* @doc INTERNAL * * @module dispprt.cpp -- Special logic for printer object | * * Authors: * Original RichEdit code: David R. Fulmer * Christian Fortini * Jon Matousek */ #include "_common.h"
#include "_dispprt.h"
#include "_edit.h"
#include "_font.h"
#include "_measure.h"
#include "_render.h"
#include "_select.h"
* CDisplayPrinter::CDisplayPrinter(ped, hdc, x, y, prtcon) * * @mfunc * Contructs a object that can be used to print a text control */ CDisplayPrinter::CDisplayPrinter( CTxtEdit* ped, //@parm CTxtEdit
HDC hdc, //@parm HDC for drawing
RECT *prc, //@parm dimensions of current area to print to.
SPrintControl prtcon//@parm Special controls for this print object
) : CDisplayML(ped), _prtcon(prtcon) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSPRT, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CDisplayPrinter::CDisplayPrinter"); Assert (hdc);
_fNoUpdateView = TRUE;
GetDupDvpFromRect(*prc, GetTflow(), _dulTarget, _dvlTarget); _wNumber = PARA_NUMBER_NOT_SET; }
* CDisplayPrinter::SetPrintDimensions(prc) * * @mfunc * Set area to print. */ void CDisplayPrinter::SetPrintDimensions( RECT *prc) //@parm dimensions of current area to print to.
{ GetDupDvpFromRect(*prc, GetTflow(), _dulTarget, _dvlTarget); }
* CDisplayPrinter::FormatRange(cpFirst, cpMost) * * @mfunc * Format a range of text into this display and used only for printing. * * @rdesc * actual end of range position (updated) */ LONG CDisplayPrinter::FormatRange( LONG cpFirst, //@parm Start of text range
LONG cpMost, //@parm End of text range
BOOL fWidowOrphanControl) //@parm If TRUE, suppress widow/orphan
LONG cch; WCHAR ch; BOOL fFirstInPara = TRUE; CLine liTarget; CLine * pliNew = NULL; LONG dvp; LONG dvt; const CDevDesc *pddTarget = GetDdTarget() ? GetDdTarget() : this;
// Set client height for zooming
_dvpClient = LYtoDY(_dvlTarget);
// Set maximum in terms of target DC.
LONG dvtMax = pddTarget->LYtoDY(_dvlTarget);
if(cpMost < 0) cpMost = _ped->GetTextLength();
CMeasurer me(this); cpFirst = me.SetCp(cpFirst); // Validate cpFirst while setting me
ch = me.GetChar();
// TODO: COMPATIBILITY ISSUE: Richedit 1.0 adjusted to before a
// CRLF/CRCRLF boundary. if_ped->fUseCRLF(), adjust accordingly
_cpMin = cpFirst; _cpFirstVisible = cpFirst; dvt = 0; dvp = 0; if(me.GetCp()) fFirstInPara = me._rpTX.IsAfterEOP();
// Clear line CArray
DeleteSubLayouts(0, -1); Clear(AF_DELETEMEM);
// Assume that we will break on words
if(_prtcon._fPrintFromDraw) { // This is from Draw so we want to take inset into account
LONG dut = LYtoDY(_dulTarget);
GetViewDim(dut, dvtMax); _dupView = dut;
// Restore client height
_dvpClient = this->LYtoDY(_dvlTarget); } else // Message-based printing always does word wrap
// Set paragraph numbering. This is a fairly difficult problem
// because printing can start anywhere and end anywhere. However,
// most printing will involve a contiguous range of pages. Therefore,
// we cache the paragraph number and the cp for that number and
// only resort to looking in the line array if the cached information
// has become invalid.
if ((PARA_NUMBER_NOT_SET == _wNumber) || (cpFirst != _cpForNumber)) { CLinePtr rp(_ped->_pdp); rp.SetCp(cpFirst, FALSE); _wNumber = rp.GetNumber(); _cpForNumber = cpFirst; } me.SetNumber(_wNumber); while(me.GetCp() < cpMost) { // Add one new line
pliNew = Add(1, NULL); if(!pliNew) { _ped->GetCallMgr()->SetOutOfMemory(); goto err; }
// Store the current number of the paragraph. We do it
// here because we have to measure and that potentially
// updates the number of the paragraph in the measurer
// for a line that might not be on the page.
