// CSvcInf.cpp : Implementation of CCSvcAcctInfo
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "McsPISag.h"
//#import "\bin\McsVarSetMin.tlb" no_namespace, named_guids
//#import "\bin\DBManager.tlb" no_namespace, named_guids
#import "VarSet.tlb" no_namespace, named_guids rename("property", "aproperty")
#import "DBMgr.tlb" no_namespace, named_guids
#include "CSvcInf.h"
#include "ResStr.h"
#include "ErrDct.hpp"
#include <ntdsapi.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include "GetDcName.h"
// these are needed for ISecPlugIn
#include "cipher.hpp"
#include "SecPI.h"
#define SvcAcctStatus_DoNotUpdate 1
#define SvcAcctStatus_NeverAllowUpdate 8
TErrorDct err; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// CCSvcAcctInfo
DS_NAME_FLAGS flags, // in
DS_NAME_FORMAT formatOffered, // in
DS_NAME_FORMAT formatDesired, // in
DWORD cNames, // in
const LPCWSTR *rpNames, // in
PDS_NAME_RESULTW *ppResult); // out
// This method is called by the dispatcher to verify that this is a valid plug-in
// Only valid plug-ins will be sent out with the agents
// The purpose of this check is to make it more difficult for unauthorized parties
// to use our plug-in interface, since it is currently undocumented.
STDMETHODIMP CCSvcAcctInfo::Verify(/*[in,out]*/ULONG * pData,/*[in]*/ULONG size) { McsChallenge * pMcsChallenge; long lTemp1; long lTemp2;
if( size == sizeof(McsChallenge) ) { pMcsChallenge = (McsChallenge*)(pData); SimpleCipher((LPBYTE)pMcsChallenge,size); pMcsChallenge->MCS[0] = 'M'; pMcsChallenge->MCS[1] = 'C'; pMcsChallenge->MCS[2] = 'S'; pMcsChallenge->MCS[3] = 0;
lTemp1 = pMcsChallenge->lRand1 + pMcsChallenge->lRand2; lTemp2 = pMcsChallenge->lRand2 - pMcsChallenge->lRand1; pMcsChallenge->lRand1 = lTemp1; pMcsChallenge->lRand2 = lTemp2; pMcsChallenge->lTime += 100;
SimpleCipher((LPBYTE)pMcsChallenge,size); } else return E_FAIL;
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CCSvcAcctInfo::GetRegisterableFiles(/* [out] */SAFEARRAY ** pArray) { SAFEARRAYBOUND bound[1] = { 1, 0 }; LONG ndx[1] = { 0 };
(*pArray) = SafeArrayCreate(VT_BSTR,1,bound);
SafeArrayPutElement(*pArray,ndx,SysAllocString(L"McsPISag.DLL")); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CCSvcAcctInfo::GetRequiredFiles(/* [out] */SAFEARRAY ** pArray) { SAFEARRAYBOUND bound[1] = { 1, 0 }; LONG ndx[1] = { 0 };
(*pArray) = SafeArrayCreate(VT_BSTR,1,bound);
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CCSvcAcctInfo::GetDescription(/* [out] */ BSTR * description) { (*description) = SysAllocString(L"");
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CCSvcAcctInfo::PreMigrationTask(/* [in] */IUnknown * pVarSet) { return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CCSvcAcctInfo::PostMigrationTask(/* [in] */IUnknown * pVarSet) { // DWORD rc = 0;
IVarSetPtr pVS; pVS = pVarSet;
_bstr_t log = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_Logfile));
pVS->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_CurrentOperation),L""); err.MsgWrite(0,DCT_MSG_MCSPISAG_DONE);
err.LogClose(); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CCSvcAcctInfo::GetName(/* [out] */BSTR * name) { (*name) = SysAllocString(L""); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CCSvcAcctInfo::GetResultString(/* [in] */IUnknown * pVarSet,/* [out] */ BSTR * text) { WCHAR buffer[1000] = L""; IVarSetPtr pVS;
pVS = pVarSet;
