* @doc INTERNAL * * @module _CFPF.H -- RichEdit CCharFormat and CParaFormat Classes | * * These classes are derived from the RichEdit 1.0 CHARFORMAT and PARAFORMAT * structures and are the RichEdit 2.0 internal versions of these structures. * Member functions (like Copy()) that use external (API) CHARFORMATs and * PARAFORMATs need to check the <p cbSize> value to see what members are * defined. Default values that yield RichEdit 1.0 behavior should be stored * for RichEdit 1.0 format structures, e.g., so that the renderer doesn't do * anomalous things with random RichEdit 2.0 format values. Generally the * appropriate default value is 0. * * All character and paragraph format measurements are in twips. Undefined * mask and effect bits are reserved and must be 0 to be compatible with * future versions. * * Effects that appear with an asterisk (*) are stored, but won't be * displayed by RichEdit 2.0. They are place holders for TOM and/or Word * compatibility. * * Note: these structures are much bigger than they need to be for internal * use especially if we use SHORTs instead of LONGs for dimensions and * the tab and font info are accessed via ptrs. Nevertheless, in view of our * tight delivery schedule, RichEdit 2.0 uses the classes below. * * History: * 9/1995 -- MurrayS: Created * 11/1995 -- MurrayS: Extended to full Word97 FormatFont/Format/Para * * Copyright (c) 1995-2000, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. */
#ifndef _CFPF_H
#define _CFPF_H
#define TABS
SHORT Get16BitTwips(LONG dy); LONG GetUsableFontHeight(LONG ySrcHeight, LONG lPointChange); BOOL IsValidCharFormatW(const CHARFORMATW * pCF); BOOL IsValidCharFormatA(const CHARFORMATA * pCFA); BOOL IsValidParaFormat (const PARAFORMAT * pPF);
// CParaFormat Style enums and defines (maybe move to richedit.h?)
#define NHSTYLES 9 // # of heading styles
#define STYLE_COMMAND 0x8000
#define TWIPS_PER_POINT 20
#define IsHeadingStyle(Style) (Style <= STYLE_HEADING_1 && \
Style >= STYLE_HEADING_9) #define IsKnownStyle(Style) (IsHeadingStyle(Style) || Style == STYLE_NORMAL)
#define IsStyleCommand(Style) ((Style & 0xFF00) == STYLE_COMMAND)
#define CCHMAXNUMTOSTR 20 // Enuf for billions + parens + null term
typedef struct _styleformat { BYTE bEffects; BYTE bHeight; } STYLEFORMAT;
* Tab Structure Template * * To help keep the size of the tab array small, we use the two high nibbles * of the tab LONG entries in rgxTabs[] to give the tab type and tab leader * (style) values. The measurer and renderer need to ignore (or implement) * these nibbles. We also need to be sure that the compiler does something * rational with this idea... */
typedef struct tagTab { DWORD tbPos : 24; // 24-bit unsigned tab displacement
DWORD tbAlign : 4; // 4-bit tab type (see enum PFTABTYPE)
DWORD tbLeader : 4; // 4-bit tab style (see enum PFTABSTYLE)
enum PFTABTYPE // Same as tomAlignLeft, tomAlignCenter,
{ // tomAlignRight, tomAlignDecimal, tomAlignBar
PFT_LEFT = 0, // ordinary tab
PFT_CENTER, // center tab
PFT_RIGHT, // right-justified tab
PFT_DECIMAL, // decimal tab
PFT_BAR // Word bar tab (vertical bar)
enum PFTABSTYLE // Same as tomSpaces, tomDots, tomDashes,
{ // tomLines
PFTL_NONE = 0, // no leader
PFTL_DOTS, // dotted
PFTL_DASH, // dashed
PFTL_UNDERLINE, // underlined
PFTL_THICK, // thick line
PFTL_EQUAL // double line
#define PFT_DEFAULT 0xff000000
typedef struct _cellparms { LONG uCell; // Low 24 bits; high byte has flags
DWORD dxBrdrWidths; // Widths of borders (left, top, right, bottom)
DWORD dwColors; // Borders and background color
BYTE bShading; // Shading in .5 per cent
// Border widths and colors are packed in same low-to-high order as in
// RECT, that is, left, top, right, bottom.
