#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "ADMTScript.h"
#include "MigrationBase.h"
#include <LM.h>
#include <DsGetDc.h>
#include <NtSecApi.h>
#include <Sddl.h>
#include <dsrole.h>
#include "SidHistoryFlags.h"
#include "VerifyConfiguration.h"
#include "Error.h"
#include "VarSetAccounts.h"
#include "VarSetServers.h"
#include "FixHierarchy.h"
#include "GetDcName.h"
using namespace _com_util;
#define STATUS_SUCCESS ((NTSTATUS)0x00000000L)
namespace MigrationBase {
bool __stdcall IsInboundTrustDefined(PCWSTR pszDomain); bool __stdcall IsOutboundTrustDefined(PCWSTR pszDomainController, PCWSTR pszDomainSid); DWORD __stdcall GetOutboundTrustStatus(PCWSTR pszDomainController, PCWSTR pszDomain);
void GetNamesFromData(VARIANT& vntData, StringSet& setNames); void GetNamesFromVariant(VARIANT* pvnt, StringSet& setNames); void GetNamesFromString(BSTR bstr, StringSet& setNames); void GetNamesFromStringArray(SAFEARRAY* psa, StringSet& setNames); void GetNamesFromVariantArray(SAFEARRAY* psa, StringSet& setNames);
void GetNamesFromFile(VARIANT& vntData, StringSet& setNames); void GetNamesFromFile(LPCTSTR pszFileName, StringSet& setNames); void GetNamesFromStringA(LPCSTR pchString, DWORD cchString, StringSet& setNames); void GetNamesFromStringW(LPCWSTR pchString, DWORD cchString, StringSet& setNames);
_bstr_t RemoveTrailingDollarSign(LPCTSTR pszName);
void __stdcall AdmtCheckError(HRESULT hr) { if (FAILED(hr)) { IErrorInfo* pErrorInfo = NULL;
if (GetErrorInfo(0, &pErrorInfo) == S_OK) { _com_raise_error(hr, pErrorInfo); } else { AdmtThrowError(GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, hr); } } }
using namespace MigrationBase;
// MigrationBase Class
// Constructor
CMigrationBase::CMigrationBase() : m_nRecurseMaintain(0), m_Mutex(ADMT_MUTEX) { }
// Destructor
CMigrationBase::~CMigrationBase() { }
// InitSourceDomainAndContainer Method
void CMigrationBase::InitSourceDomainAndContainer(bool bMustExist) { try { m_SourceDomain.Initialize(m_spInternal->SourceDomain); m_SourceContainer = m_SourceDomain.GetContainer(m_spInternal->SourceOu); } catch (_com_error& ce) { //
// if the domain must exist then throw error
// otherwise at least the domain name must be specified
if (bMustExist || (ce.Error() == E_INVALIDARG)) { throw; } } }
// InitTargetDomainAndContainer Method
void CMigrationBase::InitTargetDomainAndContainer() { m_TargetDomain.Initialize(m_spInternal->TargetDomain); m_TargetContainer = m_TargetDomain.GetContainer(m_spInternal->TargetOu);
// verify target domain is in native mode
if (m_TargetDomain.NativeMode() == false) { AdmtThrowError( GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, E_INVALIDARG, IDS_E_TARGET_DOMAIN_NOT_NATIVE_MODE, (LPCTSTR)m_TargetDomain.Name() ); }
VerifyTargetContainerPathLength(); }
// VerifyInterIntraForest Method
void CMigrationBase::VerifyInterIntraForest() { // if the source and target domains have the same forest name then they are intra-forest
bool bIntraForest = m_spInternal->IntraForest ? true : false;
if (m_SourceDomain.ForestName() == m_TargetDomain.ForestName()) { // intra-forest must be set to true to match the domains
if (!bIntraForest) { AdmtThrowError( GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, E_INVALIDARG, IDS_E_NOT_INTER_FOREST, (LPCTSTR)m_SourceDomain.Name(), (LPCTSTR)m_TargetDomain.Name() ); } } else { // intra-forest must be set to false to match the domains
if (bIntraForest) { AdmtThrowError( GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, E_INVALIDARG, IDS_E_NOT_INTRA_FOREST, (LPCTSTR)m_SourceDomain.Name(), (LPCTSTR)m_TargetDomain.Name() ); } } }
// VerifyCallerDelegated Method
// Synopsis
// If an intra-forest move operation is being performed then verify that the
// calling user's account has not been marked as sensitive and therefore
// cannot be delegated. As the move operation is performed on the domain
// controller which has the RID master role in the source domain it is
// necessary to delegate the user's security context.
// Note that a failure to verify whether the caller's account is marked
// sensitive or whether we are running on the source domain controller
// holding the RID master role will not generate an error.
