// SetPass.cpp
// Comment: This is a COM object extension for the MCS DCTAccountReplicator.
// This object implements the IExtendAccountMigration interface.
// The process method of this object sets the password for the
// target account according to the users specification.
// (c) Copyright 1995-1998, Mission Critical Software, Inc., All Rights Reserved
// Proprietary and confidential to Mission Critical Software, Inc.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ResStr.h"
#include <lm.h>
#include "rpc.h"
#include "EaLen.hpp"
#include <activeds.h>
#include "ARExt.h"
#include "ARExt_i.c"
#include "ErrDCT.hpp"
#include "PWGen.hpp"
#include "TReg.hpp"
#import "DBMgr.tlb" no_namespace
StringLoader gString; TErrorDct err;
#include "SetPwd.h"
#include "SetPass.h"
#include "pwdfuncs.h"
#include "PwRpcUtl.h"
#include "PwdSvc.h"
#define AR_Status_Created (0x00000001)
#define AR_Status_PasswordCopied (0x00000200)
#define AR_Status_PasswordError (0x00000400)
#define SECONDS_PER_DAY 86400.0
// CSetPassword
// Get and set methods for the properties.
STDMETHODIMP CSetPassword::get_sName(BSTR *pVal) { *pVal = m_sName; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CSetPassword::put_sName(BSTR newVal) { m_sName = newVal; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CSetPassword::get_sDesc(BSTR *pVal) { *pVal = m_sDesc; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CSetPassword::put_sDesc(BSTR newVal) { m_sDesc = newVal; return S_OK; }
// ProcessObject : This method currently records the setting of the "User
// cannot change password" flag for intra-forest user migrations
STDMETHODIMP CSetPassword::PreProcessObject( IUnknown *pSource, //in- Pointer to the source AD object
IUnknown *pTarget, //in- Pointer to the target AD object
IUnknown *pMainSettings, //in- Varset filled with the settings supplied by user
IUnknown **ppPropsToSet, //in,out - Varset filled with Prop-Value pairs that will be set
// once all extension objects are executed.
EAMAccountStats* pStats ) { /* local variables */ IVarSetPtr pVS = pMainSettings; CString sSAMName = L"";
/* function body */ _bstr_t sIntraforest = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_IsIntraforest)); _bstr_t sType = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_Type)); _bstr_t sSrc = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceServer)); _bstr_t sAccount = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceSam)); if ((!sIntraforest.length()) || (!sType.length()) || (!sSrc.length()) || (!sAccount.length())) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
sSAMName = (WCHAR*)sAccount; if (!UStrICmp((WCHAR*)sIntraforest,GET_STRING(IDS_YES))) { if (!UStrICmp((WCHAR*)sType,L"user") || !UStrICmp((WCHAR*)sType,L"inetOrgPerson")) { //record the password flags set on the source account
RecordPwdFlags(sSrc, sAccount); //we only want to record the "User cannot change password" flag, so
//clear the others
m_bUMCPNLFlagSet = false; m_bPNEFlagSet = false;
//store the flag setting in a map as a string
if (m_bUCCPFlagSet) mUCCPMap.SetAt(sSAMName, L"TRUE"); else mUCCPMap.SetAt(sSAMName, L"FALSE"); } } //if previously migrated, store that time in a map
_bstr_t sSrcDom = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomain)); _bstr_t sTgtDom = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomain)); IVarSetPtr pVSMig(__uuidof(VarSet)); IUnknown * pUnk; IIManageDBPtr pDb(__uuidof(IManageDB)); _variant_t varDate; pVSMig->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**) &pUnk); HRESULT hrFind = pDb->raw_GetAMigratedObject(sAccount, sSrcDom, sTgtDom, &pUnk); pUnk->Release(); //if migrated previously, store that time and date in a class map in string
if (hrFind == S_OK) { //
// if object's password was previously copied
long lStatusOld = pVSMig->get(L"MigratedObjects.status");
if (lStatusOld & AR_Status_PasswordCopied) { //
// set password copied flag in account status
// as the account replicator does not preserve
// status for objects being replaced
_bstr_t strStatus = GET_BSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_Status); long lStatusNew = pVS->get(strStatus); lStatusNew |= AR_Status_PasswordCopied; pVS->put(strStatus, lStatusNew);
// retrieve time when object was migrated and save
varDate = pVSMig->get(L"MigratedObjects.Time"); if (varDate.vt & VT_DATE) { COleDateTime aDate = varDate.date; //save the date and time in a string
CString sDate = aDate.Format(L"%B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S"); //store the date\time string in a map
mMigTimeMap.SetAt(sSAMName, sDate); } } }
return S_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ProcessObject : This method sets the password of the target object
// by looking at the settings in the varset.
STDMETHODIMP CSetPassword::ProcessObject( IUnknown *pSource, //in- Pointer to the source AD object
IUnknown *pTarget, //in- Pointer to the target AD object
IUnknown *pMainSettings, //in- Varset filled with the settings supplied by user
IUnknown **ppPropsToSet, //in,out - Varset filled with Prop-Value pairs that will be set
// once all extension objects are executed.
