// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
// File: CYSWizardPage.h
// Synopsis: Declares the base class for the wizard
// pages used for CYS. It is a subclass
// of WizardPage found in Burnslib
// History: 02/03/2001 JeffJon Created
// This brush is defined in cys.cpp and
// is created to override the default background
// window color. CYSWizardPage returns this from
// the OnCtlColor* virtual functions.
extern HBRUSH brush;
class CYSWizardPage : public WizardPage { public: // Constructor
CYSWizardPage( int dialogResID, int titleResID, int subtitleResID, PCWSTR pageHelpString = 0, bool hasHelp = true, bool isInteriorPage = true);
// Destructor
virtual ~CYSWizardPage();
virtual void OnInit();
virtual bool OnWizNext();
virtual bool OnQueryCancel();
virtual bool OnHelp();
virtual HBRUSH OnCtlColorDlg( HDC deviceContext, HWND dialog);
virtual HBRUSH OnCtlColorStatic( HDC deviceContext, HWND dialog);
virtual HBRUSH OnCtlColorEdit( HDC deviceContext, HWND dialog);
virtual HBRUSH OnCtlColorListbox( HDC deviceContext, HWND dialog);
virtual HBRUSH OnCtlColorScrollbar( HDC deviceContext, HWND dialog);
virtual int Validate() = 0;
const String GetHelpString() const { return helpString; }
HBRUSH GetBackgroundBrush(HDC deviceContext);
String helpString;
// not defined: no copying allowed
CYSWizardPage(const CYSWizardPage&); const CYSWizardPage& operator=(const CYSWizardPage&); };