#include "stdafx.h"
#include "exchange.hpp"
#include "common.hpp"
#include "err.hpp"
#include "ErrDct.hpp"
#include "UString.hpp"
#include "sidcache.hpp"
#include "sd.hpp"
#include "SecObj.hpp"
#include "exldap.h"
#include "Mcs.h"
#include "folders.h"
#include "treg.hpp"
using namespace nsFolders;
extern TErrorDct err;
#define NOT_PT_ERROR(x) ( PROP_TYPE(x.ulPropTag) != PT_ERROR )
#define LDAP_PortNumber_DN_Part L"/cn=Protocols/cn=LDAP"
#define ATT_OBJ_CLASS L"Obj-Class"
#define ATT_DIST_NAME L"Obj-Dist-Name"
#define ATT_LDAP_PORT L"Port-Number"
#define LDAP_USE_SITE_VALUES L"Use-Site-Values"
TGlobalDirectory::TGlobalDirectory() { m_stat = NULL; }
TGlobalDirectory::~TGlobalDirectory() { }
#define NDX_SID 3
#define NDX_SD 4
void TGlobalDirectory::GetSiteNameForServer( WCHAR const * server, // in - name of exchange server to use
CLdapEnum * e, // in - LDAP connection to use for query
WCHAR * siteName // out- distinguished name of exchange site for server
) { WCHAR * atts[6] = { L"distinguishedName", L"rdn",NULL }; WCHAR query[200]; DWORD rc; WCHAR ** values = NULL; siteName[0] = 0; swprintf(query,L"(&(objectClass=computer)(rdn=%ls))",server); rc = e->Open(query,L"",2,100,3,atts); // there should be only one server with this name
if (! rc ) rc = e->Next(&values); if (! rc ) { if ( !UStrICmp(values[1],server) ) { WCHAR serverPrefix[LEN_Path]; _snwprintf(serverPrefix,DIM(serverPrefix),L"cn=%ls,cn=Servers,cn=Configuration,",values[1]); serverPrefix[DIM(serverPrefix) - 1] = L'\0'; if ( ! UStrICmp(values[0],serverPrefix,UStrLen(serverPrefix)) ) { UStrCpy(siteName,values[0] + UStrLen(serverPrefix),LEN_Path); } else { err.MsgWrite(ErrE,DCT_MSG_GENERIC_S,values[0]); } } else { err.MsgWrite(ErrE,DCT_MSG_LDAP_CALL_FAILED_SD,server,ERROR_NOT_FOUND); } e->FreeData(values); } else { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE,e->m_connection.LdapMapErrorToWin32(rc),DCT_MSG_LDAP_CALL_FAILED_SD,server,rc); }
BOOL TGlobalDirectory::DoLdapTranslation( WCHAR * server, WCHAR * domain, WCHAR * user, WCHAR * password, SecurityTranslatorArgs * args, WCHAR * basept, WCHAR * query ) { CLdapEnum e; WCHAR * atts[6] = { L"distinguishedName", L"rdn", L"cn", L"Assoc-NT-Account",L"NT-Security-Descriptor",NULL }; WCHAR ** values = NULL; DWORD ldapPort, sslPort; GetLDAPPort(&ldapPort, &sslPort); ULONG pageSize = 100; WCHAR basepoint[LEN_Path] = L"";
BOOL sslEnabled = FALSE; SetLastError(0); // try SSL port first
DWORD rc = e.InitSSLConnection(server,&sslEnabled,sslPort);
if (rc || sslEnabled == FALSE) { WCHAR* serverName = (server == NULL) ? L"" : server; if (rc == 0) err.MsgWrite(ErrW, DCT_MSG_CANNOT_ESTABLISH_SSL_CONNECTION_WITH_EXCHANGE_SERVER_WITHOUT_RC_SD, serverName, sslPort); else err.SysMsgWrite(ErrW, rc, DCT_MSG_CANNOT_ESTABLISH_SSL_CONNECTION_WITH_EXCHANGE_SERVER_WITH_RC_SDD, serverName, sslPort,rc); err.MsgWrite(ErrI, DCT_MSG_USE_REGULAR_PORT_DS, ldapPort, serverName); rc = e.InitConnection(server, ldapPort); } BOOL anychange = FALSE; BOOL verbose = args->LogVerbose(); BOOL bUseMapFile = args->UsingMapFile();
if (! rc ) { if ( ! basept ) { GetSiteNameForServer(server,&e,basepoint); } else { // use the user-specified basepoint
safecopy(basepoint,basept); } if ( query ) { rc = e.Open(query,basepoint,2,pageSize,5,atts); } else { rc = e.Open(L"(objectClass=*)",basepoint,2,pageSize,5,atts); } if ( ! rc ) { do { rc = e.Next(&values); anychange = FALSE; if (! rc ) { if ( args->Cache()->IsCancelled() ) { err.MsgWrite(0,DCT_MSG_OPERATION_ABORTED); return FALSE; } if ( m_stat ) { m_stat->DisplayPath(values[0]); m_stat->IncrementExamined(mailbox); }
// update the Assoc-NT-Account, if any
if ( values[NDX_SID] && *values[NDX_SID] ) { // convert the SID to a binary value and look it up in the cache
BYTE pSid[500];
if ( e.m_connection.StringToBytes(values[NDX_SID],pSid) ) { // check if the sid is one we need to change
//TRACE (_T("DisplayName = %s "),pUserProperties[0].Value.lpszW);
PSID newSid = 0; TAcctNode * node;
