'****************************************************************************** '* '* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. '* '* Module Name: PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs '* '* Abstract: Enables an administrator to display and configure '* a systems Virtual Memory paging file settings. '* '* '******************************************************************************
'****************************************************************************** ' Start of Localization Content '******************************************************************************
' Valid volume pattern [ a,b drives are invalid ] CONST L_VolumePatternFormat_Text = "^([b-zB-Z]:|\*)$"
' constants for showresults CONST L_Na_Text = "N/A" CONST L_MachineName_Text = "System Name" CONST L_User_Text = "User" CONST L_Password_Text = "Password" CONST L_Intsize_Text = "Initial Size" CONST L_Maxsize_Text = "Maximum Size" CONST L_Volume_Text = "Volume Name" CONST L_Format_Text = "Format"
' the column headers used in the output display CONST L_ColHeaderHostname_Text = "Host Name" CONST L_ColHeaderDrive_Text = "Drive/Volume" CONST L_ColHeaderVolumeLabel_Text = "Volume Label" CONST L_ColHeaderFileName_Text = "Location\File Name" CONST L_ColHeaderInitialSize_Text = "Initial Size" CONST L_ColHeaderMaximumSize_Text = "Maximum Size" CONST L_ColHeaderCurrentSize_Text = "Current Size" CONST L_ColHeaderPageFileStatus_Text = "Page File Mode" CONST L_ColHeaderFreeSpace_Text = "Total Free Space" CONST L_ColHeaderTotalMinimumSize_Text = "Total (All Drives): Minimum Size" CONST L_ColHeaderTotalRecommendedSize_Text = "Total (All Drives): Recommended Size" CONST L_ColHeaderTotalSize_Text = "Total (All Drives): Currently Allocated"
' Maximum Column Header Lengths used to display various fields. ' Localization team can adjust these columns to fit the localized strings.
' constants for data lengths for ShowResults (15,13,13,19,20,20,20,22) CONST L_CONST_HOSTNAME_Length_Text = 15 CONST L_CONST_DRIVENAME_Length_Text = 19 CONST L_CONST_VOLLABEL_Length_Text = 17 CONST L_CONST_PAGEFILENAME_Length_Text = 19 CONST L_CONST_INTSIZE_Length_Text = 20 CONST L_CONST_MAXSIZE_Length_Text = 20 CONST L_CONST_CURRENTSIZE_Length_Text = 20 CONST L_CONST_FREESPACE_Length_Text = 22 CONST L_ColHeaderPageFileStatusLength_Text = 20
' constants for data lengths for ShowResults (15,33,37,40) CONST L_CONST_TOTALMINSIZE_Length_Text = 33 CONST L_CONST_TOTALRECSIZE_Length_Text = 37 CONST L_CONST_TOTALSIZE_Length_Text = 40
' user reply for the warning messages CONST L_UserReplyYes_Text = "y" CONST L_UserReplyNo_Text = "n"
'Constants for indication of page file status CONST L_CONST_System_Managed_Text = "System Managed" CONST L_Custom_Text = "Custom"
' constants for CScript usage CONST L_UseCscript1_ErrorMessage = "This script should be executed from the command prompt using CSCRIPT.EXE." CONST L_UseCscript2_ErrorMessage = "For example: CSCRIPT %windir%\System32\PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs <arguments>" CONST L_UseCscript3_ErrorMessage = "To set CScript as the default application to run .vbs files, run the following:" CONST L_UseCscript4_ErrorMessage = " CSCRIPT //H:CSCRIPT //S" CONST L_UseCscript5_ErrorMessage = "You can then run ""%windir%\System32\PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs <arguments>"" without preceding the script with CSCRIPT."
' common constants for showing help for all the options CONST L_UsageDescription_Text = "Description:" CONST L_UsageParamList_Text = "Parameter List:" CONST L_UsageExamples_Text = "Examples:" CONST L_UsageMachineName_Text = " /S system Specifies the remote system to connect to." CONST L_UsageUserNameLine1_Text = " /U [domain\]user Specifies the user context under which" CONST L_UsageUserNameLine2_Text = " the command should execute." CONST L_UsagePasswordLine1_Text = " /P password Specifies the password for the given" CONST L_UsagePasswordLine2_Text = " user context."
' constants for showing help CONST L_ShowUsageLine02_Text = "PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /parameter [arguments]" CONST L_ShowUsageLine05_Text = " Enables an administrator to display and configure a system's " CONST L_ShowUsageLine06_Text = " paging file Virtual Memory settings." CONST L_ShowUsageLine08_Text = "Parameter List:" CONST L_ShowUsageLine09_Text = " /Change Changes a system's existing paging file" CONST L_ShowUsageLine10_Text = " Virtual Memory settings." CONST L_ShowUsageLine12_Text = " /Create Creates/Adds an additional ""Paging File"" to a system." CONST L_ShowUsageLine14_Text = " /Delete Deletes a ""Paging File"" from a system." CONST L_ShowUsageLine16_Text = " /Query Displays a system's paging file" CONST L_ShowUsageLine17_Text = " Virtual Memory settings." CONST L_ShowUsageLine19_Text = "Examples:" CONST L_ShowUsageLine20_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs" CONST L_ShowUsageLine21_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /?" CONST L_ShowUsageLine22_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Change /?" CONST L_ShowUsageLine23_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Create /?" CONST L_ShowUsageLine24_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Delete /?" CONST L_ShowUsageLine25_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Query /?"
' constants for showing help for /Change option CONST L_ShowChangeUsageLine02_Text = "PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Change [/S system [/U username [/P password]]]" CONST L_ShowChangeUsageLine03_Text = " { { [/I initialsize] [/M maximumsize] } | { /SYS } }" CONST L_ShowChangeUsageLine04_Text = " /VO volume1 [/VO volume2 [... [/VO volumeN]]]" CONST L_ShowChangeUsageLine07_Text = " Changes an existing paging file's Virtual Memory Settings." CONST L_ShowChangeUsageLine18_Text = " /I initialsize Specifies the new initial size (in MB)" CONST L_ShowChangeUsageLine19_Text = " to use for the paging file specified." CONST L_ShowChangeUsageLine21_Text = " /M maximumsize Specifies the new maximum size (in MB)" CONST L_ShowChangeUsageLine22_Text = " to use for the paging file specified." CONST L_ShowChangeUsageLine24_Text = " /SYS systemmanaged Specifies that the page file has to " CONST L_ShowChangeUsageLine25_Text = " be managed by the system." CONST L_ShowChangeUsageLine27_Text = " /VO volumeletter Specifies the local drive who's paging" CONST L_ShowChangeUsageLine28_Text = " file settings need to be changed. Specify" CONST L_ShowChangeUsageLine29_Text = " '*' to select all the local drives." CONST L_ShowChangeUsageLine30_Text = " Example: ""C:"" or ""*""" CONST L_ShowChangeUsageLine33_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Change /?" CONST L_ShowChangeUsageLine34_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Change /M 400 /VO c:" CONST L_ShowChangeUsageLine35_text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Change /VO c: /SYS" CONST L_ShowChangeUsageLine36_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Change /S system /U user /M 400 /VO c:" CONST L_ShowChangeUsageLine37_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Change /S system /U user /I 20 /VO *" CONST L_ShowChangeUsageLine38_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Change /S system /U user /P password /I 200" CONST L_ShowChangeUsageLine39_Text = " /M 500 /VO c: /VO d:"
' constants for showing help for /Create option CONST L_ShowCreateUsageLine02_Text = "PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Create [/S system [/U username [/P password]]]" CONST L_ShowCreateUsageLine03_Text = " { {/I initialsize /M maximumsize} | { /SYS } }" CONST L_ShowCreateUsageLine04_Text = " /VO volume1 [/VO volume2 [... [/VO volumeN]]]" CONST L_ShowCreateUsageLine07_Text = " Creates/Adds an additional ""Paging File"" to a system." CONST L_ShowCreateUsageLine18_Text = " /I initialsize Specifies the initial size (in MB) to use" CONST L_ShowCreateUsageLine19_Text = " for the paging file being created." CONST L_ShowCreateUsageLine21_Text = " /M maximumsize Specifies the maximum size (in MB) to use" CONST L_ShowCreateUsageLine22_Text = " for the paging file being created." CONST L_ShowCreateUsageLine24_Text = " /SYS systemmanaged Specifies that the page file has to " CONST L_ShowCreateUsageLine25_Text = " be managed by the system." CONST L_ShowCreateUsageLine27_Text = " /VO volumeletter Specifies the local drive on which the" CONST L_ShowCreateUsageLine28_Text = " paging file has to be created. Specify '*'" CONST L_ShowCreateUsageLine29_Text = " to select all the local drives." CONST L_ShowCreateUsageLine30_Text = " Example: ""C:"" or ""*""" CONST L_ShowCreateUsageLine33_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Create /?" CONST L_ShowCreateUsageLine34_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Create /I 140 /M 300 /VO d:" CONST L_ShowCreateUsageLine35_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.VBS /Create /VO c: /SYS" CONST L_ShowCreateUsageLine36_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Create /S system /U user /I 150 /M 300 /VO d:" CONST L_ShowCreateUsageLine37_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Create /S system /U user /I 50 /M 200 /VO *" CONST L_ShowCreateUsageLine38_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Create /S system /U user /P password /I 100" CONST L_ShowCreateUsageLine39_Text = " /M 600 /VO d: /VO e: /VO f:"
' constants for showing help for /Delete option CONST L_ShowDeleteUsageLine02_Text = "PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Delete [/S system [/U username [/P password]]]" CONST L_ShowDeleteUsageLine03_Text = " /VO volume1 [/VO volume2 [... [/VO volumeN]]]" CONST L_ShowDeleteUsageLine06_Text = " Deletes paging file(s) from a system." CONST L_ShowDeleteUsageLine17_Text = " /VO volumeletter Specifies the local drive who's paging" CONST L_ShowDeleteUsageLine18_Text = " file has to be deleted." CONST L_ShowDeleteUsageLine19_Text = " Example: ""C:""" CONST L_ShowDeleteUsageLine22_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Delete /?" CONST L_ShowDeleteUsageLine23_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Delete /VO d:" CONST L_ShowDeleteUsageLine24_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Delete /S system /U user /VO d: /VO e:" CONST L_ShowDeleteUsageLine25_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Delete /S system /U user /P password /VO d:"
' constants for showing help for /Query option CONST L_ShowQueryUsageLine02_Text = "PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Query [/S system [/U username [/P password]]]" CONST L_ShowQueryUsageLine03_Text = " [/FO format] [/NH]" CONST L_ShowQueryUsageLine06_Text = " Displays a system's paging file Virtual Memory settings." CONST L_ShowQueryUsageLine17_Text = " /FO format Specifies the format in which the output" CONST L_ShowQueryUsageLine18_Text = " is to be displayed." CONST L_ShowQueryUsageLine19_Text = " Valid values: ""TABLE"", ""LIST"", ""CSV""." CONST L_ShowQueryUsageLine21_Text = " /NH Specifies that the ""Column Header"" should" CONST L_ShowQueryUsageLine22_Text = " not be displayed in the output." CONST L_ShowQueryUsageLine25_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs" CONST L_ShowQueryUsageLine26_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Query" CONST L_ShowQueryUsageLine27_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Query /?" CONST L_ShowQueryUsageLine28_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Query /FO table" CONST L_ShowQueryUsageLine29_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Query /FO csv /NH" CONST L_ShowQueryUsageLine30_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Query /S system /U user" CONST L_ShowQueryUsageLine31_Text = " PAGEFILECONFIG.vbs /Query /S system /U user /P password /FO LIST"
' constants for error messages CONST L_UnableToInclude_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: Unable to include the common module ""CmdLib.Wsc""." CONST L_InvalidHelpUsage_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: Invalid Help Usage. Use only /? for help." CONST L_InvalidParameter_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: Invalid argument/Option - '%1'." CONST L_InvalidInput_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: Invalid input. Please check the input values." CONST L_InvalidCredentials_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: Invalid credentials. Verify the machine, user and password given." CONST L_InvalidVolumeName_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: Invalid volume '%1' specified." CONST L_InvalidUserReply_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: Invalid choice. Enter a valid choice." CONST L_FailCreateObject_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: Unable to create object." CONST L_UnableToRetrieveInfo_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: Unable to retrieve information." CONST L_CannotCreate_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: Paging file for the specified volume '%1' cannot be created." CONST L_InvalidPhysicalDrive_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: Volume '%1' is not a valid physical drive." CONST L_UpdateFailed_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: Paging file update failed." CONST L_InvalidInitSizeValue_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: Enter a numeric value for the initial paging file size." CONST L_InvalidMaxSizeValue_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: Enter a numeric value for the maximum paging file size." CONST L_CONST_Systemmanaged_Earlier_Text = "ERROR: The page file on drive %1 is system managed. Both initial and maximum size must be specified."
' constant for hint message to show remote connectivity failure CONST L_HintCheckConnection_Message = "ERROR: Please check the system name, credentials and WMI (WBEM) service."
' constants for info. messages CONST L_PageFileDoesNotExist_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: No paging file exists on volume '%1'" CONST L_NoPageFiles_Message = "ERROR: No paging file(s) available."
' constants for Syntax Error Messages CONST L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: Invalid Syntax." CONST L_InvalidServerName_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: Invalid Syntax. System name cannot be empty." CONST L_InvalidUserName_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: Invalid Syntax. User name cannot be empty." CONST L_NoHeaderNotAllowed_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: /NH option is allowed only for ""TABLE"" and ""CSV"" formats." CONST L_TypeUsage_Message = "Type ""%1 /?"" for usage." CONST L_TypeCreateUsage_Message = "Type ""%1 /Create /?"" for usage." CONST L_TypeChangeUsage_Message = "Type ""%1 /Change /?"" for usage." CONST L_TypeDeleteUsage_Message = "Type ""%1 /Delete /?"" for usage." CONST L_TypeQueryUsage_Message = "Type ""%1 /Query /?"" for usage."
' constants for missing mandatory option messages CONST L_VolumeNameNotSpecified_ErrorMessage = "Mandatory option '/VO' is missing." CONST L_InitialSizeNotSpecified_ErrorMessage = "Either '/SYS' or both '/I' and '/M' are mandatory with Create option." CONST L_MaximumSizeNotSpecified_ErrorMessage = "Mandatory option '/M' is missing." CONST L_NoneoftheSizeSpecified_ErrorMessage = "Either '/SYS' or one of '/I' and '/M' are mandatory with Change option." CONST L_CONST_NoneoftheSizes_AllowedWithSysManaged_Text = "Either '/I' or '/M' can not be specified with '/SYS'." CONST L_FormatNotSpecified_ErrorMessage = "Mandatory options '/FO' is missing."
' error messages for invalid usage of s,u,p switches CONST L_InvalidServerCredentials_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: Invalid Syntax. /U can be specified only when /S is specified." CONST L_InvalidUserCredentials_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: Invalid Syntax. /P can be specified only when /U is specified."
' constants for Mutliple line Error Messages CONST L_InsufficientMaxSize1_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: The maximum paging file size on volume '%1' should be greater than or " CONST L_InsufficientMaxSize2_ErrorMessage = " equal to the initial paging file size, and less than %2 MB or less " CONST L_InsufficientMaxSize3_ErrorMessage = " than the disk size." CONST L_InitialSizeRange1_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: The initial paging file size must be between 2 MB and %1 MB, and " CONST L_InitialSizeRange2_ErrorMessage = " cannot exceed the amount of free space on the drive '%2' selected. " CONST L_NotEnoughSpace1_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: There is not enough space on the drive '%1' for the paging file" CONST L_NotEnoughSpace2_ErrorMessage = " Please enter a smaller number or free some disk space." CONST L_AtLeastFiveMB1_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: There is not enough space on the drive '%1' to create the paging file" CONST L_AtLeastFiveMB2_ErrorMessage = " size specified. At least 5 megabytes of free disk space must be left" CONST L_AtLeastFiveMB3_ErrorMessage = " after the paging file is created. Specify a smaller paging file size" CONST L_AtLeastFiveMB4_ErrorMessage = " or free some disk space." CONST L_DiskTooSmall1_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: Drive '%1' is too small for the maximum paging file size specified." CONST L_DiskTooSmall2_ErrorMessage = " Please enter a smaller number." CONST L_CannotDelete1_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: The paging file from volume '%1' cannot be deleted." CONST L_CannotDelete2_ErrorMessage = " At least one paging file must be present."
' constants for Mutliple line Warning Messages CONST L_GrowsToFreeSpaceWarning1_Message = "WARNING: Drive '%1' does not have enough free space for the maximum paging " CONST L_GrowsToFreeSpaceWarning2_Message = " file specified. If you continue with this setting, the paging file " CONST L_GrowsToFreeSpaceWarning3_Message = " will only grow to the size of the available free space (%2 MB)." CONST L_CrashDumpSettingWarning1_Message = "WARNING: If the paging file on volume '%1' has an initial size of less than" CONST L_CrashDumpSettingWarning2_Message = " %2, then the system may not be able to create a crash dump debugging" CONST L_CrashDumpSettingWarning3_Message = " information file if a STOP error (blue screen) occurs."