EAMAccountStats* pStats ) { _bstr_t sType; IVarSetPtr pVS = pMainSettings; WCHAR password[LEN_Path]; bool bGenerate = false; bool bGenerated = false; DWORD dwMinUC = 0, dwMinLC = 0, dwMinDigits = 1, dwMinSpecial = 0, dwMaxAlpha = 10, dwMinLen = 4; _variant_t var; WCHAR fileName[LEN_Path]; bool bCopiedPwd = false; HRESULT hrPwd = ERROR_SUCCESS;
sType = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_Type));
// Group objects don't have a password so do not attempt to process.
if (UStrICmp((WCHAR*)sType, L"group") == 0) { return S_OK; }
// Get the Error log filename from the Varset
var = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_Logfile)); wcscpy(fileName, (WCHAR*)V_BSTR(&var)); VariantInit(&var); // Open the error log
err.LogOpen(fileName, 1);
_bstr_t sSrc = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceServer)); _bstr_t sSrcDom = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomain)); _bstr_t sMach = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetServer)); _bstr_t sTgtName = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetSam)); _bstr_t sAccount = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceSam)); _bstr_t sSkip = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_DoNotUpdatePassword)); _bstr_t sTgtCN = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetName)); _bstr_t sIntraforest = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_IsIntraforest)); _bstr_t sCopyPwd = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_AccountOptions_CopyPasswords)); _bstr_t sPwdDC = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_AccountOptions_PasswordDC));
if ( !UStrICmp((WCHAR*)sSkip,(WCHAR*)sAccount) ) { return S_OK; }
// Retrieve the operating system version of the password server. If it is
// NT 4 or earlier then the flat or NetBIOS name of the target domain
// controller must be specified.
if (m_nPasswordServerVersion == 0) { PWKSTA_INFO_100 pwiInfo;
NET_API_STATUS nasStatus = NetWkstaGetInfo(sPwdDC, 100, (LPBYTE*)&pwiInfo);
if (nasStatus == NERR_Success) { m_nPasswordServerVersion = pwiInfo->wki100_ver_major;
NetApiBufferFree(pwiInfo); } else { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrW, nasStatus, DCT_MSG_PW_CANT_GET_PES_OS_VERSION_S, (WCHAR*)sPwdDC); } }
if ((m_nPasswordServerVersion > 0) && (m_nPasswordServerVersion < 5)) { sMach = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetServerFlat)); }
if ( sTgtCN.length() == 0 ) sTgtCN = sTgtName; // strip off the CN= from the beginning of the name, if necessary
if ( !UStrICmp(sTgtCN,"CN=",3) ) { sTgtCN = _bstr_t(((WCHAR*)sTgtCN)+3); }
dwMaxAlpha = (LONG)pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_AccountOptions_PasswordPolicy_MaxConsecutiveAlpha)); dwMinDigits = (LONG)pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_AccountOptions_PasswordPolicy_MinDigit)); dwMinLC = (LONG)pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_AccountOptions_PasswordPolicy_MinLower)); dwMinUC = (LONG)pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_AccountOptions_PasswordPolicy_MinUpper)); dwMinSpecial = (LONG)pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_AccountOptions_PasswordPolicy_MinSpecial)); dwMinLen = (LONG)pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_AccountOptions_PasswordPolicy_MinLength));
// if the values are all 0 s then we make up something
if ( (dwMaxAlpha + dwMinDigits + dwMinLC + dwMinUC + dwMinSpecial) == 0 ) { dwMinDigits = 3; dwMinSpecial = 3; dwMinUC = 3; dwMinLC = 3; }
//for intra-forest migration of a user, reset the user's
//original "User cannot change password" flag, whose value is
//stored in the map as a string
if ( ! UStrICmp((WCHAR*)sIntraforest,GET_STRING(IDS_YES)) ) { if ( !UStrICmp((WCHAR*)sType,L"user") || !UStrICmp((WCHAR*)sType,L"inetOrgPerson") ) { //get the UCCP string from the map
CString sFlag; if (mUCCPMap.Lookup((WCHAR*)sAccount, sFlag)) { if (sFlag == L"TRUE") m_bUCCPFlagSet = true; else m_bUCCPFlagSet = false; }//end if found in map
else m_bUCCPFlagSet = false; m_bUMCPNLFlagSet = false; m_bPNEFlagSet = false;
ResetPwdFlags(pTarget, sMach, sTgtName); return S_OK; } } // Set the password for this account.
if ( (_wcsicmp((WCHAR*)sType,L"user") == 0) || (_wcsicmp((WCHAR*)sType,L"inetOrgPerson") == 0) || (_wcsicmp((WCHAR*)sType, L"computer") == 0) ) { if ( !_wcsicmp((WCHAR*)sType,L"user") || !_wcsicmp((WCHAR*)sType,L"inetOrgPerson") ) { //we will not migrate passwords if replacing and password reuse policy on the target is 2 or greater
UINT uMsgId = 0; if (!CanCopyPassword(pVS, sSrc, sAccount, uMsgId)) { switch (uMsgId) { // The source account password has not changed since the last migration.
case 0: err.MsgWrite(0, DCT_MSG_PW_COPY_NOT_TRIED_S, (WCHAR*)sTgtCN); break; // The 'User Must Change Password at Next Logon' is selected for this user.
