Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// Copyright (c) 2002 Microsoft Corporation
// File: IndexingInstallationUnit.h
// Synopsis: Declares a IndexingInstallationUnit
// This object has the knowledge for installing the
// indexing service
// History: 03/20/2002 JeffJon Created
#include "InstallationUnit.h"
class IndexingInstallationUnit : public InstallationUnit { public: // Constructor
// Destructor
virtual ~IndexingInstallationUnit();
// Installation Unit overrides
virtual InstallationReturnType InstallService(HANDLE logfileHandle, HWND hwnd);
virtual UnInstallReturnType UnInstallService(HANDLE logfileHandle, HWND hwnd);
virtual bool IsServiceInstalled();
virtual bool GetMilestoneText(String& /*message*/) { return true; }
virtual bool GetUninstallMilestoneText(String& /*message*/) { return true; }
// Public methods
HRESULT StartService(HANDLE logfileHandle);
HRESULT StopService();
bool IsServiceOn();
private: HRESULT ChangeServiceConfigToAutoStart();
HRESULT ChangeServiceConfigToDisabled();
HRESULT ChangeServiceStartType(DWORD startType);
HRESULT ModifyIndexingService(bool turnOn); };