Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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# __________________________________________________________________________________ # # Purpose: # PERL Script to emulate SLM's 'enlist' command # # Parameters: # See Usage below # # Output: # Perforce output or the appropriate error message or usage statement # # __________________________________________________________________________________
# # Load common SLM wrapper subroutine module # use SlmSubs;
# # Parse command line arguments # SlmSubs::ParseArgs(@ARGV);
# # Call usage and exit if ParseArgs has set the Usage or InvalidFlag flags # if ($Usage or $InvalidFlag) { print $ErrorMessage; &Usage; exit 1; }
# # Call usage and exit if $ProjectPathName is not set # if (!$ProjectPathName) { print "\nError: must specify a project\n\n"; &Usage; exit 1; }
# # Initialize Strings # $ClientName = ""; $RootName = "";
# # Set @CurrentClientList equal to $SourceControlClient client output # open(CLIENT, "$SourceControlClient client -o |"); @CurrentClientList = <CLIENT>; close (CLIENT);
foreach $ClientLine (@CurrentClientList) { if ($ClientLine =~ /^Root:\s*(\S*).*\n/) { $RootName = $1; } if ($ClientLine =~ /^Client:\s*(\S*).*\n/) { $ClientName = $1; } }
if ($Cwd =~ /\Q$RootName\E(.*)/i) { $CwdMinusRoot = $1;
# # Change \'s to /'s in $ProjectPathName. # $ProjectPathName =~ s/\\/\//g;
# # If /'s exist in $ProjectPathName look for a valid branch name # and then strip it off. # if ($ProjectPathName =~ /^([^\/]*)\/(.*)/) { $Branch = $1; $ProjectPathName = $2; # # Get list of branches from Perforce Server. # open(BRANCHES, $SourceControlClient . ' dirs //depot/* 2>&1|'); @Branches = <BRANCHES>; close(BRANCHES); # # grep for $Branch in @Branches List. # if (!grep { /^\s*\/\/depot\/$Branch\s*$/i } @Branches) { print "\nError: Branch $Branch not valid for this depot\n\n"; &Usage; exit 1; } }
# # Look for /'s in $ProjectPathName which isn't supported. # if ($ProjectPathName =~ /\//) { print "\nError: enlisting in subprojects is not supported\n\n"; &Usage; exit 1; } else { # # Get list of projects from Perforce Server. # open(PROJECTS, $SourceControlClient . ' dirs //depot/' . $Branch . '/* 2>&1|'); @Projects = <PROJECTS>; close(PROJECTS); # # grep for $ProjectPathName in @Projects List. # if (!grep { /^\s*\/\/depot\/$Branch\/$ProjectPathName\s*$/i } @Projects) { print "\nError: Project $ProjectPathName not valid for this branch\n\n"; &Usage; exit 1; } }
# # Change \'s to /'s in $CwdMinusRoot # $CwdMinusRoot =~ s/\\/\//g;
push @CurrentClientList, "\t//depot/$Branch/$ProjectPathName/... //$ClientName$CwdMinusRoot/...\n";
open( TemporaryClientFile, ">$ENV{tmp}\\TmpClientFile");
print TemporaryClientFile @CurrentClientList;
close (TemporaryClientFile);
system "$SourceControlClient client -i < $ENV{tmp}\\TmpClientFile >nul";
unlink "$ENV{tmp}\\TmpClientFile";
system "$SourceControlClient sync ... 2>&1"; } else { print "\nError: current directory not under Perforce client root\n\n"; &Usage; exit 1; }
sub Usage # __________________________________________________________________________________ # # Prints out a usage statement for this script. In this case usurped from SLM's # 'enlist' usage statement # # Parameters: # None # # Output: # The usage statement # # __________________________________________________________________________________ { print q/enlist - enlists a directory in a project Usage: enlist [-?fh] [-s Server:Port] -p [branch]\/projname Arguments: -h prints out this message. -p use this flag to specify the name of the project to enlist in. The project name can be preceeded by a branch name. The default branch is the main branch. -s use this flag to specify the network location of the project in which to enlist, using the format: -s Server:Port "Server" is the network server name and "Port" is the Perforce Server's TCP\/IP port number. /; }