<HTML XMLNS:helpcenter> <HEAD>
Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation -->
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.Search-Headline { height : 2em; padding-left : 11px; padding-right : 11px; }
.Search-StopButton { padding : 2pt; cursor : hand; text-overflow : ellipsis; width : 100%; }
.Search-ProviderPane { border-style : solid; border-left-width : 1px; border-right-width : 1px; border-top-width : 1px; border-bottom-width : 1px;
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padding-left : 11px; padding-top : 5px; padding-bottom : 5px; cursor : hand; }
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border-color : threedshadow; }
.Search-ResultDisplay { width : 100%; height : 100%; overflow : auto; }
.Search-ResultFrameCell { height : 100%; padding-left : 11px; padding-right : 11px; }
.Search-SearchStatusCell { width : 100%; padding-left : 11px; padding-top : 11px; padding-bottom : 11px; }
.Search-OuterTableAll { border-top-width : 1px; border-left-width : 1px; border-right-width : 1px; border-bottom-width : 1px; border-style : solid; }
.Search-OuterTableLeft { border-top-width : 0px; border-left-width : 1px; border-right-width : 0px; border-bottom-width : 0px; border-style : solid; }
.Search-OuterTableRight { border-top-width : 0px; border-left-width : 0px; border-right-width : 1px; border-bottom-width : 0px; border-style : solid; }
.Search-OuterTableLeftRight { border-top-width : 0px; border-left-width : 1px; border-right-width : 1px; border-bottom-width : 0px; border-style : solid; }
.Search-OuterTableLeftRightBottom { border-top-width : 0px; border-left-width : 1px; border-right-width : 1px; border-bottom-width : 1px; border-style : solid; }
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<BODY tabindex=-1 SCROLL=NO class='sys-lhp-bgcolor'>
<DIV id=idResultsPane WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100%> <TABLE class='sys-font-body' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100% style='table-layout:fixed;'>
<TR> <TD colspan=2> <DIV id=noloc1 class='sys-color-body' style='width: 100%; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow-x: hidden;height:1em;padding-top:11px;padding-left:7px;'> <DIV id=locPreviousResults title="Specifies whether to search only the content included in the results of your most recent search." NOWRAP> <INPUT id=idSearchWithinResults TYPE=checkbox title="Search within previous results"> Search within previous results </DIV> </DIV> </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD id=noloc2 colspan=2 style='height:11px;'> </TD> </TR>
<TR height=100%> <TD id=noloc3 colspan=2 style='padding-left : 11px; padding-right : 11px;'> <TABLE id="ResultTable" onresize="SwitchProvDisplay()" class='sys-font-body' WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style='table-layout:fixed;'> <TR> <TD class='sys-toppane-color-border Search-OuterTableAll' colspan=3> <TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 class='sys-font-body-bold sys-toppane-header-color sys-toppane-header-bgcolor Search-Headline' > <TR> <TD id='SearchResultsCell' WIDTH=100% id=locTitle> <DIV id=noloc4 style='width: 100%; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;'> <DIV NOWRAP id=locSearchResults>Search Results</DIV> </DIV> </TD> <TD NOWRAP> <DIV id=locTips><a class="sys-link-header" target='HelpCtrContents' href='hcp://system/blurbs/searchtips.htm'>Tips</a></DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan=2 class='Search-SearchStatusCell sys-toppane-bgcolor sys-toppane-color-border Search-OuterTableLeft'> <DIV id=noloc5 style='width: 100%; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;'> <DIV NOWRAP class='sys-font-body sys-color-body' id='idSearchStatus'></DIV> </DIV> </TD> <TD align='right' class='sys-toppane-bgcolor sys-toppane-color-border Search-OuterTableRight' style='padding:11px;' id=noloc6> <BUTTON id=idStopSearch class="Search-StopButton sys-font-body" accesskey="t" disabled="true" onClick="UserAbort();">S<U>t</U>op</BUTTON> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class='sys-toppane-color-border Search-ResultFrameCell sys-toppane-bgcolor Search-OuterTableLeftRight' colspan=3> <DIV id=idResultSet class="sys-toppane-bgcolor"></DIV> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD id=noloc7 colspan=3 class='sys-toppane-bgcolor sys-toppane-color-border Search-OuterTableLeftRightBottom' style='height:11px;'> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD id=noloc8 colspan=2 style='height:11px;'> </TD> </TR>
