** ** Address String Compression routines ** ***************************************************************************** ** ** The following is a group of routines designed to compress and expand ** IPV4 addresses into the absolute minimum size possible. This is to ** provide a compressed ASCII string that can be parsed using standard ** shell routines for command line parsing. ** The compressed string has the following restrictions: ** -> Must not expand to more characters if UTF8 encoded. ** -> Must not contain the NULL character so that string libs work. ** -> Cannot contain double quote character, the shell needs that. ** -> Does not have to be human readable. ** ** Data Types: ** There are three data types used here: ** szAddr The orginal IPV4 string address ("X.X.X.X:port") ** blobAddr Six byte struct with 4 bytes of address, and 2 bytes of port ** szComp Eight byte ascii string of compressed IPV4 address ** ****************************************************************************/
#define INIT_GUID
#include <windows.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <initguid.h>
//#include <winsock2.h>
#include <MMSystem.h>
//#include <WSIPX.h>
//#include <Iphlpapi.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
//#include "ICSutils.h"
//#include "rsip.h"
//#include "icshelpapi.h"
//#include "dpnathlp.h"
#include <io.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "utils.h"
#define COMP_OFFSET '#'
#define COMP_SEPERATOR '!'
#pragma pack(push,1)
typedef struct _BLOB_ADDR { UCHAR addr_d; // highest order address byte
UCHAR addr_c; UCHAR addr_b; UCHAR addr_a; // lowest order byte (last in IP string address)
#pragma pack(pop)
WCHAR b64Char[64]={ 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z', 'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z', '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','+','/' };
#ifndef _T
#define _T TEXT
** char * atob(char *szVal, UCHAR *result) ****************************************************************************/ WCHAR *atob(WCHAR *szVal, UCHAR *result) { WCHAR *lptr; WCHAR ucb; UCHAR foo; if (!result || !szVal) { IMPORTANT_MSG(_T("ERROR: NULL ptr passed in atob")); return NULL; } // start ptr at the beginning of string
lptr = szVal; foo = 0; ucb = *lptr++ - '0';
while (ucb >= 0 && ucb <= 9) { foo *= 10; foo += ucb; ucb = (*lptr++)-'0'; }
*result = (UCHAR)foo; return lptr; }
** ** CompressAddr(pszAddr, pblobAddr); ** Takes an ascii IP address (X.X.X.X:port) and converts it to a ** 6 byte binary blob. ** ** returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure. ** ****************************************************************************/
BOOL CompressAddr(WCHAR *pszAddr, PBLOB_ADDR pblobAddr) { BLOB_ADDR lblob; WCHAR *lpsz;
if (!pszAddr || !pblobAddr) { IMPORTANT_MSG(_T("ERROR: NULL ptr passed in CompressAddr")); return FALSE; }
lpsz = pszAddr;
lpsz = atob(lpsz, &lblob.addr_d); if (*(lpsz-1) != '.') { IMPORTANT_MSG(_T("ERROR: bad address[0] passed in CompressAddr")); return FALSE; }
lpsz = atob(lpsz, &lblob.addr_c); if (*(lpsz-1) != '.') { IMPORTANT_MSG(_T("ERROR: bad address[1] passed in CompressAddr")); return FALSE; }
lpsz = atob(lpsz, &lblob.addr_b); if (*(lpsz-1) != '.') { IMPORTANT_MSG(_T("ERROR: bad address[2] passed in CompressAddr")); return FALSE; }
lpsz = atob(lpsz, &lblob.addr_a);
// is there a port number here?
if (*(lpsz-1) == ':') lblob.port = (WORD)_wtoi(lpsz); else lblob.port = 0;
// copy back the result
memcpy(pblobAddr, &lblob, sizeof(*pblobAddr)); return TRUE; }
** ** ExpandAddr(pszAddr, pblobAddr); ** Takes 6 byte binary blob and converts it into an ascii IP ** address (X.X.X.X:port) ** ** returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure. ** ****************************************************************************/
BOOL ExpandAddr(WCHAR *pszAddr, PBLOB_ADDR pba) { if (!pszAddr || !pba) { IMPORTANT_MSG(_T("ERROR: NULL ptr passed in ExpandAddr")); return FALSE; }
wsprintf(pszAddr, L"%d.%d.%d.%d", pba->addr_d, pba->addr_c, pba->addr_b, pba->addr_a); if (pba->port) { WCHAR scratch[8]; wsprintf(scratch, L":%d", pba->port); wcscat(pszAddr, scratch); }
return TRUE; }
** ** AsciifyAddr(pszAddr, pblobAddr); ** Takes 6 byte binary blob and converts it into compressed ascii ** will return either 6 or 8 bytes of string ** ** returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure. ** ****************************************************************************/
BOOL AsciifyAddr(WCHAR *pszAddr, PBLOB_ADDR pba) { UCHAR tmp; DWORDLONG dwl; int i, iCnt;
if (!pszAddr || !pba) { IMPORTANT_MSG(_T("ERROR: NULL ptr passed in AsciifyAddr")); return FALSE; }
iCnt = 6; if (pba->port) iCnt = 8;
dwl = 0; memcpy(&dwl, pba, sizeof(*pba));
for (i = 0; i < iCnt; i++) { // get 6 bits of data
tmp = (UCHAR)(dwl & 0x3f); // add the offset to asciify this
// offset must be bigger the double-quote char.