LONG GetBrdrWidthLeft() const {return (dxBrdrWidths >> 0*8) & 0xFF;} LONG GetBrdrWidthTop() const {return (dxBrdrWidths >> 1*8) & 0xFF;} LONG GetBrdrWidthRight() const {return (dxBrdrWidths >> 2*8) & 0xFF;} LONG GetBrdrWidthBottom() const {return (dxBrdrWidths >> 3*8) & 0xFF;} void SetBrdrWidthBottom(BYTE bBrdrWidth) {dxBrdrWidths = (dxBrdrWidths & 0x00FFFFFF) | (bBrdrWidth << 24);}
LONG GetColorIndexLeft() const {return (dwColors >> 0*5) & 0x1F;} LONG GetColorIndexTop() const {return (dwColors >> 1*5) & 0x1F;} LONG GetColorIndexRight() const {return (dwColors >> 2*5) & 0x1F;} LONG GetColorIndexBottom() const {return (dwColors >> 3*5) & 0x1F;} LONG GetColorIndexBackgound() const {return (dwColors >> 4*5) & 0x1F;} LONG GetColorIndexForegound() const {return (dwColors >> 5*5) & 0x1F;} LONG ICellFromUCell(LONG dul, LONG cCell) const; } CELLPARMS;
// Effect flags beyond CHARFORMAT2. Go in high word of CCharFormat::_dwEffects
// which aren't used in CHARFORMAT2 (except for CFE_AUTOCOLOR: 0x40000000,
// CFE_AUTOBACKCOLOR: 0x04000000, CFE_SUBSCRIPT: 0x00010000, and
// CFE_SUPERSCRIPT: 0x00020000), since they overlap with noneffect parms.
// Use corresponding high-word bits in dwMask2 to access. Be careful not
// to define new effects that conflict with CFE_AUTOCOLOR, CFE_AUTOBACKCOLOR,
// CFE_SUBSCRIPT 0x00010000 // Defined in richedit.h
// CFE_SUPERSCRIPT 0x00020000 // Defined in richedit.h
#define CFM2_RUNISDBCS 0x00040000 // Says run is DBCS put
#define CFE_RUNISDBCS CFM2_RUNISDBCS // into Unicode buffer
#define CFM2_FACENAMEISDBCS 0x00080000 // Says szFaceName is DBCS
#define CFE_FACENAMEISDBCS CFM2_FACENAMEISDBCS // put into Unicode buffer
#define CFE_AVAILABLE 0x00100000 // Use me!!!
#define CFM2_DELETED 0x00200000 // Says text was deleted
#define CFE_DELETED CFM2_DELETED // (roundtrips \deleted)
#define CFM2_CUSTOMTEXTOUT 0x00400000 // Font has custom textout
#define CFM2_LINKPROTECTED 0x00800000 // Word hyperlink field
#define CFE_LINKPROTECTED CFM2_LINKPROTECTED // Don't let urlsup.cpp touch!
// CFE_AUTOBACKCOLOR 0x04000000 // Defined in richedit.h
// CFE_AUTOCOLOR 0x40000000 // Defined in richedit.h
#define CFM2_CHARFORMAT 0x00008000 // Noneffect mask flags
#define CFM2_USABLEFONT 0x00004000 // EM_SETFONTSIZE functionality
#define CFM2_SCRIPT 0x00002000 // Uniscribe's script ID
#define CFM2_NOCHARSETCHECK 0x00001000 // Suppress CharSet check
#define CFM2_HOLDITEMIZE 0x00000800 // Hold off Itemization
#define CFM2_ADJUSTFONTSIZE 0x00000400 // Font size adjustment (SAMECHARSET case only)
#define CFM2_UIFONT 0x00000200 // UI Font (SAMECHARSET case only)
#define CFM2_MATCHFONT 0x00000100 // Match font to charset
#define CFM2_USETMPDISPATTR 0x00000080 // Use Temp display attribute
* CCharFormat * * @class * Collects character format methods along with data members * corresponding to CHARFORMAT2. Only 10 DWORDs are used, whereas * CHARFORMAT2 has 30. Some bits in the high word of _dwEffects * are used for additional effects, since only CFE_AUTOCOLOR, * CFE_AUTOBACKCOLOR, CFE_SUBSCRIPT, and CFE_SUPERSCRIPT are used * by CHARFORMAT2 (the associated mask bits for the others are used * for noneffect parameters, such as yHeight). * * @devnote * Could add extra data for round tripping more RTF info. This data * wouldn't be exposed at the API level (other than via RTF). * The order below is optimized for transfer to CHARFORMAT and for * early out on font lookup, i.e., the most common 2 DWORDs are the * first 2. */