case DCT_MSG_PW_COPY_NOT_TRIED_USER_MUST_CHANGE_S: err.MsgWrite(0, DCT_MSG_PW_COPY_NOT_TRIED_USER_MUST_CHANGE_S, (WCHAR*)sTgtCN); break; // Unable to determine the password age as the password last
// changed time is later than the current time on this machine.
case DCT_MSG_PW_COPY_NOT_TRIED_TIMEDIFF_SS: err.MsgWrite(0, DCT_MSG_PW_COPY_NOT_TRIED_TIMEDIFF_SS, (WCHAR*)sTgtCN, (WCHAR*)sMach); break; // This case should not occur but generate default message in case.
default: _ASSERT(FALSE); err.MsgWrite(0, DCT_MSG_PW_COPY_NOT_TRIED_S, (WCHAR*)sTgtCN); break; }
return S_OK; }
_bstr_t bstrGenerate = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_AccountOptions_GenerateStrongPasswords));
if (bstrGenerate == GET_BSTR(IDS_YES)) { bGenerate = true; }
if (bGenerate) { // generate a strong password
DWORD dwError = EaPasswordGenerate(dwMinUC, dwMinLC, dwMinDigits, dwMinSpecial, dwMaxAlpha, dwMinLen, password, LEN_Path); bGenerated = ( dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS );
if ( !bGenerated ) { //
// If unable to generate password then mark account to be disabled.
MarkAccountError(pVS); if (pStats != NULL) pStats->errors.users++; err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE, dwError, DCT_MSG_PW_STRONG_GENERATE_FAILED_S, (WCHAR*)sTgtCN); err.LogClose(); return S_OK; }
// ensure that the password is NULL terminated
password[14] = 0;
} else { // set the password to the first 14 characters of the username
wcsncpy(password,(WCHAR*)(sTgtName),15); // Convert the password to lower case.
// ensure that the password is NULL terminated
password[14] = 0; } } else { // computer, set the password to the first 14 characters of the computer name, in lower case,
// without the trailing $
UStrCpy(password, (WCHAR*)sTgtName, DIM(password)); if ( password[UStrLen(password) - 1] == L'$' ) password[UStrLen(password) - 1] = L'\0'; // remove trailing $ from machine name
password[14] = L'\0'; // truncate to max password length of 14
// Convert the password to lower case.
for ( DWORD i = 0; i < wcslen(password); i++ ) password[i] = towlower(password[i]);
// We are going to use the Net API to set the password.
USER_INFO_1003 pInfo; DWORD pDw; WCHAR server[MAX_PATH]; bool bFailedCopyPwd = false;
//place the new password in the info structure
pInfo.usri1003_password = password;
long rc = NetUserSetInfo((WCHAR*)sMach, (WCHAR*)sTgtName, 1003, (LPBYTE) &pInfo, &pDw);
if ( rc != 0 ) { if ( bGenerated ) { //
// If unable to set password then mark account to be disabled.
MarkAccountError(pVS); if (pStats != NULL) pStats->errors.users++; err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE,rc,DCT_MSG_PW_GENERATE_FAILED_S,(WCHAR*)sTgtCN); err.LogClose(); return S_OK; } else { if (pStats != NULL) pStats->warnings.users++; err.SysMsgWrite(ErrW,rc,DCT_MSG_FAILED_SET_PASSWORD_TO_USERNAME_SD,(WCHAR*)sTgtCN,rc); if ( rc == NERR_PasswordTooShort ) { // try to generate a password
DWORD dwError = EaPasswordGenerate(dwMinUC, dwMinLC, dwMinDigits, dwMinSpecial, dwMaxAlpha, dwMinLen, password, LEN_Path);
if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// If unable to generate password then mark account to be disabled.
MarkAccountError(pVS); if (pStats != NULL) pStats->errors.users++; err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE, dwError, DCT_MSG_PW_STRONG_GENERATE_FAILED_S, (WCHAR*)sTgtCN); err.LogClose(); return S_OK; }
rc = NetUserSetInfo((WCHAR*)sMach,(WCHAR*)sTgtName,1003,(LPBYTE)&pInfo,&pDw); if ( rc ) { //
// If unable to set password then mark account to be disabled.
