VERSION 5.00 Object = "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.2#0"; "comdlg32.ocx" Object = "{831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.0#0"; "mscomctl.ocx" Begin VB.Form frmMain BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single Caption = "Inverse CAB Creation Utility" ClientHeight = 3855 ClientLeft = 2685 ClientTop = 2190 ClientWidth = 6000 LinkTopic = "Form1" MaxButton = 0 'False MinButton = 0 'False ScaleHeight = 3855 ScaleWidth = 6000 Begin MSComctlLib.ProgressBar prgBar Height = 240 Left = -675 TabIndex = 10 Top = 3375 Width = 6870 _ExtentX = 12118 _ExtentY = 423 _Version = 393216 Appearance = 1 End Begin VB.TextBox txtLog Height = 2100 Left = 0 MultiLine = -1 'True ScrollBars = 2 'Vertical TabIndex = 9 Top = 1275 Width = 5985 End Begin MSComctlLib.StatusBar stbProgress Align = 2 'Align Bottom Height = 240 Left = 0 TabIndex = 8 Top = 3615 Width = 6000 _ExtentX = 10583 _ExtentY = 423 Style = 1 _Version = 393216 BeginProperty Panels {8E3867A5-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} NumPanels = 1 BeginProperty Panel1 {8E3867AB-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} EndProperty EndProperty End Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSave Caption = "..." Height = 255 Left = 5520 TabIndex = 5 Top = 480 Width = 420 End Begin VB.TextBox txtSaveCab Height = 285 Left = 1200 TabIndex = 4 Top = 480 Width = 4260 End Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog dlg Left = 3540 Top = 690 _ExtentX = 847 _ExtentY = 847 _Version = 393216 End Begin VB.CommandButton cmdBrowse Caption = "..." Height = 255 Left = 5520 TabIndex = 2 Top = 120 Width = 420 End Begin VB.CommandButton cmdClose Caption = "&Close" Height = 375 Left = 5100 TabIndex = 7 Top = 810 Width = 855 End Begin VB.CommandButton cmdGo Caption = "&OK" Height = 375 Left = 4140 TabIndex = 6 Top = 810 Width = 855 End Begin VB.TextBox txtCabFile Height = 285 Left = 1200 TabIndex = 1 Top = 120 Width = 4260 End Begin VB.Label Label2 Caption = "Output CAB:" Height = 255 Left = 120 TabIndex = 3 Top = 480 Width = 975 End Begin VB.Label Label1 Caption = "Input CAB:" Height = 255 Left = 120 TabIndex = 0 Top = 120 Width = 975 End End Attribute VB_Name = "frmMain" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Explicit ' Utility Stuff, all this could go to a COM Object and be distributed ' like this. Private m_WsShell As IWshShell ' Used to Shell and Wait for Sub-Processes Private m_fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject ' For filesystem operations
Private Sub Form_Initialize() Set m_WsShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") Set m_fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() WriteLog App.EXEName & " Inverse CAB Creation Utility", False WriteLog String$(40, "="), False cmdGo.Default = True cmdClose.Cancel = True If (Len(Trim$(Command$)) > 0) Then Me.txtCabFile = Command$ Me.txtCabFile.Enabled = False Me.cmdBrowse.Enabled = False Me.cmdGo.Enabled = False Me.Show Modal:=False cmdGo_Click cmdClose_Click End If End Sub
Function Cab2Folder(ByVal strCabFile As String) Cab2Folder = "" ' We grab a Temporary Filename and create a folder out of it Dim strFolder As String strFolder = m_fso.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder) + "\" + m_fso.GetTempName m_fso.CreateFolder strFolder ' We uncab CAB contents into the Source CAB Contents dir. Dim strCmd As String strCmd = "cabarc X " + strCabFile + " " + strFolder + "\" m_WsShell.Run strCmd, True, True Cab2Folder = strFolder End Function
Sub Folder2Cab( _ ByVal strFolder As String, _ ByVal strCabFile As String _ ) ' We recab using the Destination directory contents ' cabarc -s 6144 N ..\algo.cab *.* If (m_fso.FileExists(strCabFile)) Then m_fso.DeleteFile strCabFile, force:=True End If Dim strCmd As String strCmd = "cabarc -s 6144 N " + strCabFile + " " + strFolder + "\*.*" m_WsShell.Run strCmd, True, True
