* * Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation * * Module Name: * reslist.cpp * * Abstract: * This file contains the implementation of Restore List. * * Revision History: * Brijesh Krishnaswami (brijeshk) 06/02/00 * created * * ******************************************************************************/
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "restmap.h"
#include "reslist.h"
#include "shlwapi.h"
#include "utils.h"
#ifdef THIS_FILE
#undef THIS_FILE
static char __szTraceSourceFile[] = __FILE__; #define THIS_FILE __szTraceSourceFile
#include "dbgtrace.h"
// copy acl
void CopyAcl(CNode *pNode, BYTE *pbAcl, DWORD cbAcl, BOOL fAclInline) { if (pbAcl) { HEAP_FREE(pNode->m_pbAcl); pNode->m_pbAcl = (BYTE *) HEAP_ALLOC(cbAcl); if (pNode->m_pbAcl) memcpy(pNode->m_pbAcl, pbAcl, cbAcl); pNode->m_cbAcl = cbAcl; pNode->m_fAclInline = fAclInline; } }
// GetReverseOperation : This function will return the reverse operation of the
// current changelog operation.
DWORD GetReverseOperation( DWORD dwOpr ) { DWORD dwRestoreOpr = OPR_UNKNOWN;
switch( dwOpr ) { case OPR_FILE_DELETE: dwRestoreOpr = OPR_FILE_ADD; break;
case OPR_FILE_ADD : dwRestoreOpr = OPR_FILE_DELETE; break;
case OPR_FILE_MODIFY: dwRestoreOpr = OPR_FILE_MODIFY; break;
case OPR_SETATTRIB: dwRestoreOpr = OPR_SETATTRIB; break;
case OPR_FILE_RENAME: dwRestoreOpr = OPR_FILE_RENAME; break;
case OPR_DIR_RENAME: dwRestoreOpr = OPR_DIR_RENAME; break;
case OPR_DIR_DELETE: dwRestoreOpr = OPR_DIR_CREATE; break;
case OPR_DIR_CREATE: dwRestoreOpr = OPR_DIR_DELETE; break;
case OPR_SETACL: dwRestoreOpr = OPR_SETACL; break;
default: dwRestoreOpr = OPR_UNKNOWN; break; }
return dwRestoreOpr; }
// AllocateNode : allocates a list node
CNode * AllocateNode( LPWSTR pPath1, LPWSTR pPath2) { CNode * pNode = NULL; BOOL fRet = FALSE; if (! pPath1) { fRet = TRUE; // BUGBUG - is this a valid case?
goto Exit; }
pNode = (CNode *) HEAP_ALLOC( sizeof(CNode) ); if (! pNode ) goto Exit;
// all pointers set to NULL
if ( pPath1 ) STRCOPY(pNode->m_pPath1, pPath1);
if ( pPath2 ) STRCOPY(pNode->m_pPath2, pPath2); pNode->m_dwOperation = OPR_UNKNOWN; pNode->m_dwAttributes = 0xFFFFFFFF; pNode->m_pPrev = NULL; pNode->m_pNext = NULL;
fRet = TRUE;
Exit: if (! fRet) { // something failed, so cleanup
FreeNode(pNode); pNode = NULL; }
return pNode; }
// FreeNode : This function frees a list node
VOID FreeNode( CNode * pNode ) { if ( pNode ) { HEAP_FREE(pNode->m_pPath1); HEAP_FREE(pNode->m_pPath2); HEAP_FREE(pNode->m_pszTemp); HEAP_FREE(pNode->m_pbAcl); HEAP_FREE(pNode); } }
// Looks at an existing node and the new operation coming and decides
// if they can be merged or not.
BOOL CanMerge( DWORD dwExistingOpr, DWORD dwNewOpr, DWORD dwFlags ) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
// Don't optimize directory renames
if ( OPR_DIR_RENAME == dwExistingOpr || OPR_DIR_RENAME == dwNewOpr ) goto Exit;
// Don't optimize for rename if the node we find is a delete node
// and the current opr is rename. In such cases since rename is
// dependent on deletion to succeed.
