Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: rpcstest.cpp
Abstract: This file is a unit test for the SFP client api Revision History:
Brijesh Krishnaswami (brijeshk) - 06/29/99 - Created
********************************************************************/ #include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <dbgtrace.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "srrestoreptapi.h"
#include "srrpcapi.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "srapi.h"
#include "wintrust.h"
#include "softpub.h"
#include "mscat.h"
#include "shlwapi.h"
void PrintUsage() { printf("Usage: rpctest <option>"); printf("\n 1 = EnableSR <volumename>"); printf("\n 2 = DisableSR <volumename>"); printf("\n 3 = EnableFIFO"); printf("\n 4 = DisableFIFO <seqnum>"); printf("\n 5 = SRSetRestorePoint [Description] [Rptype] [EvtType] [SeqNum]"); printf("\n 6 = SRRemoveRestorePoint <seqnum>"); printf("\n 7 = SRUpdateMonitoredList <filepath>"); printf("\n 8 = SRFifo <volumename> <targetpercent>"); printf("\n 9 = SRFifo <volumename> <targetpercent> -- fifo atleast one rp"); printf("\n 10 = SRFifo <volumename> <targetRPNum> -- include current rp"); printf("\n 11 = SRFifo <volumename> <targetRPNum> -- exclude current rp"); printf("\n 12 = SRFreeze <volumename>"); printf("\n 13 = SRCompress <volumename>"); printf("\n 14 = SRNotify <volumename> <freespace> <direction=1/0>"); printf("\n 15 = Start/Stop Filter <1/0>"); printf("\n 16 = ResetSR <volumename>"); printf("\n 17 = SRUpdateDSSize <volumename> <newsize>"); printf("\n 18 = SRSwitchLog"); printf("\n 19 = AddCatalogToCryptoDB <catfilename> <fullpath>"); printf("\n 20 = RemoveCatalogFromCryptoDB <catfilename>"); printf("\n 21 = SRPrintState -- dump state to %%windir%%\\temp\\sr.txt and debugger"); printf("\n 22 = TestDriveRestore <oldsystemhivepath>"); printf("\n 25 = SRRegisterSnapshotCallback <dllfullpath>"); printf("\n 26 = SRUnregisterSnapshotCallback <dllfullpath>"); printf("\n 27 = EnableSREx <volumename> <fWait>"); printf("\n<volumename> must be specified as \"C:\\\" etc."); }
// this calls the Crypto API to add a catalog to the Crypto DB
DWORD AddCatalogToCryptoDB(LPCWSTR pszCatName, LPCWSTR pszCatPath) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; HCATADMIN hCatAdmin = NULL; HCATINFO hCatInfo = NULL; GUID DriverVerifyGuid = DRIVER_ACTION_VERIFY; TraceFunctEnter("AddCatalogToCryptoDB"); if (!CryptCATAdminAcquireContext(&hCatAdmin, &DriverVerifyGuid, 0)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "CryptCATAdminAcquireContext() failed, ec=%d", dwErr); goto Err; } hCatInfo= CryptCATAdminAddCatalog(hCatAdmin, (LPWSTR) pszCatPath, // path of the temp cat file
(LPWSTR) pszCatName, // name of the cat file
0); // No Flags
if (NULL == hCatInfo) { dwErr = GetLastError(); DebugTrace(0, "CryptCATAdminAddCatalog() failed, ec=%d", dwErr); goto Err; } Err: if (NULL != hCatInfo) { CryptCATAdminReleaseCatalogContext(hCatAdmin, hCatInfo, 0); // no flags
} if (NULL != hCatAdmin) { CryptCATAdminReleaseContext(hCatAdmin, 0); // no flags
} TraceFunctLeave(); return dwErr; }
// this calls the Crypto API to remove a catalog from the Crypto DB
DWORD RemoveCatalogFromCryptoDB(LPCWSTR pszCatName) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; HCATADMIN hCatAdmin = NULL; HCATINFO hCatInfo = NULL; GUID DriverVerifyGuid = DRIVER_ACTION_VERIFY; TraceFunctEnter("RemoveCatalogFromCryptoDB"); if (!CryptCATAdminAcquireContext(&hCatAdmin, &DriverVerifyGuid, 0)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "CryptCATAdminAcquireContext() failed, ec=%d", dwErr); goto Err; } if (FALSE == CryptCATAdminRemoveCatalog(hCatAdmin, (LPWSTR) pszCatName, 0)) // No Flags
{ dwErr = GetLastError(); DebugTrace(0, "CryptCATAdminRemoveCatalog() failed, ec=%d", dwErr); goto Err; } Err: if (NULL != hCatAdmin) { CryptCATAdminReleaseContext(hCatAdmin, 0); // no flags
} TraceFunctLeave(); return dwErr; }
