Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name: waitfor.cpp
Abstract This module is used to send and receive signals.
Revision History:
Created by Microsoft Modified on 29-6-2000 by Wipro Technologies
#include "pch.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "waitfor.h"
#include <strsafe.h>
struct Params { const WCHAR *szSignalName; // To hold the name of the signal
BOOL fSignal; // To hold the Boolean
UINT uiTimeOut; // To hold the Time to wait for.
class CWaitFor { private: WCHAR m_szSignal[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] ; WCHAR m_szServer[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; LPWSTR m_szUserName; WCHAR m_szPassword[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] ; WCHAR m_szDefault[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] ; BOOL m_bNeedPwd ; BOOL m_bConnFlag ; LONG m_dwTimeOut ; BOOL m_bLocalSystem; TCMDPARSER2 cmdOptions[MAX_OPTIONS] ; Params m_Parameters ;
public: VOID ShowUsage(); DWORD ProcessCmdLine(); CWaitFor(); ~CWaitFor(); DWORD ProcessOptions( DWORD argc ,LPCWSTR argv[] ) ; DWORD PerformOperations(); DWORD CheckForValidCharacters(); DWORD ConnectRemoteServer();
public: BOOL bShowUsage ; };
CWaitFor ::CWaitFor() /*++
Routine description : Constructor
Arguments : none
Return Value : None
--*/ { //Initialise the variables.
StringCopy(m_szSignal,NULL_U_STRING, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(m_szSignal)); StringCopy(m_szServer,NULL_U_STRING, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(m_szPassword)); StringCopy(m_szPassword,NULL_U_STRING, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(m_szPassword)); StringCopy(m_szDefault,NULL_U_STRING, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(m_szDefault)); m_szUserName = NULL; m_bNeedPwd = FALSE; m_bLocalSystem = FALSE; m_dwTimeOut = 0 ; m_bConnFlag = TRUE ; bShowUsage = FALSE; }
CWaitFor :: ~CWaitFor() /*++
Routine description : Destructor. All the memory frreing is being done here The connection established to the remote system is also being closed here if required.
Arguments : None.
Return Value : None
{ //
// Closing the connection to the remote system
// if there is no previous connection established
if(m_bConnFlag == TRUE && !m_bLocalSystem) { CloseConnection(m_szServer); } //release all the Global memory allocations.
FreeMemory( (LPVOID *) &m_szUserName ); ReleaseGlobals();
DWORD CWaitFor::ProcessCmdLine() /*++
Routine description : Function used to process the command line arguments specified by the user.
Arguments: none
Return Value : DWORD EXIT_SUCCESS : If the utility successfully performs the specified operation. EXIT_FAILURE : If the utility is unsuccessful in performing the specified operation. --*/ {
m_Parameters.uiTimeOut = MAILSLOT_WAIT_FOREVER; m_Parameters.szSignalName = NULL; m_Parameters.fSignal = FALSE;
if( (cmdOptions[OI_TIMEOUT].dwActuals != 0 ) && (cmdOptions[OI_SIGNAL].dwActuals != 0 ) ) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_MUTUAL_EX)); return EXIT_FAILURE ; }
// Display an error message if the user enters Timeout option
// and does not enter any signal name.
if( ( StringLengthW(m_szDefault, 0) == 0 ) && (m_dwTimeOut != 0) ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_SYNTAX));
return EXIT_FAILURE ; }
if(m_dwTimeOut != 0) { m_Parameters.uiTimeOut = m_dwTimeOut*TIMEOUT_CONST ; }
//set the Signal parameter to true
// if the User enters a signal name to send.
if(StringLengthW(m_szSignal, 0) ) { m_Parameters.fSignal = TRUE; m_Parameters.szSignalName = m_szSignal ; }
//set the Signal parameter to true
//if the User enters a signal name to wait for.
if(StringLengthW(m_szDefault, 0) != 0 ) { m_Parameters.fSignal = TRUE; m_Parameters.szSignalName = m_szDefault ; }
return EXIT_SUCCESS ; }
VOID CWaitFor :: ShowUsage()
Routine description : member function to show help. Arguments : none. Return Value : none
--*/ {
for( ; dwIndex <= IDS_WAITFOR_HELP_END ; dwIndex++ ) { ShowMessage( stdout,GetResString( dwIndex ) ); }
return ; }
DWORD CWaitFor::PerformOperations() /*++
Routine description : This routine is used to either send a signal or wait for a particular signal for a specified time interval.