// Example : A -> B , Create A should generate Delete A, B -> A
if ( IsRename(dwNewOpr) && ( OPR_DIR_DELETE == dwExistingOpr || OPR_FILE_DELETE == dwExistingOpr ) ) goto Exit;
// Also Del A, A->B should not merge this can happen if the file is
// getting renamed out of the directory and back.
if ( IsRename(dwExistingOpr) && ( OPR_DIR_DELETE == dwNewOpr || OPR_DIR_CREATE == dwNewOpr || OPR_FILE_DELETE == dwNewOpr ) ) goto Exit;
if ( IsRename(dwNewOpr) && ( OPR_DIR_DELETE == dwExistingOpr || OPR_DIR_CREATE == dwExistingOpr ) ) goto Exit;
// Dir + File operations don't merge
if ( ( OPR_FILE_DELETE == dwExistingOpr || OPR_FILE_MODIFY == dwExistingOpr || OPR_FILE_ADD == dwExistingOpr ) && ( OPR_DIR_CREATE == dwNewOpr || OPR_DIR_DELETE == dwNewOpr ) ) goto Exit;
if ( ( OPR_FILE_DELETE == dwNewOpr || OPR_FILE_ADD == dwNewOpr || OPR_FILE_MODIFY == dwNewOpr ) && ( OPR_DIR_CREATE == dwExistingOpr || OPR_DIR_DELETE == dwExistingOpr ) ) goto Exit;
// can merge
fRet = TRUE;
Exit: return fRet; }
// CRestoreList implementation.
CRestoreList::CRestoreList() { m_pListHead = m_pListTail = NULL; }
CRestoreList::~CRestoreList() { //
// Destroy the list
CNode * pNodeNext = m_pListHead;
CNode * pNode = NULL; while( pNodeNext ) { pNode = pNodeNext; pNodeNext = pNodeNext->m_pNext; FreeNode( pNode ); } }
// AddNode : Alocates and Adds a tree node to the restore tree.
CNode * CRestoreList::AppendNode( LPWSTR pPath1, LPWSTR pPath2) { CNode * pNode = NULL;
if ( pPath1 )
{ pNode = AllocateNode( pPath1, pPath2 );
if ( !pNode ) { goto Exit; }
if( m_pListHead ) { CNode * pPrevNode = m_pListTail; pPrevNode->m_pNext = pNode; pNode->m_pPrev = pPrevNode; pNode->m_pNext = NULL; m_pListTail = pNode; } else { m_pListHead = pNode; m_pListTail = pNode; pNode->m_pPrev = NULL; pNode->m_pNext = NULL; } } Exit: return pNode; }
// RemoveNode: Removes a node from the list
CNode * CRestoreList::RemoveNode( CNode * pNode ) { if ( pNode ) { CNode * pPrevNode = pNode->m_pPrev; CNode * pNextNode = pNode->m_pNext;
if (pPrevNode) { pPrevNode->m_pNext = pNode->m_pNext; }
if (pNextNode) { pNextNode->m_pPrev = pNode->m_pPrev; }
if ( pNode == m_pListHead ) { m_pListHead = pNextNode; } if ( pNode == m_pListTail ) { m_pListTail = pPrevNode; }
pNode->m_pPrev = NULL; pNode->m_pNext = NULL; }
return pNode; }
// GetLastNode : finds the most recent candidate to merge
CNode * CRestoreList::GetLastNode( LPWSTR pPath1, LPWSTR pPath2, BOOL fFailOnPrefixMatch ) { CNode * pNode = NULL;
pNode = m_pListTail;
while( pNode ) { //
// If the node has invalid operation skip it.
if ( OPR_UNKNOWN == pNode->m_dwOperation ) { pNode = pNode->m_pPrev; continue; }
// If node matches, return it
if (0 == lstrcmpi(pPath1, pNode->m_pPath1)) goto Exit;
// Check for a dependent rename operation, if found we should not
// merge beyond it.