#define VALIDATE_DWRET(str) \
if ( dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS ) \ { \ ErrorTrace(0, "failed - %ld", dwRet); \ goto done; \ } \
DWORD FindDriveMapping(HKEY hk, LPBYTE pSig, DWORD dwSig, LPWSTR pszDrive) { DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwType, dwSize = MAX_PATH; BYTE rgbSig[1024]; DWORD cbSig = sizeof(rgbSig); LPCWSTR cszErr;
TENTER("FindDriveMapping"); while (ERROR_SUCCESS == (dwRet = RegEnumValue( hk, dwIndex++, pszDrive, &dwSize, NULL, &dwType, rgbSig, &cbSig ))) { if (0 == wcsncmp(pszDrive, L"\\DosDevice", 10)) { if (cbSig == dwSig && (0 == memcmp(rgbSig, pSig, cbSig))) break; } dwSize = MAX_PATH; cbSig = sizeof(rgbSig); }
TLEAVE(); return dwRet; }
DWORD KeepMountedDevices(HKEY hkMount) { HKEY hkNew = NULL, hkOld = NULL; DWORD dwIndex = 0; WCHAR szValue[MAX_PATH], szDrive[MAX_PATH]; BYTE rgbSig[1024]; DWORD cbSig; DWORD dwSize, dwType; DWORD dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPCWSTR cszErr;
TENTER("KeepMountedDevices"); //
// open the old and new MountedDevices
dwRet = ::RegOpenKey( hkMount, L"MountedDevices", &hkOld ); VALIDATE_DWRET("::RegOpenKey");
dwRet = ::RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"System\\MountedDevices", &hkNew ); VALIDATE_DWRET("::RegOpenKey");
// enumerate the old devices
// delete volumes that don't exist in the new (i.e. current)
dwSize = MAX_PATH; cbSig = sizeof(rgbSig); while (ERROR_SUCCESS == (dwRet = RegEnumValue( hkOld, dwIndex++, szValue, &dwSize, NULL, &dwType, rgbSig, &cbSig ))) { if (0 == wcsncmp(szValue, L"\\??\\Volume", 10)) { //
// this is a Volume -> Signature mapping
// check if the volume exists in the new
trace(0, "Old Volume = %S", szValue);
dwSize = sizeof(rgbSig); dwRet = RegQueryValueEx(hkNew, szValue, NULL, &dwType, rgbSig, &dwSize); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRet) { //
// nope
// so delete the volume and driveletter mapping from old
DWORD dwSave = FindDriveMapping(hkOld, rgbSig, cbSig, szDrive); dwRet = RegDeleteValue(hkOld, szValue); VALIDATE_DWRET("RegDeleteValue"); if (dwSave == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwIndex--; // hack to make RegEnumValueEx work
dwRet = RegDeleteValue(hkOld, szDrive); VALIDATE_DWRET("RegDeleteValue"); }
trace(0, "Deleted old volume"); } } else if (szValue[0] == L'#') { trace(0, "Old Mountpoint = %S", szValue); } else if (0 == wcsncmp(szValue, L"\\DosDevice", 10)) { trace(0, "Old Drive = %S", szValue); } else { trace(0, "Old Unknown = %S", szValue); }
dwSize = MAX_PATH; cbSig = sizeof(rgbSig); } if (dwRet != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) VALIDATE_DWRET("::RegEnumValue");
// now enumerate the current (new) devices
dwIndex = 0; dwSize = MAX_PATH; cbSig = sizeof(rgbSig); while (ERROR_SUCCESS == (dwRet = RegEnumValue( hkNew, dwIndex++, szValue, &dwSize, NULL, &dwType, rgbSig, &cbSig ))) { if (0 == wcsncmp(szValue, L"\\??\\Volume", 10)) { //
// this is a Volume -> Signature mapping
// copy the new volume to the old
trace(0, "New Volume = %S", szValue);
DWORD dwSave = FindDriveMapping(hkOld, rgbSig, cbSig, szDrive);
dwRet = RegSetValueEx(hkOld, szValue, NULL, REG_BINARY, rgbSig, cbSig); VALIDATE_DWRET("::RegSetValueEx");
if (dwSave == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { //
// there is no driveletter for this volume in the old registry
// so copy the new one to the old if it exists
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == FindDriveMapping(hkNew, rgbSig, cbSig, szDrive)) { dwRet = RegSetValueEx(hkOld, szDrive, NULL, REG_BINARY, rgbSig, cbSig); VALIDATE_DWRET("::RegSetValueEx"); trace(0, "Copied new driveletter %S to old", szDrive); } } else { //
// preserve the old driveletter
trace(0, "Preserving old driveletter %S", szDrive); } } else if (szValue[0] == L'#') { //
// this is a mountpoint specification
// BUGBUG - mount points should be restored
// so don't bother about these ?
