Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: symres.cpp
Abstract: Symbol translator main file implements symbol translator function in DLL takes a callstack entry as input, and resolves symbol name
Revision History:
Brijesh Krishnaswami (brijeshk) - 04/29/99 - Created ********************************************************************/
#include <windows.h>
#include <dbgtrace.h>
#include <traceids.h>
#include <list>
#include "symdef.h"
#include <imagehlp.h>
// for trace output to include filename
#ifdef THIS_FILE
#undef THIS_FILE
static char __szTraceSourceFile[]=__FILE__; #define THIS_FILE __szTraceSourceFile
// global variable that stores thread local storage index
DWORD g_dwTlsIndex;
// location of sym files repository and log file
WCHAR g_szwSymDir[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR g_szwLogFile[MAX_PATH];
// strip off path and extension from filename
void SplitExtension( LPWSTR szwFullname, // [in] full name
LPWSTR szwName, // [out] name part
LPWSTR szwExt // [out] extension part
) { LPWSTR plast = NULL; LPWSTR pfront = NULL;
if (pfront = wcsrchr(szwFullname, L'\\')) { pfront++; lstrcpyW(szwName,pfront); } else { lstrcpyW(szwName,szwFullname); }
if (plast = wcsrchr(szwName, L'.')) { *plast = L'\0'; plast++; lstrcpyW(szwExt,plast); } else { lstrcpyW(szwExt, L""); }
TraceFunctLeave(); }
// undecorate symbol name
void UndecorateSymbol( LPTSTR szSymbol // [in] [out] function name undecorated in place
) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH]; PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL pihsym; DWORD dwSize; TraceFunctEnter("UndecorateSymbol");
dwSize = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL)+MAX_PATH; pihsym = (IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL *) new BYTE[dwSize]; if (pihsym) { pihsym->SizeOfStruct = dwSize; pihsym->Address = 0; pihsym->Flags = 0; pihsym->MaxNameLength = MAX_PATH; lstrcpy(pihsym->Name,szSymbol); SymUnDName(pihsym,szTemp,MAX_PATH); lstrcpy(szSymbol,szTemp); delete [] pihsym; } else { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Cannot allocate memory"); }
TraceFunctLeave(); }
// select file from list of open files, or open and add to list
// maintain files in usage order, least recently used at end of list
OPENFILE* // pointer to open file info
GetFile( LPWSTR szwModule // [in] name of file
) { OPENFILE* pFile = NULL; OPENFILE* pLast = NULL; MAPDEF map; DWORD dwCread; std::list<OPENFILE *> * pOpenFilesList = NULL; std::list<OPENFILE *>::iterator it; TCHAR szTarget[MAX_PATH + MAX_PATH];
// get file list pointer from thread local storage
pOpenFilesList = (std::list<OPENFILE *> *) TlsGetValue(g_dwTlsIndex);
if (NO_ERROR != GetLastError() || !pOpenFilesList) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Error reading TLS"); goto exit; }
// search open list to see if file is already open
it = pOpenFilesList->begin(); while (it != pOpenFilesList->end()) { if (!lstrcmpiW((*it)->szwName,szwModule)) { // move the file to the beginning of list
// so that the LRU file is at the end
pFile = *it; pOpenFilesList->erase(it); pOpenFilesList->push_front(pFile); break; } it++; }
if (it == pOpenFilesList->end()) // not open, so open and store handle
{ pFile = new OPENFILE; if (!pFile) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Cannot allocate memory"); goto exit; }
// open SYM file
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == pFile->hfFile) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID,"Error opening file %ls",szwModule); delete pFile; pFile = NULL; goto exit; }
// copy filename and version into pFile node