class CCharFormat { public:
#ifdef DEBUG
const WCHAR *_pchFaceName; // Facename given by _iFont
DWORD _dwEffects; // CFE_xxx effects
BYTE _iCharRep; // Character Repertoire
BYTE _bPitchAndFamily; // Pitch and Family
SHORT _iFont; // Index into FONTNAME table
SHORT _yHeight; // Font height
SHORT _yOffset; // Vertical offset from baseline
COLORREF _crTextColor; // Foreground color
WORD _wWeight; // Font weight (LOGFONT value)
SHORT _sSpacing; // Amount to space between letters
COLORREF _crBackColor; // Background color
LCID _lcid; // Locale ID
SHORT _sStyle; // Style handle
WORD _wKerning; // Twip size above which to kern char pair
BYTE _bUnderlineType; // Underline type
BYTE _bAnimation; // Animated text like marching ants
BYTE _bRevAuthor; // Revision author index
BYTE _bUnderlineColor; // Used only by IME/UIM
WORD _wScript; // Uniscribe's script ID
BYTE _iCharRepSave; // Previous char repertoire for SYMBOL_CHARSET
BYTE _bQuality; // Font quality (ClearType or whatever)
SHORT _sTmpDisplayAttrIdx; // Index to the temp. display attrib array
CCharFormat() { _sTmpDisplayAttrIdx = -1; } //@cmember Apply *<p pCF>
HRESULT Apply (const CCharFormat *pCF, // to this CCharFormat
DWORD dwMask, DWORD dwMask2); void ApplyDefaultStyle (LONG Style);
BOOL CanKern() const {return _wKerning && _yHeight >= _wKerning;} BOOL CanKernWith(const CCharFormat *pCF) const;
BOOL Compare (const CCharFormat *pCF) const; //@cmember Compare this CF
// to *<p pCF>
DWORD Delta (CCharFormat *pCF, //@cmember Get difference
BOOL fCHARFORMAT) const; // mask between this and
// *<p pCF>
BOOL fSetStyle(DWORD dwMask, DWORD dwMask2) const; void Get (CHARFORMAT2 *pCF, UINT CodePage) const;//@cmember Copies this to
HRESULT InitDefault (HFONT hfont); //@cmember Initialize using
// font info from <p hfont>
void Set(const CHARFORMAT2 *pCF, UINT CodePage);//@cmember Copy *<p pCF>
// to this CF
// dwMask2 bits
#define PFM2_PARAFORMAT 0x80000000 // Only PARAFORMAT parms used
#define PFM2_ALLOWTRDCHANGE 0x40000000 // Allow TRD changes
#define PFM2_TABLEROWSHIFTED 0x00008000 // Allow only TRD changes
* CParaFormat * * @class * Collects related paragraph formatting methods and data * * @devnote * Could add extra data for round tripping more RTF and TOM info */ class CParaFormat { public: WORD _wNumbering; WORD _wEffects; LONG _dxStartIndent; LONG _dxRightIndent; LONG _dxOffset; BYTE _bAlignment; BYTE _bTabCount; SHORT _iTabs; // Tabs index in CTabs cache
LONG _dySpaceBefore; // Vertical spacing before para
LONG _dySpaceAfter; // Vertical spacing after para
LONG _dyLineSpacing; // Line spacing depending on Rule
SHORT _sStyle; // Style handle
BYTE _bLineSpacingRule; // Rule for line spacing (see tom.doc)
BYTE _bOutlineLevel; // Outline Level
union { struct { WORD _wShadingWeight; // Shading in hundredths of a per cent
WORD _wShadingStyle; // Byte 0: style, nib 2: cfpat, 3: cbpat
WORD _wNumberingStart; // Starting value for numbering
WORD _wNumberingStyle; // Alignment, Roman/Arabic, (), ), ., etc.