trace(0, "New Mountpoint = %S", szValue); } else if (0 == wcsncmp(szValue, L"\\DosDevice", 10)) { //
// this is a Driveletter -> Signature mapping
// don't touch these
trace(0, "New Drive = %S", szValue); } else { trace(0, "New Unknown = %S", szValue); } dwSize = MAX_PATH; cbSig = sizeof(rgbSig); } if (dwRet == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; VALIDATE_DWRET("::RegEnumValue");
done: if (hkOld) RegCloseKey(hkOld);
if (hkNew) RegCloseKey(hkNew); TLEAVE(); return dwRet; }
LPCWSTR GetSysErrStr( ) { TraceFunctEnter("GetSysErrStr(DWORD)"); static WCHAR szErr[1024+1];
TraceFunctLeave(); return( szErr ); }
BOOL CheckPrivilege( LPCWSTR szPriv, BOOL fCheckOnly ) { TraceFunctEnter("CheckPrivilege"); BOOL fRet = FALSE; LPCWSTR cszErr; HANDLE hToken = NULL; LUID luid; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tpNew; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tpOld; DWORD dwRes;
// Prepare Process Token
if ( !::OpenProcessToken( ::GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken ) ) { cszErr = ::GetSysErrStr(); ErrorTrace(0, "::OpenProcessToken failed - %ls", cszErr); goto Exit; }
// Get Luid
if ( !::LookupPrivilegeValue( NULL, szPriv, &luid ) ) { cszErr = ::GetSysErrStr(); ErrorTrace(0, "::LookupPrivilegeValue failed - %ls", cszErr); goto Exit; }
// Try to enable the privilege
tpNew.PrivilegeCount = 1; tpNew.Privileges[0].Luid = luid; tpNew.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; if ( !::AdjustTokenPrivileges( hToken, FALSE, &tpNew, sizeof(tpNew), &tpOld, &dwRes ) ) { cszErr = ::GetSysErrStr(); ErrorTrace(0, "::AdjustTokenPrivileges(ENABLE) failed - %ls", cszErr); goto Exit; }
if ( ::GetLastError() == ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED ) { // This means process does not even have the privilege so
// AdjustTokenPrivilege simply ignored the request.
ErrorTrace(0, "Privilege '%ls' does not exist, probably user is not an admin.", szPriv); goto Exit; }
DebugTrace(0, "old=%d", tpOld.Privileges[0].Attributes);
if ( fCheckOnly ) { // Restore the privilege if it was not enabled
if ( tpOld.PrivilegeCount > 0 ) { if ( !::AdjustTokenPrivileges( hToken, FALSE, &tpOld, sizeof(tpOld), NULL, NULL ) ) { cszErr = ::GetSysErrStr(); ErrorTrace(0, "::AdjustTokenPrivileges(RESTORE) failed - %ls", cszErr); goto Exit; } } }
fRet = TRUE; Exit: if ( hToken != NULL ) ::CloseHandle( hToken ); return( fRet ); }
BOOL DeleteRegKey(HKEY hkOpenKey, const WCHAR * pszKeyNameToDelete) { TraceFunctEnter("DeleteRegKey"); BOOL fRet=FALSE; DWORD dwRet;
// this recursively deletes the key and all its subkeys
dwRet = SHDeleteKey( hkOpenKey, // handle to open key
pszKeyNameToDelete); // subkey name
if (dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // key does not exist - this is not an error case.