<SCRIPT id=Script_Ref0 SRC="hcp://system/scripts/wrapperparam.js"></SCRIPT>
// // localizable variables/filenames // var L_SearchAborted_Text = 'Search was stopped.'; var L_ResultsFound_Text = 'results found for'; var L_ReturnZeroResults_Text = " returned 0 results for "; var L_QuickHints_Text = "Quick hints:<BR><BR><UL style='margin-left:15px;'><LI style='list-style-position:outside'>Check your spelling.</LI><BR><LI style='list-style-position:outside'>Try using a different word, like 'Web' instead of 'Internet'.</LI><BR><LI style='list-style-position:outside'>Make your search more general, or consult the search <a target='HelpCtrContents' href='hcp://system/blurbs/searchtips.htm'>Tips</a>.</LI></UL>"; var L_Matches_Text = 'no matches'; var L_Result1_Text = " ("; var L_Result2_Text = " results)";
var L_EnableWrapperError_Text = 'You must have at least one search provider selected in order to search Help and Support Center.\nPlease go to the Search Options page, and then select a search provider or engine.'; var L_ServiceUnavailable_Text = 'Help and Support Search cannot continue because the Help Service is temporarily not working.\nPlease restart Help and Support Center to try again.'; var L_YourSearchResults_Text = 'Your search results for'; var L_NoLongerAvailable_Text = 'is no longer available. Please perform the query again.';
var L_HelpInformation_Text = "Help and Information"; var L_CommonQuestions_Text = "Common Questions"; var L_Troubleshooting_Text = "Troubleshooting"; var L_TechnicalArticles_Text = "Technical Articles"; var L_Tutorials_Text = "Tutorials"; var L_Helpfiles_Text = "Helpfiles"; var L_FixProblem_Text = "Fix a Problem"; var L_PickTask_Text = "Pick a task"; var L_Overviews_Text = "Overviews, Articles and Tutorials"; var L_References_Text = "References"; var L_NotConnected_Text = "To access content from this search provider, you must be connected to the Internet.<BR><BR><A HREF=\"javascript:ShowLearnMore('hcp://system/updatectr/learninternet.htm')\">Tell me more about connecting to the Internet</A>.";
// Other variables var g_ContentTypes = [];
g_ContentTypes[1] = L_HelpInformation_Text; g_ContentTypes[2] = L_CommonQuestions_Text; g_ContentTypes[3] = L_Troubleshooting_Text; g_ContentTypes[4] = L_TechnicalArticles_Text; g_ContentTypes[5] = L_Tutorials_Text; g_ContentTypes[6] = L_Helpfiles_Text; g_ContentTypes[7] = L_FixProblem_Text; g_ContentTypes[8] = L_PickTask_Text; g_ContentTypes[9] = L_Overviews_Text; g_ContentTypes[10] = L_References_Text;
var g_NAVBAR = pchealth.UI_NavBar.content.parentWindow; var g_oLearnDlg = null; var g_oEnumEngine = null; var g_semgr = null; var g_Timer_Timeout = null; var g_Timer_Print = null; var SEARCH_TIMEOUT = 30000; // 30 second timeout var g_bSearchInProgress = false; var g_lTotalNumResults = 0; var g_aEngID; var g_aEngName; var g_aDescription; var g_iEngCount; var g_WrapperSelected = ""; var g_NewResults = false; var g_bResultClick = false; var g_bResultTravel = false; var g_strResultClickID = ""; var g_bFrameCreated = false;
var g_SearchTerms = null; var g_aBullet = null; var g_aResultEnum = null; var g_aWrapperState = null; var g_aContentType = null; var g_aWrapperList = null; var g_bPrinting = false; var PRINT_DELAY = 10; // 10 millisecond delay per call var WRAPPER_STATE_QUERYING = 0; var WRAPPER_STATE_PRINTING = 1; var WRAPPER_STATE_DONE = 2; var WRAPPER_NUM_RESULT_PRINT = 2;