(*text) = SysAllocString(buffer); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CCSvcAcctInfo::StoreResults(/* [in] */IUnknown * pVarSet) { IVarSetPtr pVS = pVarSet; IIManageDBPtr pDatabase; HRESULT hr; WCHAR key[200]; _bstr_t service; _bstr_t account; _bstr_t computer; _bstr_t display; long ndx = 0; _bstr_t exchangeAccount; HINSTANCE hLibrary = NULL; DSCRACKNAMES * DsCrackNames = NULL; DSFREENAMERESULT * DsFreeNameResult = NULL; DSBINDFUNC DsBind = NULL; DSUNBINDFUNC DsUnBind = NULL; _bstr_t sourceDomainDns = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomainDns)); WCHAR * atPtr = NULL; HANDLE hDs = NULL;
computer = pVS->get("LocalServer"); hr = pDatabase.CreateInstance(CLSID_IManageDB); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // make a pre-pass through the data
do { swprintf(key,L"ServiceAccounts.%ld.Service",ndx); service = pVS->get(key); swprintf(key,L"ServiceAccounts.%ld.Account",ndx); account = pVS->get(key); // make sure the account names are not in UPN format
if ( NULL == wcschr((WCHAR*)account,L'\\') ) { if (! hDs ) { if (! hLibrary ) { hLibrary = LoadLibrary(L"NTDSAPI.DLL"); } if ( hLibrary ) { DsBind = (DSBINDFUNC)GetProcAddress(hLibrary,"DsBindW"); DsUnBind = (DSUNBINDFUNC)GetProcAddress(hLibrary,"DsUnBindW"); DsCrackNames = (DSCRACKNAMES *)GetProcAddress(hLibrary,"DsCrackNamesW"); DsFreeNameResult = (DSFREENAMERESULT *)GetProcAddress(hLibrary,"DsFreeNameResultW"); } if ( DsBind && DsUnBind && DsCrackNames && DsFreeNameResult) { hr = (*DsBind)(NULL,(WCHAR*)sourceDomainDns,&hDs); if ( hr ) { hDs = NULL; } } } if ( hDs ) { PDS_NAME_RESULT pNamesOut = NULL; WCHAR * pNamesIn[1];
pNamesIn[0] = (WCHAR*)account; hr = (*DsCrackNames)(hDs,DS_NAME_NO_FLAGS,DS_USER_PRINCIPAL_NAME,DS_NT4_ACCOUNT_NAME,1,pNamesIn,&pNamesOut); (*DsUnBind)(&hDs); hDs = NULL; if ( !hr ) { if ( pNamesOut->rItems[0].status == DS_NAME_NO_ERROR ) { account = pNamesOut->rItems[0].pName; pVS->put(key,account); } //if from another domain try connecting to that domain's DC and
//retry DSCrackNames
else if ( pNamesOut->rItems[0].status == DS_NAME_ERROR_DOMAIN_ONLY ) { _bstr_t dc;
DWORD dwError = GetAnyDcName4(pNamesOut->rItems[0].pDomain, dc); if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //bind to that domain DC
hr = (*DsBind)(dc,NULL,&hDs); if ( !hr ) { (*DsFreeNameResult)(pNamesOut);//release the old info
pNamesOut = NULL; //retry DSCrackNames again
hr = (*DsCrackNames)(hDs,DS_NAME_NO_FLAGS,DS_USER_PRINCIPAL_NAME,DS_NT4_ACCOUNT_NAME,1,pNamesIn,&pNamesOut); if ( !hr ) { if ( pNamesOut->rItems[0].status == DS_NAME_NO_ERROR ) { account = pNamesOut->rItems[0].pName; pVS->put(key,account); } } (*DsUnBind)(&hDs); hDs = NULL; } } } if (pNamesOut) (*DsFreeNameResult)(pNamesOut); } } } // also, look for the exchange server service account
if ( !UStrICmp(service,EXCHANGE_SERVICE_NAME) ) { exchangeAccount = account; } ndx++; } while ( service.length() );
ndx = 0; WCHAR serverFilter[300];
// clear any old entries from the table for this computer
swprintf(serverFilter,L"System = '%ls'",(WCHAR*)computer); _variant_t Filter = serverFilter; hr = pDatabase->raw_ClearTable(SysAllocString(L"ServiceAccounts"), Filter); do { swprintf(key,L"ServiceAccounts.%ld.Service",ndx); service = pVS->get(key); swprintf(key,L"ServiceAccounts.%ld.DisplayName",ndx); display = pVS->get(key); swprintf(key,L"ServiceAccounts.%ld.Account",ndx); account = pVS->get(key); if ( service.length() && account.length() ) { hr = pDatabase->raw_SetServiceAccount(computer,service,display,account); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) && !UStrICmp((WCHAR*)account,(WCHAR*)exchangeAccount) ) { // mark this account to be excluded from the processing