DebugTrace(0, "RegDeleteKey of %S failed ec=%d. Not an error.", pszKeyNameToDelete, dwRet); goto cleanup; }
DebugTrace(0, "RegDeleteKey of %S succeeded", pszKeyNameToDelete); fRet = TRUE; cleanup: TraceFunctLeave(); return fRet; }
DWORD PersistRegKeys( HKEY hkMountedHive, const WCHAR * pszKeyNameInHive, HKEY hkOpenKeyInRegistry, const WCHAR * pszKeyNameInRegistry, const WCHAR * pszKeyBackupFile, WCHAR * pszSnapshotPath) { TraceFunctEnter("PersistRegKeys"); HKEY hKey=NULL; WCHAR szDataFile[MAX_PATH]; LPCWSTR cszErr; DWORD dwRet=ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; BOOL fKeySaved; DWORD dwDisposition; // construct the name of the file that stores the backup we will
// construct the name such that the file will get deleted after
// the restore.
wsprintf(szDataFile, L"%s%s", pszSnapshotPath, pszKeyBackupFile); DeleteFile(szDataFile); // delete the file if it exists
// first load the DRM key to a file
// open the DRM key
dwRet= RegOpenKeyEx(hkOpenKeyInRegistry, // handle to open key
pszKeyNameInRegistry, // name of subkey to open
0, // reserved
KEY_READ, // security access mask
&hKey); // handle to open key
if (dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // key does not exist - this is not an error case.
DebugTrace(0, "RegOpenKey of %S failed ec=%d", pszKeyNameInRegistry, dwRet); fKeySaved = FALSE; } else { // key exist
dwRet = RegSaveKey( hKey, // handle to key
szDataFile, // data file
NULL); // SD
if (dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // key does not exist - this is not an error case.
DebugTrace(0, "RegSaveKey of %S failed ec=%d", pszKeyNameInRegistry, dwRet); fKeySaved = FALSE; } else { DebugTrace(0, "Current DRM Key %S saved successfully", pszKeyNameInRegistry); fKeySaved = TRUE; } }
// close the key
if (hKey) { RegCloseKey(hKey); hKey = NULL; } // now replace the snapshotted DRM key with the new key
// first delete the existing key
DeleteRegKey(hkMountedHive, pszKeyNameInHive);
// now check to see if the key existing in the old registry in
// the first place
if (fKeySaved == FALSE) { DebugTrace(0, "Current key %S did not exist. Leaving", pszKeyNameInRegistry); goto done; }
// Create the new DRM key
dwRet = RegCreateKeyEx( hkMountedHive, // handle to open key
pszKeyNameInHive, // subkey name
0, // reserved
NULL, // class string
REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, // special options
KEY_ALL_ACCESS, // desired security access
NULL, // inheritance
&hKey, // key handle
&dwDisposition); // disposition value buffer
VALIDATE_DWRET("::RegCreateKeyEx"); _VERIFY(dwDisposition == REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY); dwRet= RegRestoreKey( hKey, // handle to key where restore begins
szDataFile, // registry file
DebugTrace(0, "Successfully kept key %S", pszKeyNameInRegistry); dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; done: if (hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey); DeleteFile(szDataFile); // delete the file if it exists
TraceFunctLeave(); return dwRet; }
LPWSTR GetNextMszString(LPWSTR pszBuffer) { return pszBuffer + lstrlen(pszBuffer) + 1; }
DWORD ValueReplace(HKEY hkOldSystem, HKEY hkNewSystem, LPWSTR pszString) { tenter("ValueReplace"); WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH]; BYTE *pData = NULL; DWORD dwType, dwSize, dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPWSTR pszValue = NULL; LPCWSTR cszErr; // split up the key and value in pszString
