Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Remote Assistance Incident Creation </TITLE> <OBJECT ID="pchealth" classid="CLSID:FC7D9E02-3F9E-11d3-93C0-00C04F72DAF7"></OBJECT> <script Language=JavaScript> var gVendorID; var gProductID; var gIncidentID = null; // SalemTicket here var gStartPage = null;
function OnLoad1() { try { var i = document.URL.indexOf("?", 1);
if (i > 0) { // Get SalemID gIncidentID = document.URL.slice(i+1); //alert(gIncidentID); if (gIncidentID != null && gIncidentID.length > 0 && GetChannelInfo(gIncidentID) == true) { // continue gStartPage = "hcp://" + gVendorID + "/" + gStartPage +"?RcRequest=1&VID=" + gVendorID + "&PID=" + gProductID + "&ENDID=1"; // alert(gStartPage); idStart.window.navigate(gStartPage); return; } else { // // Unsolicited RA // idStart.window.navigate( "hcp://CN=Microsoft%20Corporation,L=Redmond,S=Washington,C=US/Remote%20Assistance/rcbuddy.htm?Unsolicited=1" ); return; } } } catch (e) { alert('Error: ' + e.Description); }
// If it comes here, it failed. try { var oDeskMgr = pchealth.CreateObject_RemoteDesktopManager(); oDeskMgr.Aborted(); } catch (e) { } navigate("hcp://system/HomePage.htm"); }
function GetChannelInfo(sSalemID) { var safreg = pchealth.Channels;
for(safreg.MoveFirst(); !safreg.EOF; safreg.MoveNext()) { try { var chan = pchealth.CreateObject_Channel( safreg.VendorID, safreg.ProductID );
for(var e = new Enumerator( chan.Incidents( 2 ) ); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) { var inc = e.item(); if (inc.URL == sSalemID) // Find it. { gVendorID = safreg.VendorID; gProductID = safreg.ProductID; var XMLFile = inc.XMLDataFile; var oInc = pchealth.CreateObject_Incident(); oInc.LoadFromXMLFile(XMLFile); gStartPage = oInc.StartPage; return true; } } } catch(e) { var L_FUNCFAIL_MSG = "GetChannelInfo failed: "; alert(L_FUNCFAIL_MSG + e.Description); } } return false; }
</script> </HEAD> <frameset COLS="100%" onload="OnLoad1()"> <frame name="idStart"> </frameset> </HTML>