var REGKEY_WRAPPER_DISPLAY = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\PCHealth\\HelpSvc\\WrapperDisplay";
// Server DCR : Add option to select default wrapper var g_idWrapperDisplay = ""; var g_bKeywordWrapperReturned = false; var g_bFTSWrapperReturned = false;
function OpenConnWizard() { try { var g_oWShell = new ActiveXObject( "WScript.Shell" ); var sShellCmd_NCW = "rundll32 netshell.dll,StartNCW 0"; g_oWShell.Run( sShellCmd_NCW ); } catch( e ){} }
function ShowLearnMore( sTopicURL ) { if ((!sTopicURL) || (sTopicURL == "")) return;
g_oLearnDlg = window.showModelessDialog( sTopicURL, window, "help:no;status:no;resizable:no;dialogWidth:385px;dialogHeight:440px" ); // pchealth.UI_Contents.content.Navigate( sTopicURL, null, null, null, null ); }
function GenerateResultFrame() { var resultHTML = "<TABLE class='sys-font-body' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100% style='table-layout:fixed'>"; var iIndex; var oWrapper = null; var strListBoxDisplay; var strProviderDisplay;
if (g_bFrameCreated) return;
g_bFrameCreated = true;
// delete the arrays and create new ones g_aEngID = new Array(); g_aEngName = new Array(); g_aDescription = new Array(); g_iEngCount = 0;
// Initialize search eng and get data for(var oEnumEngine = new Enumerator(g_oEnumEngine); !oEnumEngine.atEnd(); oEnumEngine.moveNext()) { var oSearchEng = oEnumEngine.item();
// Display the search engine only if it has been enabled if (oSearchEng.Enabled) { g_aEngID [g_iEngCount] = oSearchEng.ID; g_aEngName[g_iEngCount] = oSearchEng.Name; g_aDescription[g_iEngCount] = oSearchEng.Description; g_iEngCount++; } }
if (IsResultSpaceEnough()) { strListBoxDisplay = " style='display:none' "; strProviderDisplay = ""; } else { strListBoxDisplay = ""; strProviderDisplay = " style='display:none' "; }
// Create a drop down list box resultHTML += "<TR id='ProvListBox' " + strListBoxDisplay + "><TD class='sys-font-body sys-color-body Search-ProvListBoxCell sys-toppane-color-border' style='background-color:threedface' TABINDEX=0 style='cursor:hand;' WIDTH=100%>"; resultHTML += "<SELECT style='width:100%;' class='sys-font-body sys-color-body sys-toppane-bgcolor' ID='ProviderList' SIZE=1 onchange='ProviderListChange();'>"; for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < g_iEngCount; iIndex++) { resultHTML += '<OPTION WIDTH=100% VALUE="' + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( g_aEngID[iIndex] ) + '">' + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape(g_aEngName[iIndex]); } resultHTML += "</SELECT></TD></TR>";
g_WrapperSelected = "";
// Create a row for each wrapper for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < g_iEngCount; iIndex++) { // Check to see if there is a result number for the wrapper var strNumResults = g_NAVBAR.GetWrapperVar("g_numResult" + g_aEngID[iIndex]); resultHTML += '<TR id="ProvCell' + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( g_aEngID[iIndex] ) + '"' + strProviderDisplay + '><TD class="sys-font-body sys-color-body Search-ProviderPane" TITLE="' + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( g_aDescription[iIndex] ) + '" onClick=\'WrapperClick("' + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( g_aEngID[iIndex] ) + '");\' onkeydown=\'WrapperKeyDown("' + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( g_aEngID[iIndex] ) + '")\' TABINDEX=0 style="cursor:hand;" id="div' + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( g_aEngID[iIndex] ) + '" WIDTH=100%><DIV style="width: 100%; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;"><DIV NOWRAP>' + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape(g_aEngName[iIndex]) + '</DIV></DIV></TD></TR>';
// if it is the last one, display the result cell resultHTML += '<TR id="idResultCell' + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( g_aEngID[iIndex] ) + '"';
if (iIndex == g_iEngCount - 1) { g_WrapperSelected = g_aEngID[iIndex]; } else { resultHTML += " style='display:none;'"; }