Arguments: none .
Return Value : DWORD EXIT_FAILURE : If the utility successfully performs the operation. EXIT_SUCCESS : If the utility is unsuccessful in performing the specified operation. --*/
{ HANDLE hMailslot ;
WCHAR szComputerName[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = NULL_U_STRING ; DWORD dwNumWritten = 0 ; WCHAR szSignalName[MAX_RES_STRING] = NULL_U_STRING ; WCHAR szMailSlot[MAX_RES_STRING] = MAILSLOT ; WCHAR szHostName[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = NULL_U_STRING; WCHAR szMailSlot2[MAX_RES_STRING] = MAILSLOT2 ; DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; BOOL fRead = FALSE ; BOOL fWrite = FALSE ; BOOL bRetVal = FALSE ; DWORD dwError = 0 ; DWORD dwComputerNameLen = SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szComputerName);
bRetVal = GetComputerName(szComputerName, &dwComputerNameLen); if ( bRetVal == 0) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_SYSTEM_NAME)); return EXIT_FAILURE ; }
//display an error message if the signal length exceeds 225 characters
if( StringLengthW(m_Parameters.szSignalName, 0) > 225 ) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_SIG_LENGTH)); return EXIT_FAILURE ;
if ( EXIT_FAILURE == CheckForValidCharacters() ) { ShowLastErrorEx(stderr,SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); return EXIT_FAILURE ; }
if( (StringLengthW(m_szServer, 0) > 0 ) ) { //remove of //s infront of server name
if( IsUNCFormat(m_szServer) ) { StringCopy( szHostName, m_szServer+2, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szHostName) ); StringCopy( m_szServer, szHostName, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(m_szServer) ); }
//check if it is ip address or not
if( IsValidIPAddress(m_szServer) ) { //if it is Ip address but local system like or local ip address
if( IsLocalSystem( m_szServer ) ) { StringCopy( szHostName, szComputerName, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szHostName)); } else { dwComputerNameLen = MAX_STRING_LENGTH+1; //not local, get the remote system name
if (FALSE == GetHostByIPAddr( m_szServer, szHostName, &dwComputerNameLen, FALSE)) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_HOSTNAME)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } } else { //this is not a ip address, so copy server name as host name
StringCopy(szHostName,m_szServer, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szHostName) ); } } else { //this not a remote system, so copy local host name as host name
StringCopy(szHostName,szComputerName, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szHostName)); }
if ( ( m_Parameters.fSignal && ( (m_dwTimeOut ==0) && ( cmdOptions[OI_TIMEOUT].dwActuals != 0 ) ) ) || StringLengthW(m_szSignal, 0) != 0) { //if the target system is a local system.
if(StringLengthW(m_szServer, 0)==0) { StringCchPrintf(szSignalName, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szSignalName), szMailSlot2,m_Parameters.szSignalName); } else { //If the target system is a remote system.
//form the appropriate path
StringCopy(szSignalName,BACKSLASH4, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szSignalName)); if( IsUNCFormat( szHostName ) ) StringConcat(szSignalName,szHostName+2, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szSignalName)); else StringConcat(szSignalName,szHostName, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szSignalName));
StringConcat(szSignalName,BACKSLASH2, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szSignalName)); StringConcat(szSignalName,MAILSLOT1, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szSignalName)); StringConcat(szSignalName,BACKSLASH2, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szSignalName)); StringConcat(szSignalName,m_Parameters.szSignalName, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szSignalName)); }
//display a error message and exit if unable to create a mailslot.
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hMailslot ) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_SEND_MESSAGE)); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
if(StringLengthW(m_szServer, 0) > 0) { fWrite = WriteFile(hMailslot, szHostName, StringLengthW(szHostName, 0)+1, &dwNumWritten, NULL);
} else { fWrite = WriteFile(hMailslot, szComputerName, StringLengthW(szComputerName, 0)+1, &dwNumWritten, NULL); } if( !fWrite ) {
switch( GetLastError() ) { case ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE : ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_ERROR_SEND_MESSAGE2) ); CloseHandle(hMailslot); return EXIT_FAILURE; default : ShowMessageEx(stderr, 1, TRUE, GetResString(IDS_ERROR_SEND_SIGNAL),m_Parameters.szSignalName); return EXIT_FAILURE; } }
//close the mail slot handle.
