* @doc INTERNAL * * @module DOC.C CTxtStory and CTxtArray implementation | * * Original Authors: <nl> * Original RichEdit code: David R. Fulmer <nl> * Christian Fortini <nl> * Murray Sargent <nl> * * History: <nl> * 6/25/95 alexgo Cleanup and reorganization * * Copyright (c) 1995-1997, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. */
#include "_common.h"
#include "_doc.h"
#include "_format.h"
// =========================== Invariant stuff ======================
#include "_invar.h"
// ======================== CTxtArray class =========================
#ifdef DEBUG
* CTxtArray::Invariant * * @mfunc Tests CTxtArray's state * * @rdesc Returns TRUE always; failures are indicated by Asserts * Actually in this routine, we return count of chars in blocks * since we need this value for one check. */ BOOL CTxtArray::Invariant() const { static LONG numTests = 0; numTests++; // How many times we've been called.
LONG cch = 0; LONG iMax = Count();
if(iMax > 0) { CTxtBlk *ptb = Elem(0);
// ptb shouldn't be NULL since we're within Count elements
for(LONG i = 0; i < iMax; i++, ptb++) { LONG cchCurr = ptb->_cch; cch += cchCurr; Assert ( cchCurr >= 0 ); Assert ( cchCurr <= CchOfCb(ptb->_cbBlock) );
// While we're here, check range of interblock gaps
Assert (ptb->_ibGap >= 0); Assert (ptb->_ibGap <= ptb->_cbBlock);
LONG cchGap = CchOfCb(ptb->_ibGap); Assert ( cchGap >= 0 ); Assert ( cchGap <= cchCurr ); } } return cch; }
#endif // DEBUG
* CTxtArray::CTxtArray() * * @mfunc Text array constructor * */ CTxtArray::CTxtArray() : CArray<CTxtBlk> () { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSBACK, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtArray::CTxtArray()");
AssertSz(CchOfCb(cbBlockMost) - cchGapInitial >= cchBlkInitmGapI * 2, "cchBlockMax - cchGapInitial must be at least (cchBlockInitial - cchGapInitial) * 2");
Assert(!_cchText && !_iCF && !_iPF); // Make sure we have no data to initialize
Assert(sizeof(CTxtArray) == sizeof(CArray<CTxtBlk>) + sizeof(_cchText) + 2*sizeof(_iCF)); }
* CTxtArray::~CTxtArray * * @mfunc Text array destructor */ CTxtArray::~CTxtArray() { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSBACK, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtArray::~CTxtArray");
LONG itb = Count(); while(itb--) { Assert(Elem(itb) != NULL); Elem(itb)->FreeBlock(); } }
* CTxtArray::CalcTextLength() * * @mfunc Computes and return length of text in this text array * * @rdesc Count of character in this text array * * @devnote This call may be computationally expensive; we have to * sum up the character sizes of all of the text blocks in * the array. */ LONG CTxtArray::CalcTextLength() const { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSBACK, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtArray::GetCch");
_TEST_INVARIANT_ LONG itb = Count(); if(!itb) return 0;
LONG cch; CTxtBlk *ptb = Elem(0);
for(cch = 0; itb--; ptb++) cch += ptb->_cch;
return cch; }
* CTxtArray::AddBlock(itbNew, cb) * * @mfunc create new text block * * @rdesc * FALSE if block could not be added * non-FALSE otherwise * * @comm * Side Effects: * moves text block array */ BOOL CTxtArray::AddBlock( LONG itbNew, //@parm index of the new block
LONG cb) //@parm size of new block; if <lt>= 0, default is used
CTxtBlk *ptb;
if(cb <= 0) cb = cbBlockInitial;
AssertSz(cb > 0, "CTxtArray::AddBlock() - adding block of size zero"); AssertSz(cb <= cbBlockMost, "CTxtArray::AddBlock() - block too big");
ptb = Insert(itbNew, 1);
if(!ptb || !ptb->InitBlock(cb)) { TRACEERRSZSC("TXTARRAT::AddBlock() - unable to allocate new block", E_OUTOFMEMORY); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
* CTxtArray::SplitBlock(itb, ichSplit, cchFirst, cchLast, fStreaming) * * @mfunc split a text block into two * * @rdesc * FALSE if the block could not be split <nl> * non-FALSE otherwise * * @comm * Side Effects: <nl> * moves text block array */ BOOL CTxtArray::SplitBlock( LONG itb, //@parm index of the block to split
