Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
function DoNothing() { // Stub
function LoadLinks() { // Define start of table
var szNewTable = '<table id=\"tblLinks\" align=\"center\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" frame=\"void\" rules=\"none\">';
// Dynamically load table rows and table cells
for( var i = 0; i <= giTotalButtons; i++ ) { // Add new table row if i mod 3 = 0
if( i % 3 == 0 ) { szNewTable += '<tr>\n'; szNewTable += '<td id=\"tdLinks_' + i + '\" width=\"30%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"tdLinks\"></td>\n'; szNewTable += '<td width=\"5%\"></td>\n'; szNewTable += '<td id=\"tdLinks_' + ( i + 1 ) + '\" width=\"30%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"tdLinks\"></td>\n'; szNewTable += '<td width=\"5%\"></td>\n'; szNewTable += '<td id=\"tdLinks_' + ( i + 2 ) + '\" width=\"30%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"tdLinks\"></td>\n'; szNewTable += '</tr>\n'; } } // Define end of table
szNewTable += '</table>\n'; // Add new table to div container
divLinks.insertAdjacentHTML('BeforeEnd', szNewTable ); for( var i = 0; i <= giTotalButtons; i++ ) { // Add anchor link to table cells
var szAnchor = '<a href=\"\" id=\"anchorLink_' + i + '\" class=\"anchorLink\">'; // DEBUG NOTE: Where is the end anchor tag? </a>
document.all('tdLinks_' + i).insertAdjacentHTML ( 'BeforeEnd', szAnchor ); // Add caption to anchor
var szAnchorCaption = gaszBtnCaptions[i]; document.all('anchorLink_' + i).insertAdjacentHTML ( 'BeforeEnd', szAnchorCaption ); } }
function ResizeLinkElements() { var iSmallerDimension = GetSmallerDimension(); // Apply custom multipliers
divLinksCaption.style.fontSize = iSmallerDimension * L_ConstCaptionText_Number; tdBranding.style.fontSize = iSmallerDimension * L_ConstBrandingText_Number; tdWatermark.style.fontSize = iSmallerDimension * L_ConstWatermarkHomeText_Number; // Anchor links
for( var i = 0; i <= giTotalButtons; i++ ) { document.all('anchorLink_' + i ).style.fontSize = iSmallerDimension * L_ConstAnchorLinkText_Number; } // Tooltips
tblTooltip.style.fontSize = iSmallerDimension * L_ConstTooltipText_Number; divTooltipPointer.style.fontSize = iSmallerDimension * L_ConstTooltipPointerText_Number; }
function LoadTooltipPointer() { divTooltipPointer.innerText = L_gszTooltipPointer_StaticText; }
function LinksTooltipShow() { // Load in appropriate tooltip text from the module-level string array
tdTooltip.innerHTML = gaszBtnTooltips[giTooltipIndex];
// Calc Y (vertical) location
// Get offsetTop of parent div element
iYLoc = divLinks.offsetTop;
// Get offsetTop from parent element
iYLoc += document.all('tdLinks_' + giTooltipIndex).parentElement.offsetTop; // Get height of element
iYLoc += document.all('anchorLink_' + giTooltipIndex).offsetHeight;
// Add a % offset
iYLoc += Math.floor( document.body.clientHeight * L_ConstLinkTooltipOffsetTop_Number );
// Subtract parent div scrollTop to account for container div scrolling (if any)
iYLoc -= divLinks.scrollTop;
// Position the tooltip vertically
divTooltip.style.pixelTop = iYLoc; iYLoc -= (GetPixelSize(divTooltipPointer.style.fontSize) / L_ConstLinkTooltipPointerOffsetTop_Number);
// Position the tooltip pointer vertically
divTooltipPointer.style.pixelTop = iYLoc;
// Calc X (horizontal) location
// Get offsetWidth of anchor element
var iAnchorWidth = document.all('anchorLink_' + giTooltipIndex).offsetWidth;
// Get offsetLeft of parent element
var iTDOffset = document.all('anchorLink_' + giTooltipIndex).parentElement.offsetLeft;
// Get width of tooltip
var iTooltipWidth = document.all('divTooltip').offsetWidth;
// Center the tooltip horizontally w/ respect to its anchor
var iXLoc = iTDOffset + ( Math.floor( iAnchorWidth / 2 ) ) - ( Math.floor( iTooltipWidth / 2 ) );
// Get offsetLeft of parent div element
iXLoc += divLinks.offsetLeft;
// Position the tooltip horizontally
divTooltip.style.left = iXLoc; iXLoc += (iTooltipWidth / 2) - ( GetPixelSize(divTooltipPointer.style.fontSize) / 2 );
// Position the tooltip pointer horizontally
divTooltipPointer.style.pixelLeft = iXLoc;
// Show the tooltip & pointer
divTooltip.style.visibility = 'visible'; divTooltipPointer.style.visibility = 'visible'; }
function LinksTooltipHide() { divTooltip.style.visibility = 'hidden'; divTooltipPointer.style.visibility = 'hidden'; window.clearTimeout(gTooltipTimer); //Empty the innerHTML, which causes the height to collapse
tdTooltip.innerHTML = ''; }