lstrcpyW(pFile->szwName, szwModule);
// read map definition
ReadFile(pFile->hfFile, &map, sizeof(MAPDEF)-1, &dwCread, NULL);
if (dwCread != sizeof(MAPDEF)-1) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Error reading file"); delete pFile; pFile = NULL; goto exit; }
pFile->ulFirstSeg = map.md_spseg*16; pFile->nSeg = map.md_cseg; pFile->psCurSymDefPtrs = NULL;
pOpenFilesList->push_front(pFile); }
// maintain at most MAXOPENFILES open files
if (pOpenFilesList->size() > MAXOPENFILES) { // close last file in list
pLast = pOpenFilesList->back(); if (pLast) { CloseHandle(pLast->hfFile); if (pLast->psCurSymDefPtrs) { delete [] pLast->psCurSymDefPtrs; pLast->psCurSymDefPtrs = NULL; } delete pLast; pOpenFilesList->pop_back(); } else // something is amiss here
{ FatalTrace(TRACE_ID,"Error reading open files list"); goto exit; } }
exit: TraceFunctLeave(); return pFile; }
// read segment defintion for dwSection
ULONG // return offset of segment definition, 0 if failed
GetSegDef( OPENFILE* pFile, // [in] pointer to open file info
DWORD dwSection, // [in] section number
SEGDEF* pSeg // [out] pointer to segment definition
) { ULONG ulCurSeg = pFile->ulFirstSeg; int iSectionIndex = 0; DWORD dwCread;
// step through segments
while (iSectionIndex < pFile->nSeg) { // go to segment beginning
if (SetFilePointer(pFile->hfFile, ulCurSeg, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) == 0xFFFFFFFF) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Cannot set file pointer"); ulCurSeg = 0; break; }
// read seg defn
if (!ReadFile(pFile->hfFile, pSeg, sizeof(SEGDEF)-1, &dwCread, NULL)) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Cannot read segment definition"); ulCurSeg = 0; break; }
iSectionIndex++; if (iSectionIndex == dwSection) // gotcha
{ break; }
// go to next segment definition
ulCurSeg = pSeg->gd_spsegnext*16; }
// found our section and it's non-empty?
if (iSectionIndex != dwSection || !pSeg->gd_csym) // no
{ ulCurSeg = 0; }
TraceFunctLeave(); return ulCurSeg; }
// parse sym file to resolve address
void GetNameFromAddr( LPWSTR szwModule, // [in] name of symbol file
DWORD dwSection, // [in] section part of address to resolve
UINT_PTR offset, // [in] offset part of address to resolve
LPWSTR szwFuncName // [out] resolved function name,
) // "<no symbols>" otherwise
{ SEGDEF seg; DWORD dwSymAddr; LPTSTR szMapName; LPTSTR szSegName; TCHAR szSymName[MAX_NAME+1]; TCHAR szPrevName[MAX_NAME+1]; TCHAR sztFuncName[MAX_NAME+1]; int i; int j; int nNameLen; DWORD dwCread; int iSectionIndex; int nToRead; unsigned char cName; ULONG ulCurSeg; ULONG ulSymNameOffset; ULONG ulPrevNameOffset; OPENFILE* pFile = NULL; HANDLE hfFile; FILE* fDump = NULL; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; HANDLE hfLogFile = NULL; DWORD dwWritten; TCHAR szWrite[MAX_PATH + 50]; DWORD dwArrayOffset; DWORD dwSymOffset;
// be pessimistic
lstrcpy(sztFuncName,TEXT("<no symbol>"));
// get file from open list, or open file
pFile = GetFile(szwModule); if (!pFile) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Error opening file"); goto exit; }
hfFile = pFile->hfFile; // for easy access
if (!(ulCurSeg = GetSegDef(pFile,dwSection,&seg))) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Cannot find section"); goto exit; }
// have we already read in the symbol definition offsets for this section?
if (dwSection != pFile->dwCurSection || !pFile->psCurSymDefPtrs) // no
{ // free up previously read symdef pointers
if (pFile->psCurSymDefPtrs) { delete [] pFile->psCurSymDefPtrs; pFile->psCurSymDefPtrs = NULL; }
// big symbols?