LONG ichSplit, //@parm character index within block at which to split
LONG cchFirst, //@parm desired extra space in first block
LONG cchLast, //@parm desired extra space in new block
BOOL fStreaming) //@parm TRUE if streaming in new text
LPBYTE pbSrc; LPBYTE pbDst; CTxtBlk *ptb, *ptb1;
AssertSz(ichSplit > 0 || cchFirst > 0, "CTxtArray::SplitBlock(): splitting at beginning, but not adding anything");
AssertSz(itb >= 0, "CTxtArray::SplitBlock(): negative itb"); ptb = Elem(itb);
// compute size for first half
AssertSz(cchFirst + ichSplit <= CchOfCb(cbBlockMost), "CTxtArray::SplitBlock(): first size too large"); cchFirst += ichSplit + cchGapInitial; cchFirst = min(cchFirst, CchOfCb(cbBlockMost));
// compute size for second half
AssertSz(cchLast + ptb->_cch - ichSplit <= CchOfCb(cbBlockMost), "CTxtArray::SplitBlock(): second size too large"); cchLast += ptb->_cch - ichSplit + cchGapInitial; cchLast = min(cchLast, CchOfCb(cbBlockMost));
// Allocate second block and move text to it
// If streaming in, allocate a block that's as big as possible so that
// subsequent additions of text are faster. We always fall back to
// smaller allocations so this won't cause unnecessary errors. When
// we're done streaming we compress blocks, so this won't leave a
// big empty gap. NOTE: ***** moves rgtb *****
if(fStreaming) { LONG cb = cbBlockMost; const LONG cbMin = CbOfCch(cchLast);
while(cb >= cbMin && !AddBlock(itb + 1, cb)) cb -= cbBlockCombine; if(cb >= cbMin) goto got_block; } if(!AddBlock(itb + 1, CbOfCch(cchLast))) { TRACEERRSZSC("CTxtArray::SplitBlock(): unabled to add new block", E_FAIL); return FALSE; }
got_block: ptb1 = Elem(itb+1); // recompute ptb after rgtb moves
ptb = Elem(itb); // recompute ptb after rgtb moves
ptb1->_cch = ptb->_cch - ichSplit; ptb1->_ibGap = 0; pbDst = (LPBYTE) (ptb1->_pch - ptb1->_cch) + ptb1->_cbBlock; ptb->MoveGap(ptb->_cch); // make sure pch points to a continuous block of all text in ptb.
pbSrc = (LPBYTE) (ptb->_pch + ichSplit); CopyMemory(pbDst, pbSrc, CbOfCch(ptb1->_cch)); ptb->_cch = ichSplit; ptb->_ibGap = CbOfCch(ichSplit);
// Resize first block
if(CbOfCch(cchFirst) != ptb->_cbBlock) { //$ FUTURE: don't resize unless growing or shrinking considerably
if(!ptb->ResizeBlock(CbOfCch(cchFirst))) { TRACEERRSZSC("TXTARRA::SplitBlock(): unabled to resize block", E_OUTOFMEMORY); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }
* CTxtArray::ShrinkBlocks() * * @mfunc Shrink all blocks to their minimal size */ void CTxtArray::ShrinkBlocks() { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSBACK, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtArray::ShrinkBlocks");
LONG itb = Count(); CTxtBlk *ptb;
while(itb--) { ptb = Elem(itb); Assert(ptb); ptb->ResizeBlock(CbOfCch(ptb->_cch)); } }
* CTxtArray::RemoveBlocks(itbFirst, ctbDel) * * @mfunc remove a range of text blocks * * @rdesc * nothing * * @comm Side Effects: <nl> * moves text block array */ void CTxtArray::RemoveBlocks( LONG itbFirst, //@parm index of first block to remove
LONG ctbDel) //@parm number of blocks to remove
LONG itb = itbFirst; LONG ctb = ctbDel;
AssertSz(itb + ctb <= Count(), "CTxtArray::RemoveBlocks(): not enough blocks");
while(ctb--) { Assert(Elem(itb) != NULL); Elem(itb++)->FreeBlock(); } Remove(itbFirst, ctbDel); }
* CTxtArray::CombineBlocks(itb) * * @mfunc combine adjacent text blocks * * @rdesc * nothing * * @comm * Side Effects: <nl> * moves text block array * * @devnote * scans blocks from itb - 1 through itb + 1 trying to combine * adjacent blocks */ void CTxtArray::CombineBlocks( LONG itb) //@parm index of the first block modified
LONG ctb; LONG cbT; CTxtBlk *ptb, *ptb1;
if(itb > 0) itb--;
ctb = min(3, Count() - itb); if(ctb <= 1) return;
for(; ctb > 1; ctb--) { ptb = Elem(itb); // Can we combine current
ptb1 = Elem(itb+1); // and next blocks ?
