Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: WMIParser.h
Abstract: This file contains the declaration of the classes that are part of the WMIParser library.
Revision History: Davide Massarenti (Dmassare) 07/25/99 created
#if !defined(__INCLUDED___PCH___WMIPARSER_H___)
namespace WMIParser { class InstanceName; class ValueReference;
class InstanceNameItem // Hungarian: wmipini
{ friend InstanceName;
private: MPC::wstring m_szValue; ValueReference* m_wmipvrValue;
public: InstanceNameItem(); InstanceNameItem( /*[in]*/ const InstanceNameItem& wmipini ); ~InstanceNameItem();
InstanceNameItem& operator=( /*[in]*/ const InstanceNameItem& wmipini );
bool operator==( /*[in]*/ InstanceNameItem const &wmipini ) const; bool operator< ( /*[in]*/ InstanceNameItem const &wmipini ) const; };
class InstanceName // Hungarian: wmipin
{ friend class Instance;
public: typedef std::map<MPC::wstringUC,InstanceNameItem> KeyMap; typedef KeyMap::iterator KeyIter; typedef KeyMap::const_iterator KeyIterConst;
private: MPC::XmlUtil m_xmlNode; // This instance in the Xml DOM.
MPC::wstring m_szNamespace; // Namespace of the instance in CIM.
MPC::wstring m_szClass; // Name of the class for this instance.
KeyMap m_mapKeyBinding; // Set of keys.
HRESULT ParseNamespace( ); HRESULT ParseKey ( /*[in] */ IXMLDOMNode* pxdnNode, /*[out]*/ InstanceNameItem& wmipini, /*[out]*/ bool& fEmpty ); HRESULT ParseKeys ( );
public: InstanceName(); ~InstanceName();
bool operator==( /*[in]*/ InstanceName const &wmipin ) const; bool operator< ( /*[in]*/ InstanceName const &wmipin ) const;
HRESULT put_Node( /*[in] */ IXMLDOMNode* pxdnNode, /*[out]*/ bool& fEmpty );
HRESULT get_Namespace( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szNamespace ); HRESULT get_Class ( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szClass );
HRESULT get_KeyBinding( /*[out]*/ KeyIterConst& itBegin, /*[out]*/ KeyIterConst& itEnd ); };
class Value // Hungarian: wmipv
{ private: long m_lData; // Length of the data value.
BYTE* m_rgData; // Data value.
MPC::wstring m_szData; // Data value.
public: Value(); virtual ~Value();
bool operator==( /*[in]*/ Value const &wmipv ) const;
HRESULT Parse( /*[in] */ IXMLDOMNode* pxdnNode, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szTag );
HRESULT get_Data( /*[out]*/ long& lData, /*[out]*/ BYTE*& rgData ); HRESULT get_Data( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szData ); };
class ValueReference // Hungarian: wmipvr
{ private: InstanceName m_wmipin;
public: ValueReference(); virtual ~ValueReference();
bool operator==( /*[in]*/ ValueReference const &wmipvr ) const; bool operator< ( /*[in]*/ ValueReference const &wmipvr ) const;
HRESULT Parse( /*[in] */ IXMLDOMNode* pxdnNode );
HRESULT get_Data( /*[out]*/ InstanceName*& wmipin ); };
class Property // Hungarian: wmipp
{ protected: MPC::XmlUtil m_xmlNode; // This property in the Xml DOM.
MPC::wstring m_szName; // Name of the property.
MPC::wstring m_szType; // Type of the value for this property.
public: Property(); virtual ~Property();
bool operator==( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR strName ) const; bool operator==( /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& szName ) const;
HRESULT put_Node( /*[in] */ IXMLDOMNode* pxdnNode ); HRESULT get_Node( /*[out]*/ IXMLDOMNode* *pxdnNode );
HRESULT get_Name( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szName ); HRESULT get_Type( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szType ); };
class Property_Scalar : public Property // Hungarian: wmipps
{ private: Value m_wmipvData;
public: Property_Scalar(); virtual ~Property_Scalar();
bool operator==( /*[in]*/ Property_Scalar const &wmipps ) const;
HRESULT put_Node( /*[in] */ IXMLDOMNode* pxdnNode );
HRESULT get_Data( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szData ); HRESULT put_Data( /*[in] */ const MPC::wstring& szData, /*[out]*/ bool& fFound ); };
class Property_Array : public Property // Hungarian: wmippa
{ private: typedef std::list<Value> ElemList; typedef ElemList::iterator ElemIter; typedef ElemList::const_iterator ElemIterConst;
ElemList m_lstElements;
public: Property_Array(); virtual ~Property_Array();
bool operator==( /*[in]*/ Property_Array const &wmippa ) const;
HRESULT put_Node( /*[in] */ IXMLDOMNode* pxdnNode );
HRESULT get_Data( /*[in]*/ int iIndex, /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szData ); HRESULT put_Data( /*[in]*/ int iIndex, /*[in] */ const MPC::wstring& szData, /*[out]*/ bool& fFound ); };
class Property_Reference : public Property // Hungarian: wmippr
{ private: ValueReference m_wmipvrData;
public: Property_Reference(); virtual ~Property_Reference();
bool operator==( /*[in]*/ Property_Reference const &wmippr ) const;
HRESULT put_Node( /*[in] */ IXMLDOMNode* pxdnNode );
HRESULT get_Data( /*[out]*/ ValueReference*& wmipvr ); };
class Instance // Hungarian: wmipi
{ friend class Instance_Less_ByClass; friend class Instance_Less_ByKey;
public: typedef std::map<MPC::wstring,Property_Scalar> PropMap; typedef PropMap::iterator PropIter; typedef PropMap::const_iterator PropIterConst;
typedef std::map<MPC::wstring,Property_Array> ArrayMap; typedef ArrayMap::iterator ArrayIter; typedef ArrayMap::const_iterator ArrayIterConst;
typedef std::map<MPC::wstring,Property_Reference> ReferenceMap; typedef ReferenceMap::iterator ReferenceIter; typedef ReferenceMap::const_iterator ReferenceIterConst;
private: MPC::XmlUtil m_xmlNode; // This instance in the Xml DOM.