resultHTML += '><TD class="sys-font-body Search-ResultCell"><DIV class="Search-ResultDisplay" id="idResultDIV' + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( g_aEngID[iIndex] ) + '"></DIV></TD></TR>'; }
// Insert the HTML idResultSet.innerHTML = resultHTML + "</TABLE>"; }
function ProviderListChange() { var oOptions = event.srcElement.options(event.srcElement.selectedIndex); WrapperClick(oOptions.value); }
function IsResultSpaceEnough() { // Compute the total height occupied by the provider cells // Use the search result cell because other cells may not be avail and it is about the same height var iResultDisplay = 50; var iNumProviders = g_iEngCount + 4; // there are about 4 spaces roughly equal to each provider space return (ResultTable.offsetHeight > ((SearchResultsCell.offsetHeight * iNumProviders) + iResultDisplay)); }
function SwitchProvDisplay() { if (IsResultSpaceEnough()) { // Enough space, use provider cells instead // Hide the drop down list oProvListBox = idResultSet.all.item("ProvListBox"); if (oProvListBox) oProvListBox.style.display = "none";
// Show the provider cells for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < g_iEngCount; iIndex++) { var oProvDiv = idResultSet.all.item("ProvCell" + g_aEngID[iIndex]); if (oProvDiv) oProvDiv.style.display = "inline"; } } else { // Not enough space, so use drop down list instead // Show the drop down list var oProvListBox = idResultSet.all.item("ProvListBox"); if (oProvListBox) oProvListBox.style.display = "inline";
// Hide the provider cells for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < g_iEngCount; iIndex++) { var oProvDiv = idResultSet.all.item("ProvCell" + g_aEngID[iIndex]); if (oProvDiv) oProvDiv.style.display = "none"; } } }
function SetTimer_Print() { g_Timer_Print = window.setTimeout( GenerateResultItem, PRINT_DELAY ); }
function ClearTimer_Print() { if(g_Timer_Print) { window.clearTimeout( g_Timer_Print ); g_Timer_Print = null; } }
function GenerateResult(oWrapper) { try { g_aBullet [oWrapper.ID] = oWrapper.GetParam("UI_BULLET"); } catch(e) { ; }
if (g_aBullet[oWrapper.ID]) idResultSet.all.item("idResultDIV" + oWrapper.ID).innerHTML = '<DIV class="sys-rhp-bgcolor" style="height:100%;width:100%;"><UL class="sys-color-body" style="margin-left:25px;" id="list' + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( oWrapper.ID ) + '"></UL>'; else idResultSet.all.item("idResultDIV" + oWrapper.ID).innerHTML = '<DIV class="sys-rhp-bgcolor" style="height:100%;width:100%;"><OL class="sys-color-body" id="list' + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( oWrapper.ID ) + '"></OL>';
// Get the UI instructions for Button display from the wrapper try { g_aResultEnum [oWrapper.ID] = new Enumerator( oWrapper.Result(0, g_semgr.NumResult) ); g_aContentType [oWrapper.ID] = -1; g_aWrapperState [oWrapper.ID] = WRAPPER_STATE_PRINTING; g_aWrapperList [oWrapper.ID] = idResultSet.all.item("list" + oWrapper.ID); } catch(e) { ; }
GenerateResultItem(); }
function GenerateResultItem() { var bContinuePrinting = false;
// If already printing, return if(g_bPrinting) return;
ClearTimer_Print(); g_bPrinting = true;
// loop through all the wrappers for(var iIndex = 0; iIndex < g_iEngCount; iIndex++) { var wrapperID = g_aEngID[iIndex]; var wrapper = g_aWrapperList[wrapperID]; var result = g_aResultEnum[wrapperID];
// Print out results for(var iResult = 0; iResult < WRAPPER_NUM_RESULT_PRINT; iResult++) { // Check if wrapper is ready to print results if (g_aWrapperState[wrapperID] == WRAPPER_STATE_PRINTING) { bContinuePrinting = true;
// Get the result var oResult = result.item();
// If error, display error string if (oResult.ContentType < 0) { // Create an error element var oNewNode = document.createElement("DIV"); oNewNode.style.paddingTop = "15px";
if (oResult.ContentType == -2) { oNewNode.innerHTML = "<TABLE><TR><TD VALIGN='top'><IMG SRC='hcp://system/images/16x16/warning.gif'></TD><TD><DIV class='sys-font-body sys-link-normal'>" + L_NotConnected_Text + "</DIV></TD></TR></TABLE>"; } else { oNewNode.innerHTML = pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape(oResult.Description); }