End Sub
Sub WriteLog(strMsg As String, Optional ByVal bWriteToStatusBar As Boolean = True)
With Me .txtLog = .txtLog & vbCrLf & strMsg If (bWriteToStatusBar) Then .stbProgress.SimpleText = strMsg End If End With DoEvents End Sub
' ============ END UTILITY STUFF ========================
' ============ BoilerPlate Form Code Private Sub cmdBrowse_Click()
dlg.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*|Cab Files (*.cab)|*.cab" dlg.FilterIndex = 2 dlg.ShowOpen If (Len(dlg.FileName) > 0) Then Me.txtCabFile = dlg.FileName End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSave_Click() dlg.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*|Cab Files (*.cab)|*.cab" dlg.FilterIndex = 2 dlg.ShowSave If (Len(dlg.FileName) > 0) Then Me.txtSaveCab = dlg.FileName End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClose_Click() Unload Me End Sub
Private Sub cmdGo_Click()
Me.txtCabFile.Text = Trim$(Me.txtCabFile.Text) Me.txtSaveCab.Text = Trim$(Me.txtSaveCab.Text)
If (Len(Me.txtCabFile.Text) > 0) Then FixCab Me.txtCabFile.Text, Me.txtSaveCab.Text End If
End Sub
Sub FixCab(ByVal strCabFile As String, ByVal strSaveCab As String)
Dim strErrMsg As String: strErrMsg = ""
If (Not m_fso.FileExists(strCabFile)) Then MsgBox "Cannot find " & strCabFile GoTo Common_Exit End If
Dim strCabFolder As String
prgBar.Visible = True WriteLog "Uncabbing " & strCabFile strCabFolder = Cab2Folder(strCabFile)
WriteLog "Applying Fixes " If (FixPerSe(strCabFolder)) Then
WriteLog "Recabbing " & strCabFile Folder2Cab strCabFolder, strSaveCab Else MsgBox "Error: Fix Failed", Title:=App.EXEName End If
' Now we delete the Temporary Folders WriteLog "Deleting Temporary Files" m_fso.DeleteFolder strCabFolder, force:=True
Common_Exit: WriteLog "Done" + IIf(Len(strErrMsg) > 0, " - " + strErrMsg, "") prgBar.Visible = False
End Sub ' ======================================================== ' ============= End BoilerPlate Form Code ================ ' ======================================================== Function FixPerSe(ByVal strCabFolder As String) As Boolean FixPerSe = False ' Now we parse Package_Description.xml to find the HHT Files Dim oElem As IXMLDOMElement ' Used for all element Creation Dim oDomPkg As DOMDocument: Set oDomPkg = New DOMDocument Dim strPkgFile As String: strPkgFile = strCabFolder + "\package_description.xml" oDomPkg.async = False oDomPkg.Load strPkgFile If (oDomPkg.parseError <> 0) Then p_DisplayParseError oDomPkg.parseError GoTo Common_Exit End If ' Let's check whether this fix was applied Dim oFixNode As IXMLDOMNode Set oFixNode = oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/package_fixes/fix[@id='2']") If (Not oFixNode Is Nothing) Then GoTo Common_Exit ' now, if it is the first time we run we have to create the Package_fixes ' NODE. If (oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/package_fixes") Is Nothing) Then Set oElem = oDomPkg.createElement("package_fixes") oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE").appendChild oElem End If ' We record the fact that this fix was already applied Set oElem = oDomPkg.createElement("fix") oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/package_fixes").appendChild oElem oElem.setAttribute "id", "2" oElem.setAttribute "description", "Inverse CAB" Dim lTaxoInEntries As Long: lTaxoInEntries = 0 Dim oMetadataNode As IXMLDOMNode Set oMetadataNode = oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/METADATA")