Property_Scalar m_wmippTimeStamp; // Timestamp of this instance.
bool m_fTimeStamp; //
Property_Scalar m_wmippChange; // Change status of this instance.
bool m_fChange; //
InstanceName m_wmipinIdentity; // Set of keys.
bool m_fPropertiesParsed; // Flags to indicate if properties are already parsed or not.
PropMap m_mapPropertiesScalar; // Map of all the scalar properties of this instance.
ArrayMap m_mapPropertiesArray; // Map of all the array properties of this instance.
ReferenceMap m_mapPropertiesReference; // Map of all the reference properties of this instance.
HRESULT ParseIdentity ( /*[in] */ IXMLDOMNode* pxdnNode, /*[out]*/ bool& fEmpty ); HRESULT ParseProperties ( ); HRESULT ParsePropertiesScalar ( ); HRESULT ParsePropertiesArray ( ); HRESULT ParsePropertiesReference( );
public: Instance(); ~Instance();
bool operator==( /*[in]*/ Instance const &wmipi ) const;
HRESULT put_Node( /*[in] */ IXMLDOMNode* pxdnNode, /*[out]*/ bool& fEmpty ); HRESULT get_Node( /*[out]*/ IXMLDOMNode* *pxdnNode );
HRESULT get_Namespace( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szNamespace ); HRESULT get_Class ( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szClass );
HRESULT get_TimeStamp( /*[out]*/ Property_Scalar*& wmippTimeStamp, /*[out]*/ bool& fFound ); HRESULT get_Change ( /*[out]*/ Property_Scalar*& wmippChange );
HRESULT get_Identity ( /*[out]*/ InstanceName*& wmipin ); HRESULT get_Properties ( /*[out]*/ PropIterConst& itBegin, /*[out]*/ PropIterConst& itEnd ); HRESULT get_PropertiesArray ( /*[out]*/ ArrayIterConst& itBegin, /*[out]*/ ArrayIterConst& itEnd ); HRESULT get_PropertiesReference( /*[out]*/ ReferenceIterConst& itBegin, /*[out]*/ ReferenceIterConst& itEnd );
bool CompareByClass( /*[in]*/ Instance const &wmipi ) const; bool CompareByKey ( /*[in]*/ Instance const &wmipi ) const; };
class Instance_Less_ByClass { public: bool operator()( /*[in]*/ Instance* const &, /*[in]*/ Instance* const & ) const; };
class Instance_Less_ByKey { public: bool operator()( /*[in]*/ Instance* const &, /*[in]*/ Instance* const & ) const; };
class Snapshot // Hungarian: wmips
{ public: typedef std::list<Instance> InstList; typedef InstList::iterator InstIter; typedef InstList::const_iterator InstIterConst;
private: MPC::XmlUtil m_xmlNode; // This snapshot in the Xml DOM.
CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> m_xdnInstances; // Position of the parent of all instances.
InstList m_lstInstances; // List of all the instances of this snapshot.
HRESULT Parse();
public: Snapshot(); ~Snapshot();
HRESULT put_Node ( /*[in] */ IXMLDOMNode* pxdnNode ); HRESULT get_Node ( /*[out]*/ IXMLDOMNode* *pxdnNode ); HRESULT get_NodeForInstances( /*[out]*/ IXMLDOMNode* *pxdnNode );
HRESULT get_Instances( /*[out]*/ InstIterConst& itBegin, /*[out]*/ InstIterConst& itEnd );
HRESULT clone_Instance( /*[in]*/ Instance* pwmipiOld, /*[out]*/ Instance*& pwmipiNew );
HRESULT New ( ); HRESULT Load( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFile, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szRootTag ); HRESULT Save( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFile ); };
typedef std::map<Instance*,Instance*,Instance_Less_ByKey> ClusterByKeyMap; typedef ClusterByKeyMap::iterator ClusterByKeyIter; typedef ClusterByKeyMap::const_iterator ClusterByKeyIterConst;
class Cluster { ClusterByKeyMap m_map;
public: Cluster() {};
HRESULT Add ( /*[in] */ Instance* wmipiInst ); HRESULT Find( /*[in] */ Instance* wmipiInst, /*[out]*/ Instance*& wmipiRes, /*[out]*/ bool& fFound ); HRESULT Enum( /*[out]*/ ClusterByKeyIter& itBegin , /*[out]*/ ClusterByKeyIter& itEnd ); };
typedef std::map<Instance*,Cluster,Instance_Less_ByClass> ClusterByClassMap; typedef ClusterByClassMap::iterator ClusterByClassIter; typedef ClusterByClassMap::const_iterator ClusterByClassIterConst;
HRESULT DistributeOnCluster( /*[in]*/ ClusterByClassMap& cluster, /*[in]*/ Snapshot& wmips );
HRESULT CompareSnapshots( /*[in] */ BSTR bstrFilenameT0 , /*[in] */ BSTR bstrFilenameT1 , /*[in] */ BSTR bstrFilenameDiff , /*[out,retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL *pVal ); };
#endif // !defined(__INCLUDED___PCH___WMIPARSER_H___)