wrapper.style.marginLeft = "15px"; wrapper.appendChild(oNewNode); } else { // Associate title and URL pchealth.HelpSession.SetTitle(oResult.URI, oResult.Title);
// Add the content type var iContentType = oResult.ContentType;
if ((iContentType == 0) && (g_aContentType[wrapperID] == -1)) { // Add a line space var oContentSpace = document.createElement("DIV"); oContentSpace.className = "sys-font-body-bold"; oContentSpace.innerHTML = " "; wrapper.appendChild(oContentSpace);
// Change the content type stored g_aContentType[wrapperID] = 1; }
if ((iContentType != 0) && (iContentType != g_aContentType[wrapperID])) { var strCT = g_ContentTypes[iContentType]; if(!strCT) strCT = " ";
// Add a line space var oContentSpace = document.createElement("DIV"); oContentSpace.className = "sys-font-body-bold sys-color-body"; oContentSpace.innerHTML = " "; wrapper.appendChild(oContentSpace);
// Add the content type var oContentNode = document.createElement("DIV"); oContentNode.className = "sys-font-body-bold sys-color-body"; oContentNode.innerText = strCT; wrapper.appendChild(oContentNode);
// Save the displayed content type so that it doesn't appear again g_aContentType[wrapperID] = iContentType; }
// Create the element var oNewNode = document.createElement("LI"); oNewNode.style.lineHeight = "1.5em";
// Place the rank if ((oResult.Rank > 0) && (oResult.Rank <= 1)) { var dRank = Math.ceil(oResult.Rank * 100); var oInnerDIV = document.createElement("DIV"); oInnerDIV.style.color = "gray"; oInnerDIV.className = "sys-font-body"; oInnerDIV.innerText = "(" + dRank + "%)"; oNewNode.appendChild(oInnerDIV); }
// Place the title, URL, tooltip var oInnerDIV = document.createElement("DIV"); oInnerDIV.className = "sys-font-body"; var oInnerLink = document.createElement("A"); oInnerLink.onclick = ResultClick; oInnerLink.className = "sys-link-normal"; oInnerLink.wrapperID = wrapperID; oInnerLink.tabIndex = 0; oInnerLink.target = "HelpCtrContents"; oInnerLink.href = oResult.URI;
if(oResult.Description != "") oInnerLink.title = oResult.Description;
// Place the location if ((oResult.Location != "") && (!pchealth.UserSettings.IsDesktopVersion)) oInnerLink.innerText = oResult.Title + " : " + oResult.Location; else oInnerLink.innerText = oResult.Title;
oNewNode.appendChild(oInnerLink); wrapper.appendChild(oNewNode); }
// Advance to the next result result.moveNext();
// Check if all results have been printed if(result.atEnd()) { g_aWrapperState[wrapperID] = WRAPPER_STATE_DONE; continue; } } } }
g_bPrinting = false;
if(bContinuePrinting) SetTimer_Print(); }
function WrapperKeyDown(strID) { // Check if it is the space or return key being pressed if ((event.keyCode == 13) || (event.keyCode == 32)) WrapperClick(strID); }
function WrapperClick(strID) { // Make sure that the list box selection is sync'ed var oProvList = idResultSet.all.item("ProviderList"); for(var iIndex = 0; iIndex < g_iEngCount; iIndex++) { if (g_aEngID[iIndex] == strID) { oProvList.selectedIndex = iIndex; break; } }
if (g_WrapperSelected == strID) return;
var strPrevWrapper = g_WrapperSelected; g_WrapperSelected = strID;
// Turn results on if (g_WrapperSelected != "") idResultSet.all.item("idResultCell" + g_WrapperSelected).style.display = "";
// Turn results off if (strPrevWrapper != "") idResultSet.all.item("idResultCell" + strPrevWrapper).style.display = "none"; }
function InitializeGlobals() { // Get the search engine if null if(g_semgr == null) { g_semgr = g_NAVBAR.GetSearchEngineManager();
// Check if it has been initialized if(g_NAVBAR.GetWrapperVar("SEMgrInit") != "true") { LoadWrapperParams( g_semgr ); g_NAVBAR.SetWrapperVar("SEMgrInit", "true"); }
g_oEnumEngine = g_semgr.EnumEngine(); } }
function SetTimer_Timeout() { g_Timer_Timeout = window.setTimeout( AbortFromTimeout, SEARCH_TIMEOUT ); }
function ClearTimer_Timeout() { if(g_Timer_Timeout) { window.clearTimeout( g_Timer_Timeout ); g_Timer_Timeout = null; } }
