* * @doc INTERNAL * * @module _CMSGFLT.H CTextMsgFilter declaration | * * Purpose: CTextMsgFilter is used in handling IME as well as Cicero Input. * * Author: <nl> * 2/6/98 v-honwch * * Copyright (c) 1995-2000, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. */
// Forward declarations
#include "_MSREMSG.H"
class CIme; class CUIM; class CTextMsgFilter; class CLangProfileSink;
// CheckIMEType dwFlags
#define CHECK_IME_SERVICE 0x0001
#ifndef __ITfThreadMgr_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
class ITfThreadMgr; #endif
class CLangProfileSink : public ITfLanguageProfileNotifySink { public: CLangProfileSink();
// IUnknown methods
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvObj); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void);
// ITfLanguageProfilesNotifySink
STDMETHODIMP OnLanguageChange(LANGID langid, BOOL *pfAccept); STDMETHODIMP OnLanguageChanged();
HRESULT _Advise(CTextMsgFilter *, ITfInputProcessorProfiles *pipp); HRESULT _Unadvise();
long _cRef; CTextMsgFilter *_pTextMsgFilter; ITfInputProcessorProfiles *_pITFIPP; DWORD _dwCookie; };
class CTextMsgFilter : public ITextMsgFilter { public : friend class CUIM; friend class CLangProfileSink;
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void **ppvObject); ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void); ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void); HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AttachDocument( HWND hwnd, ITextDocument2 *pTextDoc, IUnknown *punk); HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE HandleMessage( UINT *pmsg, WPARAM *pwparam, LPARAM *plparam, LRESULT *plres); HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AttachMsgFilter( ITextMsgFilter *pMsgFilter);
COMPCOLOR* GetIMECompAttributes(); void OnSetUIMMode(WORD wUIMModeBias); LRESULT OnGetUIMMode() { return _wUIMModeBias; };
BOOL IsIMEComposition() { return (_ime != NULL);}; BOOL GetTxSelection(); BOOL NoIMEProcess(); BOOL MouseOperation(UINT msg, long ichStart, long cchComp, WPARAM wParam, WPARAM *pwParamBefore, BOOL *pfTerminateIME, HWND hwndIME, long *pCpCursor=NULL, ITfMouseSink *pMouseSink=NULL);
CIme *_ime; // non-NULL when IME composition active
HWND _hwnd; UINT _uKeyBoardCodePage; // current keyboard codepage
UINT _uSystemCodePage; // system codepage
DWORD _fIMECancelComplete :1; // If aborting IME, cancel comp string, else complete
DWORD _fUnicodeIME :1; // TRUE if Unicode IME
DWORD _fIMEAlwaysNotify :1; // Send Notification during IME undetermined string
DWORD _fHangulToHanja :1; // TRUE during Hangul to Hanja conversion
DWORD _fOvertypeMode :1; // TRUE if overtype mode is on.
DWORD _fMSIME :1; // TRUE if MSIME98 or later
DWORD _fUsingAIMM :1; // TRUE if AIMM is activated
DWORD _fUnicodeWindow :1; // TRUE if Unicode Window
DWORD _fForceEnable :1; // TRUE if Force Enable on Focus
DWORD _fForceActivate :1; // TRUE if Force Activate on Focus
DWORD _fForceRemember :1; // TRUE if Force Remember
DWORD _fIMEEnable :1; // TRUE if IME was enable before
DWORD _fRE10Mode :1; // TRUE if running in RE1.0 Mode
DWORD _fUsingUIM :1; // TRUE if Cicero is activated
DWORD _fTurnOffUIM :1; // TRUE if Client doesn't want UIM
DWORD _fTurnOffAIMM :1; // TRUE if Client doesn't want AIIM
DWORD _fNoIme :1; // TRUE if Client has turn off IME processing
DWORD _fRestoreOLDIME :1; // TRUE if _wOldIMESentence is setup before
DWORD _fSendTransaction :1; // TRUE if we need to send EndEditTransaction
DWORD _fReceivedKeyDown :1; // TRUE if we have received key down message
DWORD _fAllowEmbedded :1; // TRUE if we allow Cicero insert embedded
DWORD _fAllowSmartTag :1; // TRUE if we allow Cicero SmartTag tips
DWORD _fAllowProofing :1; // TRUE if we allow Cicero Proofing tips
WORD _wUIMModeBias; // for UIM Mode bias
// Support for SETIMEOPTIONS:
DWORD _fIMEConversion; // for Force Remember use
DWORD _fIMESentence; // for Force Remember use
HKL _fIMEHKL; // for Force Remember use
long _cpReconvertStart; // use during reconversion
long _cpReconvertEnd; // use during reconversion
long _lFEFlags; // For FE setting (ES_NOIME, ES_SELFIME)
COMPCOLOR* _pcrComp; // Support 1.0 mode composition color
ITextDocument2 *_pTextDoc; ITextServices *_pTextService; ITextSelection *_pTextSel; ITfThreadMgr *_pTim; CUIM *_pCUIM; TfClientId _tid; #ifndef NOPRIVATEMESSAGE
CMsgCallBack *_pMsgCallBack; #endif
ITfInputProcessorProfiles *_pITfIPP; CLangProfileSink *_pCLangProfileSink;
private: ULONG _crefs;
ITextMsgFilter * _pFilter;
HIMC _hIMCContext;
// private methods
HRESULT OnWMChar( UINT *pmsg, WPARAM *pwparam, LPARAM *plparam, LRESULT *plres);
HRESULT OnWMIMEChar( UINT *pmsg, WPARAM *pwparam, LPARAM *plparam, LRESULT *plres);
HRESULT OnIMEReconvert( UINT *pmsg, WPARAM *pwparam, LPARAM *plparam, LRESULT *plres, BOOL fUnicode);
BOOL CheckIMEChange( LPRECONVERTSTRING lpRCS, long cpParaStart, long cpParaEnd, long cpMin, long cpMax, BOOL fUnicode);
HRESULT OnIMEQueryPos( UINT *pmsg, WPARAM *pwparam, LPARAM *plparam, LRESULT *plres, BOOL fUnicode);
HRESULT InputFEChar( WCHAR wchFEChar );
void OnSetFocus(); void OnKillFocus();
LRESULT OnSetIMEOptions(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); LRESULT OnGetIMEOptions(); void SetupIMEOptions(); void SetupCallback(); void SetupLangSink(); void ReleaseLangSink(); void CompleteUIMTyping(LONG mode, BOOL fTransaction = TRUE); void StartUIM(); void StartAimm(BOOL fUseAimm12); void TurnOffUIM(BOOL fSafeToSendMessage); void TurnOffAimm(BOOL fSafeToSendMessage);
int OnGetIMECompText(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); void OnSetIMEMode(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); LRESULT OnGetIMEMode() { if (!_nIMEMode) return 0; return _nIMEMode == 1 ? IMF_SMODE_PLAURALCLAUSE : IMF_SMODE_NONE; }; void SetIMESentenseMode(BOOL fSetup, HKL hKL = NULL);
void HandleCTFService(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); };