CloseHandle(hMailslot); if (bRetVal == 0) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_HANDLE)); return EXIT_FAILURE ; }
if (fWrite) { ShowMessage( stdout, NEWLINE ); ShowMessage(stdout,GetResString(IDS_SIGNAL_SENT)); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } else { if(StringLengthW(m_szServer, 0)==0) { StringCchPrintf(szSignalName, MAX_RES_STRING, szMailSlot,m_Parameters.szSignalName); } else { StringCchPrintf( szSignalName, MAX_RES_STRING, L"%s%s%s%s%s%s", BACKSLASH4, szHostName, BACKSLASH2,MAILSLOT1,BACKSLASH2,m_Parameters.szSignalName ); }
//swprintf(szSignalName, szMailSlot, m_Parameters.szSignalName);
// Create a mail slot
hMailslot = CreateMailslot(szSignalName,256,m_Parameters.uiTimeOut, NULL);
//Display a error message and exit if unable to create a mail slot.
if (hMailslot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_CREATE_MAILSLOT)); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
//Read the data from the mail slot.
fRead = ReadFile(hMailslot, szComputerName,MAX_STRING_LENGTH, &dwBytesRead, NULL);
//Close the Handle to the mail slot.
if (!fRead) { dwError = GetLastError();
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT) { ShowMessageEx(stderr, 1, TRUE, GetResString(IDS_ERROR_TIMEOUT),m_Parameters.szSignalName); } else { ShowMessageEx(stderr, 1, TRUE, GetResString(IDS_UNEXPECTED_ERROR),dwError); } return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { ShowMessage( stdout, NEWLINE ); ShowMessage(stdout,GetResString(IDS_SIGNAL_RECD)); } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
DWORD CWaitFor:: ProcessOptions( IN DWORD argc , IN LPCWSTR argv[] ) /*++
Routine description : This function parses the options specified at the command prompt Arguments: [ in ] argc : count of elements in argv [ in ] argv : command-line parameterd specified by the user
Return Value : DWORD EXIT_FAILURE : If the utility successfully performs the operation. EXIT_SUCCESS : If the utility is unsuccessful in performing the specified operation. --*/
{ PTCMDPARSER2 pcmdOption;
StringCopy(m_szPassword, L"*", MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
//Fill each structure with the appropriate value.
// help option
pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[OI_USAGE] ; pcmdOption->dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1 ; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = CP_USAGE ; pcmdOption->pValue = &bShowUsage; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL ; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL ; pcmdOption->dwLength = 0; pcmdOption->pwszFriendlyName=NULL; pcmdOption->dwReserved = 0; pcmdOption->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved3 = NULL; pcmdOption->pwszValues=NULL; pcmdOption->pwszOptions=OPTION_HELP; StringCopyA(cmdOptions[OI_USAGE].szSignature, "PARSER2", 8 ); //server
pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[OI_SERVER] ; pcmdOption->dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1 ; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = CP_VALUE_MANDATORY | CP2_VALUE_TRIMINPUT | CP2_VALUE_NONULL; pcmdOption->pValue = m_szServer ; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL ; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL ; pcmdOption->dwLength = MAX_STRING_LENGTH; pcmdOption->pwszFriendlyName=NULL; pcmdOption->dwReserved = 0; pcmdOption->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved3 = NULL; pcmdOption->pwszValues=NULL; pcmdOption->pwszOptions=OPTION_SERVER; StringCopyA(cmdOptions[OI_SERVER].szSignature, "PARSER2", 8 ); //User
pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[OI_USER] ; pcmdOption->dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1 ; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = CP2_ALLOCMEMORY | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY | CP2_VALUE_TRIMINPUT | CP2_VALUE_NONULL ; pcmdOption->pValue = NULL ; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL ; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL ; pcmdOption->dwLength = 0; pcmdOption->pwszFriendlyName=NULL; pcmdOption->dwReserved = 0; pcmdOption->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved3 = NULL; pcmdOption->pwszValues=NULL; pcmdOption->pwszOptions=OPTION_USER; StringCopyA(cmdOptions[OI_USER].szSignature, "PARSER2", 8 ); //password
pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[OI_PASSWORD] ; pcmdOption->dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1 ; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = CP2_VALUE_OPTIONAL ; pcmdOption->pValue = m_szPassword ; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL ; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL ; pcmdOption->dwLength = MAX_STRING_LENGTH; pcmdOption->pwszFriendlyName=NULL; pcmdOption->dwReserved = 0; pcmdOption->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved3 = NULL; pcmdOption->pwszValues=NULL; pcmdOption->pwszOptions=OPTION_PASSWORD; StringCopyA(cmdOptions[OI_PASSWORD].szSignature, "PARSER2", 8 ); pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[OI_SIGNAL] ; pcmdOption->dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1 ; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = CP_VALUE_MANDATORY; //CP2_VALUE_OPTIONAL ;