function UserAbort() { AbortQuery();
SetSearchStatus( L_SearchAborted_Text, L_SearchAborted_Text, true ); }
function AbortQuery() { ClearTimer_Timeout(); ClearTimer_Print ();
idResultsPane.style.cursor = "default"; idStopSearch.disabled = true;
g_bSearchInProgress = false;
if(g_semgr) { g_semgr.onWrapperComplete = SENull; g_semgr.onComplete = SENull;
g_semgr.AbortQuery(); } }
function UpdateSearchStatus() { if(g_NAVBAR.GetWrapperVar("SearchStatus")) { idSearchStatus.innerHTML = g_NAVBAR.GetWrapperVar("SearchStatus"); idSearchStatus.title = g_NAVBAR.GetWrapperVar("SearchStatus_Tooltip"); } else { idSearchStatus.innerHTML = L_Matches_Text; idSearchStatus.title = L_Matches_Text; } }
function SetSearchStatus( text, title, now ) { if(now) { idSearchStatus.innerHTML = text; idSearchStatus.title = title; } else { g_NAVBAR.SetWrapperVar( "SearchStatus" , text ); g_NAVBAR.SetWrapperVar( "SearchStatus_Tooltip", title ); } }
function SEWrapperComplete( oWrapper ) { // Get the actual total number of results var iTotalResult = oWrapper.Result(0, g_semgr.NumResult).Count;
// Check if the wrapper has returned an error var oEnumResult = new Enumerator( oWrapper.Result(0, 1) ); var oResult = oEnumResult.item(); var bErrorResult = false;
// Check if error on the first item try { if (oResult.ContentType < 0) { iTotalResult -= 1; bErrorResult = true; } } catch(e) { ; }
// Save the number of results for this wrapper g_NAVBAR.SetWrapperVar("g_numResult" + oWrapper.ID, iTotalResult.toString());
// tally number of results g_lTotalNumResults += iTotalResult;
SetSearchStatus( g_lTotalNumResults + " " + L_ResultsFound_Text + " <B>" + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape(g_semgr.QueryString) + "</B>" , g_lTotalNumResults + " " + L_ResultsFound_Text + " \'" + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape(g_semgr.QueryString) + "\'" , false );
// Print out the number of results for the wrapper in the tab var item = idResultSet.all.item("div" + oWrapper.ID); var resTxt = pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape(oWrapper.Name) + L_Result1_Text + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( iTotalResult ) + L_Result2_Text; item.title = resTxt + "\n\n" + oWrapper.Description; item.innerHTML = "<DIV style='width: 100%; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;'><DIV NOWRAP>" + resTxt + "</DIV></DIV>";
if (iTotalResult || bErrorResult) GenerateResult(oWrapper); else idResultSet.all.item("idResultDIV" + oWrapper.ID).innerHTML = "<DIV style='padding:11px'>" + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape(oWrapper.Name) + L_ReturnZeroResults_Text + "<B>" + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape(g_semgr.QueryString) + "</B>.<BR><BR><BR>" + L_QuickHints_Text + "</DIV>";
// ************************************************* // Server DCR : Add option to select default wrapper // Begin //
// Check to see if there is a wrapper to display first var idWrapperDisplay = g_NAVBAR.GetDefaultWrapper();
// If no default wrapper to display if (idWrapperDisplay == "" || idWrapperDisplay == "none" || idWrapperDisplay == undefined) { // if desktop sku if (pchealth.UserSettings.IsDesktopVersion) { // Store the first wrapper to return results > 0 if((g_idWrapperDisplay == "") && (oWrapper.ID != g_NAVBAR.ID_KEYWORD) && (iTotalResult > 0)) g_idWrapperDisplay = oWrapper.ID;
// Check if keyword is Enabled if (FindWrapper(g_NAVBAR.ID_KEYWORD).Enabled) { // if it is keyword and num results is zero, display FTS wrapper if (oWrapper.ID == g_NAVBAR.ID_KEYWORD) { if (iTotalResult == 0) { if(g_idWrapperDisplay == "") { g_bKeywordWrapperReturned = true; } else { WrapperClick(g_idWrapperDisplay); } } else { WrapperClick(g_NAVBAR.ID_KEYWORD); } } else { if(g_bKeywordWrapperReturned) { if(g_idWrapperDisplay) WrapperClick(g_idWrapperDisplay); } } } else { if ((g_WrapperSelected == "") && (iTotalResult > 0)) WrapperClick(oWrapper.ID); } } else // If not desktop sku { // Store the first wrapper to return results > 0 if((g_idWrapperDisplay == "") && (oWrapper.ID != g_NAVBAR.ID_FTS) && (iTotalResult > 0)) g_idWrapperDisplay = oWrapper.ID;