MarkAccountError(pVS); if (pStats != NULL) pStats->errors.users++; err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE,rc,DCT_MSG_PW_GENERATE_FAILED_S,(WCHAR*)sTgtCN); err.LogClose(); return S_OK; } else //else complex password generated, if requested to copy password
{ //we now try to do that and only log that complex pwd generated if copy fails
//if we are migrating the user's password, then set it here
if ( !UStrICmp((WCHAR*)sCopyPwd,GET_STRING(IDS_YES)) ) { //record the password flags set on the source account
RecordPwdFlags(sSrc, sAccount); //clear the "User cannot change password" flag if it is set
ClearUserCanChangePwdFlag(sMach, sTgtName); //set the change password flag to get past the minimum pwd age policy
SetUserMustChangePwdFlag(pTarget); //prepare the server name
server[0] = L'\\'; server[1] = L'\\'; UStrCpy(server+2,(WCHAR*)sPwdDC); //call the member function to copy the password. If success, set flag, else
//failed, log the generated password message
if ((hrPwd = CopyPassword(_bstr_t(server), sMach, sAccount, sTgtName, _bstr_t(password), pStats)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { err.MsgWrite(0,DCT_MSG_PWCOPIED_S,(WCHAR*)sTgtCN); bCopiedPwd = true; //reset the password flags as were on the source account
ResetPwdFlags(pTarget, sMach, sTgtName); } else { bFailedCopyPwd = true; } }//end if migrate password
else //else not copy password, so post the complex password generated message
err.MsgWrite(0,DCT_MSG_PWGENERATED_S,(WCHAR*)sTgtCN); } } } } else //else success
{ //if complex password generated, if requested to copy password
//we now try to do that and only log that complex pwd generated if copy fails
if ( bGenerated ) { //if we are migrating the user's password, then set it here
if ( !UStrICmp((WCHAR*)sCopyPwd,GET_STRING(IDS_YES)) ) { //record the password flags set on the source account
RecordPwdFlags(sSrc, sAccount); //clear the "User cannot change password" flag if it is set
ClearUserCanChangePwdFlag(sMach, sTgtName); //set the change password flag to get past the minimum pwd age policy
SetUserMustChangePwdFlag(pTarget); //prepare the server name
server[0] = L'\\'; server[1] = L'\\'; UStrCpy(server+2,(WCHAR*)sPwdDC); //call the member function to copy the password. If success, set flag, else
//failed, log the generated password message
if ((hrPwd = CopyPassword(_bstr_t(server), sMach, sAccount, sTgtName, _bstr_t(password), pStats)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { err.MsgWrite(0,DCT_MSG_PWCOPIED_S,(WCHAR*)sTgtCN); bCopiedPwd = true; //reset the password flags as were on the source account
ResetPwdFlags(pTarget, sMach, sTgtName); } else { bFailedCopyPwd = true; } }//end if migrate password
else //else not copy password, so post the complex password generated message
err.MsgWrite(0,DCT_MSG_PWGENERATED_S,(WCHAR*)sTgtCN); } else { err.MsgWrite(0,DCT_MSG_SET_PASSWORD_TO_USERNAME_S,(WCHAR*)sTgtCN); } } //if user being migrated and that user's password was not copied, write
//password to the password file
if (((_wcsicmp((WCHAR*)sType,L"user") == 0) || (_wcsicmp((WCHAR*)sType,L"inetOrgPerson") == 0)) && (bCopiedPwd == false)) { //
// Open password log file if it has not been already opened.
if (!m_bTriedToOpenFile) { m_bTriedToOpenFile = true;
_bstr_t strPasswordFile = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_AccountOptions_PasswordFile));
if (m_passwordLog.LogOpen(strPasswordFile) == FALSE) { if (pStats != NULL) { pStats->errors.users++; } } }
// Log the new password in the password log.
if ( m_passwordLog.IsOpen() ) { m_passwordLog.MsgWrite(L"%ls,%ls",(WCHAR*)(pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetSam)).bstrVal),password); } }//end if migrating user
}//end if migrating user or computer
//change password flags on the account if we did not copy the password
if (( pTarget ) && (!bCopiedPwd)) { // We want to clear "user cannot change password" and "password never expire flag"
USER_INFO_1008 usr1008; USER_INFO_20 * usr20; DWORD errParam = 0; DWORD rc = NetUserGetInfo((WCHAR*) sSrc, (WCHAR*)sAccount, 20, (LPBYTE *)&usr20); _bstr_t strDisable = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_AccountOptions_DisableCopiedAccounts)); _bstr_t strSame = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_AccountOptions_TgtStateSameAsSrc)); long val = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_UserFlags)); BOOL bDisable = FALSE; BOOL bSame = FALSE;
if ( ! UStrICmp(strDisable,GET_STRING(IDS_YES)) ) bDisable = TRUE; if ( ! UStrICmp(strSame,GET_STRING(IDS_YES)) ) bSame = TRUE; if ( !rc ) { usr1008.usri1008_flags = usr20->usri20_flags & ~UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD; // we won't turn off the user cannot change password, we will just expire the password below.
// This will lock out any account with user cannot change password set, and the admin will
// have to manually unlock the account.
//usr1008.usri1008_flags &= ~UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE;
// for the computer account we need to set the UF_PASSWD_NOTREQD
if ( !_wcsicmp((WCHAR*)sType,L"computer") ) { usr1008.usri1008_flags |= UF_PASSWD_NOTREQD; // make sure the disable state for the computer account is the same as for the source computer
if ( usr20->usri20_flags & UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE ) { usr1008.usri1008_flags |= UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE; } else { usr1008.usri1008_flags &= ~UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE; } } else { // for user accounts, the disable flag is set based on the disable option
// make sure that the disable flag is set properly!
if ((bDisable) || (bSame && (val & UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE))) { usr1008.usri1008_flags |= UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE; } else { usr1008.usri1008_flags &= ~UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE; } }
NetUserSetInfo((WCHAR*) sMach, (WCHAR*) sTgtName, 1008, (LPBYTE)&usr1008, &errParam); NetApiBufferFree(usr20); } else { MarkAccountError(pVS); if (pStats != NULL) pStats->errors.users++; err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE, rc, DCT_MSG_PW_UNABLE_RETRIEVE_FLAGS_SS, (WCHAR*)sTgtName, (WCHAR*)sAccount); } // Require the users to change the password at next logon since we created new passwords for them
SetUserMustChangePwdFlag(pTarget); }
// set or clear password copied flag in the persisted object status
// this flag is used to determine whether the password was previously copied
_bstr_t strStatus = GET_BSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_Status);
long lStatus = pVS->get(strStatus);
if (bCopiedPwd) { lStatus |= AR_Status_PasswordCopied; } else { lStatus &= ~AR_Status_PasswordCopied; }
pVS->put(strStatus, lStatus);
SecureZeroMemory(password, sizeof(password)); return S_OK; }
// ProcessUndo : Since we cant undo the password setting we will ignore this.
