* * Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation * * Module Name: * findfile.cpp * * Abstract: * CFindFile functions. * * Revision History: * Brijesh Krishnaswami (brijeshk) 03/17/2000 * created * *****************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.h"
#ifdef THIS_FILE
#undef THIS_FILE
static char __szTraceSourceFile[] = __FILE__; #define THIS_FILE __szTraceSourceFile
// constructor
CFindFile::CFindFile() { m_ulCurID = 0; m_ulMaxID = 0; m_ulMinID = 0; m_fForward = FALSE; }
// returns oldest/youngest file
// <prefix>n<suffix> is older than <prefix>n+1<suffix>
BOOL CFindFile::_FindFirstFile( LPCWSTR pszPrefix, LPCWSTR pszSuffix, PWIN32_FIND_DATA pData, BOOL fForward, BOOL fSkipLast ) { BOOL fRc = FALSE; HANDLE hdl = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; ULONG ulCurID = 0; WCHAR szSrch[MAX_PATH];
m_fForward = fForward;
m_ulCurID = 1; m_ulMaxID = 0; m_ulMinID = 0xFFFFFFF7; if(NULL == pData || NULL == pszPrefix || NULL == pszSuffix) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto done; }
// enumerate all files with wildcard search
// record the first and last files in numerical order
// then return in order requested
wsprintf(szSrch, L"%s*%s", pszPrefix, pszSuffix);
hdl = FindFirstFile(szSrch, pData); if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hdl) { goto done; }
do { ulCurID = GetID(pData->cFileName); if (0 == ulCurID) // always skip 0
if (ulCurID < m_ulMinID) m_ulMinID = ulCurID;
if (ulCurID > m_ulMaxID) m_ulMaxID = ulCurID;
} while (FindNextFile(hdl, pData));
FindClose(hdl); hdl = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if (m_ulMaxID == 0) // no file really
goto done; if (fSkipLast) // skip the last file if needed
if (m_ulMaxID == 0) // no file again
goto done;
// start at beginning or end
m_ulCurID = m_fForward ? m_ulMinID : m_ulMaxID; wsprintf(szSrch, L"%s%d%s", pszPrefix, m_ulCurID, pszSuffix);
// get the first existing file
while (m_ulCurID >= m_ulMinID && m_ulCurID <= m_ulMaxID && INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == (hdl = FindFirstFile(szSrch, pData))) { // try again with leading zeros
wsprintf(szSrch, L"%s%07d%s", pszPrefix, m_ulCurID, pszSuffix);
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == (hdl = FindFirstFile (szSrch, pData))) { m_fForward ? m_ulCurID++ : m_ulCurID--; wsprintf(szSrch, L"%s%d%s", pszPrefix, m_ulCurID, pszSuffix); } else { break; } }
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hdl) { FindClose(hdl); fRc = TRUE; }
done: TLEAVE(); return fRc; }
// returns next/prev oldest file
// <prefix>n<suffix> is older than <prefix>n+1<suffix>
BOOL CFindFile::_FindNextFile( LPCWSTR pszPrefix, LPCWSTR pszSuffix, PWIN32_FIND_DATA pData // [out] Next file info
TENTER("CFindFile::_FindNextFile"); if(NULL == pData || NULL == pszPrefix || NULL == pszSuffix) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto done; }
// get the next/prev oldest existing file
do { m_fForward ? m_ulCurID++ : m_ulCurID--; wsprintf(szSrch, L"%s%d%s", pszPrefix, m_ulCurID, pszSuffix);
if (m_ulCurID >= m_ulMinID && m_ulCurID <= m_ulMaxID && INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == (hdl = FindFirstFile(szSrch, pData))) { // try again with leading zeros
wsprintf(szSrch, L"%s%07d%s", pszPrefix, m_ulCurID, pszSuffix); } else if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hdl) break;
} while (m_ulCurID >= m_ulMinID && m_ulCurID <= m_ulMaxID && INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == (hdl = FindFirstFile(szSrch, pData)));
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hdl) // no more files?
{ fRc = TRUE; FindClose(hdl); }
done: TLEAVE(); return fRc; }
// returns n+1 for the max n for which file <Prefix>n<Suffix> exists
ULONG CFindFile::GetNextFileID( LPCWSTR pszPrefix, LPCWSTR pszSuffix) { HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; CFindFile FindFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData;
TENTER("CFindFile::GetNextFileID"); // step thru all files in order of increasing id
if (FindFile._FindFirstFile(pszPrefix, pszSuffix, &FindData, TRUE)) { while (FindFile._FindNextFile(pszPrefix, pszSuffix, &FindData)); }
TLEAVE(); return FindFile.m_ulCurID; }