if (seg.gd_type & MSF_BIGSYMDEF) { dwArrayOffset = seg.gd_psymoff * 16; pFile->psCurSymDefPtrs = new BYTE[seg.gd_csym*3]; } else { dwArrayOffset = seg.gd_psymoff; pFile->psCurSymDefPtrs = new BYTE[seg.gd_csym*2]; }
if (!pFile->psCurSymDefPtrs) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Cannot allocate memory"); goto exit; }
if (SetFilePointer(hfFile, ulCurSeg + dwArrayOffset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) == 0xFFFFFFFF) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Cannot set file pointer"); delete [] pFile->psCurSymDefPtrs; pFile->psCurSymDefPtrs = NULL; goto exit; }
// read symbol definition pointers array
if (!ReadFile(hfFile, pFile->psCurSymDefPtrs, seg.gd_csym * ((seg.gd_type & MSF_BIGSYMDEF)?3:2), &dwCread, NULL)) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Cannot read sym pointers array"); delete [] pFile->psCurSymDefPtrs; pFile->psCurSymDefPtrs = NULL; goto exit; }
// save this section
pFile->dwCurSection = dwSection;
// read symbols
for (i = 0; i < seg.gd_csym; i++) { // go to offset of sym defintion
if (seg.gd_type & MSF_BIGSYMDEF) { dwSymOffset = pFile->psCurSymDefPtrs[i*3+0] + pFile->psCurSymDefPtrs[i*3+1]*256 + pFile->psCurSymDefPtrs[i*3+2]*65536; } else { dwSymOffset = pFile->psCurSymDefPtrs[i*2+0] + pFile->psCurSymDefPtrs[i*2+1]*256; }
if (SetFilePointer(hfFile, ulCurSeg + dwSymOffset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) == 0xFFFFFFFF) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Cannot set file pointer"); goto exit; }
// read symbol address DWORD
if (!ReadFile(hfFile,&dwSymAddr,sizeof(DWORD),&dwCread,NULL)) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Cannot read symbol definition"); goto exit; }
// symbol address is 1 word or two?
nToRead = sizeof(SHORT) + ((seg.gd_type & MSF_32BITSYMS) * sizeof(SHORT));
// calculate offset of symbol name
ulSymNameOffset = ulCurSeg + dwSymOffset + nToRead;
// use just lower word of address if 16-bit symbol
if (!(seg.gd_type & MSF_32BITSYMS)) { dwSymAddr = dwSymAddr & 0x0000FFFF; }
// do we have our function?
// if current address is greater than offset, then since we are
// traversing in the increasing order of addresses, the previous
// symbol must be our quarry
if (dwSymAddr > offset) break; // store previous name offset
ulPrevNameOffset = ulSymNameOffset; }
// did we get our function?
// BUGBUG: cannot resolve the last symbol in a section, because we don't know
// the size of the function code
// if offset > dwSymAddr of last symbol, then we cannot decide if offset belonged
// to last symbol or was beyond it - so assume <no symbol>
if (i < seg.gd_csym) { // go to name offset
if (SetFilePointer(hfFile, ulPrevNameOffset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) == 0xFFFFFFFF) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Error setting file pointer"); goto exit; }
// read length of name
if (!ReadFile(hfFile,&cName,sizeof(TCHAR),&dwCread,NULL)) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Error reading length of name"); goto exit; }
nNameLen = (int) cName;
// read symbol name
if (!ReadFile(hfFile,sztFuncName,nNameLen,&dwCread,NULL)) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Error reading name"); goto exit; }
sztFuncName[nNameLen] = TCHAR('\0'); UndecorateSymbol(sztFuncName); fSuccess = TRUE; }
exit: if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, sztFuncName, -1, szwFuncName, MAX_PATH)) { lstrcpyW(szwFuncName, L"<no symbol>"); }
// log unresolved symbols to log file (filename read from registry)
// file write operation is not wrapped in a mutex
// for speed considerations
if (!fSuccess) { hfLogFile = CreateFileW(g_szwLogFile, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hfLogFile) { wsprintf(szWrite, "\n%ls %04X:%08X", szwModule, dwSection, offset); if (SetFilePointer(hfLogFile, 0, NULL, FILE_END) != 0xFFFFFFFF) { WriteFile(hfLogFile, szWrite, lstrlen(szWrite), &dwWritten, NULL); } CloseHandle(hfLogFile); } }