}; struct { COLORREF _crCustom1; // In table-row delimiters, this area has
COLORREF _crCustom2; // custom colors instead of shading and
}; // numbering
}; WORD _wNumberingTab; // Space bet 1st indent and 1st-line text
WORD _wBorderSpace; // Border-text spaces (nbl/bdr in pts)
WORD _wBorderWidth; // Pen widths (nbl/bdr in half twips)
WORD _wBorders; // Border styles (nibble/border)
DWORD _dwBorderColor; // Colors/attribs
char _bTableLevel; // Table nesting level
CParaFormat() {} //@cmember Add tab at
HRESULT AddTab (LONG tabPos, LONG tabType, // position <p tabPos>
LONG tabStyle, LONG *prgxTabs); //@cmember Apply *<p pPF> to
HRESULT Apply(const CParaFormat *pPF, DWORD dwMask, DWORD dwMask2);// this PF
void ApplyDefaultStyle (LONG Style); HRESULT DeleteTab(LONG tabPos, LONG *prgxTabs); //@cmember Delete tab at
// <p tabPos>
DWORD Delta (CParaFormat *pPF, //@cmember Set difference
BOOL fPARAFORMAT) const; // mask between this and
// *<p pPF>
BOOL fSetStyle(DWORD dwMask, DWORD dwMask2) const; void Get (PARAFORMAT2 *pPF2) const; //@cmember Copy this PF to
// *<p pPF>
char GetOutlineLevel(){return _bOutlineLevel;} LONG GetRTLRowLength() const; //@cmember Get RTL row length
//@cmember Get tab position
HRESULT GetTab (long iTab, long *pdxptab, // type, and style
long *ptbt, long *pstyle, const LONG *prgxTabs) const; const LONG *GetTabs () const; //@cmember Get ptr to tab array
const CELLPARMS *GetCellParms () const //@cmember Get ptr to cell array
{return (const CELLPARMS *)GetTabs();} BOOL HandleStyle(LONG Mode); //@cmember Handle sStyle
//@cmember Initialize this
HRESULT InitDefault (WORD wDefEffects); // PF to default values
BOOL IsRtlPara() const {return (_wEffects & (PFE_RTLPARA | PFE_TABLEROWDELIMITER)) == PFE_RTLPARA;} BOOL IsRtl() const {return _wEffects & PFE_RTLPARA;} BOOL InTable() const {return (_wEffects & PFE_TABLE) != 0;} BOOL IsTableRowDelimiter() const {return (_wEffects & PFE_TABLEROWDELIMITER) != 0;} BOOL IsListNumbered() const {return IN_RANGE(tomListNumberAsArabic, _wNumbering, tomListNumberAsSequence);} BOOL IsNumberSuppressed() const {return (_wNumberingStyle & 0xF00) == PFNS_NONUMBER;}
LONG NumToStr(TCHAR *pch, LONG n, DWORD grf = 0) const; //@cmember Copy *<p pPF>
void Set (const PARAFORMAT2 *pPF2); // to this PF
LONG UpdateNumber (LONG n, const CParaFormat *pPF) const;
#ifdef DEBUG
void ValidateTabs();
#endif // DEBUG
#define fRtfWrite 0x1
#define fIndicDigits 0x2
#define GetTabPos(tab) ((tab) & 0xFFFFFF)
#define GetTabAlign(tab) (((tab) >> 24) & 0xF)
#define GetTabLdr(tab) ((tab) >> 28)
#define fTopCell 0x04000000
#define fLowCell 0x08000000
#define fVerticalCell 0x10000000
#define GetCellWidth(x) ((x) & 0xFFFFFF)
#define IsTopCell(x) (((x) & fTopCell) != 0)
#define IsLowCell(x) ((x) & fLowCell)
#define IsVertMergedCell(x) ((x) & (fTopCell | fLowCell))
#define IsVerticalCell(x) ((x) & fVerticalCell)
#define GetCellVertAlign(x) ((x) & 0x03000000)
#define IsCellVertAlignCenter(x) ((x) & 0x01000000)
#define CELL_EXTRA (sizeof(CELLPARMS)/sizeof(LONG) - 1)
* CTabs * * @class * CFixArray element for tab and cell arrays */ class CTabs { public: LONG _cTab; // Count of tabs (or total LONGs in cells)
LONG *_prgxTabs; // Ptr to tab array
/* Table Storage Layout:
* * Tables are stored using paragraphs with special characteristics. * Each table row starts with a two-character paragraph consisting of * a STARTFIELD character followed by a CR. The associated CParaFormat * has the PFE_TABLEROWDELIMITER bit of _wEffects set to 1. The CParaFormat * properties identify the row properties: alignment, StartIndent, line * spacing, line spacing rule, PFE_KEEP and PFE_RTLPARA bits, and border * info, which all work the same way for the row that they work for an * ordinary paragraph. The offset field gives the half-gap space between * cells in the row. The CTabArray for the paragraph gives the cell widths * and other info, such as vertical cell merge. * * Cells in the row are delimited by CELL, which can have a CParaFormat like * a CR, so that properties like alignment can be attached to a cell without * having an explicit CR. CRs are allowed in cells and the text may wrap * in the cell. * * The table row ends with a two-character paragraph consisting of * a ENDFIELD character followed by a CR. The associated CParaFormat is * the same as the corresponding table row start paragraph. * * Tables can be nested. The _bTableLevel gives the nesting level: 1 for * the outermost table, 2 for the next to outermost table, etc. */
BOOL IsValidTwip(LONG dl);