pcmdOption->pValue = m_szSignal ; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL ; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL ; pcmdOption->dwLength = MAX_STRING_LENGTH; pcmdOption->pwszFriendlyName=NULL; pcmdOption->dwReserved = 0; pcmdOption->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved3 = NULL; pcmdOption->pwszValues=NULL; pcmdOption->pwszOptions=OPTION_SIGNAL; StringCopyA(cmdOptions[OI_SIGNAL].szSignature, "PARSER2", 8 ); pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[OI_TIMEOUT] ; pcmdOption->dwType = CP_TYPE_NUMERIC; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1 ; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = CP_VALUE_MANDATORY ; pcmdOption->pValue = &m_dwTimeOut ; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL ; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL ; pcmdOption->dwLength = MAX_STRING_LENGTH; pcmdOption->pwszFriendlyName=NULL; pcmdOption->dwReserved = 0; pcmdOption->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved3 = NULL; pcmdOption->pwszValues=NULL; pcmdOption->pwszOptions=OPTION_TIMEOUT; StringCopyA(cmdOptions[OI_TIMEOUT].szSignature, "PARSER2", 8 );
pcmdOption = &cmdOptions[OI_DEFAULT] ; pcmdOption->dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; pcmdOption->dwCount = 1 ; pcmdOption->dwActuals = 0; pcmdOption->dwFlags = CP2_DEFAULT ; pcmdOption->pValue = m_szDefault ; pcmdOption->pFunction = NULL ; pcmdOption->pFunctionData = NULL ; pcmdOption->dwLength = MAX_STRING_LENGTH; pcmdOption->pwszFriendlyName=NULL; pcmdOption->dwReserved = 0; pcmdOption->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdOption->pReserved3 = NULL; pcmdOption->pwszValues=NULL; pcmdOption->pwszOptions=OPTION_DEFAULT; StringCopyA(cmdOptions[OI_DEFAULT].szSignature, "PARSER2", 8 );
//parse the command line arguments
if ( ! DoParseParam2( argc, argv, -1, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(cmdOptions ), cmdOptions, 0 ) ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_TAG_ERROR)); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,SPACE_CHAR); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetReason()); return (EXIT_FAILURE); }
m_szUserName = (LPWSTR)cmdOptions[OI_USER].pValue;
TrimString(m_szSignal, TRIM_ALL); TrimString(m_szDefault, TRIM_ALL); TrimString(m_szServer, TRIM_ALL); TrimString(m_szUserName, TRIM_ALL);
//this is to check if both signal to wait and /si are mentioned
if( StringLengthW( m_szDefault, 0) != 0 && cmdOptions[OI_SIGNAL].dwActuals != 0 ) { ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_ERROR_SYNTAX) ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
// Display an error message if user gives -u with out -s
if( (cmdOptions[ OI_USER ].dwActuals != 0 ) && ( cmdOptions[ OI_SERVER ].dwActuals == 0 ) ) { ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_USER_BUT_NOMACHINE) ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
// Display an error message if user gives -p with out -u
if( ( cmdOptions[ OI_USER ].dwActuals == 0 ) && ( 0 != cmdOptions[ OI_PASSWORD ].dwActuals ) ) { ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_PASSWD_BUT_NOUSER) ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
//check for remote system without specifying /si option and
if((StringLengthW(m_szServer,0) !=0) && cmdOptions[OI_SIGNAL].dwActuals == 0) { ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_ERROR_SYNTAX) ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
//check for remote system can't wait for a signal
if((StringLengthW(m_szServer, 0) !=0) && (cmdOptions[OI_DEFAULT].dwActuals != 0 ) ) { ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_ERROR_SYNTAX) ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
//check for null default value
if( ( 0 != cmdOptions[OI_DEFAULT].dwActuals ) && ( 0 == StringLengthW(m_szDefault, 0) ) ) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_SYNTAX)); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
//check for null /si value
if( ( 0 != cmdOptions[OI_SIGNAL].dwActuals ) && ( 0 == StringLengthW(m_szSignal, 0) ) ) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_SYNTAX)); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
if ( ( (m_dwTimeOut <= 0 ) || (m_dwTimeOut >99999 ) )&&( 0 != cmdOptions[OI_TIMEOUT].dwActuals ) ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE ( stderr, GetResString ( IDS_INVALID_TIMEOUT_VAL) ); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
if( IsUNCFormat(m_szServer) ) { StringCopy(m_szServer, m_szServer+2, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(m_szServer) ); } //check if password is needed or not
if(IsLocalSystem( m_szServer ) == FALSE ) { // set the bNeedPassword to True or False .