if ( IsValidSid(pSid) ) { if (!bUseMapFile) node = args->Cache()->Lookup(pSid); else node = args->Cache()->LookupWODomain(pSid); if ( m_stat ) { m_stat->IncrementOwnerExamined(); if ( verbose ) err.MsgWrite(0,DCT_MSG_EXAMINED_S,values[0]); } if ( node == (TAcctNode*)-1 && m_stat ) m_stat->IncrementOwnerNoTarget();
if ( node && (node != (TAcctNode *)-1) && node->IsValidOnTgt() ) { if (!bUseMapFile) newSid = args->Cache()->GetTgtSid(node); else newSid = args->Cache()->GetTgtSidWODomain(node); } else { newSid = NULL; m_stat->IncrementOwnerNoTarget(); } } else { newSid = NULL; } if ( newSid ) { //TRACE (_T("needs to be translated\n"));
MCSASSERT ( IsValidSid(newSid) ); WCHAR newSidStr[1000];
if ( e.m_connection.BytesToString((BYTE*)newSid,newSidStr,GetLengthSid(newSid)) ) { if ( !args->NoChange() ) { rc = e.m_connection.UpdateSimpleStringValue(values[0],atts[NDX_SID],newSidStr);
if ( rc ) { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE,rc,DCT_MSG_UPDATE_ACCOUNT_FAILED_D, rc); } else anychange = TRUE; } if ( anychange && m_stat ) { m_stat->IncrementOwnerChange(node,mailbox,NULL); }
} } } }
// this variable determines whether we should continue mailbox translation
DWORD dwContinueRC = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Update the NT-Security-Descriptor, if any
// however, we do not try to roll back if anything wrong happens in this part
if ( values[NDX_SD] && *values[NDX_SD] ) { // convert the SID to a binary value and look it up in the cache
BYTE * pSD = new BYTE[UStrLen(values[NDX_SD])]; if (!pSD) dwContinueRC = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
if ( dwContinueRC == ERROR_SUCCESS && e.m_connection.StringToBytes(values[NDX_SD],pSD) ) { TMapiSD tMailbox((SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *)pSD); if ( tMailbox.HasSecurity() ) { TSD * pSD = tMailbox.GetSecurity();
bool changes = tMailbox.ResolveSDInternal(args->Cache(),m_stat,verbose,args->TranslationMode(),mailbox, bUseMapFile); if ( changes ) { SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR * pRelSD = (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *)pSD->MakeRelSD(); if (pRelSD == NULL) dwContinueRC = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; if ( dwContinueRC == ERROR_SUCCESS && ! args->NoChange() ) { DWORD dwSDLength = GetSecurityDescriptorLength(pRelSD); WCHAR * pSDString = new WCHAR[1 + dwSDLength * 2]; if (!pSDString) dwContinueRC = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
if ( dwContinueRC == ERROR_SUCCESS && e.m_connection.BytesToString((BYTE*)pRelSD,pSDString,dwSDLength) ) { rc = e.m_connection.UpdateSimpleStringValue(values[0],atts[NDX_SD],pSDString); if ( rc ) { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE,rc,DCT_MSG_RECIP_SD_WRITE_FAILED_SD,values[0],rc); if ( rc == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ) { // this error occurs when the security descriptor is too large
// don't abort in this case
rc = 0; } } else anychange = TRUE; } delete [] pSDString; }
if (pRelSD) free(pRelSD); } } } delete [] pSD; } if ( anychange && m_stat ) { m_stat->IncrementChanged(mailbox); err.MsgWrite(0, DCT_MSG_MAILBOX_HAS_BEEN_UPDATED_S, values[0]); }
if (dwContinueRC != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (anychange) err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE,dwContinueRC,DCT_MSG_MAILBOX_TRANSLATION_ABORTED_WITH_UPDATE_SD,values[0],dwContinueRC); else err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE,dwContinueRC,DCT_MSG_MAILBOX_TRANSLATION_ABORTED_SD,values[0],dwContinueRC); e.FreeData(values); return FALSE; }
} while ( ! rc ); } if ( rc && (rc != LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE) && (rc != ERROR_NOT_FOUND) ) { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE,e.m_connection.LdapMapErrorToWin32(rc),DCT_MSG_LDAP_CALL_FAILED_SD,server,rc); } } else { err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE,rc,DCT_MSG_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_EXCHANGE_SERVER_SSD,server,domain,user,rc); } return rc; }