// Copyright (C) 2002 Microsoft Corporation
// answerfile reader object
// 5 April 2002 sburns
#include "headers.hxx"
#include "AnswerFile.hpp"
#include "resource.h"
static const String SECTION_NAME(L"DCInstall");
const String AnswerFile::OPTION_ADMIN_PASSWORD (L"AdministratorPassword"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_ALLOW_ANON_ACCESS (L"AllowAnonymousAccess"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_AUTO_CONFIG_DNS (L"AutoConfigDNS"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_CHILD_NAME (L"ChildName"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_CRITICAL_REPLICATION_ONLY (L"CriticalReplicationOnly"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_DATABASE_PATH (L"DatabasePath"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_DISABLE_CANCEL_ON_DNS_INSTALL (L"DisableCancelForDnsInstall"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_DNS_ON_NET (L"DNSOnNetwork"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_GC_CONFIRM (L"ConfirmGc"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_IS_LAST_DC (L"IsLastDCInDomain"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_LOG_PATH (L"LogPath"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_NEW_DOMAIN (L"NewDomain"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_NEW_DOMAIN_NAME (L"NewDomainDNSName"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_NEW_DOMAIN_NETBIOS_NAME (L"DomainNetbiosName"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_PARENT_DOMAIN_NAME (L"ParentDomainDNSName"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_PASSWORD (L"Password"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_REBOOT (L"RebootOnSuccess"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_REMOVE_APP_PARTITIONS (L"RemoveApplicationPartitions"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_REPLICATION_SOURCE (L"ReplicationSourceDC"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_REPLICA_DOMAIN_NAME (L"ReplicaDomainDNSName"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_REPLICA_OR_MEMBER (L"ReplicaOrMember"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_REPLICA_OR_NEW_DOMAIN (L"ReplicaOrNewDomain"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_SAFE_MODE_ADMIN_PASSWORD (L"SafeModeAdminPassword"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_SET_FOREST_VERSION (L"SetForestVersion"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_SITE_NAME (L"SiteName"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_SOURCE_PATH (L"ReplicationSourcePath"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_SYSKEY (L"Syskey"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_SYSVOL_PATH (L"SYSVOLPath"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_USERNAME (L"UserName"); const String AnswerFile::OPTION_USER_DOMAIN (L"UserDomain");
const String AnswerFile::VALUE_CHILD (L"Child"); const String AnswerFile::VALUE_DOMAIN (L"Domain"); const String AnswerFile::VALUE_NO (L"No"); const String AnswerFile::VALUE_NO_DONT_PROMPT (L"NoAndNoPromptEither"); const String AnswerFile::VALUE_REPLICA (L"Replica"); const String AnswerFile::VALUE_TREE (L"Tree"); const String AnswerFile::VALUE_YES (L"Yes");
static StringList PASSWORD_OPTIONS_LIST; static bool passwordOptionsListInitialized = false;
void GetAllKeys(const String& filename, StringList& resultList) { LOG_FUNCTION(GetAllKeys); ASSERT(FS::IsValidPath(filename));
resultList.clear(); // our first call is with a large buffer, hoping that it will suffice...
#ifdef DBG
// on chk builds, use a small buffer size so that our growth algorithm
// gets exercised
unsigned bufSizeInCharacters = 3;
unsigned bufSizeInCharacters = 1023; #endif
PWSTR buffer = 0;
do { buffer = new WCHAR[bufSizeInCharacters + 1];
// REVIEWED-2002/02/22-sburns byte count correctly passed in
::ZeroMemory(buffer, (bufSizeInCharacters + 1) * sizeof WCHAR);
DWORD result =
// REVIEWED-2002/02/22-sburns call correctly passes size in characters.
::GetPrivateProfileString( SECTION_NAME.c_str(), 0, L"default", buffer, bufSizeInCharacters, filename.c_str());
if (!result) { break; }
// A value was found. check to see if it was truncated. Since lpKeyName
// was null, check result against character count - 2
if (result == bufSizeInCharacters - 2) { // buffer was too small, so the value was truncated. Resize the
// buffer and try again.
// no need to scribble out the buffer: we're retrieving key names,
// not values.
delete[] buffer;
bufSizeInCharacters *= 2; if (bufSizeInCharacters > USHRT_MAX) // effectively ~32K max
{ // too big. way too big. We'll make do with the truncated value.
ASSERT(false); break; } continue; }
// copy out the strings results into list elements
PWSTR p = buffer; while (*p) { resultList.push_back(p);
// REVIEWED-2002/04/08-sburns wcslen is ok, since we arrange for
// the buffer to be null terminated
p += wcslen(p) + 1; }
break; }
//lint -e506 ok that this looks like "loop forever"
while (true);
delete[] buffer; }
AnswerFile::AnswerFile(const String& filename_) : filename(filename_), isSafeModePasswordPresent(false) { LOG_CTOR(AnswerFile);
// the caller is expected to have verified this
GetAllKeys(filename, keysPresent);
isSafeModePasswordPresent = IsKeyPresent(OPTION_SAFE_MODE_ADMIN_PASSWORD); // remove read-only file attribute
DWORD attrs = 0; HRESULT hr = Win::GetFileAttributes(filename, attrs); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) { LOG(L"Removing readonly attribute on " + filename); hr = Win::SetFileAttributes(filename, attrs & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY);
// if this failed, well, we tried. The user runs the risk of cleartext
// passwords left in his file.