if ( cmdOptions[ OI_PASSWORD ].dwActuals != 0 && m_szPassword != NULL && StringCompare( m_szPassword, _T( "*" ), TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) { // user wants the utility to prompt for the password before trying to connect
m_bNeedPwd = TRUE; } else if ( cmdOptions[ OI_PASSWORD ].dwActuals == 0 && ( cmdOptions[ OI_SERVER ].dwActuals != 0 || cmdOptions[ OI_USER ].dwActuals != 0 ) ) { // -s, -u is specified without password ...
// utility needs to try to connect first and if it fails then prompt for the password
m_bNeedPwd = TRUE; if ( m_szPassword != NULL ) { StringCopy( m_szPassword, _T( "" ), MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); } }
//allocate memory if /u is not specified
if( NULL == m_szUserName ) { m_szUserName = (LPWSTR) AllocateMemory( MAX_STRING_LENGTH*sizeof(WCHAR) ); } }
return EXIT_SUCCESS ; }
DWORD CWaitFor::ConnectRemoteServer() /*++
Routine description : This function connects to the Remote server.
Arguments: None
Return Value : DWORD EXIT_FAILURE : If the utility successfully performs the operation. EXIT_SUCCESS : If the utility is unsuccessful in performing the specified operation. --*/ { BOOL bResult = FALSE ;
//checking for the local system
m_bLocalSystem = IsLocalSystem(m_szServer); if( m_bLocalSystem && StringLengthW(m_szUserName, 0) != 0) { ShowMessage( stderr, NEWLINE ); ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString( IDS_IGNORE_LOCALCREDENTIALS ) ); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
if ( ( StringLengthW(m_szServer, 0) != 0 ) && !m_bLocalSystem ) {
//establish a connection to the Remote system specified by the user.
bResult = EstablishConnection(m_szServer, m_szUserName, (StringLengthW(m_szUserName,0)!=0?SIZE_OF_ARRAY_IN_CHARS(m_szUserName):MAX_STRING_LENGTH), m_szPassword, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(m_szPassword), m_bNeedPwd);
if (bResult == FALSE) { ShowMessage( stderr,GetResString(IDS_TAG_ERROR )); ShowMessage( stderr,SPACE_CHAR ); ShowMessage( stderr, GetReason()); SecureZeroMemory( m_szPassword, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(m_szPassword) ); return EXIT_FAILURE ; } else { switch( GetLastError() ) { case I_NO_CLOSE_CONNECTION: m_bConnFlag = FALSE ; break;
case E_LOCAL_CREDENTIALS: case ERROR_SESSION_CREDENTIAL_CONFLICT: { m_bConnFlag = FALSE ; ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_TAG_WARNING) ); ShowMessage( stderr, EMPTY_SPACE ); ShowMessage( stderr, GetReason() ); break; } } } SecureZeroMemory( m_szPassword, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(m_szPassword) ); }
if( StringLength(m_szServer, 0) != 0 && TRUE == IsLocalSystem(IsUNCFormat(m_szServer)?m_szServer+2:m_szServer) ) { if( StringLength( m_szUserName, 0 ) > 0 ) { ShowMessage( stdout, NEWLINE ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString(IDS_IGNORE_LOCALCREDENTIALS) ); } }
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
DWORD CWaitFor::CheckForValidCharacters() { // local variables
char ch; unsigned char uch; LPSTR pszSignal = NULL; DWORD dw = 0, dwLength = 0;
// validate the input parameters
if ( NULL == m_Parameters.szSignalName ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_NAME ); SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// find the required no. of byte to translate the UNICODE name into ANSI
dwLength = WideCharToMultiByte( GetConsoleOutputCP(), 0, m_Parameters.szSignalName, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); if ( 0 == dwLength ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_NAME ); SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// check the signal name for validity
// here to optimize the checking, we will get the normal length of the string in UNCIDE format and
// will compare to the length we got for translating it into Multi-byte
// if we find that the two lengths are different, then, the signal name might have contained the double-byte
// characters -- which is invalid and not allowed
// so ...