_wNumber = me.GetNumber();
// Stuff some text into this new line
if(!Measure(me, pliNew, Count() - 1, uiBreakAtWord | (fFirstInPara ? MEASURE_FIRSTINPARA : 0), &liTarget)) { Assert(FALSE); goto err; }
//FUTURE (keithcu) We break tables across pages on row boundaries which
//isn't very granular--especially in the HTML world.
// Note, we always put at least one line on a page. Otherwise, if the
// first line is too big, we would cause our client to infinite loop
// because we would never advance the print cp.
if(_cel > 1 && (dvt + liTarget.GetHeight() > dvtMax)) { cch = -pliNew->_cch; // Bump last line to next page
_cel--; // One less line
#if 0
CLine *pli = pliNew - 1; // Point at previous line
// If this line and the previous one are in the same para and
// either this one ends in an EOP or the previous one starts
// a para, bump both to following page (widow/orphan)
if(fWidowOrphanControl) { if(_cel > 1 && !fFirstInPara && (pli->_bFlags & fliFirstInPara || (pliNew->_bFlags & fliHasEOP))) { cch -= pli->_cch; _cel--; // One less line
pli--; // Point to previous line
} if(_cel > 1 && pli->_nHeading) { // Don't end page with a heading
cch -= pli->_cch; _cel--; // One less line
} } #endif
me.Move(cch); // Move back over lines discarded
delete pliNew->GetPlo(); //Delete the CLayout which didn't get added to the CLineArray
break; }
fFirstInPara = (pliNew->_fHasEOP);
dvt += liTarget.GetHeight(); dvp += pliNew->GetHeight(); if (me.GetPrevChar() == FF) break; }
// If there was no text, then add a single blank line
if(!pliNew) { pliNew = Add(1, NULL); if(!pliNew) { _ped->GetCallMgr()->SetOutOfMemory(); goto err; } me.NewLine(fFirstInPara); *pliNew = me._li; }
// Update display height
_dvp = dvp;
// Update display width
_dupLineMax = CalcDisplayDup();
cpMost = me.GetCp(); _cpCalcMax = cpMost; _vpCalcMax = _dvp;
// Update paragraph caching information.
_cpForNumber = cpMost;
return cpMost;
err: DeleteSubLayouts(0, -1); Clear(AF_DELETEMEM); _dupLineMax = 0; _dvp = 0; return -1; }
* CDisplayPrinter::GetNaturalSize(hdcDraw, hicTarget, dwMode, pwidth, pheight) * * @mfunc * Recalculate display to input width & height for TXTNS_FITTOCONTENT. * * @rdesc * S_OK - Call completed successfully <nl> * * @devnote * This assumes that FormatRange was called just prior to this. */ HRESULT CDisplayPrinter::GetNaturalSize( HDC hdcDraw, //@parm DC for drawing
HDC hicTarget, //@parm DC for information
DWORD dwMode, //@parm Type of natural size required
LONG *pwidth, //@parm Width in device units to use for fitting
LONG *pheight) //@parm Height in device units to use for fitting
*pwidth = _dupLineMax; *pheight = _dvp; return S_OK; }
* CDisplayPrinter::IsPrinter() * * @mfunc * Returns whether this is a printer * * @rdesc * TRUE - is a display to a printer * FALSE - is not a display to a printer */ BOOL CDisplayPrinter::IsPrinter() const { AssertSz(_hdc, "CDisplayPrinter::IsPrinter no hdc set"); return GetDeviceCaps(_hdc, TECHNOLOGY) == DT_RASPRINTER; }