// Check if keyword is Enabled if (FindWrapper(g_NAVBAR.ID_FTS).Enabled) { // if it is keyword and num results is zero, display FTS wrapper if (oWrapper.ID == g_NAVBAR.ID_FTS) { if(iTotalResult == 0) { if(g_idWrapperDisplay == "") { g_bFTSWrapperReturned = true; } else { WrapperClick(g_idWrapperDisplay); } } else { WrapperClick(g_NAVBAR.ID_FTS); } } else { if(g_bFTSWrapperReturned) { if(g_idWrapperDisplay) WrapperClick(g_idWrapperDisplay); } } } else { if ((g_WrapperSelected == "") && (iTotalResult > 0)) WrapperClick(oWrapper.ID); } } } else // If there is a default wrapper to display { // Check if the wrapper returned is indeed the default wrapper if (idWrapperDisplay == oWrapper.ID) { WrapperClick(oWrapper.ID); } }
// End // Server DCR : Add option to select default wrapper // *************************************************
// Display status only if search has ended if(!g_bSearchInProgress) UpdateSearchStatus();
GenerateResultItem(); }
function SEMgrComplete(lSucceeded) { ClearTimer_Timeout();
g_bSearchInProgress = false;
// Set the cursor idResultsPane.style.cursor = "default";
// Disable abort key idStopSearch.disabled = true;
GenerateResultItem(); }
function SENull() { }
function AbortFromTimeout() { AbortQuery();
SEMgrComplete(0); }
function ExecuteQuery( strQuery ) { var bEnableSearch = false;
// Init print arrays g_aBullet = new Array(); g_aResultEnum = new Array(); g_aWrapperState = new Array(); g_aContentType = new Array(); g_aWrapperList = new Array();
// Init global vars g_bFrameCreated = false; g_NewResults = true; g_bSearchInProgress = true; g_WrapperSelected = ""; idResultsPane.style.cursor = "wait"; g_lTotalNumResults = 0;
// Initialize variables for Server DCR g_idWrapperDisplay = ""; g_bKeywordWrapperReturned = false; g_bFTSWrapperReturned = false;
// Create the query if (idSearchWithinResults.checked) { if (g_NAVBAR.GetWrapperVar("HCPrevQuery") == strQuery) g_semgr.QueryString = strQuery; else if (g_NAVBAR.GetWrapperVar("HCPrevQuery") != "") g_semgr.QueryString = "(" + g_NAVBAR.GetWrapperVar("HCPrevQuery") + ") and " + strQuery; else g_semgr.QueryString = strQuery; } else g_semgr.QueryString = strQuery;
// Save query g_NAVBAR.SetWrapperVar("HCPrevQuery", g_semgr.QueryString);
// Check if at least one wrapper is enabled var iSWCount = 0; for(var oEnumEngine = new Enumerator(g_oEnumEngine); !oEnumEngine.atEnd(); oEnumEngine.moveNext()) { var oSearchEng = oEnumEngine.item();
// Check whether enabled if(oSearchEng.Enabled) bEnableSearch = true;
// reset the number of results g_NAVBAR.SetWrapperVar("g_numResult" + oSearchEng.ID, "");
// set the subsite info oSearchEng.AddParam("SUBSITE", g_NAVBAR.GetWrapperVar("SUBSITE"));
// set the state of the wrapper g_aWrapperState[oSearchEng.ID] = WRAPPER_STATE_QUERYING;
// set the query and current query oSearchEng.AddParam("SubQuery", idSearchWithinResults.checked); oSearchEng.AddParam("CurrentQuery", strQuery);
iSWCount++; }
// Generate the tabs GenerateResultFrame();
// Execute the query if (bEnableSearch) { // set the search status string SetSearchStatus( "<img src='hcp://system/images/progbar.gif'>", "", true );
idStopSearch.disabled = false; idStopSearch.focus();
ClearTimer_Timeout(); ClearTimer_Print ();
try { // Execute the search g_semgr.onWrapperComplete = SEWrapperComplete; g_semgr.onComplete = SEMgrComplete; g_semgr.ExecuteAsynchQuery();
// create new timer for new query SetTimer_Timeout(); } catch(e) { // abort, try again AbortQuery(); } } else { SetSearchStatus( "", "", true );
pchealth.MessageBox( iSWCount ? L_EnableWrapperError_Text : L_ServiceUnavailable_Text, "OK" );
idResultsPane.style.cursor = "default"; g_bSearchInProgress = false; } }
function search_ContextSwitch() { var ctx = pchealth.HelpSession.CurrentContext;