// Arguments
// None
// Return Value
// None. An exception with rich error information is thrown if the caller's
// account is marked as sensitive.
void CMigrationBase::VerifyCallerDelegated() { //
// It is only necessary to check this for intra-forest.
bool bIntraForest = m_spInternal->IntraForest ? true : false;
if (bIntraForest) { bool bDelegatable = false;
HRESULT hr = IsCallerDelegatable(bDelegatable);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (bDelegatable == false) { //
// Caller's account is not delegatable. Retrieve name of domain controller
// in the source domain that holds the RID master role and the name of this
// computer.
_bstr_t strDnsName; _bstr_t strFlatName;
hr = GetRidPoolAllocator4(m_SourceDomain.Name(), strDnsName, strFlatName);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _TCHAR szComputerName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cchComputerName = sizeof(szComputerName) / sizeof(szComputerName[0]);
if (GetComputerNameEx(ComputerNameDnsFullyQualified, szComputerName, &cchComputerName)) { //
// If this computer is not the domain controller holding the
// RID master role in the source domain then generate error.
if (_tcsicmp(szComputerName, strDnsName) != 0) { AdmtThrowError(GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, E_FAIL, IDS_E_CALLER_NOT_DELEGATED); } } else { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); } } } }
if (FAILED(hr)) { _Module.Log(ErrW, IDS_E_UNABLE_VERIFY_CALLER_NOT_DELEGATED, _com_error(hr)); } } }
// SetDefaultExcludedSystemProperties
// Synopsis
// Sets the default system property exclusion list if the list has not already
// been set. Note that the default system property exclusion list consists of
// the mail, proxyAddresses and all attributes not marked as being part of the
// base schema.
// Arguments
// None
// Return Value
// None - generate warning message in log if a failure occurs.
void CMigrationBase::SetDefaultExcludedSystemProperties() { try { //
// Only perform if inter-forest migration and
// system properties exclusion set value is zero.
if (m_spInternal->IntraForest == VARIANT_FALSE) { IIManageDBPtr spIManageDB(__uuidof(IManageDB));
IVarSetPtr spSettings(__uuidof(VarSet)); IUnknownPtr spUnknown(spSettings); IUnknown* punk = spUnknown;
long lSet = spSettings->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_AccountOptions_ExcludedSystemPropsSet));
if (lSet == 0) { IObjPropBuilderPtr spObjPropBuilder(__uuidof(ObjPropBuilder));
_bstr_t strNonBaseProperties = spObjPropBuilder->GetNonBaseProperties(m_TargetDomain.Name()); _bstr_t strProperties = _T("mail,proxyAddresses,") + strNonBaseProperties;
spSettings->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_AccountOptions_ExcludedSystemProps), strProperties);
spIManageDB->SaveSettings(punk); } } } catch (_com_error& ce) { _Module.Log(ErrW, IDS_E_UNABLE_SET_EXCLUDED_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES, ce); } }
// DoOption Method
void CMigrationBase::DoOption(long lOptions, VARIANT& vntInclude, VARIANT& vntExclude) { m_setIncludeNames.clear(); m_setExcludeNames.clear();
GetExcludeNames(vntExclude, m_setExcludeNames);
switch (lOptions & 0xFF) { case admtNone: { DoNone(); break; } case admtData: { GetNamesFromData(vntInclude, m_setIncludeNames); DoNames(); break; } case admtFile: { GetNamesFromFile(vntInclude, m_setIncludeNames); DoNames(); break; } case admtDomain: { m_setIncludeNames.clear(); DoDomain(); break; } default: { AdmtThrowError(GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, E_INVALIDARG, IDS_E_INVALID_OPTION); break; } } }
// DoNone Method
void CMigrationBase::DoNone() { }
// DoNames Method
void CMigrationBase::DoNames() { }
// DoDomain Method
void CMigrationBase::DoDomain() { }
// InitRecurseMaintainOption Method
void CMigrationBase::InitRecurseMaintainOption(long lOptions) { switch (lOptions & 0xFF) { case admtData: case admtFile: { if (lOptions & 0xFF00) { AdmtThrowError(GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, E_INVALIDARG, IDS_E_DATA_OPTION_FLAGS_NOT_ALLOWED); }
m_nRecurseMaintain = 0; break; } case admtDomain: { m_nRecurseMaintain = 0;
if (lOptions & admtRecurse) { ++m_nRecurseMaintain;
if (lOptions & admtMaintainHierarchy) { ++m_nRecurseMaintain; } } break; } default: { m_nRecurseMaintain = 0; break; } } }
// GetExcludeNames Method
void CMigrationBase::GetExcludeNames(VARIANT& vntExclude, StringSet& setExcludeNames) { try { switch (V_VT(&vntExclude)) { case VT_EMPTY: case VT_ERROR: { setExcludeNames.clear(); break; } case VT_BSTR: { GetNamesFromFile(V_BSTR(&vntExclude), setExcludeNames); break; } case VT_BSTR|VT_BYREF: { BSTR* pbstr = V_BSTRREF(&vntExclude);
if (pbstr) { GetNamesFromFile(*pbstr, setExcludeNames); } break; } case VT_BSTR|VT_ARRAY: { GetNamesFromStringArray(V_ARRAY(&vntExclude), setExcludeNames); break; } case VT_BSTR|VT_ARRAY|VT_BYREF: { SAFEARRAY** ppsa = V_ARRAYREF(&vntExclude);
if (ppsa) { GetNamesFromStringArray(*ppsa, setExcludeNames); } break; } case VT_VARIANT|VT_BYREF: { VARIANT* pvnt = V_VARIANTREF(&vntExclude);
if (pvnt) { GetExcludeNames(*pvnt, setExcludeNames); } break; } case VT_VARIANT|VT_ARRAY: { GetNamesFromVariantArray(V_ARRAY(&vntExclude), setExcludeNames); break; } case VT_VARIANT|VT_ARRAY|VT_BYREF: { SAFEARRAY** ppsa = V_ARRAYREF(&vntExclude);
if (ppsa) { GetNamesFromVariantArray(*ppsa, setExcludeNames); } break; } default: { _com_issue_error(E_INVALIDARG); break; } } } catch (_com_error& ce) { AdmtThrowError(GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, ce.Error(), IDS_E_INVALID_EXCLUDE_DATA_TYPE); } catch (...) { AdmtThrowError(GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, E_FAIL, IDS_E_INVALID_EXCLUDE_DATA_TYPE); } }
// FillInVarSetForUsers Method
void CMigrationBase::FillInVarSetForUsers(CDomainAccounts& rUsers, CVarSet& rVarSet) { CVarSetAccounts aAccounts(rVarSet);
for (CDomainAccounts::iterator it = rUsers.begin(); it != rUsers.end(); it++) { aAccounts.AddAccount(_T("User"), it->GetADsPath(), it->GetName(), it->GetUserPrincipalName()); } }
// FillInVarSetForGroups Method
void CMigrationBase::FillInVarSetForGroups(CDomainAccounts& rGroups, CVarSet& rVarSet) { CVarSetAccounts aAccounts(rVarSet);
for (CDomainAccounts::iterator it = rGroups.begin(); it != rGroups.end(); it++) { aAccounts.AddAccount(_T("Group"), it->GetADsPath(), it->GetName()); } }
// FillInVarSetForComputers Method
void CMigrationBase::FillInVarSetForComputers(CDomainAccounts& rComputers, bool bMigrateOnly, bool bMoveToTarget, bool bReboot, long lRebootDelay, CVarSet& rVarSet) { CVarSetAccounts aAccounts(rVarSet); CVarSetServers aServers(rVarSet);
for (CDomainAccounts::iterator it = rComputers.begin(); it != rComputers.end(); it++) { // remove trailing '$'
// ADMT doesn't accept true SAM account name
_bstr_t strName = RemoveTrailingDollarSign(it->GetSamAccountName());
aAccounts.AddAccount(_T("Computer"), strName); aServers.AddServer(strName, it->GetDnsHostName(), bMigrateOnly, bMoveToTarget, bReboot, lRebootDelay); } }
// VerifyRenameConflictPrefixSuffixValid Method
void CMigrationBase::VerifyRenameConflictPrefixSuffixValid() { int nTotalPrefixSuffixLength = 0;
long lRenameOption = m_spInternal->RenameOption;
if ((lRenameOption == admtRenameWithPrefix) || (lRenameOption == admtRenameWithSuffix)) { _bstr_t strPrefixSuffix = m_spInternal->RenamePrefixOrSuffix;
nTotalPrefixSuffixLength += strPrefixSuffix.length(); }
long lConflictOption = m_spInternal->ConflictOptions & 0x0F;
if ((lConflictOption == admtRenameConflictingWithSuffix) || (lConflictOption == admtRenameConflictingWithPrefix)) { _bstr_t strPrefixSuffix = m_spInternal->ConflictPrefixOrSuffix;
nTotalPrefixSuffixLength += strPrefixSuffix.length(); }
// VerifyCanAddSidHistory Method
void CMigrationBase::VerifyCanAddSidHistory() { bool bMessageDefined = false;
try { long lErrorFlags = 0;
IAccessCheckerPtr spAccessChecker(__uuidof(AccessChecker));
spAccessChecker->CanUseAddSidHistory( m_SourceDomain.Name(), m_TargetDomain.Name(), m_TargetDomain.DomainControllerName(), &lErrorFlags );
if (lErrorFlags != 0) { _bstr_t strError;
CComBSTR str;
if (lErrorFlags & F_NO_AUDITING_SOURCE) { str.LoadString(IDS_E_NO_AUDITING_SOURCE); strError += str.operator BSTR(); }
if (lErrorFlags & F_NO_AUDITING_TARGET) { str.LoadString(IDS_E_NO_AUDITING_TARGET); strError += str.operator BSTR(); }
if (lErrorFlags & F_NO_LOCAL_GROUP) { str.LoadString(IDS_E_NO_SID_HISTORY_LOCAL_GROUP); strError += str.operator BSTR(); }
if (lErrorFlags & F_NO_REG_KEY) { str.LoadString(IDS_E_NO_SID_HISTORY_REGISTRY_ENTRY); strError += str.operator BSTR(); }
if (lErrorFlags & F_NOT_DOMAIN_ADMIN) { str.LoadString(IDS_E_NO_SID_HISTORY_DOMAIN_ADMIN); strError += str.operator BSTR(); }
bMessageDefined = true; AdmtThrowError(GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, E_FAIL, IDS_E_SID_HISTORY_CONFIGURATION, (LPCTSTR)strError); }
// If adding SID history from a downlevel (Windows NT 4 or earlier) domain and not using
// explicit credentials then DsAddSidHistory requires that the call be made on a domain
// controller in the target domain and that the source domain trusts the target domain.