STDMETHODIMP CSetPassword::ProcessUndo( IUnknown *pSource, //in- Pointer to the source AD object
IUnknown *pTarget, //in- Pointer to the target AD object
IUnknown *pMainSettings, //in- Varset filled with the settings supplied by user
IUnknown **ppPropsToSet, //in,out - Varset filled with Prop-Value pairs that will be set
// once all extension objects are executed.
EAMAccountStats* pStats ) { _bstr_t sType; _bstr_t sSam; _bstr_t sServer; _bstr_t sIntraforest; WCHAR password[LEN_Path]; DWORD rc = 0; DWORD pDw = 0; IVarSetPtr pVs = pMainSettings;
sIntraforest = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_IsIntraforest)); sSam = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceSam)); sType = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_Type)); sServer = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetServer)); if ((!sIntraforest.length()) || (!sType.length()) || (!sSam.length()) || (!sServer.length())) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
//if this is user intra-forest, call preprocess the first time in and
//precess the second
if (!UStrICmp((WCHAR*)sIntraforest,GET_STRING(IDS_YES))) { if (!UStrICmp((WCHAR*)sType,L"user") || !UStrICmp((WCHAR*)sType,L"inetOrgPerson")) { //see if this SAM is in the undone list (every entry in the list has a ","
//on each side of it
_bstr_t sTemp = _bstr_t(L",") + sSam + _bstr_t(L","); //if found, that means it is post migration, so call process
if (wcsstr((PCWSTR)m_sUndoneUsers, sTemp)) { ProcessObject(pSource, pTarget, pMainSettings, ppPropsToSet, pStats); } else //else pre-migration, so add to the list and call preprocess
{ //add to the list with an ending ","
m_sUndoneUsers += sSam; m_sUndoneUsers += L","; PreProcessObject(pSource, pTarget, pMainSettings, ppPropsToSet, pStats); } } } if (!_wcsicmp((WCHAR*) sType, L"computer")) { USER_INFO_1003 buf; rc = 0; if ( !rc ) { // Create a lower case password from the sam account name. Do not include the trailing $.
// Password to be maximum of 14 characters.
UStrCpy(password, (WCHAR*)sSam, DIM(password)); if ( password[UStrLen(password) - 1] == L'$' ) password[UStrLen(password) - 1] = L'\0'; // remove trailing $ from machine name
password[14] = L'\0'; // truncate to max password length of 14
for ( DWORD i = 0; i < wcslen(password); i++ ) password[i] = towlower(password[i]); buf.usri1003_password = password; rc = NetUserSetInfo((WCHAR*) sServer, (WCHAR*) sSam, 1003, (LPBYTE) &buf, &pDw); if ( rc == 2221 ) { WCHAR sam[300]; UStrCpy(sam,(WCHAR*)sSam);
// remove the $ from the sam account name
sam[UStrLen(sam)-1] = 0; rc = NetUserSetInfo((WCHAR*) sServer, sam, 1003, (LPBYTE) &buf, &pDw); } } } return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rc); }
BOOL // ret - TRUE if directory found
CSetPassword::GetDirectory( WCHAR * filename // out - string buffer to store directory name
) { DWORD rc = 0; BOOL bFound = FALSE; TRegKey key;
rc = key.OpenRead(GET_STRING(IDS_HKLM_DomainAdmin_Key),HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE);
if ( ! rc ) {
rc = key.ValueGetStr(L"Directory",filename,MAX_PATH);
if ( ! rc ) { if ( *filename ) bFound = TRUE; } } key.Close();
return bFound; }
// IsValidPassword Method
// This method validates a password by converting the Unicode password string
// to an ANSI string.
// If any Unicode characters cannot be directly translated to an ANSI
// character and a default character must be used then the password is
// invalid.
// If any Unicode characters translate to multi-byte characters then the
// password is invalid.