LOG_HRESULT(hr); } // Read all the password options into the encrypted value map, erasing
// them as we go.
String empty; for ( StringList::iterator i = PASSWORD_OPTIONS_LIST.begin(); i != PASSWORD_OPTIONS_LIST.end(); ++i) { if (IsKeyPresent(*i)) { ovMap[*i] = EncryptedReadKey(*i); hr = WriteKey(*i, empty); if (FAILED(hr)) { popup.Error( Win::GetDesktopWindow(), hr, String::format( IDS_FAILED_PASSWORD_WRITE_TO_ANSWERFILE, i->c_str(), filename.c_str())); } } } }
AnswerFile::~AnswerFile() { LOG_DTOR(AnswerFile); }
String AnswerFile::ReadKey(const String& key) const { LOG_FUNCTION2(AnswerFile::ReadKey, key); ASSERT(!key.empty());
String result = // REVIEWED-2002/02/22-sburns no cch/cb issue here.
Win::GetPrivateProfileString(SECTION_NAME, key, String(), filename);
// Don't log the value, as it may be a password.
// LOG(L"value=" + result);
return result.strip(String::BOTH); }
EncryptedString AnswerFile::EncryptedReadKey(const String& key) const { LOG_FUNCTION2(AnswerFile::EncodedReadKey, key); ASSERT(!key.empty());
EncryptedString retval;
#ifdef DBG
// on chk builds, use a small buffer size so that our growth algorithm
// gets exercised
unsigned bufSizeInCharacters = 3;
unsigned bufSizeInCharacters = 1023; #endif
PWSTR buffer = 0;
do { // +1 for extra null-termination paranoia
buffer = new WCHAR[bufSizeInCharacters + 1];
// REVIEWED-2002/02/22-sburns byte count correctly passed in
::ZeroMemory(buffer, (bufSizeInCharacters + 1) * sizeof WCHAR);
DWORD result =
// REVIEWED-2002/02/22-sburns call correctly passes size in characters.
::GetPrivateProfileString( SECTION_NAME.c_str(), key.c_str(), L"", buffer, bufSizeInCharacters, filename.c_str());
if (!result) { break; }
// A value was found. check to see if it was truncated. neither
// lpAppName nor lpKeyName were null, so check result against character
// count - 1
if (result == bufSizeInCharacters - 1) { // buffer was too small, so the value was truncated. Resize the
// buffer and try again.
// Since the buffer may have contained passwords, scribble it
// out
// REVIEWED-2002/02/22-sburns byte count correctly passed in
::SecureZeroMemory(buffer, (bufSizeInCharacters + 1) * sizeof WCHAR); delete[] buffer;
bufSizeInCharacters *= 2; if (bufSizeInCharacters > USHRT_MAX) // effectively ~32K max
{ // too big. way too big. We'll make do with the truncated value.
ASSERT(false); break; } continue; }
// don't need to trim whitespace, GetPrivateProfileString does that
// for us.
break; } while (true);
// Since the buffer may have contained passwords, scribble it
// out
// REVIEWED-2002/02/22-sburns byte count correctly passed in
::SecureZeroMemory(buffer, (bufSizeInCharacters + 1) * sizeof WCHAR); delete[] buffer;
// Don't log the value, as it may be a password.
// LOG(L"value=" + result);
return retval; }
HRESULT AnswerFile::WriteKey(const String& key, const String& value) const { LOG_FUNCTION2(AnswerFile::WriteKey, key); ASSERT(!key.empty());
HRESULT hr = Win::WritePrivateProfileString(SECTION_NAME, key, value, filename);
return hr; }
bool AnswerFile::IsKeyPresent(const String& key) const { LOG_FUNCTION2(AnswerFile::IsKeyPresent, key); ASSERT(!key.empty());
bool result = false; // If GetAllKeys failed, then we won't find the option in the keys list
// and will assume that the option is not specified. This is the best
// we can do in the case where we can't read the keys.
if ( std::find(keysPresent.begin(), keysPresent.end(), key) != keysPresent.end() ) { result = true; }
return result; }
bool IsPasswordOption(const String& option) { ASSERT(passwordOptionsListInitialized);
bool result = false; if ( std::find( PASSWORD_OPTIONS_LIST.begin(), PASSWORD_OPTIONS_LIST.end(), option) != PASSWORD_OPTIONS_LIST.end() ) { result = true; }
return result; }
String AnswerFile::GetOption(const String& option) const { LOG_FUNCTION2(AnswerFile::GetOption, option);
String result = ReadKey(option);
if (!IsPasswordOption(option)) { LOG(result); } else { // should use GetEncryptedAnswerFileOption for passwords
ASSERT(false); }
return result; }
EncryptedString AnswerFile::GetEncryptedOption(const String& option) const { LOG_FUNCTION2(AnswerFile::GetEncryptedOption, option);
OptionEncryptedValueMap::const_iterator ci = ovMap.find(option); if (ci != ovMap.end()) { return ci->second; }
return EncryptedString(); }
bool AnswerFile::IsSafeModeAdminPwdOptionPresent() const { LOG_FUNCTION(AnswerFile::IsSafeModeAdminPwdOptionPresent); LOG_BOOL(isSafeModePasswordPresent);
return isSafeModePasswordPresent; }