pszAddr[i] = b64Char[tmp]; // (WCHAR)(tmp + COMP_OFFSET);
// Shift right 6 bits
dwl = Int64ShrlMod32(dwl, 6); } // terminating NULL
pszAddr[iCnt] = 0;
return TRUE; }
** ** DeAsciifyAddr(pszAddr, pblobAddr); ** Takes a compressed ascii string and converts it into a ** 6 or 8 byte binary blob ** ** returns TRUE for success, FALSE for failure. ** ****************************************************************************/
BOOL DeAsciifyAddr(WCHAR *pszAddr, PBLOB_ADDR pba) { UCHAR tmp; WCHAR wtmp; DWORDLONG dwl; int i; int iCnt;
if (!pszAddr || !pba) { IMPORTANT_MSG(_T("ERROR: NULL ptr passed in DeAsciifyAddr")); return FALSE; }
/* how long is this string?
* if it is 6 bytes, then there is no port * else it should be 8 bytes */ i = wcslen(pszAddr); if (i == 6 || i == 8) iCnt = i; else { iCnt = 8; IMPORTANT_MSG(_T("Strlen is wrong in DeAsciifyAddr")); }
dwl = 0; for (i = iCnt-1; i >= 0; i--) { wtmp = pszAddr[i];
if (wtmp >= L'A' && wtmp <= L'Z') tmp = wtmp - L'A'; else if (wtmp >= L'a' && wtmp <= L'z') tmp = wtmp - L'a' + 26; else if (wtmp >= L'0' && wtmp <= L'9') tmp = wtmp - L'0' + 52; else if (wtmp == L'+') tmp = 62; else if (wtmp == L'/') tmp = 63; else { tmp = 0; IMPORTANT_MSG(_T("ERROR:found invalid character in decode stream")); }
// tmp = (UCHAR)(pszAddr[i] - COMP_OFFSET);
if (tmp > 63) { tmp = 0; IMPORTANT_MSG(_T("ERROR:screwup in DeAsciify")); }
dwl = Int64ShllMod32(dwl, 6); dwl |= tmp; }
memcpy(pba, &dwl, sizeof(*pba)); return TRUE; }
** ** SquishAddress(char *szIp, char *szCompIp) ** Takes one IP address and compresses it to minimum size ** ****************************************************************************/
DWORD APIENTRY SquishAddress(WCHAR *szIp, WCHAR *szCompIp, size_t cCompIp) { WCHAR *thisAddr, *nextAddr; BLOB_ADDR ba;
if (!szIp || !szCompIp || cCompIp==0) { IMPORTANT_MSG(_T("SquishAddress called with NULL ptr")); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// TRIVIAL_MSG((L"SquishAddress(%s)", szIp));
thisAddr = szIp; szCompIp[0] = 0;
while (thisAddr) { WCHAR scr[10];
nextAddr = wcschr(thisAddr, L';'); if (nextAddr && *(nextAddr+1)) { *nextAddr = 0; } else nextAddr=0;
CompressAddr(thisAddr, &ba); // DumpBlob(&ba);
AsciifyAddr(scr, &ba);
if (wcslen(szCompIp) + wcslen(scr) >= cCompIp) return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
wcscat(szCompIp, scr);
if (nextAddr) { // restore seperator found earlier
*nextAddr = ';';
nextAddr++; if (wcslen(szCompIp) >= cCompIp) return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
wcscat(szCompIp, L"!" /* COMP_SEPERATOR */); } thisAddr = nextAddr; }
// TRIVIAL_MSG((L"SquishAddress returns [%s]", szCompIp));
** ** ExpandAddress(char *szIp, char *szCompIp) ** Takes a compressed IP address and returns it to ** "normal" ** ****************************************************************************/
DWORD APIENTRY ExpandAddress(WCHAR *szIp, WCHAR *szCompIp, size_t cszIp) { BLOB_ADDR ba; WCHAR *thisAddr, *nextAddr;
if (!szIp || !szCompIp || cszIp == 0) { IMPORTANT_MSG(_T("ExpandAddress called with NULL ptr")); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// TRIVIAL_MSG((L"ExpandAddress(%s)", szCompIp));
thisAddr = szCompIp; szIp[0] = 0;
while (thisAddr) { WCHAR scr[32];
nextAddr = wcschr(thisAddr, COMP_SEPERATOR); if (nextAddr) *nextAddr = 0;
DeAsciifyAddr(thisAddr, &ba); // DumpBlob(&ba);
ExpandAddr(scr, &ba);
if (wcslen(szIp) + wcslen(scr) >= cszIp) return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
wcscat(szIp, scr);
if (nextAddr) { // restore seperator found earlier
nextAddr++; if (wcslen(szIp) >= cszIp) return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
wcscat(szIp, L";"); } thisAddr = nextAddr; }
// TRIVIAL_MSG((L"ExpandAddress returns [%s]", szIp));
** ** *************************************************************************************/ int GetTsPort(void) { DWORD dwRet = 3389; HKEY hKey;
// open reg key first, to get ALL the spew...HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Terminal Server\\Wds\\rdpwd\\Tds\\tcp
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Terminal Server\\Wds\\rdpwd\\Tds\\tcp", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey)) { DWORD dwSize;
dwSize = sizeof(dwRet); RegQueryValueEx(hKey, L"PortNumber", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwRet, &dwSize); RegCloseKey(hKey); } return dwRet; }