' constants for Multiple line SUCCESS / SKIPPING messages CONST L_ChangeIntSuccess1_Message = "SUCCESS: The initial size for the paging file on '%1' was changed from " CONST L_ChangeIntSuccess2_Message = " %2 MB to %3 MB." CONST L_ChangeMaxSuccess1_Message = "SUCCESS: The maximum size for the paging file on '%1' was changed from " CONST L_ChangeMaxSuccess2_Message = " %2 MB to %3 MB." CONST L_ChangeIntSkipping1_Message = "SKIPPING: The initial size specified for the paging file on '%1' is same as " CONST L_ChangeIntSkipping2_Message = " the present value." CONST L_ChangeMaxSkipping1_Message = "SKIPPING: The maximum size specified for the paging file on '%1' is same as " CONST L_ChangeMaxSkipping2_Message = " the present value." CONST L_CreateSuccess1_Message = "SUCCESS: A paging file with initial size of %1 MB and a maximum size " CONST L_CreateSuccess2_Message = " of %2 MB was created on the volume: '%3'" CONST L_CreateSkipping_Message = "SKIPPING: A paging file already exists on the volume: '%1'" CONST L_DeleteSuccess_Message = "SUCCESS: The paging file from volume '%1' has successfully been removed." CONST L_CreateSystemSuccess_message = "SUCCESS: The paging file of system managed size has been created on the volume: '%1'." CONST L_ChangeSystemSuccess_message = "SUCCESS: The paging file on the volume '%1' has been changed to system managed size." CONST L_CONST_Already_SystemManaged_Text = "ERROR: The page File on drive %1 is already system managed."
' constant for other error messages CONST L_InvalidFormat_ErrorMessage = "Invalid format '%1' specified." CONST L_SystemManagedSize_ErrorMessage = "ERROR: Volume '%1' is system managed." CONST L_PromptForContinueAnyWay_Message = "Continue Anyway [y/n]?" CONST L_NotAllowedMoreThanOnce_ErrorMessage = "'%1' option is not allowed more than '1' time." CONST L_RestartComputer_Message = "Restart the computer for these changes to take effect."
'****************************************************************************** ' END of Localization Content '******************************************************************************
' constants used for format selection CONST PatternFormat_Text = "^(table|list|csv)$" CONST DefaultFormat_Text = "list" CONST ListFormat_Text = "list"
' the main options CONST OPTION_HELP = "?" CONST OPTION_CHANGE = "change" CONST OPTION_CREATE = "create" CONST OPTION_DELETE = "delete" CONST OPTION_QUERY = "query"
' constant for CScript CONST CONST_CSCRIPT = 2
' constants for error codes CONST CONST_ERROR = 0
' constant for matched pattern CONST CONST_NO_MATCHES_FOUND = 0
' constant for the UNC format server name CONST UNC_FORMAT_SERVERNAME_PREFIX = "\\"
' Define namespace and class names of wmi CONST CONST_WBEM_FLAG = 131072 CONST CONST_NAMESPACE_CIMV2 = "root\cimv2" CONST CLASS_PAGE_FILE_SETTING = "Win32_PageFileSetting" CONST CLASS_LOGICAL_DISK = "Win32_LogicalDisk" CONST CLASS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM = "Win32_ComputerSystem" CONST CLASS_PAGE_FILE_USAGE = "Win32_PageFileUsage" CONST CLASS_OPERATING_SYSTEM = "Win32_OperatingSystem" CONST CLASS_PERFDISK_PHYSICAL_DISK = "Win32_PerfRawData_PerfDisk_PhysicalDisk"
Dim UseCscriptErrorMessage ' string to store the CScript usage Dim blnLocalConnection ' flag for local connection Dim blnSuccessMsg ' flag for indicating if any success messages have been delivered Dim blnFailureMsg ' flag to indicate if any failure messages have been delivered Dim component ' object for the common module
' Error Messages Dim InsufficientMaxSizeErrorMessage Dim InitialSizeRangeErrorMessage Dim NotEnoughSpaceErrorMessage Dim AtLeastFiveMBErrorMessage Dim DiskTooSmallErrorMessage Dim CannotDeleteErrorMessage
' Warning Messages Dim GrowsToFreeSpaceWarningMessage Dim CrashDumpSettingWarningMessage
' Success / Skipping messages Dim ChangeIntSuccessMessage Dim ChangeMaxSuccessMessage Dim ChangeIntSkippingMessage Dim ChangeMaxSkippingMessage Dim CreateSuccessMessage
InsufficientMaxSizeErrorMessage = L_InsufficientMaxSize1_ErrorMessage & vbCRLF & _ L_InsufficientMaxSize2_ErrorMessage & vbCRLF & _ L_InsufficientMaxSize3_ErrorMessage InitialSizeRangeErrorMessage = L_InitialSizeRange1_ErrorMessage & vbCRLF & _ L_InitialSizeRange2_ErrorMessage NotEnoughSpaceErrorMessage = L_NotEnoughSpace1_ErrorMessage & vbCRLF & _ L_NotEnoughSpace2_ErrorMessage AtLeastFiveMBErrorMessage = L_AtLeastFiveMB1_ErrorMessage & vbCRLF & _ L_AtLeastFiveMB2_ErrorMessage & vbCRLF & _ L_AtLeastFiveMB3_ErrorMessage & vbCRLF & _ L_AtLeastFiveMB4_ErrorMessage DiskTooSmallErrorMessage = L_DiskTooSmall1_ErrorMessage & vbCRLF & _ L_DiskTooSmall2_ErrorMessage CannotDeleteErrorMessage = L_CannotDelete1_ErrorMessage & vbCRLF & _ L_CannotDelete2_ErrorMessage
GrowsToFreeSpaceWarningMessage = L_GrowsToFreeSpaceWarning1_Message & vbCRLF & _ L_GrowsToFreeSpaceWarning2_Message & vbCRLF & _ L_GrowsToFreeSpaceWarning3_Message CrashDumpSettingWarningMessage = L_CrashDumpSettingWarning1_Message & vbCRLF & _ L_CrashDumpSettingWarning2_Message & vbCRLF & _ L_CrashDumpSettingWarning3_Message
ChangeIntSuccessMessage = L_ChangeIntSuccess1_Message & vbCRLF & _ L_ChangeIntSuccess2_Message ChangeMaxSuccessMessage = L_ChangeMaxSuccess1_Message & vbCRLF & _ L_ChangeMaxSuccess2_Message ChangeIntSkippingMessage = L_ChangeIntSkipping1_Message & vbCRLF & _ L_ChangeIntSkipping2_Message ChangeMaxSkippingMessage = L_ChangeMaxSkipping1_Message & vbCRLF & _ L_ChangeMaxSkipping2_Message CreateSuccessMessage = L_CreateSuccess1_Message & vbCRLF & _ L_CreateSuccess2_Message
blnLocalConnection = FALSE blnSuccessMsg = FALSE blnFailureMsg = FALSE
' create the object for commom module Set component = CreateObject( "Microsoft.CmdLib" )
' check if the commom module(CmdLib.wsc) is not registered If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_UnableToInclude_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_METHOD_FAIL) End If
' set the scripting host to WScript Set component.ScriptingHost = WScript.Application
' Check whether the script is run using CScript If CInt(component.checkScript) <> CONST_CSCRIPT Then UseCscriptErrorMessage = L_UseCscript1_ErrorMessage & vbCRLF & _ ExpandEnvironmentString(L_UseCscript2_ErrorMessage) & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & _ L_UseCscript3_ErrorMessage & vbCRLF & _ L_UseCscript4_ErrorMessage & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & _ ExpandEnvironmentString(L_UseCscript5_ErrorMessage) WScript.Echo (UseCscriptErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_UNEXPECTED) End If
' call the main function Call VBMain()
' quit with exit value = 0 WScript.Quit(EXIT_SUCCESS)
'****************************************************************************** '* Sub: VBMain '* '* Purpose: This is the main function which starts execution '* '* Input: None '* '* Output: None '* '******************************************************************************
Sub VBMain()
' Declaring main variables Dim strMachine ' machine to configure page files on Dim strUserName ' user name to connect to the machine Dim strPassword ' password for the user Dim intIntSize ' initial size for the page file Dim intMaxSize ' maximum size for the page file Dim strVolName ' volume name Dim objVols ' object containing volume names Dim strFormat ' query display format Dim blnNoHeader ' stores if -nh is specified or not Dim blnSystemManaged ' Specifies whether pagefile has to be system managed Dim blnInitSize ' Specifies whether /I switch is specified or not Dim blnmaxSize ' Specifies whether /M switch is specified or not Dim intMainOption ' main option specified Dim intTempResult ' temporary variable to hold the return value Dim blnValidArguments ' stores the return value of ValidateArguments
' Initializing Variables intTempResult = CONST_ERROR ' default is CONST_ERROR (=0) strFormat = DefaultFormat_Text ' default format is LIST blnInitSize = FALSE blnMaxSize = FALSE
Set objVols = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") objVols.CompareMode = VBBinaryCompare If Err.Number Then ' Unable to create the dictionary object. Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_FailCreateObject_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_METHOD_FAIL) End If
intTempResult = intParseCmdLine( strMachine, _ strUserName, _ strPassword, _ intIntSize, _ intMaxSize, _ strVolName, _ objVols, _ strFormat, _ blnNoHeader, _ blnSystemManaged, _ blnInitSize, _ blnMaxSize, _ intMainOption )
' Select the operation specified by the user Select Case intTempResult Case CONST_SHOW_USAGE Select Case intMainOption Case CONST_CHANGE_OPTION Call ShowChangeUsage() Case CONST_CREATE_OPTION Call ShowCreateUsage() Case CONST_DELETE_OPTION Call ShowDeleteUsage() Case CONST_QUERY_OPTION Call ShowQueryUsage() Case Else Call ShowUsage() End Select
Case CONST_CHANGE_OPTION blnValidArguments = ValidateArguments (strMachine, strUserName, strPassword, _ intIntSize, intMaxSize, objVols, strFormat, _ blnNoHeader, blnSystemManaged, blnInitSize, _ blnMaxSize, intMainOption) ' If all arguments valid, proceed If blnValidArguments Then Call ProcessChange(strMachine, strUserName, strPassword, _ intIntSize, intMaxSize, blnSystemManaged, objVols) End If
Case CONST_CREATE_OPTION blnValidArguments = ValidateArguments (strMachine, strUserName, strPassword, _ intIntSize, intMaxSize, objVols, strFormat, _ blnNoHeader, blnSystemManaged, blnInitSize, _ blnMaxSize, intMainOption) ' If all arguments valid, proceed If blnValidArguments Then Call ProcessCreate(strMachine, strUserName, strPassword, _ intIntSize, intMaxSize, blnSystemManaged, objVols) End If
Case CONST_DELETE_OPTION blnValidArguments = ValidateArguments (strMachine, strUserName, strPassword, _ intIntSize, intMaxSize, objVols, strFormat, _ blnNoHeader, blnSystemManaged, blnInitSize, _ blnMaxSize, intMainOption) ' If all arguments valid, proceed If blnValidArguments Then Call ProcessDelete(strMachine, strUserName, strPassword, blnSystemManaged, objVols) ' Here wild cards cannot be specified End If
Case CONST_QUERY_OPTION blnValidArguments = ValidateArguments (strMachine, strUserName, strPassword, _ intIntSize, intMaxSize, objVols, strFormat, _ blnNoHeader, blnSystemManaged, blnInitSize, _ blnMaxSize, intMainOption) ' If all arguments valid, proceed If blnValidArguments Then Call ProcessQuery(strMachine, strUserName, strPassword, strFormat, blnSystemManaged, blnNoHeader) End If
End Sub
'****************************************************************************** '* Function: intPaseCmdLine '* '* Purpose: Parses the command line arguments into the variables '* '* Input: '* [out] strMachine machine to configure page files on '* [out] strUserName user name to connect to the machine '* [out] strPassword password for the user '* [out] intIntSize initial size for the page file '* [out] intMaxSize maximum size for the page file '* [in] strVolName individual volume name(s) '* [out] objVols object containing volume names '* [out] strFormat query display format '* [out] intMainOption main option specified '* '* Output: Returns CONST_SHOW_USAGE, CONST_CHANGE_OPTION , '* CONST_CREATE_OPTION, CONST_DELETE_OPTION , '* CONST_QUERY_OPTION or CONST_ERROR. '* Displays error message and quits if invalid option is asked '* '****************************************************************************** Private Function intParseCmdLine( ByRef strMachine, _ ByRef strUserName, _ ByRef strPassword, _ ByRef intIntSize, _ ByRef intMaxSize, _ ByVal strVolName, _ ByRef objVols, _ ByRef strFormat, _ ByRef blnNoHeader, _ ByRef blnSystemManaged, _ ByRef blninitSize, _ ByRef blnMaxSize, _ ByRef intMainOption )
Dim strUserGivenArg ' to temporarily store the user given arguments Dim intArgIter ' to count the number of arguments given Dim intQCount ' to count the number of help options given Dim intMainOptionNumber ' to count the number of main operations selected (Max allowed = 1) Dim intVolumes ' to store the number of volumes specified ' Following variables are used to check if a switch if given more than once Dim blnIntSizeSpecified Dim blnMaxSizeSpecified Dim blnFormatSpecified Dim blnMachineSpecified Dim blnUserSpecified Dim blnPasswordSpecified
' Initialization strUserGivenArg = "" intMainOptionNumber = 0 intQCount = 0 intArgIter = 0 intParseCmdLine = 0
' initially none of the parameters are specified, so set all flags to FALSE blnIntSizeSpecified = FALSE blnMaxSizeSpecified = FALSE blnFormatSpecified = FALSE blnMachineSpecified = FALSE blnUserSpecified = FALSE blnPasswordSpecified = FALSE blnNoHeader = FALSE blnSystemManaged = FALSE
' if no arguments are specified, default option is query If WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_QUERY_OPTION intMainOption = CONST_QUERY_OPTION End If
' Retrieve the command line parameters and their values Do While intArgIter <= WScript.Arguments.Count - 1 strUserGivenArg = WScript.Arguments.Item(intArgIter) ' check if the first character is a '-' OR '/' symbol; NOTE that "/" is the standard If Left(strUserGivenArg,1) = "/" OR Left(strUserGivenArg,1) = "-" Then ' ignore the symbol and take the rest as the switch specified strUserGivenArg = Right(strUserGivenArg,Len(strUserGivenArg) - 1) Select Case LCase(strUserGivenArg)
Case LCase(OPTION_HELP) intQCount = intQCount + 1 If (CInt(intQCount) >= 2 OR CInt(WScript.Arguments.Count) > 2) Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR WScript.Echo(L_InvalidHelpUsage_ErrorMessage) Exit Function Else intParseCmdLine = CONST_SHOW_USAGE intArgIter = intArgIter + 1 End If
Case LCase(OPTION_CHANGE) If intQCount = 1 Then ' intQCount = 1 means help specified intParseCmdLine = CONST_SHOW_USAGE Else intParseCmdLine = CONST_CHANGE_OPTION End If intMainOption = CONST_CHANGE_OPTION intMainOptionNumber = intMainOptionNumber + 1 intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case LCase(OPTION_CREATE) If intQCount = 1 Then ' intQCount = 1 means help specified intParseCmdLine = CONST_SHOW_USAGE Else intParseCmdLine = CONST_CREATE_OPTION End If intMainOption = CONST_CREATE_OPTION intMainOptionNumber = intMainOptionNumber + 1 intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case LCase(OPTION_DELETE) If intQCount = 1 Then ' intQCount = 1 means help specified intParseCmdLine = CONST_SHOW_USAGE Else intParseCmdLine = CONST_DELETE_OPTION End If intMainOption = CONST_DELETE_OPTION intMainOptionNumber = intMainOptionNumber + 1 intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case LCase(OPTION_QUERY) If intQCount = 1 Then ' intQCount = 1 means help specified intParseCmdLine = CONST_SHOW_USAGE Else intParseCmdLine = CONST_QUERY_OPTION End If intMainOption = CONST_QUERY_OPTION intMainOptionNumber = intMainOptionNumber + 1 intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case LCase(SUB_OPTION_SERVER) ' Check if server name is given with help usage If intParseCmdLine = CONST_SHOW_USAGE Then WScript.Echo(L_InvalidHelpUsage_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If ' Check if Machine Name is already specified If NOT blnMachineSpecified Then blnMachineSpecified = TRUE ' Set Specified Flag to TRUE If NOT component.getArguments(L_MachineName_Text,strMachine,intArgIter,FALSE) Then component.VBPrintf L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage Call typeMessage(intMainOption) intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function End If intArgIter = intArgIter + 1 Else component.VBPrintf L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage & " " & _ L_NotAllowedMoreThanOnce_ErrorMessage , _ Array(WScript.Arguments.Item(intArgIter)) ' print the appropriate help usage message Call typeMessage(intMainOption) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If
Case LCase(SUB_OPTION_USER) ' Check if user name is given with help usage If intParseCmdLine = CONST_SHOW_USAGE Then WScript.Echo(L_InvalidHelpUsage_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If ' Check if User Name is already specified If NOT blnUserSpecified Then blnUserSpecified = TRUE ' Set Specified Flag to TRUE If NOT component.getArguments(L_User_Text,strUserName,intArgIter,FALSE) Then component.VBPrintf L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage Call typeMessage(intMainOption) intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function End If intArgIter = intArgIter + 1 Else component.VBPrintf L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage & " " & _ L_NotAllowedMoreThanOnce_ErrorMessage , _ Array(WScript.Arguments.Item(intArgIter)) ' print the appropriate help usage message Call typeMessage(intMainOption) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If