lstrcpy(szBuffer, pszString); pszValue = wcsrchr(szBuffer, L'\\'); if (! pszValue) { trace(0, "No value in %S", pszString); goto done; } *pszValue=L'\0'; pszValue++; trace(0, "Key=%S, Value=%S", szBuffer, pszValue);
// get the value size
dwRet = SHGetValue(hkNewSystem, szBuffer, pszValue, &dwType, NULL, &dwSize); VALIDATE_DWRET("SHGetValue"); pData = (BYTE *) SRMemAlloc(dwSize); if (! pData) { trace(0, "! SRMemAlloc"); dwRet = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; }
// get the value
dwRet = SHGetValue(hkNewSystem, szBuffer, pszValue, &dwType, pData, &dwSize); VALIDATE_DWRET("SHGetValue");
// set the value in the old registry
SHSetValue(hkOldSystem, szBuffer, pszValue, dwType, pData, dwSize); VALIDATE_DWRET("SHGetValue");
done: if (pData) { SRMemFree(pData); } tleave(); return dwRet; }
// list of keys in KeysNotToRestore that we should ignore
LPWSTR g_rgKeysToRestore[] = { L"Installed Services", L"Mount Manager", L"Pending Rename Operations", L"Session Manager" }; int g_nKeysToRestore = 4;
BOOL IsKeyToBeRestored(LPWSTR pszKey) { for (int i=0; i < g_nKeysToRestore; i++) { if (lstrcmpi(g_rgKeysToRestore[i], pszKey) == 0) return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL SRGetRegDword( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR cszSubKey, LPCWSTR cszValue, DWORD *pdwData ) { TraceFunctEnter("SRGetRegDword"); BOOL fRet = FALSE; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwRes; DWORD cbData;
dwType = REG_DWORD; cbData = sizeof(DWORD); dwRes = ::SHGetValue( hKey, cszSubKey, cszValue, &dwType, pdwData, &cbData ); if ( dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ErrorTrace(0, "::SHGetValue failed - %ld", GetLastError() ); goto Exit; }
fRet = TRUE; Exit: TraceFunctLeave(); return( fRet ); }
void ChangeCCS(HKEY hkMount, LPWSTR pszString) { tenter("ChangeCCS"); int nCS = lstrlen(L"CurrentControlSet"); if (StrCmpNI(pszString, L"CurrentControlSet", nCS) == 0) { LPWSTR pszCS = L"ControlSet001"; DWORD dwCurrent = 0; if (::SRGetRegDword (hkMount, L"Select", L"Current", &dwCurrent) && dwCurrent == 2) { pszCS[lstrlenW(L"ControlSet00")] = L'2'; } WCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH];
lstrcpy(szTemp, &(pszString[nCS])); wsprintf(pszString, L"%s%s", pszCS, szTemp); trace(0, "ChangeCCS: pszString = %S", pszString); } tleave(); }
DWORD PreserveKeysNotToRestore(HKEY hkOldSystem, LPWSTR pszSnapshotPath) { HKEY hkNewSystem = NULL; DWORD dwIndex = 0; WCHAR szName[MAX_PATH], szKey[MAX_PATH]; BYTE *pMszString = NULL; DWORD dwSize, dwType, cbValue; DWORD dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPCWSTR cszErr; HKEY hkKNTR = NULL; TENTER("PreserveKeysNotToRestore"); //
// open the new system hive
dwRet = ::RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"System", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkNewSystem ); VALIDATE_DWRET("::RegOpenKey");
// enumerate KeysNotToRestore
dwRet = ::RegOpenKeyEx( hkNewSystem, L"CurrentControlSet\\Control\\BackupRestore\\KeysNotToRestore", 0, KEY_READ, &hkKNTR ); VALIDATE_DWRET("::RegOpenKey"); dwSize = MAX_PATH; cbValue = 0; while (ERROR_SUCCESS == (dwRet = RegEnumValue(hkKNTR, dwIndex++, szName, &dwSize, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &cbValue ))) { trace(0, "Name=%S", szName); if (FALSE == IsKeyToBeRestored(szName)) { //
// should preserve the keys specified in this multisz value
LPWSTR pszString = NULL; pMszString = (BYTE *) SRMemAlloc(cbValue); if (NULL == pMszString) { trace(0, "! SRMemAlloc"); goto done; }
// read the multisz string