if ( StringLength( m_Parameters.szSignalName, 0 ) != dwLength - 1 ) { // yes -- the signal name has double-byte characters
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_NAME ); SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// now, we are sure the signal name doesn't contain double-byte characters
// the second step to validate the signal is -- making sure that signal name contains
// only characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and upper ASCII characters i.e; ASCII characters in the range of 128-255
// so, convert the UNICODE string into ANSI format ( multi-byte (or) single-byte )
// for that
// #1. Allocate the needed memory
// #2. Do the conversion
// #3. do the validation
// #1
pszSignal = (LPSTR) AllocateMemory( dwLength*sizeof( CHAR ) ); if ( NULL == pszSignal ) { SetLastError((DWORD) E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// #2 -- assuming no need to for error checking
WideCharToMultiByte( GetConsoleOutputCP(), 0, m_Parameters.szSignalName, -1, pszSignal, dwLength, NULL, NULL );
// #3
// in this step, traverse thru all the characters in the string one-by-one and validate it
for( dw = 0; dw < dwLength - 1; dw++ ) { // get the current character in the string into local buffer
ch = pszSignal[ dw ]; // signed version
uch = static_cast< unsigned char >( pszSignal[ dw ] );
// signed comparision --> a-z, A-Z and 0-9
if ( ( ch >= 48 && ch <= 57 ) || ( ch >= 65 && ch <= 90 ) || ( ch >= 97 && ch <= 122 ) ) { // this particular character is acceptable in the signal name
continue; }
// unsigned comparision --> ASCII 128 - 255
if ( uch < 128 || uch > 255 ) { // this character is not acceptable for the signal name
FreeMemory((LPVOID*) &pszSignal ); pszSignal = NULL; SetReason( GetResString(IDS_ERROR_SIG_CHAR) ); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
} if( pszSignal != NULL ) { FreeMemory((LPVOID*) &pszSignal ); }
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
DWORD __cdecl wmain( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCWSTR argv[] ) /*++
Routine description : Main function which calls all the other main functions depending on the option specified by the user.
Arguments: [in] argc : argument count specified at the command prompt. [in] argv : arguments specified at the command prompt.
Return Value : DWORD 0 : If the utility successfully performs the operation. 1 : If the utility is unsuccessful in performing the specified operation. --*/
{ CWaitFor WaitFor ;
//display a syntax error if no arguments are given.
if(argc==1) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_SYNTAX)); return (EXIT_FAILURE); }
//Process the command line arguments.
if(WaitFor.ProcessOptions( argc,argv) == EXIT_FAILURE) { return EXIT_FAILURE ; }
if((WaitFor.bShowUsage ==TRUE) && ( argc > 2 ) ) {
ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_SYNTAX)); return EXIT_FAILURE ; }
//display the help if the user selects help.
if (WaitFor.bShowUsage == TRUE ) { WaitFor.ShowUsage(); return EXIT_SUCCESS ; }
// Perform the validations and
// display error messages if required.
if(WaitFor.ProcessCmdLine() == EXIT_FAILURE ) { return EXIT_FAILURE ; }
if( WaitFor.ConnectRemoteServer() == EXIT_FAILURE ) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } //
//Sends the signal or waits for the signal depending upon the
// user specification
if(WaitFor.PerformOperations() == EXIT_FAILURE) { return EXIT_FAILURE ; }
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }