// smcys.cpp : Implementation of CSMCys
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SMCys.h"
#ifndef ASSERT
#include "setupapi.h"
#include "shlobj.h"
#include "fileperms.h"
const TCHAR* pszaMainFilePath[] = { _T("BOMSnap.dll"), _T("BackSnap.dll"), _T("servmgmt.msc"), _T("wizchain.dll"), _T("au_accnt.dll"), _T("addusr.exe"), _T("servhome.htm"), _T("") };
const TCHAR* pszaImagesFilePath[] = { _T("backup.gif"), _T("doc.gif"), _T("folder.gif"), _T("nt_brand.gif"), _T("bg.gif"), _T("cysprint.gif"), _T("cysuser.gif"), _T("") };
tstring AddBS( const TCHAR *szDirIn ) { if (!szDirIn || !_tcslen( szDirIn )) return _T("");
tstring str = szDirIn;
// Do another MBCS ANSI safe comparison
const TCHAR *szTemp = szDirIn; const UINT iSize = _tcsclen( szDirIn ) - 1; for( UINT ui = 0; ui < iSize; ui++ ) szTemp = CharNext( szTemp );
if (_tcsncmp( szTemp, _T("\\"), 1)) str += _T("\\");
return str; }
BOOL DirExists( const TCHAR *szDir ) { _ASSERT( szDir ); if (!szDir || !_tcslen( szDir )) return FALSE;
DWORD dw = GetFileAttributes( szDir ); if (dw != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { if (dw & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
HRESULT RegisterFile( tstring strFile ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
HMODULE hDLL = LoadLibrary( strFile.c_str() );
if( hDLL ) { HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE * lpDllEntryPoint)(void); (FARPROC&)lpDllEntryPoint = GetProcAddress( hDLL, "DllRegisterServer" ); if( lpDllEntryPoint ) { hr = (*lpDllEntryPoint)(); } FreeLibrary( hDLL ); }
return hr; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSMCys::CSMCys() { }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSMCys::~CSMCys() { }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Install()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CSMCys::Install( BSTR bstrDiskName ) { if( !bstrDiskName ) return E_POINTER;
// Create the Administration directory
tstring strMainInstallPath = _T(""); tstring strImagesInstallPath = _T(""); TCHAR szSysDir[MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; tstring strKey = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Setup"); tstring strValue = _T("SourcePath"); TCHAR szSuggDir[MAX_PATH] = {0}; tstring strDirectory = _T(""); CRegKey cReg;
if( cReg.Open( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKey.c_str() ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DWORD dwRegCount = MAX_PATH; if( cReg.QueryValue(szSuggDir, strValue.c_str(), &dwRegCount) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { szSuggDir[0] = _T('\0'); } else { strDirectory = AddBS(szSuggDir); #if defined(_M_IA64)
strDirectory += _T("ia64"); #else
strDirectory += _T("i386"); #endif
} cReg.Close(); }
// Create ADministration Folder
if( !SHGetSpecialFolderPath( ::GetForegroundWindow(), szSysDir, CSIDL_SYSTEM, TRUE ) ) { return E_FAIL; } strMainInstallPath = szSysDir; strMainInstallPath += _T("\\Administration");
if( !DirExists( strMainInstallPath.c_str() ) && !CreateDirectory( strMainInstallPath.c_str(), NULL ) ) { return E_FAIL; }
// Set permissions on Admin Folder
HRESULT hrAdmin = AddPermissionToPath( strMainInstallPath.c_str(), DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, FILE_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, TRUE ); if( FAILED(hrAdmin) ) return hrAdmin; HRESULT hrServerOps = AddPermissionToPath( strMainInstallPath.c_str(), DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_SYSTEM_OPS ); if( FAILED(hrServerOps) ) return hrServerOps;
