Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
// Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
// variables for localization
var L_Updating_Text = "Updating..."; var L_Updated_Text = "Updated: %DATE%"; var L_MoreNews_Text = "View more headlines";
//Center-specific loc strings for Connection.js.
var L_TopicIntroWU_Text = "Get the latest updates for your computer's operating system, software, and hardware. Windows Update scans your computer and provides you with a selection of updates tailored just for you."; var L_TopicTitleWU_Text = "Windows Update";
var L_TopicIntroCompat_Text = "Research which hardware and software works best with the Windows Server 2003 family and related Windows products."; var L_TopicTitleCompat_Text = "Compatible Hardware and Software";
var L_TopicTitleErrMsg_Text = "Error and Event Log Messages";
var REG_HEADLINES_POLICY_KEY = "HKCU\\Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\PCHealth\\HelpSvc\\Headlines";
function PopulateNews() { var fDisplayHeadlines = true;
try { var dwRegVal = pchealth.RegRead( REG_HEADLINES_POLICY_KEY );
// If dwRegVal is 1 then the policy has been enabled - in this case do not display the news
if(dwRegVal == 1) fDisplayHeadlines = false; } catch(e) { } // check if the Headlines are enabled
try { if(fDisplayHeadlines && pchealth.UserSettings.AreHeadlinesEnabled) { idNews.style.display = ""; idNews_Status.innerText = L_Updating_Text;
try { // get News
var stream = pchealth.UserSettings.News; if(stream) { var g_NavBar = pchealth.UI_NavBar.content.parentWindow;
var dispstr = ""; // output buffer
var xmlNews = new ActiveXObject( "MSXML.DOMDocument" );
// load the headlines as XML
xmlNews.load( stream );
// Get the date
var Datestr = xmlNews.documentElement.getAttribute( "DATE" ); var Dt = new Date( new Number( Datestr ) );
{ var text = L_Updated_Text;
text = text.replace( /%DATE%/g, Dt.toLocaleDateString() );
idNews_Status.innerText = text; }
// Get the first newsblock to display
var lstBlocks = xmlNews.getElementsByTagName("NEWSBLOCK"); var lstHeadlines = lstBlocks(0).getElementsByTagName("HEADLINE");
// display all the Headlines
dispstr += "<TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0>"; while (Headline = lstHeadlines.nextNode) { var strTitle = pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( Headline.getAttribute("TITLE") ); var strLink = g_NavBar.SanitizeLink( Headline.getAttribute("LINK") );
dispstr += "<TR style='padding-top : .5em' class='sys-font-body'><TD VALIGN=top><LI></TD><TD><A class='sys-link-homepage sys-font-body' HREF='" + strLink + "'>" + strTitle + "</A></TD></TR>"; } dispstr += "</TABLE>";
// last bullet with link to headlines.htm
if(lstBlocks.length > 1) { dispstr += "<DIV id=idViewMore style='margin-top: 15px'><A class='sys-link-homepage sys-font-body' HREF='hcp://system/Headlines.htm'>" + L_MoreNews_Text + "</A></DIV>"; }
//display the headlines
idNews_Body.innerHTML = dispstr; } else { idNews_Status.innerText = ""; idNews_Error.style.display = ""; } } catch (e) { if(e.number == -2147024726) { window.setTimeout("PopulateNews()", 500); } } } } catch (e) { if(e.number == -2147024726) { window.setTimeout( "PopulateNews()", 500 ); } } }
function OpenConnWizard() { try { var oShell = new ActiveXObject( "WScript.Shell" ); var sShellCmd_NCW = "rundll32 netshell.dll,StartNCW 0"; oShell.Run( sShellCmd_NCW ); } catch( e ){ } }
function SafeCenterConnect( linkid, center, title, intro ) { var sURL = "http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=" + linkid + "&mode=" + center + "&lcid=" + pchealth.UserSettings.CurrentSKU.Language;
pchealth.Connectivity.NavigateOnline( sURL, title, intro ); }