Case LCase(SUB_OPTION_PASSWORD) ' Check if password is given with help usage If intParseCmdLine = CONST_SHOW_USAGE Then WScript.Echo(L_InvalidHelpUsage_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If ' Check if Password is already specified If NOT blnPasswordSpecified Then blnPasswordSpecified = TRUE ' Set Specified Flag to TRUE If NOT component.getArguments(L_Password_Text,strPassword,intArgIter,FALSE) Then component.VBPrintf L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage Call typeMessage(intMainOption) intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function End If intArgIter = intArgIter + 1 Else component.VBPrintf L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage & " " & _ L_NotAllowedMoreThanOnce_ErrorMessage , _ Array(WScript.Arguments.Item(intArgIter)) ' print the appropriate help usage message Call typeMessage(intMainOption) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If
Case LCase(SUB_OPTION_INTSIZE) ' Check if initsize is given with help usage If intParseCmdLine = CONST_SHOW_USAGE Then WScript.Echo(L_InvalidHelpUsage_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If ' Check if initsize is already specified If NOT blnIntSizeSpecified Then blnIntSizeSpecified = TRUE ' Set Specified Flag to TRUE If NOT component.getArguments(L_Intsize_Text,intIntSize,intArgIter,FALSE) Then component.VBPrintf L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage Call typeMessage(intMainOption) intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function End If blnInitSize = TRUE intArgIter = intArgIter + 1 Else component.VBPrintf L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage & " " & _ L_NotAllowedMoreThanOnce_ErrorMessage , _ Array(WScript.Arguments.Item(intArgIter)) ' print the appropriate help usage message Call typeMessage(intMainOption) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If
Case LCase(SUB_OPTION_MAXSIZE) ' Check if maxsize is given with help usage If intParseCmdLine = CONST_SHOW_USAGE Then WScript.Echo(L_InvalidHelpUsage_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If ' Check if Maxsize is already specified If NOT blnMaxSizeSpecified Then blnMaxSizeSpecified = TRUE ' Set Specified Flag to TRUE If NOT component.getArguments(L_Maxsize_Text,intMaxSize,intArgIter,FALSE) Then component.VBPrintf L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage Call typeMessage(intMainOption) intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function End If blnMaxSize = TRUE intArgIter = intArgIter + 1 Else component.VBPrintf L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage & " " & _ L_NotAllowedMoreThanOnce_ErrorMessage , _ Array(WScript.Arguments.Item(intArgIter)) ' print the appropriate help usage message Call typeMessage(intMainOption) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If
Case LCase(SUB_OPTION_FORMAT) ' Check if maxsize is given with help usage If intParseCmdLine = CONST_SHOW_USAGE Then WScript.Echo(L_InvalidHelpUsage_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If ' Check if format is already specified If NOT blnFormatSpecified Then blnFormatSpecified = TRUE ' Set Specified Flag to TRUE If NOT component.getArguments(L_Format_Text,strFormat,intArgIter,FALSE) Then component.VBPrintf L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage Call typeMessage(intMainOption) intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function End If intArgIter = intArgIter + 1 Else component.VBPrintf L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage & " " & _ L_NotAllowedMoreThanOnce_ErrorMessage , _ Array(WScript.Arguments.Item(intArgIter)) ' print the appropriate help usage message Call typeMessage(intMainOption) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If
Case LCase(SUB_OPTION_NOHEADER) ' Check if -nh is already specified If NOT blnNoHeader Then blnNoHeader = TRUE intArgIter = intArgIter + 1 Else component.VBPrintf L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage & " " & _ L_NotAllowedMoreThanOnce_ErrorMessage , _ Array(WScript.Arguments.Item(intArgIter)) ' print the appropriate help usage message Call typeMessage(intMainOption) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If
Case Lcase(SUB_OPTION_SYSTEM_MANAGED) ' Check if -sm is specified If Not blnSystemManaged Then blnSystemManaged = TRUE intArgIter = intArgIter + 1 Else component.VBPrintf L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage & " " & _ L_NotAllowedMoreThanOnce_ErrorMessage, _ Array(Wscript.Arguments.Item(intArgIter)) ' Print the corresponding help usage error message Call typeMessage(intMainOption) Wscript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If Case LCase(SUB_OPTION_VOLUME) ' Check if volume is given with help usage If intParseCmdLine = CONST_SHOW_USAGE Then WScript.Echo(L_InvalidHelpUsage_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If If NOT component.getArguments(L_Volume_Text,strVolName,intArgIter,FALSE) Then component.VBPrintf L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage Call typeMessage(intMainOption) intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function Else If strVolName = "*" Then objVols.Add LCase(strVolName), -1 Else If NOT objVols.Exists(LCase(strVolName)) Then objVols.Add LCase(strVolName), -1 End If intVolumes = objVols.Count End If End If intArgIter = intArgIter + 1
Case Else ' display the invalid param err msg first component.VBPrintf L_InvalidParameter_ErrorMessage, _ Array(WScript.arguments.Item(intArgIter)) ' then display the 'type ..usage' message Select Case CInt(intMainOption) Case CONST_CHANGE_OPTION component.VBPrintf L_TypeChangeUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_PARAM) Case CONST_CREATE_OPTION component.VBPrintf L_TypeCreateUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_PARAM) Case CONST_DELETE_OPTION component.VBPrintf L_TypeDeleteUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_PARAM) Case CONST_QUERY_OPTION component.VBPrintf L_TypeQueryUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_PARAM) Case Else component.VBPrintf L_TypeUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_PARAM) End Select
End Select
Else ' invalid argument specified ' display the invalid param err msg first component.VBPrintf L_InvalidParameter_ErrorMessage, _ Array(WScript.arguments.Item(intArgIter)) ' then display the 'type ..usage' message Select Case CInt(intMainOption) Case CONST_CHANGE_OPTION component.VBPrintf L_TypeChangeUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_PARAM) Case CONST_CREATE_OPTION component.VBPrintf L_TypeCreateUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_PARAM) Case CONST_DELETE_OPTION component.VBPrintf L_TypeDeleteUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_PARAM) Case CONST_QUERY_OPTION component.VBPrintf L_TypeQueryUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_PARAM) Case Else component.VBPrintf L_TypeUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_PARAM) End Select
End If
' check if the there is any volume(s) specified. If objVols.Count = 0 Then intVolumes = objVols.Count End If
' Check if volumes | * is specified along with help If (intVolumes > 0 AND intQCount = 1) Then WScript.Echo(L_InvalidHelpUsage_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If
' Check if two major operations are selected at a time If ( intMainOptionNumber > 1 ) Then WScript.Echo(L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage) component.VBPrintf L_TypeUsage_Message,Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) ElseIf (intQcount = 0 AND intmainoption = 0) Then intMainOption = CONST_QUERY_OPTION End If
' check if NO major option(s) is specified, but other switches are specified If ( intMainOptionNumber = 0 ) Then If blnIntSizeSpecified OR _ blnMaxSizeSpecified OR _ blnFormatSpecified OR _ blnMachineSpecified OR _ blnUserSpecified OR _ blnPasswordSpecified OR _ blnNoHeader OR _ intVolumes > 0 Then WScript.Echo(L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage) component.VBPrintf L_TypeUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If End If
' check if format is specified with create option If (intMainOption = CONST_CREATE_OPTION) Then If blnFormatSpecified Then WScript.Echo(L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage) component.VBPrintf L_TypeCreateUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If End If
' check if format is specified with change option If (intMainOption = CONST_CHANGE_OPTION) Then If blnFormatSpecified Then WScript.Echo(L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage) component.VBPrintf L_TypeChangeUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If End If
' check if /Initsize, /Maxsize, /FO are specified If (intMainOption = CONST_DELETE_OPTION) Then If (blnIntSizeSpecified OR blnMaxSizeSpecified OR blnFormatSpecified OR blnSystemManaged) Then WScript.Echo(L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage) component.VBPrintf L_TypeDeleteUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If End If
' check if /Initsize, /Maxsize, are specified If (intMainOption = CONST_QUERY_OPTION) Then If (blnIntSizeSpecified OR blnMaxSizeSpecified OR blnSystemManaged) Then WScript.Echo(L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage) component.VBPrintf L_TypeQueryUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If End If
End Function
'****************************************************************************** '* Function: ValidateArguments '* '* Purpose: Validates the command line arguments given by the user '* '* Input: '* [out] strMachine machine to configure page files on '* [out] strUserName user name to connect to the machine '* [out] strPassword password for the user '* [out] intIntSize the initial size for the page file '* [out] intMaxSize the maximum size for the page file '* [out] objVols the object containing volume names '* [out] strFormat the query display format '* [out] blnNoHeader the query display format '* [out] intMainOption the main option specified '* '* Output: Returns true if all valid else displays error message and quits '* Gets the password from the user if not specified along with User. '* '****************************************************************************** Private Function ValidateArguments ( ByRef strMachine, _ ByRef strUserName, _ ByRef strPassword, _ ByRef intIntSize, _ ByRef intMaxSize, _ ByRef objVols, _ ByRef strFormat, _ ByRef blnNoHeader, _ ByRef blnSystemManaged, _ ByRef blnInitSize, _ ByRef blnMaxSize, _ ByRef intMainOption) ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Err.Clear
Dim strMatchPattern ' the pattern to be matched Dim intVolumes ' to count the no.of volumes specified Dim arrVolume ' array to store the volumes specified Dim i ' Loop variable
' Initialization intVolumes = CInt(objVols.Count) arrVolume = objVols.Keys ValidateArguments = TRUE i = 0
' Check if invalid server name is given If NOT IsEmpty(strMachine) Then If Trim(strMachine) = vbNullString Then WScript.Echo(L_InvalidServerName_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If End If
' Check if invalid user name is given If NOT IsEmpty(strUserName) Then If Trim(strUserName) = vbNullString Then WScript.Echo(L_InvalidUserName_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If End If
' check if user is given without machine OR password If ((strUserName <> VBEmpty) AND (strMachine = VBEmpty)) Then WScript.Echo L_InvalidServerCredentials_ErrorMessage component.VBPrintf L_TypeUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) ' check if password is given without user OR machine ElseIf ((strPassword <> VBEmpty) AND (strUserName = VBEmpty))Then WScript.Echo L_InvalidUserCredentials_ErrorMessage component.VBPrintf L_TypeUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If
' Check if initial size is specified, validate if it is a poistive number If Len(CStr(intIntSize)) > 0 Then ' Initsize should be numeric only ' chr(46) indicates "." (dot) If NOT (IsNumeric(intIntSize) AND InStr(intIntSize,chr(46)) = 0 AND Instr(intIntSize,"-") = 0) Then ValidateArguments = FALSE WScript.Echo L_InvalidInitSizeValue_ErrorMessage WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If End If
' Check if maximum size is specified, validate if it is a poistive number If Len(CStr(intMaxSize)) > 0 Then ' Maxsize should be numeric only ' chr(46) indicates "." (dot) If NOT (IsNumeric(intMaxSize) AND InStr(intMaxSize,chr(46)) = 0 AND Instr(intMaxSize,"-") = 0) Then ValidateArguments = FALSE WScript.Echo L_InvalidMaxSizeValue_ErrorMessage WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If End If
Select Case CInt(intMainOption)
' Valid Cases : either (initsize + volume) OR (maxsize + volume) ' OR (initsize + maxsize + volume)
' If none of the parameters (initsize or maxsize) is specified If blnSystemManaged = FALSE Then If ( blnInitSize = FALSE AND blnMaxSize = FALSE ) Then ValidateArguments = FALSE WScript.Echo(L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage & " " & _ L_NoneoftheSizeSpecified_ErrorMessage) component.VBPrintf L_TypeChangeUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If If (blnInitSize = TRUE AND Len(CStr(intIntSize)) = 0 ) Then ValidateArguments = FALSE Wscript.Echo(L_InvalidInput_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If If (blnMaxSize = TRUE AND Len(CStr(intMaxSize)) = 0 ) Then ValidateArguments = FALSE Wscript.Echo(L_InvalidInput_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If Else If (blnInitSize = TRUE OR blnMaxSize = TRUE) Then ValidateArguments = FALSE Wscript.Echo(L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage & " " & _ L_CONST_NoneoftheSizes_AllowedWithSysManaged_Text) component.VBPrintf L_TypeChangeUsage_Message, _ Array(Ucase(Wscript.ScriptName)) Wscript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If End If
' check if the volume is specified If (objVols.Count = 0) Then ValidateArguments = FALSE WScript.Echo(L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage & " " & _ L_VolumeNameNotSpecified_ErrorMessage) component.VBPrintf L_TypeChangeUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) ' check if volume name is valid ElseIf isValidDrive(objVols,intMainOption) Then ValidateArguments = TRUE End If
Case CONST_CREATE_OPTION If blnSystemManaged = FALSE Then If ( blnInitSize = FALSE OR blnMaxSize = FALSE ) Then ValidateArguments = FALSE WScript.Echo(L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage & " " & _ L_InitialSizeNotSpecified_ErrorMessage) component.VBPrintf L_TypeCreateUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If If (blnInitSize = TRUE AND Len(CStr(intIntSize)) = 0 ) Then ValidateArguments = FALSE Wscript.Echo(L_InvalidInput_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If If (blnMaxSize = TRUE AND Len(CStr(intMaxSize)) = 0 ) Then ValidateArguments = FALSE Wscript.Echo(L_InvalidInput_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If Else If (blnInitSize = TRUE OR blnMaxSize = TRUE) Then ValidateArguments = FALSE Wscript.Echo(L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage & " " & _ L_CONST_NoneoftheSizes_AllowedWithSysManaged_Text) component.VBPrintf L_TypeCreateUsage_Message, _ Array(Ucase(Wscript.ScriptName)) Wscript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If End If
' volume name is required If (objVols.Count = 0) Then ValidateArguments = FALSE WScript.Echo(L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage & " " & _ L_VolumeNameNotSpecified_ErrorMessage) component.VBPrintf L_TypeCreateUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) ' check if volume name is valid ElseIf isValidDrive(objVols,intMainOption) Then ValidateArguments = TRUE End If
' ONLY volume is required If (objVols.Count = 0) Then ValidateArguments = FALSE WScript.Echo(L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage & " " & _ L_VolumeNameNotSpecified_ErrorMessage) component.VBPrintf L_TypeDeleteUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) ' check if volume name is valid ElseIf isValidDrive(objVols,intMainOption) Then ValidateArguments = TRUE End If
' Wild Card Character * is not allowed for /Delete option If (objVols.Exists("*")) Then ValidateArguments = FALSE objVols.Remove "*" WScript.Echo(L_InvalidInput_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If
' check if any format is specified. If Len(strFormat) > 0 Then ' only table, list and csv display formats allowed ' PatternFormat_Text contains ^(table|list|csv)$ If CInt(component.matchPattern(PatternFormat_Text, strFormat)) = CONST_NO_MATCHES_FOUND Then component.vbPrintf L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage & " " & _ L_InvalidFormat_ErrorMessage, Array(strFormat) component.VBPrintf L_TypeQueryUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If End If
' Check if -nh is specified for LIST format If (blnNoHeader) AND LCase(strFormat) = LCase(ListFormat_Text) then WScript.Echo (L_NoHeaderNotAllowed_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If