cbT = CbOfCch(ptb->_cch + ptb1->_cch + cchGapInitial); if(cbT <= cbBlockInitial) { // Yes
if(cbT != ptb->_cbBlock && !ptb->ResizeBlock(cbT)) continue; ptb ->MoveGap(ptb->_cch); // Move gaps at ends of
ptb1->MoveGap(ptb1->_cch); // both blocks
CopyMemory(ptb->_pch + ptb->_cch, // Copy next block text
ptb1->_pch, CbOfCch(ptb1->_cch)); // into current block
ptb->_cch += ptb1->_cch; ptb->_ibGap += CbOfCch(ptb1->_cch); RemoveBlocks(itb+1, 1); // Remove next block
} else itb++; } }
* CTxtArray::GetChunk(ppch, cch, pchChunk, cchCopy) * * @mfunc * Get content of text chunk in this text array into a string * * @rdesc * remaining count of characters to get */ LONG CTxtArray::GetChunk( TCHAR **ppch, //@parm ptr to ptr to buffer to copy text chunk into
LONG cch, //@parm length of pch buffer
TCHAR *pchChunk, //@parm ptr to text chunk
LONG cchCopy) const //@parm count of characters in chunk
if(cch > 0 && cchCopy > 0) { if(cch < cchCopy) cchCopy = cch; // Copy less than full chunk
CopyMemory(*ppch, pchChunk, cchCopy*sizeof(TCHAR)); *ppch += cchCopy; // Adjust target buffer ptr
cch -= cchCopy; // Fewer chars to copy
} return cch; // Remaining count to copy
const CCharFormat* CTxtArray::GetCharFormat(LONG iCF) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSEDIT, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtArray::GetCharFormat");
const CCharFormat * pCF; if(iCF < 0) iCF = _iCF; Assert(iCF >= 0);
if(FAILED(GetCharFormatCache()->Deref(iCF, &pCF))) { AssertSz(FALSE, "CTxtArray::GetCharFormat: couldn't deref iCF"); pCF = NULL; } return pCF; }
const CParaFormat* CTxtArray::GetParaFormat(LONG iPF) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSEDIT, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtArray::GetParaFormat");
const CParaFormat * pPF; if(iPF < 0) iPF = _iPF; Assert(iPF >= 0);
if(FAILED(GetParaFormatCache()->Deref(iPF, &pPF))) { AssertSz(FALSE, "CTxtArray::GetParaFormat: couldn't deref iPF"); pPF = NULL; } return pPF; }
// ======================== CTxtBlk class =================================
* CTxtBlk::InitBlock(cb) * * @mfunc * Initialize this text block * * @rdesc * TRUE if success, FALSE if allocation failed */ BOOL CTxtBlk::InitBlock( LONG cb) //@parm initial size of the text block
_pch = NULL; _cch = 0; _ibGap = 0; _cbBlock= cb;
if(cb) _pch = (TCHAR*)PvAlloc(cb, GMEM_ZEROINIT); return _pch != 0; }
* CTxtBlk::FreeBlock() * * @mfunc * Free this text block * * @rdesc * nothing */ VOID CTxtBlk::FreeBlock() { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSBACK, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtBlk::FreeBlock");
FreePv(_pch); _pch = NULL; _cch = 0; _ibGap = 0; _cbBlock= 0; }
* CTxtBlk::MoveGap(ichGap) * * @mfunc * move gap in this text block * * @rdesc * nothing */ void CTxtBlk::MoveGap( LONG ichGap) //@parm new position for the gap
LONG cbMove; LONG ibGapNew = CbOfCch(ichGap); LPBYTE pbFrom = (LPBYTE) _pch; LPBYTE pbTo;
if(ibGapNew == _ibGap) return;
if(ibGapNew < _ibGap) { cbMove = _ibGap - ibGapNew; pbFrom += ibGapNew; pbTo = pbFrom + _cbBlock - CbOfCch(_cch); } else { cbMove = ibGapNew - _ibGap; pbTo = pbFrom + _ibGap; pbFrom = pbTo + _cbBlock - CbOfCch(_cch); }
MoveMemory(pbTo, pbFrom, cbMove); _ibGap = ibGapNew; }
