// Copyright (C) 1993, Microsoft Corporation.
// File: filesec.cxx
// Classes: CFileSecurity class encapsulating SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
// History: Nov-93 DaveMont Created.
// Oct-96 BrunoSc Modified
#include "pch.h"
#include "filesec.hxx"
#include "caclsmsg.h"
// Function: Add2Ptr
// Synopsis: Add an unscaled increment to a ptr regardless of type.
// Arguments: [pv] -- Initial ptr.
// [cb] -- Increment
// Returns: Incremented ptr.
VOID * Add2Ptr(VOID *pv, ULONG cb) { return((BYTE *) pv + cb); } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Member: CFileSecurity::CFileSecurity, public
// Synopsis: initializes data members
// constructor will not throw
// Arguments: [filename] - name of file to apply security descriptor to
CFileSecurity::CFileSecurity(LPWSTR filename) : _psd(NULL), _pwfilename(filename) { } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Member: CFileSecurity::Init, public
// Synopsis: Init must be called before any other methods - this
// is not enforced. gets security descriptor from file
// Arguments: none
ULONG CFileSecurity::Init() { ULONG ret; ULONG cpsd;
// get the size of the security buffer
if (!GetFileSecurity((LPCTSTR)_pwfilename, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION | GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION | OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NULL, 0, &cpsd) ) { if (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == (ret = GetLastError())) { if (NULL == (_psd = (BYTE *)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cpsd))) { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
// actually get the buffer this time
if ( GetFileSecurity((LPCTSTR)_pwfilename, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION | GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION | OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION, _psd, cpsd, &cpsd) ) ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; else ret = GetLastError();
} // the following section was inserted to test an error when access to a file
// has been denied
else { if (ret == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { return(ret); } }
return(ret); } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Member: Dtor, public
// Synopsis: frees security descriptor if allocated
// Arguments: none
CFileSecurity::~CFileSecurity() { if (_psd) { LocalFree(_psd); } }
// Member: CFileSecurity::SetFS, public
// Synopsis: sets or modifies the security descriptor DACL on the specified file
// Arguments: IN - [fmodify] - TRUE = modify ACL, FALSE = replace ACL
// IN - [pcdw] - wrapper around new ACEs
// IN - [fdir] - TRUE = directory
// Returns: status
ULONG CFileSecurity::SetFS(BOOL fmodify, CDaclWrap *pcdw, BOOL fdir) { BOOL fdaclpresent; BOOL cod; ACL *pdacl; ULONG ret;
// get the ACL from the security descriptor
if ( GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(_psd, &fdaclpresent, &pdacl, &cod) )
{ if (fdaclpresent) { // build the new ACL (from the new ACEs and the old ACL)
PACL pnewdacl = NULL;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == (ret = pcdw->BuildAcl(&pnewdacl, fmodify ? pdacl : NULL, pdacl ? pdacl->AclRevision : ACL_REVISION, fdir) )) { // make a new security descriptor
SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR newsd; //NTRAID#NTBUG9-547532-2002/03/28-hiteshr
if(!InitializeSecurityDescriptor( &newsd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION )) { LocalFree(pnewdacl); return GetLastError(); }
if(!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl( &newsd, TRUE, pnewdacl, FALSE )) { LocalFree(pnewdacl); return GetLastError(); }
// apply it to the file
if (!SetFileSecurity(_pwfilename, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, &newsd)) { ret = GetLastError(); } LocalFree(pnewdacl); } } else return(ERROR_NO_SECURITY_ON_OBJECT); } else { ret = GetLastError(); }
return(ret); }