// stdafx.cpp : source file that includes just the standard includes
// stdafx.pch will be the pre-compiled header
// stdafx.obj will contain the pre-compiled type information
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <statreg.h>
#include <statreg.cpp>
#include <atlimpl.cpp>
#define COUNT_OF(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
// CAdmtModule Class
CAdmtModule::CAdmtModule() { }
CAdmtModule::~CAdmtModule() { }
// OpenLog Method
bool CAdmtModule::OpenLog() { // CloseLog(); // error class doesn't reset file pointer to NULL when closing file
return m_Error.LogOpen(GetMigrationLogPath(), 0, 0, true) ? true : false; }
// CloseLog Method
void CAdmtModule::CloseLog() { m_Error.LogClose(); }
// Log Method
void __cdecl CAdmtModule::Log(UINT uLevel, UINT uId, ...) { _TCHAR szFormat[512]; _TCHAR szMessage[1024];
if (LoadString(GetResourceInstance(), uId, szFormat, 512)) { va_list args; va_start(args, uId); _vsntprintf(szMessage, COUNT_OF(szMessage), szFormat, args); va_end(args);
szMessage[1023] = _T('\0'); } else { szMessage[0] = _T('\0'); }
m_Error.MsgProcess(uLevel | uId, szMessage); }
// Log Method
void __cdecl CAdmtModule::Log(UINT uLevel, UINT uId, _com_error& ce) { try { _bstr_t strMessage;
_TCHAR szMessage[512];
if (LoadString(GetResourceInstance(), uId, szMessage, 512) == FALSE) { szMessage[0] = _T('\0'); }
strMessage = szMessage;
_bstr_t strDescription = ce.Description();
if (strDescription.length()) { strMessage += _T(" ") + strDescription; }
_TCHAR szError[32]; _stprintf(szError, _T(" (0x%08lX)"), ce.Error()); strMessage += szError;
m_Error.MsgProcess(uLevel | uId, strMessage); } catch (...) { } }
// Log Method
void __cdecl CAdmtModule::Log(LPCTSTR pszFormat, ...) { _TCHAR szMessage[1024];
if (pszFormat) { va_list args; va_start(args, pszFormat); _vsntprintf(szMessage, COUNT_OF(szMessage), pszFormat, args); va_end(args);
szMessage[1023] = _T('\0'); } else { szMessage[0] = _T('\0'); }
m_Error.MsgProcess(0, szMessage); }
StringLoader gString;
//#import <ActiveDs.tlb> no_namespace implementation_only exclude("_LARGE_INTEGER","_SYSTEMTIME")
#import <DBMgr.tlb> no_namespace implementation_only
#import <MigDrvr.tlb> no_namespace implementation_only
#import <VarSet.tlb> no_namespace rename("property", "aproperty") implementation_only
#import <WorkObj.tlb> no_namespace implementation_only
#import <MsPwdMig.tlb> no_namespace implementation_only
#import <adsprop.tlb> no_namespace implementation_only
#import "Internal.tlb" no_namespace implementation_only