Dim oDOMNode As IXMLDOMNode Dim oDomHhtNode As IXMLDOMNode For Each oDomHhtNode In oMetadataNode.selectNodes("HHT") Dim strHhtFile As String strHhtFile = oDomHhtNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("FILE").Text ' Let's load the HHT Dim oDomHht As DOMDocument: Set oDomHht = New DOMDocument oDomHht.async = False oDomHht.Load strCabFolder + "\" + strHhtFile If (oDomHht.parseError <> 0) Then p_DisplayParseError oDomHht.parseError GoTo Common_Exit End If lTaxoInEntries = lTaxoInEntries + oDomHht.selectNodes("//*[ @ACTION ]").length WriteLog m_fso.GetBaseName(strHhtFile) & _ " has " & lTaxoInEntries & " entries with ACTION Attribute", False prgBar.Max = lTaxoInEntries prgBar.Value = 1 Set oDOMNode = oDomHht.selectSingleNode("METADATA/TAXONOMY_ENTRIES") p_ReverseTaxonomy oDOMNode Set oDOMNode = oDomHht.selectSingleNode("METADATA/STOPSIGN_ENTRIES") p_ReverseOther oDOMNode Set oDOMNode = oDomHht.selectSingleNode("METADATA/STOPWORD_ENTRIES") p_ReverseOther oDOMNode Set oDOMNode = oDomHht.selectSingleNode("METADATA/OPERATOR_ENTRIES") p_ReverseOther oDOMNode Set oDOMNode = oDomHht.selectSingleNode("METADATA/HELPIMAGE") p_ReverseOther oDOMNode Set oDOMNode = oDomHht.selectSingleNode("METADATA/INDEX") p_ReverseOther oDOMNode oDomHht.Save strCabFolder + "\" + strHhtFile Next
Dim lPkgInEntries As Long: lPkgInEntries = 0 lPkgInEntries = lPkgInEntries + oDomPkg.selectNodes("//*[ @ACTION ]").length WriteLog m_fso.GetBaseName(strPkgFile) & _ " has " & lPkgInEntries & " entries with ACTION Attribute", False If (lPkgInEntries > 0) Then prgBar.Max = lPkgInEntries prgBar.Value = 1 Set oDOMNode = oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/SEARCHENGINES") p_ReverseOther oDOMNode Set oDOMNode = oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/CONFIG") p_ReverseOther oDOMNode Set oDOMNode = oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/INSTALL_CONTENT") p_ReverseOther oDOMNode Set oDOMNode = oDomPkg.selectSingleNode("HELPCENTERPACKAGE/TRUSTED_CONTENT") p_ReverseOther oDOMNode End If
oDomPkg.Save strCabFolder + "\" + "\package_description.xml" FixPerSe = True
Common_Exit: Exit Function End Function
Private Sub p_ReverseTaxonomy( _ ByRef u_DOMNode As IXMLDOMNode _ )
If (u_DOMNode Is Nothing) Then GoTo Common_Exit Dim u_DOMNodeCopy As IXMLDOMNode Set u_DOMNodeCopy = u_DOMNode.cloneNode(deep:=True)
WriteLog "Reversing " & u_DOMNode.nodeName & _ " with " & u_DOMNode.childNodes.length & " entries" Dim oTaxoEntry As IXMLDOMNode For Each oTaxoEntry In u_DOMNode.childNodes u_DOMNode.removeChild oTaxoEntry Next Dim lEnd As Long: lEnd = u_DOMNodeCopy.childNodes.length - 1
Do While lEnd >= 0 Set oTaxoEntry = u_DOMNodeCopy.childNodes.Item(lEnd) p_FlipAddDel oTaxoEntry u_DOMNodeCopy.removeChild oTaxoEntry u_DOMNode.appendChild oTaxoEntry Set oTaxoEntry = Nothing lEnd = lEnd - 1 Loop Set u_DOMNodeCopy = Nothing Common_Exit:
End Sub
Private Sub p_ReverseOther( _ ByRef u_DOMNode As IXMLDOMNode _ )
If (u_DOMNode Is Nothing) Then GoTo Common_Exit Dim oTaxoEntry As IXMLDOMNode WriteLog "Reversing " & u_DOMNode.nodeName & _ " with " & u_DOMNode.childNodes.length & " entries" For Each oTaxoEntry In u_DOMNode.childNodes p_FlipAddDel oTaxoEntry Next
End Sub
Private Sub p_FlipAddDel( _ ByRef oNodeEntry As IXMLDOMNode _ ) Dim oAttribAction As IXMLDOMAttribute Set oAttribAction = oNodeEntry.Attributes.getNamedItem("ACTION") If (oAttribAction Is Nothing) Then Dim oElemEntryWithNoAction As IXMLDOMElement Set oElemEntryWithNoAction = oNodeEntry ' If there is no ACTION, then HelpSvc.exe assumes that ' ACTION=ADD, so we need to generate an ACTION = DEL oElemEntryWithNoAction.setAttribute "ACTION", "DEL" Else With oAttribAction Select Case .Value Case "ADD", "" .Value = "DEL" Case Else .Value = "ADD" End Select End With prgBar.Value = prgBar.Value + 1 End If End Sub
Public Sub p_DisplayParseError( _ ByRef i_ParseError As IXMLDOMParseError _ )
Dim strError As String strError = "Error: " & i_ParseError.reason & _ "Line: " & i_ParseError.Line & vbCrLf & _ "Linepos: " & i_ParseError.linepos & vbCrLf & _ "srcText: " & i_ParseError.srcText MsgBox strError, vbOKOnly, "Error while parsing"
End Sub