dwRet = RegQueryValueEx(hkKNTR, szName, NULL, &dwType, pMszString, &cbValue); VALIDATE_DWRET("RegQueryValueEx");
// process each element in the multisz string
pszString = (LPWSTR) pMszString; do { // stop on null or empty string
if (! pszString || ! *pszString) break; trace(0, "Key = %S", pszString);
// replace based on the last character of each key
// if '\', then the whole key and subkeys are to be replaced in the old registry
// if '*', it should be merged with the old -- we don't support this and will ignore
// otherwise, it is a value to be replaced
switch (pszString[lstrlen(pszString)-1]) { case L'*' : trace(0, "Merge key - ignoring"); break;
case L'\\': trace(0, "Replacing key"); lstrcpy(szKey, pszString); szKey[lstrlen(szKey)-1]=L'\0'; ChangeCCS(hkOldSystem, szKey); PersistRegKeys(hkOldSystem, // mounted hive
szKey, // key name in hive
hkNewSystem, // open key in registry
szKey, // key name in registry
L"srtemp.dat", // name of backup file
pszSnapshotPath); // snapshot path
break; default: trace(0, "Replacing value"); lstrcpy(szKey, pszString); ChangeCCS(hkOldSystem, szKey); ValueReplace(hkOldSystem, hkNewSystem, szKey); break; } } while (pszString = GetNextMszString(pszString));
SRMemFree(pMszString); } dwSize = MAX_PATH; cbValue = 0; }
done: if (hkNewSystem) RegCloseKey(hkNewSystem);
if (pMszString) { SRMemFree(pMszString); }
if (hkKNTR) { RegCloseKey(hkKNTR); } TLEAVE(); return dwRet; }
void _cdecl main() { int nOption; LPWSTR pwszFileName = NULL; DWORD dwSize; RESTOREPOINTINFO rpti; STATEMGRSTATUS smgrs; LPWSTR * argv = NULL; int argc; HGLOBAL hMem = NULL; int fStart; HANDLE hFilter = NULL; DWORD dwRet; HKEY hkMount = NULL; InitAsyncTrace();
TENTER("main"); argv = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLine(), &argc);
if (! argv) { printf("Error parsing arguments"); exit(1); } if (argc < 2 || argc > 6) { PrintUsage(); goto done; }
nOption = _wtoi(argv[1]); switch(nOption) { case 1: printf("EnableSR...DWORD %ld", EnableSR(argc == 3 ? argv[2] : NULL)); break; case 2: printf("DisableSR...DWORD %ld", DisableSR(argc == 3 ? argv[2] : NULL)); break;
case 3: printf("EnableFIFO...DWORD %ld", EnableFIFO()); break; case 4: if (argc != 3) { PrintUsage(); goto done; } printf("DisableFIFO...DWORD %ld", DisableFIFO(_wtol(argv[2]))); break; case 5: if (argc < 3) lstrcpyn(rpti.szDescription, L"Rpctest", MAX_DESC_W); else lstrcpyn(rpti.szDescription, argv[2], MAX_DESC_W); if (argc < 4) rpti.dwRestorePtType = APPLICATION_INSTALL; else rpti.dwRestorePtType = _wtol(argv[3]); if (argc < 5) rpti.dwEventType = BEGIN_SYSTEM_CHANGE; else rpti.dwEventType = _wtol(argv[4]);
if (argc < 6) rpti.llSequenceNumber = 0; else rpti.llSequenceNumber = _wtol(argv[5]); printf("SRSetRestorePoint...BOOL %d", SRSetRestorePoint(&rpti, &smgrs)); printf("\nStateMgrStatus.nStatus = %d, StateMgrStatus.llSequenceNumber = %I64d", smgrs.nStatus, smgrs.llSequenceNumber); break;
case 6: if (argc != 3) { PrintUsage(); goto done; } printf("SRRemoveRestorePoint...DWORD %ld", SRRemoveRestorePoint(_wtol(argv[2]))); break; case 7: if (argc != 3) { PrintUsage(); goto done; } printf("SRUpdateMonitoredList...DWORD %ld", SRUpdateMonitoredList(argv[2])); break;
case 8: if (argc != 4) { PrintUsage(); goto done; }
printf("SRFifo...DWORD %ld", SRFifo(argv[2], 0, _wtoi(argv[3]), TRUE, FALSE)); break;
case 9: if (argc != 4) { PrintUsage(); goto done; }
printf("SRFifo...DWORD %ld", SRFifo(argv[2], 0, _wtoi(argv[3]), TRUE, TRUE)); break; case 10: if (argc != 4) { PrintUsage(); goto done; }