hr = pDatabase->raw_SetServiceAcctEntryStatus(computer,service,account,SvcAcctStatus_NeverAllowUpdate); } } ndx++; } while ( service.length() ); } if ( hLibrary ) { FreeLibrary(hLibrary); } return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CCSvcAcctInfo::ConfigureSettings(/*[in]*/IUnknown * pVarSet) { IVarSetPtr pVS = pVarSet;
MessageBox(NULL,L"This is a test",L"McsPISag PlugIn",MB_OK);
return S_OK; }
void CCSvcAcctInfo::ProcessServices(IVarSet * pVarSet) { // Connect to the SCM on the local computer
SC_HANDLE pScm = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS ); DWORD rc = 0; WCHAR domain[200]; WKSTA_INFO_100 * info;
// Get the name of the domain that this computer is in, so we can resolve any accounts that are
// specified as .\Account to DOMAIN\account format
rc = NetWkstaGetInfo(NULL,100,(BYTE**)&info); if ( ! rc ) { UStrCpy(domain,info->wki100_langroup); NetApiBufferFree(info); } else { // if we can't get the domain name, just leave the .
UStrCpy(domain,L"."); } if ( pScm ) { // Enumerate the services on the computer
ENUM_SERVICE_STATUS servStatus[1000]; DWORD cbBufSize = (sizeof servStatus); DWORD cbBytesNeeded = 0; DWORD nReturned = 0; DWORD hResume = 0; WCHAR string[1000]; long count = 0;
if (! EnumServicesStatus(pScm,SERVICE_WIN32,SERVICE_STATE_ALL,servStatus,cbBufSize,&cbBytesNeeded,&nReturned,&hResume) ) { rc = GetLastError(); err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE,rc,DCT_MSG_SERVICE_ENUM_FAILED_D,rc); } else { rc = 0; } if ( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS || rc == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) {
for ( UINT i = 0 ; i < nReturned ; i++ ) { SC_HANDLE pService = OpenService(pScm,servStatus[i].lpServiceName,SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS ); BYTE buf[3000]; QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG * pConfig = (QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG *)buf; // BOOL bIncluded = FALSE;
DWORD lenNeeded = 0;
if ( pService ) { // get the information about this service
if ( QueryServiceConfig(pService,pConfig,sizeof buf, &lenNeeded) ) { err.MsgWrite(0,DCT_MSG_SERVICE_USES_ACCOUNT_SS,servStatus[i].lpServiceName,pConfig->lpServiceStartName); // add the account to the list if it is not using LocalSystem or NT Authority account
// or local accounts
if ((UStrICmp(pConfig->lpServiceStartName,L"LocalSystem")) && (_wcsnicmp(pConfig->lpServiceStartName, L"NT Authority\\", wcslen(L"NT Authority\\"))) && (_wcsnicmp(pConfig->lpServiceStartName, L".\\", wcslen(L".\\")))) { swprintf(string,L"ServiceAccounts.%ld.Service",count); pVarSet->put(string,servStatus[i].lpServiceName); swprintf(string,L"ServiceAccounts.%ld.DisplayName",count); pVarSet->put(string,servStatus[i].lpDisplayName); swprintf(string,L"ServiceAccounts.%ld.Account",count); pVarSet->put(string,pConfig->lpServiceStartName); count++; }
} CloseServiceHandle(pService); } else { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE,GetLastError(),DCT_MSG_OPEN_SERVICE_FAILED_SD,servStatus[i].lpServiceName,rc); } } } CloseServiceHandle(pScm); } else { rc = GetLastError(); err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE,rc,DCT_MSG_SCM_OPEN_FAILED_D,rc); } }