strImagesInstallPath = strMainInstallPath; strImagesInstallPath += _T("\\images");
if( !DirExists( strImagesInstallPath.c_str() ) && !CreateDirectory( strImagesInstallPath.c_str(), NULL ) ) { return E_FAIL; }
// Copy the main files and register any DLLs
int nCurrentFile = 0; const TCHAR* szCurrentFile = NULL;
for( szCurrentFile = pszaMainFilePath[nCurrentFile++]; _tcslen(szCurrentFile); szCurrentFile = pszaMainFilePath[nCurrentFile++] ) { DWORD dwLen = MAX_PATH - 1; DWORD dwRealLen = 0; UINT nRes = DPROMPT_SUCCESS; TCHAR* pszPath = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH]; if( !pszPath ) continue;
nRes = SetupPromptForDisk( ::GetForegroundWindow(), NULL, bstrDiskName, strDirectory.c_str(), szCurrentFile, NULL, IDF_CHECKFIRST | IDF_NOBEEP | IDF_WARNIFSKIP, pszPath, dwLen, &dwRealLen );
if( nRes == DPROMPT_BUFFERTOOSMALL ) { delete [] pszPath; dwLen = dwRealLen; pszPath = new TCHAR[dwRealLen]; if( !pszPath ) continue; nRes = SetupPromptForDisk( ::GetForegroundWindow(), NULL, bstrDiskName, strDirectory.c_str(), szCurrentFile, NULL, IDF_CHECKFIRST | IDF_NOBEEP | IDF_WARNIFSKIP, pszPath, dwLen, &dwRealLen ); } if( nRes == DPROMPT_SUCCESS ) { // Store away the new, real path
strDirectory = pszPath;
// Copy the file!
tstring strSourceFile = pszPath; strSourceFile += _T("\\"); strSourceFile += szCurrentFile;
tstring strDestFile = strMainInstallPath; strDestFile += _T("\\"); strDestFile += szCurrentFile;
if( SetupDecompressOrCopyFile( strSourceFile.c_str(), strDestFile.c_str(), NULL ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); if ( (dwError != ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) && (dwError != ERROR_USER_MAPPED_FILE) ) // We don't want to fail if it already exists
{ return E_FAIL; } }
TCHAR szExt[_MAX_EXT] = {0}; _tsplitpath( strDestFile.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, szExt );
if ( _tcscmp( szExt, _T(".dll") ) == 0 ) { RegisterFile( strDestFile ); } }
delete [] pszPath;
if( nRes != DPROMPT_SUCCESS ) { return E_FAIL; } }
// Copy the image files
nCurrentFile = 0; for( szCurrentFile = pszaImagesFilePath[nCurrentFile++]; _tcslen(szCurrentFile); szCurrentFile = pszaImagesFilePath[nCurrentFile++] ) { DWORD dwLen = MAX_PATH-1; DWORD dwRealLen = 0; UINT nRes = DPROMPT_SUCCESS; TCHAR* pszPath = new TCHAR[MAX_PATH]; if( !pszPath ) continue; nRes = SetupPromptForDisk( ::GetForegroundWindow(), NULL, bstrDiskName, strDirectory.c_str(), szCurrentFile, NULL, IDF_CHECKFIRST | IDF_NOBEEP | IDF_WARNIFSKIP, pszPath, dwLen, &dwRealLen ); if( nRes == DPROMPT_BUFFERTOOSMALL ) { delete [] pszPath; dwLen = dwRealLen; pszPath = new TCHAR[dwRealLen]; if( !pszPath ) continue; nRes = SetupPromptForDisk( ::GetForegroundWindow(), NULL, bstrDiskName, strDirectory.c_str(), szCurrentFile, NULL, IDF_CHECKFIRST | IDF_NOBEEP | IDF_WARNIFSKIP, pszPath, dwLen, &dwRealLen ); } if( nRes == DPROMPT_SUCCESS ) { // Store away the new, real path
strDirectory = pszPath;
// Copy the file!
tstring strSourceFile = pszPath; strSourceFile += _T("\\"); strSourceFile += szCurrentFile;
tstring strDestFile = strImagesInstallPath; strDestFile += _T("\\"); strDestFile += szCurrentFile;
if( SetupDecompressOrCopyFile( strSourceFile.c_str(), strDestFile.c_str(), NULL ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); if ( (dwError != ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) && (dwError != ERROR_USER_MAPPED_FILE) ) // We don't want to fail if it already exists
{ return E_FAIL; } } } delete [] pszPath;
if( nRes != DPROMPT_SUCCESS ) { return E_FAIL; } }
return S_OK; }