* CTxtBlk::ResizeBlock(cbNew) * * @mfunc * resize this text block * * @rdesc * FALSE if block could not be resized <nl> * non-FALSE otherwise * * @comm * Side Effects: <nl> * moves text block */ BOOL CTxtBlk::ResizeBlock( LONG cbNew) //@parm the new size
TCHAR *pch; LONG cbMove;
AssertSz(cbNew > 0, "resizing block to size <= 0"); AssertSz(cbNew <= cbBlockMost, "CTxtBlk::ResizeBlock() - block too big");
if(cbNew < _cbBlock) { if(_ibGap != CbOfCch(_cch)) { // move text after gap down so that it doesn't get dropped
cbMove = CbOfCch(_cch) - _ibGap; pch = _pch + CchOfCb(_cbBlock - cbMove); MoveMemory(pch - CchOfCb(_cbBlock - cbNew), pch, cbMove); } _cbBlock = cbNew; } pch = (TCHAR*)PvReAlloc(_pch, cbNew); if(!pch) return _cbBlock == cbNew; // FALSE if grow, TRUE if shrink
_pch = pch; if(cbNew > _cbBlock) { if(_ibGap != CbOfCch(_cch)) // Move text after gap to end so that
{ // we don't end up with two gaps
cbMove = CbOfCch(_cch) - _ibGap; pch += CchOfCb(_cbBlock - cbMove); MoveMemory(pch + CchOfCb(cbNew - _cbBlock), pch, cbMove); } _cbBlock = cbNew; } return TRUE; }
// ======================== CTxtStory class ============================
* CTxtStory::CTxtStory * * @mfunc Constructor * * @devnote Automatically allocates a text array. If we want to have a * completely empty edit control, then don't allocate a story. NB! * */ CTxtStory::CTxtStory() { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSBACK, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtStory::CTxtStory");
_pCFRuns = NULL; _pPFRuns = NULL; }
* CTxtStory::~CTxtStory * * @mfunc Destructor */ CTxtStory::~CTxtStory() { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSBACK, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtStory::~CTxtStory");
// Remove formatting.
DeleteFormatRuns(); }
* DeleteRuns () * * @mfunc * Helper function for DeleteFormatRuns() below. Releases * formats used by format run collection before deleting the * collection */ void DeleteRuns(CFormatRuns *pRuns, IFormatCache *pf) { if(pRuns) // Format runs may exist
{ LONG n = pRuns->Count(); if(n) { CFormatRun *pRun = pRuns->Elem(0); for( ; n--; pRun++) pf->Release(pRun->_iFormat); // Free run's format
} delete pRuns; } }
* CTxtStory::DeleteFormatRuns () * * @mfunc Convert to plain - remove format runs */ void CTxtStory::DeleteFormatRuns() { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSBACK, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtStory::ConvertToPlain");
DeleteRuns(_pCFRuns, GetCharFormatCache()); DeleteRuns(_pPFRuns, GetParaFormatCache());
_pCFRuns = NULL; _pPFRuns = NULL; }
#ifdef DEBUG
//This dumps the contents of the CTxtStory
//TxtBlk & FormatRun arrays to the debug output.
void CTxtStory::DbgDumpStory(void) { CTxtBlk * pblk; CFormatRun * pcfr; CFormatRun * ppfr; LONG ctxtr = 0; LONG ccfr = 0; LONG cpfr = 0; LONG i;
ctxtr = _TxtArray.Count();
if (_pCFRuns) ccfr = _pCFRuns->Count(); if (_pPFRuns) cpfr = _pPFRuns->Count();
for(i = 0; i < ctxtr; i++) { pblk = (CTxtBlk*)_TxtArray.Elem(i); Tracef(TRCSEVNONE, "TxtBlk #%d: cch = %d.", (i + 1), pblk->_cch); }
for(i = 0; i < ccfr; i++) { pcfr = (CFormatRun*)_pCFRuns->Elem(i); Tracef(TRCSEVNONE, "CFR #%d: cch = %d, iFormat = %d.",(i + 1), pcfr->_cch, pcfr->_iFormat); }
for(i = 0; i < cpfr; i++) { ppfr = (CFormatRun*)_pPFRuns->Elem(i); Tracef(TRCSEVNONE, "PFR #%d: cch = %d, iFormat = %d.",(i + 1), ppfr->_cch, ppfr->_iFormat); } } #endif