' Validation to check if volume names are specified with Query Option: If (intVolumes <> 0) Then ValidateArguments = FALSE WScript.Echo(L_InvalidSyntax_ErrorMessage) component.VBPrintf L_TypeQueryUsage_Message, _ Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If
Case Else
' if intMainOption has some non-zero value means one operation is selected If (intMainOption > 0) Then ' -operation & volname together are valid ValidateArguments = TRUE Else ValidateArguments = FALSE WScript.Echo(L_InvalidInput_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If
End Select
' verify If required credentials given If (((NOT IsEmpty(strUserName)) AND (IsEmpty(strMachine))) OR _ ((NOT IsEmpty(strPassword)) AND (IsEmpty(strUserName))) )Then ValidateArguments = FALSE WScript.Echo (L_InvalidCredentials_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If
' check if the machine name is specified using "\\" (UNC format) If Left(strMachine,2) = UNC_FORMAT_SERVERNAME_PREFIX Then If Len(strMachine) = 2 Then WScript.Echo L_InvalidInput_ErrorMessage WScript.Quit(EXIT_UNEXPECTED) End If ' remove the "\\" from the front strMachine = Mid(strMachine,3,Len(strMachine)) End If
' If password not specified with the user name, Then get it using cmdlib.wsc function If ((NOT IsEmpty(strUserName)) AND (IsEmpty(strPassword)) OR strPassword = "*") Then strPassword = component.getPassword() End If
End Function
'****************************************************************************** '* Function: isValidDrive '* '* Purpose: To check if the specified volume is valid or not '* '* Input: '* [in] objVols object that store the volumes specified '* [in] intMainOption the main option specified '* '* Output: Returns TRUE or FALSE '* '******************************************************************************
Function isValidDrive(ByRef objVols,ByVal intMainOption)
Dim intVolumes ' to count the no.of volumes specified Dim arrVolume ' array to store the volumes specified Dim i ' Loop variable
' Initialization intVolumes = CInt(objVols.Count) arrVolume = objVols.Keys isValidDrive = FALSE i = 0
' Check if the drive name is in correct Format [c-z]: or [C-Z]: ' This has to be checked for each Drive specified - Do While Loop
Do While (i < intVolumes) ' Volumes specified are valid for all option except Query If intMainOption <> CONST_QUERY_OPTION Then ' Valid volume is either '*' OR a letter followed by a colon (total length = 2) If ((Len(arrVolume(i)) = 2) AND (InStr(arrVolume(i),chr(58)) = 2) OR arrVolume(i) = "*") Then ' check if the volume name specified is in the format ^([c-zC-Z]:|\*)$ If CInt(component.matchPattern(L_VolumePatternFormat_Text,arrVolume(i))) = CONST_NO_MATCHES_FOUND Then ' Invalid Volume Names or junk data is specified component.VBPrintf L_InvalidVolumeName_ErrorMessage, _ Array(arrVolume(i)) isValidDrive = FALSE ' remove the INVALID drive(s) objVols.Remove arrVolume(i) End If Else isValidDrive = FALSE component.VBPrintf L_InvalidVolumeName_ErrorMessage, _ Array(arrVolume(i)) objVols.Remove arrVolume(i) End If ' check the number of valid drives specified If objVols.Count = 0 Then WScript.Quit(EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If Else WScript.Echo(L_InvalidInput_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit (EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If isValidDrive = isValidDrive OR TRUE i = i + 1 Loop
End Function
'****************************************************************************** '* Sub: ProcessChange '* '* Purpose: Processes the /Change option and displays the changed '* details of the page file '* '* Input: '* [in] strMachine machine to configure page files on '* [in] strUserName user name to connect to the machine '* [in] strPassword password for the user '* [in] intIntSize the initial size for the page file '* [in] intMaxSize the maximum size for the page file '* [in] objVols the object containing volume names '* '* Output: Displays error message and quits if connection fails '* '****************************************************************************** Private Sub ProcessChange( ByVal strMachine, _ ByVal strUserName, _ ByVal strPassword, _ ByVal intIntSize, _ ByVal intMaxSize, _ ByVal blnSystemManaged, _ ByVal objVols )
Dim intOldInitialSize ' to store the old intial size Dim intOldMaximumSize ' to store the old maximum size Dim arrVolume ' to store all the volumes specified Dim intVolumes ' to store the no.of volumes specified Dim strQuery ' to store the query for pagefiles Dim strQueryDisk ' to store the query for disk Dim strQueryComp ' to store the query for computersystem Dim objService ' service object Dim objInstance ' instance object Dim objInst ' instance object Dim objEnumerator ' collection set for query results Dim objEnumforDisk ' collection set for query results Dim objEnum ' collection set for query results Dim blnBothSpecified ' flag to check if both initsize & maxsize are specified Dim intFreeSpace ' to store total free space Dim intFreeDiskSpace ' to store free disk space Dim intCurrentSize ' to store the current pagefile size Dim intDiskSize ' to store the disk size for the specified disk Dim intMemSize ' to store physical memory size Dim intCrashDump ' to store the current crash dump setting value Dim strReply ' to store the user reply Dim strDriveName ' to store the drive name Dim strHostName ' to store the host name Dim intMaxSizeUB ' to store the upper bound for maximum size Dim i ' loop variable
' Establish a connection with the server. If NOT component.wmiConnect(CONST_NAMESPACE_CIMV2 , _ strUserName , _ strPassword , _ strMachine , _ blnLocalConnection, _ objService ) Then WScript.Echo(L_HintCheckConnection_Message) WScript.Quit(EXIT_METHOD_FAIL) End If
' Initialize variables i = 0 intFreeSpace = 0 intFreeDiskSpace = 0 intCurrentSize = 0 blnBothSpecified = FALSE intMaxSizeUB = 0 strQuery = "Select * From " & CLASS_PAGE_FILE_SETTING
If (objVols.Exists("*")) Then Set objEnumerator = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery, "WQL", 0, null) For each objInstance in objEnumerator strDriveName = Mid(objInstance.Name,1,2) If NOT objVols.Exists (LCase(strDriveName)) Then objVols.add LCase(strDriveName), -1 End If Next objVols.remove "*" End If
intVolumes = objVols.Count arrVolume = objVols.keys
' get the host Name - used to get Crash Dump Settings strQueryComp = "Select * From " & CLASS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM Set objEnum = objService.ExecQuery(strQueryComp, "WQL", 0, null) ' check for any errors If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_UnableToRetrieveInfo_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_QUERY_FAIL) End If
For each objInst in objEnum If NOT ISEmpty(objInst.Name) Then strHostName = objInst.Name Else WScript.Echo(L_UnableToRetrieveInfo_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_QUERY_FAIL) End If Next
' check if initsize and maxsize both are specified If (Len(intIntSize) > 0 AND Len(intMaxSize) > 0) Then blnBothSpecified = TRUE End If
' check if no page files exist on the system. strQuery = "Select * From " & CLASS_PAGE_FILE_SETTING Set objEnumerator = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery, "WQL", 0, null) If (objEnumerator.Count = 0) Then WScript.Echo(L_NoPageFiles_Message) WScript.Quit(EXIT_UNEXPECTED) End If
' release the object for re-use. Set objEnumerator = nothing
Do While( i < intVolumes ) ' check if its a valid drive/volume - check from Win32_LogicalDisk strQueryDisk = "Select * From " & CLASS_LOGICAL_DISK & _ " where DriveType = " & DRIVE_TYPE & " and DeviceID = '" & arrVolume(i) & "'" Set objEnumforDisk = objService.ExecQuery(strQueryDisk, "WQL", 0, null) If objEnumforDisk.Count > 0 Then strQuery = "Select * From " & CLASS_PAGE_FILE_SETTING strQuery = strQuery & " where NAME = '" & arrVolume(i) & _ "\" & PAGEFILE_DOT_SYS & "'" Set objEnumerator = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery, "WQL", 0, null) ' check for any errors If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_UnableToRetrieveInfo_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_QUERY_FAIL End If
' check if a page file exists on the specified volume If (objEnumerator.Count > 0) Then For each objInstance in objEnumerator If blnSystemManaged = TRUE Then If( objInstance.InitialSize = 0 AND objInstance.MaximumSize = 0 ) Then Component.VBPrintf L_CONST_Already_SystemManaged_Text, Array(Ucase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit For End If objInstance.InitialSize = CONST_SYSTEM_INIT_SIZE objInstance.MaximumSize = CONST_SYSTEM_MAX_SIZE objInstance.Put_(CONST_WBEM_FLAG) If Err.Number Then Err.Clear Component.VBPrintf L_CannotCreate_ErrorMessage,Array(Ucase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If component.VBPrintf L_ChangeSystemSuccess_message, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnSuccessMsg = TRUE Exit For Else strDriveName = Mid(objInstance.Name,1,2) 'If the page file was system managed, then, the user has to specify both 'initial and maximum sizes.. If (objInstance.InitialSize =0 AND objInstance.MaximumSize = 0 ) Then If Not blnBothSpecified Then component.VBPrintf L_CONST_Systemmanaged_Earlier_Text, Array(Ucase( arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit For End If End If If NOT blnBothSpecified Then ' check if initsize is given If (intIntSize > 0) Then ' Check if initsize is greater than 2 MB If CLng(intIntSize) >= CLng(INITIAL_SIZE_LB) Then ' check for overflows If Err.Number Then Err.Clear ' get the upper bound allowed for maximum size intMaxSizeUB = getMaxSizeUB(objService) component.VBPrintf InsufficientMaxSizeErrorMessage, _ Array( UCase(arrVolume(i)) , intMaxSizeUB ) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If ' get the drive name first strDriveName = Mid(objInstance.Name,1,2) ' get the free space available on the specified disk intFreeDiskSpace = getFreeSpaceOnDisk(strDriveName,objService) ' get the current pagefile size intCurrentSize = getCurrentPageFileSize(objService,objInstance) ' get the total free space If Len(intCurrentSize) > 0 Then intFreeSpace = intFreeDiskSpace + intCurrentSize Else WScript.Echo(L_UnableToRetrieveInfo_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_QUERY_FAIL End If ' Check if it is greater than free disk space If CLng(intIntSize) > CLng(intFreeSpace) Then ' check for overflows If Err.Number Then Err.Clear ' get the upper bound allowed for maximum size intMaxSizeUB = getMaxSizeUB(objService) component.VBPrintf InsufficientMaxSizeErrorMessage, _ Array( UCase(arrVolume(i)) , intMaxSizeUB ) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If component.VBPrintf NotEnoughSpaceErrorMessage, Array( UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit For Else If CLng(intIntSize) > CLng(intFreeSpace) - 5 Then ' check for overflows If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_InvalidInput_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If component.VBPrintf AtLeastFiveMBErrorMessage, Array( UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit For Else ' only one of initsize, maxsize is specified ' check if the specified initsize is less than existing maxsize If (CInt(intIntSize) <= objInstance.MaximumSize) Then ' get the crash dump setting value intCrashDump = GetCrashDumpSetting(strUserName,strPassword,strMachine) ' get the Physical Memory Size intMemSize = GetPhysicalMemorySize(strHostName,objService) ' If the user has selected "yes" for the warning message If isCrashDumpValueSet(intCrashDump,intIntSize,intMemSize,arrVolume(i)) Then ' Check if initsize is same as the present value If (CInt(intIntSize) <> objInstance.InitialSize) Then ' store the old initsize value intOldInitialSize = objInstance.InitialSize ' set the new initsize objInstance.InitialSize = intIntSize objInstance.Put_(CONST_WBEM_FLAG) If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_UpdateFailed_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If component.VBPrintf ChangeIntSuccessMessage, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i)),CInt(intOldInitialSize),CInt(intIntSize)) blnSuccessMsg = TRUE Exit For Else component.VBPrintf ChangeIntSkippingMessage, Array(UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit For End If ' If User chooses No for CrashDumpSetting prompt Else ' Do Nothing just continue looping Exit For End If Else ' get the upper bound allowed for maximum size intMaxSizeUB = getMaxSizeUB(objService) component.VBPrintf InsufficientMaxSizeErrorMessage, _ Array( UCase(arrVolume(i)) , intMaxSizeUB ) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit For End If End If End If Else ' get the upper bound allowed for maximum size intMaxSizeUB = getMaxSizeUB(objService) component.VBPrintf InitialSizeRangeErrorMessage, _ Array(intMaxSizeUB, UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If Else ' Check if initsize specified as 0 If Len(intIntSize) > 0 Then ' get the upper bound allowed for maximum size intMaxSizeUB = getMaxSizeUB(objService) component.VBPrintf InitialSizeRangeErrorMessage, _ Array(intMaxSizeUB, UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If End If ' initsize checked
' check if maxsize is given If (intMaxSize > 0) Then ' get the free space available on the specified disk intFreeDiskSpace = getFreeSpaceOnDisk(strDriveName,objService) ' get the current pagefile size intCurrentSize = getCurrentPageFileSize(objService,objInstance) ' get the total free space If Len(intCurrentSize) > 0 Then intFreeSpace = intFreeDiskSpace + intCurrentSize Else WScript.Echo(L_UnableToRetrieveInfo_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_QUERY_FAIL End If
' Get the Disk Size for the specified drive intDiskSize = GetDiskSize(arrVolume(i),objService) ' check if maxsize is more than initsize If (CLng(intMaxSize) > CLng(intDiskSize)) Then ' check for overflows If Err.Number Then Err.Clear ' get the upper bound allowed for maximum size intMaxSizeUB = getMaxSizeUB(objService) component.VBPrintf InsufficientMaxSizeErrorMessage, _ Array( UCase(arrVolume(i)) , intMaxSizeUB ) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If component.VBPrintf DiskTooSmallErrorMessage, Array(UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit For Else If (CLng(intMaxSize) > CLng(intFreeSpace)) Then ' check for overflows If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_InvalidInput_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If component.VBPrintf GrowsToFreeSpaceWarningMessage, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i)),intFreeSpace) strReply = getReply() If Trim(LCase(strReply)) = L_UserReplyYes_Text Then ' set the maxsize to be the free space on disk intMaxSize = intFreeSpace ' check if the given maxsize is greater than the existing initial size. If (CInt(intMaxSize) >= objInstance.InitialSize) Then If (CInt(intMaxSize) <> objInstance.MaximumSize) Then intOldMaximumSize = objInstance.MaximumSize objInstance.MaximumSize = intMaxSize objInstance.Put_(CONST_WBEM_FLAG) If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_UpdateFailed_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If component.VBPrintf ChangeMaxSuccessMessage, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i)),CInt(intOldMaximumSize),CInt(intMaxSize)) blnSuccessMsg = TRUE Exit For Else component.VBPrintf ChangeMaxSkippingMessage, Array(UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit For End If Else ' get the upper bound allowed for maximum size intMaxSizeUB = getMaxSizeUB(objService) component.VBPrintf InsufficientMaxSizeErrorMessage, _ Array( UCase(arrVolume(i)) , intMaxSizeUB ) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit For End If ElseIf LCase(strReply) = L_UserReplyNo_Text Then ' Do Nothing continue with other drives Exit For Else WScript.Echo(L_InvalidInput_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE ' Continue looping Exit For End If Else If (CInt(intMaxSize) >= objInstance.InitialSize) Then If (CInt(intMaxSize) <> objInstance.MaximumSize) Then intOldMaximumSize = objInstance.MaximumSize objInstance.MaximumSize = intMaxSize objInstance.Put_(CONST_WBEM_FLAG) If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_UpdateFailed_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If component.VBPrintf ChangeMaxSuccessMessage, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i)),CInt(intOldMaximumSize),CInt(intMaxSize)) blnSuccessMsg = TRUE Exit For Else component.VBPrintf ChangeMaxSkippingMessage, Array(UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit For End If Else ' get the upper bound allowed for maximum size intMaxSizeUB = getMaxSizeUB(objService) component.VBPrintf InsufficientMaxSizeErrorMessage, _ Array( UCase(arrVolume(i)) , intMaxSizeUB ) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit For End If End If End If Else ' Check if maxsize specified as 0 If Len(intMaxSize) > 0 Then ' get the upper bound allowed for maximum size intMaxSizeUB = getMaxSizeUB(objService) component.VBPrintf InsufficientMaxSizeErrorMessage, _ Array( UCase(arrVolume(i)) , intMaxSizeUB ) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit For End If End If ' maxsize checked