// No credentials are supplied only when using scripting or the command-line therefore
// this check is only performed here.
if (m_SourceDomain.UpLevel() == false) { //
// The source domain is downlevel.
// Verify that this computer is in the target domain.
CADsADSystemInfo siSystemInfo; _bstr_t strThisDomain = siSystemInfo.GetDomainDNSName(); _bstr_t strTargetDomain = m_TargetDomain.NameDns();
if (!strThisDomain || !strTargetDomain) { _com_issue_error(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
if (_wcsicmp((PCWSTR)strThisDomain, (PCWSTR)strTargetDomain) != 0) { bMessageDefined = true; AdmtThrowError(GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DS_MUST_BE_RUN_ON_DST_DC), IDS_E_SID_HISTORY_MUST_RUN_ON_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER); }
// Verify that this computer is a domain controller.
PSERVER_INFO_101 psiInfo = NULL; NET_API_STATUS nasStatus = NetServerGetInfo(NULL, 101, (LPBYTE*)&psiInfo);
if (nasStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { _com_issue_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(nasStatus)); }
bool bIsDC = (psiInfo->sv101_type & (SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_CTRL|SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_BAKCTRL)) != 0; NetApiBufferFree(psiInfo);
// Verify trusted domain object exists in target domain
// for source domain and that an inbound trust is defined.
if (IsInboundTrustDefined(m_SourceDomain.NameFlat()) == false) { bMessageDefined = true; AdmtThrowError(GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND), IDS_E_SID_HISTORY_SOURCE_MUST_TRUST_TARGET); }
// Verify trusted domain object exists in source domain for
// target domain which specifies an outbound trust.
if (IsOutboundTrustDefined(m_SourceDomain.DomainControllerName(), m_TargetDomain.Sid()) == false) { bMessageDefined = true; AdmtThrowError(GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND), IDS_E_SID_HISTORY_SOURCE_MUST_TRUST_TARGET); }
// Check outbound trust status on source domain controller.
DWORD dwError = GetOutboundTrustStatus(m_SourceDomain.DomainControllerName(), m_TargetDomain.NameFlat());
if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { bMessageDefined = true; AdmtThrowError(GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError), IDS_E_SID_HISTORY_SOURCE_MUST_TRUST_TARGET); } } } catch (_com_error& ce) { if (bMessageDefined) { throw; } else { AdmtThrowError(GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, ce, IDS_E_CAN_ADD_SID_HISTORY); } } catch (...) { AdmtThrowError(GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, E_FAIL, IDS_E_CAN_ADD_SID_HISTORY); } }
// VerifyTargetContainerPathLength Method
void CMigrationBase::VerifyTargetContainerPathLength() { _bstr_t strPath = GetTargetContainer().GetPath();
if (strPath.length() > 999) { AdmtThrowError(GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, E_INVALIDARG, IDS_E_TARGET_CONTAINER_PATH_TOO_LONG); } }
// VerifyPasswordServer Method
void CMigrationBase::VerifyPasswordOption() { if (m_spInternal->PasswordOption == admtCopyPassword) { _bstr_t strServer = m_spInternal->PasswordServer;
// a password server must be specified for copy password option
if (strServer.length() == 0) { AdmtThrowError(GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, E_INVALIDARG, IDS_E_PASSWORD_DC_NOT_SPECIFIED); }
// verify that password server exists and is a domain controller
_bstr_t strPrefixedServer; _bstr_t strUnprefixedServer;
if (_tcsncmp(strServer, _T("\\\\"), 2) == 0) { strPrefixedServer = strServer; strUnprefixedServer = &(((const wchar_t*)strServer)[2]); } else { strPrefixedServer = _T("\\\\") + strServer; strUnprefixedServer = strServer; }
PSERVER_INFO_101 psiInfo;
NET_API_STATUS nasStatus = NetServerGetInfo(strPrefixedServer, 101, (LPBYTE*)&psiInfo);
if (nasStatus != NERR_Success) { AdmtThrowError(GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(nasStatus), IDS_E_PASSWORD_DC_NOT_FOUND, (LPCTSTR)strServer); }
UINT uMsgId = 0;
if (psiInfo->sv101_platform_id != PLATFORM_ID_NT) { uMsgId = IDS_E_PASSWORD_DC_NOT_NT; } else if (!(psiInfo->sv101_type & SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_CTRL) && !(psiInfo->sv101_type & SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_BAKCTRL)) { uMsgId = IDS_E_PASSWORD_DC_NOT_DC; }
if (uMsgId) { AdmtThrowError(GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, E_INVALIDARG, uMsgId, (LPCTSTR)strServer); }
// Verify that the password server is in fact a domain controller for
// the source domain.