printf("SRFifo...DWORD %ld", SRFifo(argv[2], _wtoi(argv[3]), 0, TRUE, FALSE)); break;
case 11: if (argc != 4) { PrintUsage(); goto done; }
printf("SRFifo...DWORD %ld", SRFifo(argv[2], _wtoi(argv[3]), 0, FALSE, FALSE)); break;
case 12: if (argc != 3) { PrintUsage(); goto done; } printf("Freeze...DWORD %ld", SRFreeze(argv[2])); break;
case 13: if (argc != 3) { PrintUsage(); goto done; } printf("Compress...DWORD %ld", SRCompress(argv[2])); break;
case 14: if (argc != 5) { PrintUsage(); goto done; } SRNotify(argv[2], _wtol(argv[3]), _wtoi(argv[4])); printf("SRNotify...no return"); break;
case 15: if (argc != 3) { PrintUsage(); goto done; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != SrCreateControlHandle(SR_OPTION_OVERLAPPED, &hFilter)) { printf("! SrCreateControlHandle"); goto done; } fStart = _wtoi(argv[2]); printf("Sr%SMonitoring : %ld", fStart ? L"Start" : L"Stop", fStart ? SrStartMonitoring(hFilter) : SrStopMonitoring(hFilter));
CloseHandle(hFilter); break; case 16: printf("ResetSR...DWORD %ld", ResetSR((argc >= 3) ? argv[2] : NULL)); break;
case 17: if (argc != 4) { PrintUsage(); goto done; } printf("SRUpdateDSSize...DWORD %ld", SRUpdateDSSize(argv[2], _wtol(argv[3]))); break;
case 18: printf("SRSwitchLog...DWORD %ld", SRSwitchLog()); break;
case 19: if (argc != 4) { PrintUsage(); goto done; } printf("AddCatalogToCryptoDB...DWORD %ld", AddCatalogToCryptoDB(argv[2], argv[3])); break;
case 20: if (argc != 3) { PrintUsage(); goto done; } printf("RemoveCatalogFromCryptoDB...DWORD %ld", RemoveCatalogFromCryptoDB(argv[2])); break;
case 21: SRPrintState(); break;
case 22: if (argc != 3) { PrintUsage(); goto done; } if (FALSE == CheckPrivilege(SE_RESTORE_NAME, FALSE)) { printf("Cannot get RESTORE privilege"); goto done; } dwRet = ::RegLoadKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SRSys", argv[2] ); VALIDATE_DWRET("::RegLoadKey"); dwRet = ::RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SRSys", &hkMount ); VALIDATE_DWRET("::RegOpenKey");
dwRet = KeepMountedDevices(hkMount); printf("KeepMountedDevices = %ld", dwRet); RegCloseKey(hkMount); RegUnLoadKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SRSys"); break;
case 25: if (argc != 3) { PrintUsage(); goto done; } printf("SRRegisterSnapshotCallback...DWORD %ld", SRRegisterSnapshotCallback(argv[2])); break;
case 26: if (argc != 3) { PrintUsage(); goto done; } printf("SRUnregisterSnapshotCallback...DWORD %ld", SRUnregisterSnapshotCallback(argv[2])); break;
case 27: if (argc != 4) { PrintUsage(); goto done; } printf("EnableSREx...DWORD %ld", EnableSREx(argv[2], _wtoi(argv[3]))); break;
case 28: if (argc != 3) { PrintUsage(); goto done; } if (FALSE == CheckPrivilege(SE_BACKUP_NAME, FALSE)) { printf("Cannot get RESTORE privilege"); goto done; }
if (FALSE == CheckPrivilege(SE_RESTORE_NAME, FALSE)) { printf("Cannot get RESTORE privilege"); goto done; } dwRet = ::RegLoadKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SRSys", argv[2] ); VALIDATE_DWRET("::RegLoadKey"); dwRet = ::RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SRSys", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkMount ); VALIDATE_DWRET("::RegOpenKey");
dwRet = PreserveKeysNotToRestore(hkMount, L"c:\\"); printf("PreserveKeysNotToRestore = %ld", dwRet); RegCloseKey(hkMount); RegUnLoadKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SRSys"); break; default: printf("Invalid option\n"); PrintUsage(); break; }
done: if (argv) hMem = GlobalHandle(argv); if (hMem) GlobalFree(hMem);
TLEAVE(); TermAsyncTrace(); }