#define WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS 0x00000400
bool CSetPassword::IsValidPassword(LPCWSTR pwszPassword) { bool bValid = false;
BOOL bUsedDefaultChar; CHAR szPassword[PWLEN + 1];
// convert Unicode string to ANSI string
int cch = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, // use system ANSI code page
WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS, // do not use best fit characters
pwszPassword, -1, // assume password string is zero terminated
szPassword, sizeof (szPassword), NULL, &bUsedDefaultChar // will be true if default character used
// if no error occurred
if (cch > 0) { // if default character was not used
if (bUsedDefaultChar == FALSE) { CPINFOEX cpie; GetCPInfoEx(CP_ACP, 0, &cpie);
// if code page defines a SBCS then password is valid
// otherwise code page defines a DBCS and the password
// must be searched for a multi-byte character
if ((cpie.LeadByte[0] == 0) && (cpie.LeadByte[1] == 0)) { bValid = true; } else { // search for multi-byte character
bool bLeadByteFound = false;
for (int ich = 0; ich < cch; ich++) { if (IsDBCSLeadByteEx(CP_ACP, szPassword[ich])) { bLeadByteFound = true; break; } }
// if no multi-byte character found
// then password is valid
if (!bLeadByteFound) { bValid = true; } } } }
SecureZeroMemory(szPassword, sizeof(szPassword)); return bValid; }
* * * Written by: Paul Thompson * * Date: 4 SEPT 2000 * * * * This function is responsible for copying the user's password * * in the source domain to its new account in the target domain. * * We use the Password Migration COM Wrapper to first check the * * configuration and establish a session with the given Password * * Export server. Then we copy the password. The configuration * * check, which establishes a session for this series of operations, * * is only done once per set of accounts. * * * *********************************************************************/
//BEGIN CopyPassword
HRESULT CSetPassword::CopyPassword(_bstr_t srcServer, _bstr_t tgtServer, _bstr_t srcName, _bstr_t tgtName, _bstr_t password, EAMAccountStats* pStats) { /* local variables */ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
/* function body */
if (m_pPwdMig == NULL) { hr = m_pPwdMig.CreateInstance(__uuidof(PasswordMigration));
if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } }
// If session has not been established or needs to be re-established
// then establish a session with the password export server. Note that
// EstablishSession will un-establish an existing session first before
// re-establishing a new session.
if (m_bEstablishedSession == false) { hr = m_pPwdMig->raw_EstablishSession(srcServer, tgtServer);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_bEstablishedSession = true; } }
// Copy the password.
// If unsuccessful then force session to be re-established.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_pPwdMig->raw_CopyPassword(srcName, tgtName, password);
if (FAILED(hr)) { m_bEstablishedSession = false; } }
// The only time copy password can fail with ERROR_PASSWORD_RESTRICTION is when password history
// has been enabled on the target domain and ADMT is attempting to recopy a password that has
// been previously copied to the target. This scenario can happen if the adminstrator migrates
// users with the copy password option, then migrates users with the generate complex password
// option and then finally migrates users with the copy password option again.
// The only way out of this situation is to simply use the brute force technique of setting
// the user's password to a series of complex passwords in order to push any known passwords
// out of the password history before finally attempting to copy the source password again.
// This solution uses the set password API to push the new passwords into the
// password history list. The set password API is preferred because the new
// password is not subject to any password policies in effect. Note that the
// set password API only works if the caller has adminstrator privileges.
WCHAR szPasswordOld[LEN_Path]; WCHAR szPasswordNew[LEN_Path];
USER_INFO_1003 uiInfo = { szPasswordNew };
wcscpy(szPasswordOld, password);
for (long lCount = m_lPwdHistoryLength; lCount > 0; lCount--) { if (EaPasswordGenerate(5, 5, 2, 2, 10, 14, szPasswordNew, LEN_Path) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { NET_API_STATUS nasStatus = NetUserSetInfo(tgtServer, tgtName, 1003, (LPBYTE)&uiInfo, NULL);
if (nasStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { wcscpy(szPasswordOld, szPasswordNew); } else { break; } } }
// Must expire password so that the password export server may change password otherwise
// the minimum password age policy may prevent the password change.
// Attempt to retrieve user information at level 4 which is only supported on .NET and later
// but note that level 3 may not be supported on a .NET server when the SAM SID compatibility
// mode is SAM_SID_COMPATIBILITY_STRICT. If failed to retrieve level 4 then retrieve level 3.
// Note that an error attempting to expire password is ignored as the copy password call will
// fail if the minimum password age policy is in effect but will succeed otherwise.
NET_API_STATUS nasStatus = NetUserGetInfo(tgtServer, tgtName, 4, (LPBYTE*)&pui4);
if (nasStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pui4->usri4_password_expired = TRUE;
NetUserSetInfo(tgtServer, tgtName, 4, (LPBYTE)pui4, NULL);
NetApiBufferFree(pui4); } else { if (nasStatus == ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL) { PUSER_INFO_3 pui3 = NULL;
nasStatus = NetUserGetInfo(tgtServer, tgtName, 3, (LPBYTE*)&pui3);
if (nasStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pui3->usri3_password_expired = TRUE;
NetUserSetInfo(tgtServer, tgtName, 3, (LPBYTE)pui3, NULL);
NetApiBufferFree(pui3); } } }
// Attempt to copy password.