DWORD err = DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation(strUnprefixedServer, DsRolePrimaryDomainInfoBasic, (PBYTE*)&pDomInfo);
// compare them
if ( ( (pDomInfo->DomainNameFlat != NULL) && ((const wchar_t*)m_SourceDomain.NameFlat() != NULL) && (_wcsicmp(pDomInfo->DomainNameFlat, (const wchar_t*)m_SourceDomain.NameFlat())==0) ) ||
( (pDomInfo->DomainNameDns != NULL) && ((const wchar_t*)m_SourceDomain.NameDns() != NULL) && (_wcsicmp(pDomInfo->DomainNameDns, (const wchar_t*)m_SourceDomain.NameDns())==0) ) ) { // at least one of them matches
uMsgId = 0; } else { // no match
if (uMsgId) { AdmtThrowError(GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, E_INVALIDARG, uMsgId, (LPCTSTR)strServer); }
// verify that password server is configured properly
IPasswordMigrationPtr spPasswordMigration(__uuidof(PasswordMigration));
spPasswordMigration->EstablishSession(strPrefixedServer, m_TargetDomain.DomainControllerName()); } }
// PerformMigration Method
void CMigrationBase::PerformMigration(CVarSet& rVarSet) { IPerformMigrationTaskPtr spMigrator(__uuidof(Migrator));
try { AdmtCheckError(spMigrator->raw_PerformMigrationTask(IUnknownPtr(rVarSet.GetInterface()), 0)); } catch (_com_error& ce) { if (ce.Error() == MIGRATOR_E_PROCESSES_STILL_RUNNING) { AdmtThrowError(GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, ce.Error(), IDS_E_ADMT_PROCESS_RUNNING); } else { throw; } } }
// FixObjectsInHierarchy Method
void CMigrationBase::FixObjectsInHierarchy(LPCTSTR pszType) { CFixObjectsInHierarchy fix;
fix.SetObjectType(pszType); fix.SetIntraForest(m_spInternal->IntraForest ? true : false);
long lOptions = m_spInternal->ConflictOptions; long lOption = lOptions & 0x0F; long lFlags = lOptions & 0xF0;
fix.SetFixReplaced((lOption == admtReplaceConflicting) && (lFlags & admtMoveReplacedAccounts));
fix.SetSourceContainerPath(m_SourceContainer.GetPath()); fix.SetTargetContainerPath(m_TargetContainer.GetPath());
fix.FixObjects(); }
namespace MigrationBase {
// GetNamesFromData Method
void GetNamesFromData(VARIANT& vntData, StringSet& setNames) { try { GetNamesFromVariant(&vntData, setNames); } catch (_com_error& ce) { AdmtThrowError(GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, ce.Error(), IDS_E_INVALID_DATA_OPTION_DATA_TYPE); } catch (...) { AdmtThrowError(GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, E_FAIL, IDS_E_INVALID_DATA_OPTION_DATA_TYPE); } }
// GetNamesFromVariant Method
void GetNamesFromVariant(VARIANT* pvntData, StringSet& setNames) { switch (V_VT(pvntData)) { case VT_BSTR: { GetNamesFromString(V_BSTR(pvntData), setNames); break; } case VT_BSTR|VT_BYREF: { BSTR* pbstr = V_BSTRREF(pvntData);
if (pbstr) { GetNamesFromString(*pbstr, setNames); } break; } case VT_BSTR|VT_ARRAY: { GetNamesFromStringArray(V_ARRAY(pvntData), setNames); break; } case VT_BSTR|VT_ARRAY|VT_BYREF: { SAFEARRAY** ppsa = V_ARRAYREF(pvntData);
if (ppsa) { GetNamesFromStringArray(*ppsa, setNames); } break; } case VT_VARIANT|VT_BYREF: { VARIANT* pvnt = V_VARIANTREF(pvntData);
if (pvnt) { GetNamesFromVariant(pvnt, setNames); } break; } case VT_VARIANT|VT_ARRAY: { GetNamesFromVariantArray(V_ARRAY(pvntData), setNames); break; } case VT_VARIANT|VT_ARRAY|VT_BYREF: { SAFEARRAY** ppsa = V_ARRAYREF(pvntData);
if (ppsa) { GetNamesFromVariantArray(*ppsa, setNames); } break; } case VT_EMPTY: { // ignore empty variants
break; } default: { _com_issue_error(E_INVALIDARG); break; } } }
// GetNamesFromString Method
void GetNamesFromString(BSTR bstr, StringSet& setNames) { if (bstr) { UINT cch = SysStringLen(bstr);
if (cch > 0) { GetNamesFromStringW(bstr, cch, setNames); } } }
// GetNamesFromStringArray Method
void GetNamesFromStringArray(SAFEARRAY* psa, StringSet& setNames) { BSTR* pbstr;
HRESULT hr = SafeArrayAccessData(psa, (void**)&pbstr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { try { UINT uDimensionCount = psa->cDims;