if ( pPath1 && IsRename(pNode->m_dwOperation) && 0 == lstrcmpi(pPath1, pNode->m_pPath2) ) { pNode = NULL; goto Exit; }
// Check for swap conditions, if so don't do any optimization.
if ( pPath2 && IsRename(pNode->m_dwOperation) && 0 == lstrcmpi(pPath2, pNode->m_pPath2) ) { pNode = NULL; goto Exit; }
// Check if the entire path matches as a prefix, in such a
// case we should fail search because an operation under that
// directory is found.
if ( fFailOnPrefixMatch ) { //
// Check if entire path matches a prefix that means this
// directory has other operations so don't merge.
if (StrStrI(pNode->m_pPath1, pPath1)) { pNode = NULL; goto Exit; }
if ( IsRename(pNode->m_dwOperation) && StrStrI(pNode->m_pPath2, pPath1)) { pNode = NULL; goto Exit; }
// Check if prefix of the path matches with the full path in
// nodelist, means we are moving across directory's lifespan.
// ToDo: Only check for directory life operations
if ( IsRename(pNode->m_dwOperation) || OPR_DIR_DELETE == pNode->m_dwOperation || OPR_DIR_CREATE == pNode->m_dwOperation ) { if ( StrStrI(pPath1, pNode->m_pPath1) ) { pNode = NULL; goto Exit; } if ( IsRename(pNode->m_dwOperation) && StrStrI(pPath1, pNode->m_pPath2) ) { pNode = NULL; goto Exit; } if ( pPath2 ) { if ( StrStrI(pPath2, pNode->m_pPath1) ) { pNode = NULL; goto Exit; } if ( IsRename(pNode->m_dwOperation) && StrStrI(pPath2, pNode->m_pPath2) ) { pNode = NULL; goto Exit; } } } }
pNode = pNode->m_pPrev; }
Exit: //
// We have found a potential merge candidate, now check if this is
// a rename node and dest prefix has any operations on it.
if ( pNode && IsRename(pNode->m_dwOperation)) { CNode * pTmpNode = m_pListTail;
while( pTmpNode && pTmpNode != pNode ) { if ( IsRename(pTmpNode->m_dwOperation) || OPR_DIR_DELETE == pTmpNode->m_dwOperation || OPR_DIR_CREATE == pTmpNode->m_dwOperation ) { if ( StrStrI(pNode->m_pPath2, pTmpNode->m_pPath1) ) { pNode = NULL; break; } if ( IsRename(pTmpNode->m_dwOperation) && StrStrI(pNode->m_pPath2, pTmpNode->m_pPath2) ) { pNode = NULL; break; } } pTmpNode = pTmpNode->m_pPrev; } } return pNode; }
// CopyNode : Copies node information, destination opr, copy data, etc.
BOOL CRestoreList::CopyNode( CNode * pSrcNode, CNode * pDesNode, BOOL fReplacePPath2 ) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
if (pSrcNode && pDesNode) { pSrcNode->m_dwOperation = pDesNode->m_dwOperation ; pSrcNode->m_dwAttributes = pDesNode->m_dwAttributes;
STRCOPY(pSrcNode->m_pszTemp, pDesNode->m_pszTemp); CopyAcl(pSrcNode, pDesNode->m_pbAcl, pDesNode->m_cbAcl, pDesNode->m_fAclInline);
if ( IsRename(pDesNode->m_dwOperation) && fReplacePPath2 ) { HEAP_FREE( pSrcNode->m_pPath2 ); pSrcNode->m_pPath2 = pDesNode->m_pPath2; pDesNode->m_pPath2 = NULL; } fRet = TRUE; }
return fRet; }
// CreateRestoreNode : Creates appropriate restore node
CRestoreList::CreateRestoreNode( CNode * pNode, DWORD dwOpr, DWORD dwAttr, DWORD dwFlags, LPWSTR pTmpFile, LPWSTR pPath1, LPWSTR pPath2, BYTE* pbAcl, DWORD cbAcl, BOOL fAclInline) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
if (pNode) { fRet = TRUE; DWORD dwRestoreOpr = GetReverseOperation( dwOpr );
// If Source / Dest paths are same then remove this just
// added node.
if ( IsRename(dwRestoreOpr) && 0 == lstrcmpi(pNode->m_pPath1, pNode->m_pPath2) ) { RemoveNode( pNode ); FreeNode( pNode ); goto Exit; }
// Rename optimizations should not be done for directories.
if ( OPR_FILE_RENAME == dwRestoreOpr ) { //
// Check if the des node already exists in the tree, if so
// copy all the data from that node and delete it. Current
// node effectively represents that node.