' Case when both initsize and maxsize are selected
' check if maxsize is greater than initsize ' this will detect any overflow problems, if any If CLng(intIntSize) > CLng(intMaxSize) Then ' check for overflows and clear the error If Err.Number Then Err.Clear ' get the upper bound allowed for maximum size intMaxSizeUB = getMaxSizeUB(objService) component.VBPrintf InsufficientMaxSizeErrorMessage, _ Array( UCase(arrVolume(i)) , intMaxSizeUB ) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If
If (intIntSize > 0) Then ' Check if initsize is greater than 2 MB If CLng(intIntSize) >= CLng(INITIAL_SIZE_LB) Then ' check for overflows If Err.Number Then Err.Clear ' get the upper bound allowed for maximum size intMaxSizeUB = getMaxSizeUB(objService) component.VBPrintf InsufficientMaxSizeErrorMessage, _ Array( UCase(arrVolume(i)) , intMaxSizeUB ) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If
' get the free space available on the specified disk intFreeDiskSpace = getFreeSpaceOnDisk(strDriveName,objService) ' get the current pagefile size intCurrentSize = getCurrentPageFileSize(objService,objInstance) ' get the total free space If Len(intCurrentSize) > 0 Then intFreeSpace = intFreeDiskSpace + intCurrentSize Else WScript.Echo(L_UnableToRetrieveInfo_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_QUERY_FAIL End If
' check if it is greater than free disk space If CLng(intIntSize) > CLng(intFreeSpace) Then ' check for overflows If Err.Number Then Err.Clear ' get the upper bound allowed for maximum size intMaxSizeUB = getMaxSizeUB(objService) component.VBPrintf InsufficientMaxSizeErrorMessage, _ Array( UCase(arrVolume(i)) , intMaxSizeUB ) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If component.VBPrintf NotEnoughSpaceErrorMessage, Array( UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit For End If
If CLng(intIntSize) > CLng(intFreeSpace) - 5 Then ' check for overflows If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_InvalidInput_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If component.VBPrintf AtLeastFiveMBErrorMessage, Array( UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit For Else ' get the crash dump setting value intCrashDump = GetCrashDumpSetting(strUserName,strPassword,strMachine) ' get the Physical Memory Size intMemSize = GetPhysicalMemorySize(strHostName,objService) ' If the user has selected "yes" for the warning message If isCrashDumpValueSet(intCrashDump,intIntSize,intMemSize,arrVolume(i)) Then ' store the old initsize value intOldInitialSize = objInstance.InitialSize ' set the new initsize objInstance.InitialSize = intIntSize ' check if maxsize is given If (intMaxSize > 0) Then ' Get the Disk Size for the specified drive intDiskSize = GetDiskSize(arrVolume(i),objService) ' check if maxsize is more than initsize If (CLng(intMaxSize) > CLng(intDiskSize)) Then ' check for overflows If Err.Number Then Err.Clear ' get the upper bound allowed for maximum size intMaxSizeUB = getMaxSizeUB(objService) component.VBPrintf InsufficientMaxSizeErrorMessage, _ Array( UCase(arrVolume(i)) , intMaxSizeUB ) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If component.VBPrintf DiskTooSmallErrorMessage, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit For Else If (CLng(intMaxSize) > CLng(intFreeSpace)) Then ' check for overflows If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_InvalidInput_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If component.VBPrintf GrowsToFreeSpaceWarningMessage, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i)),intFreeSpace) strReply = getReply() If Trim(LCase(strReply)) = L_UserReplyYes_Text Then ' set the maxsize to be the free space on disk intMaxSize = intFreeSpace intOldMaximumSize = objInstance.MaximumSize objInstance.MaximumSize = intMaxSize If ( CInt(intIntSize) <> intOldInitialSize ) Then objInstance.Put_(CONST_WBEM_FLAG) If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_UpdateFailed_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If component.VBPrintf ChangeIntSuccessMessage, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i)),CInt(intOldInitialSize),CInt(intIntSize)) blnSuccessMsg = TRUE Else component.VBPrintf ChangeIntSkippingMessage, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE End If If (CInt(intMaxSize) <> intOldMaximumSize) Then objInstance.Put_(CONST_WBEM_FLAG) If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_UpdateFailed_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If component.VBPrintf ChangeMaxSuccessMessage, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i)),CInt(intOldMaximumSize),CInt(intMaxSize)) blnSuccessMsg = TRUE Exit For Else component.VBPrintf ChangeMaxSkippingMessage, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit For End If ElseIf LCase(strReply) = L_UserReplyNo_Text Then Exit For Else WScript.Echo(L_InvalidInput_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit For End If Else intOldMaximumSize = objInstance.MaximumSize objInstance.MaximumSize = intMaxSize objInstance.Put_(CONST_WBEM_FLAG) If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_UpdateFailed_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If
If (CInt(intIntSize) <> intOldInitialSize ) Then component.VBPrintf ChangeIntSuccessMessage, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i)),CInt(intOldInitialSize),CInt(intIntSize)) blnSuccessMsg = TRUE Else component.VBPrintf ChangeIntSkippingMessage, Array(UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE End If
If (CInt(intMaxSize) <> intOldMaximumSize) Then component.VBPrintf ChangeMaxSuccessMessage, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i)),CInt(intOldMaximumSize),CInt(intMaxSize)) blnSuccessMsg = TRUE Exit For Else component.VBPrintf ChangeMaxSkippingMessage, Array(UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit For End If End If End If Else ' Check if maxsize specified as 0 If Len(intMaxSize) > 0 Then ' get the upper bound allowed for maximum size intMaxSizeUB = getMaxSizeUB(objService) component.VBPrintf InsufficientMaxSizeErrorMessage, _ Array( UCase(arrVolume(i)) , intMaxSizeUB ) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If End If ' maxsize checked End If End If Else ' get the upper bound allowed for maximum size intMaxSizeUB = getMaxSizeUB(objService) component.VBPrintf InitialSizeRangeErrorMessage, _ Array(intMaxSizeUB, UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If Else ' Check if initsize specified as 0 If Len(intIntSize) > 0 Then ' get the upper bound allowed for maximum size intMaxSizeUB = getMaxSizeUB(objService) component.VBPrintf InitialSizeRangeErrorMessage, _ Array(intMaxSizeUB, UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If End If ' initsize checked End If End If Next Else component.VBPrintf L_PageFileDoesNotExist_ErrorMessage, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE End If Else ' the drive does not exist component.VBPrintf L_InvalidVolumeName_ErrorMessage, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE ' remove the drive name from the valid drives list objVols.Remove arrVolume(i) ' decrement the loop count i = i - 1 ' check for the no.of valid drive names from the specified list. If Cint(objVols.Count) = 0 Then blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT Else intVolumes = objVols.Count arrVolume = objVols.keys End If End If i = i + 1 Loop
If blnSuccessMsg = TRUE then WScript.Echo L_RestartComputer_Message End If If blnFailureMsg = TRUE Then If blnSuccessMsg = TRUE Then Wscript.Quit( EXIT_PARTIAL_SUCCESS) else Wscript.Quit( EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If End If
End Sub
'****************************************************************************** '* Sub: ProcessCreate '* '* Purpose: Creates new page files with the given specifications '* '* Input: '* [in] strMachine machine to configure page files on '* [in] strUserName user name to connect to the machine '* [in] strPassword password for the user '* [in] intIntSize the initial size for the page file '* [in] intMaxSize the maximum size for the page file '* [in] objVols the object containing volume names '* '* Output: Displays error message and quits if connection fails '* '****************************************************************************** Private Sub ProcessCreate( ByVal strMachine, _ ByVal strUserName, _ ByVal strPassword, _ ByVal intIntSize, _ ByVal intMaxSize, _ ByVal blnSystemManaged, _ ByVal objVols )
Dim arrVolume ' to store all the volumes specified Dim intVolumes ' to store the no.of volumes specified Dim strQuery ' to store the query for pagefiles Dim strQueryDisk ' to store the query for disk Dim strQueryComp ' to store the query for getting host name Dim objService ' service object Dim objInst ' instance object Dim objInstance ' instance object Dim objEnum ' collection object for query results Dim objEnumforDisk ' collection object for query results
Dim strHostName ' to store the host name
Dim i ' Loop variable
' variables used only if * is specified Dim objEnumerator ' collection object for query results
i = 0
If NOT component.wmiConnect(CONST_NAMESPACE_CIMV2 , _ strUserName , _ strPassword , _ strMachine , _ blnLocalConnection , _ objService ) Then WScript.Echo(L_HintCheckConnection_Message) WScript.Quit(EXIT_METHOD_FAIL) End If
If (objVols.Exists("*")) Then ' build the query intVolumes = 0 ' get all the drive names with drive type = 3 (other than floppy drive & CDROM Drive) strQuery = "Select DeviceID From " & CLASS_LOGICAL_DISK & _ " where DriveType = " & DRIVE_TYPE ' execute the query Set objEnumerator = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery, "WQL", 48, null) ' check for any errors If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_UnableToRetrieveInfo_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_QUERY_FAIL) End If
For each objInstance in objEnumerator ' check if the volumename is not an alias name and neither a mapped drive. If IsValidPhysicalDrive(objService, objInstance.DeviceID) Then ' check if the volume name is specified more than once. If NOT objVols.Exists(LCase(objInstance.DeviceID)) Then objVols.Add LCase(objInstance.DeviceID),-1 End If End If Next ' Remove * from objVols after adding the drives to the object. objVols.Remove "*" End If
intVolumes = objVols.Count arrVolume = objVols.Keys
' Get the host Name - used to get Crash Dump Settings strQueryComp = "Select * From " & CLASS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM Set objEnum = objService.ExecQuery(strQueryComp, "WQL", 0, null) ' check for any errors If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_UnableToRetrieveInfo_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_QUERY_FAIL) End If
For each objInst in objEnum If NOT ISEmpty(objInst.Name) Then strHostName = objInst.Name Else WSCript.Echo(L_UnableToRetrieveInfo_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_QUERY_FAIL) End If Next
' No wild Cards Specified Do While( i < intVolumes )
strQueryDisk = "Select * From " & CLASS_LOGICAL_DISK & _ " where DriveType = " & DRIVE_TYPE & " and DeviceID = '" & arrVolume(i) & "'" Set objEnumforDisk = objService.ExecQuery(strQueryDisk, "WQL", 0, null)
strQuery = "Select * From " & CLASS_PAGE_FILE_SETTING & _ " where Name = '" & arrVolume(i) & "\" & PAGEFILE_DOT_SYS & "'" Set objEnum = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery, "WQL", 0, null)
' If valid drive and pagefile exists on that drive If (objEnumforDisk.Count = 0 AND objEnum.Count = 0 ) Then ' the drive does not exist component.VBPrintf L_InvalidVolumeName_ErrorMessage, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i))) bFailureMsg = TRUE ' remove the drive name from the valid drives list objVols.Remove arrVolume(i) ' decrement the loop count i = i - 1 ' check for the no.of valid drive names from the specified list. If Cint(objVols.Count) = 0 Then blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT Else intVolumes = objVols.Count arrVolume = objVols.keys End If Else ' SKIP - if at least one instance is found then dont create a new instance If (objEnumforDisk.Count = 1 AND objEnum.Count = 1) Then component.VBPrintf L_CreateSkipping_Message, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Else ' check if the volumename is an alias name or a mapped drive If NOT IsValidPhysicalDrive(objService, arrVolume(i)) Then component.VBPrintf L_InvalidPhysicalDrive_ErrorMessage, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Else CreatePageFile objService, arrVolume, blnSystemManaged, _ intIntSize, intMaxSize, strMachine, strUserName, _ strPassword, strHostName, i End If End If End If i = i + 1 Loop ' Prompt for reboot if atleast one operation is successful If blnSuccessMsg = TRUE then WScript.Echo L_RestartComputer_Message End If ' DEcide on the return level. If atleast one succeds, return partial success.. If all fails return complete failure If blnFailureMsg = TRUE Then If blnSuccessMsg = TRUE Then Wscript.Quit( EXIT_PARTIAL_SUCCESS) else Wscript.Quit( EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If End If End Sub
'************************************************************************************************** '* sub: CreatePageFile '* '* Purpose: Creates new page file on a specified drive at the specified index '* '* INPUT: '* '* [IN] objService The WMI service object '* [IN] arrVolume Array of volumes to create the page files on '* [IN] blnSystemManaged Indicates whether the drive has to be system managed '* [IN] intIntSize Indicates the InitialSize '* [IN] intMaxSize Indicates the Maximum Size '* [IN] strMachine The system to connect to '* [IN] strUserName User name '* [IN] strPassword Password '* [IN] strHostName The host name for the remote machine '* [IN] i The index of the drive name in arrVolume to create the page file '* '**************************************************************************************************
Private Sub CreatePageFile(ByVal objService, _ ByVal arrVolume, _ ByVal blnSystemManaged, _ ByVal intIntSize, _ ByVal intMaxSize, _ ByVal strMachine, _ ByVal strUserName, _ ByVal strPassword, _ ByVal strHostName, _ BYVal i) ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Dim objInstance ' instance object Dim objNewInstance ' instance object Dim intFreeSpace ' to store total free space Dim intFreeDiskSpace ' to store free disk space Dim intCurrentSize ' to store the current pagefile size Dim intDiskSize ' to store the disk size for the specified disk Dim intMemSize ' to store physical memory size Dim intCrashDump ' to store the current crash dump setting value Dim strReply ' to store the user reply Dim intMaxSizeUB ' to store the upper bound for maximum size
intFreeSpace = 0 intFreeDiskSpace = 0 intCurrentSize = 0 intMaxSizeUB = 0 Err.Clear ' set the security privilege to allow pagefile creation objService.Security_.Privileges.AddAsString("SeCreatePagefilePrivilege") If Err.Number then Err.Clear WScript.Echo("ERROR: Failed to set the security privilege.") blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_METHOD_FAIL End If
Set objInstance = objService.Get(CLASS_PAGE_FILE_SETTING) ' check for any errors If Err.Number Then Err.Clear Component.VBPrintf L_CannotCreate_ErrorMessage,Array(Ucase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_METHOD_FAIL End If
Set objNewInstance = objInstance.SpawnInstance_ ' check for any errors If Err.Number Then Err.Clear Component.VBPrintf L_CannotCreate_ErrorMessage,Array(Ucase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If
' append the filename to the volume name objNewInstance.Name = UCase(arrVolume(i)) & PAGEFILE_DOT_SYS
'Check if the page file has to be managed by the system If blnSystemManaged = TRUE Then objNewInstance.InitialSize = CONST_SYSTEM_INIT_SIZE objNewInstance.MaximumSize = CONST_SYSTEM_MAX_SIZE objNewInstance.Put_(CONST_WBEM_FLAG) If Err.Number Then Err.Clear Component.VBPrintf L_CannotCreate_ErrorMessage,Array(Ucase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If component.VBPrintf L_CreateSystemSuccess_message, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnSuccessMsg = TRUE ' If not System managed Else ' check if maxsize is greater than initsize ' this will detect any overflow problems, if any If ( CLng(intIntSize) > CLng(intMaxSize) ) Then ' check for overflows and clear the error If Err.Number Then Err.Clear ' get the upper bound allowed for maximum size intMaxSizeUB = getMaxSizeUB(objService) component.VBPrintf InsufficientMaxSizeErrorMessage, _ Array( UCase(arrVolume(i)) , intMaxSizeUB ) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit Sub End If
