Copyright (C) 1992-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains macros for more easily dealing with windows messages and objects. Think of it as an extension to windows.h. --*/
// Macros //
#define SetFont(hWnd, hFont) \
(SendMessage ((hWnd), WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hFont, (LPARAM)0))
#define GetFont(hWnd) \
(HFONT)(SendMessage((hWnd), WM_GETFONT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0))
#define PrintClient(hWnd, hDC, uFlags) \
(SendMessage((hWnd), WM_PRINTCLIENT, (WPARAM)hDC, (LPARAM)(uFlags)) )
// Object-differentiation routines //
// Windows APIs deal with all GDI objects the same. There's a SelectObject,
// no SelectBitmap, SelectFont, etc. We use these instead to make the code
// easier to read. Also, you can redefine one of these to check the
// validity of a particular GDI object type.
#define SelectBitmap(hDC, hBitmap) \
((HBITMAP)SelectObject (hDC, hBitmap))
#define SelectFont(hDC, hFont) \
((HFONT)SelectObject (hDC, hFont))
#define SelectBrush(hDC, hBrush) \
((HBRUSH)SelectObject (hDC, hBrush))
#define DeleteBrush(hBrush) \
(DeleteObject (hBrush))
#define SelectPen(hDC, hPen) \
((HPEN)SelectObject (hDC, hPen))
#define DeletePen(hPen) \
(DeleteObject (hPen))
// //
#define CBData(hWndCB, iIndex) \
(SendMessage (hWndCB, CB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)iIndex, (LPARAM)0))
#define CBSetData(hWndCB, iIndex, lData) \
(SendMessage (hWndCB, CB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)iIndex, (LPARAM)lData))
#define CBAdd(hWndCB, lpszText) \
((INT)(DWORD)SendMessage((hWndCB), CB_ADDSTRING, \ (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR)(lpszText)))
#define CBDelete(hWndCB, iIndex) \
((INT)(DWORD)SendMessage((hWndCB), CB_DELETESTRING, \ (WPARAM)iIndex, (LPARAM)0))
#define CBFind(hWndCB, lpszText) \
(SendMessage (hWndCB, CB_FINDSTRING, (WPARAM)(-1), (LPARAM) lpszText))
#define CBInsert(hWndCB, iIndex, lpszText) \
(SendMessage (hWndCB, CB_INSERTSTRING, (WPARAM)iIndex, (LPARAM) lpszText))
#define CBNumItems(hWndCB) \
((INT) SendMessage (hWndCB, CB_GETCOUNT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0))
#define CBReset(hWndCB) \
#define CBSelection(hWndCB) \
((INT)(DWORD)(SendMessage (hWndCB, CB_GETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0)))
#define CBSetSelection(hWndCB, iIndex) \
((INT)(DWORD)SendMessage ((hWndCB), CB_SETCURSEL, \ (WPARAM)iIndex, (LPARAM)0))
#define CBString(hWndCB, iIndex, lpszText) \
(SendMessage (hWndCB, CB_GETLBTEXT, (WPARAM)iIndex, (LPARAM)lpszText))
#define CBStringLen(hWndCB, iIndex) \
(SendMessage (hWndCB, CB_GETLBTEXTLEN, (WPARAM)iIndex, (LPARAM)0))
// Listbox helpers //
#define LBAdd(hWndLB, lpszText) \
(SendMessage (hWndLB, LB_ADDSTRING, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)lpszText))
#define LBData(hWndLB, iIndex) \
(SendMessage (hWndLB, LB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)iIndex, (LPARAM)0))
#define LBDelete(hWndLB, iIndex) \
(SendMessage (hWndLB, LB_DELETESTRING, (WPARAM)iIndex, (LPARAM)0))
#define LBFind(hWndLB, lpszText) \
(SendMessage (hWndLB, LB_FINDSTRING, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)lpszText))
#define LBFocus(hWndLB) \
#define LBInsert(hWndLB, iIndex, lpszText) \
(SendMessage (hWndLB, LB_INSERTSTRING, (WPARAM)iIndex, (LPARAM)lpszText))
#define LBNumItems(hWndLB) \
((INT) SendMessage (hWndLB, LB_GETCOUNT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0))
#define LBReset(hWndLB) \
#define LBSelected(hwndLB, index) \
((INT)(DWORD)SendMessage((hwndLB), LB_GETSEL, \ (WPARAM)(INT)(index), (LPARAM)0))
#define LBSelection(hWndLB) \
#define LBSetData(hWndLB, iIndex, lData) \
(SendMessage (hWndLB, LB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)iIndex, (LPARAM)lData))
#define LBSetSelection(hWndLB, iIndex) \
(SendMessage (hWndLB, LB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)iIndex, (LPARAM)0))
#define MLBSetSelection(hWndMLB, iIndex, bSet) \
(SendMessage (hWndMLB, LB_SETSEL, (WPARAM)bSet, (LPARAM)iIndex))
#define LBSetVisible(hWndLB, iIndex) \
(SendMessage (hWndLB, LB_SETCARETINDEX, (WPARAM)iIndex, (LPARAM)0))
#define LBSetRedraw(hWndLB, bDrawOnOff) \
(SendMessage (hWndLB, WM_SETREDRAW, (WPARAM)bDrawOnOff, (LPARAM)0))
#define LBSetHorzExtent(hWndLB, wExtent) \
#define LBSetItemHeight(hWndLB, iHeight) \
(SendMessage (hWndLB, LB_SETITEMHEIGHT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)iHeight))
#define LBGetTextLen(hWndLB, iIndex) \
(SendMessage (hWndLB, LB_GETTEXTLEN, (WPARAM)iIndex, (LPARAM)0))
#define LBGetText(hWndLB, iIndex, szPath) \
(SendMessage (hWndLB, LB_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)iIndex, (LPARAM)szPath))
#define LBSelectCount(hWndLB) \
#define LBSetSel(hWndLB, fSelected, iIndex) \
(SendMessage (hWndLB, LB_SETSEL, (WPARAM)fSelected, (LPARAM)iIndex))
#define LBGetSelItems(hWndLB, nMax, pBuffer) \
((INT)SendMessage (hWndLB, LB_GETSELITEMS, (WPARAM)nMax, (LPARAM)pBuffer))
// Edit helpers //
#define EditModified(hWndEdit) \
(SendMessage ((hWndEdit), EM_GETMODIFY, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0))
#define EditSetModified(hWndEdit, bModified) \
(SendMessage ((hWndEdit), EM_SETMODIFY, (WPARAM)bModified, (LPARAM)0))
#define EditSetLimit(hWndEdit, iLimit) \
(SendMessage ((hWndEdit), EM_LIMITTEXT, (WPARAM)iLimit, (LPARAM)0)) #define EditSetTextPos(hWnd, idControl, iStartPos, iEndPos) \
(SendMessage (GetDlgItem(hWnd, idControl), EM_SETSEL, (WPARAM)iStartPos, (LPARAM)iEndPos))
#define EditSetTextEndPos(hWnd, idControl) \
EditSetTextPos(hWnd, idControl, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)32767)
// Cursor helpers //
#define SetHourglassCursor() \
(SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT)))
#define SetArrowCursor() \
(SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)))