for (UINT uDimension = 0; uDimension < uDimensionCount; uDimension++) { UINT uElementCount = psa->rgsabound[uDimension].cElements;
for (UINT uElement = 0; uElement < uElementCount; uElement++) { setNames.insert(_bstr_t(*pbstr++)); } }
SafeArrayUnaccessData(psa); } catch (...) { SafeArrayUnaccessData(psa); throw; } } }
// GetNamesFromVariantArray Method
void GetNamesFromVariantArray(SAFEARRAY* psa, StringSet& setNames) { VARIANT* pvnt;
HRESULT hr = SafeArrayAccessData(psa, (void**)&pvnt);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { try { UINT uDimensionCount = psa->cDims;
for (UINT uDimension = 0; uDimension < uDimensionCount; uDimension++) { UINT uElementCount = psa->rgsabound[uDimension].cElements;
for (UINT uElement = 0; uElement < uElementCount; uElement++) { GetNamesFromVariant(pvnt++, setNames); } }
SafeArrayUnaccessData(psa); } catch (...) { SafeArrayUnaccessData(psa); throw; } } }
// GetNamesFromFile Method
// - the maximum file size this implementation can handle is 4,294,967,295 bytes
void GetNamesFromFile(VARIANT& vntData, StringSet& setNames) { bool bInvalidArg = false;
switch (V_VT(&vntData)) { case VT_BSTR: { BSTR bstr = V_BSTR(&vntData);
if (bstr) { GetNamesFromFile(bstr, setNames); } else { bInvalidArg = true; } break; } case VT_BSTR|VT_BYREF: { BSTR* pbstr = V_BSTRREF(&vntData);
if (pbstr && *pbstr) { GetNamesFromFile(*pbstr, setNames); } else { bInvalidArg = true; } break; } case VT_VARIANT|VT_BYREF: { VARIANT* pvnt = V_VARIANTREF(&vntData);
if (pvnt) { GetNamesFromFile(*pvnt, setNames); } else { bInvalidArg = true; } break; } default: { bInvalidArg = true; break; } }
// GetNamesFromFile Method
// - the maximum file size this implementation can handle is 4,294,967,295 bytes
void GetNamesFromFile(LPCTSTR pszFileName, StringSet& setNames) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (pszFileName) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(pszFileName, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dwFileSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL);
if (dwFileSize > 0) { HANDLE hFileMappingObject = CreateFileMapping(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL);
if (hFileMappingObject != NULL) { LPVOID pvBase = MapViewOfFile(hFileMappingObject, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
if (pvBase != NULL) { // if Unicode signature assume Unicode file
// otherwise it must be an ANSI file
LPCWSTR pwcs = (LPCWSTR)pvBase;
if ((dwFileSize >= 2) && (*pwcs == L'\xFEFF')) { GetNamesFromStringW(pwcs + 1, dwFileSize / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1, setNames); } else { GetNamesFromStringA((LPCSTR)pvBase, dwFileSize, setNames); }
UnmapViewOfFile(pvBase); } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); }
CloseHandle(hFileMappingObject); } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } }
CloseHandle(hFile); } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } } else { hr = E_INVALIDARG; }
if (FAILED(hr)) { AdmtThrowError(GUID_NULL, GUID_NULL, hr, IDS_E_INCLUDE_NAMES_FILE, pszFileName); } }
// GetNamesFromStringA Method
void GetNamesFromStringA(LPCSTR pchString, DWORD cchString, StringSet& setNames) { static const CHAR chSeparators[] = "\t\n\r";
LPSTR pszName = NULL; size_t cchName = 0;
try { LPCSTR pchStringEnd = &pchString[cchString];
for (LPCSTR pch = pchString; pch < pchStringEnd; pch++) { // skip space characters
while ((pch < pchStringEnd) && (*pch == ' ')) { ++pch; }
// beginning of name
LPCSTR pchBeg = pch;
// scan for separator saving pointer to last non-whitespace character
LPCSTR pchEnd = pch;
while ((pch < pchStringEnd) && (strchr(chSeparators, *pch) == NULL)) { if (*pch++ != ' ') { pchEnd = pch; } }
// insert name which doesn't contain any leading or trailing whitespace characters
if (pchEnd > pchBeg) { size_t cch = pchEnd - pchBeg;
// If potential size of buffer does not exceed maximum value of size_t.