' Check the initial size with the free space on the disk If CLng(intIntSize) >= CLng(INITIAL_SIZE_LB) Then ' check for overflows If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_InvalidInput_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If ' get the free space on the specified disk intFreeDiskSpace = getFreeSpaceOnDisk(arrVolume(i),objService) ' get the total free space Since its a new instane the current size willNOT be available. So the initial size is taken into considerarion for calculating the total free space. intFreeSpace = intFreeDiskSpace ' Check if it greater than free disk space If CLng(intIntSize) > CLng(intFreeSpace) Then ' check for overflows If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_InvalidInput_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If component.VBPrintf NotEnoughSpaceErrorMessage, Array( UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit Sub End If
If CLng(intIntSize) > CLng(intFreeSpace) - 5 Then ' check for overflows If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_InvalidInput_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If component.VBPrintf AtLeastFiveMBErrorMessage, Array( UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit Sub End If
' get the crash dump setting value intCrashDump = GetCrashDumpSetting(strUserName,strPassword,strMachine) ' get the Physical Memory Size intMemSize = GetPhysicalMemorySize(strHostName,objService) ' check if the user has selected "yes" for the warning message If isCrashDumpValueSet(intCrashDump,intIntSize,intMemSize,arrVolume(i)) Then objNewInstance.InitialSize = CInt(intIntSize) ' Get the Disk Size for the specified drive intDiskSize = GetDiskSize(arrVolume(i),objService) If (CLng(intMaxSize) > CLng(intDiskSize)) Then ' check for overflows If Err.Number Then Err.Clear ' get the upper bound allowed for maximum size intMaxSizeUB = getMaxSizeUB(objService) component.VBPrintf InsufficientMaxSizeErrorMessage, _ Array( UCase(arrVolume(i)) , intMaxSizeUB ) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If component.VBPrintf DiskTooSmallErrorMessage, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit Sub ElseIf (CLng(intMaxSize) > CLng(intFreeSpace)) Then ' check for overflows If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_InvalidInput_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If component.VBPrintf GrowsToFreeSpaceWarningMessage, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i)),intFreeSpace) strReply = getReply() If Trim(LCase(strReply)) = L_UserReplyYes_Text Then ' maxsize can grow only to the free disk space available. ' set the maxsize to the free space on disk. intMaxSize = intFreeSpace objNewInstance.MaximumSize = intMaxSize objNewInstance.Put_(CONST_WBEM_FLAG) If Err.Number Then Err.Clear Component.VBPrintf L_CannotCreate_ErrorMessage,Array(Ucase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If component.VBPrintf CreateSuccessMessage, _ Array(CInt(intIntSize),CInt(intMaxSize),UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnSuccessMsg = TRUE ElseIf LCase(strReply) = L_UserReplyNo_Text Then Exit Sub Else WScript.Echo(L_InvalidInput_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Exit Sub End If Else objNewInstance.MaximumSize = CInt(intMaxSize) objNewInstance.Put_(CONST_WBEM_FLAG) If Err.Number Then Err.Clear Component.VBPrintf L_CannotCreate_ErrorMessage,Array(Ucase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If component.VBPrintf CreateSuccessMessage, _ Array(CInt(intIntSize),CInt(intMaxSize),UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnSuccessMsg = TRUE End If End If 'End of IsCrashDumpset Else 'If initial size is less than 2 MB ' get the upper bound allowed for maximum size intMaxSizeUB = getMaxSizeUB(objService) component.VBPrintf InitialSizeRangeErrorMessage, _ Array(intMaxSizeUB, UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE End If End If ' End of system managed If condition End Sub
'****************************************************************************** '* Sub: ProcessDelete '* '* Purpose: Deletes existing page files on the specified volumes '* '* Input: '* [in] strMachine machine to configure page files on '* [in] strUserName user name to connect to the machine '* [in] strPassword password for the user '* [in] objVols the object containing volume names '* '* Output: Displays error message and quits if connection fails '* '****************************************************************************** Private Sub ProcessDelete ( ByVal strMachine, _ ByVal strUserName, _ ByVal strPassword, _ ByVal blnSystemManaged, _ ByVal objVols ) ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Err.Clear
Dim arrVolume ' to store all the volumes specified Dim intVolumes ' to store the no.of volumes specified Dim objService ' service object Dim objInstance ' instance object Dim strQueryDisk ' to store the query for disk Dim objEnumforDisk ' collection object for query results Dim intMemSize ' to store physical memory size Dim intCrashDump ' to store the current crash dump setting value Dim strQueryComp ' to store the query for computersystem Dim objEnum ' collection object for query results Dim objInst ' instance object Dim strHostName ' to store the host name Dim i ' Loop variable Dim strQueryPageFile ' to store the query for pagefiles Dim objEnumPageFile ' collection object for pagefiles
' Establish connection to WMI to get pagefile info If NOT component.wmiConnect(CONST_NAMESPACE_CIMV2 , _ strUserName , _ strPassword , _ strMachine , _ blnLocalConnection , _ objService ) Then WScript.Echo(L_HintCheckConnection_Message) WScript.Quit(EXIT_METHOD_FAIL) End If
i = 0 intVolumes = objVols.Count arrVolume = objVols.Keys
' Get the host Name - used to get Crash Dump Settings strQueryComp = "Select * From " & CLASS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM Set objEnum = objService.ExecQuery(strQueryComp, "WQL", 0, null) ' check for any errors If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_UnableToRetrieveInfo_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_QUERY_FAIL) End If
For each objInst in objEnum If NOT ISEmpty(objInst.Name) Then strHostName = objInst.Name Else WSCript.Echo(L_UnableToRetrieveInfo_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_QUERY_FAIL) End If Next
Do While( i < intVolumes ) strQueryDisk = "Select * From " & CLASS_LOGICAL_DISK & _ " where DriveType = " & DRIVE_TYPE & " and DeviceID = '" & arrVolume(i) & "'" Set objEnumforDisk = objService.ExecQuery(strQueryDisk, "WQL", 0, null) If objEnumforDisk.Count > 0 Then Set objInstance = objService.Get(CLASS_PAGE_FILE_SETTING & "='" & _ arrVolume(i) & PAGEFILE_DOT_SYS & "'") If Err.Number Then Err.Clear component.VBPrintf L_PageFileDoesNotExist_ErrorMessage, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE Else intCrashDump = GetCrashDumpSetting(strUserName,strPassword,strMachine) ' get the Physical Memory Size intMemSize = GetPhysicalMemorySize(strHostName,objService) ' If the user has selected "yes" for the warning message ' pass initsize as 0 because initsize = maxsize = 0 (assumed) after deletion If isCrashDumpValueSet(intCrashDump,0,intMemSize,arrVolume(i)) Then strQueryPageFile = "Select * from " & CLASS_PAGE_FILE_SETTING Set objEnumPageFile = objService.ExecQuery(strQueryPageFile, "WQL", 0, null) If objEnumPageFile.Count > 1 Then ' Delete the instance objInstance.Delete_ ' check for any errors If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_InvalidInput_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT End If
component.VBPrintf L_DeleteSuccess_Message, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnSuccessMsg = TRUE Else component.VBPrintf CannotDeleteErrorMessage, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE End If End If End If Else ' the drive does not exist component.VBPrintf L_InvalidVolumeName_ErrorMessage, _ Array(UCase(arrVolume(i))) blnFailureMsg = TRUE ' remove the drive name from the valid drives list objVols.Remove arrVolume(i) ' decrement the loop count i = i - 1 ' check for the no.of valid drive names from the specified list. If Cint(objVols.Count) = 0 Then blnFailureMsg = TRUE quitbasedonsuccess EXIT_INVALID_INPUT Else intVolumes = objVols.Count arrVolume = objVols.keys End If End If i = i + 1 Loop
' The instances of the following classes are also deleted along with the Win32_PageFile instances ' Win32_PageFileUsage - instances are deleted only after reboot ' Win32_PageFileSetting - instances are deleted automatically along with Win32_PageFile instances
If blnSuccessMsg = TRUE then WScript.Echo L_RestartComputer_Message End If ' DEcide on the return level. If atleast one succeds, return partial success.. If all fails return complete failure If blnFailureMsg = TRUE Then If blnSuccessMsg = TRUE Then Wscript.Quit( EXIT_PARTIAL_SUCCESS) else Wscript.Quit( EXIT_INVALID_INPUT) End If End If
End sub
'****************************************************************************** '* Sub: ProcessQuery '* '* Purpose: Displays the Page File Details in the specified format '* '* Input: '* [in] strMachine machine to configure page files on '* [in] strUserName user name to connect to the machine '* [in] strPassword password for the user '* [in] strFormat the query display format '* [in] blnNoHeader flag to store if -nh is specified or not '* '* Output: Displays error message and quits if connection fails '* Calls component.showResults() to display the page file '* details '* '****************************************************************************** Private Sub ProcessQuery( ByVal strMachine, _ ByVal strUserName, _ ByVal strPassword, _ ByVal strFormat, _ ByVal blnSystemManaged, _ ByVal blnNoHeader )
Dim objEnumerator ' to store the results of the query is executed Dim objInstance ' to refer to the instances of the objEnumerator Dim strQuery ' to store the query obtained for given conditions Dim intTotSize ' to store the total size on all drives Dim intRecommendedSize ' to store the recommended size for all drives Dim arrResultsDrives ' to store the columns of page file info. Dim arrHeaderDrives ' to store the array header values Dim arrMaxLengthDrives ' to store the maximum length for each column Dim arrFinalResultsDrives ' used to send the arrResults to ShowResults() Dim intColumnCountDrives ' number of columns to be displayed in the output Dim blnPrintHeaderDrives ' variable which decides whether header is to be displayed or not Dim arrResultsSummary ' to store the columns of page file info. Dim arrHeaderSummary ' to store the array header values Dim arrMaxLengthSummary ' to store the maximum length for each column Dim arrFinalResultsSummary ' used to send the arrResults to ShowResults() Dim intColumnCountSummary ' number of columns to be displayed in the output Dim blnPrintHeaderSummary ' variable which decides whether header is to be displayed or not Dim objDiskDriveInstance ' Instance for drive name Dim objMemSizeInstance ' Instance for memory size Dim arrblnNoDisplayDrives ' boolean variable for -noheader option Dim arrblnNoDisplaySummary ' boolean variable for -noheader option Dim objService ' service object Dim strDriveName ' to store the drive name Dim objUsageInstance ' Instance for PageFileUsage
' Initializing the blnPrintHeaders to true. Header should be printed by default blnPrintHeaderDrives = TRUE blnPrintHeaderSummary = TRUE intTotSize = 0
If blnNoHeader Then blnPrintHeaderDrives = FALSE blnPrintHeaderSummary = FALSE End If
' Establish connection to WMI to get pagefile information If NOT component.wmiConnect(CONST_NAMESPACE_CIMV2 , _ strUserName , _ strPassword , _ strMachine , _ blnLocalConnection , _ objService ) Then WScript.Echo(L_HintCheckConnection_Message) WScript.Quit(EXIT_METHOD_FAIL) End If
arrHeaderDrives = Array(L_ColHeaderHostname_Text , L_ColHeaderDrive_Text, _ L_ColHeaderVolumeLabel_Text, L_ColHeaderFileName_Text, _ L_ColHeaderInitialSize_Text, L_ColHeaderMaximumSize_Text, _ L_ColHeaderCurrentSize_Text, L_ColHeaderFreeSpace_Text,_ L_ColHeaderPageFileStatus_Text)
arrHeaderSummary = Array(L_ColHeaderHostname_Text, L_ColHeaderTotalMinimumSize_Text, _ L_ColHeaderTotalRecommendedSize_Text, L_ColHeaderTotalSize_Text)
' Data Lengths = (15,13,13,19,20,20,20,22) arrMaxLengthDrives = Array(L_CONST_HOSTNAME_Length_Text, L_CONST_DRIVENAME_Length_Text, L_CONST_VOLLABEL_Length_Text, _ L_CONST_PAGEFILENAME_Length_Text, L_CONST_INTSIZE_Length_Text, L_CONST_MAXSIZE_Length_Text, _ L_CONST_CURRENTSIZE_Length_Text, L_CONST_FREESPACE_Length_Text, _ L_ColHeaderPageFileStatusLength_Text)
' Data Lengths = (15,33,37,40) arrMaxLengthSummary = Array(L_CONST_HOSTNAME_Length_Text, L_CONST_TOTALMINSIZE_Length_Text,_ L_CONST_TOTALRECSIZE_Length_Text, L_CONST_TOTALSIZE_Length_Text)
arrblnNoDisplayDrives = Array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) arrblnNoDisplaySummary = Array(0,0,0,0)
' first initialize the array with N/A arrResultsDrives = Array(L_Na_Text,L_Na_Text,L_Na_Text,L_Na_Text,L_Na_Text,L_Na_Text,_ L_Na_Text,L_Na_Text, L_Na_Text) arrResultsSummary = Array(L_Na_Text,L_Na_Text,L_Na_Text,L_Na_Text)
' build the query strQuery = "SELECT * FROM " & CLASS_PAGE_FILE_SETTING
' execute the query Set objEnumerator = objService.ExecQuery(strQuery, "WQL", 0, null) ' check for any errors If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_UnableToRetrieveInfo_ErrorMessage) WScript.Quit(EXIT_QUERY_FAIL) End If
' If no.of pagefile instances are 0 (zero) If (objEnumerator.Count = 0) Then WScript.Echo(L_NoPageFiles_Message) WScript.Quit(EXIT_UNEXPECTED) End If
ReDim arrFinalResultsDrives(0) ReDim arrFinalResultsSummary(0)
If(LCase(strFormat) <> "csv") Then WScript.Echo("") ' Blank Line End If
' Loop through all the instances for the first report For each objInstance in objEnumerator
If NOT IsEmpty(objInstance.Name) Then strDriveName = Mid(objInstance.Name,1,2) End If
' check if it is a valid physical drive If IsValidPhysicalDrive(objService,strDriveName) Then
If IsEmpty(objInstance.Name) Then arrResultsDrives(1) = L_Na_Text Else strDriveName = Mid(objInstance.Name,1,2) arrResultsDrives(1) = UCase(strDriveName) End If
' to get the data from Win32_PageFileUsage Set objUsageInstance = objService.Get(CLASS_PAGE_FILE_USAGE & "='" & objInstance.Name & "'")
' to get the current size If Len(objUsageInstance.AllocatedBaseSize) = 0 Then arrResultsDrives(6) = L_Na_Text Else arrResultsDrives(6) = objUsageInstance.AllocatedBaseSize & MEGA_BYTES intTotSize = intTotSize + objUsageInstance.AllocatedBaseSize End If
' To set the PageFile status field If (objInstance.InitialSize = 0 AND objInstance.MaximumSize = 0) Then arrResultsDrives(8) = L_CONST_System_Managed_Text Else arrResultsDrives(8) = L_Custom_Text End If
' to get the data from Win32_LogicalDisk Set objDiskDriveInstance = objService.Get(CLASS_LOGICAL_DISK & "='" & strDriveName & "'")
If Len(objDiskDriveInstance.VolumeName) = 0 Then arrResultsDrives(2) = L_Na_Text Else arrResultsDrives(2) = objDiskDriveInstance.VolumeName End If
If Len(objDiskDriveInstance.SystemName) = 0 Then arrResultsDrives(0) = L_Na_Text Else arrResultsDrives(0) = objDiskDriveInstance.SystemName arrResultsSummary(0) = objDiskDriveInstance.SystemName End If
If (objDiskDriveInstance.FreeSpace) Then arrResultsDrives(7) = Int(objDiskDriveInstance.FreeSpace/CONVERSION_FACTOR) + Int(objUsageInstance.AllocatedBaseSize) &_ MEGA_BYTES Else arrResultsDrives(7) = L_Na_Text End If
If IsEmpty(objInstance.Name) Then arrResultsDrives(3) = L_Na_Text Else arrResultsDrives(3) = objInstance.Name End If
If objInstance.InitialSize Then arrResultsDrives(4) = objInstance.InitialSize & MEGA_BYTES Else arrResultsDrives(4) = L_Na_Text End If
If objInstance.MaximumSize Then arrResultsDrives(5) = objInstance.MaximumSize & MEGA_BYTES Else arrResultsDrives(5) = L_Na_Text End If
arrFinalResultsDrives(0) = arrResultsDrives Call component.showResults(arrHeaderDrives, arrFinalResultsDrives, arrMaxLengthDrives, _ strFormat, blnPrintHeaderDrives, arrblnNoDisplayDrives) blnPrintHeaderDrives = FALSE
End If
Next WScript.Echo("")
' Display the summary report arrResultsSummary(1) = INITIAL_SIZE_LB & MEGA_BYTES Set objMemSizeInstance = objService.Get(CLASS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM & "='" & arrResultsDrives(0) & "'") If objMemSizeInstance.TotalPhysicalMemory Then intRecommendedSize = Int(Int(objMemSizeInstance.TotalPhysicalMemory/CONVERSION_FACTOR)* SIZE_FACTOR) arrResultsSummary(2) = intRecommendedSize & MEGA_BYTES Else arrResultsSummary(2) = L_Na_Text End If