DWORD dwCurNodeOpr = pNode->m_dwOperation; CNode *pNodeDes = GetLastNode( pPath2, pPath1, TRUE );
if (pNodeDes && OPR_UNKNOWN != pNodeDes->m_dwOperation) { //
// Check for Cycle if so remove the current node also
if ( OPR_FILE_RENAME == pNodeDes->m_dwOperation && !lstrcmpi (pNode->m_pPath1, pNodeDes->m_pPath2) ) { //
// The existing node may be a hybrid one so preserve the
// hybrid operations cancel only rename
if (! pNodeDes->m_pszTemp && pNodeDes->m_dwAttributes == 0xFFFFFFFF && pNodeDes->m_pbAcl == NULL) { //
// Not a hybrid node - remove it.
RemoveNode( pNodeDes ); FreeNode( pNodeDes ); } else { //
// Hybrid Node so change the node to the other
// operations only.
HEAP_FREE( pNodeDes->m_pPath1 ); pNodeDes->m_pPath1 = pNodeDes->m_pPath2; pNodeDes->m_pPath2 = NULL; pNodeDes->m_dwOperation = OPR_SETATTRIB;
if (pNodeDes->m_pbAcl) { pNodeDes->m_dwOperation = OPR_SETACL; }
if (pNodeDes->m_pszTemp) { pNodeDes->m_dwOperation = OPR_FILE_MODIFY; } } //
// Remove the just add node as the operation cancels
// returning false will have that effect
fRet = FALSE;
goto Exit; }
// Remove the matching node from the list
RemoveNode( pNodeDes );
// Merge the matching node into the current rename node
CopyNode( pNode, pNodeDes, TRUE );
// Since all the information for modify/attrib/acl is
// copied over, change the opr to rename.
if (pNodeDes->m_dwOperation == OPR_SETATTRIB || pNodeDes->m_dwOperation == OPR_SETACL || pNodeDes->m_dwOperation == OPR_FILE_MODIFY) { pNode->m_dwOperation = dwRestoreOpr; STRCOPY(pNode->m_pPath2, pPath2); }
// If current opr on the node was delete and the newly
// copied operation is create we need to merge these and
// and change the operation to modify
// BUGBUG - will this code ever be executed?
// dwCurNodeOpr always seems to be OPR_UNKNOWN
if ( OPR_FILE_ADD == pNodeDes->m_dwOperation && OPR_FILE_DELETE == dwCurNodeOpr ) { pNode->m_dwOperation = OPR_FILE_MODIFY; } if ( OPR_DIR_CREATE == pNodeDes->m_dwOperation && OPR_DIR_DELETE == dwCurNodeOpr ) { pNode->m_dwOperation = OPR_SETATTRIB; } //
// If the operation is changed from a rename then pPath2 should
// not exist
if ( OPR_FILE_RENAME != pNode->m_dwOperation ) { if ( pNode->m_pPath2 ) { HEAP_FREE(pNode->m_pPath2); pNode->m_pPath2 = NULL ; } } FreeNode( pNodeDes ); goto Exit; } }
// Copy the necessary information into this node.
