCHAR), &readBytes, 0) == 0) goto ConversionExit1;
//*lpwchCand++ = wchHanja;
//*lpwchCand++ = L'\0';
// Skip meaning
if (ReadFile(vhLex, &senseLen, sizeof(BYTE), &readBytes, 0) == 0) goto ConversionExit1; if (senseLen && senseLen < MAX_SENSE_LENGTH*sizeof(WCHAR)) { if (ReadFile(vhLex, szSense, senseLen, &readBytes, 0) == 0) goto ConversionExit1; szSense[senseLen/2] = L' '; szSense[senseLen/2 + 1] = wcReading; szSense[senseLen/2 + 2] = L'\0'; senseLen += 2*sizeof(WCHAR); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Fill Hanja String List struct
// Grow memory if neccessary
if (pCandList->cchAlloc <= pCandList->cchMac + (senseLen/2)) { TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "Try to grow pCandList"); if (fGrowHanjaList(pCandList) == fFalse) { Assert(0); goto ConversionExit1; } } pCandList->pHanjaString[pCandList->csz].wchHanja = wchHanja; if (i < vuNumofK0) pCandList->pHanjaString[pCandList->csz].bHanjaCat = HANJA_K0; else pCandList->pHanjaString[pCandList->csz].bHanjaCat = HANJA_K1;
if (senseLen) { pCandList->pHanjaString[pCandList->csz].wzMeaning = pCandList->pwsz + pCandList->cchMac; wcscpy(pCandList->pwsz + pCandList->cchMac, szSense); } else pCandList->pHanjaString[pCandList->csz].wzMeaning = L""; pCandList->csz++; pCandList->cchMac += (senseLen/2)+1; } fRet = fTrue; }
ConversionExit1: UnmapViewOfFile(pLexIndexTbl);
return fRet; }
INT SearchHanjaIndex(WCHAR wHChar, _LexIndex *pLexIndexTbl) { int iHead = 0, iTail = vpLexHeader->NumOfHangulEntry-1, iMid;
while (iHead <= iTail) { iMid = (iHead + iTail) >> 1;
if (pLexIndexTbl[iMid].wcHangul > wHChar) iTail = iMid - 1; else if (pLexIndexTbl[iMid].wcHangul < wHChar) iHead = iMid + 1; else return (iMid); }
return (-1); }
INT SearchHanjaIndex(WCHAR wHChar, HanjaToHangulIndex *pLexIndexTbl) { int iHead = 0, iTail = vpLexHeader->uiNumofHanja-1, iMid;
while (iHead <= iTail) { iMid = (iHead + iTail) >> 1;
TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "SearchHanjaIndex iMid=%d, pLexIndexTbl[iMid].wchHanja = 0x%04X", iMid, pLexIndexTbl[iMid].wchHanja);
if (pLexIndexTbl[iMid].wchHanja > wHChar) iTail = iMid - 1; else if (pLexIndexTbl[iMid].wchHanja < wHChar) iHead = iMid + 1; else return (iMid); }
return (-1); }