arrResultsSummary(3) = intTotSize & MEGA_BYTES arrFinalResultsSummary(0) = arrResultsSummary
Call component.showResults(arrHeaderSummary, arrFinalResultsSummary, arrMaxLengthSummary, strFormat, _ blnPrintHeaderSummary,arrblnNoDisplaySummary) blnPrintHeaderSummary = FALSE
End Sub
'****************************************************************************** '* Function: IsValidPhysicalDrive '* '* Purpose: To check if the specified drive is a valid physical drive. '* This check is done only for Win2K builds '* '* Input: '* [in] objServiceParam service object to maintain wmi connection. '* [in] strDriveName drive name whose validity has to be checked. '* '* Output: Returns TRUE or FALSE '* TRUE - when the drive is a valid physical drive. '* FALSE - when the drive is not a valid physical drive. '* '******************************************************************************
Private Function IsValidPhysicalDrive ( ByVal objServiceParam, _ ByVal strDriveName )
Dim strQuery ' to store the query to be executed Dim objEnum ' collection object Dim objInstance ' instance object Dim strValidDrives ' to store all valid physical drives Dim strVersion ' to store the OS version Dim arrVersionElements ' to store the OS version elements Dim CurrentMajorVersion ' the major version number
strValidDrives = "" ' by default set it to true IsValidPhysicalDrive = TRUE
strquery = "Select * From " & CLASS_OPERATING_SYSTEM set objEnum = objServiceParam.ExecQuery(strQuery,"WQL",48,null)
For each objInstance in objEnum strVersion= objInstance.Version Next
' OS Version : 5.1.xxxx(Windows XP), 5.0.xxxx(Windows 2000) arrVersionElements = split(strVersion,".") ' converting to major version CurrentMajorVersion = arrVersionElements(0) * 1000 + arrVersionElements(1)
' Determine the OS Type ' If the OS version is 5.1 or later, then NO NEED to validate. ' If the OS is Win2K, then validate the drive name. If CInt(CurrentMajorVersion) <= CInt(WINXP_MAJOR_VERSION) Then
strQuery = "Select * From " & CLASS_PERFDISK_PHYSICAL_DISK Set objEnum = objServiceParam.ExecQuery(strQuery, "WQL", 0, null)
For each objInstance in objEnum ' get all the instance except the last one If (objInstance.Name <> "_Total") Then strValidDrives = strValidDrives & " " & objInstance.Name End If Next
' check if the specified drive is present in the list of valid physical drives If Instr(strValidDrives, UCase(strDriveName)) = 0 Then IsValidPhysicalDrive = FALSE End If
End If
End Function
'****************************************************************************** '* Function: getFreeSpaceOnDisk '* '* Purpose: To get the Free Space for the Specified Disk '* '* Input: '* [in] strDriveName drive name whose free space is needed '* [in] objServiceParam service object to maintain wmi connection '* '* Output: Returns the free space (in MB) on the specified disk. '* '******************************************************************************
Private Function getFreeSpaceOnDisk(ByVal strDriveName, ByVal objServiceParam)
Dim objValidDiskInst
Set objValidDiskInst = objServiceParam.Get(CLASS_LOGICAL_DISK & "='" & strDriveName & "'") If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_UnableToRetrieveInfo_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE QuitbasedonSuccess EXIT_QUERY_FAIL End If
getFreeSpaceOnDisk = Int(objValidDiskInst.FreeSpace/CONVERSION_FACTOR)
End Function
'****************************************************************************** '* Function: getCurrentPageFileSize '* '* Purpose: To get the current pagefile size on the specified drive '* '* Input: '* [in] objService wbem service object '* [in] objInstance instance of win32_pagefilesetting '* '* Output: current pagefile size '* '******************************************************************************
Private Function getCurrentPageFileSize(ByVal objService, ByVal objInstance)
Dim objUsageInstance
' get the data from Win32_PageFileUsage Set objUsageInstance = objService.Get(CLASS_PAGE_FILE_USAGE & "='" & objInstance.Name & "'")
' return the current size ( allocated base size ) getCurrentPageFileSize = objUsageInstance.AllocatedBaseSize
End Function
'****************************************************************************** '* Function: GetDiskSize '* '* Purpose: To get the disk size for the specified drive '* '* Input: '* [in] strDriveName drive name whose free space is needed '* [in] objServiceParam service object to maintain wmi connection '* '* Output: Returns the total disk size in MB. '* '******************************************************************************
Private Function GetDiskSize(ByVal strDriveName, ByVal objServiceParam)
Dim objValidDiskInst ' object to store valid disk name
Set objValidDiskInst = objServiceParam.Get(CLASS_LOGICAL_DISK & "='" & strDriveName & "'")
If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_UnableToRetrieveInfo_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE QuitBasedOnSuccess EXIT_QUERY_FAIL End If
GetDiskSize = Int(objValidDiskInst.Size / CONVERSION_FACTOR)
End Function
'****************************************************************************** '* Function: GetPhysicalMemorySize '* '* Purpose: To get the physical memory size. '* '* Input: '* [in] strHostName host name to connect to '* [in] objServiceParam service object to maintain wmi connection '* '* Output: Returns the physical memory size in MB. '* '******************************************************************************
Private Function GetPhysicalMemorySize( ByVal strHostName, ByVal objServiceParam )
Dim objMemSizeInstance ' to store memory size Dim intReturnValue ' to store return value
Set objMemSizeInstance = objServiceParam.Get(CLASS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM & "='" & strHostName & "'") If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo L_UnableToRetrieveInfo_ErrorMessage blnFailureMsg = TRUE QuitBasedOnSuccess EXIT_QUERY_FAIL End If
If objMemSizeInstance.TotalPhysicalMemory Then intReturnValue = Int(objMemSizeInstance.TotalPhysicalMemory/CONVERSION_FACTOR) GetPhysicalMemorySize = intReturnValue End If
End Function
'****************************************************************************** '* Function: getMaxSizeUB '* '* Purpose: To get the allowed upper bound for maximum size '* '* Input: '* [in] objServiceParam service object to maintain wmi connection '* '* Output: Returns the upper bound for maximum size '* '******************************************************************************
Private Function getMaxSizeUB(objServiceParam)
Dim objInstance ' object instance Dim intReturnValue ' to store return value Dim strProcessorType ' to store the processor type Dim strQuery ' to store the query Dim objEnum ' collection of objects
getMaxSizeUB = 0
strQuery = "Select * From " & CLASS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM
Set objEnum = objServiceParam.ExecQuery(strQuery,"WQL",48,null) If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo L_UnableToRetrieveInfo_ErrorMessage blnFailureMsg = TRUE QuitBasedOnSuccess EXIT_QUERY_FAIL End If
' The following code will handle only single processor environment
For each objInstance in objEnum strProcessorType = objInstance.SystemType Next
' check if its a 32-bit processor If InStr( UCase(strProcessorType),PROCESSOR_X86_BASED ) > 0 Then getMaxSizeUB = 4096 End If
' check if its a 64-bit processor If Instr( UCase(strProcessorType),PROCESSOR_IA64_BASED ) > 0 Then getMaxSizeUB = 33554432 End If
End Function
'****************************************************************************** '* Function: GetCrashDumpSetting '* '* Purpose: To get the Crash Dump Settings for the machine specified '* '* Input: '* [in] strUserNameParam user name to connect to the machine '* [in] strPasswordParam password for the user '* [in] strMachineParam machine to get crash dump settings for '* '* Output: Returns the current crash dump setting value [ 0,1,2,3 ] '* 0 - None '* 1 - Complete Memory Dump '* 2 - Kernel Memory Dump '* 3 - Small Memory Dump '* '******************************************************************************
Private Function GetCrashDumpSetting( ByVal strUserNameParam, _ ByVal strPasswordParam, _ ByVal strMachineParam )
CONST CONST_NAMESPACE_DEFAULT = "root\default" ' name space to connect to CONST CONST_HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = 2147483650 ' registry value for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE CONST CONST_KEY_VALUE_NAME = "CrashDumpEnabled" ' value name to be retrieved CONST CONST_STD_REGISTRY_PROVIDER = "StdRegProv" ' standard registry provider ' the Sub Key Name CONST CONST_CRASH_DUMP_REGKEY = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl"
Dim objInstance ' to store the object instance Dim objService ' service object Dim intCrashDumpValue ' to store the crash dump setting value Dim intReturnVal ' to store return value
' connect to the WMI name space If NOT component.wmiConnect(CONST_NAMESPACE_DEFAULT , _ strUserNameParam , _ strPasswordParam , _ strMachineParam , _ blnLocalConnection , _ objService ) Then WScript.Echo(L_HintCheckConnection_Message) blnFailureMsg = TRUE QuitBasedOnSuccess EXIT_METHOD_FAIL End If
' get the instance of the Standard Registry Provider Set objInstance = objService.Get(CONST_STD_REGISTRY_PROVIDER)
' get the key value for from the registry intReturnVal = objInstance.GetDWORDValue( CONST_HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _ CONST_CRASH_DUMP_REGKEY, _ CONST_KEY_VALUE_NAME, _ intCrashDumpValue ) ' check if any error has occured If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_FailCreateObject_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE QuitBasedOnSuccess EXIT_INVALID_PARAM End If
' check for the return value after registry is accessed. If intReturnVal = 0 Then GetCrashDumpSetting = CInt(intCrashDumpValue) Else WScript.Echo(L_FailCreateObject_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE QuitBasedOnSuccess EXIT_INVALID_PARAM End If
End Function
' Function used to get the reply in y/n from the user '****************************************************************************** '* Function: getReply '* '* Purpose: To get reply from the user '* '* Input: None '* '* Output: Prompts for a warning message and accepts the user's choice [y/n] '* '****************************************************************************** Private Function getReply()
Dim objStdIn ' to store value from standard input Dim strReply ' to store the user reply
Set objStdIn = WScript.StdIn If Err.Number Then Err.Clear WScript.Echo(L_FailCreateObject_ErrorMessage) blnFailureMsg = TRUE QuitBasedOnSuccess EXIT_INVALID_PARAM End If
strReply = objStdIn.ReadLine() getReply = Trim(strReply)
End Function
'****************************************************************************** '* Function: isCrashDumpValueSet '* '* Purpose: To check if the crash dump value is set '* '* Input: '* [in] intCrashDumpParam crash dump setting value '* [in] intIntSizeParam initial size of the pagefile '* [in] intMemSizeParam physical memory size '* [in] strVolume drive/volume name '* '* Output: Returns TRUE or FALSE '* '******************************************************************************
Private Function isCrashDumpValueSet( ByVal intCrashDumpParam,_ ByVal intIntSizeParam, _ ByVal intMemSizeParam, _ ByVal strVolume )
Dim strReply ' to store user reply Dim intSizeValue ' to store the size value used for comparison
' default value is NO [n] strReply = L_UserReplyNo_Text
Select Case CInt(intCrashDumpParam)
Case COMPLETE_MEMORY_DUMP If CInt(intIntSizeParam) < CInt(intMemSizeParam) Then component.VBPrintf CrashDumpSettingWarningMessage, Array(UCase(strVolume),CInt(intMemSizeParam) & MEGA_BYTES) ' Ask for choice until a yes[y] or no[n] is given Do strReply = getReply() If Trim(LCase(strReply)) = L_UserReplyYes_Text Then isCrashDumpValueSet = TRUE ElseIf Trim(LCase(strReply)) = L_UserReplyNo_Text Then isCrashDumpValueSet = FALSE Else WScript.Echo(L_InvalidUserReply_ErrorMessage) End If Loop Until (Trim(LCase(strReply)) = L_UserReplyYes_Text OR Trim(LCase(strReply)) = L_UserReplyNo_Text) Else isCrashDumpValueSet = TRUE End If
' check if RAM size is less than or equal to 128 MB If CInt(intMemSizeParam) <= 128 Then ' assign size value to be checked to 50 MB intSizeValue = 50 Else ' check if RAM size is less than or equal to 4 GB If CInt(intMemSizeParam) <= 4096 Then ' assign size value to be checked to 200 MB intSizeValue = 200 Else ' check if RAM size is less than or equal to 8 GB If CInt(intMemSizeParam) <= 8192 Then ' assign size value to be checked to 400 MB intSizeValue = 400 Else ' assign size value to be checked to 800 MB intSizeValue = 800 End If End If End If
If CInt(intIntSizeParam) < CInt(intSizeValue) Then component.VBPrintf CrashDumpSettingWarningMessage, Array(UCase(strVolume),intSizeValue & MEGA_BYTES) ' Ask for choice until a yes[y] or no[n] is given Do strReply = getReply() If Trim(LCase(strReply)) = L_UserReplyYes_Text Then isCrashDumpValueSet = TRUE ElseIf Trim(LCase(strReply)) = L_UserReplyNo_Text Then isCrashDumpValueSet = FALSE Else WScript.Echo(L_InvalidUserReply_ErrorMessage) End If Loop Until (Trim(LCase(strReply)) = L_UserReplyYes_Text OR Trim(LCase(strReply)) = L_UserReplyNo_Text) Else isCrashDumpValueSet = TRUE End If
' initial size should not be less than 64 KB ( less than or equal to 0 MB ) If CInt(intIntSizeParam) <= 0 Then component.VBPrintf CrashDumpSettingWarningMessage, Array(UCase(strVolume),"64 KB") ' Ask for choice until a yes[y] or no[n] is given Do strReply = getReply() If Trim(LCase(strReply)) = L_UserReplyYes_Text Then isCrashDumpValueSet = TRUE ElseIf Trim(LCase(strReply)) = L_UserReplyNo_Text Then isCrashDumpValueSet = FALSE Else WScript.Echo(L_InvalidUserReply_ErrorMessage) End If Loop Until (Trim(LCase(strReply)) = L_UserReplyYes_Text OR Trim(LCase(strReply)) = L_UserReplyNo_Text) Else isCrashDumpValueSet = TRUE End If
' Crash Dump values 0 has no problem isCrashDumpValueSet = TRUE
End Select
End Function
'******************************************************************************* '* sub: QuitBasedOnSuccess '* '* purpose: To quit the script based on the partial success of the operations '* '* Input: intReturnVal - Return value to be returned '* '****************************************************************************** sub QuitBasedOnSuccess(Byval intReturnVal ) ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Err.Clear
' Prompt for reboot if at least one operation was successful. If blnSuccessMsg = TRUE Then WScript.Echo L_RestartComputer_Message End If ' If zero has to be returned, return based on the failure status If intReturnVal = EXIT_SUCCESS Then If blnFailureMsg = TRUE Then Wscript.Quit( EXIT_PARTIAL_SUCCESS ) Else Wscript.Quit( EXIT_SUCCESS ) End If
'If other return levels are to be returned, just chck success value to return partial success value Else If blnSuccessMsg = TRUE Then Wscript.Quit( EXIT_PARTIAL_SUCCESS ) Else Wscript.Quit( intReturnVal) End If End If
End sub
'****************************************************************************** '* Sub: typeMessage '* '* Purpose: To print the type usage messages relevent to the main option '* selected. '* '* Input: The main option selected. '* '* Output: Prints "type..usage" messages for the main option selected. '* '******************************************************************************
Sub typeMessage(ByVal intMainOption)
Select Case CInt(intMainOption)
Case CONST_CHANGE_OPTION component.VBPrintf L_TypeChangeUsage_Message,Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) Case CONST_CREATE_OPTION component.VBPrintf L_TypeCreateUsage_Message,Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) Case CONST_DELETE_OPTION component.VBPrintf L_TypeDeleteUsage_Message,Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) Case CONST_QUERY_OPTION component.VBPrintf L_TypeQueryUsage_Message,Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName)) Case Else component.VBPrintf L_TypeUsage_Message,Array(UCase(WScript.ScriptName))
End Select
End Sub
'****************************************************************************** '* Function: ExpandEnvironmentString() '* '* Purpose: This function expands the environment variables. '* '* Input: [in] strOriginalString the string that needs expansion. '* Output: Returns ExpandedEnvironmentString '* '******************************************************************************
Private Function ExpandEnvironmentString(ByVal strOriginalString)
Dim ObjWshShell ' Object to hold Shell.
' Create the shell object. Set ObjWshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
If Err.Number Then WScript.Echo( L_FailCreateObject_ErrorMessage ) blnFailureMsg = TRUE QuitBasedOnSuccess EXIT_METHOD_FAIL End If