pNode->m_dwOperation = dwRestoreOpr; pNode->m_dwAttributes = dwAttr; STRCOPY(pNode->m_pszTemp, pTmpFile); CopyAcl(pNode, pbAcl, cbAcl, fAclInline); }
Exit: return fRet; }
// MergeRestoreNode : Merge the new information into the current retore node
BOOL CRestoreList::MergeRestoreNode( CNode * pNode, DWORD dwOpr, DWORD dwAttr, DWORD dwFlags, LPWSTR pTmpFile, LPWSTR pPath1, LPWSTR pPath2, BYTE* pbAcl, DWORD cbAcl, BOOL fAclInline) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
if (pNode) { DWORD dwRestoreOpr = GetReverseOperation( dwOpr );
// note that dwOpr cannot be a rename operation,
// because we handle that separately in CreateRestoreNode
ASSERT( ! IsRename(dwOpr) );
switch( dwOpr ) { case OPR_FILE_ADD : { //
// If current opr is add and the node already encountered a
// delete opr then remove this node because this is a no-op
if ( OPR_FILE_ADD == pNode->m_dwOperation ) { RemoveNode( pNode ); FreeNode ( pNode ); goto Exit; }
if ( IsRename(pNode->m_dwOperation) ) { //
// Change the original node to a delete operation, to
// retain proper order.
pNode->m_dwOperation = OPR_FILE_DELETE;
// Delete operation should be generated on PPath2
if (pNode->m_pPath1) { HEAP_FREE( pNode->m_pPath1); pNode->m_pPath1 = NULL; }
if (pNode->m_pPath2) { pNode->m_pPath1 = pNode->m_pPath2; pNode->m_pPath2 = NULL; }
goto Exit; }
break; } case OPR_FILE_DELETE : { //
// Delete followd by an add should result in modify
if (OPR_FILE_DELETE == pNode->m_dwOperation) { pNode->m_dwOperation = OPR_FILE_MODIFY; pNode->m_dwAttributes = dwAttr; STRCOPY(pNode->m_pszTemp, pTmpFile); CopyAcl(pNode, pbAcl, cbAcl, fAclInline); goto Exit; }
break; } case OPR_FILE_MODIFY: { //
// Copy the modified file copy location, don't change
// the current restore operation.
if ( OPR_FILE_ADD == pNode->m_dwOperation || IsRename(pNode->m_dwOperation) ) { STRCOPY(pNode->m_pszTemp, pTmpFile); goto Exit; } break; } case OPR_SETATTRIB: { //
// Don't change the current restore operation just set the attr.
if ( OPR_UNKNOWN != pNode->m_dwOperation ) { pNode->m_dwAttributes = dwAttr; goto Exit; }
break; } case OPR_SETACL: { // setacl followed by any op
// just copy the acl to the new op
if (OPR_UNKNOWN != pNode->m_dwOperation) { CopyAcl(pNode, pbAcl, cbAcl, fAclInline); goto Exit; }
break; } case OPR_DIR_DELETE : { //
// if Dir delete followed by a dir create then this
// operation should condense to set attrib + setacl
if ( OPR_DIR_DELETE == pNode->m_dwOperation ) { //
// Need to change the oprn to set attrib if
// Attribute changed
pNode->m_dwOperation = OPR_SETATTRIB; pNode->m_dwAttributes = dwAttr; CopyAcl(pNode, pbAcl, cbAcl, fAclInline); goto Exit; } break; } case OPR_DIR_CREATE : { if ( OPR_DIR_CREATE == pNode->m_dwOperation ) { RemoveNode( pNode ); FreeNode( pNode ); goto Exit; } if ( IsRename(pNode->m_dwOperation) ) { //
// Check if the existing node has some file operations
// afterwards then don't optimize
if ( GetLastNode( pNode->m_pPath1, NULL, TRUE) ) { //
// Change the last node to a delete operation, to
// retain proper order.
