/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1991 **/ /**********************************************************************/
Win32 Configuration Registry Support
This class provides the C++ interface to the Win32/NT Configuration Registry. Since the Registry is a tree of multi-valued keys, the basic class here represents a node in the tree.
The Win32 Registry does not allow querying the name of a key, so the name of the key is preserved as part of each key object.
Due to the number and variety of parameters used by Registry API functions, structures are used to contain sets of parameters to simplify the interface.
FILE HISTORY: DavidHov 9/10/91 Created KeithMo 23-Oct-1991 Added forward references. DavidHov 28-Jan-92 Converted to Win32 Registry APIs DavidHov 18-Oct-92 Removed internal tree maintenance terryk 06-Nov-92 Added binary data support JonN 20-Jan-2002 Removed REG_ENUM, Copy and DeleteTree */
#ifndef _REGKEY_HXX_
#define _REGKEY_HXX_
extern "C" { #include <winreg.h>
#define REG_VALUE_NOT_KNOWN (0xffffffff)
#include "strlst.hxx"
* Interface Support Structures * ***********************************************************************/
// Support structure for key creation
ULONG dwTitleIndex ; // IN: Title index
ULONG ulOptions ; // IN: options (TBD?)
NLS_STR nlsClass ; // IN: class name
REGSAM regSam ; // IN: SAM control
ULONG ulDisposition ; // IN: disposition
// Support structure for QueryInfo
NLS_STR nlsName ; // OUT: name of subkey
NLS_STR nlsClass ; // OUT: name of class
ULONG ulTitleIndex ; // OUT: title index
ULONG ulSubKeys ; // OUT: number of subkeys
ULONG ulMaxSubKeyLen ; // OUT: length of longest subkey
ULONG ulMaxClassLen ; // OUT: length of longest class name
ULONG ulValues ; // OUT: number of values
ULONG ulMaxValueIdLen ; // OUT: length of longest value name
ULONG ulMaxValueLen ; // OUT: length of longest value data
ULONG ulSecDescLen ; // OUT: length of security descriptor
FILETIME ftLastWriteTime ; // OUT: date/time node was last written
// Structure for value query/set/add
NLS_STR nlsValueName ; // IN OUT: name of value
ULONG ulTitle ; // IN OUT: title index
ULONG ulType ; // IN OUT: type
BYTE * pwcData ; // IN OUT: data buffer
ULONG ulDataLength ; // IN : length of data buffer
ULONG ulDataLengthOut ; // OUT : size of data required/stored
// Forward references.
SYNOPSIS: Win32 Registry Interface Class
A REG_KEY represents a single node in the Registry.
HISTORY: DavidHov 9/10/91 Created
DLL_CLASS REG_KEY : public BASE { friend class REG_ENUM ; public: // Open a descendent sub-key by name using string
REG_KEY ( REG_KEY & regNode, const NLS_STR & nlsSubKey, REGSAM amMask = MAXIMUM_ALLOWED ) ;
// Create a descendent sub-key using string
REG_KEY ( REG_KEY & regNode, const NLS_STR & nlsSubKey, REG_KEY_CREATE_STRUCT * prcCreate ) ;
// Open a key on another machine
REG_KEY ( HKEY hKey, const TCHAR * pszMachineName, REGSAM rsDesired = MAXIMUM_ALLOWED ) ;
// Constructor using just an HKEY: only HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
// or HKEY_CURRENT_USER are allowed.
// Open a key solely by name; name MUST have been obtained
// from REG_KEY::QueryName().
REG_KEY ( const NLS_STR & nlsKeyName, REGSAM amMask = MAXIMUM_ALLOWED ) ;
// Copy constructor: clone a registry node
REG_KEY ( REG_KEY & regNode ) ;
// Destroy a node
~ REG_KEY () ;
// Commit changes to the node
APIERR Flush () ;
// Delete a node; subkeys must be deleted first.
APIERR Delete () ;
// Query the node's information
APIERR QueryInfo ( REG_KEY_INFO_STRUCT * pRegInfoStruct ) ;
// Return info about the given value
APIERR QueryValue ( REG_VALUE_INFO_STRUCT * pRegValueInfo ) ;
// Change a value add a new one.
APIERR SetValue ( REG_VALUE_INFO_STRUCT * pRegValueInfo ) ;
// Delete a value by name (string)
APIERR DeleteValue ( const NLS_STR & nlsValueName ) ;
// Enhanced value manipulation operations
// Query/Set single string values
APIERR QueryValue ( const TCHAR * pszValueName, NLS_STR * pnlsValue, ULONG cchMax = 0, DWORD * pdwTitle = NULL, BOOL fExpandSz = FALSE ) ;
APIERR SetValue ( const TCHAR * pszValueName, const NLS_STR * pnlsValue, const DWORD * pdwTitle = NULL, BOOL fExpandSz = FALSE ) ;
// Query a value string; if cchMax==0, key is queried to
// determine maximum size of any value.
APIERR QueryValue ( const TCHAR * pszValueName, TCHAR * * ppchValue, ULONG cchMax = 0, DWORD * pdwTitle = NULL, BOOL fExpandSz = FALSE ) ;
// Set value string; if cchLen==0, string length is counted.