hr = m_pPwdMig->raw_CopyPassword(srcName, tgtName, szPasswordOld); SecureZeroMemory(szPasswordOld, sizeof(szPasswordOld)); SecureZeroMemory(szPasswordNew, sizeof(szPasswordNew)); }
//if either failed, print warning in the migration.log
if (FAILED(hr)) { IErrorInfoPtr pErrorInfo = NULL; BSTR bstrDescription; _bstr_t sText = GET_BSTR(IDS_Unspecified_Failure);
//get the rich error information on the failure
if (SUCCEEDED(GetErrorInfo(0, &pErrorInfo))) { HRESULT hrTmp = pErrorInfo->GetDescription(&bstrDescription); if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) //if got rich error info, use it
sText = _bstr_t(bstrDescription, false); } //print message in the log
if (pStats != NULL) pStats->warnings.users++; err.MsgWrite(ErrW,DCT_MSG_PW_COPY_FAILED_S,(WCHAR*)tgtName, (WCHAR*)sText); }
return hr; } //END CopyPassword
* * * Written by: Paul Thompson * * Date: 5 DEC 2000 * * * * This function is responsible for setting the "User must change* * password at next logon" flag for a given user. We use this prior * * to copying a user's password and after we have just set it to a * * new complex password so that we get around the minimum password * * age policy for the target domain. * * * *********************************************************************/
//BEGIN SetUserMustChangePwdFlag
void CSetPassword::SetUserMustChangePwdFlag(IUnknown *pTarget) { /* local variables */ IADs * pAds = NULL;
/* function body */ //set the new pwdLastSet value
HRESULT hr = pTarget->QueryInterface(IID_IADs, (void**) &pAds); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // Require the users to change the password at next logon since we created new passwords for them
VARIANT var; VariantInit(&var); V_I4(&var)=0; V_VT(&var)=VT_I4; hr = pAds->Put(L"pwdLastSet",var); hr = pAds->SetInfo(); VariantClear(&var); if ( pAds ) pAds->Release(); } } //END SetUserMustChangePwdFlag
* * * Written by: Paul Thompson * * Date: 11 JAN 2001 * * * * This function is responsible for setting and clearing the * * "User cannot change password" flag for a given user, if it was * * originally set. * * * *********************************************************************/
//BEGIN ClearUserCanChangePwdFlag
void CSetPassword::ClearUserCanChangePwdFlag(LPCWSTR pwszMach, LPCWSTR pwszUser) { /* local variables */ USER_INFO_3 * pInfo; DWORD pDw; long rc;
/* function body */ //get the current flag info for this user
rc = NetUserGetInfo(pwszMach, pwszUser, 3, (LPBYTE *)&pInfo); if (rc == 0) { //clear the "User cannot change password" flag if it is set
if (pInfo->usri3_flags & UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE) { pInfo->usri3_flags &= !(UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE); NetUserSetInfo(pwszMach, pwszUser, 3, (LPBYTE)pInfo, &pDw); }
NetApiBufferFree((LPVOID) pInfo); } } //END ClearUserCanChangePwdFlag
* * * Written by: Paul Thompson * * Date: 22 JAN 2001 * * * * This function is responsible for recording the password flags * * from a given user's source domain account. * * * *********************************************************************/
//BEGIN RecordPwdFlags
void CSetPassword::RecordPwdFlags(LPCWSTR pwszMach, LPCWSTR pwszUser) { /* local variables */ USER_INFO_3 * pInfo; long rc;
/* function body */ //get the user password flags
rc = NetUserGetInfo(pwszMach, pwszUser, 3, (LPBYTE *)&pInfo); if (rc == 0) { //record whether the "User cannot change password" flag is set
if (pInfo->usri3_flags & UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE) m_bUCCPFlagSet = true;//store whether the flag was set
else m_bUCCPFlagSet = false;
//record whether the "Password never expires" flag is set
if (pInfo->usri3_flags & UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD) m_bPNEFlagSet = true;//store whether the flag was set
else m_bPNEFlagSet = false;
//record whether the "User must change password at next logon" flag is set
if (pInfo->usri3_password_expired) m_bUMCPNLFlagSet = true;//store whether the flag was set
else m_bUMCPNLFlagSet = false;
NetApiBufferFree((LPVOID) pInfo); } } //END RecordPwdFlags
* * * Written by: Paul Thompson * * Date: 22 JAN 2001 * * * * This function is responsible for recording the password flags * * from a given user's source domain account. * * * *********************************************************************/
//BEGIN ResetPwdFlags
void CSetPassword::ResetPwdFlags(IUnknown *pTarget, LPCWSTR pwszMach, LPCWSTR pwszUser) { /* local variables */ USER_INFO_3 * pInfo = NULL; DWORD pDw; long rc;
/* function body */ //if the "User cannot change password" or "Password never expires"
//flag was original set, reset it
if ((m_bUCCPFlagSet) || (m_bPNEFlagSet)) { //get the current flag info for this user
rc = NetUserGetInfo(pwszMach, pwszUser, 3, (LPBYTE *)&pInfo); if (rc == 0) { if (m_bUCCPFlagSet) pInfo->usri3_flags |= UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE; if (m_bPNEFlagSet) pInfo->usri3_flags |= UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD; NetUserSetInfo(pwszMach, pwszUser, 3, (LPBYTE)pInfo, &pDw);
NetApiBufferFree((LPVOID) pInfo); } }
//if the "User must change password at next logon" flag was original set, reset it
if (m_bUMCPNLFlagSet) SetUserMustChangePwdFlag(pTarget);
} //END ResetPwdFlags
* * * Written by: Paul Thompson * * Date: 7 MAY 2001 * * * * This function is responsible for determining if we will indeed* * set the password. If the user is being re-migrated, copy password* * was selected, the password reuse policy on the target domain is * * greater than 1, and the password on the source object has not been* * changed since the last migration of that user, then we will not * * touch the password on the existing object on the target domain. * * * *********************************************************************/
//BEGIN CanCopyPassword
BOOL CSetPassword::CanCopyPassword(IVarSet * pVarSet, LPCWSTR pwszMach, LPCWSTR pwszUser, UINT& uMsgId) { /* local constants */ const long MAX_REUSE_NUM_ALLOWED = 1;
/* local variables */ BOOL bCanCopy = TRUE; _variant_t varDate; long rc;
/* function body */ //init the message id to 0
uMsgId = 0;
//if not copying passwords, return TRUE
_bstr_t sCopyPwd = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_AccountOptions_CopyPasswords)); if (UStrICmp((WCHAR*)sCopyPwd,GET_STRING(IDS_YES))) return bCanCopy;
// Always retrieve the target domain's password history length as
// the copy password code may need the value even if the account
// was previously migrated without the copy password option.