pNode->m_dwOperation = OPR_DIR_DELETE; //
// Delete operation should be generated on PPath2
if (pNode->m_pPath1) { HEAP_FREE( pNode->m_pPath1); pNode->m_pPath1 = NULL; }
if (pNode->m_pPath2) { pNode->m_pPath1 = pNode->m_pPath2; pNode->m_pPath2 = NULL; } } else { CNode * pNewNode = NULL;
// Create a new dir delete node
if (pNewNode = AppendNode(pPath1, pPath2) ) { fRet = CreateRestoreNode( pNewNode, dwOpr, dwAttr, dwFlags, pTmpFile, pPath1, pPath2, pbAcl, cbAcl, fAclInline); } }
goto Exit; } break; } }
pNode->m_dwOperation = dwRestoreOpr;
// Change the node's attribute only if the new attrib exists
if (dwAttr != 0xFFFFFFFF) pNode->m_dwAttributes = dwAttr; STRCOPY(pNode->m_pszTemp, pTmpFile); CopyAcl(pNode, pbAcl, cbAcl, fAclInline); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CRestoreList::CheckIntegrity( LPWSTR pszDrive, DWORD dwOpr, DWORD dwAttr, DWORD dwFlags, LPWSTR pTmpFile, LPWSTR pPath1, LPWSTR pPath2, BYTE * pbAcl, DWORD cbAcl, BOOL fAclInline) { BOOL fRet = TRUE; WCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; // source name MUST be present
if (! pPath1) { fRet = FALSE; goto done; }
// if acl is present and it's not inline,
// then temp file must exist
if (pbAcl && ! fAclInline) { MakeRestorePath(szPath, pszDrive, (LPWSTR) pbAcl); if (-1 == GetFileAttributes(szPath)) { fRet = FALSE; goto done; } } switch (dwOpr) { case OPR_FILE_RENAME: case OPR_DIR_RENAME: // renames should have dest path and no temp file
if (! pPath2 || pTmpFile) fRet = FALSE; break;
case OPR_FILE_MODIFY: // modify should not have dest path but must have temp file
if (pPath2 || ! pTmpFile) { fRet = FALSE; break; }
// and the temp file must exist inside the datastore
MakeRestorePath(szPath, pszDrive, pTmpFile);
if (-1 == GetFileAttributes(szPath)) { fRet = FALSE; break; } break; case OPR_SETACL: // acl operation should have acl (either inline or not)
if (! pbAcl) { fRet = FALSE; break; }
default: break; }
done: return fRet; }
// AddMergeElement : Adds or merge the current element as appropriate
BOOL CRestoreList::AddMergeElement( LPWSTR pszDrive, DWORD dwOpr, DWORD dwAttr, DWORD dwFlags, LPWSTR pTmpFile, LPWSTR pPath1, LPWSTR pPath2, BYTE * pbAcl, DWORD cbAcl, BOOL fAclInline) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; CNode * pNode = NULL;
// check to see if the entry is consistent
fRet = CheckIntegrity(pszDrive, dwOpr, dwAttr, dwFlags, pTmpFile, pPath1, pPath2, pbAcl, cbAcl, fAclInline); if (FALSE == fRet) { ASSERT(-1); goto Exit; } if ( pPath1 ) { if ( //
// Merge for renames are handled inside the Create/Merge funcs
! IsRename(dwOpr) &&
// Merge should only be allowed within directory life, check
// node paths to see if there are any directory life oprs.
( pNode = GetLastNode( pPath1, pPath2, TRUE ) ) && CanMerge( pNode->m_dwOperation , dwOpr, dwFlags )
) { fRet = MergeRestoreNode( pNode, dwOpr, dwAttr, dwFlags, pTmpFile, pPath1, pPath2, pbAcl, cbAcl, fAclInline);
if (!fRet) goto Exit;
} else { if (pNode = AppendNode(pPath1, pPath2) ) { fRet = CreateRestoreNode( pNode, dwOpr, dwAttr, dwFlags, pTmpFile, pPath1, pPath2, pbAcl, cbAcl, fAclInline);
if (!fRet) { //
// We failed to create the node properly, free this node
RemoveNode( pNode ); FreeNode( pNode );
// We still want to continue
fRet = TRUE;
goto Exit; } } } }
Exit: return fRet; }
// GenerateRestoreMap : Walk the tree and generates the restore map.