TraceFunctLeave(); }
// cleanup memory
void Cleanup() { std::list<OPENFILE *>* pOpenFilesList = NULL; std::list<OPENFILE *>::iterator it;
pOpenFilesList = (std::list<OPENFILE *> *) TlsGetValue(g_dwTlsIndex); if (!pOpenFilesList) { goto exit; }
for (it = pOpenFilesList->begin(); it != pOpenFilesList->end(); it++) { if (*it) { if ((*it)->psCurSymDefPtrs) { delete [] (*it)->psCurSymDefPtrs; } if ((*it)->hfFile && (*it)->hfFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle((*it)->hfFile); } delete *it; } } delete pOpenFilesList;
exit: TraceFunctLeave(); }
BOOL HandleProcessAttach() { std::list<OPENFILE *> * pOpenFilesList = NULL; BOOL fRc = FALSE; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize; ULONG lResult; HKEY hKey;
// allocate thread local storage
if ((g_dwTlsIndex = TlsAlloc()) == 0xFFFFFFFF) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Cannot get TLS index"); goto exit; }
// create a new list of open sym files
pOpenFilesList = new std::list<OPENFILE *>; if (!pOpenFilesList) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Out of memory"); goto exit; }
// store pointer to list in TLS
if (!TlsSetValue(g_dwTlsIndex, (PVOID) pOpenFilesList)) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Cannot write to TLS"); delete pOpenFilesList; pOpenFilesList = NULL; goto exit; }
lResult = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\PCHealth\\Symbols"), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey);
// read symbol files location and name of log file from registry
if(lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwSize = MAX_PATH; RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"SymDir", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) g_szwSymDir, &dwSize);
dwSize = MAX_PATH; RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"LogFile", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) g_szwLogFile, &dwSize);
RegCloseKey(hKey); fRc = TRUE; }
exit: TraceFunctLeave(); return fRc; }
// Dll entry point
// allocates TLS
// initializes list of open sym files - one list per client thread
// cleans up after itself
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hDll, // [in] handle to Dll
DWORD dwReason, // [in] why DllMain is called
LPVOID lpReserved // [in] ignored
) { BOOL fRc = TRUE; std::list<OPENFILE*>* pOpenFilesList = NULL;
switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: // initial thread of process that loaded us
fRc = HandleProcessAttach(); break;
case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: // if list already exists, do nothing
if (TlsGetValue(g_dwTlsIndex)) { break; }
// create new list for every new thread
pOpenFilesList = new std::list<OPENFILE *>; if (!pOpenFilesList) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Out of memory"); fRc = FALSE; break; }
// store pointer to list in TLS
if (!TlsSetValue(g_dwTlsIndex, (PVOID) pOpenFilesList)) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Cannot write to TLS"); delete pOpenFilesList; pOpenFilesList = NULL; fRc = FALSE; } break;
case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: Cleanup(); break;
TlsFree(g_dwTlsIndex); break;
default: break; }
return fRc; }
// exported function
// called by clients to resolve a single callstack entry
extern "C" void APIENTRY ResolveSymbols( LPWSTR szwFilename, LPWSTR szwVersion, DWORD dwSection, UINT_PTR Offset, LPWSTR szwFuncName ) { WCHAR szwName[MAX_PATH] = L""; WCHAR szwSymFile[MAX_PATH+MAX_PATH] = L""; WCHAR szwExt[MAX_PATH] = L"";
// sanity check
if (!szwFilename || !szwVersion) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "No module name/version"); goto exit; }
// get sym file name
SplitExtension(szwFilename, szwName, szwExt); wsprintfW(szwSymFile, L"%s\\%s\\%s_%s_%s.SYM", g_szwSymDir, szwName, szwName, szwExt, szwVersion);
// resolve symbol name
GetNameFromAddr(szwSymFile, dwSection, Offset, szwFuncName);
exit: TraceFunctLeave(); }