if (cch < (cch + 256)) { //
// If buffer size is less than or equal to the number
// of characters in the name then reallocate the buffer.
// Note that this accounts for the final null character.
if (cchName <= cch) { //
// Delete current buffer. Increase buffer size to a multiple
// of 256 characters greater than the length of the current
// name. Note that this allows for the final null character.
// Allocate a new buffer.
delete [] pszName;
while (cchName <= cch) { cchName += 256; }
pszName = new CHAR[cchName];
if (pszName == NULL) { _com_issue_error(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } }
strncpy(pszName, pchBeg, cch); pszName[cch] = '\0';
setNames.insert(_bstr_t(pszName)); } else { //
// Should never get here as this means the pointer
// difference is within 256 characters of the maximum
// value of the size_t data type.
_com_issue_error(E_FAIL); } } } } catch (...) { delete [] pszName; throw; }
delete [] pszName; }
// GetNamesFromStringW Method
void GetNamesFromStringW(LPCWSTR pchString, DWORD cchString, StringSet& setNames) { static const WCHAR chSeparators[] = L"\t\n\r";
LPCWSTR pchStringEnd = &pchString[cchString];
for (LPCWSTR pch = pchString; pch < pchStringEnd; pch++) { // skip space characters
while ((pch < pchStringEnd) && (*pch == L' ')) { ++pch; }
// beginning of name
LPCWSTR pchBeg = pch;
// scan for separator saving pointer to last non-whitespace character
LPCWSTR pchEnd = pch;
while ((pch < pchStringEnd) && (wcschr(chSeparators, *pch) == NULL)) { if (*pch++ != L' ') { pchEnd = pch; } }
// insert name which doesn't contain any leading or trailing whitespace characters
if (pchEnd > pchBeg) { _bstr_t strName(SysAllocStringLen(pchBeg, pchEnd - pchBeg), false);
setNames.insert(strName); } } }
// RemoveTrailingDollarSign Method
_bstr_t RemoveTrailingDollarSign(LPCTSTR pszName) { LPTSTR psz = _T("");
if (pszName) { size_t cch = _tcslen(pszName);
if (cch > 0) { psz = reinterpret_cast<LPTSTR>(_alloca((cch + 1) * sizeof(_TCHAR)));
_tcscpy(psz, pszName);
LPTSTR p = &psz[cch - 1];
if (*p == _T('$')) { *p = _T('\0'); } } }
return psz; }
// IsInboundTrustDefined Function
// Synopsis
// Verifies that a trusted domain object exists for the specified domain and
// that an inbound trust is defined (i.e. the specified domain trusts this
// domain).
// Arguments
// IN pszDomain - the name of the trusting domain
// Return
// True - trusted domain object exists and an inbound trust is defined
// False - either trusted domain object does not exist or an inbound trust
// is not defined
bool __stdcall IsInboundTrustDefined(PCWSTR pszDomain) { bool bTrust = false;
try { //
// Open local policy object with view local information access.
NTSTATUS ntsStatus = LsaOpenPolicy(NULL, &lsaoa, POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION, &lsahPolicy);
if (ntsStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { _com_issue_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(LsaNtStatusToWinError(ntsStatus))); }
// Query for trusted domain object for specified domain.
PWSTR pwsDomain = const_cast<PWSTR>(pszDomain); USHORT cbDomain = wcslen(pszDomain) * sizeof(WCHAR);
LSA_UNICODE_STRING lsausDomain = { cbDomain, cbDomain, pwsDomain };
ntsStatus = LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfoByName( lsahPolicy, &lsausDomain, TrustedDomainInformationEx, (PVOID*)&ptdieInfo );
if (ntsStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { //
// Trusted domain object exists. Verify
// that an inbound trust is defined.