BOOL CRestoreList::GenerateRestoreMap ( HANDLE hFile ) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
if (hFile) { CNode * pNode = m_pListHead;
while (pNode) { if (! GenerateOperation( pNode , hFile )) goto Exit; pNode = pNode->m_pNext; }
fRet = TRUE; }
Exit: return fRet; }
// GenerateRenameEntry : Callback to write out the renames
BOOL CRestoreList::GenerateRenameEntry( CNode * pNode , HANDLE hFile ) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
if( !pNode || ! IsRename(pNode->m_dwOperation) ) goto Exit;
// Check if this rename is no-op , src/des are the same
if ( IsRename(pNode->m_dwOperation) && lstrcmpi(pNode->m_pPath1, pNode->m_pPath2) == 0) { goto SkipMainNodeEntry; }
// add rename operation
fRet = AppendRestoreMapEntry( hFile, pNode->m_dwOperation, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, pNode->m_pPath1, pNode->m_pPath2, NULL, 0, 0);
// add modify operation if temp file exists
if ( pNode->m_pszTemp ) { fRet = AppendRestoreMapEntry( hFile, OPR_FILE_MODIFY, 0xFFFFFFFF, pNode->m_pszTemp, pNode->m_pPath1, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); }
// add setattrib operation if attrib exists
if ( pNode->m_dwAttributes != 0xFFFFFFFF && pNode->m_dwAttributes != FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { fRet = AppendRestoreMapEntry( hFile, OPR_SETATTRIB, pNode->m_dwAttributes, NULL, pNode->m_pPath1, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); }
// add setacl operation if acl exists
if ( pNode->m_pbAcl != NULL && pNode->m_cbAcl != 0) { fRet = AppendRestoreMapEntry( hFile, OPR_SETACL, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, pNode->m_pPath1, NULL, pNode->m_pbAcl, pNode->m_cbAcl, pNode->m_fAclInline); }
Exit: return fRet; }
BOOL CRestoreList::GenerateOperation( CNode * pNode , HANDLE hFile ) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
BYTE bData[4096];
RestoreMapEntry * pResEntry = (RestoreMapEntry *)bData;
if( !pNode || OPR_UNKNOWN == pNode->m_dwOperation) goto Exit;
if (IsRename(pNode->m_dwOperation) ) { fRet = GenerateRenameEntry( pNode, hFile ); goto Exit; }
// Generate operations for Add/Modify/SetAttrib
// ensure that each persisted entry contains only necessary data
// e.g. a setattrib entry will not contain a temp filename, or acl
fRet = AppendRestoreMapEntry( hFile, pNode->m_dwOperation, (pNode->m_dwOperation == OPR_SETATTRIB) ? pNode->m_dwAttributes : 0xFFFFFFFF, (pNode->m_dwOperation == OPR_FILE_MODIFY || pNode->m_dwOperation == OPR_FILE_ADD) ? pNode->m_pszTemp : NULL, pNode->m_pPath1, NULL, // pPath2 should matter only for renames, which are handled separately
(pNode->m_dwOperation == OPR_SETACL) ? pNode->m_pbAcl : NULL, (pNode->m_dwOperation == OPR_SETACL) ? pNode->m_cbAcl : 0, (pNode->m_dwOperation == OPR_SETACL) ? pNode->m_fAclInline : 0);
// Generate an explicit set attrib operation
// entries except set attrib itself and delete.
if ( OPR_SETATTRIB != pNode->m_dwOperation && OPR_FILE_DELETE != pNode->m_dwOperation && OPR_DIR_DELETE != pNode->m_dwOperation && pNode->m_dwAttributes != 0xFFFFFFFF && pNode->m_dwAttributes != FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { fRet = AppendRestoreMapEntry( hFile, OPR_SETATTRIB, pNode->m_dwAttributes, NULL, pNode->m_pPath1, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); }
// Generate an explicit set acl if needed
if ( pNode->m_pbAcl != NULL && pNode->m_cbAcl != 0 && OPR_SETACL != pNode->m_dwOperation && OPR_FILE_DELETE != pNode->m_dwOperation && OPR_DIR_DELETE != pNode->m_dwOperation) { fRet = AppendRestoreMapEntry( hFile, OPR_SETACL, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, pNode->m_pPath1, NULL, pNode->m_pbAcl, pNode->m_cbAcl, pNode->m_fAclInline); }
Exit: return fRet; }