/* if not already done, check password reuse policy on the target domain */ if (m_lPwdHistoryLength == -1) { IADsDomain * pDomain; _bstr_t sDom( L"WinNT://" ); _bstr_t sTgtDom = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomain)); sDom += sTgtDom;
HRESULT hr = ADsGetObject(sDom, IID_IADsDomain, (void **) &pDomain); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //Get the password reuse policy
long lReuse; hr = pDomain->get_PasswordHistoryLength(&lReuse); pDomain->Release(); //if successful, store it in a class member variable
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) m_lPwdHistoryLength = lReuse; } }
//if not previously migrated, return TRUE
_bstr_t sAccount = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceSam)); //get the previous migration time from the class map
CString sDate; //if previously migrated, get the date this user was last migrated
if (mMigTimeMap.Lookup((WCHAR*)sAccount, sDate)) { //convert the date string to a variant (VT_DATE)
COleDateTime aDate; if (aDate.ParseDateTime((LPCTSTR)sDate)) { varDate.vt = VT_DATE; varDate.date = DATE(aDate); } else return bCanCopy; } else //else return TRUE
return bCanCopy;
if ((m_lPwdHistoryLength != -1) && (m_lPwdHistoryLength <= MAX_REUSE_NUM_ALLOWED)) return bCanCopy;
/* if target account was created, we still want to copy password if object was created (Stystus == 1) */ //get the migration status for this user
long lStatus = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_Status)); //if the status field has the first bit set, then this user was
//created and we should return TRUE to copy the password
if (lStatus & AR_Status_Created) return bCanCopy;
// Check whether source account password has been
// changed since the object has been migrated.
DWORD dwPasswordAge = 0; DWORD dwPasswordExpired = 0;
// Attempt to retrieve user information at level 4 which is only supported on .NET and later
// but note that level 3 may not be supported on a .NET server when the SAM SID compatibility
// mode is SAM_SID_COMPATIBILITY_STRICT. If failed to retrieve level 4 then retrieve level 3.
rc = NetUserGetInfo(pwszMach, pwszUser, 4, (LPBYTE*)&pui4);
if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwPasswordAge = pui4->usri4_password_age; dwPasswordExpired = pui4->usri4_password_expired;
NetApiBufferFree(pui4); } else { if (rc == ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL) { PUSER_INFO_3 pui3 = NULL;
rc = NetUserGetInfo(pwszMach, pwszUser, 3, (LPBYTE*)&pui3);
if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwPasswordAge = pui3->usri3_password_age; dwPasswordExpired = pui3->usri3_password_expired;
NetApiBufferFree(pui3); } } }
if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Retrieve password age in seconds.
if (dwPasswordAge > 0) { //
// Retrieve current system time and then subtract password age
// from the current system time to arrive at the time that the
// password was last set. Note that for the DATE type that whole
// numbers represent days and the fractional part represents a
// fraction of one day.
DATE dateCurrent; SYSTEMTIME stCurrent; GetLocalTime(&stCurrent); SystemTimeToVariantTime(&stCurrent, &dateCurrent);
DATE datePassword = dateCurrent - (double(dwPasswordAge) / SECONDS_PER_DAY);
// If the time the object was last migrated is later than or equal
// to the time the password was last set then don't copy password.
if (varDate.date >= datePassword) { bCanCopy = FALSE; } } else { //
// The password age cannot be determined. There are two possible
// reasons that the password age cannot be determined. The 'User
// Must Change Password at Next Logon' might be checked on the
// source account or the system time on this computer is less
// than the time the password was last changed.
// If the password expired value is not zero than we will assume that
// the 'User Must Change Password at Next Logon' must be checked and
// there is not a time difference issue.
bCanCopy = FALSE; } }
return bCanCopy; } //END CanCopyPassword
// MarkAccountError
// Synopsis
// Sets the error status bit in the account status. This is used by the
// disable account component as an indication that the account should remain
// disabled.
// Paramters
// pVarSet - varset containing account information
void CSetPassword::MarkAccountError(IVarSet* pVarSet) { //
// set or clear password copied flag in the persisted object status
// this flag is used to determine whether the password was previously copied
_bstr_t strStatus = GET_BSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_Status);
long lStatus = pVarSet->get(strStatus);
lStatus |= AR_Status_PasswordError;
pVarSet->put(strStatus, lStatus); }