ULONG ulDirection = ptdieInfo->TrustDirection;
if ((ulDirection == TRUST_DIRECTION_INBOUND) || (ulDirection == TRUST_DIRECTION_BIDIRECTIONAL)) { bTrust = true; } } else { //
// If error is not that trusted domain object
// does not exist then generate exception.
if (ntsStatus != STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) { _com_issue_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(LsaNtStatusToWinError(ntsStatus))); } }
// Clean up.
if (ptdieInfo) { LsaFreeMemory(ptdieInfo); }
if (lsahPolicy) { LsaClose(lsahPolicy); } } catch (...) { if (ptdieInfo) { LsaFreeMemory(ptdieInfo); }
if (lsahPolicy) { LsaClose(lsahPolicy); }
throw; }
return bTrust; }
// IsOutboundTrustDefined Function
// Synopsis
// Verifies that a trusted domain object exists for the specified domain on
// the specified domain controller (i.e. the domain of the specified domain
// controller trusts the specified domain).
// Note that this function should only be used for downlevel (NT4 or earlier)
// domains and that simply the presence of a trusted domain object is
// sufficient in this case to indicate an outbound trust.
// Arguments
// IN pszDomainController - the name of a domain controller in the trusting
// domain
// IN pszDomainSid - the SID of the trusted domain in string format
// Return
// True - trusted domain object exists
// False - trusted domain object does not exist
bool __stdcall IsOutboundTrustDefined(PCWSTR pszDomainController, PCWSTR pszDomainSid) { bool bTrust = false;
LSA_HANDLE lsahPolicy = NULL; PSID psidDomain = NULL; PTRUSTED_DOMAIN_NAME_INFO ptdniDomainNameInfo = NULL;
try { //
// Open policy object on specified domain controller
// with view local information access.
PWSTR pwsDomainController = const_cast<PWSTR>(pszDomainController); USHORT cbDomainController = wcslen(pszDomainController) * sizeof(WCHAR);
LSA_UNICODE_STRING lsausDomainController = { cbDomainController, cbDomainController, pwsDomainController }; LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES lsaoa = { sizeof(LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES), NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL };
NTSTATUS ntsStatus = LsaOpenPolicy(&lsausDomainController, &lsaoa, POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION, &lsahPolicy);
if (ntsStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { _com_issue_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(LsaNtStatusToWinError(ntsStatus))); }
// Convert SID from string format to binary format.
if (!ConvertStringSidToSid(pszDomainSid, &psidDomain)) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); _com_issue_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError)); }
// Query for trusted domain object. Note that LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfo is
// used because LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfoByName is only supported on
// Windows 2000 or later.
ntsStatus = LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfo( lsahPolicy, psidDomain, TrustedDomainNameInformation, (PVOID*)&ptdniDomainNameInfo );
switch (ntsStatus) { case STATUS_SUCCESS: { //
// The trusted domain object exists.
bTrust = true; break; } case STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND: { //
// The trusted domain object does not exist.
break; } default: { //
// Another error has occurred therefore generate an exception.
_com_issue_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(LsaNtStatusToWinError(ntsStatus))); break; } }
// Clean up.
if (ptdniDomainNameInfo) { LsaFreeMemory(ptdniDomainNameInfo); }
if (psidDomain) { LocalFree(psidDomain); }
if (lsahPolicy) { LsaClose(lsahPolicy); } } catch (...) { if (ptdniDomainNameInfo) { LsaFreeMemory(ptdniDomainNameInfo); }
if (psidDomain) { LocalFree(psidDomain); }
if (lsahPolicy) { LsaClose(lsahPolicy); }
throw; }
return bTrust; }
// GetOutboundTrustStatus Function
// Synopsis
// Retrieves the trust connection status for the specified domain on the
// specified domain controller. The status represents the last connection
// status of the secure channel but does not quarantee that a future request
// will succeed. The only way to really verify the secure channel is to
// reset the secure channel which should not be done arbitrarily.
// Arguments
// IN pszDomainController - the name of a domain controller in the trusting
// domain
// IN pszDomain - the name of the trusted domain
// Return
// ERROR_SUCCESS - the last connection status is okay otherwise the last
// connection status error
DWORD __stdcall GetOutboundTrustStatus(PCWSTR pszDomainController, PCWSTR pszDomain) { PNETLOGON_INFO_2 pni2Info = NULL;
NET_API_STATUS nasStatus = I_NetLogonControl2( pszDomainController, NETLOGON_CONTROL_TC_QUERY, 2, (LPBYTE)&pszDomain, (LPBYTE*)&pni2Info );
if (nasStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { nasStatus = pni2Info->netlog2_tc_connection_status; }
if (pni2Info) { NetApiBufferFree(pni2Info); }
return nasStatus; }
} // namespace