if(ctx.ContextName == "SEARCH") { // Check if a search is already in progress. if(g_bSearchInProgress) return;
// Check if the previous context is not search var ctxPrev = event.srcElement.data.PreviousContext;
if(!ctxPrev || ctxPrev.ContextName != "SEARCH") { idSearchWithinResults.checked = false; }
if(ctx.ContextInfo) ExecuteQuery( ctx.ContextInfo ); } }
function ResultClick() { g_bResultClick = true; g_bResultTravel = true; g_strResultClickID = this.wrapperID; }
function search_PersistSave() { // Check if a search is already in progress. if(g_bSearchInProgress) return;
if(g_NewResults) { // Save the last query idState.stateProperty("HCPrevQuery") = g_NAVBAR.GetWrapperVar("HCPrevQuery");
// Save the html of results g_NAVBAR.SetWrapperVar("ResultDisplay", idResultSet.innerHTML);
g_NewResults = false; } }
function search_PersistLoad() { // Check if a search is already in progress. if(g_bSearchInProgress) return;
if (g_bResultClick) { // Save the last query idState.stateProperty("HCPrevQuery") = g_NAVBAR.GetWrapperVar("HCPrevQuery"); g_bResultClick = false; return; }
// Check if there is anything to display if(!idState.stateProperty("HCPrevQuery") || idState.stateProperty("HCPrevQuery") == "") { InitializeGlobals();
GenerateResultFrame(); return; }
// Recreate the display if (idState.stateProperty("HCPrevQuery") == g_NAVBAR.GetWrapperVar("HCPrevQuery")) { idResultSet.innerHTML = g_NAVBAR.GetWrapperVar("ResultDisplay");
UpdateSearchStatus(); } else { InitializeGlobals();
SetSearchStatus( "", "", true );
// Put unavailable message for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < g_iEngCount; iIndex++) { idResultSet.all.item("idResultDIV" + g_aEngID[iIndex]).innerHTML = "<DIV style='padding:11px'>" + L_YourSearchResults_Text + " <B>" + pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape(idState.stateProperty("HCPrevQuery")) + "</B> " + L_NoLongerAvailable_Text + "</DIV>"; }
} }
function FindWrapper(strID) { // Find the wrapper for(var oEnumEngine = new Enumerator(g_semgr.EnumEngine()); !oEnumEngine.atEnd(); oEnumEngine.moveNext()) { var oWrapper = oEnumEngine.item(); if (oWrapper.ID == strID) { return oWrapper; } } }
function search_TravelDone() { if (g_bResultTravel) { if (g_strResultClickID) { var oWrapper = FindWrapper(g_strResultClickID); g_SearchTerms = oWrapper.SearchTerms; if (oWrapper) window.setTimeout( search_Highlight, 500); }
g_bResultTravel = false; } }
function search_Highlight() { if(g_NAVBAR.g_SearchHighlight) { pchealth.HighlightWords( null, g_SearchTerms ); } }
function search_Abort() { if(g_bSearchInProgress) { UserAbort(); } }
function InitGlobalsForRecreateDisplay() { // Get the search engine if null if(g_semgr == null) { g_semgr = g_NAVBAR.GetSearchEngineManager();
// Check if it has been initialized if(g_NAVBAR.GetWrapperVar("SEMgrInit") != "true") { LoadWrapperParams( g_semgr ); g_NAVBAR.SetWrapperVar("SEMgrInit", "true"); }
g_oEnumEngine = g_semgr.EnumEngine(); }
g_bFrameCreated = true;
// delete the arrays and create new ones g_aEngID = new Array(); g_aEngName = new Array(); g_aDescription = new Array(); g_iEngCount = 0;
// Initialize search eng and get data for(var oEnumEngine = new Enumerator(g_oEnumEngine); !oEnumEngine.atEnd(); oEnumEngine.moveNext()) { var oSearchEng = oEnumEngine.item();
// Display the search engine only if it has been enabled if (oSearchEng.Enabled) { g_aEngID [g_iEngCount] = oSearchEng.ID; g_aEngName[g_iEngCount] = oSearchEng.Name; g_aDescription[g_iEngCount] = oSearchEng.Description; g_iEngCount++; } }
var oProvList = idResultSet.all.item("ProviderList"); for(var iIndex = 0; iIndex < g_iEngCount; iIndex++) { if (oProvList.selectedIndex == iIndex) { g_WrapperSelected = g_aEngID[iIndex]; break; } } }
<helpcenter:events id=idEvents onContextSwitch="search_ContextSwitch();" onTravelDone="search_TravelDone();" onPersistSave="search_PersistSave();" onPersistLoad="search_PersistLoad();" onBeforeContextSwitch="search_Abort();"/>
<helpcenter:state id=idState identity="Search" />