' Return the string. ExpandEnvironmentString = ObjWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(strOriginalString)
End Function
'****************************************************************************** '* Sub: ShowUsage '* '* Purpose: Shows the correct usage to the user. '* '* Input: None '* '* Output: Help messages are displayed on screen. '* '****************************************************************************** Sub ShowUsage()
WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 1 WScript.Echo( L_ShowUsageLine02_Text ) ' Line 2 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 3 WScript.Echo( L_UsageDescription_Text ) ' Line 4 WScript.Echo( L_ShowUsageLine05_Text ) ' Line 5 WScript.Echo( L_ShowUsageLine06_Text ) ' Line 6 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 7 WScript.Echo( L_ShowUsageLine08_Text ) ' Line 8 WScript.Echo( L_ShowUsageLine09_Text ) ' Line 9 WScript.Echo( L_ShowUsageLine10_Text ) ' Line 10 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 11 WScript.Echo( L_ShowUsageLine12_Text ) ' Line 12 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 13 WScript.Echo( L_ShowUsageLine14_Text ) ' Line 14 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 15 WScript.Echo( L_ShowUsageLine16_Text ) ' Line 16 WScript.Echo( L_ShowUsageLine17_Text ) ' Line 17 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 18 WScript.Echo( L_ShowUsageLine19_Text ) ' Line 19 WScript.Echo( L_ShowUsageLine20_Text ) ' Line 20 WScript.Echo( L_ShowUsageLine21_Text ) ' Line 21 WScript.Echo( L_ShowUsageLine22_Text ) ' Line 22 WScript.Echo( L_ShowUsageLine23_Text ) ' Line 23 WScript.Echo( L_ShowUsageLine24_Text ) ' Line 24 WScript.Echo( L_ShowUsageLine25_Text ) ' Line 25
End Sub
'****************************************************************************** '* Sub: ShowChangeUsage '* '* Purpose: Shows the correct usage to the user. '* '* Input: None '* '* Output: Help messages for the /Change o ption are displayed on screen. '* '****************************************************************************** Sub ShowChangeUsage()
WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 1 WScript.Echo( L_ShowChangeUsageLine02_Text ) ' Line 2 WScript.Echo( L_ShowChangeUsageLine03_Text ) ' Line 3 WScript.Echo( L_ShowChangeUsageLine04_Text ) ' Line 4 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 5 WScript.Echo( L_UsageDescription_Text ) ' Line 6 WScript.Echo( L_ShowChangeUsageLine07_Text ) ' Line 7 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 8 WScript.Echo( L_UsageParamList_Text ) ' Line 9 WScript.Echo( L_UsageMachineName_Text ) ' Line 10 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 11 WScript.Echo( L_UsageUserNameLine1_Text ) ' Line 12 WScript.Echo( L_UsageUserNameLine2_Text ) ' Line 13 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 14 WScript.Echo( L_UsagePasswordLine1_Text ) ' Line 15 WScript.Echo( L_UsagePasswordLine2_Text ) ' Line 16 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 17 WScript.Echo( L_ShowChangeUsageLine18_Text ) ' Line 18 WScript.Echo( L_ShowChangeUsageLine19_Text ) ' Line 19 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 20 WScript.Echo( L_ShowChangeUsageLine21_Text ) ' Line 21 WScript.Echo( L_ShowChangeUsageLine22_Text ) ' Line 22 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 23 WScript.Echo( L_ShowChangeUsageLine24_Text ) ' Line 24 WScript.Echo( L_ShowChangeUsageLine25_Text ) ' Line 25 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 26 WScript.Echo( L_ShowChangeUsageLine27_Text ) ' Line 27 WScript.Echo( L_ShowChangeUsageLine28_Text ) ' Line 28 WScript.Echo( L_ShowChangeUsageLine29_Text ) ' Line 29 WScript.Echo( L_ShowChangeUsageLine30_Text ) ' Line 30 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 31 WScript.Echo( L_UsageExamples_Text ) ' Line 31 WScript.Echo( L_ShowChangeUsageLine33_Text ) ' Line 33 WScript.Echo( L_ShowChangeUsageLine34_Text ) ' Line 34 WScript.Echo( L_ShowChangeUsageLine35_Text ) ' Line 35 WScript.Echo( L_ShowChangeUsageLine36_Text ) ' Line 36 WScript.Echo( L_ShowChangeUsageLine37_Text ) ' Line 37 WScript.Echo( L_ShowChangeUsageLine38_Text ) ' Line 38 WScript.Echo( L_ShowChangeUsageLine39_Text ) ' Line 39
End Sub
'****************************************************************************** '* Sub: ShowCreateUsage '* '* Purpose: Shows the correct usage to the user. '* '* Input: None '* '* Output: Help messages for the /Create option are displayed on screen. '* '****************************************************************************** Sub ShowCreateUsage()
WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 1 WScript.Echo( L_ShowCreateUsageLine02_Text ) ' Line 2 WScript.Echo( L_ShowCreateUsageLine03_Text ) ' Line 3 WScript.Echo( L_ShowCreateUsageLine04_Text ) ' Line 4 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 5 WScript.Echo( L_UsageDescription_Text ) ' Line 6 WScript.Echo( L_ShowCreateUsageLine07_Text ) ' Line 7 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 8 WScript.Echo( L_UsageParamList_Text ) ' Line 9 WScript.Echo( L_UsageMachineName_Text ) ' Line 10 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 11 WScript.Echo( L_UsageUserNameLine1_Text ) ' Line 12 WScript.Echo( L_UsageUserNameLine2_Text ) ' Line 13 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 14 WScript.Echo( L_UsagePasswordLine1_Text ) ' Line 15 WScript.Echo( L_UsagePasswordLine2_Text ) ' Line 16 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 17 WScript.Echo( L_ShowCreateUsageLine18_Text ) ' Line 18 WScript.Echo( L_ShowCreateUsageLine19_Text ) ' Line 19 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 20 WScript.Echo( L_ShowCreateUsageLine21_Text ) ' Line 21 WScript.Echo( L_ShowCreateUsageLine22_Text ) ' Line 22 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 23 WScript.Echo( L_ShowCreateUsageLine24_Text ) ' Line 24 WScript.Echo( L_ShowCreateUsageLine25_Text ) ' Line 25 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 26 WScript.Echo( L_ShowCreateUsageLine27_Text ) ' Line 27 WScript.Echo( L_ShowCreateUsageLine28_Text ) ' Line 28 WScript.Echo( L_ShowCreateUsageLine29_Text ) ' Line 29 WScript.Echo( L_ShowCreateUsageLine30_Text ) ' Line 30 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 31 WScript.Echo( L_UsageExamples_Text ) ' Line 32 WScript.Echo( L_ShowCreateUsageLine33_Text ) ' Line 33 WScript.Echo( L_ShowCreateUsageLine34_Text ) ' Line 34 WScript.Echo( L_ShowCreateUsageLine35_Text ) ' Line 35 WScript.Echo( L_ShowCreateUsageLine36_Text ) ' Line 36 WScript.Echo( L_ShowCreateUsageLine37_Text ) ' Line 37 WScript.Echo( L_ShowCreateUsageLine38_Text ) ' Line 38 WScript.Echo( L_ShowCreateUsageLine39_Text ) ' Line 39
End Sub
'****************************************************************************** '* Sub: ShowDeleteUsage '* '* Purpose: Shows the correct usage to the user. '* '* Input: None '* '* Output: Help messages for the /Delete option are displayed on screen. '* '****************************************************************************** Sub ShowDeleteUsage()
WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 1 WScript.Echo( L_ShowDeleteUsageLine02_Text ) ' Line 2 WScript.Echo( L_ShowDeleteUsageLine03_Text ) ' Line 3 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 4 WScript.Echo( L_UsageDescription_Text ) ' Line 5 WScript.Echo( L_ShowDeleteUsageLine06_Text ) ' Line 6 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 7 WScript.Echo( L_UsageParamList_Text ) ' Line 8 WScript.Echo( L_UsageMachineName_Text ) ' Line 9 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 10 WScript.Echo( L_UsageUserNameLine1_Text ) ' Line 11 WScript.Echo( L_UsageUserNameLine2_Text ) ' Line 12 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 13 WScript.Echo( L_UsagePasswordLine1_Text ) ' Line 14 WScript.Echo( L_UsagePasswordLine2_Text ) ' Line 15 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 16 WScript.Echo( L_ShowDeleteUsageLine17_Text ) ' Line 17 WScript.Echo( L_ShowDeleteUsageLine18_Text ) ' Line 18 WScript.Echo( L_ShowDeleteUsageLine19_Text ) ' Line 19 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 20 WScript.Echo( L_UsageExamples_Text ) ' Line 21 WScript.Echo( L_ShowDeleteUsageLine22_Text ) ' Line 22 WScript.Echo( L_ShowDeleteUsageLine23_Text ) ' Line 23 WScript.Echo( L_ShowDeleteUsageLine24_Text ) ' Line 24 WScript.Echo( L_ShowDeleteUsageLine25_Text ) ' Line 25
End Sub
'****************************************************************************** '* Sub: ShowQueryUsage '* '* Purpose: Shows the correct usage to the user. '* '* Input: None '* '* Output: Help messages for the /Query option are displayed on screen. '* '****************************************************************************** Sub ShowQueryUsage()
WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 1 WScript.Echo( L_ShowQueryUsageLine02_Text ) ' Line 2 WScript.Echo( L_ShowQueryUsageLine03_Text ) ' Line 3 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 4 WScript.Echo( L_UsageDescription_Text ) ' Line 5 WScript.Echo( L_ShowQueryUsageLine06_Text ) ' Line 6 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 7 WScript.Echo( L_UsageParamList_Text ) ' Line 8 WScript.Echo( L_UsageMachineName_Text ) ' Line 9 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 10 WScript.Echo( L_UsageUserNameLine1_Text ) ' Line 11 WScript.Echo( L_UsageUserNameLine2_Text ) ' Line 12 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 13 WScript.Echo( L_UsagePasswordLine1_Text ) ' Line 14 WScript.Echo( L_UsagePasswordLine2_Text ) ' Line 15 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 16 WScript.Echo( L_ShowQueryUsageLine17_Text ) ' Line 17 WScript.Echo( L_ShowQueryUsageLine18_Text ) ' Line 18 WScript.Echo( L_ShowQueryUsageLine19_Text ) ' Line 19 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 20 WScript.Echo( L_ShowQueryUsageLine21_Text ) ' Line 21 WScript.Echo( L_ShowQueryUsageLine22_Text ) ' Line 22 WScript.Echo vbCr ' Line 23 WScript.Echo( L_UsageExamples_Text ) ' Line 24 WScript.Echo( L_ShowQueryUsageLine25_Text ) ' Line 25 WScript.Echo( L_ShowQueryUsageLine26_Text ) ' Line 26 WScript.Echo( L_ShowQueryUsageLine27_Text ) ' Line 27 WScript.Echo( L_ShowQueryUsageLine28_Text ) ' Line 28 WScript.Echo( L_ShowQueryUsageLine29_Text ) ' Line 29 WScript.Echo( L_ShowQueryUsageLine30_Text ) ' Line 30 WScript.Echo( L_ShowQueryUsageLine31_Text ) ' Line 31 End Sub
'' SIG '' Begin signature block '' SIG '' MIIaLwYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIaIDCCGhwCAQExDjAMBggq '' SIG '' hkiG9w0CBQUAMGYGCisGAQQBgjcCAQSgWDBWMDIGCisG '' SIG '' AQQBgjcCAR4wJAIBAQQQTvApFpkntU2P5azhDxfrqwIB '' SIG '' AAIBAAIBAAIBAAIBADAgMAwGCCqGSIb3DQIFBQAEEHko '' SIG '' YVpKucLx6zWsK5hurrSgghS8MIICvDCCAiUCEEoZ0jiM '' SIG '' glkcpV1zXxVd3KMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQAwgZ4xHzAd '' SIG '' BgNVBAoTFlZlcmlTaWduIFRydXN0IE5ldHdvcmsxFzAV '' SIG '' BgNVBAsTDlZlcmlTaWduLCBJbmMuMSwwKgYDVQQLEyNW '' SIG '' ZXJpU2lnbiBUaW1lIFN0YW1waW5nIFNlcnZpY2UgUm9v '' SIG '' dDE0MDIGA1UECxMrTk8gTElBQklMSVRZIEFDQ0VQVEVE '' SIG '' LCAoYyk5NyBWZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjAeFw05NzA1MTIw '' SIG '' MDAwMDBaFw0wNDAxMDcyMzU5NTlaMIGeMR8wHQYDVQQK '' SIG '' ExZWZXJpU2lnbiBUcnVzdCBOZXR3b3JrMRcwFQYDVQQL '' SIG '' Ew5WZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLjEsMCoGA1UECxMjVmVyaVNp '' SIG '' Z24gVGltZSBTdGFtcGluZyBTZXJ2aWNlIFJvb3QxNDAy '' SIG '' BgNVBAsTK05PIExJQUJJTElUWSBBQ0NFUFRFRCwgKGMp '' SIG '' OTcgVmVyaVNpZ24sIEluYy4wgZ8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEB '' SIG '' BQADgY0AMIGJAoGBANMuIPBofCwtLoEcsQaypwu3EQ1X '' SIG '' 2lPYdePJMyqy1PYJWzTz6ZD+CQzQ2xtauc3n9oixncCH '' SIG '' Jet9WBBzanjLcRX9xlj2KatYXpYE/S1iEViBHMpxlNUi '' SIG '' WC/VzBQFhDa6lKq0TUrp7jsirVaZfiGcbIbASkeXarSm '' SIG '' NtX8CS3TtDmbAgMBAAEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQADgYEA '' SIG '' YVUOPnvHkhJ+ERCOIszUsxMrW+hE5At4nqR+86cHch7i '' SIG '' We/MhOOJlEzbTmHvs6T7Rj1QNAufcFb2jip/F87lY795 '' SIG '' aQdzLrCVKIr17aqp0l3NCsoQCY/Os68olsR5KYSS3P+6 '' SIG '' Z0JIppAQ5L9h+JxT5ZPRcz/4/Z1PhKxV0f0RY2MwggQC '' SIG '' MIIDa6ADAgECAhAIem1cb2KTT7rE/UPhFBidMA0GCSqG '' SIG '' SIb3DQEBBAUAMIGeMR8wHQYDVQQKExZWZXJpU2lnbiBU '' SIG '' cnVzdCBOZXR3b3JrMRcwFQYDVQQLEw5WZXJpU2lnbiwg '' SIG '' SW5jLjEsMCoGA1UECxMjVmVyaVNpZ24gVGltZSBTdGFt '' SIG '' cGluZyBTZXJ2aWNlIFJvb3QxNDAyBgNVBAsTK05PIExJ '' SIG '' QUJJTElUWSBBQ0NFUFRFRCwgKGMpOTcgVmVyaVNpZ24s '' SIG '' IEluYy4wHhcNMDEwMjI4MDAwMDAwWhcNMDQwMTA2MjM1 '' SIG '' OTU5WjCBoDEXMBUGA1UEChMOVmVyaVNpZ24sIEluYy4x '' SIG '' HzAdBgNVBAsTFlZlcmlTaWduIFRydXN0IE5ldHdvcmsx '' SIG '' OzA5BgNVBAsTMlRlcm1zIG9mIHVzZSBhdCBodHRwczov '' SIG '' L3d3dy52ZXJpc2lnbi5jb20vcnBhIChjKTAxMScwJQYD '' SIG '' VQQDEx5WZXJpU2lnbiBUaW1lIFN0YW1waW5nIFNlcnZp '' SIG '' Y2UwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIB '' SIG '' AQDAemGH67KnA2MbKxph3oC3FR2gi5A9uyeShBQ564XO '' SIG '' KZIGZkikA0+N6E+n8K9e0S8Zx5HxtZ57kSHO6f/jTvD8 '' SIG '' r5VYuGMt5o72KRjNcI5Qw+2Wu0DbviXoQlXW9oXyBueL '' SIG '' mRwx8wMP1EycJCrcGxuPgvOw76dN4xSn4I/Wx2jCYVip '' SIG '' ctT4MEhP2S9vYyDZicqCe8JLvCjFgWjn5oJArEY6oPk/ '' SIG '' Ns1Mu1RCWnple/6E5MdHVKy5PeyAxxr3xDOBgckqlft/ '' SIG '' XjqHkBTbzC518u9r5j2pYL5CAapPqluoPyIxnxIV+XOh '' SIG '' HoKLBCvqRgJMbY8fUC6VSyp4BoR0PZGPLEcxAgMBAAGj '' SIG '' gbgwgbUwQAYIKwYBBQUHAQEENDAyMDAGCCsGAQUFBzAB '' SIG '' hiRodHRwOi8vb2NzcC52ZXJpc2lnbi5jb20vb2NzcC9z '' SIG '' dGF0dXMwCQYDVR0TBAIwADBEBgNVHSAEPTA7MDkGC2CG '' SIG '' SAGG+EUBBwEBMCowKAYIKwYBBQUHAgEWHGh0dHBzOi8v '' SIG '' d3d3LnZlcmlzaWduLmNvbS9ycGEwEwYDVR0lBAwwCgYI '' SIG '' KwYBBQUHAwgwCwYDVR0PBAQDAgbAMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB '' SIG '' BAUAA4GBAC3zT2NgLBja9SQPUrMM67O8Z4XCI+2PRg3P '' SIG '' Gk2+83x6IDAyGGiLkrsymfCTuDsVBid7PgIGAKQhkoQT '' SIG '' CsWY5UBXxQUl6K+vEWqp5TvL6SP2lCldQFXzpVOdyDY6 '' SIG '' OWUIc3OkMtKvrL/HBTz/RezD6Nok0c5jrgmn++Ib4/1B '' SIG '' CmqWMIIEEjCCAvqgAwIBAgIPAMEAizw8iBHRPvZj7N9A '' SIG '' MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAMHAxKzApBgNVBAsTIkNvcHly '' SIG '' aWdodCAoYykgMTk5NyBNaWNyb3NvZnQgQ29ycC4xHjAc '' SIG '' BgNVBAsTFU1pY3Jvc29mdCBDb3Jwb3JhdGlvbjEhMB8G '' SIG '' A1UEAxMYTWljcm9zb2Z0IFJvb3QgQXV0aG9yaXR5MB4X '' SIG '' DTk3MDExMDA3MDAwMFoXDTIwMTIzMTA3MDAwMFowcDEr '' SIG '' MCkGA1UECxMiQ29weXJpZ2h0IChjKSAxOTk3IE1pY3Jv '' SIG '' c29mdCBDb3JwLjEeMBwGA1UECxMVTWljcm9zb2Z0IENv '' SIG '' cnBvcmF0aW9uMSEwHwYDVQQDExhNaWNyb3NvZnQgUm9v '' SIG '' dCBBdXRob3JpdHkwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IB '' SIG '' DwAwggEKAoIBAQCpAr3BcOY78k4bKJ+XeF4w6qKpjSVf '' SIG '' +P6VTKO3/p2iID58UaKboo9gMmvRQmR57qx2yVTa8uuc '' SIG '' hhyPn4Rms8VremIj1h083g8BkuiWxL8tZpqaaCaZ0Dos '' SIG '' vwy1WCbBRucKPjiWLKkoOajsSYNC44QPu5psVWGsgnyh '' SIG '' YC13TOmZtGQ7mlAcMQgkFJ+p55ErGOY9mGMUYFgFZZ8d '' SIG '' N1KH96fvlALGG9O/VUWziYC/OuxUlE6u/ad6bXROrxjM '' SIG '' lgkoIQBXkGBpN7tLEgc8Vv9b+6RmCgim0oFWV++2O14W '' SIG '' gXcE2va+roCV/rDNf9anGnJcPMq88AijIjCzBoXJsyB3 '' SIG '' E4XfAgMBAAGjgagwgaUwgaIGA1UdAQSBmjCBl4AQW9Bw '' SIG '' 72lyniNRfhSyTY7/y6FyMHAxKzApBgNVBAsTIkNvcHly '' SIG '' aWdodCAoYykgMTk5NyBNaWNyb3NvZnQgQ29ycC4xHjAc '' SIG '' BgNVBAsTFU1pY3Jvc29mdCBDb3Jwb3JhdGlvbjEhMB8G '' SIG '' A1UEAxMYTWljcm9zb2Z0IFJvb3QgQXV0aG9yaXR5gg8A '' SIG '' wQCLPDyIEdE+9mPs30AwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQADggEB '' SIG '' AJXoC8CN85cYNe24ASTYdxHzXGAyn54Lyz4FkYiPyTrm '' SIG '' IfLwV5MstaBHyGLv/NfMOztaqTZUaf4kbT/JzKreBXzd '' SIG '' MY09nxBwarv+Ek8YacD80EPjEVogT+pie6+qGcgrNyUt '' SIG '' vmWhEoolD2Oj91Qc+SHJ1hXzUqxuQzIH/YIX+OVnbA1R '' SIG '' 9r3xUse958Qw/CAxCYgdlSkaTdUdAqXxgOADtFv0sd3I '' SIG '' V+5lScdSVLa0AygS/5DW8AiPfriXxas3LOR65Kh343ag '' SIG '' ANBqP8HSNorgQRKoNWobats14dQcBOSoRQTIWjM4bk0c '' SIG '' DWK3CqKM09VUP0bNHFWmcNsSOoeTdZ+n0qAwggTJMIID '' SIG '' saADAgECAhBqC5lPwADeqhHU2ECaqL7mMA0GCSqGSIb3 '' SIG '' DQEBBAUAMHAxKzApBgNVBAsTIkNvcHlyaWdodCAoYykg '' SIG '' MTk5NyBNaWNyb3NvZnQgQ29ycC4xHjAcBgNVBAsTFU1p '' SIG '' Y3Jvc29mdCBDb3Jwb3JhdGlvbjEhMB8GA1UEAxMYTWlj '' SIG '' cm9zb2Z0IFJvb3QgQXV0aG9yaXR5MB4XDTAwMTIxMDA4 '' SIG '' MDAwMFoXDTA1MTExMjA4MDAwMFowgaYxCzAJBgNVBAYT '' SIG '' AlVTMRMwEQYDVQQIEwpXYXNoaW5ndG9uMRAwDgYDVQQH '' SIG '' EwdSZWRtb25kMR4wHAYDVQQKExVNaWNyb3NvZnQgQ29y '' SIG '' cG9yYXRpb24xKzApBgNVBAsTIkNvcHlyaWdodCAoYykg '' SIG '' MjAwMCBNaWNyb3NvZnQgQ29ycC4xIzAhBgNVBAMTGk1p '' SIG '' Y3Jvc29mdCBDb2RlIFNpZ25pbmcgUENBMIIBIDANBgkq '' SIG '' hkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ0AMIIBCAKCAQEAooQVU9gLMA40 '' SIG '' lf86G8LzL3ttNyNN89KM5f2v/cUCNB8kx+Wh3FTsfgJ0 '' SIG '' R6vbMlgWFFEpOPF+srSMOke1OU5uVMIxDDpt+83Ny1Cc '' SIG '' G66n2NlKJj+1xcuPluJJ8m3Y6ZY+3gXP8KZVN60vYM2A '' SIG '' YUKhSVRKDxi3S9mTmTBaR3VktNO73barDJ1PuHM7GDqq '' SIG '' tIeMsIiwTU8fThG1M4DfDTpkb0THNL1Kk5u8ph35BSNO '' SIG '' YCmPzCryhJqZrajbCnB71jRBkKW3ZsdcGx2jMw6bVAMa '' SIG '' 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