APIERR SetValue ( const TCHAR * pszValueName, const TCHAR * pchValue, ULONG cchLen = 0, const DWORD * pdwTitle = NULL, BOOL fExpandSz = FALSE ) ;
// Query/Set numeric values
APIERR QueryValue ( const TCHAR * pszValueName, DWORD * pdwValue, DWORD * pdwTitle = NULL ) ;
APIERR SetValue ( const TCHAR * pszValueName, DWORD dwValue, const DWORD * pdwTitle = NULL ) ;
// Query/Set Binary values
APIERR QueryValue ( const TCHAR * pszValueName, BYTE ** ppbByte, LONG *pcbSize, LONG cbMax = 0, DWORD * pdwTitle = NULL ) ;
APIERR SetValue ( const TCHAR * pszValueName, const BYTE * pByte, const LONG cbSize, const DWORD * pdwTitle = NULL ) ;
// Query/Set Registry values of type REG_MULTI_SZ
// use STRLIST (groups of strings)
APIERR QueryValue ( const TCHAR * pszValueName, STRLIST * * ppStrList, DWORD * pdwTitle = NULL ) ;
APIERR SetValue ( const TCHAR * pszValueName, const STRLIST * pStrList, const DWORD * pdwTitle = NULL ) ;
// Obtain the full name up to the top HKEY
APIERR QueryName ( NLS_STR * pnlsName, BOOL fComplete = TRUE ) const ;
// Obtain the name of this key
APIERR QueryKeyName ( NLS_STR * pnlsName ) const ;
// Duplicate a key, including all subkeys and values. Argument
// is source; receiver is destination.
// JonN 1/21/02 Removed Copy since it depends on REG_ENUM
// APIERR Copy ( REG_KEY & regNode ) ;
// Delete a key and all its subordinate keys.
// Warning: state is indeterminate after failure.
// JonN 1/21/02 Removed DeleteTree since it depends on REG_ENUM
// APIERR DeleteTree () ;
// Return a new instance of REG_KEY representing a
// standard Registry access point.
static REG_KEY * QueryLocalMachine ( REGSAM rsDesired = MAXIMUM_ALLOWED ) ; static REG_KEY * QueryCurrentUser ( REGSAM rsDesired = MAXIMUM_ALLOWED ) ;
// Conversion operator returning naked HKEY
operator HKEY () const { return _hKey ; }
private: LONG _lApiErr ; // Generic NT error code
HKEY _hKey ; // Registry handle
NLS_STR _nlsKeyName ; // Key name string
REGSAM _amMask ; // Registry-specific access control
// Open a child of this node,
APIERR OpenChild ( REG_KEY * pRkChild, const NLS_STR & nlsSubKey, REGSAM rsDesired = MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, DWORD dwOptions = 0 ) ;
// Open a key based on a string
APIERR OpenByName ( const NLS_STR & nlsKeyName, REGSAM rsDesired = MAXIMUM_ALLOWED ) ;
// Close the underlying handle
APIERR Close () ;
// Store the name of the child node into it.
APIERR NameChild ( REG_KEY * prkChild, const NLS_STR & nlsSubKey ) const ;
// Create a subkey to a REG_KEY; return resulting HKEY.
APIERR CreateChild ( REG_KEY * pRkNew, const NLS_STR & nlsSubKey, REG_KEY_CREATE_STRUCT * prnStruct ) const ;
// Open the parent of this key
REG_KEY * OpenParent ( REGSAM rsDesired = MAXIMUM_ALLOWED ) ;
// Return a pointer to the final segment of the key name
const TCHAR * LeafKeyName () const ;
// Extract the parent key name from this key's name.
APIERR ParentName ( NLS_STR * pnlsParentName ) const ;
static BOOL HandlePrefix ( const NLS_STR & nlsKeyName, HKEY * pHkey, NLS_STR * pnlsMachineName, NLS_STR * pnlsRemainder ) ;
// Generic base QueryValue worker function for string data
APIERR QueryKeyValueString ( const TCHAR * pszValueName, TCHAR * * ppszResult, NLS_STR * pnlsResult, DWORD * pdwTitle, LONG cchMaxSize, LONG * pcchSize, DWORD dwType ) ;
APIERR SetKeyValueString ( const TCHAR * pszValueName, const TCHAR * pszValue, DWORD dwTitle, LONG lcbSize, DWORD dwType ) ;
APIERR QueryKeyValueBinary ( const TCHAR * pszValueName, BYTE ** ppbByte, LONG * pcchSize, LONG cchMaxSize, DWORD * pdwTitle, DWORD dwType ) ;
APIERR SetKeyValueBinary ( const TCHAR * pszValueName, const BYTE * pbValue, LONG lcbSize, DWORD dwTitle, DWORD dwType ) ;
APIERR REG_KEY :: QueryKeyValueLong ( const TCHAR * pszValueName, LONG * pnResult, DWORD * pdwTitle ) ;
APIERR REG_KEY :: SetKeyValueLong ( const TCHAR * pszValueName, LONG nNewValue, DWORD dwTitle ) ;
#if 0
// removed 1/20/02 JonN
SYNOPSIS: REG_KEY Sub-key and Value Enumerator
Objects of this class are used to enumerate the sub-keys or the values belonging to a REG_KEY.
NOTES: Only one type of enumeration can be done at a time. Switching is allowed, but will result in a restart from the zeroth element.
HISTORY: DavidHov 9/12/91 Created
DLL_CLASS REG_ENUM : public BASE { public: REG_ENUM ( REG_KEY & regNode ) ; ~ REG_ENUM () ; APIERR NextSubKey ( REG_KEY_INFO_STRUCT * pRegInfoStruct ) ; APIERR NextValue ( REG_VALUE_INFO_STRUCT * pRegValueInfo ) ; VOID Reset () ; // Reset the enumeration
private: REG_KEY & _rnNode ; // Node being enumerated
ULONG _ulIndex ; // Value index
APIERR _usLastErr ; // Last error returned
#endif /* _REGKEY_HXX_ */